05 The Secrets of the Hattifatteners (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:30Papa, I think that rope is getting loose.
00:37Okay, Moomin, you better have a look before this wind has the whole tent down.
00:41Aye, aye, Captain.
00:44A sudden storm has hit the Hattifattener's Island.
00:54Moominpappa has decided that it would be far safer to stay the night on the island, so
00:58they put up the tent and moored the boat.
01:12This will show us what the weather's up to.
01:14That's as long as it's still working.
01:16I'm sure it's going to die down really soon.
01:19Wake up, Mr. Hamelin.
01:21When the storm clears, we must give this barometer straight back to the Hattifatteners.
01:26Oh, I quite fancy keeping it myself, to remind me of the island.
01:31You know, it seems to work after all.
01:33But, Mr. Hamelin, that'll only remind you of the horrible Hattifatteners.
01:38What about all the tons of plants you've found?
01:40That surely is going to be enough.
01:42Yes, I know, but there was only really one special flower amongst all those plants, and
01:48I nearly missed that one.
01:49Look, isn't it a beauty?
01:51I discovered it as I was about to tie up the boat.
01:55Oh, woman papa!
01:57Yes, Mr. Hamelin.
01:59You know, when you all went to put up the tent, you told me to tie up the boat so she
02:04was safe.
02:06Yes, of course.
02:07Well, I'm not sure if I did.
02:10Not sure at all.
02:13Please, try to remember, Mr. Hamelin.
02:16I can't.
02:17It's all very unclear in my mind.
02:20If the boat's not here, we'll be stuck on the island forever and ever.
02:24We pulled it well ashore, so it should be okay, but we'd better check on it as soon
02:29as we can.
02:30I'll go have a look.
02:32Quickly, Moomin.
02:34Be careful.
02:35I remember.
02:37I was just going to do it when I spotted this flower.
02:40Just by a rock it was.
02:41Oh, dear!
02:59Boy, that was close!
03:01Tie it to the tree, and make sure it's tight.
03:05Oh, that should do it.
03:07Just in time.
03:09You know, the waves must have been huge just now.
03:11You know, the waves must have been huge to have reached this far.
03:14Well, we saved the boat.
03:19Well, the storm will be over soon.
03:28Is everything okay?
03:30Yep, everything's fine.
03:32Oh, thank goodness.
03:33So we're not stranded after all.
03:38We needn't have worried.
03:40I'm very sorry.
03:42Really, I am.
03:44Are you all right, Snortmaiden?
03:47Now I am.
04:04According to this, the storm is blowing over now, and it should stop raining soon.
04:08Well, the wind seems to have dropped.
04:11Oh, good.
04:11All that thunder and lightning is so noisy.
04:15Ah, right.
04:16I think I'll just go for a bit of a walk before I settle down for the night.
04:21But it's much too dark to see anything.
04:24The fresh air will do me good.
04:30That's a good idea.
04:31I could do with some fresh air myself.
04:34Wait for me.
04:36I'll come, too.
04:36Let me in!
04:37Quick, out of the way!
04:38What's the matter?
04:39They're still there, hundreds of them, all glowing.
04:42The Hattifatteners?
04:44They're waiting for us.
04:55The lightning must have recharged them.
04:58Look at them all.
04:59I wonder what they once snuck in.
05:02Such a heavy storm would have given them lots and lots of energy.
05:05Gosh, they're ready for anything.
05:08They're not coming any closer.
05:10They seem fairly friendly.
05:12Maybe they just want to see what we look like.
05:14No, I know what they're here for.
05:16What's that, Snufkin?
05:17It's their barometer, Moominpappa.
05:19They know we've got it, and they've come to get it back from us.
05:25Yes, I think you're right, Snufkin.
05:27Mr. Hamelin?
05:28I do think you'd better give it back to them.
05:32Do I have to?
05:33Yes, of course.
05:35After all, it is theirs, and there are a lot of them.
05:40Look, why don't you take it out to them now?
05:48You know, the barometer does belong to them, Mr. Hamelin.
05:52Oh, dear, dear.
05:54Give it to me.
05:55I'll take it.
05:56Oh, dear, dear.
05:58Give it to me.
06:01Let me do it, Papa.
06:02Well done, my boy.
06:07You must be careful, my dear.
06:09Don't worry, Mama.
06:10Oh, boy, isn't he brave?
06:26I think this is what you've come for.
06:41Here you are.
06:42You can have it back now.
06:57Thank you, Mr. Hamelin.
07:11Are you all right, Moomin?
07:13I'll tell you something.
07:14I'm real glad there's no electricity where we live.
07:17Oh, they didn't hurt you, did they?
07:21Go away!
07:22Leave her alone!
07:23Are you all right, Snorkmaiden?
07:25What did he do to you?
07:27Just a bit of shock, that's all.
07:30What's that funny smell?
07:32Oh, my golly, it's your hair.
07:39What do you mean?
07:41What's happened to it?
07:43Oh, no, my hair!
07:44Mama, Mama!
07:46Where's your mirror?
07:47Oh, Mama!
07:48Oh, look at what those wicked Hattifatteners have done.
07:52It's here in my handbag somewhere.
07:55Hurry, Mama!
07:56I must see what's happened to my hair!
07:58Here you are, dear.
08:01Look at me!
08:02Look at me!
08:03It's awful!
08:06It's horrible!
08:07It's horrible!
08:08Don't worry.
08:09We'll put some magic ointment on, and it'll come back all lovely and curly.
08:12I don't want nasty, curly hair!
08:15I want my long, beautiful hair like it was before!
08:18You know, it really doesn't matter to me, Snortmaiden.
08:28Oh, good.
08:29I hope that's the last we see of them.
08:32Oh, dear, what's happened to Snortmaiden?
08:48My hair, my hair, where's my hair?
09:48Wake up, Moomin, we've got to hurry.
10:18I wonder where they're going.
10:39Perhaps they're sailing away to a secret island.
10:42Somewhere very far away from here, where they can live happily on their own together.
10:48Gosh, Snufkin, they're really weird.
10:53Well, it depends on how you look at it, Moomin.
10:56They probably think we're a bit strange, too.
11:09Snufkin, you're really horrible.
11:11You knew I wanted to see them.
11:14Come on, you were fast asleep, snoring your head off.
11:17That wasn't me snoring, that was Mr. Hemulen!
11:21All right, if you say so.
11:24Well, I hope that's the last I'll see of them.
11:27Me, too.
11:28That's a very pretty scarf, Snortmaiden.
11:31Yes, it is, isn't it?
11:33Can we go exploring, Mama?
11:35I don't see why not.
11:37It looks as though it'll be a nice day,
11:40and there'll be lots of exciting things washed up by the storm.
11:44Oh, that'll be fun.
11:45Let's look for the other side of the island.
11:47What a good idea.
11:49I might discover some more plants.
12:05Mr. Hemulen, hurry up, sir, or it will be dark before we get there.
12:10You go on, Moomin.
12:12I just want to have a better look at these flowers.
12:14Yes, all right.
12:19Very interesting.
12:23Just think, we could find all sorts of things lying on the sand.
12:27I hope it's secret sunken treasure.
12:30Well, let's hope it's not sunken anymore.
12:32I expect there'll be lots and lots of treasures from shipwrecks and things like that.
12:37Bet I find it before you.
12:39Oh, no, you won't.
12:45Look at all this.
12:47It's all mine.
12:48I'm going to dive in.
12:52What's that over there?
12:55It's quite shallow right here.
12:58Well, there must be something hidden in it.
13:01Oh, dear, it's empty.
13:03I think I found something here.
13:10Little Nine, Little Nine.
13:13Little Nine, Little Nine.
13:15What's the matter?
13:17Come and see these beautiful shells I have.
13:20I'm too busy hunting for treasure to bother with shells.
13:33Hey, what's this?
13:34Oh, look at this one.
13:36I've got a real collection here.
13:38They'll look lovely in Mama's garden.
13:48Wow, watch that.
13:52I can't find any as nice as yours.
13:56Don't be in such an awful hurry, Little Nine.
13:59I'm sure you'll find something.
14:02Look, look what I found.
14:04A proper treasure.
14:08Oh, there's snow inside of it.
14:12I found it in a cave.
14:14What is it?
14:18What's this?
14:20It's a ship's telescope.
14:22You can see for miles with it.
14:24It's called a telescope.
14:26It's a telescope.
14:28It's a telescope.
14:31I'll give it to Papa.
14:33It's better than anything I got.
14:39Hey, everybody.
14:41I found something.
14:43Come on up and have a look.
14:45I wish I could find something interesting.
14:51Have you found some buried treasure?
14:53What a big lady.
14:55Is she dead?
14:57It's made of wood, Snork Maiden.
14:59It's a figurehead from a ship.
15:11She's like a queen.
15:15Ha, she hasn't got any legs, though.
15:17She's got a lot of legs.
15:20Ha, she hasn't got any legs, though.
15:24Why don't we put her on the front of our boat?
15:28Nah, it's much too heavy.
15:30It must have come from a ship that was wrecked.
15:32And sank at sea?
15:34Perhaps it did.
15:38And all hands were lost.
15:40I want to take it home.
15:42What would you do with it?
15:44Use it to frighten people away.
15:52Somebody help me, please!
15:54That's old Mr. Hemulen.
15:56Gosh, I hope it's not more Hattifatteners.
15:58Someone help, please!
16:00We're coming!
16:12Moomin, why do you like this old figurehead so much?
16:14You're staring at her.
16:16She's not all that special, you know.
16:19Yes, I know.
16:21She's not even real.
16:23Only made of wood.
16:27Do you like her eyes?
16:29Or is it her hair?
16:31Just because I haven't got any.
16:35Nearly there, just a bit further.
16:37Come on, Snufkin.
16:39Pull harder, come on.
16:43You're very heavy, Mr. Hemulen.
16:46Thank you, Snufkin.
16:48You saved my life.
16:52Boy, how'd you end up in there, Mr. Hemulen?
16:54One minute I was looking for plants.
16:56The next, I'd fallen right into that hole.
16:58I think you'd be safer collecting stamps, Mr. Hemulen.
17:02Oh, no, it's not here.
17:04Where is it?
17:06What is it now?
17:08Tell me.
17:12May the booboo preserve me.
17:15Calm down, Mr. Hemulen.
17:17Tell me what's the matter.
17:19My sample box, my sample box.
17:21Oh, my goodness.
17:23You didn't leave it in the hole, did you?
17:25Yes, that's what I'm trying to tell you.
17:27Oh, dear.
17:29All my precious samples.
17:31I'm so silly.
17:33Oh, Snufkin.
17:37Oh, Snufkin, would you mind?
17:39Okay, anything for some peace.
17:41Oh, dear boy, you are wonderful.
17:44You shall have one of my rarest plants as a reward.
17:46Indeed you shall.
17:48I shall choose a magnificent one for you.
17:50Thank you very much, Mr. Hemulen.
17:52Gosh, I wonder where Moomin is.
17:58Oh, there you are.
18:00What have you been up to?
18:02He can't take his eyes off that silly wooden lady.
18:04He just stares at her.
18:08I do not.
18:10I just think she has a very beautiful face.
18:13Now that you're here,
18:15I could really do with your help.
18:17What do you want, Snufkin?
18:19Mr. Hemulen dropped his box of samples down this hole
18:21and I'm going to try and get it.
18:23I didn't drop it.
18:25I fell in the hole and just forgot it
18:27when Snufkin pulled me out.
18:29You're a bit absent-minded, Mr. Hemulen.
18:31No, I'm not.
18:33I can remember every Latin name
18:35of every single plant, you know.
18:37Okay, I'll go down, Moomin,
18:39but you'll have to help me get back up.
18:42Oh, wonderful!
18:44Can you see it yet, Snufkin?
18:46I'm not down at the bottom yet.
18:48Oh, forgive me. I'm sorry.
18:50I found it.
18:54Tell me, are the plants all right?
18:56You can check them yourself in a minute.
19:04Are you all right, Snufkin?
19:06Wait a minute.
19:08I found something else.
19:11Oh, look!
19:13There's the boat.
19:15It's Moominmama and Moominpapa.
19:23It's gold.
19:27We've been hunting treasure.
19:29Go and get Moominpapa.
19:31I found gold.
19:33Boy, oh, boy,
19:35I wonder how much there is.
19:37Moominpapa will know.
19:41Well, Moominpapa,
19:43what should we do
19:45with all this beautiful gold?
19:47It would look lovely in the garden,
19:49don't you think?
19:51With all the shells
19:53that the Snorkmaiden found,
19:55they'll look good in amongst the roses.
19:57What do you think, Mama?
19:59I'm sure they will, Papa.
20:01I'm sure they will.
20:07she's almost there.
20:10Moomin, she's only
20:12a stupid legless doll.
20:14You can have my bowl
20:16full of snow, Snorkmaiden.
20:18No, thanks.
20:20Well, I'll look after it for you.
20:22I can pretend it's my treasure.
20:28And that was the end
20:30of their first adventure
20:32in the new boat.
20:34Moominpapa decided
20:36that it was much more fun
20:38if they might end up...