24 Hurry Up Snufkin (Remastered)

  • 3 months ago


00:30It's spring again in Moominvalley, and after their long winter hibernation, everyone is awake and enjoying the sunshine and the flowers.
00:43Everyone, that is, except for Moomin, who is in bed with a terrible cold.
00:49Oh, dear, Moomin, that's a nasty cough.
01:05My throat is very sore.
01:07Ah, this will help soothe it. It's one of Grandma's best potions.
01:12Ugh, it's hard.
01:16Never mind. Nice-tasting medicines don't always work as well.
01:23I want to go out. It's spring.
01:25I know, dear, but you'd catch pneumonia or something.
01:29Oh, Mama.
01:32Does anyone know why Snufkin hasn't come back yet?
01:35No. Perhaps spring came earlier this year and he wasn't ready.
01:44Snufkin had always come back to Moominvalley on the very first day of spring, but not this year.
02:03Hi, Moominpapa. Is Moomin any better?
02:06No, I'm afraid not. He's still got a nasty cough.
02:08Can I go up and see him?
02:10No, you'd better not. You might catch it.
02:17Papa's right, Sniff, and you know how poorly you get when you're ill. It's best not to take the risk.
02:21I should think he'll be up and about before very long.
02:24Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry.
02:27Moomin shouldn't have gone out in the winter, should he, Mama?
02:31No, but he couldn't go back to sleep.
02:33Snow would have that effect on anyone.
02:37Mind you, Little My was out in the cold with him, and look at her. She seems healthy enough.
02:44I'll take these flowers to Moomin later.
02:47Little My's too small to catch a cold.
02:57This is boring!
02:59I can't believe that Moomin's sick.
03:02And Snufkin's not back either.
03:04I sure wonder what's happened to him.
03:06I bet you Moomin gets better as soon as Snufkin arrives in Moomin Valley.
03:10He's never been this late coming back before.
03:13Perhaps he's got fed up with you guys.
03:16Impossible! He's very fond of me. He's told me so lots of times. He likes Moomin too, of course.
03:23He might have been captured by a highwayman.
03:26Let's go and look for him.
03:29The highwayman?
03:31For Snufkin, silly. He's got to come back so Moomin will get better. We must find him.
03:36But where do we look, Snorkmaiden?
03:38In the south.
03:39It's a big place. He could be anywhere.
03:42Well, I don't care how big it is. I'm going anyway.
03:45You're being silly.
03:46No, I'm not.
03:47I don't think your brother will like it. In fact, I know he won't.
03:51Have you gone completely bananas?
03:53No, I haven't. And you'll just have to make your own muffins.
03:57There's more to food than muffins.
03:59I was speaking figuratively.
04:01Anyway, I'm going, dear brother. And nothing you can do or say will stop me.
04:06It's for Moomin.
04:08That's a sort of harebrained scheme that could only have been dreamed up by you.
04:11What good will it do? You don't even know where he is.
04:14It is not. Moomin is pining for Snufkin.
04:17Rubbish. Men don't pine for their friends.
04:20If he isn't back yet, then he isn't coming.
04:22And if he isn't going to come, what's the point of looking for him?
04:25You won't find him anyway.
04:29He will come when he knows that Moomin is sick.
04:31Blackmail, just like a sister.
04:34Something done for love could never be blackmail.
04:37Oh, no. You're not going, and that's final.
04:39Look, why don't you and little Mai go by yourselves?
04:42Well, I didn't really make a definite decision.
04:44I just sort of said that I might come along.
04:46But if Snorkmaiden isn't going, then there doesn't seem any point, does there?
04:50And I'm not going because I think it's stupid and harebrained, too.
04:54Snufkin will come back soon.
04:56Snorkmaiden, what do you say to that?
05:06How is Moomin feeling? Any better?
05:08He's asleep now, but the cough doesn't seem so bad.
05:11And his temperature? Still quite high.
05:57Am I pleased to see you, Moomin.
06:00You looked like you needed a lift.
06:02This magic cloud must be one of those we got from the Hobgoblin's top hat.
06:06That's right. I hid one of them away.
06:09What a good idea, Moomin. You are clever.
06:12Well, it was so much fun the last time, wasn't it?
06:15Hi, Moomin!
06:17Oh, look, Snufkin. I didn't know they were here, too.
06:44Oh, just a dream.
06:55You look lousy, Moomin.
06:57Oh, thanks, Stinky. You'd better keep away.
07:00There's no need. Bugs and things like that stay away from me.
07:03They're probably frightened of someone so healthy.
07:05Mama isn't letting anyone in here. It's very dull.
07:08You fall out of bed or something?
07:10Yes, I did.
07:11I know. You were dreaming, weren't you?
07:13Unfortunately, yes.
07:15I know how you feel.
07:17I have that dream a lot.
07:21You stand on a windowsill getting ready to break the glass,
07:24and inside there's diamonds.
07:26And then, Moomin, you fall.
07:28It's not the same dream at all, Stinky.
07:30Snufkin hasn't come back yet.
07:32Have you heard anything from him? He's very late.
07:34Oh, Snufkin, um...
07:36Huh. You know something, don't you?
07:38All I know is that he went away as usual last autumn
07:41and hasn't come back yet. And then...
07:43Yes, what?
07:45Snork Maiden wanted to go looking for him
07:47because she thinks that if Snufkin comes back,
07:49you won't be sick anymore.
07:51But Snork wouldn't let her.
07:53Snork Maiden?
07:57Hey, Snork Maiden, wait!
07:59Snork Maiden!
08:06You're not serious, are you?
08:08Look, I feel perfectly all right.
08:10You look like death warmed up, if you ask me.
08:13Thanks a lot.
08:15Now, Stinky, tell me which way does Snufkin normally travel, Sal?
08:19Hey, are you going looking for him?
08:21Yes, it's not really spring in Moomin Valley if he's not around.
08:25It's just not right somehow.
08:27You're all as mad as each other.
08:29But you'll help me?
08:31I've got to try and find him, Stinky.
08:33Yes, all right, but don't tell your parents I helped you.
08:36Don't worry, I won't say a thing.
08:44Sorry, Stinky, are you okay?
08:46Oh, I'm fine.
08:50Here's your lunch, Moomin.
08:52How are you feeling, Moomin?
08:56Papa, come here quickly!
09:02Oh, no!
09:04Oh, no!
09:06Oh, no!
09:08Oh, no!
09:10Oh, no!
09:13Oh, Papa, Moomin's gone. He's not in his bed.
09:16Not in his bed? Are you sure, Mama?
09:19Of course I am.
09:21His room is empty and there's no sign of him.
09:24Perhaps he's in one of the other rooms.
09:26Don't worry, Mama, I'll find him.
09:31Yoo-hoo! Moomin!
09:38Hiya, Moominpapa!
09:40Oh, little my!
09:42What's wrong? You look worried.
09:44Moomin's gone off somewhere.
09:46I expect he must have gone to look for Snufkin.
09:51Well, you know how crazy Moomin is about him.
09:54Bit stupid, if you ask me.
09:56But he's not well. He's got a fever.
10:11Are you sure this is the right way?
10:13Of course I'm sure. I live in this forest, don't I?
10:16What if we miss each other somewhere?
10:18Well, if you think you might, don't go then. It's up to you.
10:21But I've got to...
10:27Oh, Snorlax!
10:40Oh, Snork made him.
10:44Where are you taking him, Stinky? You can see he's not well.
10:47I'm not taking him. He insisted on going. I came to look after him.
10:51Is that really right, Moomin?
10:53Yes, I wanted to find Snufkin, so he'd come back.
10:56Well, I was going to find him for you.
10:58Little my and Sniff were coming too, but they chickened out, so I came on my own.
11:02What did Snork say about that? I bet he wasn't happy.
11:05Oh, he made a big fuss, and I just let him.
11:07So you just walked out and came on your own?
11:09Brothers always think they can tell you what to do. I just ignore them.
11:12Did you tell your parents where you were?
11:14Uh, no.
11:16Did you put him up to this, Stinky? It's just the sort of thing you do.
11:19No, I did not.
11:20That's true, Snork made him.
11:23Well, I don't know how you did it, Stinky, but I know you, and I know you're to blame,
11:26and I don't think I won't find out.
11:28That's not fair, Snork made him. It was nothing to do with me at all.
11:31Oh, he's right, Snork made him.
11:33He didn't want to show me the way, but I made him.
11:37I'm taking you home.
11:39Oh, but Snork made him.
11:41No buts. You're sick, and you should be in bed, and your parents must be very worried.
11:49Oh, it's Papa. Isn't that Snork behind him?
11:52Oh, yes, it is.
11:54Uh-oh, it's time I wasn't here.
11:56I'm glad you hadn't gone too far, Moomin, or I might never have found you.
12:00I'm very sorry, Papa.
12:04I have a feeling you're behind this, Stinky. Come on, quickly, out with it.
12:08Why doesn't anyone believe me? It was Moomin's idea. I swear it was.
12:11It was, Papa. I wanted to find Snufkin.
12:16Are you all right, Moomin?
12:18Snork made him.
12:21Uh, here we go again.
12:23Snork made him. What are you doing here?
12:25I thought I told you not to go on this silly jaunt.
12:28Well, I didn't say I wouldn't, did I?
12:30Listen to me, Snork.
12:32Oh, you're looking guilty, Stinky. How did you persuade her to disobey me?
12:36See, I told you.
12:44You stay nice and warm in bed, and I'll mix some of Grandma's potion with honey for you.
12:49You'll have to be better soon, because I have a feeling Snufkin's on his way.
13:00I wish Snufkin would hurry up, then we could all get back to normal at last.
13:04My sentiments exactly.
13:07So where is Snufkin?
13:09Well, he's on his way back to Moominvalley.
13:12But he's had a very long walk, and is getting very tired now.
13:23Poor Snufkin. He's had a terrible cold as well, and is feeling rather weak.
13:54Hello. I know you, don't I?
13:58Yes, you're Snufkin.
14:14Isn't that water still a little cold for that?
14:27You'd better come by the fire and keep warm, or you'll catch cold.
14:36This is nice.
14:44Just think, I'll be the one that's set by Snufkin's fire, and he told me to keep warm and not catch cold.
14:51Hmm, that's no big thing, little fella. It's a pretty chilly night out here.
14:55Oh, it is. I've heard so many stories about you from everybody.
14:58And each year I try to watch as you go past, but I've never been brave enough to talk to you before.
15:04Stories from everybody? I don't know if I like that. In fact, I'm sure I don't.
15:09What's your name, little fella?
15:12Oh, well, I haven't got one. I'm so small that nobody's ever asked me before.
15:16I've always wanted to have a name, you know.
15:19And it was you who asked me, and I've actually met you and sat next to you at your campfire.
15:24Oh, it's so wonderful. You don't know how happy it makes me meeting you like this.
15:28Oh, come on. You do go on a bit, old fella. You just get warm now.
15:32Do you think, Snufkin... Oh, I don't know whether I should ask you, or I don't want to offend you.
15:36Oh, well, why not? Yes, I will.
15:40Perhaps you'd be kind enough to... I mean, would it be too much trouble for you to think of a name for me?
15:46There. I've said it now.
15:51Well, choosing a name's important. I'd have to think carefully about that.
15:55But it will be easy for you. You know everything.
15:58Now, listen to me. You can't look up to people too much if you want to be yourself. It's not right.
16:03But, Snufkin, you're so clever. You can do anything. Anything at all. I know you can.
16:08I've always wanted to be free like you. To do whatever I feel.
16:13Oh, I'm sorry I'm talking too much. I want to listen to you, too. All about your travels, for a start.
16:19I know you're on your way to the Moomin Valley to see all your friends.
16:22The hedgehog told me the Moomin stayed out for most of the winter, just waiting for you to come back.
16:27Now, isn't that wonderful? What?
16:30I'd love to have someone that missed me so much they were miserable until I came back.
16:34You don't know how lucky you are that you're so special.
16:37Well, perhaps I'm not going there. I might have somewhere else to visit instead.
16:44Oh, Moomin will be very sad if you don't go back.
16:48Yes, but you've got to have time to be on your own, as well.
16:51Oh, of course you have, and I've taken up too much of yours now.
16:55Right, I think I'll be off. Okay, thanks.
17:03Goodbye, Snufkin.
17:05Good night, little fella.
17:14Hey, wait a minute. What about your name?
17:17You remembered!
17:21What do you think of T.D. Woo, my friend?
17:24Yes, T.D. Woo.
17:26It's nice and happy to start with, and then a little sadness.
17:30T.D. Woo.
17:32That's right. T.D. Woo.
17:35T.D. Woo.
17:37T.D. Woo.
17:39T.D. Woo.
17:41T.D. Woo.
17:43T.D. Woo.
17:45T.D. Woo!
17:46T.D. Woo!
17:48T.D. Woo!
17:50T.D. Woo!
17:52Yahoo! That's great! It's a wonderful name!
17:56T.D. Woo!
17:58T.D. Woo. I'm glad you like it. It's the first time I've ever given anyone a name.
18:04Yeah! I think I'll build a house, and then I can put up a real nameplate that says T.D. Woo!
18:10Ah, good idea, T.D. Woo.
18:12About what I said before...
18:15You know, not going back to Moominvalley.
18:17Well, I am. I've missed Moomin and all my friends.
18:21Oh, I didn't take that seriously.
18:23You just got upset at something I said.
18:25I'm afraid that happens a lot. I guess I talk too much.
18:28Maybe you do.
18:30Oh, I'll be going back to Moominvalley a bit behind schedule,
18:33and this year spring came along early, too.
18:36But I suppose it's better late than never, as they say.
18:39Moomin will be happy. Say hello to everyone from T.D. Woo.
18:43I will, and I'll tell them how it came about.
18:47That's where you keep your harmonica, isn't it, Snufkin?
18:50It's really famous, you know.
18:52I didn't realize that.
18:54Do you know, I've never ever heard any music.
19:01Really? What would you like me to play?
19:03Anything. Oh, I know. What about Moomin's favorite?
19:43That's Snufkin!
20:39Now, at last, spring really has come to Moominvalley.