30 Midsummer (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba.
00:18All over Moomin Valley, bits of paper were fluttering down.
00:22Whoah, it's snowing!
00:25Let the snow go, let the snow go!
00:28They were even falling over the lake.
00:35What's this? Oh, litter.
00:38There's some writing on that piece of paper.
00:40I think it's a message.
00:42Let's see.
00:45Moomin Theater Presents, written by Moominpappa...
00:50The Lost Children of Moominvalley.
00:53Starring Moominpappa, Moominmama and Sniff, and introducing Emma.
00:57Emma? I'm sure that's my aunt.
01:00She works in a theater.
01:02Admission fee. Anything edible.
01:06They're putting on a play.
01:09So they can't be lost.
01:12I haven't seen a play since I was a kid.
01:15It was wonderful. The best play ever.
01:18All about a princess.
01:21She fell asleep in a rose bush.
01:23She was so lovely.
01:25I gotta see that one again.
01:27But who will guard my prisoners, I wonder.
01:30I have a good idea, officer.
01:32You could take the three of us with you to the theater to see the play.
01:35Good idea.
01:37We love the theater, so we won't try to run away, officer. I promise.
01:41Not possible.
01:43I won't let you out of this jail until you write out...
01:46It's forbidden to burn signs 5,000 times each.
01:49That's the punishment for vandals.
01:52Well, in that case, you won't be able to see the play.
01:55Ah, who cares? I'll go.
01:58Yes, I must see it. I must go.
02:00So you'll take us with you?
02:02No, you stay right here.
02:04Well, then you can't go either, officer.
02:06Quiet. You're upsetting me.
02:08No, no. This isn't good enough.
02:11It's not true drama.
02:13Oh, please, Moominpappa.
02:15I don't want to be just a lion's ugly behind.
02:18But, Sniff, I did give you another part.
02:20I don't want to be a baby either.
02:22But you said you wanted parts without lines.
02:24Could you do the dusting a bit later, Emma, please?
02:27His script should be ready now.
02:29We have to start practicing for the opening night tomorrow morning.
02:33Don't worry, Emma. It's coming along.
02:35I'm only half done.
02:37I shall never get ready in time, Moominmama.
02:40You're right to worry, for the curtain will rise tomorrow no matter what.
02:44Ha! Ha! Ha!
02:46Moominpappa, remember to give Emma lots and lots of lines.
02:49She's really looking forward to her first performance.
02:52All right. Now, leave me.
02:55I must be left alone to concentrate.
02:57The writer needs peace and quiet.
02:59There are some things I don't like about this script.
03:02Well, I'll discuss it with you after the performance, Sniff.
03:06If it's a story about lost children,
03:08why do you have to have a stupid lion in it?
03:11I'm too good an actor to be cast as a lion.
03:14Keep him out of my hair, Winnie dear.
03:16He's giving me a headache.
03:18Come with me, Sniff. We'll practice our parts.
03:21This could be a wonderful play if you'd only skip the lion's behind.
03:25I've heard enough about this behind.
03:28Remember, we have the lion's head, too,
03:30dying to show his acting skills on the stage.
03:33This is my play, and I refuse to write out the lion's part.
03:36I refuse!
03:42Here is the key.
03:43I want you to keep a keen eye on them until I come back.
03:46They don't understand me, cousin.
03:48Are they very dangerous?
03:50Yes, they certainly are.
03:52They bite if you let them out.
03:55We certainly wouldn't bite anyone, officer.
03:57I've had enough of your lies.
03:59Don't listen to my dear cousin. They do.
04:01Well, then, now I'm off to the theater to see the play.
04:04Take good care of them while I'm gone.
04:17Excuse me. You seem to be a very good knitter.
04:21Oh, thank you.
04:23Nobody ever said that to me before.
04:26I enjoy it.
04:28What are you making?
04:30I'm not sure. I don't really know.
04:32Nothing in particular.
04:34It's just that knitting is so reassuring somehow.
04:37Nothing bad can happen while you knit, can it?
04:40Trouble is, I always seem to forget to decide what to make before I start.
04:46But it feels nice and warm, and I love the color.
04:50Couldn't you make socks? It's a very nice sock color.
04:55Yes. It's very, very cold in here.
04:58Oh, yes. That's a very good idea.
05:03Listen, if I knitted each one of you a pair of warm socks,
05:07would you really put them on?
05:09Of course.
05:11That would be nice. I'm almost freezing to death in here.
05:14It's so very, very cold.
05:16Is it really that cold?
05:18Yes. My teeth are chattering, so I can hardly talk.
05:23Oh, dear, oh, dear. What should I do?
05:27Maybe some steaming hot blackcurrant juice would help to warm us up a little.
05:33Possibly, although it might already be too late.
05:40Oh, dear.
05:53My cousin would be very angry with me if he knew, but I think...
05:57But you think what?
05:59I think I'll let you out so that we can all be nice and warm indoors.
06:05Don't cry now, baby.
06:08There's a good boy.
06:10Don't cry, honey.
06:12That's enough, baby.
06:21Moominmama, you need to show much more emotion.
06:24Try to be more motherly and more loving.
06:27Listen, dear, this is a very heavy baby.
06:30How am I doing, Moominpapa?
06:33You're just perfect for the part, Sniff, and your performance was excellent.
06:39Maybe I should have had a part with some lines in it.
06:56Look at these. I think they might be ready by now.
06:59I hope they're tasty. They don't always come out very well.
07:02You're so kind. We've had so much already.
07:05But they smell really delicious.
07:07They sure do.
07:09Thank you so much. Now I feel warm again.
07:12How about some more blackcurrant juice?
07:14Or maybe one of these freshly baked cookies?
07:16It's very kind of you, but no thank you.
07:18I couldn't eat another thing. I'm so full up.
07:21Me too.
07:23Oh, dear. The party is over then.
07:26I'm afraid so.
07:29It's really sad, but I have to lock you up again.
07:32But at least I know you're warm in there.
07:34We're real sorry too.
07:36But you don't need to worry because actually we're not going back to jail.
07:39Oh, aren't you?
07:41We've got other plans.
07:43We're going to the theater to see my parents play.
07:46And I suppose I should say hello to my Aunt Emma who works there.
07:50Oh, what shall I do?
07:52My cousin will be very cross with me.
07:55But you see, we're innocent.
07:57I didn't do anything wrong.
07:59You didn't?
08:00I swear it.
08:02Do I look like someone who pulls up signs in a park?
08:05We just burned some flotsam left by the flood.
08:08But your cousin wouldn't believe it.
08:10He jumped to conclusions.
08:11Wrongful arrest.
08:12That's all it was.
08:14Oh, dear. Why didn't you tell me that at once?
08:18People shouldn't go to jail when they haven't done anything wrong.
08:22So we can go to the theater? Is that okay?
08:24Of course. Better leave right away.
08:26My cousin will be very disappointed, but I guess that can't be helped.
08:30Wait for me.
08:32I think I'd better come along and explain to that cousin of mine
08:35that his three prisoners are innocent of the charge against them.
08:43All right, all right. Bring it in.
08:45That's right, Moominpappa. Stop there.
08:47Okay, Sniff.
08:49Moominmama, what have you got there?
08:51A baby's crib.
08:53I want to use this in the play.
08:55What's all right with you?
08:56Moominpappa! Moominpappa!
08:58I've just read your script, and I think you have a big problem.
09:02Who is going to pay the parts of Moomin and Snorkmaiden in this play of yours?
09:06I don't know yet.
09:07We don't have any more children, and Sniff can't take the part.
09:11Are you utterly mad?
09:12We only have a few hours before the curtain goes up,
09:15and you don't even have actress for all the parts.
09:17What kind of director is that?
09:19Maybe one of us could stand behind something and sort of read their lines.
09:22Ridiculous! I give up.
09:24Let's hope the credits have ground.
09:31Hold on tight, all of you.
09:38Listen, kids, you can be as noisy as you like out here,
09:41but once we're at the theater, you have to be quiet.
09:44Do you understand me, guys?
09:55The audience is waiting for us. Come.
10:16Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for giving up your valuable time
10:20Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for giving up your valuable time
10:24in order to come to our show tonight,
10:26the world premiere of The Lost Children.
10:29This is a brand-new company, and the play has never been performed before.
10:33Ladies and gentlemen, sit back and enjoy the superb acting.
10:36What's that?
10:37A baby's cradle. It's for you, Sniff.
10:39For me?
10:41We sincerely hope you'll be thrilled by the originality of the plot.
10:45And so now, dear friends, let's get started.
10:48Let's get started.
10:53Come on. Hurry.
10:56Come on, come on.
10:58Oh, thank you, Snork Maiden.
11:02There's a good boy. Don't cry, honey.
11:05Please don't cry.
11:09Oh, Moomin, Snork Maiden, my darling children.
11:13You've been lost for a whole month, and we haven't heard a word from either of you.
11:17Oh, he's forgotten all about me.
11:21I'd give the whole world to be rid of this most terrible, agonizing despair.
11:29Oh, my dear husband, try not to fret so.
11:31I'm sure they'll be back before very long.
11:34Little children, come and free me from this plight.
11:37Your mother worries all day through. The baby's awake all night.
11:41Come home, come home, my children two.
11:44Tell our hearts we're missing you.
11:50Louder, Sniff.
11:52I don't feel well, Mama.
11:55But what's wrong with you, Sniff?
11:57This rocking's making me seasick.
11:59Oh, dear, and right in the middle of Moominpappa's play.
12:05Mama, let us set forth and find our loved ones.
12:08We cannot leave our baby here.
12:11Oh, anyone would love to have him, sweet little thing.
12:14For how long, pray, do you think we would be gone?
12:17For as long as it takes.
12:19I can no longer stand being this frightfully upset about my children.
12:23Oh, baby.
12:34Hurry up, Sniff.
12:36I'm trying.
12:39Hurry. Scene two is about to start.
12:42Help me, somebody. I can't get out of here.
12:45When do they put the princess on?
12:47Do we still have very far to go?
12:49I'm afraid so. Hurry, Moomin.
12:51I am hurrying.
12:52It's forbidden. It's forbidden. It's forbidden.
12:55What are you writing on that paper?
12:57My cousin won't give up, I'm sure.
12:59So I better write this 5,000 times.
13:02It's forbidden. It's forbidden. It's forbidden.
13:08A full two weeks has passed.
13:10Oh, what shall we do?
13:12Our dear children have disappeared from the face of the earth.
13:18Oh, what's happened, dear apple of my heart?
13:21I think I sprained my ankle really badly.
13:23Oh, it hurts.
13:25I feel we're in trouble.
13:27Apart from the wolves, we're all alone.
13:29I'll pull you out.
13:31Stop it. I'm stuck.
13:33Why must this happen in my theater?
13:35I've been squeezed in here to make me look smaller.
13:38I'm trying to.
13:39We can't have the lion on stage without his behind.
13:47We have to face the worst and spend the night right here in the wilderness.
13:51Dear husband, will it be all right?
13:53Verily, in these unhallowed woods, I feel quite queasy.
13:59Sweet wife, I too can smell those frightful beasts howling for our blood.
14:04Nay, not just smell them, dear.
14:06Do you think that I can hear them now?
14:11I can hear the howling of those hungry beasts.
14:17Faint is the roar, but I can make it out a lion.
14:27Oh, Sniff, what's up?
14:29Where are you going, dear?
14:32Oh, listen.
14:33I have to go and stalk that stupid lion who's roaming around the countryside watching our every move.
14:40Don't worry. I'll be right back, my dear.
14:43Was he supposed to say that?
14:46Hey, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on stage.
14:49It's not my fault he's stuck in his crib.
14:51Moominmama's stuck on stage.
14:53Roar, lion!
14:57No, that lion sounds very close.
14:59My husband must be in great danger.
15:01All right, onto that stage, both of you.
15:08Papa, I can't get this thing off. I feel sick.
15:14What are you doing, Moominpapa?
15:16You can do it with the cradle on, Sniff.
15:18No, I can't. Stop it. Please don't do it, Moominpapa.
15:21They'll laugh at me out there.
15:23Don't worry. Nobody knows it's you hiding in there.
15:27Come on, now. Hurry.
15:32A lion! A lion! Is this to be my most untimely end?
15:44Don't you dare laugh at me.
15:52Is that lion going to eat Moominmama?
15:55Oh, help! What am I to do?
15:57What should I do, Moominpapa? I'm scared. Give me what to do.
16:01Just run off across the stage, dear.
16:04But we were supposed to run off together.
16:06The situation has changed. I'll have to come to your rescue some other time, dear.
16:11Oh, help me! Help!
16:17Oh, help me! Someone, please!
16:21Please slow down. I think I'm going to be sick.
16:34Help me, please. Someone, come quickly before I get killed.
16:38Coming, Moominmama.
16:51Oh, it's only Snap.
16:53Little My, I'm so glad you're all right.
16:56Surely you weren't worried about me, Moominmama.
16:59Well, just a little, maybe. But you're such a lucky girl. I knew you'd manage.
17:03Mama! Mama!
17:05I don't believe it.
17:07Mama, it's me, Moomin.
17:09And it's me, Snorkmaiden.
17:11Mama! Papa!
17:13Moomin, Snorkmaiden, is it really you?
17:17Is it really you? Come here and let me see you.
17:23We've come back, Mama. I was dying to see you.
17:27Oh, it's wonderful to have you back.
17:30Isn't that my niece?
17:32Aunt Emma.
17:34You look so grown up.
17:37Aunt Emma, so sorry to have missed your show, but I have so much to tell you.
17:43Hi, everybody. That was a great performance.
17:47Snorkman, I'm so glad to see you.
17:49Glad you're safe, Moomin.
17:53Those are my prisoners. They've escaped from jail. Catch them.
17:59No, cousin. I let them out because they swear they're innocent.
18:03They didn't pull up a single one of those signs.
18:06That's right. I was the one who did that deliberately.
18:09And I helped him.
18:11Very well. You are both under arrest.
18:17Who are these dreadful children?
18:19Here, dear cousin.
18:22It's forbidden. It's forbidden.
18:24Five thousand times. That's what you wanted?
18:27And are you sure there are five thousand?
18:29Oh, yes. Quite sure. I've counted them.
18:33One, two, three, four.
18:36Now that we are all together again, I would really like to go back to Moomin Valley.
18:40What shall we do with all these little pests, Snufkin?
18:43Well, little my, someone might like to foster them.
18:47You can leave them in my care, sir.
18:49In yours, Emma?
18:51Yes. Now I have some acting experience.
18:54I think I would like to start an acting school. Exactly what this theater needs.
18:58What a good idea. Do you think I would be too old to attend?
19:01Perhaps character parts?
19:03Like in my play. All is arranged for the best.
19:06So now we can go home.
19:08It is, Moominpappa. I think it's high time.
19:11Quiet, please. I've lost my count.
19:14Now I'll have to start again right from the beginning.
19:17Moominpappa, do you think we should thank the audience for their patience because they're still watching us, you know?
19:24Oh, you're right.
19:27Ladies and gentlemen, that's all for tonight. I hope you have enjoyed the performance.
19:33I think it was very kind of you to stay to the very end.
19:38Thank you.
19:50Sometimes I can almost believe the truth is stranger than fiction.
19:54Well, it is, isn't it, Moominpappa?
19:57No, not really. We writers know better. I'll write more plays.
20:02What a very good idea, Moominpappa.
20:05I think you're as good with plays as you are with memoirs.
20:08Oh, you do? Right, I'll start on the sequel as soon as we're all back home.
20:17There it is, our lovely home. At least it got a proper wash. I've never seen it so clean.
20:23What about inside?
20:25Oh, redecorated, probably.
20:28Let's go.
20:29The Moomin family spent the whole of the following week making their house cozy and comfortable.
20:34And soon each carpet, each cup and saucer and every piece of furniture was back in its proper place once again.