During House floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. John Rose (R-TN) spoke about inflation under President Biden.
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00:00Madam Speaker, since President Biden has taken office, prices have risen 20.1%.
00:07That means the average American household is spending an average of $13,000 more a year
00:13for common household items.
00:16Despite this out-of-control, spending-induced inflation, the Biden administration continues
00:22to overspend and overregulate.
00:25In fact, in just three and a half years, this administration has finalized 991 new
00:35Those regulations result in an estimated 300 million additional hours of paperwork every
00:42year for Americans, and bring with them a total finalized cost of $1.6 trillion.
00:50This comes as small business owners struggle to remain competitive and keep up with these
00:55rising costs.
00:57Mr. Speaker, it's past time the Biden administration end its regulatory war against small businesses
01:04and unleash the American ingenuity and capitalism that has traditionally given Americans the
01:11highest standard of living in the world.
01:14Thank you, and I yield back.