26 The Day the Lighthouse Lit Up (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00The Moomins came to this island to visit a real lighthouse, but when they got there,
00:21they found it was completely deserted.
00:24No light, and no lighthouse keeper.
00:29One papa is going to try and mend the lamp, and the others are all helping to clean up.
00:35This is it, then.
00:40Do you think it's broken, Papa?
00:41Well, I'm not sure.
00:42I've not had a great deal of experience with this sort of thing.
00:51Look over there, Moomin.
00:52It's the boy and the fisherman from the boat.
00:54They're a bit strange, aren't they?
00:58They must live somewhere here on the island.
01:01Let's see.
01:02What's this?
01:04Oh, dear.
01:05Oh, my.
01:06Oh, thank you.
01:07Leave it by the door, will you?
01:22I haven't quite finished yet.
01:23Well, at least we can see the floor now.
01:27I think the keeper must be lying dead under the dust.
01:31Nobody's cleaned here for a long time, that's for sure.
01:34That probably means the lighthouse lamp hasn't been working for ages, either.
01:37I wonder if Papa will be able to fix it.
01:41I wonder if they're going to manage to get the light working all right.
01:46Well, a lighthouse without a lamp is pretty sad, isn't it?
01:55Come on.
01:56Light, will you?
01:58I'll give you one last chance.
02:03Then I'm getting the big spanner.
02:04Now, you don't know me, but I don't give in easily, especially to machines.
02:09Have you thought, Brass Brain, what will happen tonight if there's a storm and there's a ship
02:12out there looking for land or trying to keep off the rocks and there's no light to guide
02:18You'll be sorry then, but it'll be too late.
02:19And all I can say is that if the light hasn't been working for some time, then I'm afraid
02:24that there could have been many shipwrecks.
02:26Oh, that's awful.
02:27Well, it would be dangerous to come too close to the island without a light to help you.
02:31I wouldn't be surprised if that ghost ship weren't one of them.
02:36It all seems very strange, and I wonder what made the lighthouse keeper leave in such a
02:41Unspeakable horror.
02:42Oh, please be quiet, Little My.
02:43It's obvious.
02:44Clothes thrown about, dishes left unwashed, jigsaw puzzles half-finished.
02:45It's an unsolved mystery of the sea, just like the Marie Celeste.
02:46And if you don't understand that, then you're being even stupider than usual.
02:59Oh dear, poor man.
03:02I wonder what he was like.
03:03He must have been very lonely here on his own.
03:08He scribbled messages over the walls like, no sight of a ship, it's Christmas, another
03:12month gone, I must clean the lamp, and I need to talk to someone.
03:17Oh, well, if he didn't see many ships, at least there can't have been many shipwrecks
03:24Oh, I hope not, Papa.
03:26That would be one good thing anyway.
03:28Perhaps the sea came and took him on a dark and stormy night, and he was swept out and
03:32no one saw him go.
03:33That's rubbish, Little My.
03:35On dark and stormy nights, lighthouse keepers sit safe by a fire, drinking hot tea laced
03:39with rum.
03:40He might have run out of rum and gone to get more.
03:42Well, I don't think anything terrible happened to him.
03:45He just got more and more lonely and fed up and then went off and got a girlfriend.
03:50Be careful, Snufkin.
03:52It's very rough and uneven, and you don't want to fall into the sea.
03:55I certainly don't.
03:57Now watch your step.
03:58The rocks are very slippery.
04:02Are you all right?
04:03Yes, thanks.
04:04I didn't think they'd be as slippery as all that.
04:08What's the matter?
04:09Look over there.
04:10There's something moving, but I can't see what it is.
04:13It's probably a boat.
04:14Now that's what I call a real ship.
04:17It's not a real one.
04:19What do you mean?
04:21It's the ghost ship, the one we saw last night.
04:24You're right.
04:25Why has it come back, Snufkin?
04:28What does it want?
04:29I don't know.
04:30Perhaps it followed us to the island and for some reason wants to make contact.
04:41Let's go home, Snufkin.
04:43I don't like this.
05:07What's up?
05:10Shut up.
05:11I'm having a great dream, and you're keeping me awake.
05:14It was horrible.
05:15Someone stepped on my face.
05:17Well, none of us sleepwalk, and since we were all asleep, why don't you just be quiet?
05:21This is very odd.
05:26Somebody's on my stomach now.
05:29Don't be stupid.
05:31Have a look, Snufkin.
05:33There must be something there.
05:35Please, Snufkin, please.
05:37I can't see any.
05:39What's that?
05:40What is it?
05:41I don't know yet, Moomin.
05:43I think I can see a pair of feet.
05:45A pair of feet?
05:47No legs, just feet.
05:48But, but that means...
05:50A ghost.
05:51Oh, help!
05:52Get it off me!
05:53Go away, go away!
05:54Let me at them!
05:55Where are they?
05:56I'll teach them to spoil my dream!
06:00They're on my face now!
06:01Go away!
06:02Get it off!
06:03Show me a foot and I'll stamp on it!
06:05No, stop it, Moomin!
06:07That's my foot!
06:09You go fishing again today?
06:25No, I'm not.
06:26Oh, do you need me or is it alright if I go and see those people in the lighthouse?
06:32Oh, do what you want.
06:34Okay, goodbye then.
06:39You mean this room is really haunted?
06:41It certainly is.
06:43But we only saw a pair of feet.
06:46I'll sleep here tonight.
06:47Don't worry, I'll protect you.
06:49Are you going to scare it away, Papa?
06:55I can't find any good shells.
06:57Nor me.
07:03What about this one?
07:05Oh, no!
07:07What about this one?
07:08Oh, yes!
07:09That's lovely!
07:12Go on, take it.
07:13I don't collect them.
07:18Who are you?
07:19Well, I'm a ghost, sort of.
07:21Are you the rat who walked over us last night?
07:23You were lucky I didn't grab you!
07:25Sorry, it wasn't just me.
07:27There were a few of us.
07:28Then walk over each other!
07:29Can I give you a present?
07:31You can't get around me that easily!
07:33You better show yourselves or you'll be sorry!
07:36It's just me.
07:37The others have all left me and gone off with the ship.
07:41So why didn't you go with them?
07:43Oh, I wanted to, but, uh, well...
07:46Come on!
07:47Out with it!
07:49They forgot me and left me all on my own, and I was frightened.
07:53Well, I can see why they wouldn't want a drippy thing like you around.
07:57You call yourself a ghost?
07:59I know.
08:00I'm sorry.
08:02I just can't work out what's wrong with it.
08:06Let's try and see what happens here.
08:12Oh, heavens!
08:13Oh, my!
08:15Oh, good Lord!
08:17Oh, no!
08:25Are you all right, Papa?
08:26Oh, thank goodness you're here!
08:28Quick, open all the windows!
08:30I'm choking!
08:37Oh, my!
08:51Mmm, this is great!
08:52Best soup I've had for ages, Moominmama!
08:55Would you like some more?
08:57Oh, yes, please!
08:58Can I have the recipe?
09:00I could make some for the fisherman.
09:02I know he'd love it.
09:03I'll write it out for you.
09:06What's his name?
09:07I don't know.
09:08He doesn't say.
09:09I've come from the north.
09:10I left about three months ago, although it seems a lot longer.
09:14And I've been rowing south in my small boat, trying to reach Moomin Valley.
09:19Oh, really?
09:20We live there.
09:21Do you?
09:22You're lucky.
09:23It must be very nice.
09:24I've never been there, but I've heard that it's beautiful.
09:26Anyway, there was a violent storm and my little boat capsized.
09:30He rescued me, and I've stayed with him in his cabin ever since.
09:35And he doesn't talk about himself at all?
09:36That's very strange.
09:38No, but I think he does have a big secret.
09:41How do you know, Toft?
09:43Well, sometimes he just stares and stares at the lighthouse, and then he sort of sighs.
09:47I wonder why.
09:49I did ask him once, but he glared at me in such a nasty way, I haven't dared say a word about it since.
09:55You don't want to stay with him, then?
09:57Oh, yes.
09:58Well, most of the time he's really nice to me, and since I've been here, I've sort of taken care of him.
10:03But you see, he doesn't really look after himself.
10:06Could I have a cup of tea, please, Mama?
10:09Yes, dear.
10:10How is the light coming along?
10:12Oh, not very well.
10:13There's still a few more things I could try, though.
10:16You were on that boat fishing, weren't you?
10:18Yes, I was.
10:19My name is Toft, Moominpappa.
10:21Oh, pleased to meet you.
10:23Is your friend here as well?
10:24I wanted to ask him something, something quite important.
10:27Ask him what?
10:29Well, about this lighthouse, for one thing.
10:32He doesn't talk about that.
10:33He just refuses to.
10:34Oh, dear, does he?
10:36The thing is, I'm trying to light this beacon, but having no success.
10:39I wondered whether he might know if there's an easy way of doing it.
10:42You never know.
10:43I might have missed something.
10:45It's very quiet.
10:48He might be out fishing, you know.
10:50Come on, let's go.
10:52Where are you going, Moomin?
10:53I want to ask that man some questions.
10:55He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who does a lot of talking.
10:58Do you think he might know something about the lighthouse keeper?
11:02I want to find out.
11:12My name is Moomin, and this is my friend Snufkin.
11:15What's your business here?
11:18I wondered, do you live here?
11:21I suppose you must have met the lighthouse keeper, have you?
11:25I hate it when people...
11:26We were just curious about why you left the lighthouse.
11:29Do you know why?
11:32No, he kept himself to himself.
11:34Ah, so you do know it.
11:35When did he leave?
11:37Where did he go?
11:38You must know.
11:40Oh, please.
11:41Had the light stopped working before he left?
11:44Why did he leave the door open?
11:46Were there any shipwrecks?
11:48Wait a minute.
11:49Just one more question, please.
11:51Oh, don't go.
11:52There's something very important I need to know.
11:55You're the only other person on the island, apart from the ghost ship.
11:58Oh, no, please come back.
12:00My father is trying to get the lamp working again, but not getting anywhere.
12:04So if you know where the keeper is, or better still, how to light it, will you please help?
12:09It's not only for us, but for all those ships that might be in danger without it.
12:18I don't think that man knows much about anything.
12:21Well, at least he's heard you and knows what you want.
12:25Let's go, Moomin.
12:31Over there.
12:32What's Moominpappa doing?
12:34Snortmaiden and little Maya helping him.
12:40Come on.
12:45It's about time.
12:46Where have you two been?
12:47What are you building now?
12:49We're making a house.
12:51A house?
12:52A house?
12:53A house?
12:54A house?
12:55A house?
12:56A house?
12:57A house?
12:58A house?
13:00We're making a raft.
13:02Because we want it too, stupid.
13:03Why else would we build it?
13:04Do you like it?
13:05But why do you want a raft?
13:06It's not really a raft, is it, Papa?
13:09Let me present our very own hand-built ghost ship.
13:12A ghost ship?
13:17He must be here somewhere.
13:19Well, if he's the one that walked on me last night, I want a word with him.
13:23Yeah, sorry.
13:24I'm afraid that was me and my friends.
13:27Oh, where are you?
13:29Show us a bit of leg at least.
13:30I'd like to see who I'm talking to.
13:32Yes, all right.
13:35Oh, well, at least he looks like a ghost.
13:39Thank you.
13:40Ghosts look pretty silly when the sun's shining, if you ask me.
13:43Well, it was your idea.
13:45I always thought ghosts were frightening.
13:47Yes, we forgot our chains last night.
13:49It's very hard to be ghostly without them.
13:51We did our best to scare you, though.
13:53The ghosts came to this island because the lighthouse was a bit like an ancient castle.
13:58And now when they found us here, they changed their minds and gave up.
14:00That's funny, isn't it?
14:04What's the matter?
14:05You look a bit fed up.
14:07That's because he's been left behind by the other ghosts.
14:10They've gone off in the ghost ship.
14:12Well, they didn't tell me they were going straight away.
14:15And I'd gone to the lighthouse keeper's cabin.
14:17The lighthouse keeper?
14:19Why did you go there?
14:21I wanted to tell him that some strange people,
14:23I'm sorry, I mean strangers,
14:26had moved into the lighthouse and that he'd be better off with us
14:29because ghosts don't damage things.
14:31I didn't know you then, of course.
14:33But some people are very careless.
14:35Where's his cabin? Is it easy to find?
14:37At the southern end of the island.
14:39But it was a waste of time because he wouldn't talk to me.
14:41I shouldn't have bothered.
14:43And then I would have caught the boat.
14:45Anyway, he's not going back to his job, so that's that.
14:49Bye-bye. Thanks again for the raft.
14:51Take care.
14:53I hope you catch up with your friends real soon.
14:55Thank you. You're okay for mortals.
14:57I promise next time we meet I'll be really scary.
14:59Chains and all.
15:01Lots of chains and we promise to be terrified.
15:04You can come and scare me any time you want.
15:09Or at least you can try.
15:11I promise I will. Bye.
15:14He said anything that could float would do,
15:16but that raft seemed a bit flimsy to me.
15:18I wouldn't like to chance it.
15:20It can be rough out there.
15:22Well, it doesn't matter anyway.
15:25They can't drown, can they? They're dead already.
15:37What is it, Moomin dear?
15:39Papa's gone fishing again.
15:41Well, he enjoys it.
15:43Well, that's all he seems to do these days.
15:45He's not working on the lamp at all.
15:47Well, perhaps living in a new place
15:49makes him want to do a new thing,
15:51and he does catch one now and again.
15:58What are you making, little boy?
16:00An elevator.
16:02An elevator?
16:04Yes, and when that's finished, I'm going to build a house.
16:06Oh, my goodness.
16:08A house of my very own.
16:13Moominpappa doesn't seem his usual happy self,
16:15even though he enjoys his fishing.
16:17He's upset that he couldn't make the lamp work
16:19and isn't used to failure,
16:21but nothing he tries makes any difference.
16:23What a pity it would be to leave the island
16:25without seeing the beautiful beams
16:27shining over the water.
16:31Oh, dear.
16:33Oh, dear.
16:35Oh, dear.
16:37Oh, dear.
16:40Oh, dear.
17:06Hey, come and have a look, everyone.
17:09I've finished my house.
17:13Hey, Moominpappa, come here.
17:15The fisherman's coming.
17:17What, the fisherman?
17:19Yes, and the boy is with him.
17:21Papa's outside?
17:29You don't want to do it, do you?
17:31No, but I've got to do it.
17:39Here you are.
17:41So, uh,
17:43what can we do for you?
17:57Happy birthday!
17:59Happy birthday to you!
18:03Happy birthday!
18:05Happy birthday to you!
18:10Toph just told us it's your birthday today,
18:12so all the best wishes from us.
18:14My birthday?
18:16Is it really?
18:18Excuse me for asking,
18:20but how old are you?
18:22I just don't remember.
18:24It doesn't matter.
18:26I'm sorry we don't have any presents.
18:28I haven't had coffee
18:30for many, many years.
18:34Bring the barrel, Moominmama.
18:37Now, let me see.
18:39I found this salwester.
18:41I wonder if it suits me.
18:43What do you think?
18:47I suppose this must have belonged
18:49to the lighthouse keeper.
18:51Why don't you try it on, huh?
18:53You'd look good in a salwester.
18:55There, it suits you.
18:59We'd love to know
19:01why you left the island
19:03and why you didn't come back here
19:05and also why you didn't like the land.
19:07We really would like to know
19:09if you feel you could tell us.
19:11I was so lonely
19:13for years and years.
19:15Then I just went away.
19:19I'm afraid that's all.
19:23But you did come back.
19:25Surely that must mean something.
19:27I knew I'd lived here
19:29for too long,
19:31much too long.
19:34It doesn't really fit in anywhere else.
19:42This is the lighthouse keeper's uniform,
19:44isn't it?
19:46Why don't you put it on again?
19:48And look, it's nice here.
19:50I'd like to stay. Would you mind that?
19:52I'll stay if you let me.
19:54Oh, I'd love that.
19:56It'd be fun to see you
19:58looking like a lighthouse keeper.
20:08Hooray for you!
20:18Three days later,
20:20the Moomins left the island.
20:22They decided to leave at night
20:24with the safe blow
20:26of the lighthouse beams
20:28guiding their path
20:30out and away to Moomin Valley.
20:33Moominpappa had quite forgotten
20:35about his epic novel of the sea
20:37but couldn't wait to start again
20:39on his memoirs.