'They're Making American People Suffer': Chip Roy Lays Into Biden-Harris Admin Energy Policies

  • 2 months ago
During debate on the House floor, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced an amendment to HR 8997.

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00:00ask the clerk will designate the amendment amendment number 55 printed in part a of
00:04house report number 118-602 offered by mr roy of texas pursuant to house resolution 1370 the
00:12gentleman from texas mr roy and a member opposed will each control five minutes the chair recognizes
00:17the gentleman from texas i thank the chair the amendment that i've put forward here would
00:22prohibit any of the funding in the energy and water appropriations bill from being used to carry
00:27out president biden's executive orders on climate change now we have successfully gotten this
00:33amendment adopted in numerous appropriations bills last year and this year and i hope we will again
00:38the executive orders serve as the catalyst to quote as i was referring to a minute ago
00:43chuck schumer uh some of the department of energy's most radical actions the justice 40
00:50initiative a radical environmental justice initiative that directs 40 percent of the
00:53federal clean energy and energy efficiency spending based on race migrant status and other
00:58characteristics doe's transition to quote carbon pollution free energy sources a zero emissions
01:05fleet and a net zero building portfolio making our federal agencies wholly dependent on china
01:11for energy and wasting taxpayer dollars in the process doe's overhaul of efficiency standards
01:17for almost every household appliance from washing machines to dishwashers to refrigerators to gas
01:23stoves all of this is designed with a purpose it is all designed to advance this radical agenda by
01:29radical progressive democratic colleagues who are more interested in worshiping at the altar
01:34of this so-called climate agenda than they are at advancing human flourishing as god gave us
01:40the resources to do and develop wisely and appropriately for the betterment of civilization
01:45and to make our world a better place we manage climate change we don't run from it we actually
01:52protect our people we allow people to advance to be able to live in heat and cool to be able to move
01:58around the planet engage in commerce and lift people up create economic opportunity we do that
02:04not by hiding we don't do that by empowering our enemies we don't do that by undermining
02:09prosperity and undermining all that made this country great with the available and the abundance
02:13of the resources god gave us in this great continent north america we don't do that but
02:18that's what our radical progressive democratic colleagues want to do that's what they're doing
02:22and they're sending us back to the stone age and they're making people suffer they're making the
02:27american people suffer they're driving up the price of goods and services they're making it
02:31harder to afford a car they're making it harder for a plumber or small businessman or woman
02:36to do their job or take care of their families the goal here is to say these orders have no place
02:43congress has a role here in telling the administration you have yet again overstepped
02:47your bounds you're ignoring the court on student loans you're making up policies on a daily basis
02:52endangering americans with wide open borders you're allowing americans to get killed fentanyl to
02:57pour into our communities and here with this radical agenda you are bankrupting the hard-working
03:02american family that made this country great that is the purpose of the amendment and with that i
03:07will reserve gentlemen reserved for what purposes the gentlewoman from ohio rise uh mr sharon i
03:17ask to speak in opposition recognized for five minutes i thank the gentleman thank you mr chair
03:23i rise in strong opposition to this amendment america can't live in the past we have to adapt
03:29to the new reality during 2023 just last year there were 28 separate billion dollar weather
03:37and climate disasters costing over 92 billion dollars i would say to my colleague from texas
03:45you know you've had some rough weather down there too and not just rough weather uh but
03:51coming off the gulf uh those uh fierce uh uh incidents that occurred in texas i don't know
03:59how much it cost but you're part of that 92 billion and uh you've had some real energy
04:05problems down there with shutoffs and all i don't know what it's like to live in texas i visited
04:10there a couple times but you can't deny reality i don't know what's happened to property insurance
04:16rates in texas but i can tell you what every single bill that i get has gone up for our
04:24house insurance the property insurance and so forth in some places some in florida
04:31they're not even selling insurance anymore they can't get insurance on their property
04:35so these incidents are severe and there have already been 15 confirmed billion dollar weather
04:41and climate disasters this year so let's look at reality tell the american citizens who lost
04:48businesses homes loved ones from hurricanes wildfires and other natural disasters that there
04:54are no costs from climate change are you kidding uh we have to adapt to a new reality and help our
05:00people not turn our backs on them we must maintain american leadership also in the clean
05:06energy field because otherwise we cede it to china and to other places and we are weakened by that as
05:16a country so we have to embrace the future reality and i strongly urge my colleagues to vote against
05:22this harmful amendment and i yield back
05:26gentlewoman yields back
05:30gentleman from texas i thank the chair uh this is not about looking backwards it is about looking
05:36forward that's the whole point and we're going to talk about the oh we're going to have 400
05:40million people or 450 million people great fine we should grow as a country by the way we should
05:46have more kids different conversation different debate but let's grow as a country fantastic
05:51but you know what you need power you know what building we're sitting in right now one powered
05:57by natural gas do you know what most of the hospitals and the places in texas that are
06:01functioning right now in the great state of texas are powered by natural gas do you know what we
06:07could be powered more by nuclear you know why we're not crazy ideas mostly from radical progressive
06:13democrats who don't want to deal with the fact that we could actually safely have nuclear power
06:17but the fact is instead we want to litter our continent with wind farms and solar farms which
06:23are inefficient and unreliable demonstrably and provenly so that's the truth the fact here is we
06:29just want to have reliable power and if you even if you accept this trope that somehow we're having
06:34significantly more storms did it how much time we got about a minute i'll yield quickly i just want
06:40to know i've read that texas texas has a lot of uh wind farms and so forth you're saying none of
06:46them are any good uh i would take you reclaiming my time yes texas has significantly more wind and
06:53solar than a lot of other places in the world because we embrace the all of the above approach
06:57and no i don't believe that's a good thing no i don't believe that a third of our grid in texas
07:03should be wind and solar you want to know why texas is now more wind and solar yes we started
07:08it but guess what feds are subsidizing the hell out of it they're making it where it is not cost
07:14effective to be able to go build more natural gas and coal and that's destroying our country
07:19the federal government is making it where texas and other states cannot have reliable power that's
07:24the truth you're causing taxes on the american people making our grid unreliable and this trope
07:29about storms is garbage the fact is over the last century many many more lives have been saved
07:35because of the availability of reliable power than there were a century ago when for example a
07:40hurricane demolished galveston long before there was any kind of fossil fuel issue i yield back
07:46gentleman yields back
