• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys Movie Maniacs The Big Lebowski The Dude


00:00I wonder what the chances are that that mystery bag is gonna have some Credence
00:03tapes. Here's a look at McFarlane Toys, Movie Maniacs, The Big Lebowski, The Dude.
00:23Introducing Jeff The Dude Lebowski, the iconic protagonist in The Big Lebowski,
00:28immortalized in an incredibly detailed six-inch scale figure, capturing the
00:32essence of the laid-back demeanor and unexpected adventures. Mistaken for a
00:36millionaire and thrust into a whirlwind of crime and mystery, The Dude remains
00:40the epitome of cool in the face of chaos. That rug really tied the room together.
00:45But before we start actually criticizing the kind of carpeting that this guy has
00:48in his studio right now, let's talk a little bit about the figure that's
00:51currently in front of us. A big thank you to the folks over at McFarlane Toys that
00:54did provide this sample of the Movie Maniacs, The Big Lebowskis, The Dude that
00:58we can have a look in this review. Also let's go ahead and take the tape measure
01:01just to see how tall this statue stands. I have to kind of refrain from calling
01:04these guys action figures because there's very little action happening to
01:07them right now. The Dude, though, perched on top of his stand is gonna give us a
01:11figure collectively that's six and three-quarters of an inch in height,
01:14translating though to a figure that's about sixteen and a half centimeters
01:18tall. Seeing also as they came out the same time and seeing these in the same
01:22type of display stand, why don't we though introduce The Big Lebowskis, The Dude,
01:25to the 40-year-old virgins Andy Stitzer. Could you imagine? While being from
01:30completely different films, yes, they are doing one thing in common. They're
01:33sharing the exact same type of display bases. They have, granted though, changed
01:37the flooring out. So while Andy would have had more carpeting on his, The Big
01:41Lebowski seems to have tile flooring. They've also, of course, changed the name
01:44of the characters as well. You get Andy Stitzer on the one side, The Dude on the
01:47other. In the place of Andy now, we get yourself a foil bag that comes in
01:51with The Dude. I haven't yet opened this up. I wanted to wait until, of course, the
01:54camera started rolling. I would imagine it's probably stickers. Let's just reach
01:57off to the side here. I want to bring back in the one that came in with Andy.
02:00I did also end up opening up the digital just to see if there was anything
02:03different. What I got inside though was the exact same sticker for Andy and I
02:07also got myself one that said the 40-year-old virgin pointing this way. Is
02:10that pointing over up at producer Tony? Yeah, you get a couple of stickers. All
02:15right, let's move that off to the side. Let's open up though what comes in
02:18with The Dude. I can't imagine it's money. Money would be nice. I don't think it's
02:22money though. What we get though instead is we get ourselves Dude. Is that one all
02:27is that one sticker? No, they are separate stickers. So we got Dude dot dot dot. We
02:33also got ourselves a drink and we got ourselves a bowling ball and pins. I
02:37don't think the stars around it are peelable. No, they are not. No, they are
02:40not. What else did we get? We also got ourselves the bowl. Nice-looking stickers
02:45overall. I hate to say this though. I don't have any more
02:50spaces anymore to put my stickers. I've already put them all over things I
02:53wanted to put my stickers onto. I'm gonna have to find a new place to put these.
02:56Too good to put away. In fact, I say that now. I'm gonna put them away. The
03:01other thing though that comes included with The Dude is you get yourself a big
03:04Lebowski card that serves as well to be a poster background. One side though has
03:09The Dude. The other side though has the Certificate of Authenticity. Out of the
03:13limited run of 6900, whether you think of 6900 as a limited run or not, the one
03:18that was provided to me is P4. This certifies that the limited edition
03:21worldwide product The Dude figurine is authentic and officially licensed by
03:25McFarlane Toys. The figurine was created, developed, and designed by Todd
03:29McFarlane and his award-winning design group. All figures are individually
03:33hand-painted, hand-painted, and sequentially numbered. What you can also
03:38do as well is that on the back of the stand here there's a slot. So you
03:42probably already know where this is going. You basically just take yourself
03:44the background here, slot it in place, and now The Dude has himself a dude much
03:49bigger behind him. Andy also had that as well. Where's Andy's? Andy was right over
03:53here. Andy's background just happened to be right over here. And it works the
03:57exact same way. So it seems like with the Movie Maniacs now moving forward, they
04:00are now simplifying things, getting away kind of with the idea of that curved
04:04acrylic base that of course had the displaced and had to curve around. This
04:08is just so much easier. It kind of keeps things also consistent as well, which is
04:11a good thing because like the bases up to this point have kind of all varied
04:14from one Movie Maniac to the other. Let's move Andy out of the way. I've done the
04:18review, by the way, of Andy. If you want to feel free to give that a gander. Let's
04:21go ahead and also just take off the background here and we're just gonna put
04:24off to the side here for a second. Getting a little closer look at The Dude.
04:27The Dude. Just my opinion, man. I will say like the likeness does lend well to a
04:32very young Jeff Bridges. I'm a big fan of Jeff Bridges. I know him more from Tron,
04:36but he's had a lot of great movies. Arlington Road is also a superior
04:40thriller if you never had the chance to watch that. What's your favorite Jeff
04:44Bridges movie? Let me know down below in the comment section. He certainly does
04:47though look a lot like him. Granted, though, The Dude is wearing the shades. He
04:50wears the shades a lot, really, and he's got, of course, very nicely sculpted hair.
04:53I would love to have a little plastic comb to comb that hair. That looks like
04:57that would be very soft hair to comb. Of course, he also does have in his hand his
05:01half-and-half. It's nicely painted there as well. It's not removable. Don't try to
05:05force whatever you do. It looks though like it may have been a separate piece
05:08and they probably would have adhered it inside his hand. It almost does look like
05:12I'm so really tempted to start prying this away from his hand. Do I want to do
05:16that? Do I want to do that? Stop it. Stop it. Just leave it alone. I feel like
05:21there would be a good likelihood that you'd be able to remove the half-and-half,
05:24but I think once you take that off, would it be so easy to put back in his hand? I
05:27don't know. I don't know. We'll just kind of leave it to the unknowns. Of course, he
05:31does have himself the housecoat on there and the white shirt underneath. The white
05:35shirt generally is quite clean. The pants down below, or they should say the
05:38shorts down below, again look very much like they did in the film. Down below, of
05:42course, he got himself as well the sandals. I think for this being
05:45hand-painted, I didn't realize these were actually hand-painted. I think they've
05:49done a really nice job on the figure. Of course, on the feature on the front, we've
05:52already looked at the fact he does have the dude tile flooring there as well.
05:55You've got the big Lebowski. You know, it's again one of these weird things that
05:58when I mentioned this with Andy, which Andy's just right over there, Andy has
06:02again a very small square here. You would think that they would probably
06:05have occupied more space. I guess they want to kind of keep it a little bit
06:08more minimalistic in size. So again, you've only got yourself the floor
06:11tiling right here. You've got the big Lebowski raised up there as well. Again,
06:14nicely painted. I feel like they probably could have. I know it's a little bit
06:17harder to do had they found a way to maybe paint the sides of the letters
06:20because, you know, with the letters being gray, the tiling being gray, it kind of
06:23just looks like from the side you can't quite really make out that there's any
06:26font there. For the rest of the, again, I don't want to say figure, but for the
06:31rest of the statue because, again, like he's got no head articulation at all. I
06:34think what we get though instead is a really nicely sculpted. I mean, how many
06:38how many dude collectibles do we have really out in the market? There's been
06:42very few companies really tackling the big Lebowski. If you are a big fan though
06:46of the film and a big fan of Jeff Burgess, it's a really nice
06:49looking statue. One thing though really is the question is, is it truly though a
06:54movie maniac? I mean, it really wasn't at all the case. When we looked at Andy
06:58Stitzer, movie maniac I think applies more the idea that they're actually from
07:01characters from the films. Not that they're necessarily maniacs, but
07:05just like the banner of what they're doing now with this line is that they're
07:08movie maniacs and there's basically characters from any movie that they're
07:11choosing. You know, again, like while I would question whether these would be
07:15true maniacs like horror characters, I do actually like the fact that we are
07:19getting things like this. You know, Andy Stitzer, when would be the ever the time
07:22we'd ever have a discussion about having a 40 year old virgin statue? The same
07:26could also be said for the dude. I think if anything, dude's probably got more
07:29collectibles out there on the market than Andy does, but he's a nice looking
07:32little statue. Smaller in size too, so one of the beauties of it though is also if
07:36you don't choose to have them with the backgrounds here, for example, they
07:39certainly take up a lot less space. I mean, you can really put them side to
07:42side and one thing I do like that Todd and his team are doing moving forward
07:46with the movie maniacs is that they're keeping the display base footprint small.
07:49Before when we looked at these things, the display stands varied from character
07:52to character. There really wasn't a consistent look to them. You know, if you
07:56had like the the witch, the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz,
08:01or you had yourself like, I'm just trying to think of another guy like Pennywise
08:04the Clown, all of their display stands, all of their display stands varied from
08:08one to the other that it never really felt concrete like they were all from the
08:11same wave. Now that we're getting like display stands like this, I think they
08:15look a little bit more like they all belong in the same universe, even if the
08:19characters themselves don't inhabit the same film verse. How could I even start
08:23the conversation of favorite Jeff Bridges movies and not even mention
08:25Blown Away? Blown Away and the classic Tron are probably my top two favorite
08:30Jeff Bridges movies. And while we do get a movie maniac of Jeff, unfortunately
08:34though, it's not a character from either one of my favorite films. Big Lebowski
08:37though is still pretty high on my list. It's certainly now a cult favorite to
08:41finally now get ourselves a statue release of him. It goes well then with the
08:44Andy Stitz we've gotten before. And I mentioned those two movie maniacs
08:47specifically because it seems to be the trend that with Todd and his team they're
08:50moving forward with the movie maniacs, kind of giving now consistent display
08:53stands, where I feel like that was one thing that kind of derailed the movie
08:57maniacs when they kind of rebooted this line. That each of the stands were so
09:00different from one another. You had Harry Potter, you had the Wicked Witch of the
09:03West. You know, you didn't have characters where all the stands were
09:06consistent with one another. By keeping it like this, not only do they keep the
09:10cost down because they're just using the molds again, but it keeps more like this
09:14line looking like it's part of one line and not made of many. What do you guys
09:17think of Big Lebowski, the dude? Let me know down below in the comment section.
09:20What's your top three favorite Jeff Bridges movies? Let me also know down
09:24below in the comment section. And also a big thank you to the folks over at
09:27McFarland Toys. Yeah, they did provide this sample of the new movie maniacs, the
09:31Big Lebowski, the dude, that we had the chance to have a look in this review. If
09:34you guys did enjoy this video, you can do it a solid way. You can throw it a like.
09:37You guys want to stick around for more so? I hope so. You beat me to it. I hope so.
09:42Make sure you hit that subscribe. Yes. Make sure you turn on the bell. Sure.
09:46Make sure you're coming back. As always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
