• 3 months ago
00:00I'd like that lady to take care of me.
00:24I didn't realize you are this famous didgeridoo.
00:27Why are you helping me?
00:29You invited him here?
00:30It's fine, you'll see.
00:33The winner is...
00:34Dara Mekanski.
00:38Oh, how beautiful.
00:43Excuse me, young man, but I must go to my house.
00:47What house? She doesn't have a house. She's crazy.
00:52Let's go.
00:53Oh my goodness.
00:54You know, traveling is freedom.
00:58And sometimes escape.
01:24Yeah, are you questioning your size?
01:28Is there a tumor in your humor?
01:31Are the bags under your eyes?
01:33Do you leave dents where you sit?
01:36Are you getting on a bit?
01:38Will you survive?
01:40You must survive.
01:43When there's no love in town
01:47This new century keeps bringing you down
01:53All the places you have been
01:57Trying to find
02:00A love supreme
02:02A love supreme
02:22Hi, Sarah.
02:35How was your flight?
02:39Brought you something.
02:43Lovely. Thank you.
02:49What's going on?
02:50I thought you came to pick me up.
02:52Is it very cold in Moscow?
02:55Not as cold as at this table.
03:00Paul, I need to tell you something.
03:03My company's sending me to Kuala Lumpur.
03:06My plane leaves in an hour.
03:08Sarah, you didn't say a word when I called you.
03:14This relationship isn't going anywhere.
03:17I'm sure you've noticed that.
03:19In the last six months, we've spent, I don't know, eight days together.
03:23I counted.
03:24Is it because I went to Moscow?
03:28You just got back and now I'm leaving.
03:32It's pointless.
03:33Oh, no.
03:36Come on, Sarah.
03:39No, no.
03:40No, wait.
04:00You forgot something.
04:05No, it's not mine.
04:20Welcome home.
04:22Oh, you look fucking knackered.
04:26Moscow hall is so hot.
04:28Yeah, I sure miss the English sense of humour.
04:31Can I have some water, please?
04:33I'm glad you're back.
04:35We're closing your Arra deal.
04:37I want you to negotiate it before you left.
04:39Al-Kahid is horny for this cable TV company like a hundred wild horses,
04:44but there is a problem.
04:48What problem?
04:50I know, and don't ask me how I know,
04:53that tomorrow afternoon this station won't be worth as much as it was this morning.
04:59They'll be refused a bank loan.
05:02Does our Sheikh know about it?
05:04No, he doesn't.
05:05So we need to close it as quickly as possible.
05:07Let me get it straight.
05:09Does it mean we're selling him a piece of shit?
05:13I've already invested the commission.
05:15Want your lunch?
05:16So we need to go ahead.
05:18All right?
05:19All right.
05:29Very tasty.
05:31For fuck's sake.
05:37Kasia, we're going to have to cancel the trip to Castle Rock today.
05:40Sadat's got a stomach bug.
05:41Oh, I see.
05:43But couldn't we find a different driver?
05:46It's the last chance to visit Castle Rock.
05:48The owners close it for summer.
05:51Anyway, it's only Emily who wants to go on the trip.
05:53One person's not enough to justify the journey.
05:57But will you tell her this?
06:01Maybe I can go there.
06:03I've got driving lessons.
06:04I've been driving a lot.
06:05But you're not a professional.
06:08Neither is Sadat.
06:09But he's been working here for years.
06:10I know what I can expect from him.
06:12Yeah, stomach bug.
06:13He drives slowly and carefully.
06:15And I drive for free.
06:17You can pay me a regular salary and you'll have an additional healthy driver.
06:23They have so few amusements.
06:25Emily's been getting ready for this trip for three days.
06:30Oh, sorry.
06:32Excuse me.
06:36Look at her.
06:39Do you actually know the way to Castle Rock?
06:43Do you have a map?
06:45I've found everything.
06:56Look at her.
07:17Watch out for tequila!
07:24Yes, this is Słom?
07:26This is me. What's the matter?
07:28I'm a journalist from the NZ newspaper.
07:30I'd like to interview you.
07:32I have an interview.
07:33Interview? With me?
07:35Are you the builder who won the award of the year on the islands?
07:42If I build something, I will definitely apply.
07:45So where can we meet?
07:47At your place?
07:50On the island?
07:51More precisely?
07:53I've already written it down, thank you.
07:58Some journalist from Poland wants to do an interview with me.
08:03It's free advertising, isn't it?
08:32I'm gonna take you back
08:45Good morning, Mrs. Jadziu.
08:47Good morning, Mr. Paweł, hello.
08:49I haven't seen you for a long time.
08:51Well, you know, I've been traveling a bit.
08:53Is that all?
08:55Thank you.
08:56I would also like two portions, as usual.
08:59Oh no, I sold them all. I'm sorry.
09:02I'm kidding, Mrs.
09:03I think it's my fault.
09:05Well, I guess so.
09:07But I'm sorry, are you going to eat it all?
09:10No, but my boss really likes dumplings.
09:12I have a party at work today, so...
09:14Well, I have a problem, because I also really like dumplings.
09:18And you know what?
09:19Maybe I could give you two portions in the evening, if I can hide.
09:25Goodbye, Mrs. Jadziu.
09:29The deal is on.
09:33Seriously, I'll try not to starve to death until the evening.
09:41I'm a monk.
09:44Yeah, yeah.
09:47It's okay?
09:51What are you doing?
09:52Well, Steven has a cover session for his album tomorrow.
09:55And we're looking for an idea.
09:57And where's Mariolka?
09:59She went for a walk again.
10:01The key is in the drawer.
10:11Are you looking for the idea for the cover?
10:14I can't find it.
10:16Shit, I mean, this record is paralyzing me.
10:21You know what?
10:23Can I try my makeup idea?
10:26What idea?
10:27Let me make you up.
10:29If you don't like it, it's okay.
10:33All right.
11:33Oh, fuck.
11:49Tu skręcamy.
11:50Tak, tak, tak, tak.
11:51W lewo na Cunbridge Wells direction.
11:54My house is in the Brighton direction.
11:57Emily, we're going to the Castle Rock, all right?
12:01My house is closer.
12:03Where's this house?
12:05Oh, it's at the seaside.
12:07At Raven's Hill, three miles from the village.
12:21The Brighton direction, my friend.
12:23The Brighton direction.
12:32Okay, lady.
13:27Dzielna Polka w dżungli Londynu.
13:32Czemu nie?
13:33Dla niej to będzie darmowa reklama.
13:36A jak do niej dotrzeć?
13:42Ona pracowała w takim ośrodku opieki społecznej w Sevenoaks.
13:47To jest na południe od Londynu, nie?
13:50Ja mam tam jakiś numer telefonu, ale nie wiem, czy aktualny.
13:53Nie, nie trzeba.
13:54Dam sobie radę.
13:59Czy to już wszystko?
14:12Dziwny ten dziennikarz.
14:14Czemu dziwny?
14:16On nic nie zapisał w tym kojecie, ani słowa.
14:18Sam widziałem.
14:19No super.
14:56Emily, wait up.
14:57Hey, are you sure that it's your house?
14:59By Kasia.
15:00I should know where I live.
15:06Come along, my dears.
15:08Come along.
15:24Come along.
15:26Come along.
15:49Come along, my dears.
15:50Come along inside.
15:51Emily, is that really your house?
15:53It really is my house.
15:55Come along.
15:56Welcome to my house.
15:57Come along in.
16:01Come in.
16:02Yeah, thank you.
16:12Here you are, my dears.
16:18It's amazing.
16:20Here we are.
16:22Oh, Emily.
16:24Emily, it's you.
16:25Oh, my dears.
16:27Wojtek, Wojtek, come here.
16:29With Aidan Green.
16:32We came second in 1953 in the ballroom championships in Blackpool.
16:38He's handsome.
16:39He was my first partner.
16:42And my first lover.
16:54May I help you?
16:58I'm looking for Kasia Przybylska.
17:00She's working here, right?
17:01Oh, yes.
17:02Kasia is on a trip today.
17:06I didn't know you were on a trip.
17:07That's nice.
17:09I'm Kasia's brother.
17:10I knew it.
17:11I always meet Poles.
17:14I would never tell you that you're Polish.
17:18Did you think I was English?
17:19English women are not that beautiful.
17:23I invite you for tea.
17:24Kasia will be back soon.
17:25No, no.
17:26Have a walk.
17:28See you.
17:39Here we are.
17:41Young lady.
17:43Are you allowed to drink?
17:45Elderly dancers have a head for alcohol.
17:47Believe me.
17:50Pour the sack, young man.
18:22Oh, my goodness.
18:27What do you mean?
18:28What do you call that?
18:31It's a tango, right?
18:33You call that a tango?
18:36Come here, young man.
18:38Come on.
18:40Come on.
18:42Come on.
18:44Come on.
18:46Come on.
18:48Come on.
18:49Come here, young man.
18:50Come on.
18:53Now, stand up straight.
19:05Now, follow my steps.
19:20The tango is a lover's fight.
19:23Attracting and pushing away.
19:26You possess her.
19:28But you cannot possess her.
19:31Do you understand?
19:36Emine, we have to go back.
19:38All right, all right.
19:39Come along, Kasia.
19:41It's your turn.
19:49Hands up.
19:58Hands up.
20:19Hands up.
20:30What are you drinking?
20:31The same thing.
20:38I couldn't leave earlier.
20:41If I were your boss,
20:43I wouldn't let you go either.
20:46He's gay.
20:48I'm gay.
20:51He just likes to hang out with pretty girls.
21:19There's no one in this car either.
21:22But Wojtek, we have to go back.
21:25But I can't go without the keys, can I?
21:30I was looking outside,
21:31but I can't look without the flashlight.
21:34OK, so...
21:36I'm going.
21:38I'm going.
21:40I'm going.
21:42I'm going.
21:44I'm going.
21:45I'm going.
21:46I'm going.
21:47I'm going.
21:49I'm going to call the center.
22:08Oh, shit.
22:12What happened to your phone?
22:18I'm going to call somewhere.
22:20I'm going.
23:18I'm sorry it took so long.
23:20But we were still talking about stylization.
23:23Did he give you the job?
23:24Yeah, he invited me to a photo shoot tomorrow.
23:27I'm free tomorrow at work.
23:30And if he invited you, did he give you the job?
23:33And tomorrow there's going to be a famous photographer.
23:37And that's a great chance for me.
23:39I can't just come in and say,
23:41I need a job.
23:43You don't do that in this industry.
23:45Of course I do.
23:46You don't.
23:48But what you've done is great.
23:50Is it?
23:51Did you like it?
23:52Very much.
23:55Let this clown appreciate himself.
23:58So what?
23:59So what?
24:07Are you really going to take that job?
24:12I can't believe it.
24:14I can't believe it.
24:16Do you know how it is?
24:18For some, 100 pounds is a lot.
24:21And for others, 100 million is very little.
24:25You know, I'm fooled just like Saragami.
24:28What? You're fooled too?
24:33It happens.
24:45If you sell a guy a TV for 198 million pounds,
24:50the next day it will be worth 120 million.
24:53And you know that.
24:55So are you fooling him or not?
24:58I don't know.
25:03Because it's business.
25:05Someone has to lose,
25:07so that someone else can win.
25:22I called the boss, she's pissed, but she won't do anything, right?
25:40No, I'm sorry. It's not your fault.
25:54I thought I would escape.
26:01I went to England and he found me.
26:06The phone rang.
26:10It was him.
26:19My husband.
26:35My husband.
26:56Good morning.
26:58Good morning.
27:05Good morning.
27:11How's Emily?
27:13I think she's great.
27:15She went for a walk.
27:18How did she go for a walk?
27:20Are you crazy?
27:35God, God, God, where is she?
27:39She's probably hiding somewhere.
27:41She knows she has to go back inside.
27:43But you didn't see how happy she is here.
27:45She doesn't want to go back, do you understand?
27:47What happened to her?
27:48It happened, it happened.
27:49She went to watch the waves.
27:50That's what happened.
28:19Asha, there's a client for makeup.
28:21I'm not working today.
28:23I must take some of my stuff.
28:26She's one of our regulars and you will do her makeup.
28:29But you gave me a day off.
28:32I have a very important session today.
28:36Did you forget?
28:38Isn't your head getting too big?
28:42I'm sorry, I must leave.
28:45I have an appointment.
28:46I'm sorry too, but if you go now, don't bother to come back.
28:59What did I do?
29:00I had to go to that party.
29:02Okay, don't panic, okay?
29:03Not only did we kidnap her, we also lost her.
29:10Emily, where were you?
29:12We've been looking for you everywhere.
29:14Hello, my dears, how are you?
29:17Isn't the weather wonderful?
29:19Where were you?
29:20I went shopping.
29:22Why, whatever is the matter?
29:25For lunch.
29:26I promised you a Yorkshire pudding, didn't I?
29:29Come on, young man, help me with the bags.
29:32Of course.
29:34I hope you're hungry.
29:35Yes, I am hungry and I am angry.
29:39Emily, please don't be angry.
29:41You won't be angry when you taste my Yorkshire pudding.
29:43I promise you, it is really very good.
29:46It's good, yeah?
29:57Come along.
29:58Thank you, thank you.
30:12Yeah, yeah.
30:13Wait, wait.
30:16OK, let's make a break.
30:28So, what do you think about it?
30:34Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have a look.
30:36Great, yeah?
30:39She has a talent.
30:40Good profile.
30:41Yeah, yeah. Very good.
30:42She has a talent.
30:48So you really quit your job?
30:50I would have done it sooner or later.
30:55At first it was really cool and I did more than I had to.
31:00And I guess it was a mistake.
31:02No, you got used to that.
31:04When someone had to stay longer, it was always me.
31:08And if there were, you know, interesting training or workshop, there was always someone else.
31:15And now this job was you.
31:17I had to come to this session.
31:19Don't worry. Listen.
31:20Soon we're going to make the video for the single.
31:23I'm going to need you.
31:27Can I be in it?
31:29Look, you're fantastic.
31:31And this is just the beginning.
31:33You can learn the ropes.
31:35You can do some networking.
31:36Get some contacts.
31:38The possibilities are endless.
31:40Yeah, of course.
31:41I mean, with a face like yours, with your brains, with your talent.
31:43What was that?
31:44It was paparazzi. Don't worry.
31:46Come on. I'll buy you a drink.
31:47We'll talk about the video.
31:52We don't have much time.
31:54What's the hurry?
31:56Emily, we have neither the car keys nor the phone.
32:01Let's go to the village and catch the cab.
32:02I don't know. We have to go back somehow.
32:04I'll go.
32:06I will call a taxi.
32:08No, no.
32:23Oh, no.
32:27Oh, no.
32:29Now you can go back.
32:33I know, I know I've done something silly,
32:36but I do hope you'll both come and see me again very soon.
32:42Emily, you're coming back with us?
32:45Don't you worry about me.
32:47Look, I'm absolutely fine.
32:51I'm staying here, and that's that.
32:54Tell the administrator that I am perfectly all right.
32:57We'll lose our jobs because of you.
32:59But why?
33:01You can see everything is perfectly all right.
33:06Who's going to believe us?
33:08It will be our fault that we came here,
33:11spent the night here, and went back without you.
33:16Emily, I have an idea.
33:17Why don't you come back with us
33:19and tell the whole truth what really happened here, please?
33:25They'll do nothing to you.
33:26Well, all they can do is throw you out.
33:51Thank you.
33:54I'll stay here.
34:19Nice to meet you.
34:41To start, I'd like to inform you
34:43that there have been essential changes
34:45in the situation of the cable TV station in question.
34:49Its value, as you know, is significantly decreasing.
34:52So the price we negotiated seems unacceptable.
34:56What do you mean?
34:57We suggest changing the price.
35:00Mr. Al-Kahit is willing to pay no more than $105 million.
35:07The bank did not approve the credit.
35:10Didn't know about that, Mr. Dyer.
35:41So you're a secretary, aren't you?
35:43You know what? I don't think so.
35:44You're just an ordinary girl.
35:48Do you think this is funny?
35:49It's just business, honey.
35:51Someone has to lose to win, right?
35:56I'm going to get it.
36:42Come with me.
36:44I should call the police and fire the pair of you.
36:47Yeah, but Wojtek was only a driver.
36:49Don't you defend him.
36:50No, no.
36:51It was my fault, really.
36:52Maybe you don't believe it,
36:54but Emily stole the car keys.
36:58I should have kept my eye on her all the time.
37:00She was my responsibility.
37:02You know I like you, and you're using that.
37:05No, Miss Baker.
37:06No, that was the first and the last time.
37:09Now you tell him he's never driving for me again.
37:12Either he sticks to the cleaning job
37:13or he goes and finds a job somewhere else.
37:15Is that clear?
37:18And I'm sorry.
37:25You had a visitor.
37:26Your brother.
37:30But I don't have a brother.
37:43Thanks for the ride.
37:48What are you doing? Leaving?
37:50He's here.
37:53I have to run.
38:12Maybe I'll give you a lift.
38:14You can't. You'll lose your job.
38:45What are you looking for?
38:46I'm looking for Kasia Przybylska.
38:48She's a physical therapist here.
38:49Oh, a Pole.
38:51Kasia is shopping in London.
38:54When is she coming back?
38:55I was just going to pick her up.
38:57To London?
38:59I'm a driver here.
39:02And I'm her brother.
39:04I'm going to ask you one last time.
39:21Who did you talk to about the fucking deal?
39:23Nobody, I swear.
39:25James, leave him alone.
39:26Maybe Paul did it.
39:27Whilst he was in fucking Moscow.
39:29James, I swear.
39:30I don't understand what happened.
39:33Leave him alone.
39:34Go and get me some water.
39:36Are you all right?
39:37He's new here.
39:38He could be a mole.
39:40You're being paranoid.
39:42I'm going to fucking keel over here.
39:44Do you know how much money I've fucking lost?
39:47Just calm down, will you?
40:01Aren't we going in the opposite direction?
40:03We're missing the traffic jams.
40:11Are you here on business or permanently?
40:23Get the fuck out of here.
40:51Get the fuck out of here.
41:01Get the fuck out of here.
41:11Get the fuck out of here.
41:20This is Stan.
41:23He's a new boy.
41:24He's from Poland.
41:35So, are you Polish?
41:36Is it a problem?
41:37Can we have a British nurse take care of my son, please?
41:41Your birthday.
41:42You're late.
41:45You look beautiful.
41:48Good night.
41:49You are beautiful, intelligent, and very effective.
42:10I don't need to make it now.
42:17Long to run.
42:24I don't need to make it now.
42:35I don't need to make it now.
42:45I don't need to make it now.
42:53I don't need to make it now.
43:01I don't need to make it now.
43:11I don't need to make it now.
43:21I don't need to make it now.
43:22Always run.