Mission Impossible S06 E07 - Encounter

  • last month
00:54Too bad
00:56All this destruction could have been avoided if old man Geary hadn't been so stubborn
01:01I'll see him this afternoon
01:03Offer him the partnership arrangement again. Only this time. I'm going to change the terms Frank
01:1070-30 our favor instead of 60-40
01:15Take Decker with you
01:17You know what to do if there's any trouble right? Mr. Brady. I know
01:24Let's go
02:04Okay, everybody out
02:09Mr. Thomas, no, mr. Thomas is out of town till next week. Maybe you can help me. I'm from the Bureau of Safety. Oh, I see
02:18You'll find everything you need in there on the counter
02:47Good morning, mr. Phelps
02:49Conventional law enforcement agencies have been unable to prevent Frank Brady and his immediate subordinate
02:56Martin stoner from successfully using terror tactics to force legitimate
03:03businessmen all over the southwest into secret partnerships with the underworld as
03:08A result tens of millions of dollars are now flowing through Brady's organization into the syndicate
03:15Your mission should you choose to accept it is to prevent further violence and to get the evidence
03:21We need to stop Brady and stoner for good. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds
03:28Good luck, Jim
04:39Lois stoner hardened stoners wife
04:43Frank Brady's hated her for years
04:46He's gonna hate her a lot more
04:53Any particular problems case
04:57Every alcoholic has an individual behavior pattern. I'm beginning to get the hang of Lois, but
05:04There's no substitute personal observation
05:08How long has Lois stoner been drowning herself in alcohol Casey?
05:12Well ever since her husband joined Brady's organization
05:16She couldn't accept it, but she couldn't quite make a clean break
05:22So she started drinking and picking up strange men wherever she could find them
05:27Everything's set at Cumberland our people will be getting there tonight
05:31I'm all set to Jim. My record was planted today
05:34Good Willie now before he died Boland told the police that Brady's arson squad was up to something big
05:40You have to find out what and make sure it doesn't come off
05:45How many business outfits has Brady penetrated for the syndicate?
05:49We're not sure Barney. That's why we have to find and get our hands on the files that stoner microfilmed
05:55They'll not only help to hang stoner and Brady
05:58They'll give us the information we need to clean the syndicate out of all legitimate business in that whole region
06:04You know, I feel kind of sorry for Lois stoner
06:09Is there anything we can do to help her Jim? Yeah, sure is Casey
06:15We can put her husband and Frank Brady behind bars
06:58Think you need a refill why not on the rocks with an olive
07:08Bartender yes another drink for the lady, please
07:20Right there
07:24We're in for
07:2690% of the action
07:29Unfortunately a ticker had a little workout. The old man was stubborn
07:35Everything ready for the next hit I need a man to replace Boland
07:39Find him. It's a big job. I don't want another clinker. That's gonna end up dead
07:46I'll leave it up to you
07:53You knew around here, aren't you?
07:57Just in town on business I
07:59knew that I
08:01knew that because
08:03You see this is sort of my home away from home
08:07But then I have many many many homes away from home
08:13Because the change in decor sets my many moods
08:33Hello honey
08:35My name's Russ and I'd like to buy a little over your drink
08:39I said move along jr. I'm busy. Come on. Don't be like that over us
08:46Bartender I'm afraid you're a little late pal get lost
08:52Would you mind
08:55I'm just gonna say the same thing about you mister. Come on get lost
09:01Now wait a minute
09:08You're terrific. Oh, I thought you'd never ask
09:27Sorry about the trouble pal. Well, that's perfectly all right. Oh
09:41Listen I'm not drunk
09:47Somebody keeps moving the floor. I have something that will fix you
09:56Indeed look what you have there
09:59goodness Oh
10:01Heavens to bet
10:40You know something Paul
10:44There's some people that you meet and you just like them right away, you know
10:52You're special I don't know why but you are
11:01Let's drink to it
11:20You all right
11:23Well, I'm in this
11:28The pain of the world doesn't get me right
11:31Oh, I live in this fantastic
11:38Sometimes there are things that are ugly
11:44My husband's janitor
11:49Janitor he's in charge of all the ugly things
12:15Make me feel
12:26Make me feel
12:40Actually, uh Peter pickle picked up
13:02Barney Casey
13:22Perfect this goes on Brady's desk
13:34Take good care of her the sooner we get her to the sanitarium the better off she'll be
14:06Know Frank, I think we're sending too much money back east. I mean, we're the ones that are making this thing work
14:14Don't be greedy Martin. It doesn't pay
14:32Look like you got caught with your fingers in the tail
14:40Isn't somebody gonna offer me a drink
14:48It's busy
14:51Come on boys
14:54You've already stolen everything there is to steal. Let's have a drink
14:59Martin get rid of it. You get rid of her Martin just step
15:04Sweep her underneath the rug, you know Martin
15:07You're a janitor
15:11Lois come on
15:15See Martin, maybe you have to do everything. Mr. Brady says to do but I don't
15:22Nope because this
15:39And this is what I think of mr. Brady's
15:44If you don't like it break you can always call a cop you drunken tramp
15:58She doesn't know what she's doing she's always drunk
16:11Take her home
16:13Please come home with me Martin, please get out of here before it's too late Martin
16:44I've had it Martin. I've had it up to here. I'll take care of it Frank if she was my wife. She's mine
16:57Hates you Martin. She's wild and she's crazy. What if she decides to talk to a DA, huh?
17:43Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Hope I haven't kept you waiting too long
17:47You know, this is a
17:50briefing not a rehearsal
17:52What we have to convey more than anything else is a sense of spontaneity
18:07Martin I'm sorry about what happened
18:09I'm too angry. Are you not at all?
18:28You try something like that again
18:32It'll take you apart
18:35You understand me
18:38All I want is the way it was I don't want it like this
18:45Lois I've put up with you too long
18:53please I
18:55I'll change I I
18:58Swear I'll change what are you going to do?
19:01Cut it down to two quarts a day
19:08No, no, no Martin, please listen to me, okay
19:17There's a
19:19Place that I can go to it. It's an institution. No Martin, please listen. It's it's an institution called Cumberland and they
19:29they take people like like me and we you you work in group encounters and you
19:35You talk out your problems
19:42They work miracles
19:50It would take a miracle
20:01Please let me try. Please. Just give me a chance. Please Martin. Don't say no, please
20:11Please please
20:19Hello, oh
20:23Yeah, Frank hello I
20:29Am doing something about it Frank I
20:38Shipping her out for a cure a place called Cumberland
20:48Cumberland yeah, I'm warning you Martin. She's on borrowed time
21:00Becky you're going out to a place called Cumberland lowest stone
21:03It doesn't know you that way you can keep an eye on if she steps out of line once we make sure she doesn't come
21:10Pleasure mr. Brady
21:17She's got him now all we have to do is make sure they try to kill her
21:37Yeah, what is it Frank Brady who wants to see him Steve Boland Mike's brother
21:48Just a minute
21:51Frank if she gets hold of herself, she won't give us any more trouble
21:56We'll see
21:58There's a guy here wants to see you says he's Mike Boland's brother
22:04Get rid of him
22:14He isn't here I'll wait get lost
22:29Was Brady
22:31I'm Brady. What do you want?
22:34So you're the guy that let my kid brother roast that was an accident
22:40accidents don't happen
22:42Unless the man in charge is a slob
22:48Is that your gun chrome
22:56Taking it out on me. It's not gonna bring your brother back. What do you want money?
23:05Mike was sending home a couple of bills a week
23:13Here's a thousand
23:16Call it an insurance policy, huh?
23:19Now, why don't you be nice and give that gun back
23:30Where you from Detroit
23:34How long you gonna be in town I don't know it depends
23:42Tell you what I'll do
23:44Why don't you get a room on me at the Faulkner Hotel, okay
23:49Maybe in a couple days. I'll have something for you
23:52That way you can send money home again
24:12Detroit, huh?
24:15See what you can find out about
24:18Mr. Talbert, yeah, I'm Mark Strader. You wanted to see me. Yes. I'd like to join your group
24:26See your first sessions this morning. That's right
24:31What made you choose my particular group?
24:35Well, I don't know much about group encounter and I asked around and they said yours would be one of the best
24:44Well, you'll have to fill out an application. I'll see if I can work you in
24:48What's with the red tape? I thought you were here to help people
24:55Okay, come on I'll do my best for you, thank you
25:15When you freeze you shouldn't sweat, right? I mean there's some kind of a scientific law involved there
25:23And if there is
25:25There should be
25:30What is this place Westfield sanitarium, mr. Stoney
25:48Should have known it
25:49You go to a hotel room with a nice-looking young man. And where do you wind up?
25:54In the sanitarium, it's just like my mother always told me
26:02All right now I want you to close your eyes
26:06Come on close your eyes. Nobody's gonna bite
26:08Now when I tell you I
26:11Want you to start moving around the room until you come in contact with someone else
26:16When you do close them up lowers
26:20When you do I want you to examine that person's face with the tips of your fingers
26:29Just the tips of your fingers mouth nose eyes forehead everywhere
26:38Everything all right now start moving
26:43Go ahead
26:47See tactile impressions offer us a whole new dimension about other people
26:54When you see someone with your eyes
26:57You absorb an impression, but you don't really feel anything and that's what you're doing now
27:03You are seeing people in a whole new totally different way by touch
27:12Why are we doing this what broadens our awareness our understanding of people
27:21I don't like the man have touching why not?
27:27I don't know
27:31Well now with your eyes closed you can't really tell anything more than the fact that he's a man do you
27:40Dislike all men
27:43Are you sure
27:46Of course I'm sure
27:49Let's hit my fingers egg
27:51I'm sorry. I don't even know you. I don't know why
28:07I'm sorry
28:25Steve Boland
28:27one to five burglary
28:30One to ten years armed robbery three to five arson
28:36ten arrests four convictions
28:41Very solid young man, I would say so
28:47Talk to him
28:50No, listen
28:54Please try and understand what I'm telling you
29:03I don't just drink
29:09I'm an alcoholic
29:11Alcoholic my foot you just don't have any will pie
29:15You sure bitter old broad don't you talk to me like that boy?
29:23Okay you
29:25You're always staring at me. What's on your mind?
29:28Maybe I like your face. I
29:30Don't like yours
29:32Tell him Lois tell him no, that's right. Keep it going Lois
29:43He just reminds me of the men that are around my husband your husband. Mm-hmm
29:51What does your husband do? What?
29:54Are you ashamed of something? What is it? Listen, I don't have to come here to get tortured. You know, it's getting ridiculous
30:14Who's got to drink
30:25It's open
30:34Bowling yeah, I'm the guy who let your brother roast
30:44That's what you told Brady I
30:48Was a little hot under the collar I feel better now for a grand you feel better
30:55That's brotherly love, huh, look I
30:59need bread
31:01If that's what you're here for fine
31:04If not get out. I don't like a man with a grudge
31:09No grudges
31:11Can you handle c4?
31:16What are you after heavy machinery?
31:18You'll find out
31:20Just stick here Friday night
31:22We'll call you and let you know where to meet us
31:53I know
31:56Yeah, Willie
32:04Friday night explosives probably some kind of heavy machinery
32:09Then I'll kill myself tomorrow
32:20Please listen to me. I really can't stay here, please
32:33Doctor please get me a drink. I mean I need a drink
32:42I'll do anything for a drink
33:04Loosen up Paul. Don't be so tight. I never hit anybody in the whole life
33:12You wish you were holding a stick now, don't you you said it I didn't
33:22All right, none of you are really expressing yourselves you're all trying too hard you're not hard enough she's right Paul
33:29Loosen up let it come out. Let it come out for you
33:34Come on, Lois. Let's see
33:36You're playing patty cake
33:37I want you when you hit him if you want to let him know how you feel then let it out let out all
33:44of the
33:45Hostilities that you want to give him that you want him to know about
34:02I'm sorry. I just I just
34:07I just want to kill something. All right, Lois Joe. Will you let me have those?
34:18Take one of these laws
34:20And use it. Oh, no. No, you were so close so very close to letting it all out
34:26And I want you to do it. You can do it this way
34:31You take that
34:34Just let this be the object of your hate or whatever it is that you want
34:40Take it out there. I know you can do it
34:45Try it
34:47Try it
34:50Well, that's not someone who wants to kill
35:04It's all right Lois, please don't cry. Oh, I'm all right. I'm all right
35:12More high who is it you're hitting Lois? It's everything
35:20Everything you hate
35:25And I don't think it's everything you hate I think it's someone some one person you
35:38Think you're all my friends, but you see this involves
35:43my husband and
35:45what he does and the people he associates with and I
35:50Can't I just I want to but I just I can't now listen, you've mentioned your husband several times. Could you
35:58Could you tell him could you talk to him?
36:07All right. I want you to look you sit there
36:14Sit your husband
36:18And I want you to tell him everything you feel you can do it and I know you can
36:24You can do it and I know you can
36:28What's his first name
36:32Martin this is Martin here in the chair, and I want you to talk to him
36:53Martin this is really hard for me because uh, I
36:58Kept everything inside for so long, but I'm not drunk now. I
37:04I don't think I'm ever gonna be drunk. Yeah
37:12You see I can face myself now and that means that I
37:18Can face what you are and what you do?
37:24But don't you see unless you can face it, too
37:30Everything's just finished between us
37:35There's no use pretending I
37:42Pretend you're just as
37:45Twisted and corrupt as the people that you work with
37:51And unless you face that everything between us is finished
37:56You were such a brilliant lawyer once
38:01But you sold out
38:04Now your whole life is about
38:07breaking the law
38:09Martin working with those people
38:12Human listen, they're killers. They kill to get what they want
38:17Martin I
38:18Know about Friday night. I know about the killing. I know about the destruction
38:34I'm sorry. Wait, man. No, let him go
38:48You all right Casey
38:53It's crazy Frank I never told her about Friday and how'd she know
39:05It's some wild thing she pulled it out of the air
39:10What do I do that should be obvious
39:22She's my wife
39:24What is that supposed to mean? Huh?
39:27Go ahead. Tell me you love her. Let's hear some of that prize courtroom oratory in her defense
39:35Well, I'm waiting stoner plead for her life
39:55How are you going to do it don't worry mr. Stone I've got it all worked out
40:12He's over there by the bulletin board
40:20No action yet
40:54Lois I'm in my cabin. I need your help badly
41:01All right, I'll be right there
43:29Where's Decker gone
43:34Take care of him
43:40Casey you all right
43:56Doesn't look too bad
43:59How's the pain
44:01It's okay Jim, I think it's mostly surprised right now I
44:07Guess I I guess I never really expected to get charred
44:41Jim need doctor out of the city. I'll show you
45:54Let you were going to call I've been waiting here all night
45:58We're moving earlier than I figured come on
46:05Let's go
46:17Nothing seriously wrong with a gym
46:21Naturally being a doctor I
46:23Prefer to play it safe and put her into bed for a couple of days, but that's not what we're going to do dr. Adams
46:30Jim I feel fine. Let's go on with the job, huh?
46:36All right Casey let me bandage that oh no no bandage
47:10Yeah fine Casey
47:11Where's Willard Jim?
47:13He'll call Cumberland as soon as he finds out where he's supposed to meet Brady's men Joel relay the call to me
48:23That takes care of the silent alarm, let's get the c4 laid out
49:02Hello anything from Willie now word was he's on his own
51:06She's gone
51:08Hit me over the head how long about an hour?
51:12Are you all right?
51:15We've got to find her before she can contact her husband
51:22Got crone and Kerry
51:24It was a setup
51:27Somebody did some talking
51:29Stoner's wife all right
51:32She probably did enough talking so somebody put her all together
51:36She's got to be hit
51:38so the stoner
51:40Stone yeah, he probably tips someone up in Cumberland
51:44That's why I'll be couldn't do the job all right if he cares more about her than does us, okay
51:51Let me do it I need the dough besides they won't be expecting it from me
52:00All right bowling you got it
52:19Somebody tried to kill me
52:25Yesterday Cumberland somebody tried shooting
53:03Was meant for me
53:08Brady's man
53:13He's trying to kill both of us
53:18I've got to get out of here out of town. Oh look. There's to be something else you can do we can't run forever
53:28Don't know why he's turned on me, but I know Brady. He'll keep coming back
53:35You could threaten to go to the police and tell him everything you know about his organization
53:39He's too smart to swallow that he knows I'm not gonna let myself in for a long prison term
53:44Look there has to be something he can hold over his head. No nothing
53:48You run his business for him you know all of his secrets there has to be something
54:45They're dead both of them
56:10This is Lois stoner is my husband there. I've already called the office and I call the house
56:27Stoner's wife she's not dead, but he said
56:36Roland didn't kill them
56:44Pardon me bartender yes, sir
56:48Have you seen mrs. Stoner and not for a couple of days?
56:51I tried the blue lantern right around the corner if she's not here. She's there. Thank you
58:10I'll take that
