Lucky Luke Staffel 2 Folge 16 HD Deutsch

  • 2 months ago


02:00I know a few people who will not be very happy about it.
02:10My report on the beer will be very well received.
02:30You should crawl, Jolly, not splash.
02:54White horse beats black runner.
02:57If I find the Jolly, he will get something to hear from me.
03:02What does that mean?
03:06What is that?
03:07That's a printer's press, my good man.
03:09And why is it in the water?
03:11Because I wrote that the beer in the saloon is punctured.
03:14What should it be? At least it can stay light.
03:17And that happens everywhere.
03:21I don't want to get too close to you,
03:23but that's not very friendly for your gentlemen and masters.
03:28Horace Greeley, journalist. Would you like to have a coffee with me?
03:33Lucky Luke, lonely cowboy.
03:35Give me a minute to eat.
03:38Have you read the newspaper?
03:41A cowboy and his horse are swimming in a black swamp.
03:45That's like lightning.
03:47Yes, I print faster than my shadow.
03:50That's like lightning.
03:52Yes, I print faster than my shadow.
03:56You saved my life.
03:58I'll teach my readers about it right away.
04:09The stuff has to go down.
04:11I don't want to get too close to you,
04:13but that's not very friendly for your gentlemen and masters.
04:17The stuff has to go down from the rails.
04:20Let's see. There is a timetable in the Daily Star.
04:24Highest railway, one minute.
04:27And the Daily Star is always well informed.
04:35Brake, Sim! Brake!
04:38I can't watch that.
04:42Too bad.
04:43Your readers will be interested.
04:55Hurry up, or we'll be late.
04:59But you're on time.
05:01On time? Why? We're 24 hours late.
05:05We're not robbers.
05:07Give the stuff back to the owners.
05:10We were lucky.
05:12The car is clear and the train goes to Dead End City.
05:22I'll take the opportunity to learn some news.
05:27100 dollars and a golden watch.
05:30Thank you for the conversation, Mr. Cody.
05:34I'll insert a whole page for my circus, Buffalo Bill.
05:41Watch out, here he comes.
05:47Brake, Sim! Brake!
05:58Real professionals again. They're coming today.
06:02That's a robbery.
06:04Give me money and valuables.
06:07I should have thought of that.
06:14Horace Greeley, Daily Star journalist.
06:17Special cases, men and their professions.
06:20Could you describe the technique of your robberies?
06:23It all depends on the choice of the right piece of rock.
06:26It must be big enough for the locomotive to see
06:30and light enough for it to move forward.
06:33Wait a minute.
06:35The most important thing is to work on a profitable route.
06:38That might be true for a postcar,
06:41but for the railroad, the rock is the key.
06:44You really have no idea.
06:46And you always want to be right.
06:48That's not true!
06:51Thank you. That's enough for me.
06:57Then I'll give everything back, except for more.
07:00What? Daily Star has been robbed again?
07:06Be patient. I just have to install the press.
07:20Sensational! Sensational!
07:23Daily Star appears in Dead End City!
07:26And exclusively the recipes of Aunt Marie!
07:30Get out of here!
07:32It says here how the apple kitchen is doing well.
07:36We eat.
07:38There are also all birth certificates.
07:41The last cry of Parisian fashion.
07:45A beer.
07:46I'll take one.
07:49Drink something that interests the people.
07:59Write about the quality of the drinks served here.
08:03Good idea. I'll do a tasting.
08:06Boss, give me a glass of everything that is served here.
08:09Right away.
08:27One would like to have more of such guests, right?
08:31Yes, if everyone were like that, I would be fine.
08:34Boycott the saloon. All drinks are punched.
08:38Daily Star conducts a quality inspection.
08:43How to cheat without being caught.
08:46I want to know more about that.
08:52Does the whiskey in the saloon make the inhabitants mad and sick?
08:56That interests me.
08:59You don't like my whiskey?
09:01No, because it is punched.
09:04Your bad luck, my dear.
09:06Don't touch the independence of the press.
09:12Even the water is punched here.
09:14That was the second time you saved me.
09:20I will have to save you more often.
09:23Do you want to help me with my work?
09:26If you agree.
09:28I am available for a title story, but not for a stupid joke on the last page.
09:42People, buy the Daily Star.
09:44Scandal in Aunt Emma's shop.
09:46In 24 hours, the price of tomatoes rises from 50 cents to 3 dollars.
09:51Scandal at the corpse burier.
09:53The coffins are measured by the rod.
09:59We have won.
10:03All 30 copies sold.
10:07Now we will advertise subscribers.
10:11A chicken brings you 15 copies.
10:15Oh, well, well.
10:1720 copies.
10:27One kilo of potatoes.
10:29Three issues.
10:31How many copies are you worth?
10:33Don't change me, I'm an editor.
10:36Everyone reads the Daily Star.
10:38Everyone reads the Daily Star.
10:41The sensation, the coffee border at Mrs. Stevenson starts on time after noon at 5 o'clock.
10:47Young man, come to me.
10:51Also to me.
11:03This is my ruin.
11:05We are at the edge of the pit.
11:08The tomatoes rot and the cucumbers get sour.
11:12We have to prevent the further appearance of the Daily Star.
11:17That would be good, but how?
11:20No paper.
11:22No newspaper. We cut off the poster.
11:25No paper.
11:33What is it, just a piece of sugar?
11:37If Jack doesn't come soon with the paper, the newspaper can't appear on time.
11:47There he comes. He'll be right there.
11:49Are you ready, Luke?
11:52For God's sake.
11:59Be careful, Jolly. The thing is hot.
12:03What a misfortune.
12:07They burned all the paper.
12:10I'm dishonored. The newspaper can't appear.
12:15Don't lose your courage. I have an idea.
12:22Hello, Sheriff.
12:24Hello, Luke. What can I do for you?
12:28I know a way how we can best spread your campaign.
12:35Good idea, to decorate the Daily Star with a postcard.
12:39Attack on freedom of the press.
12:42The Daily Star is researching.
12:45That went wrong.
12:47Jack is so late again with the paper.
12:53There he comes.
12:55Are you ready, Luke?
13:00Burned again.
13:04Don't lose your courage. I have an idea.
13:08Attack on freedom of the press.
13:11The Daily Star is researching.
13:14Burned again. I have an idea.
13:18Good. Everyone can do something.
13:30Good. The newspaper as a wall decoration.
13:33Another attack.
13:35A criminal fire on the Daily Star.
13:39If this goes on like this, we won't be able to deliver our subscribers.
13:44Tomorrow I'll ride in front of Jack.
14:02Lucky Luke.
14:12Jack got caught.
14:14And not only that, he's still alive.
14:17Do you think he's talking?
14:20Here comes the paper.
14:22Bravo, Lucky Luke.
14:27Yes, he's the fireman.
14:30An exclusive report for the Daily Star.
14:33Please answer a few questions.
14:36I won't say anything.
14:38And you, Lucky Luke?
14:40Our editor is already at work.
14:44You have to do everything yourself.
14:47A sensational arrest.
14:50High personalities compromised.
14:56Just make sure he doesn't get away.
14:59Don't worry. Our grids are made of steel.
15:05Do you have a toothpick?
15:12You can trust yourself, Mr. Luke.
15:15The grids are all in order.
15:43Another idea.
15:45No paint, no newspaper.
15:47He won't get any printer paint anymore.
15:56You'll be satisfied. It's a super black.
16:02That was number one.
16:04And once is not enough.
16:06And two are satisfied.
16:08All good things must come to an end.
16:11All good things are three.
16:13And one is four.
16:17Put the Hindu newspaper down,
16:19or you'll be on death row.
16:21He won't get it, I tell you.
16:23He won't get it.
16:34Watch out, Stufe.
16:37It's time, Horace.
16:41Watch out, Stufe.
16:43Bravo, Luke.
16:53Do you have any treasures?
16:55Yes, I have one at the camp.
17:00I'll take it.
17:02I'll take it.
17:04I'll take it.
17:06I'll take it.
17:08I'll take it.
17:11Don't you ever reload?
17:13Yes, but only when the movie is over.
17:16Be careful, it opens when you're the quietest.
17:31The key. I lost the key.
17:41Say, Jolly, he can turn around already.
17:46The key. You forgot the key.
17:49This is the end.
17:52It will go on.
17:56What? Coffee? Unfortunately, no.
17:58I don't have any coffee anymore.
18:00Take a closer look.
18:04No. What a coincidence.
18:06A delivery has just arrived.
18:17Welcome, Mr. Sugar.
18:21A good cup of coffee always goes well with reading the papers.
18:25And now coffee.
18:27The school is missing ink.
18:29The painter has no wallpapers.
18:31The Daily Star buys everything.
18:35We'll put an end to the Daily Star.
18:38Follow me.
18:57A demonstration.
18:59Fabric for a guide article.
19:02There is only one solution to restore peace and stability in our city.
19:07The guy has to hang.
19:14The Daily Star tells the truth.
19:16The drinks are punched.
19:18The food is too expensive.
19:21The dead man's grave enriches the suffering.
19:25What do you think of this newspaper?
19:28Special edition of the Daily Star.
19:31All details about the demonstration.
19:34People, buy the Daily Star.
19:37Who is against the man telling the truth?
19:40Yes, he is right.
19:42Yes, he is right.
19:48But we don't give up.
19:50We make a newspaper ourselves.
19:52We are looking for a printer.
19:54Boss, a beer, please.
19:57Serve yourself.
19:59But there is only one page printed.
20:03Is it real?
20:05There was no more color.
20:07If you have some, I'll finish the bill.
20:10So, you are a banknote fraud.
20:13We hang them very quickly on the next tree.
20:16Stop it.
20:18Whoever says fraud, also says printer.
20:21And whoever says printer, also says newspaper.
20:24So listen to me.
20:26Either you work for us, or you work for nothing.
20:29These scoundrels published a newspaper themselves.
20:35The style is miserable.
20:37Trust your readers.
20:39They stay true to you.
20:41The order goes down the creek.
20:44Whoever says down the creek, means the price.
20:48If we invent the free newspaper,
20:50then no one will buy the Daily Star.
20:53Here is the free newspaper.
20:55The first free newspaper.
20:58Get the newspaper.
21:00I sold only one.
21:02To whom?
21:04To the editors of the newspaper.
21:07Hey, these guys want information.
21:10We will give them some.
21:12Even tonight.
21:17Oh, my life.
21:19What did they do?
21:24We will fix that.
21:27I have to change something thoroughly.
21:31Tell me, Pico.
21:33Do you have a good memory?
21:35Yes, a very good one.
21:40Your newspaper, madam.
21:46The competition wants to dismantle the Daily Star.
21:50The director had to discover this morning
21:53that his valuable printing machine
21:55had been disassembled into all its parts.
22:02The official notes.
22:20The Golden 1823.
22:28A disaster.
22:30You have invented the spoken newspaper.
22:32You have a hundred years of lead.
22:35Yes, spoken news.
22:37The speaker is Pico.
22:39So no more Pico.
22:41No more spoken newspaper.
22:45Hopefully everything goes well.
22:47Pico must be back soon.
22:49He is late, but nothing will happen.
22:52Get the epitaph.
22:54Get the epitaph.
22:56The speaker of the Daily Star is at the epitaph.
22:58I do not understand that at all.
23:00Then I'll have it explained to me.
23:05Your newspaper is a single piece of fabric.
23:08Where is Pico?
23:09Just calm down.
23:10We'll make a big reporter out of him.
23:13At the moment he is on a secret mission.
23:16We would give them the same chance.
23:19The payment is good.
23:25Your money stinks like your cheese leaf.
23:32Let's end this.
23:34No more Daily Star.
23:35No more Erreger.
23:36Let's blow the Star up.
23:38Then we'll make a time plan.
23:40At 12 o'clock, Jake will blow up the office.
23:44And at 12 o'clock I will distribute a special edition.
23:49Only half a minute left.
23:5212 o'clock.
23:53Start distributing.
23:56Explosion in the Daily Star.
23:58Get the epitaph.
24:00Explosion in the Daily Star.
24:02Everyone reads the epitaph.
24:07I have an idea.
24:10Only 30 seconds left.
24:13Collect your explosives again, you coyote.
24:16What again, Jake?
24:18His watch stopped working.
24:21I drink to the epitaph.
24:23The newspaper that survives as the only one.
24:28Jake has failed again.
24:30He is in prison.
24:32Then you know now who hacked it all out.
24:35Then you know now who hacked it all out.
24:39And what now?
24:41I have an idea.
24:43Who says Lucky Luke, means unpleasant events.
24:47No Lucky Luke, no unpleasant events.
24:51Yes, exactly.
24:54Then we kill Lucky Luke.
24:59And don't let him burn through again, Sheriff.
25:02Don't worry.
25:03The brew is new, but the grates are still the old ones.
25:07A package with chocolate for you, Mr. Luke.
25:10What? Chocolate?
25:14Pick it up for me.
25:16I have something to do.
25:29A bitter chocolate.
25:33Son of a bitch.
25:35Lucky Luke is still alive.
25:39I'll finish him.
25:50Jake has spoken.
25:53We defend the press freedom until the last bullet.
25:58For our readers.
26:00What is your plan?
26:02I'll surprise them in the back.
26:16Buy the Daily Star.
26:18Lucky Luke attacks the bandits from behind.
26:28And what do you do after this raid?
26:31You read, it's your fault.
26:36So write down, Horace.
26:38At exactly 4 p.m.
26:40I climb through the east window into the saloon.
26:44Read the Daily Star.
26:46Lucky Luke thinks of a new list.
26:49At 4 p.m.
26:51I lead the attack through the east window.
26:54Let's go, Johnny.
26:56Watch out, it's about time.
27:04We got him.
27:06May he rest in peace.
27:08I have an idea.
27:10In the last instance, the force always decides.
27:14Hello, drop everything.
27:16You are all arrested.
27:19Where is Pippo?
27:22He is in the basement at the printing press.
27:25Buy the Daily Star.
27:27Everyone buys the Daily Star.
27:30Sensational arrests.
27:32Buy the Daily Star with the latest news.
27:36Buy the Daily Star.
27:38Buy the Daily Star.
27:40Sensational arrests.
27:42Buy the Daily Star.
27:44With the latest news.
27:46People, read the Daily Star.
27:49Justice has finally won.
27:52I have an idea.
27:54We saw through the bars.
27:57Thank you, Luke.
27:58And don't worry.
28:02They won't escape me through my break-through bars.
28:08Lucky Luke, I have an idea.
28:10I will publish your pictures in the newspaper.
28:13What do you think?
28:16Lucky Luke, where are you?
28:19Oh, I see.
28:40It can be dangerous to hurt someone
28:47But problems are solved much better
28:53By keeping calm and cool
28:59My heart's beating rapidly
29:05I ain't nobody's fool
29:13Lonesome cowboy
29:19Lonesome cowboy
29:25You're a long, long way
29:32From home
29:38Lonesome cowboy
29:44Lonesome cowboy
29:50You're a long, long way
29:56From home