Love me if you dare -Ep19- Eng sub Chinese Series

  • 2 months ago
01:52Okay, that's it. Okay. Thank you. Dr. Bones. Yeah, no problem
02:04But it's easy to show that you shouldn't have something to be shunned. Don't hold it. I don't know. So should you hold him? I just hate you
02:22There's one and the one to get a dog
02:30Tommy told you I put the artists in charge
02:33She said I just don't know don't ask her. I'm not a fancy
02:47Please don't worry. We have the best drug rehabilitation team and we only accept ten patients at a time
02:54Our treatment is the best and the treatment we've arranged for. Mr
02:58Ling is called the gold diamond treatment. I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the results. Thank you so much. Thank you
03:19Some of those I don't see go you don't buy me just as soon as he shunned them. So make some hotel, right?
03:55Hello, Xinyan.
04:25How is the hospital situation?
04:26The doctor said that Xinyan's condition is not as bad as he thought.
04:30The situation after the surgery is also very good.
04:32In a few days, he can pretend to do some light activities.
04:36How are you?
04:38I haven't traced Tommy's whereabouts yet.
04:40I'm not asking you, Anqi.
04:42I'm asking you.
04:44How are you?
04:47The FBI will arrange a room for you to rest in the hospital.
04:58Promise me.
04:59Don't leave their protection range.
05:04I know.
05:05I'm hanging up.
05:06Good night.
05:17Miss Jian, the patient has woken up.
06:37I asked Fu Ziyu to bring you a few books so you can read them when you're bored.
06:52But you can only read them for two hours a day, otherwise you'll be scolded by the doctor.
07:00What are you reading?
07:01You seem to have lost weight.
07:02Time difference.
07:03You'll be fine after a couple of days of rest.
07:10What happened?
07:11What could have happened?
07:12Maybe I'm just too tired.
07:13Then go back and rest.
07:14I'm fine now.
07:15You don't have to look after me.
07:16Go back.
07:17Hu Xiaoxi is there.
07:18Call the nurse if you need anything.
07:19I'm leaving.
07:22Good afternoon, Mr. Li.
07:23Good afternoon.
07:24It's time for medicine.
07:27What is this?
07:28I haven't been able to read these part of the book for almost two weeks.
07:42What's wrong, are you feeling unwell?
08:22Mr. Lee, how are we doing today?
08:27Do you want to listen a little bit?
08:35You're covering quite fast.
08:40Keep it up.
09:08Did you find anything?
09:18According to the video surveillance,
09:20Sheehan entered the country only two hours before you did.
09:25This is the ID he used to enter Kennedy Airport,
09:28and this is the profile attached to the ID.
09:32I know what you're thinking.
09:57I already started investigating the custom officer.
10:00Judging from the way he bought the passports,
10:03he's good at buying separate accounts.
10:06It's best to go in this direction.
10:10But there's something more important.
10:12The custom officer hasn't showed up at work since Sheehan entered the country.
10:19It's been three days.
10:21He didn't ask for leave, and nobody,
10:24friends, colleagues, neighbors,
10:27have seen him since.
10:55That's him.
10:57The custom officer that allowed Sheehan to enter the country.
11:00One bullet, neat and clean.
11:08He'd leave such a useless clue.
11:11He knows we're aware he's related to Flower Cannibal.
11:14How could he do such a thing?
11:32I miss you, Alan.
11:35What does that mean?
11:36Who's Alan?
11:38I don't remember of any Alan.
11:41Did you read all the file when you were in Hong Kong?
11:44There's no Alan.
11:46Do you?
11:51You know something.
11:56Who's Alan?
12:00I should look it up.
13:39You were right.
13:55What's wrong?
13:57Did something happen?
14:03I just suddenly want...
14:06to see you.
14:09Didn't you just see me today?
14:15I know you have a lot of things to do.
14:18Don't go.
14:20Don't go to the hospital.
14:22It's too hard.
14:24You know I've been in the hospital.
14:27I won't go anywhere.
14:36Jian Yao.
14:42I want to leave the city.
14:45Where are you going?
14:47To the town outside the city.
14:50To see an old friend.
14:53When I come back,
14:56I have something to tell you.
15:01It's about my past.
15:07I'll wait for you to come back.
15:40I finally see you again.
15:47I thought now that you're a big shot,
15:50you might have forgotten about me.
15:52How is that possible?
15:54I worked so hard to save you.
15:56Tommy boy.
15:58You're smart.
16:00You know what I want.
16:41Excuse me.
16:43Why are you looking for me?
16:45I thought you were busy.
16:48I have a question.
16:51Who's Alan?
16:56Where did this question come from?
16:58Simon told me it was his older brother.
17:00But I went through his file.
17:02He doesn't have a brother.
17:04Then you can keep asking him.
17:06He said he was going out of town
17:08to visit an old friend
17:10and since then his phone has been powered off.
17:17The custom officer that helped
17:19Shahan to get in the country
17:22was found dead yesterday.
17:24On his body was a note
17:26addressed to Alan.
17:29Since I can't reach Simon,
17:31I thought maybe
17:33you could tell me about Alan.
17:41Jinyan's mother was pregnant with Jinyan.
17:45It was a twin.
17:48They named her
17:50Alan and Simon.
17:53But unfortunately
17:55only one child survived.
17:57Simon's brother Alan
17:59didn't breathe a breath
18:01into this world.
18:03So legally
18:05he doesn't exist.
18:11This is a good angle.
18:13It's much better than I imagined.
18:18You don't have to help me.
18:20I can walk.
18:22No, take your time.
18:24Don't rush.
18:26Let's go back.
18:40Let's go.
19:01It's been a long time since what happened to Alan.
19:04We don't know anything about it.
19:07If Xie Han can find this out,
19:10his knowledge of Jinyan
19:12is much deeper than we thought.
19:13So that was for Simon?
19:18I don't understand.
19:21What's the point?
19:23Who knows?
19:24Alan's death
19:25is a pain for the family.
19:28But it's been so many years.
19:30For Jinyan,
19:31it's not a weakness.
19:38if Simon gets in touch with you,
19:40please tell him to call me back.
19:42Okay, bye-bye.
19:58I think I found something.
20:00You're definitely gonna like it.
20:03This gun here
20:04belonged to a mercenary
20:05who was killed while helping Tommy escape.
20:07I took the liberty
20:08of cross-referencing
20:09our ballistics info in our database.
20:11I came back with a perfect hit.
20:14The same gun
20:15nine days ago
20:16was used to kill a security guard
20:18at the Upper East Juvenile Courthouse robbery.
20:21Wait, so you're saying
20:22that the same guy
20:26and helped
20:27Tommy to escape.
20:34he's either very active
20:35and has a lot of contracts,
20:38he's been hired by the same person.
20:41Could be.
20:45What exactly
20:46was stolen
20:47at the courthouse?
20:48All we know is that
20:49they just took a bunch of files,
20:52the contents of which
20:53we're not so sure right now.
20:57Juvenile criminal files.
21:03Miss Lin,
21:04you've been sitting here for a long time.
21:05Why don't you take a break?
21:21To be honest,
21:22it was the most horrible thing
21:23I've been through.
21:25Paul worked here for ten years,
21:27and he just shot him in his head
21:28like he was nothing.
21:32It was really brutal.
21:35Was it clear
21:36what they were after?
21:37Yeah, they went directly
21:38to the file.
21:39They didn't touch
21:40any of the other boxes.
21:41It's like they knew
21:42the code or something.
21:44Poor Paul.
21:46I don't really understand
21:47why you guys are asking me
21:48these questions again.
21:49The police already
21:50know everything
21:51I told them.
21:53The FBI has
21:54a different approach.
21:56Is there anyone
21:57that knows
21:58the exact content
21:59of those stolen files?
22:02Juvenile files
22:03are sealed legally,
22:04so no one can access them.
22:07The file you're looking for,
22:08in fact,
22:09is twenty years old.
22:10We didn't do digital copies
22:12or backups back then.
22:14Twenty years.
22:17That's a long time.
22:21Who are you?
22:26We have a product.
22:28We are sculpture.
22:31You will obey me.
22:34You will obey
22:36your command.
22:37I'm sorry I couldn't
22:38be more help to you.
22:39We moved here
22:40eleven years ago
22:41and we have never had
22:42anything like that
22:43happen before.
22:44In fact,
22:45I still can't understand
22:46why somebody would
22:47steal a file,
22:48especially something
22:49that old.
22:50You moved here?
22:52eleven years ago
22:53from Ninth Street.
22:54Eleven years ago
22:55from Ninth Street.
22:58I'm assuming
22:59that there must be
23:00some sort of record
23:01of that file transfer.
23:04Do you know
23:05where we could find
23:06that record?
23:07Should be in the
23:08information office.
23:09But you know,
23:10transfer records
23:11are just a list.
23:12They don't really have
23:13any specific information.
23:17that's a good start.
23:19Maybe if we're lucky
23:20we can find
23:21something helpful.
23:25So here's the
23:26transfer record
23:27for the missing files
23:28you were looking for.
23:45We should get going.
23:48I'll keep this.
23:50Thank you.
23:51Thank you.
23:54Thank you.
24:24You win.
24:25I can't believe
24:26you remember
24:27an old retired guy
24:28like me.
24:30I worked
24:31for the FBI
24:32for years.
24:33I thought
24:34Tommy's case
24:35was complicated
24:36and rough enough.
24:38There are so many
24:40I don't even know
24:41how to say it.
24:47That's it.
24:48Evil people.
24:49Now from
24:50what you've told me
24:51it seems
24:52that Che Han
24:53knows you too well.
24:55This is a disadvantage.
25:22Mrs. Yin has arrived.
25:29Mrs. Yin,
25:30I'm Susan.
25:32Nice to meet you.
25:40Have a seat.
25:53This is Susan's information.
25:56Tommy and Che Han's cases
25:58are handled by Susan.
26:00Susan is one of the best agents
26:02I've ever worked with.
26:03She can handle the investigation.
26:10so what's going on?
26:12Susan said
26:13she has confirmed
26:14that Che Han
26:15employed people
26:16to steal an old file
26:17from a juvenile court
26:18in Shandong District, New York.
26:19I don't understand.
26:21Why do you want to ask
26:22about Jin Yan's past?
26:24She has always
26:25worked with you.
26:27Of course.
26:28Simon works with us.
26:30And this is not
26:31an interrogation.
26:33This is just...
26:37It's a little bit complicated.
26:39Let me try to explain.
26:46I don't know
26:47where my file
26:48is stored.
26:51But I think
26:53Che Han
26:54didn't just choose
26:55a random place
26:56to steal a file.
26:58You're right.
27:00The files about your case
27:01were kept there.
27:04It's a lost memory.
27:07A blank space.
27:08Trust me, kid.
27:10You haven't forgotten much
27:11about what happened.
27:12Maybe you lost
27:13a few minutes.
27:15But that was
27:16a few critical minutes.
27:18Since it's your case,
27:20I happened to be here.
27:21Why didn't you
27:22help me figure it out
27:23and make it right?
27:25That was my case.
27:27And the first time we met.
27:30Mrs. Huo,
27:31don't be nervous.
27:32I can speak Chinese.
27:33I'm here to help you.
27:37you need to tell me the truth.
27:39How did you and the kid
27:41get hurt?
27:44We fell down
27:45the stairs.
27:47Mrs. Huo,
27:48according to our experience,
27:49it's hard to change
27:51who would do such a thing.
27:53The same thing
27:54happened again and again.
27:56For you and the kid's
27:57future safety,
27:58you have to tell me the truth.
28:01Why does such a long history
28:03affect his
28:04current safety?
28:05Simon is not only
28:06a law enforcement agent.
28:10He's currently the target
28:11of a criminal psychopath.
28:15We are fighting
28:16a psychological war
28:17against this killer.
28:19And we cannot afford
28:20to neglect any detail
28:22in Simon's life.
28:29I've been doing some research
28:32I understand that
28:35your wedding
28:38Simon's stepfather
28:40wasn't a very successful one.
28:42You were both victims of
28:44domestic violence, right?
28:50What I don't understand is
28:52why would the juvenile
28:54criminal court
28:55have a file on Simon?
29:19There was a sense of justice
29:20in Simon's case.
29:21But later on,
29:24things got worse and worse.
29:26When things got worse,
29:29both my mom and I
29:30had a feeling
29:35that he would kill us
29:37at some point.
29:40About this,
29:42whether now or then,
29:44you remember it clearly?
29:50I remember
29:53my mom brought a gun with her.
29:54I had to protect my child.
29:58To her,
30:00my safety
30:03was her bottom line.
30:07That night,
30:09she drank again.
30:13That door
30:16seemed to be open all the time.
30:20I held my mom
30:23and felt her tears
30:26dripping on my back.
30:29Don't be afraid, child.
30:31I have a gun.
30:32I will protect you.
30:34But the next few minutes
30:36were completely blank.
30:41I don't remember anything.
30:46In front of my child,
30:48I fired a gun
30:50and killed him.
30:52But I know it wasn't.
30:57I'm sorry, Miss Lin.
31:00I know this is difficult.
31:02I understand.
31:05But you gotta tell me the truth.
31:07It was me.
31:09It was me.
31:10I fired the gun.
31:14If you shot him,
31:15this would be a simple case of self-defense.
31:18And Simon would have nothing to do with this.
31:23How do you explain
31:24that the Juvenile Criminal Court
31:25has a file on Simon?
31:27Tell me.
31:29What's in the file?
31:31Is it your deduction or description?
31:33I need to know everything
31:34Xie Han might know.
32:16Simon shot him, right?
32:18I bought the gun.
32:20I told Jin Yan
32:22that he could protect us
32:24if he fired the gun.
32:26He's just a seven-year-old boy.
32:28He didn't do anything wrong.
32:30Anyone there?
32:46Is anyone home?
32:52It's okay.
32:59It's gonna be fine.
33:04It's gonna be okay.
33:05It's okay.
33:09You and your mom were both victims.
33:11Neither of you were at fault.
33:13Especially you.
33:28But you are innocent.
33:30He has the files,
33:31but they're useless.
33:43I'm sure
33:46the same file
33:47must be different
33:49in his eyes.
33:52But the point is
33:56what will he see?
34:02Is it Alan?
34:44You're just Chinese persons.
34:45How are you?
34:47Thank you, officer.
34:49No problem.
34:50Thank you.
34:51You're welcome.
34:57I just talked to the doctor.
34:59You can be discharged in two days.
35:03What about us after discharge?
35:04Don't worry.
35:06The FBI has prepared
35:07a safe house for us.
35:09Now Li Xun Ran is an important witness
35:10directly in contact with Xie Han.
35:11This case needs him.
35:42Xie Han
35:43Xie Han
35:44Xie Han
35:45Xie Han
35:46Xie Han
35:47Xie Han
35:48Xie Han
35:49Xie Han
35:50Xie Han
35:51Xie Han
35:52Xie Han
35:53Xie Han
35:54Xie Han
35:55Xie Han
35:56Xie Han
35:57Xie Han
35:58Xie Han
35:59Xie Han
36:00Xie Han
36:01Xie Han
36:02Xie Han
36:03Xie Han
36:04Xie Han
36:05Xie Han
36:06Xie Han
36:07Xie Han
36:08Xie Han
36:09Xie Han
36:10Xie Han
36:11Xie Han
36:12Xie Han
36:13Xie Han
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36:19Xie Han
36:20Xie Han
36:21Xie Han
36:22Xie Han
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36:50Xie Han
36:51Xie Han
36:52Xie Han
36:53Xie Han
36:54Xie Han
36:55Xie Han
36:56Xie Han
36:57Xie Han
36:58Xie Han
36:59Xie Han
37:00Xie Han
37:01Xie Han
37:02Xie Han
37:03Xie Han
37:04Xie Han
37:05Xie Han
37:06Xie Han
37:07Xie Han
37:12Susan, we have a lead
37:14You should come take a look
37:39You should come take a look
37:40You should come take a look
37:41You should come take a look
37:42You should come take a look
37:43You should come take a look
37:44You should come take a look
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38:48You should come take a look
38:49You should come take a look
38:50You should come take a look
38:51You should come take a look
38:52You should come take a look
38:53You should come take a look
38:54You should come take a look
38:55You should come take a look
38:56You should come take a look
38:57You should come take a look
38:58You should come take a look
38:59You should come take a look
39:00Thank you
39:02She usually walks downstairs
39:03Let's take a look
39:12I found this photo in the suspect's email inbox
39:17According to our facial recognition software
39:20It says this woman's name is Colleen Yang
39:23The suspect's ex-girlfriend
39:2532 years old
39:26American born
39:27One quarter Chinese ethnicity
39:29No criminal record
39:31So what am I looking at?
39:34Take a closer look at where she works
39:58Hey everybody
39:59Call the local head of department
40:01Call the hospital
40:03And dispatch our action unit
40:05Let's get going
40:11Are you contacting Simon?
40:13I have to let him know
40:22Come on
40:24Come on
40:54Don't move
40:55Don't you fucking move
40:59Put your hands down
41:00I can see them
41:01Put your hands in the air
41:03Step back
41:04Put your goddamn hands in the air
41:05Then I can see them
41:07Put your hands in the air
41:08Then I can see them
41:09I just got a call
41:10She's the suspect
41:13Get down
41:14Get down
41:15Get down
41:16Get down
41:19Don't you dare move
41:20Drop your gun
41:21Drop your gun son
41:22Drop your gun
41:24Don't blow that gun
41:26Head down
41:27Drop your gun down sir
41:29Drop your gun down
41:31Drop your gun sir
41:52Drop your gun
41:53Drop your gun
41:54Drop your gun
41:55Drop your gun
41:56Drop your gun
41:57Drop your gun
41:58Drop your gun
41:59Drop your gun
42:00Drop your gun
42:01Drop your gun
42:02Drop your gun
42:03Drop your gun
42:04Drop your gun
42:05Drop your gun
42:06Drop your gun
42:07Drop your gun
42:08Drop your gun
42:09Drop your gun
42:10Drop your gun
42:11Drop your gun
42:12Drop your gun
42:13Drop your gun
42:14Drop your gun
42:15Drop your gun
42:16Drop your gun
42:17Drop your gun
42:18Drop your gun
42:19Drop your gun
42:20Drop your gun
42:21Drop your gun
42:22Drop your gun
42:23Drop your gun
42:24Drop your gun
42:25Drop your gun
42:26Drop your gun
42:27Drop your gun
42:28Drop your gun
42:29Drop your gun
42:30Drop your gun
42:31Drop your gun
42:32Drop your gun
42:33Drop your gun
42:34Drop your gun
42:35Drop your gun
42:36Drop your gun
42:37Drop your gun
42:38Drop your gun
42:39Drop your gun
42:40Drop your gun
42:41Drop your gun
42:42Drop your gun
42:43Drop your gun
42:44Drop your gun
42:45Drop your gun
42:46Drop your gun
42:47Drop your gun
42:48Drop your gun
42:49Drop your gun
42:50Drop your gun
42:51Drop your gun
42:52Drop your gun
42:53Drop your gun
42:54Drop your gun
42:55Drop your gun
42:56Drop your gun
42:57Drop your gun
42:58Drop your gun
42:59Drop your gun
43:00Drop your gun
43:01Drop your gun
43:02Drop your gun
43:03Drop your gun
43:04Drop your gun
43:05Drop your gun
43:06Drop your gun
43:07Drop your gun
43:08Drop your gun
43:09Drop your gun
43:10Drop your gun
43:11Drop your gun
43:12Drop your gun
43:13Drop your gun
43:14Drop your gun
43:15Drop your gun
43:16Drop your gun
43:17Drop your gun
43:18Drop your gun
43:19Drop your gun
43:20Drop your gun
43:21Drop your gun
43:22Drop your gun
43:23Drop your gun
43:24Drop your gun
43:25Drop your gun
43:26Drop your gun
43:27Drop your gun
43:28Drop your gun
43:29Drop your gun
43:30Drop your gun
43:31Drop your gun
43:32Drop your gun
43:33Drop your gun
43:34Drop your gun
43:35Drop your gun
43:36Drop your gun
43:37Drop your gun
43:38Drop your gun
43:39Drop your gun
43:40Drop your gun
43:41Drop your gun
43:42Drop your gun
43:43Drop your gun
43:44Drop your gun
43:45Drop your gun
43:46Drop your gun
43:47Drop your gun
43:48Drop your gun
43:49Drop your gun
43:50Drop your gun
43:51Drop your gun
43:52Drop your gun
43:53Drop your gun
43:54Drop your gun
43:55Drop your gun
43:56Drop your gun
43:57Drop your gun
43:58Drop your gun
43:59Drop your gun
44:00Drop your gun
44:01Drop your gun
44:02Drop your gun
44:03Drop your gun
44:04Drop your gun
44:05Drop your gun
44:06Drop your gun
44:07Drop your gun
44:08Drop your gun
44:09Drop your gun
44:10Drop your gun
44:11Drop your gun
44:12Drop your gun
44:13Drop your gun
44:14Drop your gun
44:15Drop your gun
44:16Drop your gun
