• 8 hours ago
Fanta Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Haunted Apple Soda
00:00Isn't the ghost with the most? Or is it just gross?
00:04Here's your Spooky Spot on the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Fanta Haunted Apple Naturally Flavored Sparkling Beverage.
00:29You may already be noticing by the label, nowhere listed on here does it say soda.
00:33Naturally flavored sparkling beverage is, I suppose, Fanta's way of selling you the idea that this could possibly be a healthy drink.
00:40If you're drinking Fanta, you probably already know that it's not.
00:43Sure, they can list the fact it says naturally flavored.
00:46We all know now by news reports that naturally flavored usually means it's ground-up beetle bugs.
00:50Though, for this being Beetlejuice, perhaps ground-up beetle bugs would be the best flavor.
00:55Fanta, though, thought otherwise and decided to call this Haunted Apple.
00:59It's been a mixed bag from what I've read online.
01:01Some say that this is disgusting. Some say it's tolerable.
01:04That doesn't leave many odds available for me. I'm hoping to meet somewhere in the middle.
01:09Of course, listed on the side here, very terrifying, 220 calories for 500 milliliters.
01:15Oh, by the way, you may notice right now I'm not being joined by the Paranormal Candle.
01:18He's off to the doctors right now. Horrible wax buildup.
01:21Looking on to the side here, again, sugar. 59 grams of sugar.
01:26Not that I have the stats in front of me right now, but I think Coke sits somewhere in the mid-40s.
01:31This is 59 grams of sugar, giving you what you would already be wondering, your 59% daily intake of sugar.
01:39You're also getting as well 65 milligrams of sodium.
01:42Sure, yes, you could easily look at the ingredients and expect to find something healthy.
01:47The closest thing I would say is probably either salt or carbonated water.
01:51Anyways, let's get this opened up. I found this at a local convenience store.
01:54I went in there actually getting other soda beverages. Just happened to look across with my eyesight.
01:59Oh, and I spotted Fanta Beetlejuice.
02:01Haven't you actually seen Beetlejuice Beetlejuice?
02:04If it's a good sequel, let me know down below in the comments section.
02:07It is a still. The seal has not yet been broken. We're going to be breaking it right now.
02:10I'm going to smell it. I'm going to give it a try.
02:12I'm going to give you guys my honest opinion of what this is like, the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
02:16Haunted apple.
02:18Without further ado, let's just open up the top of the lid here.
02:21The fizziness sound will already give you the indication that I haven't yet opened this.
02:28I can smell it's quite strong.
02:30In fact, preliminary opinions on this.
02:33It kind of smells to me like a scented apple candle you would get at a craft store.
02:39Now that already tells me, perhaps I shouldn't be drinking it if it smells like a candle.
02:43Still though, I'm going to push forward and we're going to give this a try.
02:46You guys can smell it for yourself.
02:49Smells pretty artificial, doesn't it?
02:51Oh right, yeah. We're not in the year 2317 when we have smell-o-vision.
02:55Let's give this, without further ado, a try and I'll let you guys know what I think of the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
03:00Haunted apple. I keep wanting to think that this is sour apple, but it's haunted apple.
03:04Let's give it a try. See what we think.
03:07Swishing it around right now in my palate.
03:11You know, I would say it tastes just the same as it smells.
03:15Now, considering the fact that I already said that it smelled like an artificial apple candle you'd buy at a craft store,
03:21I think that's an accurate read of what I'm actually tasting here.
03:26It's not as strong of an apple as I was thinking it was going to be.
03:29I was expecting to dabble in this.
03:32It's not as strong of an apple as I was thinking it was going to be.
03:35I was expecting to down this and I wasn't going to drink the whole entire bottle anyways.
03:38But I was thinking, for what I would have in my mouth of it,
03:41it would probably have a very sourish, strong apple flavor.
03:45It's not strong. It's not like a Jolly Rancher apple flavor, for example.
03:49It does have an apple, but it's not very strong.
03:51I will say, though, it's got a very strong artificial taste to it.
03:56It doesn't have, like, it's not sour, necessarily.
03:59I taste apple. I almost feel like there's something also in there as well.
04:02Like some spice, maybe like a spicy apple.
04:05Picture, if you will, making yourself like a hot brewed cider, an apple cider,
04:10and then you just chill it down.
04:12Now, that's not even a good representation of what I'm actually tasting here.
04:16It literally just tastes like a scented apple candle.
04:18Let's give it another try.
04:22I would say it's one of those things where, now that I've tried it,
04:25I never need to try it again.
04:27I would certainly say, if you guys haven't had the chance to try it,
04:29and you're a big fan of Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,
04:31go out there.
04:32If you happen to see this at your local convenience stores,
04:34pick it up, give it a try.
04:35If you have the option available where you only need to buy yourself one bottle,
04:38I think that's more than enough.
04:39I think once you finish at least half the bottle,
04:41you probably are going to say to yourself,
04:42you know what, I'm done.
04:43I'm done. I'm done.
04:44I'm done. I'm done.
04:45I'm done.
04:46I'm done.
04:47I'm done.
04:48I'm done.
04:49You say to yourself, you know what, I'm good.
04:51I'm good.
04:52Just slide it down the table.
04:53Maybe somebody else nearby you will want to give it a try.
04:56Don't get a case of this, whatever you do.
04:58I don't think that Fanta is necessarily sold by cases.
05:00But, if a case is available, and a bottle is available,
05:03choose wisely to grab the bottle.
05:05Don't go for the case,
05:06because you're probably going to be drinking about half of this,
05:08and then realize, you know what,
05:09I should've never,
05:10I should've listened to this guy.
05:11I should've never bought myself the case.
05:13All in all, is it terrible?
05:15It's not great.
05:16but I expected it be a little bit stronger so I suppose it's more subtler
05:20than what I thought. But it still tastes to me like an apple-scented candle.
05:24Have you guys had the chance to try this? Let me know down below in the comment
05:27section what you guys think of the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Fanta
05:30haunted apple... I wanted to say soda. It's not a soda.
05:34It's a sparkling beverage. That's Fanta's safe way of saying
05:37it's a soda but it's good for you. It's totally made probably of ground up
05:41beetle bugs.
05:42If you guys have also seen Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, let me know down below in the
05:45comment section what you guys thought of the the movie.
05:47I still do want to see it. Maybe I'll get around to seeing it during this
05:50Hallows season. If you guys did enjoy this video, do it a solid. Throw it a like.
05:54You guys want to stick around for more so? I hope so.
05:57Hit the subscribe, turn on that bell, and of course come back. As always, thanks for
06:02See you guys next time.
