TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00Mr. Andreas, what happened?
00:05She's going to sleep here.
00:07The hotel is not suitable for old people.
00:09Take out your bag.
00:11Here, here, here.
00:14You'll lay down nicely on the bed.
00:17You'll feel better right away.
00:20It was just a cold.
00:21Come on.
00:24Thank you.
00:31Mr. Andreas.
00:33What happened? I don't see him very well.
00:35Maybe you should take him to the clinic.
00:37You know better.
00:40They sent me his medical file.
00:42From the monastery.
00:45He has no hope.
00:50What do you mean?
00:53Please, ma'am.
00:55Bring me a glass of water.
00:57Of course.
01:00Thank you.
01:11Do you believe that I feel like a child?
01:15As I was before all this happened.
01:19What can I say?
01:21You would forgive him.
01:23The greatest salvation is forgiveness.
01:27Don't you ever think about it?
01:29Golden mouth.
01:31Let them say their apologies first.
01:35And then I'll think about it.
01:37I assure you.
01:39I will sleep better than ever.
01:43Good night.
01:50This again.
01:52That in a moment he would commit a sin.
01:56Why does my lady impress you?
01:59Forgiveness is the best.
02:01They say it and you write it.
02:03That's why whoever doesn't forgive
02:07can't find peace in his soul.
02:09That's why you should forgive
02:13before it's too late.
02:16You should think about your brother
02:18and those who are in front of you.
02:21And you should find a piece of your heart
02:24and forgive your nephew and your wife.
02:27And in the end
02:29you should be the one to leave.
02:37Mrs. Pantheou.
02:39What's going on?
02:41I'm sorry I barged in like this.
02:44I heard about the operation in the lock-up and...
02:47And what else do you want to know?
02:51Of course we found her trapped.
02:53Empty streets.
02:55But with the help of our planes and mercenaries
02:58we found her.
03:00That's what matters.
03:02And now it's the enemy who's trying to save her.
03:04Did you know that no plane crashed?
03:06That's why God is with us.
03:09And the rest of the units?
03:11The infantry?
03:15These boys are heroes.
03:17And believe me.
03:20I'm sure they are.
03:22But did you find out who the fallen are?
03:24Look, the information comes in parts.
03:26It's indisputable.
03:28The same goes for communication.
03:30And then the enemy is still out there.
03:32The war is not over yet.
03:34I understand.
03:36But I have to know.
03:38If I understand correctly,
03:40you're worried about your ungrateful husband.
03:43Yes, that's right.
03:45Then keep in mind that
03:47Kitsou Galatis' body is not among the dead.
03:53It's still early.
03:55And the night, as it had positive surprises,
03:58will have negative ones.
04:01I understand.
04:03Thank you.
04:05If you learn anything else...
04:07I'll keep you updated. Don't worry.
04:10Thank you.
04:12Mr. Pantheou.
04:16Mr. Pantheou.
04:18You belong to a family of heroes.
04:21You need strength and faith.
04:24I hope you have both.
04:28Say hello to your husband.
04:39so many people died for a madman?
04:42But it's true.
04:44We were a family of heroes from the beginning.
04:47We even got close.
04:49But I couldn't imagine that he would come to the hotel
04:53and threaten you after such a crime.
04:56And since you got so close,
04:58why didn't you catch him?
05:00We had information about a house,
05:02but it was impossible to find him.
05:04I don't know. His name changes.
05:06This is the conclusion we reached.
05:08That's for sure.
05:10I had seen some fake documents.
05:12When I pressed him,
05:14he told me that he was serving a communist friend.
05:17Shame! Shame!
05:19As for the names,
05:21they change all the time.
05:23No one knows who he really is.
05:25He doesn't even hide it.
05:27The point is, what do we do now?
05:29If he killed Spirakos, who was an angel,
05:32he won't hesitate to harm either Bella or anyone else.
05:35Don't worry.
05:37We can't let anything bad happen to the baby.
05:40We'll find him.
05:42If it's the last thing we do, we'll find him.
05:45If they talk to Fanny,
05:47I'm sure Marmaris forced her to kill him.
05:50She might know something more.
05:52So it was true.
05:54You threw her to...
05:56How could my sister do that?
05:58She knew how dangerous he was.
06:00How could she mess with him?
06:02Remember the murder case in Thessaloniki?
06:05An Italian diplomat was killed.
06:07It's been a while, but...
06:10So Marmaris was involved.
06:12How could my sister do that?
06:14How could she let him go to school?
06:17She was alone.
06:19When you're alone in life, you do a lot.
06:26I've heard a lot about you.
06:28Is it true?
06:30I want to hear it from your mouth.
06:35Tell me, Leonida.
06:37Is it true?
06:40What did they tell you?
06:42They must have told you a lot of lies to look at me like that.
06:47But you're the mother who gave birth to me,
06:49and you know me better than anyone, right?
06:53I was asked if I was Leonida Sirgani's mother.
06:57Yes, and you are.
06:59Is that questionable?
07:01Yes, it is, Leonida.
07:03It is.
07:05Because then they told me that my son, Leonidas,
07:10is the same person that Marmaris, your daughter, told me.
07:14And that this man, who told me that,
07:18is a traitor of the country and a murderer.
07:23Oh, my mother.
07:25Is it possible for them to mean me?
07:28Do you forget the way you raised me?
07:32With what values, with what ideals, with how much love?
07:36We had a hard time.
07:38Is it your father's fault?
07:40The fact that he never recognized you?
07:43What does my father have to do with this?
07:45It's over, it's over.
07:48It's important that you suffered.
07:50Anyway, what are we talking about?
07:52Could I ever hurt a person?
07:55You said it yourself,
07:57that I have been wronged.
08:00Do you forget that everyone threw me like I was nothing?
08:04Mother, we have always been victims.
08:08And now some people show up and present us as thieves.
08:13And why did they tell me all this then, Leonida?
08:16For what reason?
08:17And what about your daughter?
08:19Because people are bad, mother.
08:22That's why.
08:23She can't.
08:24She told me terrible things about you.
08:26Terrible things, Leonida.
08:29Even about a small child.
08:32A Spyro.
08:34And you believed her.
08:37That hurts me more than anything.
08:40Mother, Pella was jealous of me.
08:44She knew that I wanted to divorce her.
08:47And she was jealous.
08:49And she wanted to hurt me.
08:51That's all.
08:54Do you want to say that this is why she told me all this?
08:59That's why.
09:00And that's why I divorced her.
09:02I kicked her out.
09:03And I have never seen her again since then.
09:06Please, mother, believe me.
09:08I beg you.
09:10We never do bad things.
09:12We never do bad things.
09:14Isn't that right, mother?
09:16I believe you, my boy.
09:18I believe you, my baby.
09:23Oh, my God.
09:25I was so scared.
09:27My sweet boy.
09:29My innocent child.
09:31My heart broke.
09:33But I was saying, is Leonida capable?
09:36My Leonida doing such things is impossible.
09:40It's not possible.
09:42It's not possible.
09:54What will happen to Mr. Marquez?
09:57I need to talk to him.
09:59I have evidence and proof that he is a criminal
10:02who is being chased and who is dangerous to people.
10:06And I explained to you that you are asking for the Prime Minister's letter.
10:10I have informed my superior.
10:12And he was buying crops.
10:15What is wrong with you, my boy?
10:17We are at war.
10:18Do you understand?
10:20We are at war.
10:21Do you understand?
10:23We are talking about a catastrophe.
10:25And why don't you tell me?
10:28Because my knee has been burned a few times.
10:31And how do I know who you are?
10:34No, I want to talk to Marquez.
10:36To him and no one else.
10:38Then you will wait until tomorrow.
10:40I'm sorry.
10:41Tomorrow will be too late.
10:43I explain to you that it is a matter of life and death.
10:48My God, my God, my God.
10:50How wrong I have done everything.
10:55Now Christina is in prison.
10:58Stefanos is beaten.
11:00Thania is in agony.
11:05And Mirella is missing.
11:07Shut up, shut up.
11:10Let this night pass.
11:13And I hope that a better day will dawn for all of us.
11:18I'm thinking.
11:20Maybe we should talk to Andreas.
11:24Let's tell him what Christina told us.
11:27Andreas can inform the security.
11:29After all that happened here.
11:31Do you believe that Andreas can accept this beating?
11:36Let's leave this discussion.
11:39I still can't believe it.
11:41You all knew about Thalys' relationship with Andreas.
11:46And I didn't find anyone to tell me a word.
11:50Andreas himself instigated him.
11:52Believe me.
11:54No one wanted to know.
11:56Anyway, as it happened to everyone.
11:58What does it matter?
12:00However, Andreas, who did not see, must be mistaken.
12:05Do you mean Fanny then?
12:09Maybe the solution is to talk to Fanny.
12:15And to Stathis.
12:17He may know something.
12:19They were co-workers.
12:26There must be some misunderstanding.
12:28I'm sure.
12:30Besides, my mother and my uncle won't leave it like that.
12:34They will think of something.
12:36Anyway, no matter what happened, he is your father.
12:41Turn off the light. I want to lie down.
12:45Lie down. I'll turn it off later.
12:47Thalya, please.
12:49Turn off the light and turn around.
12:52I'll do it.
12:53No way.
12:56No, I'm telling you.
12:58And I'm telling you that my uncle Andreas
13:01gave me strict instructions and I will follow them, whether you like it or not.
13:09I want to take care of your injury.
13:12I'm not afraid, I'm not worried.
13:14It's a wound. It's yours.
13:26I'm going to pack the rest of the things and I'll be back tomorrow at noon.
13:30You should go.
13:31I'll be waiting for you. You make me very happy.
13:36How nice that we will be together again, my boy.
13:39I missed you so much.
13:41Me too. And I'll be waiting for you.
13:44My good boy.
13:47Do you want me to go with you?
13:50No, no, you don't have to. Don't be shy.
13:52The last bus leaves in a little while. I'll make it in time.
13:56As you wish.
13:58Take care.
14:02He's a monster.
14:04A monster who has betrayed everyone and everything.
14:08Even his own country.
14:10What are you talking about, my girl?
14:12And after he betrayed his country to make money,
14:16he killed many people.
14:20My boy,
14:22in my happiness I said that I'll be back, but I forgot to ask you.
14:27Is there another girl in your life?
14:30Because if so, I don't want to bother you.
14:32Another girl? No, my dear.
14:34Since Pella left, no one has been in here.
14:44What was that?
14:47Some cats.
14:49They try to get in.
14:51I closed the window, but
14:54they keep trying.
14:56They must be hungry.
14:58Cats, huh?
15:00Okay, I'll take care of them.
15:03I'll feed them.
15:05They are creatures of God.
15:08They need to be taken care of.
15:13Well, good night.
15:17Good night, my dear.
15:19Good night.
15:24Good night.
15:47Can you think of anything that could have happened to Andreas?
15:51I don't know, Sofia.
15:54I wish I could help, but I have my own things.
15:58Where is Nina now?
16:00What time is it?
16:03Okay, I'll leave you.
16:06But please, if you learn anything, let me know.
16:10I'm worried, really.
16:12He can't be lost for so many days.
16:15I'll be back soon, okay?
16:17I'll be back.
16:19I'll be back.
16:27Sofia, good evening.
16:30Where have you been?
16:32You have been gone for so many hours.
16:34What have you been doing?
16:36We have a free room.
16:38Of course.
16:39Give me the key.
16:41And as we said, tomorrow. Tomorrow, everything will be done.
16:45Thank you.
16:52Nina, we were with you. What did you do to the Melisses?
16:56I did what I had to do, Luca. And as you can see, me and our friends are fine.
17:00I can't believe it. Nina, we told you not to tell anyone.
17:03They have evidence.
17:05We agreed to call Fanny tomorrow, to discuss everything, and it will be you.
17:09This story with Barbaros is over.
17:11I swore it would get out of my hands. And it will.
17:28It's a tough day today.
17:32It's a long day.
17:35How are you?
17:38Are you happy?
17:41I'm happy.
17:44I'm happy, father.
17:48This had to happen.
17:52I was saved by Antamosa.
17:55And she finally forgave me.
18:00I had been carrying this wound for almost a lifetime.
18:08Thank you.
18:11Thank you for finding me, my child.
18:15Get some rest now.
18:19We'll talk tomorrow.
18:28Tell the good woman...
18:33we will meet in heaven.
18:37She will understand.
18:42I will tell her.
18:46Get some rest now.
19:02I love you.
19:04I love you.
19:06I love you.
19:31Will we be together again, my dear?
19:35We will be apart for a while.
19:39And then...
19:41we will be together forever.
19:44Have a safe trip.
19:47My love.
19:51We caught her with the marble trap.
19:53The battle is over.
19:55It's time.
19:56We lost many of our men.
20:00But this is war.
20:02War is life from death.
20:04Darkness from light.
20:07When the bullets stopped,
20:10I heard a lot.
20:13And everyone started crying.
20:30I love you.
20:34Maybe the only thing I would like to do
20:36is to become one with all these people.
20:38Like we did on our celebration.
20:41Do you remember?
20:42Do you remember our celebration, Marmo?
20:45Because I have her in my heart.
20:47Like you.
20:49I have you inside me. I protect you.
20:51Be careful.
20:53And don't worry about me.
20:55If I make it and I don't die,
20:57I'm sure I will be reborn.
21:00Thank you.
21:17My love.
21:19I heard about the closure.
21:21You made it.
21:24But I'm still afraid.
21:26What if something happens to you?
21:28I don't know what's happening to you.
21:30If you're okay.
21:32Every moment I wait for a call.
21:34A notification.
21:35To find out about you.
21:38I'm thinking of you, my love.
21:41I'm waiting for you.
21:44I love you.
21:47I don't know if this letter will ever get to you.
21:51But I want to tell you.
21:55I love you.
21:57With all my heart.
22:14Mr. Manolopoulos.
22:19Margarita Sirgani.
22:21You know,
22:23about what I told you yesterday.
22:26That you came with Mr. Pantheos and his sister.
22:29Mr. Manolopoulos.
22:31I lied to you.
22:33I'm sorry, but...
22:36The truth is that I'm Leonidas' mother, Sirgani.
22:42It's me.
22:45And I can tell you where you can find him.
22:55Good morning.
22:56Good morning.
22:58What brings you here so early?
23:00Don't worry.
23:02Aleka, my love, will you make us a cup of coffee?
23:04I'd like to talk to my boyfriend.
23:06Yes, of course.
23:09What happened?
23:11I came to tell you
23:13that the Mariana case
23:15is considered closed.
23:17I see.
23:18I can't tell you how it surprised me.
23:20And the war with my uncle?
23:22It's over.
23:23Good, good.
23:24I'm glad.
23:25You're glad?
23:26You don't look it.
23:27With such a face?
23:29I can't imagine
23:30that you're holding a grudge against me
23:31for what happened.
23:32No grudge.
23:33And now you forgive me,
23:35but I have to go.
23:36Where are you going?
23:37Your boss is still out of work.
23:39I'll be with Fanny.
23:41Let me know if anything happens.
23:44Tell her I'll be late.
23:54Has Stathis left?
23:56Yes, he left.
23:57He had a job.
23:58I sent him to a job.
24:00It's a shame.
24:01I wanted to tell him something.
24:02It's okay.
24:03You'll have a wonderful day
24:05with your father.
24:07Tell me, what would you like to do?
24:10Maybe we should go for pasta.
24:12For pasta, then.
24:16Father, you're up.
24:27Father, not now.
24:37No, father.
24:38No, father.
24:39No, father.
24:44No, father.
25:00You're back.
25:01I just got back.
25:02Is your uncle here?
25:04No, he hasn't come back yet.
25:07I can see you're well.
25:09That's up to you to decide.
25:13What's that?
25:15A cover for a dog.
25:17I brought it with me from the front
25:20so you could examine it.
25:22Is that why you came back?
25:24Because it bothered you?
25:26It's fate.
25:27So many bullets, so many bombs,
25:29so many planes flying over us
25:31and I'm left useless
25:33by a paralyzed dog.
25:35It doesn't matter.
25:37You'll see your dogs.
25:39I'm sure they'll worry a lot.
25:42Can you proceed with the examination, please?
25:45Because I'll be left useless and paralyzed.
25:49Of course.
25:50I'll call Andreas right away to let him know.
25:53Besides, he wanted me to take it.
25:56I mean...
25:58Did you talk to him at all?
26:01I told you, I just got back.
26:03And I don't intend to leave the house soon.
26:05I have another obligation.
26:08Thank you.
26:13How was it?
26:15I mean, at the front.
26:28Yes, yes, yes.
26:29I'll note it down.
26:31Bye, bye.
26:36Good morning, Panagia.
26:38Where's my mother and uncle?
26:40They left early for Athens.
26:42They didn't tell me where they were going.
26:44But I guess it's about your father-in-law.
26:46Great. I'm going to make breakfast for Stefanos.
26:48Why are you tired? I can do it myself.
26:50Go to him and I'll bring it to your room.
26:53The truth is that I want to take care of him.
26:57But if you can,
26:58go out and chop an orange for me.
27:03I want to see your eyes.
27:08he'll enjoy his first orange.
27:10What do you think?
27:12I think he will.
27:14He's gotten soft, somehow, Panagia.
27:17I hope so.
27:18I hope so.
27:19And I hope this case with his father ends soon,
27:22so he can see the light.
27:25But you'll stay in today,
27:28because I promised your uncle, right?
27:30I'm going.
27:38Come, Stathis.
27:39So, what happened? You called me this morning.
27:42Something very serious has happened.
27:44And we have to meet at the hotel?
27:46They called us here.
27:47Don't tell me it's Matoula.
27:49Yes, it's Matoula. How do you know?
27:51Shut up.
27:53Are you really going to lie to me about the kid?
27:55What kid? I don't understand.
27:57Finally, you're here.
27:58We're waiting for you in the living room. Come.
28:11I know we're waiting for Isidoros and Meropina,
28:13but since we're here,
28:14can someone tell us what's going on?
28:17So, as we all know,
28:19we have a very dangerous man in our lives.
28:23Right now, Pelassos is in danger.
28:26He has her with him and he's holding her.
28:28Every second he passes by, he's in more danger.
28:30With Matoula, we managed to get close to his neighborhood,
28:33but they told us that Marmaris is not staying there.
28:36His name has to change.
28:37We're just following the records.
28:39Wait a minute.
28:40Why are we sitting here?
28:41Why don't we go to the police or the security?
28:43We need to do something.
28:44Why the police?
28:45We don't know where to send them.
28:46It's their job.
28:47It's the police.
28:48They'll find them.
28:49The police can't do anything for them.
28:51And they don't need to.
28:55Sit down.
28:56Why are you sitting here?
28:57I heard terrible things.
29:00Listen to the most important thing.
29:01We're late with Merope because we were going to see Mr. Manolopoulos,
29:04who has been dealing with this case for a long time.
29:07And? Did he say something about Marmaris?
29:10That his name is Leonidas Tsirganis.
29:16According to Mr. Manolopoulos,
29:18I spoke to his mother this morning.
29:21The house he's hiding in
29:23He's here, at this address.
29:26What are we waiting for? Let's go find him.
29:28Are you okay, Nina? He's a criminal.
29:30I'll go.
29:31There's another one with me.
29:34I'll come, too.
29:37Nina, I'm going.
29:40What are you saying, Lucas?
29:41Let the cop kill our kid.
29:53Did you hear me, Xostomi?
29:55I came to tell you that Thalys is dead.
29:57Yes, Andreas, I can hear you.
30:01I'm sorry.
30:02I'm really sorry.
30:05At least, you found each other.
30:08At least for a while. Does that matter?
30:10Yes, in a way.
30:12That matters.
30:14Of course. You found each other.
30:16You talked.
30:18You learned what you wanted to learn.
30:20Now, what did you do?
30:23Do you need any help?
30:25As you know, the Catholic Archdiocese has its own way.
30:29Unfortunately, I won't be able to get along with whoever I want.
30:32Every choice has its price.
30:36Give me some time. I'll get ready and come.
30:39No. Listen to me.
30:41You won't do anything.
30:44All I want from you is...
30:47to say it in a good way.
30:49I'll handle the rest.
30:52He was my father.
30:54As you think.
31:00Is that what I understood?
31:02Is Thalys gone?
31:06God loves his soul.
31:09We have to find a way to say it in a good way.
31:13This is life.
31:16As if God knew it.
31:18As if He was waiting for it.
31:20For so many years, He forgave him.
31:23And He left a little later.
31:26Ah, my dear.
31:28You're up.
31:30My God, please sit down.
31:33I have to tell you something.
31:35I prefer not to hear it directly.
31:40Thalys is gone.
31:43Isn't that right?
31:50Is everything okay with your sister, Mr. Andreas?
31:53Did you notify them?
31:57It happened what it had to happen.
32:00You know...
32:02I was wondering if we should call Marmo.
32:05I'm sure she really wanted to be with you on a day like this.
32:09No, Marmo...
32:11shouldn't be notified.
32:14has already said goodbye to my father.
32:17Vlas, for God's sake.
32:19You shouldn't distract her...
32:22with your business in Ioannina.
32:27I'm leaving.
32:54I have an idea.
32:56A very good idea.
32:58I think you'll like it too.
33:02Well done, Liana.
33:07It has to do with Elias.
33:09His friend from the airport helped me think of it.
33:13And I met a lady...
33:15who knew Elias.
33:17And I thought...
33:19we should set up an orphanage.
33:21Oh, Mom.
33:23You can't imagine how many people have lost their lives lately.
33:26You can do it, Liana.
33:28If you want to do it.
33:30What do you mean?
33:32I think I'll be happy to think about the future.
33:35Of course I'm happy, my child.
33:37What are you saying?
33:42But you give me the impression that you don't even listen to me.
33:46Come on.
33:47It looks like something is bothering you.
33:50Tell me what happened.
33:51Did you argue with Dad?
33:53No, no.
33:55We didn't argue.
33:59But you know...
34:02there's something bothering me.
34:05What is it?
34:08Do you remember that...
34:10adventure your father had with some...
34:17Of course I remember.
34:19You ran away from home.
34:21But I'm sure this adventure is in the past.
34:25Marianne, yes, I'm sure.
34:30was she the only one?
34:40I'm taking an injury from the collar.
34:43Hurry, hurry!
35:51I'm sorry.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:09What can I say?
36:11If you remember, I told you that his health was critical.
36:15It was only a matter of time before he died.
36:18You're right.
36:20At least I feel sorry...
36:22that I couldn't talk to him before he died.
36:26I came here to talk about the trial.
36:29There are no first-degree injuries, right?
36:32Francisco's father didn't have a miscarriage.
36:35We, his grandchildren...
36:37we are...
36:38in a way, his children.
36:40That's why I would like to personally take on any expenses for the surgery.
36:45Mr. Panthea...
36:46if Francisco's father had a son like you...
36:49I'm sure he would be very proud.
36:53it is the duty of the Archdiocese.
36:57I see.
36:58At least I would have a donation.
37:02Of course.
37:05I'll give it back to you.
37:13Wait a minute.
37:14Which Bella? Our Bella?
37:16The one who speaks French in heaven?
37:18No, no, no.
37:19That's impossible.
37:20First of all...
37:22would she have done something with dad?
37:25No, I don't believe it.
37:27You believe it, you don't believe it.
37:29I'm afraid this is the truth.
37:31A lot has happened lately.
37:33I'm not saying it by chance.
37:38Oh, mom.
37:39Whatever has happened...
37:41I'm sure dad...
37:43wouldn't want to lose you again.
37:46After all...
37:47you are the best woman in the world.
37:52Do you think it's just in my head?
37:56Do you really believe that, my child?
37:59Of course I believe it.
38:01After all, if he did it, he would be a fool.
38:04And we know...
38:05he's not.
38:08Come on, let's have coffee.
38:15How did we get involved with this...
38:17this... this guy?
38:18I told them to beat him up,
38:20to put him in jail,
38:21so he wouldn't see the light of day again.
38:23Now that we're talking,
38:24they must have arrived.
38:25Of course,
38:26there are three of them,
38:28and he's one of them.
38:31if he comes out...
38:32if, if, if...
38:34I told you,
38:35we had to inform the police.
38:36And I'm telling you again, Fanny,
38:38the police had to get permission from the higher-ups
38:41to investigate,
38:42and until the permission comes out,
38:43live in peace.
38:45Whatever has to be done,
38:46has to be done now.
38:47Right now.
38:50At least the child is safe.
38:52I've also sent Vangelis to Marika.
38:55I don't know, I don't know.
38:57I have a bad feeling, Mrs. Nina.
39:00We're all going to die.
39:02I'm scared.
39:03Don't worry.
39:04Everything will be fine.
39:05You'll see.
39:06I wish...
39:07I wish...
39:08they could catch him
39:09and save my sister.
39:11And maybe,
39:12in the end,
39:13I'll tell the truth about the baby.
39:15At least this time,
39:16I'll bring honor.
39:32I can't believe it.
39:34I can't believe it.
39:36What did you do, mom?
39:38What did you do, mom?
39:39What did you do, mom?
39:43Get up.
39:44Let's go, let's go, let's go.
39:45Out, out, out.
39:50Come on, come on.
39:51Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly.
40:02The cup is hot.
40:03It was here for a while.
40:05There must be a back door.
40:32Come on, quickly.
40:33Let's go.
40:35Let's go.
41:00Come in.
41:01Come in, my girl.
41:02What is this?
41:03Listen to me. I'll call the doctor right away.
41:05He has to examine you as soon as possible.
41:07There's no need, dad. I told you, I'm better already.
41:10What do you mean better? You're my white love, like Pani.
41:13What are you talking about?
41:14I'm telling you, there's no need.
41:16Don't worry.
41:18Don't worry? Let me be the judge of that.
41:21I'm telling you, if something happens to you, I won't be able to handle it.
41:25What I have this time, you'll be able to handle it.
41:29And it will make you very happy.
41:33I mean, it's what I think it is.
41:36My love, my little girl, my soul, my soul.
41:41I'll be a grandpa.
41:44My girl.
42:00Is Ms. Katerina on Sunday?
42:03Thank God.
42:06I was serving with your husband.
42:08You were serving?
42:10Why aren't you serving anymore?
42:15I'm sorry.
42:38It's sinking in there.
42:45I'm telling you that you ought to work hard.
42:48I don't mean you shouldn't cry.
42:50We all do cry.
42:52It could be our brothers, our fathers on the outside.
42:55Except for our enemies.
42:57I think that he is the one who brings them here.
43:04And I think that he is the one who fails to bring them here.
43:09I'm glad.
43:11This means that you will treat everyone with the same love and the same interest.
43:19Marmo, we still have a long way to go.
43:23The lock was just a fight. You know that.
43:26I know.
43:28I know. That's what everyone tells me.
43:33But I can't stop wishing for the opposite.
43:49As soon as Mr. Avgoustakis returns, please give these to him.
43:56Are you sure that he has to leave?
44:00But don't worry. As soon as I return, I will notify you.
44:10Mrs. Chrysostomi.
44:14Are you leaving?
44:19I will go and find Andreas.
44:21I don't want to worry you, but his behavior has been very strange lately.
44:27It's been days now that I'm trying to find out what's going on with him.
44:35Sofia, Andreas had his father's birthday today.
44:47I don't understand.
44:49But Andreas' father died a long time ago.
44:52Not the real one.
44:55I will explain everything. That's why I came.
44:58Because you care about him.
45:00And someone has to understand him.
45:19Take them all!
45:33The president, Medexas, is dead.
45:37Christ, she's alive!
45:38Hurry, the car!
45:39Come on, Luca!
45:40We have to take her to the clinic.
45:42But Pella...
45:43What are you talking about?
45:45We found her on the street, beaten up.
45:47He threw her there and left.
45:52Why did you lie to me?
45:55Where is Spyros?
45:57These letters belong to Ilias, right?
46:02I did everything I could to stop him when he was chasing her.
46:07I was holding another star in my hands and I rushed towards him.
46:11We fought and fell to the ground.
46:14My God.
46:15And what happened to Mirella?
46:16Did she escape?
46:17Did she make it?
46:18I don't know.
46:19I don't know.
46:22Your hands are shaking.
46:24For God's sake, Andreas.
46:26You're not a superman.
46:28I'm afraid you fell into a coma.
46:31Do you want me to tell the news or you?
46:37I'm pregnant.
46:39We're going to be parents.
46:41I'm alone.
46:46I'm alone.
46:50I'm alone.