Mattel Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Teela Figure

  • 5 months ago
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Teela Figure
00:00 the sorceress's daughter gets the filmation treatment here's your look at
00:04 the Mattel He-Man in the Massive Universe cartoon collection Tila heroic
00:08 warrior goddess
00:25 each figure comes with a battle accessory and a mini comic from the
00:29 series that explores the new storylines and introduces heroes villains and
00:32 allies in the timeless battle between good and evil aficionados will also love
00:36 the classically stylized retro packaging while she's sadly not part of the
00:41 secrets Club but just before we get a closer look at the cartoon collection
00:44 Tila let's grab the tape measure and see how tall the figure stands I'll also in
00:48 a second bring in some other Tila's from the origins line so you guys can see the
00:51 differences of sizes Tila is actually about five and a quarter inches in
00:54 height or the figures about 13 and a half centimeters tall yeah I guess it
00:59 was just assumed you would spill the beans about poor He-Man's secret identity
01:02 but here's what the figure looks like with the cartoon collection He-Man you
01:05 know the thing about He-Man and also one that actually is good at keeping secrets
01:09 here's what the figure looks like with the Duncan or man-at-arms from the
01:11 cartoon collection both those figures were actually using brand new bodies
01:15 they weren't recycling ones from the origins and yet though when we actually
01:18 bring in the original origins Tila it seems to be the case that they use the
01:21 exact same body why why would they have not have actually made Tila a little bit
01:26 higher in than in scale with He-Man because I just feel like now she looks
01:30 like just a origins Tila with just a different cartoon inspired head sculpt
01:34 here's what the figure also as well looks like with the Tila got packed
01:37 along with Zor and here's as well what the figure looks like with the green
01:39 goddess let me draw your attention to the pieces of paper off to the side here
01:43 the more useless of the two happens just to be the one that shows us how to swap
01:47 out the parts here for Tila I didn't even bother opening it up you can swap
01:50 out the arms you can swap out the lower legs you can remove completely the lower
01:53 half of her body and of course you can pop off her head and swap it around with
01:58 other figures gonna be discarding that quickly into the recycling bin you can
02:02 probably hear it but it went right into the recycling bin well the recycling bin
02:06 is only about a half foot away from me the thing that also kind of confuses me
02:09 is the mini comic not that we get a mini comic but look the way that they've
02:13 actually bound it instead of actually adhering it from the side or seeming the
02:17 side it actually looks like they've stitched it up like an old novel with
02:21 threading why I don't know if that's gonna be the case when we look at trap
02:25 jaw oh I just gave it away ah we are gonna be looking at trap jaw in an
02:28 upcoming review I don't know if his mini comic is gonna be the exact same but
02:33 what is the deal with actually stitching the top of this with threading just
02:39 doesn't make any sense to me it also gives us a very bold white line here to
02:42 the side if you have picked up any of the second wave of massive universe
02:46 cartoon collection figures let me know if your mini comic is also weird and
02:49 janky like this on the inside of the comic of course we got a continued story
02:53 this is a pre Eternia by the way there's trap jaw down below there's Tila up to
02:57 the far corner looks to be the case that they're not only battling dinosaurs but
03:01 three-headed dragons oh my flipping through the pages there seems to be a
03:05 gold horse there's orko and then on the back there's the advertisements of the
03:09 other figures that are part of this wave we will be looking at trap jaw I have
03:12 yet to actually pick up merman I'm super excited to get merman and get my hands
03:15 as well on Stratos those figures when I do eventually pick them up yes we'll be
03:19 coming soon to this channel so dot dot dot dot stay tuned for that dot dot dot
03:24 let's look at the accessories that come included now with Tila first of all the
03:28 figure comes in clue with the training robot that was from pawns of the game
03:30 master not one of my favorite episodes but it did give us at least a chance to
03:35 give us an episode X inspired accessory unfortunately though while not only the
03:39 robot having very limited articulation you can only really just move the arms
03:42 back and forth not that I would expect any more than that but there's no real
03:46 way to actually have the robot displayed it should really be able to fly around
03:50 and it's fine and good if you actually just hold it by your hand and go but
03:56 there's no other way to display this with the figure why would they not have
03:59 put a blasted hole on the bottom of the training robot and not included maybe an
04:03 acrylic stand something that you could have just attached on to the bottom of
04:07 the robot and then had that displayed next to Tila but oh that's and short of
04:10 maybe just adding a little bit of line onto the top and just having this
04:13 suspended from the ceiling it's nothing really else that you can actually do
04:16 with the training robot itself I mean again it looks okay there's not really
04:20 much in the way of paint it's only really relying on the more silver
04:23 plastic a little bit of marbling is also there as well but again I appreciate at
04:27 least that they took the time to add the articulation but I would have
04:30 appreciated even further if they had actually taken the time to put a hole on
04:33 the bottom of it so you're not having to do this all the time you could have
04:37 actually attached this onto the display stand and had it not just displayed with
04:41 the figure she does at least come in clear with her sword as I think up to
04:46 this point other tailors have mostly only come in clue with her staff or
04:49 again her shield the sword though is very soft and plastic it's actually more
04:54 kind of borderlining rubber than it is actually plastic the handle is also
04:57 quite thick so you'll notice though when you try to put it in Tila's hands not
05:01 that it really matters which hand you decide to put it in because she has
05:04 gripping hands on both sides but you'll notice that just seems like the handle
05:07 is way too big I mean it stores okay there you can even tip it upside down it
05:11 ain't going anywhere but it just seems like the handle is maybe just a little
05:14 too thick and again like the plastic that they've used at least it's not a
05:17 hard plastic that's likely to break but just using softer plastic like that was
05:21 a little jarring getting out of the packaging not as soft of plastic but she
05:24 also comes in clue with her shield just to grab off to the side here the one
05:28 that comes in clue with one the other origins Tila's a little bit larger of a
05:31 size it has a lot less deep detailing done to it so again all the little rose
05:36 motif that I have on the front is now replaced instead with all these little
05:39 larger orbs of plastic and again there's a larger one in the middle if you look
05:43 on the back though they basically attached to her hands the exact same way
05:46 the loop of plastic simply just grips around her gripping hands and of course
05:50 we just go ahead and do that right now I don't know why I was going all quiet
05:55 there for a second let's get that in her hand at least she has the means to wield
05:58 both weapons that's good removing them at least for right now we'll put them
06:03 off to the side we'll get a closer look at Tila I do like the look of the face
06:06 although the face seems really squished together I mean I think they probably
06:10 could have spread it out just a little bit more unfortunately though by using
06:13 the limitations that go along with an origin body I feel like they had to kind
06:17 of shorten out her proportions when it came to her face as well whereas maybe
06:21 for example when you compare it along with he-man you know she should really
06:24 be kind of like this is where she is right now this is I feel where she
06:28 should be she should be just a little bit taller so she would have to be maybe
06:32 about like half a leg longer in order I feel to be scaled a little bit better
06:36 with he-man she also is because she's using an origins body she seems and
06:40 comes across at least to me like really small fine fine features very petite is
06:45 that the is that the proper term that we can give now petite she seems a little
06:49 petite her arms and legs are gonna be pretty much exactly the same as the
06:52 original origins Tila which is grab off origins Tila so you guys can see
06:55 obviously one thing that's nice is that they have fixed the knees the original
06:59 Tila just sort of had these weird cut off knees down below here this one at
07:02 least gives you more kind of the suggestion that what knees should
07:05 actually look like if you know anatomy the boots seem to be the exact same the
07:09 torso is though one thing that's completely different but customizers
07:13 should really enjoy this particular version of Tila because this whole front
07:16 chest piece is actually softer plastic if you were to peel this off what you
07:20 would be getting basically underneath it's just a clean slate buck body a buck
07:25 body would basically allow you to go in and customize it to do something
07:28 different so instead of having to take say for example a Tila sand down all the
07:32 features if you want to start at a fresh slate this one at least all you really
07:36 would need to do is take this whole torso piece off not that I'm gonna be
07:39 doing I'm just gonna be keeping on the figure but this basically just being as
07:42 soft as it is you probably just have to pop the head you pop and remove the
07:45 shoulders on either side and you just slide that off completely and then you
07:49 basically would just get a basic body underneath that which is which is really
07:52 actually again a good thing if you're a customizer I'm not a customizer I don't
07:56 customize motu figures so I'm just gonna keep Tila the way that she is
07:59 especially for the fact that figures like this aren't easy to come by here in
08:02 Canada I had to order all of these online and I paid a little bit more for
08:06 that the actual details again on the figure look really good I mean she's got
08:09 the little tiara there on the top this is actually more of a harder plastic but
08:12 I think they've matched the colors of the gold pretty good to the armor that
08:15 she has there in her bodice the gold on the arm bracelets also match very nicely
08:19 and underneath that basically it's just a white outfit uniform and then down
08:23 below again she's got well she's got the boots that have now painted white fur on
08:27 the top the other Tila would have had just all brown boots and again now she's
08:30 got the bracelets there on the side which the original Tila would have had
08:33 much more decorative details on the sides like again just to bring back in
08:36 Tila so you guys can see yeah this Tila kind of keeps things a little bit more
08:39 simple but keeps it closer to the way that she looks in the cartoon now for
08:43 the details aside of course now we look at the figure's posability the head is
08:47 gonna be on a ball joint so yes it does rotate all the way around it looks up it
08:50 looks down and it moves also back and forth as well just again a great-looking
08:55 head sculpt but I feel like proportionally would have worked a
08:57 little bit better had they only come up with a brand new body for the cartoon
09:00 collection females the waist is still not gonna be on a straight swivel the
09:04 arms do come out at 90 degrees you can also take those arms and rotate them all
09:07 the way around I don't know why I had to make the noise to do that she has a
09:13 single hinge only in the elbow but at least it allows the arm to rotate back
09:16 and forth and the hands do as well rotate all the way around legs split out
09:20 there a lot easier to move than the original origins Tila that I still have
09:23 a tight leg on one side not my leg not my leg this leg was tighter on the
09:27 original origins Tila doesn't seem to be the case with the newer Tila legs go
09:30 forward legs go back there's no real swivel at the top of the thigh there is
09:34 though a single hinge on the knee rotates the lower leg the boot also
09:37 rotates and the ankle does move back and forth and ankle back and forth this way
09:41 as well I suppose if you wanted to I mean not that I'm one that likes to do
09:45 this but I guess you could really get the figure in also that kind of
09:47 crouching pose and make her look more like kind of the original 80s vintage
09:51 Tila but again being that you're probably buying this for the idea that
09:54 she's supposed to look more like her cartoon self I don't think most people
09:57 are probably gonna do that in favor instead I feel of just having the
10:00 figures legs straight good pretty looking sculpt for Tila but I tell you
10:04 here's a couple of problems I have with the figure not standing what not
10:07 standing is one of them it's just basically the idea that I don't feel
10:11 like she's scaled right for when it comes to the other cartoon collection
10:14 figures I mean for He-Man alone I mean if look at the size of his arms and look
10:18 at the size of his legs Tila should have been at least what eye level of He-Man
10:22 maybe a little bit taller at least half a head taller I don't feel like I don't
10:27 think that Mattel really made the right choice by simply just using an origin
10:31 style size body and just giving her a cartoon inspired head sculpt I think the
10:35 end result is that she does stand out and if this is what I would imagine to
10:39 be the body that they're gonna be using for figures moving forward so an evil
10:42 in a sorceress and we're probably also gonna be getting I'm sure at some point
10:46 as She-Ra if they're all using this style of body then all the figures
10:50 unfortunately are gonna be at a scale with the male cartoon collection figures
10:53 that we've looked at so far yeah sure I probably could have had the
10:58 training robot here in final looks but I was stupid would it be if I had my hairy
11:01 arm off to the side just holding the robot in the air while I was talking
11:04 about Tila we won't have the robot we'll still talk about Tila though the head
11:08 sculpt on Tila is probably one of the better ones we've gotten from the
11:10 cartoon collection and yet unfortunately she misses the mark with bad ideas made
11:14 by Mattel first of all that the training robot didn't have a peg or a stand to
11:18 hold the robot up on its own second that they decided of all things while they're
11:23 redesigning the cartoon collection with a brand new scale in mind they would
11:26 then go back and decide to use an origins body when it comes to the female
11:30 figures that means that any female figure moving forward unless they
11:33 decide that the scale is just too often they redesign the body altogether that
11:37 just means that every future figure that we're gonna be getting it of a female
11:40 body it's just gonna be at a scale with all the male bodies we've gotten so far
11:44 Tila at the very least should have been at eye level of He-Man but because she's
11:49 also using an origins body it means that she's literally coming up short I like
11:54 the look of the figure but I just think again like poor choices made on Mattel's
11:57 part if it was just a cost-saving idea that you know because they were using
12:01 the money to of course tool brand new buys for the males that they would then
12:05 save a little bit of money to use the female buys from the origins line if
12:08 that's the case poor choices made by Mattel have you guys had the chance to
12:12 pick up the cartoon collection Tila if you have what do you think of the figure
12:15 if you haven't yet is this a figure you guys could see yourselves picking up
12:19 seeing as I have already spilled the beans like Tila would be spilling the
12:22 beans if she found out He-Man's secret identity I spilled the beans that we are
12:26 gonna be looking at Trap Jaw his review will be right around the corner so if
12:29 you guys did want to come back and certainly check out the video if you
12:31 first of all did enjoy the one that we just finished looking at now let's not
12:35 get ahead of ourselves and start talking about Trap Jaw all of a sudden but
12:38 backing the truck just a bit if you did like this video want to throw it a like
12:42 if you're also loving the content you guys are seeing and you're on board and
12:45 want to see the review of Trap Jaw then yes hit that subscribe button down below
12:49 yes turn on the Bell notification we we make sure you're coming back here on a
12:53 regular basis as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
12:59 you
13:01 you
13:04 (logo thuds)
