• 19 hours ago
Spinmaster The Shapes Collection God of War Ragnarok Kratos
00:00Death can have me when it earns me. Here's a look at the brand-new Spin Master
00:04toys the Shapes Collection God of War Ragnarok Kratos.
00:24The God of War Kratos Shapes Collection six-inch action figure captures Kratos
00:28in meticulous detail from his battle-worn armor to ashy skin to his signature red tattoo.
00:33Featuring over 129 unique finishes and 31 points of articulation, fans can pose Kratos dynamically
00:39with accessories like the Leviathan Axe, Blades of Chaos, and more. You must live by your deeds,
00:44but don't be troubled by them. Just before of course we get a closer look at the Spin Master
00:47the Shapes Collection God of War Ragnarok Kratos, first if I can I'd like to thank the folks over
00:52at Spin Master that were kind enough to provide this sample. Not only did they send over Kratos,
00:56but they also sent over a big media box containing I believe all the first set of
01:00Shapes Collection figures that we'll be looking at in upcoming reviews. Based at least of what
01:05I've seen online, Kratos is slated to drop in December 2024. It's not though to say that you
01:10couldn't get your hands on him sooner, as I've seen already listings showing up on eBay where
01:13this guy's selling for around $45. Kratos is going to stand at six inches exactly, or the figure is
01:20going to be about 15 centimeters tall. A lot of good stuff comes in clear with Kratos. First,
01:25the figure does have some swappable hands. Now, if you did want to have him holding his leviathan
01:29axe, the idea in mind of probably swapping these out for these probably won't be in your mind at
01:33all. The figure though, like I said, does have some closed gripped hands. You can easily then
01:37just swap them out with the hands that he has right now. If you wanted to change the hands,
01:40by the way, it's just a case of holding on to the forearm. Don't let go, whatever you do,
01:44and then just sort of twist the hand and remove it from the post. The type of plastic that they're
01:48using is a little more of the gummier variety. I mean, it's not a super soft plastic, but it's
01:53that kind of plastic that you recognize when you first pick it up. Take the hand that you want to
01:56use and then just twist it back into the hole, and now you got yourself a closed gripped hand,
02:01or even just a fist hand, and then you also got a gripping hand on the other side. Now,
02:04that gripping hand on the other side will come in handy because the figure does also come in
02:08clear with this leviathan axe. Ooh, I should never joke about that. Leviathan axe also is
02:14made of a very kind of soft plastic, not soft to the point where it feels like licorice, but it
02:19does have a little bit of give to it, which is probably a good thing as well if you're giving
02:22this to kids. The head of the axe, as you can see, has been forged nicely here in plastic.
02:28It's got some indentations. It's got some cracks. It's got a whole lot of detail. It's been painted
02:32here in gunmetal gray, while the rest of the handle's been remained behind in brown. Now,
02:36this can store in his hands. I would have normally have said it could be stored in either one of his
02:39hands, but seeing as I've already taken the liberty of removing one, the only then available
02:43option is that the figure then can be displayed with this hand holding the axe. The fingers
02:48themselves are fairly soft, again, in plastic, so it's pretty easy for him to hold the axe.
02:52Once it's in his hand, though, it's not going to be going anywhere. If you'd like to go other places,
02:56though, which you can also do, too, like in the game, on the back of the figure's body, there's
03:00a clip right here, so you could take the leviathan axe and just clip it in place. It sits okay. I
03:04mean, it's a little on the looser side, but at least the way that the clip is designed, the
03:08further you slide this down closer towards the head of the axe, the better grip it's going to
03:12hold, and then the axe is going to flop around on you. While it's got the axe right there,
03:17the figure also does come included with a shield. Now, he has two variations of shield. He has the
03:22open one completely that looks like an umbrella. If you like, though, your umbrella closed up when
03:26it's putting inside of a car or inside of a house, that's bad luck. He has also the closed up
03:30version of the shield. Now, they attach onto his arm the exact same way. See, there's like a peg
03:35right here and there's a peg right here. They're molded both in gold plastic. If you choose to
03:39want to display it this way, you can have the folded up axe. Now, he has a slit here on the
03:44side of his arm. There's no cover that goes over top of it, so when he's not got a shield on there,
03:48you're going to notice that there's a big slit in the side of his arm. I was just going to take the
03:52shield, plug it in place, and you really do have to push a fair bit of pressure in order to get
03:57that shield in place, but one good thing is the shield's never going to go anywhere. I think if
04:01I'm not going to have the shield opened up, having the closed up version of this would probably be
04:05the better way to have this figure displayed. It also does, of course, cover over that open area
04:09in the side of his arm. If you didn't want to see what it looks like, though, with the other shield,
04:13just going to pop that off, take then the open shield, and we're just going to plug it in the
04:17exact same way. I did notice, though, that the larger shield seems to attach easier to his hands.
04:23Now, I don't know, though. I mean, like, I'm pegging this here for a second. I'm looking at the two.
04:28It does maybe look like there's maybe a little more plastic that they've allotted for the closed
04:32up shield. There's a little less of it. Maybe that's the reason why this one's a little bit
04:35easier to attach onto his arm. Does anybody really care? I hope you care. Move that off to the side.
04:40Getting a little closer look at Kratos. I gotta say, though, for what we're getting here from
04:44Spinmaster, I'm really impressed with this release. Let's go ahead and just actually remove the axe,
04:49because I know that's going to get in the way of things when it comes to rotating this figure's
04:51torso. Head sculpt-wise, I think they've done a nice job on it. The painting, as you can see there
04:56on the side of the markings there for his face, nicely done there in red. Got some darker colors
05:01that they've also afforded to the areas of his eyes, as well, if I move my fingers out of the way.
05:05Beard's pin painted well. Of course, he's got that asher kind of skin. Nice markings of red
05:10there, also spiraling around his body and shoulders, as well. Now, the armor itself. This armor is a
05:15separate piece, technically. They've done that in such a way that when it comes to rotating this
05:19guy's body around, it's not going to be getting in the way. This looks just like an overlay that
05:23they've put over top of the figure. I wonder if that is also one of the things that they're doing
05:27with an idea that down the road, maybe they're going to release other versions of Kratos. Let's
05:31hope so. Though he does have a neutral expression, it would have been nice if they could release
05:35maybe this guy a second edition, where he's got kind of more of a grimace or screaming face. That
05:39would be ideal, but the head sculptor got no real complaints with it. I think they've done a nice job
05:44on it. The shoulder pad is one thing that's separate from the rest of his torso. You can see
05:49that they've sort of attached it by a peg. One good thing, at least by doing it that way, is that when
05:54it comes to moving his arms, the shoulder pads aren't going to be getting in the way at all.
05:58The armor has a lot of layers to it. You can see that there's some darker blacks, some dark browns,
06:02some grays added in there, as well. Got some additional reds. He's got the gold there on the
06:07side. He does also have, though, a sheathed blade. Now, you can't pull the blade out. It's permanently
06:12molded in there. Not that it necessarily needs it. I don't think, you know, the idea of really having
06:16a removable blade. The fact the figure already comes included with an axe is more than enough
06:20for me. Nice little, again, layers of color. There's a lot going on here. I think, rhyming this off at
06:26the beginning of this review, there's over a hundred layers of different paint that they've afforded
06:29this figure, and it definitely does show. Really does look good. I'm very impressed with what I'm
06:34seeing here. Now, for his articulation, obviously, with the skirting on the front of his legs, it's not
06:38going to impede at all the movement, but I guess what we'll do starting first is we'll go back to
06:42the head sculpt. The head's going to be on a ball joint, so it allows the head to rotate all the way
06:47around. If it really wasn't for the shoulder getting in the way of things and the length of
06:50his beard, ideally, though, you'd be able to rotate the head all the way around. The head looks up. The head
06:55looks down. The head, what? Looks back and forth, as well. Upper torso is going to be on a very generous
07:01ball joint. I'm really impressed with the amount of posability this guy does possess. Arms rotate all
07:05the way around. Whether you want to go the side that doesn't have the shoulder pad, you're not
07:09going to have problems there. The side that does have the shoulder pad, would you believe, you're not
07:12going to have any problems there, either. The arms rotate all the way around on either side. You can
07:16also bring the arms out, also, as well. The figure doesn't seem to have any bicep swivel. If there
07:22is one, there's just... oh, there we go. There we go. I'm going to say he looks like he certainly does have
07:27a bicep swivel, and I was struggling with this earlier. Just with a little bit of persistence, with
07:31a little bit of luck, I was able to get that swivel. So, correcting myself, what I would have normally
07:36said, he doesn't have any swivel in his bicep. In fact, the figure does. Swivels back and forth there.
07:40The figure, sadly, only has a single hinge in the elbow. I don't think he necessarily needs to have
07:44a double hinge. The fact he has it here and the fact that he has it here, I think, is more than
07:48enough. Single hinge also allows the elbow to bend at 90 degrees. The hands rotate, also, all the way
07:53around. And then, when we get to the legs, because the way they've done the skirting, softer plastic,
07:58and they've also allotted these with the little strips of plastic that he has on the sides,
08:03they're not going to get in the way at all when it comes to moving those legs outward. So, you can do
08:07a full full splits. You can take those legs and move forward. You can move them back. There is a
08:12swivel at the top of the thigh. There is also, as well, unlike the elbow, at least a double hinge on the
08:16knee. Nice detailing all there, all around. Ankle pivot back and forth. There is also an ankle rocker.
08:22The figure doesn't have any toe articulation. I don't think he necessarily needs toe articulation.
08:26Just in case you're curious, even though, really, the Shapes collection, for at least what I've seen
08:29so far, doesn't seem to have display stands. If you did want to use a display stand from another
08:33figure company, you could do that, as well, because Kratos does have the afforded options.
08:37All in all, though, a nice looking figure. I can see, though, why people are probably starting to
08:41sell this guy as high as they are online. Like I said, wait it out. Wait it out for this one,
08:46because, like I said, online sites, right now, at least, show this with a pre-order of December 2024.
08:51Entertainment Earth, for example, has this guy marked as December 2024, so they don't pay the
08:56prices that some of the sellers seem to be selling him for over on eBay. Well over $40. Not worth it
09:01at all. I would certainly say, though, get him for the price that he's selling for. He's well worth
09:05it. He's a smaller scale version of Kratos, and also being that he's released by Spin Master,
09:10I think he's also getting put out there at a more affordable price, if you can find it.
09:14The colors look good on him. The articulation is quite impressive, as well, and he's got some
09:17decent level of accessories. The fact that he does come with the Leviathan Axe, he comes with
09:21two versions of his shield, and some swappable hands. I don't think that can be beat at all.
09:27The packaging does actually list this guy with 31 points of articulation. I can almost even see
09:31that he has more articulation than 31, but all in all, though, yeah, really, really happy with
09:35how Kratos turned out here from the folks over at Spin Master. And here I was talking about the
09:39poseability that Kratos possessed and failed to point out, too. The figure does also have
09:43shoulder crunches. You may not be able to see it with the side that has the shoulder pad,
09:47but you can certainly see it on the other side that's currently holding the shield.
09:50It means that it gives the arms a little bit more allowance, that you can swing them a little bit
09:54further forward, or arch them back a little bit more. The figure right now is being displayed
09:58with his opened up shield, and of course, the Leviathan Axe on the other side. There's some
10:02storage space there, as well, so if you don't like necessarily the axe in his hands, I don't
10:06know why you wouldn't want to. You can also attach them on the back of his body, like he has in the
10:10game. There's a lot of layers going on for Kratos here. Just looking at the pelts alone, how many
10:14different shades of black and brown that we're getting here, as well. The colors look good on
10:18him. The darker greens complement, of course, the ashier skin that he has, and then the red markings
10:23like he has in the games, all well handled by the talented team at Spin Master. Ideally, though,
10:28I would love to see this guy get released again, perhaps with an angrier expression on Kratos's
10:32face. But all in all, though, from head to toe, this guy being a smaller sized Kratos, he fits
10:37the part rather nicely. Big thank you, once again, to the folks over at Spin Master that were kind
10:41enough to provide the sample of the brand new The Shapes Collection God of War Ragnarok.
10:46This was Kratos. What do you guys think of the figure? Let me know down below in the comments
10:49section. Is this high on your radar for figures you'd like to pick up for your collection? Let me
10:53know what you think of them down below. If you guys also did enjoy this video, do it a solid.
10:57Throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more, so I hope so. Hit that subscribe, turn on
11:01that bell, and, of course, come back, because not only even though we have wrapped up things right
11:05now for Kratos, we are still going to be delving into The Shapes Collection, courtesy of the folks
11:09over at Spin Master. So, as always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
