On "Forbes Newsroom," political scientist Charles Lipson spoke about the trust problem facing Democrats after the presidential debate.
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00:00Do you think the party now has a trust problem because I'm gonna read some headlines
00:04The New York the New York Post just said politico Biden is toast an op-ed in the New York Times
00:10Joe Biden is a good man and a good president
00:12He must bow out of the race and there has been this sense if you log on a social media if you turn on any
00:20Channel of the news of panic amongst Democrats. I talked to a lifelong Democratic voter last night and
00:26They were surprised at the debate. They said they were a Hillary voter
00:31They were a Biden voter and they said I can't vote for Trump, but in good conscience. I cannot vote for Joe Biden
00:40I'm going to be meeting with a group of senior Democrats in, Illinois
00:46So these are true blue people later today, and I expect to hear a lot of that
00:55But they now face a real problem
00:58I think your quote from Gavin Newsom is very interesting. Newsom doesn't want to be one of the people surrounding
01:08Caesar and have and have Caesar say at to
01:15As he stabs him Gavin wants to be seen as somebody who is an heir apparent, but here's the problem
01:24The heir apparent is always the vice president and
01:29If the vice president were defeated in an open primary where voter Democratic voters had their say
01:38Then may and if that had happened months and months ago
01:42Then the party might be able to coalesce around a new nominee
01:47but if she if Biden is forced out and
01:51Everybody knows that Kamala can't win a general election
01:56They may be wrong. But I mean that's the general view she had she she bowed out of the 2020
02:04Primaries with zero support and she had lots of money and she came from a true blue
02:10Democratic state with a lot of voters. So the fact that she couldn't get any traction at all should tell you something
02:17If they force her out
02:19They insult one of the key
02:22constituencies in the party
02:24Which is black voters and especially black women voters who they count on those voters won't vote for Trump
02:31But they won't come out to the polls at all. And this is a party that has played
02:37identity politics
02:39to the hilt
02:40For decades and now they're stuck with the results. So they've got a real problem
02:46Newsom is not a good answer because he's run, California into the ground and that takes something. That's a great state
02:53It should be just thriving but people when people move out of California to live in Nevada
02:59You know that there's a problem. So there the Democrats would potentially have some good candidates Gretchen Whitmer
03:07of Michigan
03:09Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania
03:12Jared Polis of Colorado
03:15But again
03:16There's this giant
03:19roadblock in the in the form of Kamala and in the form of timing and
03:25There are no party leaders who can just go to Joe Biden and say step out unless Joe himself
03:31Just sees that it's all collapsing around him