• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys Movie Maniacs Dazed And Confused David Wooderson


00:00Another movie maniac? All right, all right, all right. Here's a look at McFarlane
00:04Toys Movie Maniacs Dazed and Confused David Wooderson.
00:21Introducing Wooderson, the embodiment of 70s coolness and nostalgia, brought to
00:26life an incredibly detailed six-inch scale figure based on the cult classic
00:30movie Dazed and Confused. With tie-dye and bell-bottoms, macrame and mood rings,
00:35Wooderson captures the essence of an era defined by freedom and self-discovery.
00:40That's why I like collecting action figures. I get older, they stay the same
00:44age. How about before we get a closer look at the new movie Maniacs Dazed and
00:48Confused David Wooderson, first I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarlane
00:51Toys, provided the sample we can have a look at. Second, and most importantly I
00:55suppose, we can also take the tape measure and see how tall it actually
00:57stands. David is gonna be about six and three-quarters of an inch in height,
01:01translating though to a figure that's about 16 and a half centimeters tall.
01:05While I would say Wooderson is probably the most maniac of all the movie
01:09maniacs we've looked at lately, here's what the figure looks like with the big
01:12Lebowski's The Dude, and earlier from that we also looked at the 40 year old
01:15virgin Andy Stitzer. Still again relying on that consistent display stand you can
01:19see with all three. This is one thing again I really like that they're doing
01:22now with the movie Maniacs is that instead of making unique display stands
01:25every single release, no, make it a lot simpler, make it consistent, make it all
01:29look like the figures are part of the same figure line. And much like the line
01:32so far, one thing you get included with David is a little foil bag. I have no idea
01:37what's actually inside this right now. We'll all find out together. Of course if
01:41you've already seen other people doing unboxings of this, you already know
01:44probably what's gonna be inside, and I can't imagine though that the contents
01:46will vary from one Wooderson to another. Let's go ahead, there's like a little
01:50perforation right there. Carefully, carefully, we don't want to rip what I'm
01:53guessing to be a sticker inside. Peel that away, open it up. What we have inside
01:59is we've got ourselves two stickers. It says, You Cool Man, Dazed and Confused
02:03down below, and it seems like it they've outlined this all around the shapes, so
02:07when you're peeling this off you're not peeling off the entire square. The other
02:10one that we have looks to be, well, four separate stickers, Dazed and Confused,
02:14Have a Nice Daze, and we also have ourselves as well the two separate
02:18stickers there too. So I guess collectively we got ourselves five
02:21stickers, right? One over here, four over here, like it's five. That's simple math.
02:25Move that off to the side though. It also does come included with a little
02:29cardboard. I say little, the large cardboard background that's gonna attach
02:32on to the back of the display stand. Dazed and Confused, I would say, is
02:36probably the first of many for me, at least the first time I've seen a lot of
02:40these actors and actresses. Mila Jovovich, for example, first time I think I
02:43actually saw her in a film was Dazed and Confused. Ben Affleck, even though Ben
02:48Affleck I always kind of think of as Armageddon being the first film I saw
02:51him in, actually predates that. Dazed and Confused was the first one I saw him in.
02:55And another one was Sasha Jensen. You're probably thinking yourself, well, who's
02:59Sasha Jensen? He was Brody or Brady in the Halloween for The Return of Michael
03:03Myers. So like a lot of firsts for me. Although I think with Sasha, I had
03:06already seen Halloween 4 before, Dazed and Confused. Does anybody really care?
03:10Nobody really cares. Maybe what you might care about though is not only is a
03:13poster on the front, but on the back it's also a certificate of authenticity
03:17indicating that this is David Werderson. This certifies that this limited
03:21edition worldwide product David Werderson figurine is authentic and
03:24officially licensed by McFarland Toys. The figurine was created, developed and
03:28designed by Todd McFarland and his award-winning design group. All figures
03:32are individually hand-painted and sequentially numbered. Out of the
03:35limited run of 4,000 copies, the one provided to me by Todd is p16.
03:41What you can also do as well, is while unfortunately you can't remove David, you can so
03:45easily attach the background to the back of the back card onto the back.
03:49See this little slot right here? You're gonna take this and just insert it
03:54in place. The one thing unfortunately though I have noticed with the times
03:56that I've done this before is, maybe not as much for David because I've only done
04:00a couple of times, but I think with like the big Lebowski for example, as you kind
04:05of put this inside the standee, it starts to kind of, not bend it, but you can see
04:10it starts leaving behind a mark down below. I mean to be fair, it's it's a mark
04:13that you're never really gonna see anyways until you start to take the card
04:15out, but I'm sure the same thing is probably gonna happen with David's
04:18every time I'm gonna take it out. Mine also, unfortunately getting out of the
04:22packaging, there is this little crimped corner here. A big deal? It's not a big
04:26deal at all. Anyways though, that just plugs onto the back. Now if you don't
04:29want to have it look like this so easily too, you can also flip this around and
04:33showcase to your friends when they walk down and see your room. Hey is that a
04:36certificate of authenticity with David Woodardson? I was gonna say Matthew
04:41McConaughey, but yeah it is. That's a certificate of authenticity. All that
04:45being said, let's go ahead and put that off to the side. Now getting a closer look,
04:48speaking of Matthew McConaughey, does that look like a young Matthew McConaughey? I
04:52would say yes. I don't know if I saw him first in Dazed and Confused. I feel like
04:57it's time to kill that I saw Matthew McConaughey in first. It's kind of like a
05:01weird thing where I was kind of watching certain movies earlier than Dazed and
05:04Confused and some other ones I watched Dazed and Confused first. Likeness wise, I
05:08think it looks certainly a lot like David. Much longer hair, of course. He's
05:11got himself as well. The little pork chop sideburns there on the side. Sculpting on
05:15the face is really good. Considering that these are also all hand-painted, I think
05:18they've done a really nice job on it. Paint is generally clean. He's a little
05:22more rosier down below here in the cheeks, but I think other than that it's
05:25a really nice likeness to Matthew McConaughey. Of course, he also has as
05:28well his shirt. He's got his little beer there in his hand as well, and I think
05:32unlike Lebowski's, I don't think I'd be able to take that beer out. It looks
05:37like it probably wasn't molded to his hand, and like Lebowski's when he had the
05:40half-and-half cream, I don't think maybe you could take this off, but
05:44again, why would you want to? Just leave it alone. Also, he's got his necklace on
05:47there as well. The necklace, though, is one thing that isn't actually sculpted to
05:51the t-shirt. They just actually panel lined it in there. It's not a bad thing
05:54anyways. I mean, would you expect them to really go in there and
05:58panel line or sculpt line this extra little cording? Having it just
06:02painted in is more than fine. Of course, he does have the rolled up sleeves. Those
06:05are nicely done as well. Wrinkles that develop on natural areas when it goes
06:09over top of your body. I think they've done a well enough job here of wrinkling
06:12the back of his shirt. Of course, also the way that he's arched is as well. I don't
06:16know if socially acceptable anyone would want to wear pants like this anymore, but
06:19he certainly did have pants like this in the movie, and I think color-wise, this
06:23salmon pink that they've used here is pretty close. Also, as well, is that
06:28I guess the cowboy boots that he wore also in the movie? Painted well, too, in
06:31the brown color. Overall, it's a nice-looking statue. Also, as well,
06:36when we looked at Andy, for example, you can see Andy had the
06:4040-year-old Virgin down below here. He had some carpeting and some action figures.
06:44Also, when we just recently looked at the dude, the dude has that same size
06:48square, although his was floor tiling. He also had the big Lebowski there.
06:53When it comes to David, again, you've got the name of the movie, so it's
06:57Dazed and Confused. It's raised from everything else around it, and I don't
06:59know if looking at that, if that's supposed to be like concrete from like a
07:02sidewalk, maybe somewhere near the school. I don't know. Either way, though, it's
07:07nicely done. It still, though, is only occupying this amount of space, though. I
07:10still feel like they probably could have made it a little bit larger, but for the
07:13fact that this corners off the way that it does, maybe they just want to kind of
07:16keep everything as a simple square, just because it would be so a lot easier to
07:20change that out, depending on what character that they're making. Now, of
07:22course, you got David Wooderson here in the front. Good-looking figure. Good-
07:25looking figure. Again, I don't know if you would really want to call
07:28these things figures. They're more really, again, statues than they are
07:31figures, because there's really no posability at all here. If you
07:34choose also not to use the backgrounds here, so again, like if you just leave
07:38these off altogether, you can have these a little bit more closer in space on
07:41your shelf. Still don't know what I'm really gonna choose to do. I mean, I kind
07:46of like the idea that they incorporate things like this that tie in then to the
07:49movie. The unfortunate thing, though, about this is I can't then do what I'm doing
07:52right now. I'd have to kind of allot for space on the side. Like, even if I was
07:55to put this on the back of David's display stand, like that, and then you
07:59have to kind of keep in mind as well, if you're gonna be doing the exact same
08:01thing with the dude, just get his in there right there. And I don't know where
08:07Andy's is. Andy's whereabouts unknown. Well, anyways, at least if you guys can see,
08:11it's gonna take up a lot more space. So if you want to have a little bit more of
08:15the background, the movie pulled into the display of this, yeah, it will be taking
08:19up a little bit more space as a result of it. All in all, though, you know, the
08:22fact that I think this might be the very first Matthew McConaughey figure
08:25I... no, no, there was the there was the Dark Tower. A Matthew McConaughey figure
08:29got released for that as well. But certainly not one, though, from Dazed and
08:32Confused if you are a big fan of the Dazed and Confused film from the
08:35early 90s. A great little pickup from the folks over at McFarland Toys. I feel like
08:39if you can embrace what Todd and his team are doing now with Movie Maniacs,
08:43relying more on statues of recognizable characters from some of the most popular
08:47pop culture films of all time, I think you can have a lot of fun collecting
08:51this line. Sure, yes, they lack the posability and obviously they don't have
08:55a lot of the horror elements like they did back then, but the fact that you're
08:58getting a character like David Woodardson, for example, from Dazed and
09:01Confused, I mean, how often would you ever get a character like that? And that's one
09:04thing, though, I do really like about this line. In between, though, takes, I was
09:08kind of thinking of other characters that I would like to see as Movie Maniacs. If
09:11they haven't already planned to do it, a Blues Brothers set would be perfect. I
09:15was also thinking Wayne Campbell from Wayne's World and one of my favorite
09:18comedies of all time. Just thinking we got ourselves both Bill Lombard and
09:22Milton from Office Space, I think those would make for some really cool Movie
09:27Maniacs. Again, I don't know really how much licensing they have for when it
09:30comes to these movies that they pick, or again, they only have licensing for
09:33certain studios, but again, if you really go into this line with the idea that
09:37they're just more decorative statues and less semi-posable, somewhat
09:42posable figures, again, I think it's a really neat line to be collecting. Now,
09:45again, when it comes to Dazed and Confused and David
09:48Woodardson, what do you guys think about this? Is this one that you guys could see
09:51yourselves picking up and adding into your collection? Again, what other
09:54characters would you guys like to see? McFarlane Toys may be due next for the
09:57Movie Maniacs. Speaking of Movie Maniacs, and speaking of Todd and his team, I'd like to
10:01thank the folks over at McFarlane Toys that did provide this sample of the
10:04Movie Maniacs Dazed and Confused, David Woodardson. Alright, then we can have a look
10:08at this review. If, by the way, you guys did enjoy this review, you can do it a
10:11salt and throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more, so I hope so.
10:15Hit that subscribe, turn on that bell. Of course, come back. As always, thanks for
10:20watching. See you guys next time.
