• 19 hours ago
Playmates Godzilla X Kong The New Empire Mega Punching Kong
00:00you better watch out you're not at the receiving end of this primates punch
00:03here's a look at the playmates toys Godzilla X Kong the new empire mega
00:07punching Kong
00:18Godzilla and Kong return in an all-new adventure pitting the almighty Kong and
00:24a fearsome Godzilla against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our
00:28world challenging their very existence and our own don't forget you can't spell
00:33Kong without KO just before of course we get a closer look at the Godzilla X Kong
00:37the new empire mega punching Kong I'd like to thank the folks over at playmates
00:41that did provide this sample Kong is gonna stand tall at 12 inches in height
00:46or the king of the primates stands about 31 and a half centimeters tall we seem
00:51to have been looking at a lot of big monsters lately here in this channel
00:54gonna slide over the Kong that we're about to have a look at and of course
00:57we're gonna be bringing in Godzilla that we've already had a look at both of
01:01them do have lights and sounds you could say if anything Godzilla is the victor
01:05here because he does also have a misting heat ray from a size standpoint if I
01:09actually could get them both on their standing legs I would say they're
01:13roughly about the same size although Godzilla obviously has a little bit more
01:16extra length with the tail on the back of his body like it was the case with a
01:19king of monsters King Kong does also have lights and sounds but in the case
01:22of both monsters the batteries already come courtesy of playmates so you don't
01:25have to worry about buying them right away Godzilla did require three AAA
01:29batteries King Kong though does require slightly smaller more expensive
01:32batteries three LR 44s they have already like I said been installed on the back
01:37of the apes body I'm gonna flip the body around so you guys can see where
01:40they're supposed to go the moment you'll notice that Kong starts to drain some
01:43start sounding a little deeper you'll know that you'll have to unscrew the
01:47battery cover here and then replace the three LR 44s just above that though I
01:51don't know if you'll be able to see this there is one of the little button
01:54activation points that trigger the sound effects for Kong in fact he
01:57actually gets triggered by three different effect options you can either
02:00squeeze his legs together you can just simply twist his body around or you can
02:04also again press that button on the back of his body before doing that though I
02:08did want to show you guys the features up the face and all the details down
02:11below first of all I think the head sculpt is really good one of the
02:14unfortunate sacrifices that have to be made in order for this to light up is
02:18that his eyes light up so if they're not already being activated they do look a
02:22little on the darker side now again for this being a primate you can kind of buy
02:26into the idea that his eyes would normally be dark like this they've taken
02:29the time to color of course the tops and bottoms of his teeth they colored nicely
02:33as well the inside of his tongue there is some decent articulation as well I
02:36was actually thinking this guy would be a little bit more limited but I was
02:39surprised to see that not only could you rotate his head but you'd be able to
02:42rotate some other things also as well he's got some scarring there in the
02:45front of his chest in between the scarring you may be able to see as well
02:48he's got a few little slits that's so that the audio actually sounds more
02:51clear from the front and it's not relying it solely on the back in fact if
02:54you look at the back there are no speakers at all on the back of Kong's
02:58body they're all solely relying on this area here of course he does have the
03:02power glove there on the side one of the fun things I thought was that fact King
03:06Kong did kind of even up the odds by being being able to wield this weapon
03:10I'm sure down the road we are gonna be getting King Kong I'm sure I'm calling
03:14it right now King Kong in a later movie will actually have a voice box and
03:17you'll be able to say a few things I'm saying that right now but it does bring
03:20a little bit of extra necessary color of course it's not for that King Kong
03:23would normally have just been like pretty much like just relegated to like
03:26browns and grays and stuff like that what's interesting though is that the
03:30glove itself is pretty soft and plastic up here it's hard enough but they
03:34probably did this as well as a more safety precaution so if some kid
03:37accidentally gets sucker-punched by Kong at least the front end of it is a little
03:41bit more softer and it's not gonna hurt as much they've colored also as well the
03:44band some additional silver there also as well for the gears that kind of keep
03:47everything together for Kong of course when we spin it around to the back one
03:51of the unfortunate trade-offs of this guy being essentially a two halves put
03:54together so you can see some very visible screw holes all down the sides
03:58of his arm up right down the middle of his body there as well and also down
04:01below in his legs but going back to the fact that this figure does have some
04:04decent levels of possibility his head does rotate back and forth you can bring
04:08his arms sort of forward and back a lot of that really has to do with the gimmick
04:11you can also rotate his body but again a lot of that is the gimmick but here's
04:14the part that kind of surprised me is he has first of all elbow joints so you
04:18can bend the elbows freely you can also rotate his hands as well this hand you
04:22can't because it's all kind of really built into the rest of his glove but you
04:25can also bring his legs forward you can bring them back you can also twist the
04:30leg a little bit and bring the leg out that way as well and the figure does
04:33also have knee articulation Sally doesn't have anything though first feet
04:36and you probably can see as well he's pretty hollow on the bombs of his feet
04:39but again for the fact that this guy does have the sounds and effects that he
04:43has I don't think I'm not bothered really at all by the fact the figure
04:46does have slightly more hollow feet now again to cycle through the sound effects
04:50can be one can be accomplished in one of three ways you can either just go right
04:54away to the button and the button will only really activate the face so if we
04:57go and press the button on the back now we're bringing life to Kong it's only
05:04gonna give you the audio and it's only gonna light up his eyes nothing else is
05:08being done right now to the rest of his body what you can then do is if you then
05:12twist his torso he's gonna start to swing this arm forward as if he's doing
05:17a sucker punch or an uppercut you can also do it as well by squeezing his legs
05:21together now I found with his squeezing his legs it doesn't always work as well
05:24if I'm squeezing this I feel like I'm putting a lot of pressure to this if a
05:28kid for example is picking up Kong he might actually find it's easier not to
05:32necessarily squeeze the legs together as I'm doing right now but rather actually
05:36just taking the shoulder on this side and swinging it this way the results are
05:41the same no matter which way you go it's gonna have Kong swinging his arm
05:45forward again he's gonna get the audio clip going and his eyes are gonna light
05:49up I do like that I like that at least it gives you the option if they had only
05:54just really relegated and with the legs being squeezed together I think honestly
05:58for me as an adult it's so much easier for me obviously like I can squeeze the
06:02legs together but I can see like that might be a little bit harder for a kid
06:05to do so the honest thing if you're you know a little bit smaller in size me
06:08maybe don't have as much the strength to squeeze legs together for King Kong
06:11honestly it's just so much easier you can just squeeze it by just essentially
06:15kind of pushing the shoulder this way and and it yields again the exact same
06:19results comparing the two again I'm just gonna put Godzilla King Kong over here I
06:23knew I was gonna probably get the two twisted up here putting King Kong right
06:28here I want to just make sure I got him standing completely straight and bringing
06:31back in Godzilla now again like Godzilla we've already looked at him the earlier
06:35review so if you guys didn't get the chance to see them I actually just was
06:38taking the head off in between takes but if you guys did if you guys haven't
06:42seen the review though of that version of Godzilla definitely check it out I
06:45like that they're oversized I love the idea again that Playmates finds the way
06:48to incorporate the lights and the sounds granted yes Godzilla did have a little
06:52bit more going for him because again he had to like the mist coming out the
06:55front of his mouth King Kong doesn't have that but what he does have though
06:58instead is an action feature being able to swing his torso about and of course
07:03delivering like the knockout blow between the two I'd love to have both of
07:07these obviously on display they're gonna be taking up a little bit more
07:09quarters than your regular sized Godzilla and King Kong figures well
07:13worth it though if you get the chance to grab these for yourself because they're
07:16pretty fun toys if you're a fan of Godzilla and Kong okay okay okay if
07:20you're gonna have a versus movie there has to be a clear-cut winner unless
07:23you're the studio that decides they want to do a fan service to both fandoms and
07:26that in the end everybody wins no if there was gonna be a clear-cut winner I
07:30would probably say it would still be heat rave Godzilla not just saying for
07:33the fact that Godzilla did have a breath spray that came out of his mouth but for
07:37the fact that also his platelet blades all sort of charged up to the front of
07:40his face I thought that was a really neat touch I mean no slouch necessarily
07:43is mega punching Kong if anything you could say that the primary has a little
07:47bit more pose ability there's a lot more you could do with them and you if
07:50anything you could say I use a little bit more fun to play with I mean one of
07:54the downsides unfortunately with Kong is that on the back of his body as you can
07:57kind clearly all see right now he's got a lot of visible screws but from the
08:01front of him though he's got some really cool details I think it was smart though
08:05that they cleverly found a way to add a little slots for the speakers around the
08:08areas of his slashes so you don't really see them as much the detail in space is
08:12good and he actually has surprisingly a lot more pose ability than I thought he
08:15would actually possess he's a little soft in the one fist just to ensure I
08:19guess safety precautions that no kid is gonna get knocked out because of Kong
08:23yeah Kong's pretty cool but I would still say my victor in this is mega heat
08:27ray Godzilla what do you guys think let me know down below in the comment
08:30section between the two behemoths that we've had a look at who would you say
08:33comes out on top big thank you once again to the folks over at playmates
08:37that because of them we all come out on top because they really some pretty cool
08:40looking toys today we were of course looking at the Godzilla X Kong the new
08:43Empire mega punching Kong if you guys did enjoy this video do it a solid throw
08:47it a like you guys want to stick around for more so I hope so hit that subscribe
08:51turn on that Bell and of course come back as always the guys thanks for
08:54watching see you guys next time
