52 The Treasure Hunt (Remastered)

  • 3 months ago


00:11What an amazing beauty there is to be seen, through a magnifying glass, like so many marvels of plant life.
00:19So many different kinds too.
00:21Thousands and thousands of species.
00:23Hello there. A very good morning to you.
00:26Oh, good morning to you.
00:27Am I walking in the right direction to get to the Lonely Mountains?
00:31Certainly. Just keep straight on and you can't miss them.
00:35Thank you. Might want to ask what you're studying so closely down there?
00:40A flower.
00:41A flower?
00:42Yes, a floribunda.
00:44Oh, it's a flower, is it?
00:46I see, it is a flower, eh?
00:56Oh, there she is.
00:58Sorry to have been so long.
01:04What an odd man. Almost as if he had never seen flowers before.
01:08Or never noticed them. It was as if he expected us to be looking at something quite different.
01:14I wonder what it could be.
01:16Have you chosen a place for your new garden, Mr. Himmelin?
01:19No, not yet.
01:21Yet another?
01:22Oh, didn't I tell you about it?
01:24No, you didn't. Though it seems you told Mama.
01:27Well, you see, I've collected such a lot of plants now that my garden is rather too small.
01:32Oh, thank you, Mama.
01:34So we were wondering where I might be able to find a new plot of land,
01:38somewhere big enough to let me extend my collection of rare botanical specimens.
01:42Oh, there's an awful lot of empty land around here I'm sure you could have.
01:46But it has to be close to my house on a south slope and with good access to water.
01:51Ah, I see.
01:53That makes it harder to find.
02:01What on earth is that man up to?
02:09Excuse me! Are you looking for something?
02:12Hmm? At something.
02:15I'm carrying out a geological survey on this cliff. I have to find out how old the rock is.
02:20And have you found out?
02:22It's from the Diluvial Epoch.
02:24Oh, is it really?
02:26Yes, not very old. Between 1,700,000 and 10,000 years.
02:31That sounds old to me.
02:33Uh, it's a difficult thing to explain.
02:36Well, young man, it's nice of you to take an interest.
02:38But if you don't mind, I must get on with my prospecting.
02:41Oh, of course, sir. I'm very sorry.
02:44There was one thing I wanted to ask you.
02:46Is there anywhere around here I could stay for the night to study these rock samples?
02:50Yes, if you walk back to Moomin Valley.
02:53Walk back?
02:55How did you know that I've already been through the valley today?
02:58We met earlier, when you were surprised to see us looking at flowers.
03:03Oh, yes, I thought you looked familiar.
03:06And you say I seem surprised.
03:08Very. And you laughed.
03:10Ah, well, you see, I'm a prospector, so my job is to look for gold.
03:15And have you found any around here?
03:17No, not a sign.
03:19But to find where the gold ore deposits are,
03:21one has to keep looking at all the stones and studying all the rock formations.
03:26So that's why you were surprised to see us looking at flowers.
03:30Well, I expected you to be looking at rocks, of course.
03:33Because that's what I'm doing.
03:34Yes, of course.
03:36And have you ever found gold just by looking at the rocks?
03:39Oh, yes, lots.
03:40Oh, boy, that's my ideal job.
03:43So you like gold, then, I take it?
03:47I like having nice shiny things, too.
03:50Ah, actually, I prefer finding it to just having it.
03:54I don't like getting weighed down.
04:01So are you saying that there might just be gold ore deposits in Moominvalley?
04:06No, not in Moominvalley.
04:08Oh, dear. Are you absolutely sure about that?
04:11Quite certain.
04:12My son said that you were taking a great interest in studying the rocks around here.
04:16Yes, I was. That's why I'm so sure about the gold ore.
04:20Oh, what direction will you be going next?
04:22To the Lonely Mountains.
04:24You might have gold that's been washed here from somewhere else, but no ore.
04:28Exactly where I'm going, I'll keep secret if you don't mind.
04:32Oh, of course. Do excuse me. I don't mean to pry.
04:36The Lonely Mountains, eh?
04:43Thank you, Mrs. Moomin. It was wonderful to sit down and eat a proper dinner again.
04:48Glad you enjoyed it. Don't you get home very often?
04:51Oh, no, hardly ever. Real prospectors just prospect all the time,
04:55and there's no one at home to cook for me anyway.
04:57Goodness gracious.
04:59You're such a kind family. I am glad I met you.
05:02What do you say? Why don't we put the prospector up here for as long as he wants to stay in Moominvalley?
05:08Certainly. It's always nice to have guests.
05:11I'd love to, but I'm afraid I really can't stay any longer.
05:14I have to get on with my prospecting, you see, which means leaving first thing tomorrow.
05:24However, the prospector's plans were altered when he came down with a high temperature that evening.
05:35Sorry to trouble you.
05:37It's really no trouble at all. You just stay there and rest.
05:56How is he now, Moominmama?
05:58He still has quite a high temperature.
06:00Then he'll have to stay a little longer.
06:02Oh, yes. He hasn't eaten for three days,
06:04so he'll be far too weak to do any of his prospecting for a while, I should think.
06:08Well, the rest might do him good anyway.
06:11I'll have a look and see if I can find any books about gold for him to read.
06:15I've just got to get the prospector to tell me the secret of finding gold before he leaves Moominvalley.
06:20It's not the sort of thing you can learn just like that, is it, Snufkin?
06:24I don't think so.
06:26I bet I could.
06:27Listen, Moomin.
06:28What is it?
06:29That man said there isn't any gold in Moominvalley, right?
06:32Yes, he told Papa.
06:34Well, that needn't be true.
06:36Why's that, Little My?
06:37Think about it.
06:38If I'd found gold in Moominvalley, I wouldn't go around telling everybody.
06:42But you have to be able to trust people.
06:44I reckon Little My's got it right.
06:47Remember the way he was hammering at the rocks when we first found out who he was?
06:52He looked excited.
06:53I bet he'd just found gold and is keeping it secret.
06:57So where did all this happen?
06:58Tell me, Sniff.
06:59Snufkin, you don't believe Little My, surely?
07:02Well, I just want to be certain that there isn't any gold in Moominvalley
07:05or we'll be having people digging holes everywhere.
07:08A gold rush would be awful.
07:10I figure it'd be wonderful.
07:32Mr. Prospector.
07:35How do you feel?
07:36I'm not too sure.
07:38Well, to me, you seem to be looking much better today.
07:41Perhaps you'd like something to drink.
07:43No, thank you.
07:44I'm sure it would do you good to have something to drink.
07:47Perhaps it would. I can't really tell.
07:50I do feel rather frail.
07:52Tell me, Moominpapa, how long have I been lying here in bed?
07:55You've been lying there for a week now.
07:58For a whole week?
08:00Well, in that case...
08:02What is it?
08:03Maybe I should have something to drink.
08:05I'll get you some juice.
08:12And from that first drink of fruit juice,
08:14the prospector started to get better.
08:16And then, after another week of resting at Moominhouse,
08:20he was well enough to set off on a leisurely walk around the village.
08:42By this time, everyone knew that a famous gold prospector
08:46had centered his efforts on Moomin Valley,
08:49and the whole village watched him with great interest.
08:59You've all taken such wonderful care of me
09:02that I'm sorry I can't thank you in any better way than this.
09:05This is the first sample of gold that I ever found,
09:09over ten grams to the ton.
09:11I'm sure it's very special if you've kept it since then as a memento.
09:14Well, I really carried it as a good luck charm,
09:17but by now I'm sure I can find gold without having to rely on luck.
09:21Please take it with my thanks.
09:23Oh, how very kind of you.
09:25I think I'll put it in Moominpapa's study
09:27as a paperweight for his memoirs.
09:29That's too grand.
09:31And then there's this as well.
09:33Is it a map?
09:35Yes, it's said to be a map
09:37made by a famous pirate,
09:39showing where he buried his treasures.
09:41Oh, a treasure map.
09:43Yeah, except I'm afraid it probably isn't genuine.
09:46Oh, that looks very much like a map of Moominvalley to me.
09:50Yes, you're quite right.
09:54Look at that rock face.
09:55I recognize that cleft.
09:57Me too.
09:58So do I.
09:59But like I said, it almost certainly has to be a forgery
10:02because the paper looks too new
10:04and the lettering is too tidy for a pirate.
10:06I don't think it's real.
10:08However, seeing as it is of Moominvalley,
10:10I thought perhaps you'd like to put it on the wall.
10:13This is great.
10:14I've always wanted a treasure map.
10:16Let's all go treasure hunting.
10:18Just make sure you don't get your hopes up
10:20or spend too much time digging.
10:22Hang on.
10:23What's up, Mai?
10:24You've been having a look for that treasure yourself,
10:27haven't you?
10:29Didn't you climb a cliff like that
10:31on the way to the Lonely Mountains?
10:33Yes, I sure did.
10:35And it had a big cleft in it like the one on the map.
10:38Well, perhaps it did, but I can't say I really noticed.
10:41All right, then, if you say so.
10:43However, I happen to know that this rock face shown on the map
10:46is much closer to the sea than the one you were climbing,
10:49isn't it, Moomin?
10:50Yes, that's right.
10:51I think it must be.
10:52Oh, is that so?
10:54I told you so.
10:56I'm not interested in treasure.
10:59Just a joke, little Mai.
11:04Goodbye, now.
11:06And so the prospector left Moomin House
11:09and went on his way.
11:18Let's go treasure hunting.
11:20My thoughts exactly.
11:22Will you come, Mama?
11:23Of course I will.
11:25It's good to do silly things sometimes.
11:27This way.
11:30It's good to do silly things sometimes.
11:33It isn't silly, Mama.
11:35There's treasure at stake.
11:37This paper looks very old to me.
11:39And after all, the prospector obviously did think
11:42it was worth having a look for.
11:44Right, it's time to go hunting.
12:01I don't think we've been spotted.
12:03That's good.
12:04Why do we have to hide, Papa?
12:06Because treasure must be dug up in secret.
12:12It's Zipkin.
12:14Hide, everyone.
12:17Out you come, everybody.
12:19I know where you are.
12:27Here we are.
12:29Now then.
12:30Aha, yes, I see.
12:33This is it.
12:34This must be the way.
12:36Let's go.
12:37Let's go.
12:38Let's go.
12:39Let's go.
12:40Let's go.
12:41Let's go.
12:42Let's go.
12:43Let's go.
12:44Let's go.
12:45This is it.
12:46This must be the one.
12:47There's a cliff there, too.
12:49Yes, but I think that one is too small.
12:51I'm sure this must be the right one.
12:53So where do we go now?
12:55It just says 39 east.
12:57That's 39 steps.
12:59Are you sure it's not 39 meters instead of steps?
13:02It's always measured in steps.
13:04We do have shorter legs than most people, you know.
13:07No, we don't.
13:08It's just that we have slightly longer bodies.
13:111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
13:3935, 36, 37, 38, 39,
13:4436, 37, 38, 39, 40,
13:4835, 40.
13:5139 is way behind this, though, guys.
13:53No, it's just a little bit behind.
13:55I think so, too.
13:57Just a little bit ahead, by my reckoning.
14:02Now, listen, everybody.
14:04I'm certain this spot here is a natural place for 39 steps.
14:17Still no treasure?
14:19Did you expend some?
14:20Of course I did.
14:22I still do.
14:23But, Moomin, remember, that treasure map's quite likely to be a forgery.
14:27It is not.
14:34Guess it's someone else's go.
14:36That's a lot, Papa.
14:38That looks like hard work.
14:39Oh, not a bit of it.
14:41Not if we find the treasure in it.
14:43Papa, just in case it was 39 meters,
14:45how about digging a little bit further on?
14:50I guess it's possible.
14:57I bet they wouldn't work as hard as that if they were digging a well.
15:01I hope Moominpappa is careful with his bags.
15:12I'm perfectly sure this map isn't genuine.
15:15We'll just have to keep on digging in widening circles, that's all.
15:19Not tomorrow, also.
15:20Yes, of course.
15:21I think I'll come, too.
15:23I love to watch people working.
15:25Hey, you guys!
15:27Ah-ha, here comes an eager helper for you.
15:31You're all mean!
15:32You left me out!
15:33Sorry, Sniff.
15:34We didn't mean to forget you.
15:36I want a gold mine, too.
15:39We're not after gold.
15:40You can't fool me that easily.
15:42Everyone's saying the prospectors told you
15:44where the best place to dig for gold is.
15:46Are you sure, Sniff?
15:48Oh, yes.
15:49It's not for gold.
15:50It is.
15:51No, we're not.
15:53You don't understand, Sniff.
15:55What's up, Moomin?
15:57Have you found the buried treasure yet?
16:01Hmm, I see.
16:03So you've managed to find gold already?
16:06No, that sample of ore was given to us by the prospector.
16:09Hmm, I understand.
16:11He dug it near here, so now you're digging for gold, too.
16:14No, you got it wrong.
16:16Well, everyone in Moominvalley knows
16:18that you and your family have started digging for gold.
16:21Then everyone here is wrong.
16:23Is that so?
16:24Isn't it simply amazing
16:26that gold ore can be found so close to one's very own house?
16:30Mr. Hamuland.
16:36Hey, morning. Hiya. Good morning.
16:38Good morning, Moomin.
16:40Hello there, Sniff.
16:42I'm gonna dig all day long.
16:44Just one thing.
16:45Are you sure you understood what I said yesterday?
16:48Oh, yes.
16:49You're looking for gold in buried treasure chests
16:51instead of in rocks.
16:52That suits me fine.
16:53That's sort of what I meant,
16:54but we don't really know if there is any treasure.
16:58I'll just dig for normal gold, then.
17:01This is really giving me a headache.
17:17Look, there's Mrs. Finneyjohn.
17:23Papa, we'd better hurry up and get digging
17:26or someone else will find the treasure first.
17:28You're quite right.
17:48Moominpapa, please tell me, as a favor,
17:51is there any gold where I've been digging?
17:53Oh, there isn't any gold in Moominvalley.
17:56If that's the case, explain why you were digging.
17:59Well, actually, it's my latest hobby.
18:02What a clumsy excuse.
18:04For shame.
18:05You'd think your neighbors might help you.
18:07But they won't stop me.
18:09Now, come on, children.
18:11We'll beat them to it.
18:12Oh, dear.
18:13I wonder what it would be like
18:15if we did find the treasure before the others.
18:17What's wrong, Moomin?
18:20I've hit something hard.
18:22Dig gently now, with your hands.
18:24There might be priceless goblets and things.
18:36The craze for treasure hunting lasted for just one week.
18:40And, of course, nobody ever managed
18:42to find the buried pirate treasure.
19:09As the prospectors said,
19:11there was no gold ore in the valley.
19:13But they did find real gold dust
19:15that had been washed downstream.
19:17All the excavations were abandoned,
19:19and everybody went down to the river instead
19:21to pan for gold the whole day long.
19:24Nearly everybody, that is.
19:26Those pieces of gold are too small to collect.
19:29Some folks like them.
19:30Are you sorry you didn't find any treasure, dear?
19:33No, it was wonderful exercise.
19:35It looks rather untidy now, though, doesn't it?
19:38We should fill all the holes in.
19:40I don't mind helping you.
19:42I'll help, too.
19:43Wait a minute.
19:44What is it, Mama?
19:45Mr. Himmelin, don't you think this would be
19:47the ideal place for you to plant your new flower garden?
19:50My flower garden?
19:52It would have been hard work to prepare it from scratch,
19:55but now half the job's done.
19:57The ground has been dug over beautifully.
19:59You're right.
20:01It's the right distance from my house,
20:04there's a river, and it gets lots of sun.
20:07And I've got the perfect name, Gold Rush Garden.
20:11Let's get to work, then, everyone.
20:25This will become an absolutely gorgeous garden.
20:28Right, Mr. Himmelin?
20:30Oh, yes.
20:31Of course it will.
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