• last year
01:00Remember you're visiting people tomorrow morning at their homes.
02:52Cześć, Andrzej.
02:54Możesz poczekać na zewnątrz?
03:05No, no, co, co? Zobaczysz, na noc wróciłem.
03:07Nie, nie, skąd?
03:13Dużo roboty miałem w firmie, siedzieliśmy do późna i...
03:18O co ci chodzi?
03:20A tobie o co chodzi? A raczej o kogo?
03:23No o czym ty mówisz?
03:25Ja mówię o tym, że ja wyjeżdżam do Polski, a ty w tym czasie zastanów się,
03:29kto jest dla ciebie ważniejszy, ja czy ta twoja matka.
03:40Widziałem, facetowiec wydrukował...
03:42Wiesiek, za pół godziny mam spotkanie.
03:44Za pół godziny! Uspokój się tam!
03:46Danusiu, spokojnie.
03:48Jak nie dostaniemy tego kontraktu, to jest po nas, rozumiesz?
03:51Do ambasady, po zapomogę i na bilet. Do Polski.
04:00Drukować umiesz?
04:02Tak, myślę, że umiem.
04:04To drukuj.
04:08I enter.
04:11Ręce do góry!
04:19Trafiłem cię!
04:32Ja jadę, a to spotkanie.
04:34Wszystko dobrze?
04:39Wiesiek, a ty na lotnisko.
04:41Nie zapomnij odebrać mariołki i młodego.
04:43Tak? No tak!
04:45Ręce do góry!
04:48Ręce do góry!
04:58Cześć, Aaron.
05:01Dzień dobry.
05:08Siedź tutaj na sekundę.
05:10Powinienem cię załatwić wkrótce.
05:48Dzień dobry.
06:02A ty co zrobiłeś?
06:05Single action, Agresor.
06:27Darek, prawda?
06:31I Marion.
06:35Trzeba się czasem zabawić, nie?
06:37To czasami ważniejsze od inwestycji.
06:42No dobrze, powiedzcie mi, co sądzicie o moim projekcie.
06:46Po prostu...
06:53Znaczy, ja się na architekturze nie znam,
06:55ale jak dla mnie to za dużo okien...
07:02Za dużo okien od północy.
07:05Będzie mało naturalnego światła
07:07i będziesz płacić straszne rachunki za prąd.
07:09Za dużo okien.
07:11Znaczy, od północy.
07:13I just said there are too many windows
07:15from the northern side of the design.
07:17That's exactly what I said.
07:22Yes? Just a second.
07:29Yeah, we've got to do it again.
07:48Ten się śmieje, kto nie śmieje ostatnio.
07:52No ale gdzie, dlaczego nie przyjechał po mnie?
07:54Trzy tygodnie mnie nie było, tak?
07:56Nie rozumiem, możesz mi odpowiedzieć na pytanie?
07:58No jest, jest.
08:00Ale gdzie jest Darek?
08:02U Pati.
08:04Jakiej Pati?
08:06U Pati, no kontrakt załatwia za konkretne pieniądze.
08:08Co to jest Pati?
08:10No kontrakt załatwia za konkretne pieniądze.
08:12Co ty za zdrosna jesteś?
08:14Przestańcie, przestańcie.
08:15No załatwia?
08:17Jaka Pati, jaki kontrakt, o co ci chodzi?
08:19Za konkretne pieniądze, no.
08:28Dobra, pokażcie te wasze teczki.
08:51Same cyferki, nuda.
08:53Ale to kosztorys przecież.
08:55Miał być kosztorys, tak?
08:57Powiedzcie lepiej coś o sobie.
09:00Jak mamy razem pracować, musimy się poznać, Darek.
09:02Po pierwsze.
09:06Co ja mam powiedzieć?
09:08Ja w zasadzie robię w tej samej branży, co ty.
09:10Znaczy, w show biznesie.
09:12Mam klub taki, muzyczny.
09:16A gdzie?
09:17Marian's Club.
09:18Na Ealingu.
09:20Znaczy, teraz na Ealingu, ale...
09:22Nie znam.
09:24Ale chętnie poznam.
09:26A to może wpadniesz dzisiaj wieczorem, co?
09:28What are my plans for tonight?
09:30Tonight you're meeting the video director.
09:32Cancel that.
09:54Hey, don't worry.
09:56It's all part of the statutory holiday time.
09:58I planned this all by myself.
10:00It's her 22nd birthday.
10:06You do remember we have to visit voters today.
10:12Wszystkiego najlepszego.
10:14Co tak oficjalnie?
10:22No, to ja po robocie
10:24I'm gonna put them here, on a cake,
10:26and something stronger.
10:30You'll be there, right?
10:32I have a lot of work.
10:34I don't know what to do.
10:36Well, who's alive?
10:40100 years!
10:42Magda is alive!
10:54Thank you.
11:14How many times have I told you about the blue shirt?
11:16The blue shirt builds up...
11:18It builds trust. It builds character.
11:20And that's what you need.
11:22Let's go.
11:28Good morning.
11:30My name is Andrzej Kora.
11:32And where's your tie? I told you to wear a tie.
11:36And don't even think about calling her.
11:52Good morning.
11:56My name is Andrzej Koren.
12:00Andrzej Koren.
12:02I'm running for the councillor.
12:04Oh, I see.
12:16Good morning.
12:18Can I speak about Jesus?
12:28My name is...
12:42Your German friends have been unusually interested in the glue for two years.
12:46During the last six months, they've bought two patents similar to the one you're asking about.
12:50Maybe their GM is keen on building model aircrafts.
12:54I doubt there's a plane big enough that would need the 59,000 tonnes of glue
12:58they've got stuck in warehouses from Moscow to Paris.
13:02As you can imagine, their website doesn't exactly brag about that.
13:04Yeah, but what the hell do they need another formula for?
13:08Only to prevent somebody else's glue being sold before their own.
13:11Thanks, Roger. You've just become my best friend.
13:21If you build a good contract,
13:23you can pay little in exchange for big profits from production.
13:27Which will never come.
13:45Good morning, Mrs Pavle.
13:48Antoni, as usual, took the phone.
13:50Good morning, Mrs Helenko.
13:53We need to talk to him right away.
13:56No, no, it's not possible today.
13:58He's got a meeting about his invention.
14:02He's signing a contract or something.
14:05Which one?
14:06The fifth one.
14:07In some office.
14:09Some strange name.
14:12Krojca or something.
14:15That's beautiful.
14:16Okay, thank you very much, Mrs Helenko.
14:18So what?
14:20I'm kidding.
14:21About the fifth one.
14:22Thanks to some Krojc office.
14:24Something, something, something.
14:25Antoni will become a paper millionaire.
14:27Krojc, Ashley, Mel?
14:29Do you know them?
14:30I do.
14:32Get dressed. I have to make a call.
14:36Hi, John.
14:38Maria, hi.
14:40Better late than never.
14:42Well, you know, tomorrow never dies.
14:44All right.
14:46What do you need me for?
14:48Tell me, do you still work for Krojc, Ashley, Mel?
14:52Let's say I do.
14:54Let's say.
14:56I need to get hold of the contract.
14:58And you?
15:00Let's say I do.
15:02Let's say.
15:04I need to get hold of the contract.
15:06That one of your branches is drawing up for WOS Investor.
15:10You're joking, right?
15:12Come on, John, it's feasible.
15:14You log into your network and copy the date from the server.
15:18And the logs will lead directly to me?
15:21If anything happens, you just say what you always say.
15:25And what's in it for me?
15:27For starters, I won't tell anyone the truth about MTA's bankruptcy.
15:32I'll see what I can do.
15:34Okay. John, you've got an hour. Bye.
15:57I'm sorry.
16:03There's no date for the production of glue.
16:06I just want us to be able to share this knowledge with Antoni.
16:09We will.
16:13This is John's friend.
16:17He's my friend.
16:19Your friend?
16:28Good afternoon, sir.
16:30Andrew Corrin for counsellor for the next election.
16:33How are you?
16:35Andrew Corrin for counsellor.
16:37Good afternoon.
16:39Andrew Corrin for counsellor.
16:41Next election.
16:47You'd better come in. You'd better come in now. Now!
16:50You'd better come in. You'd better come in now. Now!
17:29Are you stupid?
17:31What were you doing in London?
17:33I was working.
17:37I was dancing.
17:39Your daughter has a chance to become a professional model.
17:42I have a proposal to sign a contract.
17:45She has to study.
17:47There's a school there, too.
18:01What's your interest in this?
18:03When Ola signs this contract, I'll get another job offer.
18:08Are you going to take advantage of this?
18:10No, it's just a scheme.
18:12I found Ola for the agency's offer.
18:14She'll pay me for it.
18:16I don't want anything from Ola. I'm not taking any money from her.
18:22How can you be sure that my daughter won't lose money?
18:26You won't know until you let her try.
18:33I'm from here, too.
18:35From here?
18:37Yes, I'm from Srokovo.
18:42I know you're afraid.
18:46I'm not afraid.
19:17It's locked.
19:34This is my treasure.
19:45Hi, boy.
19:48It's for me?
19:50No, for you.
19:52You can hold it.
19:57Give it to me.
20:00Come here, boy.
20:02I don't want it.
20:04You've grown up, boy.
20:26We're here to see Antoni Duraczek.
20:28You can't go in there.
20:30I'm going to the auditorium.
20:32Have you signed it yet?
20:36What are you doing here?
20:37Please leave.
20:38You're from Andiloyte.
20:40My name is Maria Rost.
20:41And I'm counsel for Mr. Antoni Duracz.
20:43And this is my partner, Paul Kozlewski.
20:45Mr. Duracz informed us he didn't need a counsel.
20:47He changed his mind.
20:49That's it.
20:50This is some kind of joke.
20:52I'm calling the security.
20:54Wait, wait.
20:56They're with me.
21:03The contract appears to be very lucrative.
21:06Point one.
21:07Article two states that Mr. Duracz
21:10will be provided with as much as 20%
21:12of the profit from the glue sales
21:14for the first three years
21:16after production has begun.
21:18Quite nice.
21:20You've interrupted our meeting
21:22just to inform us about it?
21:24The question is when production will begin.
21:26These particulars are relevant to the contract.
21:28On the contrary, we have found out
21:30that at the moment
21:32the SFAB's warehouses across Europe
21:34are filled with 49,000 tons of glue,
21:37which the concern isn't able to sell
21:40and because of the crisis won't be able to sell.
21:43Its value exceeds 50 million euros.
21:45But what's the connection?
21:47Are you trying to convince us
21:49that the company is going to invest
21:51another 10 million in Mr. Duracz's formula
21:53while it's unable to sell
21:55even a fraction of its own supplies?
21:57What's more, the SFAB is working
21:59on its own formula
22:01that has already costed more than 15 million.
22:03It's ridiculous.
22:05Yeah, I agree.
22:15Are you accusing our client
22:17of monopolistic practices?
22:19It's a very simple way of proving otherwise.
22:21Why didn't you and Mr. Antoni Duracz
22:23sign a contract that would guarantee him
22:255% of the profit from the glue sales
22:27no matter what formula would be used?
22:57It's a business, isn't it?
22:59Oh, not only.
23:01So what?
23:03Give me one more chance.
23:05Do you want to see the photos in the factory?
23:07Come on.
23:11Oh, Jesus.
23:13What a place.
23:39Hi, Maciuś.
23:41Do you remember me?
23:43Maciuś, look who's here.
23:45Oh, my God.
23:49Why didn't you tell me?
23:53Iza, quick!
24:35What's going on here?
24:37Clean up the toys, son, will you?
24:39What's wrong with you?
24:43You're with Aśka, aren't you?
24:45You don't answer my calls.
24:47I didn't come back last night.
24:49We were sitting over my campaign.
24:51I fell asleep in the office.
24:53With Magda.
24:57I didn't sleep with her.
24:59I just fell asleep.
25:01Aśka thinks differently.
25:03Are you surprised?
25:05No, I'm not.
25:07It doesn't matter now.
25:09She's gone to Poland.
25:11To Poland?
25:15She's interested in that girl
25:17who slept with us last night.
25:21You're so stupid.
25:23Just like my Darek.
25:25I think you'll do something about it.
25:27Who's that?
25:39It's for you, isn't it?
25:47I thought you'd come to the party.
25:51I've been working a lot lately.
25:53Can I help you?
25:55I forgot something.
25:59What are you doing here?
26:03I baked a cake.
26:07I thought we'd have a drink of champagne.
26:11I don't understand.
26:15I think you understand very well.
26:17Very well.
26:21Let's go.
26:51Where's the party?
26:53What party?
26:55I have to go to work.
26:57Did you forget?
26:59What kind of work
27:01do you have to look so good?
27:03You're complaining.
27:05In the hotel, you know.
27:07I'm not complaining.
27:09I'm going to work.
27:11I'm going to work.
27:13I'm going to work.
27:15I'm going to work.
27:17I'm going to work.
27:19I'm going to work.
27:21I'm going to work.
27:23I'm going to work.
27:49I'm going to work.
28:01Very good.
28:03I know.
28:07Three is enough.
28:09And the other one.
28:15All right?
28:17All right?
28:19Good afternoon.
28:21I'd like a glass of water, please.
28:27I'd like a glass of water, please.
28:39I'd like a glass of water, please.
28:43It fell out.
28:47It fell out.
28:49How could we do something like that?
28:53After all,
28:55he took care of you.
28:57And you have to pay back
28:59in this way, right?
29:01I have to say.
29:05And you helped him.
29:09A glass of water.
29:11Good afternoon.
29:13I'd like to thank Marian.
29:23He's a very good guy.
29:37What is he talking about?
29:39He's so crazy.
29:43He invited her to the club.
29:45He's a clown.
29:53So you have to go to the club, too.
29:55Because you'll be a clown yourself.
29:57Why should I?
29:59To see how they make a contract?
30:01Will you let her go?
30:03Marian, what can I do?
30:05Let's go.
30:09To the club.
30:11Where to?
30:13What about the kid?
30:15We'll put him to sleep.
30:17I'll ask Mrs. Alina to look after him.
30:19Come on, get dressed.
30:23I'm not going anywhere.
30:25What did he do to you?
30:29What do you mean, nothing?
30:31I can see you're crying.
30:33It's none of your business.
30:37How are you?
30:39Welcome to the building of the year.
30:41With your wife.
30:43Come to the table.
30:45You'll have a very good view from here.
30:49Come on in.
30:55You'll see how it's done.
31:11Here you are.
31:13I've prepared the best table for you.
31:15What would you like to drink?
31:17What do you propose?
31:19I have a special drink.
31:23It's called...
31:25I won't tell.
31:49Excuse me,
31:51a few words.
31:53We've met here
31:55on the thresholds.
31:57Maciek, thank you.
32:01We've met here to...
32:03Yes, yes.
32:05We've met here to drink,
32:07but also to celebrate
32:09the creation of a new club
32:11with a limited responsibility.
32:13Interlabo in Lodz.
32:17My partner, Antoni.
32:25We'll stay here a little longer,
32:27so if any of you hear
32:29about a free party...
32:31Have fun!
32:35Ladies and gentlemen,
32:37meet my good friend,
32:43Hi, Paweł.
32:45Marek works in the Information Department
32:47of the Ministry of Regional Development
32:49and deals with
32:51European funds.
32:53You can earn additional money
32:55for your country.
32:57You have a good chance.
32:59I'm not interested.
33:01But I'd like to try.
33:03OK, I'll tell you.
33:05Have you heard
33:07what your friends from the City did?
33:11They wanted to start a Polish guild.
33:13What are you talking about?
33:15They wrote about it in the press.
33:17I heard it was a rumor.
33:19Don't talk to him.
33:21He's unreformed.
33:59I'm sorry.
34:27Magic, come on!
35:43What are you doing here?
35:45These are the planes.
35:57I was supposed to be here at 9.
36:05What's going on here?
36:11Did you talk to her?
36:13I've been sitting here like an idiot for an hour.
36:19Do you want to sing something?
36:31Thanks for yesterday.
36:33I wouldn't have thought
36:35that our builders are such nice guys.
36:37But it has nothing to do with business.
36:41You're cheaper
36:43but 10 months is too long.
36:45I can't wait that long.
36:47I'll close at 9.
36:49You can do it faster.
36:51Even faster?
36:53The English will do it at 7.
36:55Only 15% more expensive.
36:57I'm sorry, gentlemen.
36:59It's a waste of your time.
37:19She danced with us
37:21and gave the contract to the Angolans.
37:25But she was having so much fun with you.
37:33And the Angolans have a job.
37:35The construction company is down.
37:37The pub is going to zero.
37:41Savings have been eaten.
37:43We'll have to pay the interest.
37:51The job for Patty
37:53was to be or not to be for me.
37:55I don't give a fuck.
38:01What did she smoke
38:03at the concert?
38:11Did she pay your bill yesterday?
38:15She poked at the VIP.
38:23I don't give a fuck.
38:47Here you are.
38:49What's this?
38:55How long have you been together?
38:57We're not formally together yet,
38:59but it's a matter of a few days.
39:13Are you going to finish it by the end of the year?
39:15We don't intend to.
39:17We'll finish it.
39:19Do the Angolans give you a better term?
39:23So what?
39:25They've left the stage?
39:27Do they have a smaller dream?
39:29What are you thinking about?
39:39When will I meet your Andrzej?
39:43Why are you so upset?
39:45You don't want to introduce yourself
39:47to your father-in-law?
39:49He's not my fiancé.
39:51If you live together,
39:53are you planning a wedding?
39:55Dad, please.
39:57Can't you plan anything in London?
39:59I can, but I need time.
40:01I live there much faster.
40:05Faster or not,
40:07the boy should know us.
40:59Do you like it?
41:07Ola's mum signed the contract.
41:19You're crazy.
41:27I only depend on you.
42:15Will you marry me?
42:37Maybe we'll get married together.
42:39If I tell her what I know,
42:41she'll kill me.
42:43Mr. Cory, can I have a few words with you?
42:45She's running webbed or webbed?
42:47Webbed, webbed.
42:49So bloody boring.
42:53Do you still love her?
42:55It's going to change my life.
42:57What are you talking about, George?
42:59Leave my mother alone.
43:01Emily passed away.
43:15I love you.
43:17I love you.
43:19I love you.
43:21I love you.
43:23I love you.
43:25I love you.
43:27I love you.
43:29I love you.
43:31I love you.
43:33I love you.
43:35I love you.
43:37I love you.
43:39I love you.
43:41I love you.
43:43I love you.
43:45I love you.
43:47I love you.
43:49I love you.
43:51I love you.
43:53I love you.
43:55I love you.
43:57I love you.
43:59I love you.
44:01I love you.
44:03I love you.
44:05I love you.
44:07I love you.
44:09I love you.
44:11I love you.
44:13I love you.
44:15I love you.
44:17I love you.
44:19I love you.
44:21I love you.
44:23I love you.
44:25I love you.
44:27I love you.
44:29I love you.
44:31I love you.
44:33I love you.
44:35I love you.
44:37I love you.