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On "Forbes Newsroom," political scientist Charles Lipson weighed in on President Biden's debate performance.

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00:00I do want to get your take on some of his responses though because when the
00:05economy was brought up and one of his first responses Biden invoked
00:09Afghanistan and Afghanistan is probably one of the most contentious points of
00:14his presidency because of that chaotic withdrawal with 13 US service members
00:18dying Trump pounced on that Biden also had a question about abortion and he
00:24botched that response and abortion should be a layup for Democrats that's
00:29one of the issues where they're stronger on so what do you make of the substance
00:33of his responses as well well what Joe Biden what were his strong points what's
00:42his party's strong points obviously abortion or reproductive rights whatever
00:49you want to call it he a second surprisingly he's actually not ahead
00:57according to polling on defensive democracy but he is ahead on what
01:03people thought of January 6 and Trump not and Trump not conceding the last
01:10election really and Trump managed to squirm out of that Trump never answered
01:15that question but Biden didn't really effectively press it and that was a
01:22consistent theme he didn't get out his points very well and he didn't press
01:27his opponent very well the the third thing is that he's trying to say that
01:36the economy is doing well but according to polling voters don't think so even
01:43though we're in nearly full employment but the real problem is that real wages
01:50went down compared to very high inflation nominal wages didn't keep up
01:59with it so voters don't think they can afford the rent or to buy a house they
02:07they can see what's happening at the grocery store and so forth and Biden had
02:13to reassure voters on that and I don't think he managed to do that but again I
02:19don't think and I think conversely Trump pressed all of his major issues
02:26crime immigration you know control of the border the usual I'm gonna cut taxes
02:33Joe's gonna raise them Joe raised the traditional Democratic point it's just a
02:39tax cut for the rich I don't think that plays anymore very well and the reason I
02:44don't Brittany is that Trump has transformed the party it's no longer
02:48George HW Bush's party it's it's a populist party what's interesting is
02:54this morning as everyone's talking about the debate no one is talking about
02:59policy today they're not talking about what Joe Biden said they're talking
03:03about how he said it and if you turn on any network if you look at any paper the
03:09question of that's being floated is is Biden going to be replaced before the
03:15DNC what do you think well it's just guesswork but let me explain what the
03:22problems are the problems are first he's an incumbent president who has won the
03:31primaries he has the votes secondly there's no coherent party structure it's
03:38not like years ago when you could get the leaders of the party in a smoke-filled
03:44room and they could make some decisions they are the ones in Chicago in 1944 who
03:50picked Harry Truman as the vice president knowing that president
03:56Roosevelt was unlikely to make it through a next term so there's nothing
04:01like that if he doesn't want to move out I think the only person who can tell him
04:07it's just not going to work is Barack Obama but notice that Barack Obama
04:12apparently didn't do that when he could have and should have months and months
04:19ago or if he did Joe just told him buzz off I'm not I'm not moving the next
04:26problem is that the number two person would naturally want to move up Kamala
04:32well the Democrats have played identity politics as their principal card for
04:40years and years identity politics and wealth transfers and a big state that
04:49will do everything for you that's their platform and they're caught now because
04:56if they replace a black woman as the nominee of the party even if they done
05:03that months ago if they replace her and it's not a fair fight election you know
05:09it's not a nomination fight in which voters make that choice they're going to
05:16have a huge problem with the black vote especially black women it's not that
05:21black women are going to vote for Trump they're just going to stay home
