47 The Hot Spring (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:30Papa, what's happened? Oh, my foot. Did you fall down? Yes, and I've broken my leg.
00:50Luckily, however, Moominpappa hadn't broken his leg, but he'd certainly given it a good sprain.
00:57Well, does it still hurt? Yes. That doesn't surprise me at all. Sprains can be very serious
01:05things, you know. Can they really? I thought so. Oh, yes, indeed. They're often painful for some
01:11time. In fact, sometimes for quite a long time. You don't say. I think that's the kind I have
01:17here. You should bathe it in a hot spring. A hot spring? Oh, yes. The hot water would do it
01:25wonders. I'm told it has a strong medicinal effect. Most fascinating. But I don't think
01:31we have a hot spring in Moominvalley. Pity. Well, fellas, it looks to me like we found
01:42Moominvalley at last. Yeah, I guess you're right. It doesn't look much like hot spring country.
01:47Listen, I don't care whether it looks like it or not. The experts say it is.
01:52I can see some children over there. Why don't we ask them? Hey, you over there. Look out,
01:58I'm gonna get you, Sniff. I've got something I want to ask you. What is it? You know of any
02:06hot springs around here? Hot springs? What are they? Boy, they sure are backward out here. Tell
02:12me what they are, and I'll tell you if we've got any. It's a place where there's hot water
02:16bubbling up from underground. You sure? Who eats it? Nobody. It's just there, I guess.
02:22That's weird. You could make tea with it, I guess. No, no. You're supposed to bathe in it.
02:27Good for your health, you know. Why? Are you sick or something? Not me. I haven't come here to use
02:34one just to try and find it. What for, if you don't need to use it? They're valuable. Are they?
02:40Oh, yes. We're gonna build a big inn here, and then people will come from all over to soak in
02:45the hot water. Really put this place on the map. Rich people coming to soak in the springs?
02:51Yes. Why? I can rent towels to them. Well, I suppose we might let you open a towel concession
02:57if you help us find the spring. Tell us if you find anything. Yeah. Hey, wait. If you do happen
03:07to find a hot spring anywhere, will you let my father soak in it? He sprained his ankle.
03:12Yeah, sure.
03:42Oh, a hot spring. So you say if they find a hot spring, they're going to build a hotel.
04:04That's what they said. That's right. Isn't that great? Why should not be great? Well,
04:09just think of all the people that would come rushing to Moominvalley to stay in a hotel like
04:13that. Rich people. Think of the money. And I was thinking about the noise instead. It'd be a real
04:18pity if Moominvalley ended up packed full of tourists. All the same, Papa, it would be nice
04:23to have a hot spring here. Think of the lovely baths. Hmm. I suppose it would be rather useful
04:29for people who've injured their legs, for example. Yes, dear, but there probably isn't
04:33any hot spring in Moominvalley. Maybe not. If there was such a thing, I'm sure I would have
04:38found it before now. I bet there is a hot spring around here. Well, we haven't seen all of
04:43Moominvalley. And anyway, those men must have had some reason for picking this particular place.
04:48If I find a hot spring, I won't tell them about it. That's stupid. How do you expect me to get
04:52rich if I can only rent towels to you? But then no one ever said you have to get rich.
04:58So does everyone agree we won't tell them? Well, I don't think you'll find any springs before they
05:03do anyway. They're experts after all, and they practically said I'd get the towel concession,
05:08didn't they? Oh, this feels so good.
05:18Water. Yes, of course it's water. If we could find a hot spring as big as this pond,
05:37why, we'd be able simply to fill Moominvalley with tourists. But this water isn't hot.
05:43Do you want me to tell you what I think? If you ask me, those experts got it all wrong
05:47about hot springs in Moominvalley. You think so?
05:53Look, guys, we're wasting our time. If there was a hot spring here,
05:56someone would have found it by now. Not if it was hidden underground,
05:59they wouldn't. We'd just have to dig some holes, build the inn, and we'd be rich.
06:04I guess you're right, but I don't really know if we ought to be doing this. See,
06:08I like this Moominvalley place. It kind of grows on you, you know what I mean?
06:12So what's your problem? Well, we might spoil it. If I lived here,
06:16I don't think I'd want a big inn right in the middle of all this peace and quiet.
06:20Are you feeling all right? Of course. Why? Come on, there's work to do.
06:25Why don't we try looking over this way? I hope we don't find anything.
06:29Are you coming or what? You're not gonna help them, are you, Sniff?
06:38But this is gonna put Moominvalley on the map. Perhaps it is, but Sniff,
06:43that's exactly the place we don't want it to be. I'm trying to think big here, Moomin.
06:47If we had a hot spring and a hotel, it would make Moominvalley a household word.
06:51We don't want that. Look, I've got to do it.
06:54Just think of the money if they say I can have the towel concession.
06:59Sniff, wait! Moomin!
07:01Oh, that Sniff is really starting to get on my nerves.
07:04All the same, a hot spring without tourists would be nice. It's good for your complexion
07:09and for Papa's leg, too. I suppose so.
07:12Anyway, there aren't any here. Wish one could be certain about that.
07:16Ask Snufkin. What?
07:18Snufkin's bound to know if there are any hot springs in Moominvalley or not.
07:27He's not here. Come to think of it,
07:29I haven't seen him in the last few days. I don't think I have either. Wonder where he is.
07:34He's away!
07:39Hello there, Stinky. Do you have any idea where Snufkin went?
07:43No, I don't, but he left very early in the morning two days ago.
07:46Oh, what a shame.
07:47What's the big problem?
07:49We wanted to ask him about something.
07:51So ask me instead.
07:53You'd only say something stupid.
07:55You're Stinky.
07:58What is it?
07:59Do you know what a hot spring is?
08:00It's like a hot summer.
08:02I guess you were right.
08:06Hey, what is a hot spring?
08:08Stop! You have to tell me!
08:10Okay, wait!
08:21Boy, that was good.
08:27If I run late, I'll just stay over.
08:33No, wait, Alicia!
08:34Bye, Grandma!
08:41Oh, Snufkin!
08:48It's nice to see you, Snufkin.
08:51I'm going over to Moominvalley.
08:53On your own?
08:54Grandmother's making medicine.
08:56And by the look of it, she doesn't want you to help her either.
08:59No, Grandma says it's still too early.
09:01You don't really want to be a witch, do you?
09:04Oh, yes, I do.
09:05At least, I think so.
09:08Sniff, I'm counting on you to show us around tomorrow, okay?
09:12Oh, yes, of course, but...
09:14But what?
09:15Let's discuss my towel concession first, huh?
09:18The towel concession?
09:20Wasn't that a joke?
09:22I never joke about money.
09:23You promised you'd let me rent out towels to your guests.
09:26I don't think we actually promised that.
09:28And anyway, why should we?
09:30Hey, just calm down a minute.
09:31Why don't you let me handle this?
09:33What we really meant was, as a joke, of course,
09:36that we might let you buy the towel concession from us.
09:40Oh, I'm broke.
09:41We could lend you a gold coin.
09:43Great, I'll do it!
09:44But look, I'm not promising anything.
09:47You drive a hard bargain.
09:49I'm glad that's sorted out, then.
09:50We'll start looking tomorrow, Sniff.
09:56Would you like to stay here with us for the night, Alicia?
09:59Oh, yes, thank you, Moominmama.
10:01You're more than welcome, my dear.
10:03How's your foot, Moominpapa?
10:05Well, it does seem to be getting a little better,
10:07but I wish it would just hurry up and heal.
10:09It's still quite painful, really.
10:12Ah, maybe my hot spring would help.
10:14Your hot spring?
10:15Yes, I found one today.
10:17It's quite a long way to the east by the side of the river.
10:21I soaked myself in it, and it felt really great.
10:24Oh, my goodness.
10:26What's the problem, Papa?
10:27Haven't you heard the news?
10:29What news?
10:30There are three men looking for hot springs
10:32to put Moominvalley on the map,
10:34bringing tourism and sausages.
10:36Oh, dear.
10:37I think it would be a real pity
10:39if they were to find your hot spring, Snufkin.
10:41Yes, that would be rather an awful thing to happen.
10:44You wouldn't like a big inn to be built near here,
10:46Moominpapa, would you?
10:48No, of course I wouldn't.
10:49Would you like it?
10:50No, and Grandma certainly wouldn't, I know.
10:53She would have to move away to somewhere else, I guess.
10:56I can see how it would be.
10:58A guided tour to the witch's cottage,
11:00people standing in line for fortune cookies,
11:02and they'd have to put a public toilet outside your house.
11:23What is happening?
11:28I don't believe this.
11:37My forest!
11:38What happened?
11:53No, it's nothing to laugh about.
11:57No, I guess it isn't.
12:06You're here too, Alicia.
12:07Hello, Moomin, Snorkmaiden, little my.
12:10Nice to see you.
12:11Was that you guys I heard laughing just now?
12:13I guess it was, but it's really nothing to laugh about.
12:17What isn't?
12:18Have you heard about the men looking for a hot spring?
12:22And guess what?
12:23Snufkin found one today.
12:24Oh, no!
12:52Hello there, Sniff!
12:54Uh, Stinky!
12:55What the?
12:58So why the creeping around?
12:59What do you mean?
13:02You usually go right inside, so why not today?
13:04You've been up to something stinky, haven't you?
13:06Come on, admit it, admit it!
13:07I've got to hand it to you.
13:09You're pretty sharp, Stinky.
13:10Yep, there are no flies on me.
13:12I've got this feeling they're all a little mad at me.
13:15Good, Sniff, you're a good boy.
13:17Now, where are you going?
13:18I'm going to the hot spring.
13:20Good, Sniff, you don't want to hang around with them.
13:23They're wimpy, shilly-shallying do-gooders
13:25and will never amount to anything.
13:26Throw in your lot with me and the sky's the limit.
13:29Now, just wait a minute.
13:31I'm no crook, and I've got my conscience to think about.
13:36Hey, Sniff, let me come along with you.
13:38Hey, I can help you look for this spring.
13:41Well, if you must.
13:43So we're agreed on our plan.
13:44The crucial thing is to keep those three men
13:46from finding my spring at all costs.
13:49It won't be very easy.
13:51Secondly, we'll have to make them give up
13:52the whole project and leave.
13:54No, if only we could.
13:56Anyway, there's no time to lose.
13:57We must start at once.
13:59It's a bit too late to do anything useful now,
14:01but we'll make a start first thing tomorrow morning,
14:04even before the sun comes up.
14:05Yes, but what should we do?
14:08Whatever can we do?
14:10By the way, where's Sniff got to?
14:12Gone off with the men.
14:13You can bet he'll be helping them
14:15find a hot spring as we speak.
14:16Huh? I do hope he isn't.
14:18He probably is.
14:20Oh, Sniff.
14:24Grandma is our only hope.
14:26Your grandma?
14:27I'd do something myself if I could,
14:29but this is really the sort of job
14:30that needs the powers of a witch.
14:32We ought to ask her.
14:33Good idea.
14:34With her help, I'm sure we'll be able
14:36to sort this business out.
14:37Well, obviously it would be in her interest
14:39to help us get rid of those men.
14:41Oh, I definitely would.
14:43But we'll have to ask her very nicely.
14:45Yes, do ask her very, very nicely.
14:48Of course she'll do it.
14:49She doesn't want people all over.
14:51I'm sure she'd really hate it
14:52if they did build that hotel near her.
14:54You don't have to worry about a thing.
14:57Should I come in as well?
14:59What do you mean, Mo Man?
15:00Well, to sort of, you know, help convince her.
15:03All right, but let me do the talking.
15:05Tell her how they'll cut down all the trees
15:07and the sun will burn her house all day long.
15:10Yes, yes.
15:11And tell her also how they'll build
15:13a public toilet in her yard.
15:14Will you stop worrying?
15:15It's all going to be okay.
15:16I'll tell her everything.
15:17After all, she isn't stupid, you know.
15:20Don't say it was our idea, Alicia.
15:22And I'm not stupid either.
15:34So if I understand all this right,
15:36you could use my help, huh?
15:37Yes, Grandma, we do.
15:39After all, think how awful it would be
15:41if this forest was destroyed.
15:42I don't know, and it might be nice.
15:45It wouldn't be nice.
15:45You don't understand.
15:47They'd probably have to cut down all the trees
15:49to make room enough for the inn.
15:50Very good.
15:51I do sometimes think those trees
15:53tend to block the view.
15:54You don't.
15:55It's so quiet here in Mo Man Valley.
15:58Dreadfully boring.
15:59Might be nice with a whole load of tourists.
16:01Perhaps I could make money
16:02selling them love potions.
16:03Grandma, stop it.
16:05I can see it now.
16:06Pop music around the clock.
16:08People coming to visit all day and night.
16:10And we'd have enough rubbish to burn all winter.
16:13It'd be wonderful.
16:14Grandma, please stop talking like that.
16:16I know you don't mean it,
16:18and it really does worry me.
16:21Mo Man, yes, what is it?
16:24I'd be interested to hear
16:25if you have any clever ideas
16:27about how we're going to get rid of these idiots.
16:29Oh, does that mean you are willing
16:31to help us to drive them away?
16:33Of course, but how?
16:35You could always try using magic on them.
16:38Maybe you could scare them off
16:39with a monster or two.
16:42That's always a good one.
16:43I'm sure a spell like that
16:45would make them believe
16:45this was definitely no place
16:47to bring tourists on holiday.
16:49It's an idea, but monsters take too long.
16:52I could get a couple of snakes
16:53to go into their tent,
16:54wrap themselves around them,
16:56and then just lick them a couple of times.
16:57That ought to do it.
16:59That sounds all right, doesn't it?
17:00But you can catch snakes.
17:02Maybe you could do something about the weather.
17:04Make them believe it's not a good place for tourists
17:06because it's much too hot or much too cold.
17:09Or perhaps even hot and cold at the same time.
17:12Then they wouldn't have a clue.
17:14That would be quite a nice challenge.
17:17Is it too hard?
17:19Nothing is too hard for a witch, young man.
17:40Beautiful weather today.
17:42Perhaps an inn here wouldn't be so bad after all.
17:45Hey, you two, come on out.
17:46It's beautiful.
17:54I don't believe it.
17:57But it was so nice just now.
18:07What a storm!
18:08Oh, I can't!
18:10Come back!
18:12Oh, boy.
18:18It stopped.
18:18Well, we can say goodbye to the tent.
18:21Never seen such weather.
18:39What next?
18:57This is crazy.
18:58It's snowing.
18:59Really snowing.
19:01It's so cold.
19:04Help, somebody!
19:08Oh, dear, oh, dear.
19:09I guess I really should stand by my friends.
19:11But after all, this is my big chance.
19:19There you are.
19:19Good morning.
19:21I can't take any more.
19:23Don't give up now.
19:25We're all goners this time.
19:27Hi, how are you?
19:30Sniff, please help us.
19:31We're your friends.
19:34How brave of you to come in all this snow.
19:37What snow?
19:38I don't see any.
19:39You nuts or something.
19:40I've never seen such a snowstorm.
19:43What are you doing?
19:44Please help us.
19:46This is the end.
20:09After that bad experience,
20:11the three hot spring prospectors never did come back to Moon Valley.
20:16And now that the spring has been discovered,
20:19Moominpappa just can't seem to keep away from it,
20:22even though his ankle's been perfectly well for weeks now.
20:25In fact, he doesn't even mind getting behind on his memoirs.
20:29Oh, yeah.
20:33Oh, my.
20:37Oh, my.