• 6 months ago
During debate on the House floor, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) tore into President Biden and introduced an amendment to block certain Department of Homeland Security processes.

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00:00I thank the chairman.
00:03In the wake of three and a half years of abject failure, but worse than that, purposeful action
00:11by the executive branch of the federal government to undermine the security of the American
00:16people, empower cartels, empower China, allow little children, little girls get sold into
00:22the sex trafficking trade for political expediency for the radical progressive Democrat left.
00:27All of that, in the wake of that, with dead Americans, with Lake and Riley, with Lizbeth
00:32Medina, with Kayla Hamilton, with all of the horrific stories, the stories of a 12-year-old
00:38little girl getting raped, a 13-year-old little girl getting raped.
00:42In the wake of all of that, now the administration wants to continue its lawlessness by the use
00:47and abuse of executive power to grant amnesty.
00:51That is the goal.
00:52That is the aim.
00:53And Liz and Riley's on the other side of the aisle, our radical progressive Democrat colleagues,
00:58they view this as political opportunism, nothing more, nothing less.
01:03This is not about the huddled masses being invited to the United States.
01:07This is not about anything of the sort.
01:09This is about political power.
01:12That's what this is about.
01:14And as a result, 53 human beings roasted in the Texas heat in a tractor trailer in San
01:21Antonio, Texas, which I represent, because my colleagues, my radical progressive Democratic
01:27colleagues, and because of the radical progressive Democrat regime in the White House, the other
01:31end of Pennsylvania Avenue, they care more about political expediency than these human
01:36That's the truth.
01:37They care more about political expediency than the individual Americans dying from fentanyl
01:42poisoning or any of the individuals that I just described who were murdered or raped
01:46or killed because we're allowing criminals to be released into the United States illegally,
01:51unlawfully, using and abusing parole authority.
01:54And now, and now, the administration wants to grant amnesty.
01:59Oh, trust us, it's out of the goodness of our hearts, we are told.
02:04No, it is for the political expediency of setting up future voters, but importantly
02:09and more presciently, this is all about creating more incentive for more people to flood the
02:16zone, to flood the border, to come into this country.
02:20That's what it's about.
02:21It doesn't matter about whether it empowers cartels, doesn't matter about whether it empowers
02:25our enemies, doesn't matter what it means for the security of the people of Texas or
02:28anybody else in this country, it's all about flooding the zone with more numbers.
02:34Legislation that we have before us, the amendment that we're putting forward, would prohibit
02:38the use of funds from promoting such a foolish amnesty plan by this radical administration
02:46that refuses to follow the law.
02:48I reserve.
02:49The gentleman reserves.
02:50For what purpose does the gentlelady from Illinois seek recognition?
02:53I claim time in opposition.
02:54Gentlelady is recognized for five minutes.
02:56Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
02:58First let me clarify the policy being attacked by this amendment, I'm sorry, first let me
03:02clarify what the policy being attacked by this amendment actually does.
03:05This policy does not confer a new path to permanent status, let alone a new path to
03:11The people who will benefit from the policy are already eligible for a green card, but
03:14the policy removes a barrier that would require almost all families to be separated for ten
03:19years before the undocumented immigrant could be eligible for a green card.
03:24On average, these immigrants have been in the United States for 23 years, are married
03:28to U.S. citizens, and still must go through a lengthy green card process.
03:33However, with this policy in place, people get to go through the legal steps of getting
03:37a green card without being separated for a decade or longer from their family.
03:41Any advocate for family values and unity should support this new process, which only
03:45applies to a limited subset of immigrants.
03:48Instead of being attacked, we should all applaud the Biden administration for advancing this
03:53It demonstrates that the United States prioritizes family unity over archaic and harmful bureaucratic
03:59processes that serve no value and certainly provide no deterrence effect.
04:04I urge my colleagues to support this new policy and vote no on this amendment.
04:08I yield back.
04:09The gentlelady yields back.
04:10The gentleman from Texas is recognized.
04:12Mr. Chairman, I would yield 90 seconds to my good friend from Texas, Mr. Sell.
04:16The gentleman is recognized for 90 seconds.
04:19Mr. Chairman, I rise today in support of Mr. Roy's amendment to prohibit any government
04:24funding for the Biden administration Parole in Place Mass Amnesty Scheme.
04:29This Parole in Place executive order clearly demonstrates that the Biden administration
04:33is not and has never been serious about securing the border.
04:38This process would grant mass amnesty to approximately 80,000 inadmissible alien spouses
04:44of American citizens per month.
04:47And make no mistake, the timing of this executive order was purposeful.
04:52On June 21st, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Department of State v. Munoz and
04:57concluded that a U.S. citizen's spouse does not have a fundamental liberty interest in
05:03her alien spouse's admission into the United States.
05:07The Biden administration rolled out his executive order directly contradicting this opinion
05:13just three days prior.
05:15The decision was obviously leaked to the Biden administration.
05:19This is another example of in-your-face tyranny.
05:22This administration is lawless.
05:24We must not pass a DHS appropriations bill that funds this mass parole order that would
05:30grant amnesty to possibly thousands of criminals and further endanger communities across the
05:36nation, particularly in light of the cynical and lawless timing of this order.
05:42I urge my colleagues to support the amendment, and I yield back.
05:46Gentleman yields back.
05:47Gentleman from Texas is recognized.
05:49Gentleman has the only time remaining.
05:52Well, I appreciate my friend from Texas, Mr. Self.
05:55I agree with him.
05:56I associate myself with his remarks.
05:59The unilateral action by this executive branch is nothing new.
06:02They've been doing it with student loans.
06:03They've been doing it with all sorts of laws where they ignore the law, parole authority,
06:07abuse of law, endangering the American people.
06:10This would give permanent residence and a path to citizenship to hundreds of thousands
06:14of illegal alien spouses of U.S. citizens and their non-citizen minor children.
06:19That is being done through unilateral action by the executive branch.
06:22This is not how we are supposed to make policy or law.
06:26It is important for us to use the power of the purse to push back, and I urge adoption
06:30of the amendment.
