• 2 months ago
Hasbro Haslab Ghostbusters Plasma Series Two In The Box Ghost Trap And P.K.E. Meter


00:00If you gotta get the ghost, you gotta get the gadgets! Here's a look at the brand new Hasbro HasLab Ghostbusters Plasma Series 2-in-the-Box Ghost Trap and PKA Meter.
00:09A lot has happened since we saved the world with our first ever HasLab, the Ghostbusters
00:32Plasma Series Spanglers Proton Pack life-size replica. That's why here at Ghostbusters
00:37HasLab Lab, we've been working on something special for fans and collectors, the highly
00:42anticipated sequel to the smash hit Hasbro Pulse Ghostbusters HasLab, the Ghostbusters
00:48HasLab 2. The Ghostbusters Plasma Series has equipped fans with a stunning Neutrona Wand
00:53and breathtaking Proton Pack, and now we're pleased to announce that spooky specters and
00:58ghosts can run, but they can't hide, not from the Plasma Series 2-in-the-Box Ghost
01:03Trap and PKA Meter Premium Adult Collector Set.
01:07I think maybe before we start thinking about capping and trapping any ghosts, we'd first
01:10look at the crowdfunding project stretch goals that were all completed during the campaign's
01:14run. HasLab had this in fact running from October 27, 2023 to December 11, 2023 at
01:1911.59pm EST. Because they only needed 10,000 backers, and because the 2-in-the-box set
01:24was going for $299.99, I think first that's a really good price considering the quality
01:30of these things you'll see in a second. By the way though, for full disclosure, $299.99
01:35that's US dollars. I think when I was all in, I was looking at about $440 to $450 price
01:41point and of course that was the shipping on top of that as well. Speaking though of
01:44all in, originally though I was all in for the Proton Pack campaign run, but one of the
01:49couple problems I was dealing with, not that I didn't have the funds available, first
01:53I didn't already have the Neutrona Wand, so that would have already been an extra cost
01:56on top of getting the Proton Pack. The other, the more important thing was, once I had this
02:00thing in my collection, I didn't really have a place to have it displayed. So I pulled
02:04out of that campaign, but I said to myself that day, you know, if HasLab ever gets around
02:09to doing the Ghost Trap, which was number one for me, or they get the PKE meter going
02:13because I never picked up the Matty Collector of either one of those, I would definitely
02:17get behind the campaign for that. Now of course the proof is in the pudding, you're seeing
02:20the video of this right away, so you know I was one of the backers for this. Like I
02:24said though, the campaign stretch goals were all completed. So we'll have a look at all
02:27the individual things that would have been eligible for those that backed this. First
02:31of all you got yourself a whole bunch of Ghostbuster patches. I guess I should have probably pulled
02:35this back and started at the beginning here. Of course we've got the No Ghost logo here.
02:38These all can be ironed onto your jumpsuits if you have one available. I don't have one
02:41yet available. They, I mean they're decent quality patches. If I was to really nickel
02:46and dime this, I would say maybe like the ghost symbol here at the top has a very squishy
02:49head it seems. We have one of those. We have also as well the Ghostbusters engineering
02:55logo that we see not only in Ghostbusters Frozen Empire but we also see as well on their
02:58black jackets that they're wearing at the end of the movie. Another good looking patch.
03:03We get also as well one advertising Haslap, which you know I get it. I mean Haslap has
03:07to throw their stuff in there as well just to advertise the stuff that they're doing.
03:10The one that really doesn't make the most sense to me is this one here with the little
03:14baby stayed puff characters. These we would have seen in Afterlife, we also would have
03:17seen them as well in Frozen Empire. Just having them as a no ghost logo, I mean it's cute,
03:22it's fun, it's just never something I'm going to ever really have on display. I mean I think
03:26if anything I would have probably, I know again this has to represent, I mean like Hasbro
03:30really all again has to advertise what they're doing. I would have kept that just for that
03:34alone. I really probably maybe rather trade this one in for the Ghostbusters no ghost
03:38logo from Ghostbusters 2. Let's move those off to the side. Speaking though of the Ghostbusters
03:43engineering, you also get as well an ID card. Not that I'm sure it's going to be opening
03:47up anything or giving you access to the new containment unit, but a nice little ID card
03:51if you have yourself like a little, you know, a little piece that snaps through and snaps
03:54together on the top. Have yourself a little lanyard, you can carry this around to work.
03:57I mean I don't know anyone's going to be really asking your advice when it comes to busting
04:00ghosts, but again like you carry this around with you. It's made of a, you know, a decent
04:04like credit card kind of plastic. You also get as well some stickers. This sticker has
04:09Camp Wakanda on the top there, sponsored by of course Stayed Puffed Marshmallows. You got
04:14Ray's Occult Books, Stayed Puffed Marshmallow logo symbol down below here as well. And one
04:19of my personal favorites for the stickers, The World of the Psychic with Dr. Peter Venkman.
04:23All of these of course can be peeled off. I really don't have a place yet to store these.
04:27So I think right now I'm just going to keep, I honestly really like Ray's Occult Books.
04:30It's probably one of my favorites from this. Speaking of Ray's Occult also as well, you
04:34get yourself, let me just, let me just pull these out here. You also get yourself as well
04:38the cards that we see at the beginning of Ghostbusters. Of course you, as you remember
04:41Peter Venkman is holding the card up to him. The pretty little lady across the table has
04:45to guess what card it is. And of course the other guy as well. It gets constantly shocked.
04:48I don't know. Is it just a bunch of wavy lines? No, it's not. The one thing unfortunately
04:54though about it is on the back it's advertising Ray's Occult. I don't know a hundred percent.
04:58I don't think Ray's Occult would have been around at the time that these cards would
05:00have come out, but some psychic cards all by all means really cool as well. We also
05:05see as well Sigourney's Weaver Court characters, Dana, Dana Barrett, of course at the very
05:09end of Afterlife also using these cards and shocking Peter Venkman. So of course he gets
05:13his justice delivered back to him. The other thing that's kind of cool too, although I
05:17don't really have a place for it just yet, is we get ourselves, would you call this schematics
05:21blueprints? You get the blueprints of course with the PK meter to the left. On the other
05:25side as well, we also get ourselves the ghost trap. Kind of cool. You know, again, like
05:29if you want to get this thing framed, if you're one that really is a diehard Ghostbusters
05:33fan, like I consider myself a pretty big Ghostbusters fan, but I mean not to the point where I feel
05:37like I would have my bottom basement kind of recreated into looking like a Ghostbusters
05:41headquarters, but you know, if you're the kind of person that loves Ghostbusters stuff
05:44like to the point where everything wall to wall is that, that ideally could be a pretty
05:48cool little thing to have on display. So again, I like the psychic cards. I think those are
05:52kind of cool. The stickers are a nice little touch. And again, like the actual patches
05:56are pretty cool, but again, like I really feel like if anything, I would have probably
06:00just dismissed this one altogether. Yeah, I know. I probably will never display the
06:03hazlab for myself, but at least I probably would have kept that. The little ghost though,
06:08a little, a little state baby state puffs. I would have just rather instead exchange
06:12that for no Ghostbusters logo from Ghostbusters 2.
06:15Onto the replicas now and the PKA meter first. Actually no, first become familiar with the
06:19instruction booklet comes in clear with both. The plasma series two in the box, ghost trap
06:22and PK meter features the products on the front. It gives you a more meaty idea of what
06:26exactly is going on with the ghost trap on the inside and gives you then step-by-step
06:29instructions for the PKA meter on the back. Now you may be looking at each of the steps
06:33and thinking, how am I supposed to read all of that? You realize quickly though, that
06:36your language is being shared with others and that your language translates to only
06:39about that much that you have to read with each of the individual steps. The first step
06:43in being the most important one is you have to include the batteries. I hate to be the
06:46bearer of bad news, but Hasbro didn't include theirs. You need four double As for the trap.
06:50You need then another three double As for the PKA meter. Again, like a good thing to
06:54read through first, especially when it comes to the taser options, because there's definitely
06:58a step that you need to really read thoroughly to make sure that you don't accidentally
07:01break this. I'm going to move this off though to the side. One of the cool things though,
07:06about the PKA meter is there's two ways of displaying it. Actually though, the ghost
07:09trap also has something similar too. First of all, you get yourself a holster. Now with
07:13the ghost trap, as you'll see down the road in this review, there's an actual metal plate
07:17on the back just to reinforce this because the ghost trap is a whole lot heavier than
07:20PKA meter. It seems like it's a faux leather. I can't imagine that Hasbro would have used
07:25their real leather for this, but it's still stitched pretty decently. It's been riveted
07:29there on the side as well. This of course will be housing your belt. So the belt will
07:33entry in one side and exit out the other. Then you've got yourself a snap feature on
07:37the front. Will I ever use this? Probably not. First of all, I'm not a cosplayer. If
07:41you were though a cosplayer, this would be an ideal way of carrying around your PKA meter.
07:44If you don't already have one now, simply just take your PKA meter, slide it down as
07:48far as it will go. And then basically just take your snap and fit it around the front
07:53and just snap it together. That's all you're really basically going to do. Of course it
07:56works so much better when you've got this housed around a belt, but just imagine if
07:59you will, carrying this around as a cosplayer. This realistically makes a little bit more
08:03sense to me than the Ghost Trap. I'm going to talk about the Ghost Trap. I think it's
08:06first of all way too heavy and for it being more of an expensive thing that does a whole
08:10lot more things, I just feel like the Ghost Trap is too big, too bulky and too possibly
08:14broken to be carrying around on a holster. Anyways though, let's just unholster the
08:19PKA meter, slide it out, going to put that off to the side. There's also another way
08:22to have this displayed. Now I never picked up the Maddie Collector release of this, but
08:26the Maddie Collector never had this. You get yourself a nice little standee. It's supposed
08:30I'm guessing to look like metal. Clearly it's though made of plastic. One little way
08:34that they've teased this to look like metal, just going to detach this right now. It comes
08:37first of all in two parts. I love that they've actually soldered this or at least molded
08:42it like it looks like a soldering burn so that this would have been welded together.
08:46Basically just take the two halves, sandwich them together like this. There's these little
08:49things on the side, little knobs. You can't really turn them. They're actually molded
08:52just in plastic. So don't turn them, whatever you do. Nice little no ghost symbol there
08:56featured on the front. And again, like a little grating there on the side just to make this
08:59look like it's made of metal. This ideally would have worked, I think a little bit better
09:02had they made it a little bit more weathered. I mean, when you're looking at the one that
09:06we're going to be getting from the ghost trap, they've added some nice little weathered lines
09:09to this. I mean, this, this really does look more like it's made of plastic than it does
09:12of metal. Anyways, basically you're going to take yourself the PKA meter. There's a
09:16little indentation right here. You're basically going to sit this down first and then snap
09:20it back. Now you can either have it displayed and it's offsetting like this. You can also
09:25really turn it on and have it in an on setting, especially if you want to set this to EMF
09:29or what you can also do too, is extend out the antennas completely, shut it off and then
09:33just have it displayed with the antennas completely out. It's entirely up to you. Speaking of
09:37though, turning this thing on, first of all, let's show you guys what this thing looks
09:40like. The battery compartment though is featured on the back. It's one little bit of a bummer
09:43that it's installed here and not installed on the bottom. On the bottom is where you
09:47have your on switch. Right now it's set to off. Then you've got your EMF setting, which
09:51is actually in the middle. I would have think it would have made more sense to have it over
09:54here, but then your full on setting and manual setting is to the far left, or I guess the
09:58far right, right? Right. The battery compartment, like I said, it would have been here. The
10:03Manny Collector release would have actually had it down below here. It would have made
10:05it a little bit more concealed and look more like a prop, but having a battery compartment
10:09feature on the back like this, it does kind of make it look more than like a toy, but
10:12I mean, truth be told though, you're going to be seeing it from the front anyways. It's
10:16got some nice little weathering here on the front. Now to display this, I want to show
10:20you guys what this looks like with the one that I got here from Spirit Halloween. This
10:24is one I've had in my collection for a while. I never again picked up the Manny Collector
10:27release, but the Spirit Halloween did the job fine. I mean, it works. It's functional
10:31for at least what little time I've actually been playing around with this thing. This
10:35I think cost me about $20. This obviously when you're breaking up, I mean, we're looking
10:39at $300, so let's just say maybe $200 for the Ghost Trap, $100 for the P.K. Meter. Again,
10:45this is like one fifth the price, maybe even like one fourth the price, but it was functioning
10:49for what it did. I mean, obviously it has an on and off setting. We're not going to
10:51really spend a whole lot of time looking at the one from Spirit Halloween, but there's
10:53the on, there's the off. Basically, you just turn this on. It's been a while since I've
10:59used this. So old, actually, that I've noticed that the antennas, when I first tried to turn
11:03this on, I mean, again, you basically just press the button again. Let me just press
11:09it. Is it on this side? There we go. It's on this side. This actually had been sitting
11:14on my shelf for so long that when I first turned it back on again, the antennas didn't
11:17even extend out. I had to take a little screwdriver and just feed it back out, just help guide
11:21it. But I mean, again, for what it is, it was a fine serviceable enough P.K. Meter.
11:28If you do though, comparing the two, you can see they're very similar in size. The one
11:31now that we get here from Haslap looks a little bit more like the one from Afterlife and Frozen
11:35Empire. It's a little boxier here on the top. It doesn't have the green readout display
11:39here in the front. I mean, this would still be good, I think, for the original Ghostbusters
11:42P.K. Meter, and then have this one really displayed as the Afterlife. I know, stop talking.
11:46Let's start seeing some functions. Okay, so first things first, if you want to do,
11:51turn this on. So again, you have your off, you have your EMF detector in the middle.
11:55Don't get too excited. It's not as impressive as you may think it may be. And then of course,
11:59you have yourself your manual settings. So we're going to switch it over past EMF just
12:03to on right now. Up the top here, you have the activity buttons. Down below here as well,
12:08you have your on buttons. And basically right here, you also have your settings as well.
12:12So if we were to say, turn this on right away, and then we'll just extend these. Now
12:19again, I've got this in manual setting, so this will retract the antennas. This will
12:24extend the antennas. Now with the original MADI collector release of this, I think they
12:28would just extend in one setting. Basically, it would be fully out, fully extended, and
12:32then retract it back in. With this, you can actually kind of set this to varying degrees.
12:36So it doesn't have to be all the way out. It doesn't have to be all the way in. You
12:40can control it any which way you want. Also, you have yourself the radar readout display
12:44there on the top. You've got yourself lights flickering across the top there as well. This
12:49whole time, you might be thinking to yourself, wait a minute, wait a minute, there's no sound.
12:52Well, there's the audio settings right here. If you want to set this to mute, if you're
12:56going to carry this around, not wake up the neighbors, you basically just set this dial
12:59in the middle. If you want though to have this in its default setting, which we're going
13:03to switch over right now, now you've got yourself the audio to go along with the lights.
13:10This setting by the way though, so your mute is in the middle, then you've got yourself
13:13your low ionization on the far left side and a high ionization on the right side. So based
13:19with that, if you switch it all the way over to this setting, you can see though the readout
13:23goes a little bit faster. This also goes a little bit faster also as well. And I think
13:27the sound is a little bit louder too. So that's just the on and off settings if you want to
13:33have this in a manual configuration. You can also as well turn this to different degrees
13:39as well. You can switch this off. The thing I really also like about this too, if we switch
13:43this back on, you set it to this option right here. And this is basically like it randomizes
13:51through different sequences. So if you want to be carrying this around and kind of start
13:55to concern people that there may be ghosts around in the room, you press this button
13:59and it will cycle through different routines of having the antennas coming out, going back
14:03in, the lights and sounds being a little more interrupted by maybe EMF signals around them.
14:09So basically you just press this button. And then from there, you really don't have to
14:14do anything. You're just basically walking around the rooms and you can see it goes from
14:18a low settings. And then it's going to spike in a second. There we go. So something clearly
14:25is in the room. And again, like the sounds and the lights, very bright. There we go.
14:35Something has been detected in this room. So there's that option. Basically you would
14:39just switch that off again. So we'll just switch that off. There we go. Switch it back
14:48on and then we can just extend it again how we want it. The other thing that this option
14:55does give you too is it switches over to EMF. Now the EMF setting, if I just switch this
15:00off for a second, actually we'll just switch this completely off on this side. The EMF
15:05was one thing that was marketed by HasLab in order to promote the idea that theoretically
15:09if you have yourself an EMF detector, you could detect the magnetic fields around you.
15:14That was impressive for me at least because I never really had an EMF detector and the
15:18idea of being a true ghostbuster, being able to walk around the room and detecting spiritual
15:22anomalies seemed very intriguing to me until you switch it over to EMF and you feel like
15:27it's not as impressive as they maybe advertise it. So what we're going to do is instead of
15:32switching it to the two line option, we're going to switch only to the middle. We switch
15:36to here and then when we turn it on, it's automatically going to be detecting anything
15:43from a magnetic field around us. Now we could from there maybe put it into the display stand.
15:49Just put it there like that. And again, I don't have it in the try option or this button
15:54right here setting. I've got to switch to EMF. So what it's going to do is it's going
15:58to detect anything that's of a strong EMF signal or electromagnetic field around us.
16:04The thing I've already walked across my house, I've kind of walked from room to room to see
16:07if the signal would increase or decrease and I noticed it doesn't really do all that much.
16:12In fact, the only time I've noticed that an EMF field was detected, ironically enough,
16:17was when I was going closer to a light bulb. If you have yourself like an LED light bulb,
16:21for example, getting this closer to a bulb, you'll notice that the needles will then spike.
16:27And just because again, like the field of energy that's emitting out of that, you can
16:30also put this near a microwave, for example, anything that's really putting out like a
16:35bit of like white noise or a sound or like audio energy around us. So again, like there's
16:40that option available, but as you're seeing right now, it's not doing a whole lot. If
16:44anything could be said, it's actually a little bit more exciting to switch this over and
16:49set this to this option where at least it's doing something. This is actually more impressive
16:54than the EMF detector because, you know, like with the electromagnetic field detector, it
16:59isn't detecting a whole lot. So don't go in this expecting this to do a whole lot more
17:03than what it was doing. You'll actually get a little bit more. Actually, this looks more
17:06exciting when you have it in this feature where you press this option instead. The last
17:11thing that we'll do is we'll switch this and switch this over to off and actually then
17:16we'll switch it over to full on with the manual options. The other thing that also we see
17:19in afterlife, Egon Spangler, of course, at the beginning of the movie being chased by
17:23a terror dog has no other choice. His last stand, obviously inside his living room. He
17:28sets this to taser mode and we all assume that he takes his own life for the risk, of
17:32course, of being possessed by terror dog and the entryway again of gozer. So you can set
17:37that again, replicating that in the movie. What it is, first of all, is that make sure
17:40it's on, which it is. So again, if the manual settings have the antennas extended out or
17:45retracted, you're just going to lift this up and you're going to take this dial, this
17:49little lever here, and you're going to push it forward. When you do that, it's going to
17:54take then the antennas and it's going to flip them forward like this. And then from
17:59there you take those same buttons and you can see how now it's giving us, there we go.
18:08You can see on the front, it's got the taser shocking lights and sounds, which you can
18:12also do too. And there's a readout that's now changed on the front. You can also switch
18:15that in the middle, switch it into the middle. And I noticed though, with the taser option,
18:22when you even switch this in the middle, it still has lights and sounds. But what you
18:25can also do too, is you're going to hold the button and it's going to start overheating
18:30and you can see it's pulsating on the front. And eventually if you have this going for
18:36too long, it burns itself out. It basically has to go back into the default reset setting
18:41just so it doesn't overheat. From there again, it's going to be just a case of pressing that
18:46button again. And you can see, let me just show you guys how that looks. You got the
18:52taser option available there on the top. Now the instructions, if you're looking at the
18:56instructions, they are easy to understand, but it's one thing that you have to do these
19:01in separate steps. So when you are ready to put this back into the regular PKE meter setting,
19:06you have to take the antenna here first and bring this down. And then you take this piece
19:10right here. So see how this swings out. This is a separate section from basically the neck
19:15or the antennas here. You want to bring this down and lock this in place. And when you
19:20do it, you have to do on this side first. When that's locked, you take then the second
19:23side and lock it down too. And then from there it defaults back to its PKE meter setting.
19:30And then from there it works exactly the way it did before. I'm glad that at least there's
19:34a lock-in feature. My only one concern though, about having this always set, like if you
19:38switch this right now to the taser option, I don't know how many times this is going
19:43to lock in place. I mean, from the times that I've done this, and it's only been about
19:47a dozen or so times so far, it does a serviceable enough job of keeping everything locked in
19:53place. Again, you really have to lock this side on first, bring this other one down as
19:57well and that locks it. But how many times is that going to work? How many times is that
20:01going to lock in place? That again, my only concern though, is after a while, if whatever's
20:06holding those in place, to lock it back over to the default PKE. If really though, I would
20:12want to have really this on a PKE meter setting, then I would want to have this on the setting
20:16of the stunner or the taser setting. Again, you want to make sure of course this comes
20:20down too, so you don't accidentally trip this while you're holding the back of the PKE meter.
20:25I myself have only done this for about six or seven times. I certainly, and of course
20:30showed you guys in this review, probably a couple of times after that. I mean, I don't
20:34think I have any plans to really switch this over to taser anytimes after that, because
20:38again, I don't want to have damage to the actual antennas. Because sooner rather than
20:41later, I would think that something's going to stop locking in place. And then I had actually
20:46this happen a couple of times too, where I wasn't properly locking on one side and it
20:49kept swinging back out. And I certainly don't want that to happen. But again, as it goes
20:53for a PKE meter, having really though again, the only one I had before was the, where is
20:57it? Where's the Spirit Halloween one? Ah, Spirit Halloween one right here. It certainly
21:00though is an upgrade. I mean, it certainly is a little bit more of a higher cost price
21:03point too. It's got some nice weight to it. It does have the functions, but I think the
21:07only thing that's a little underwhelming for me is the fact that the EMF setting, as
21:11good as it may have been as marketed, I think you'd probably have better success just picking
21:15up an EMF detector on its own, because you probably would be able to get a better reading
21:18than the one we're getting here from HasLab. And onto now the Ghost Trap, and easily for
21:22me, my favorite of the two things inside the two in the box. I think if the PKE meter and
21:26the Ghost Trap were two separate campaigns, I probably could have only seen myself backing
21:30the Ghost Trap and probably could have just easily passed on the PKE meter as good as
21:34it ended up being. Now the Ghost Trap, I did actually have one like the PKE meter stand
21:39in, at least for my shelf. It's not the most impressive of Ghost Traps. Just bringing in
21:43the one that we got here from Spirit Halloween. I think this thing was about $40. Yeah, you'll
21:46notice there on the top, the door has been broken. My younger daughter at the time went
21:50and said, Daddy, what's that? And proceeded to pry the door open, and it's never been
21:54able to close properly since. It does have lights and sounds. It does have batteries
21:58already installed. The batteries basically just switch this to on. You get a red light
22:01there on the back. You get the yellow light there on the front. It doesn't always open
22:04and close, unfortunately, because of the door being hinged like this, but you basically
22:07just press the button. The trap opens up to a good serviceable size if you want to fit
22:12something inside there. You got some green lights on the inside. You got the yellow light
22:16flashing on the top, a red light flashing at the back. It really does sound a lot less
22:20like a Ghost Trap and sounds a whole lot more like a Proton Pack. Basically, you just close
22:24the doors. Again, for me, this was the one that I had in my collection for a while. It's
22:28not the most photorealistic, certainly the way it looks in the film. I mean, it will
22:32easily now be replaced by the one we get here from Haslap. Haslap is considerably heavier.
22:37Like we had done earlier with the PKE meter, I'm going to bring in the holster here that's
22:41going to hold the Ghost Trap. If you are, again, like a dedicated cosplayer that's going
22:45to go right to every single detail, you're probably going to want to maybe use this for
22:49yourself, or you probably already have something already similar like this already in your
22:53cosplaying setup. But unlike, though, the PKE meter, there's a big metal frame here
22:57on the back that holds the Ghost Trap. It's just to reinforce that it's not going to be
23:00going anywhere. Now, again, like before, you're going to take your belt, you're going to feed
23:03it through the one side, feed it out the other. I would imagine it's going to store well in
23:07place and it's going to ensure that the trap isn't going to go anywhere. To also ensure
23:11that, you get a little snap here that's just going to undo. You take yourself the Ghost
23:15Trap, and on the back you can see there's sort of like a wedge-shaped metal piece. What
23:20it is, is when you're going to be lining this up to the holster, you want to make sure obviously
23:25you've got this facing the right way. That's going to be a big problem in the first place.
23:28But just get the strap out of the way. So you're going to take this, you're going to
23:31run it along that, and you're going to feed it all the way down in place. And that's going
23:34to hold the Ghost Trap. Like right now, I'm not even holding it at all, to of course ensure
23:38that that's not going to go anywhere either. You just take the strap, you're going to fit
23:42this around and snap this in place. Make sure, though, you snap it around the handle. You
23:46don't want to snap it underneath. First of all, it's going to make things a little too
23:48loose and it's also going to probably trigger the switch as well in the process. Unfortunately,
23:54I've already kind of noticed too, is first of all, I've already dismissed the idea of ever
23:57really using this functionality because again, like I'm not a cosplayer, number one. And number
24:01two, I just feel like again, for this being as heavy and a $200 unit, we're kind of splitting
24:05the cost between this and PKA meter. I just don't think I could ever see myself ever really want to
24:09carry this around. If I was to be a true cosplayer, I think I would rather maybe go with more of a
24:14Spirit Halloween Ghost Trap and carrying that around on my belt rather than something that's
24:18as potentially breakable as the one that we're getting here from Haslap. Speaking of breaking
24:22though, I'm just going to unfasten this here for a second because it's so tight when you're
24:27bringing the strap across. One thing I do worry though about is the handle. The handle is plastic
24:33after all and I think just the stress of having the strap across this all the time, I feel like
24:37that would and also too, you want to really make sure you don't hit the switch in the process
24:40because that's the thing that's going to eject the front of this out. But like, I just feel like
24:44this is putting a lot of pressure against the plastic handle. Either way, I'm not going to
24:47ever really display this. We're just going to slide this back off. I'm going to put the handle
24:51here out of the way. While I've actually got the Ghost Trap still, I did put it back down,
24:56let's also look at the display stand that comes included with this too. Now the PKA meter was
25:00kind of done very similar other than... where's the PKA meter? Let's just bring in that stand
25:04for a second. Now you can see that they're very similar, very much the same kind of design,
25:09but the one thing that this is lacking, that this does have a whole lot more,
25:12it's a nice additional weathering. This gives at least a foolish notion that this could be
25:17made of metal. I mean, we clearly all know that this is only done in plastic, but at least by
25:21adding a little bit of silver, it gives at least a fooled idea that this thing could have actually
25:24been made in metal instead. You got, of course, the No Ghost logo down below here as well. You
25:28got a couple of little stopper bumpers on the back here too. And basically what you're going
25:32to do, if you're already familiar with that shape, take the wedge again, but this time what you're
25:37going to do is see there's a wedge there on the top. Basically just take the trap, guide it up
25:41the wheels, and you want to make sure it latches in place. I'm just going to pick this up so you
25:45guys can actually see. See when you're taking that, it's going to fit across the track,
25:49it's going to snap in place. And again, you could carry this around by that trap handle,
25:53not that I would advise it, but that's one way of displaying this if you don't have any real
25:58plan to connect it actually to the foot pedal. Speaking of connecting to the foot pedal,
26:02if you choose not to go that route, I would certainly encourage maybe using these. Now,
26:06HasLab also include these little stopper pieces. They're made of fairly soft plastic, but the idea
26:12though is I'm just going to take the trap off. Actually, you know what, let's just move this
26:15stand out of the way here. We don't need that anymore. If you look at the back of this, this
26:20is basically where the hose is going to connect from this end to the end of the foot pedal.
26:25Basically, you're going to take this, and this is just to prevent the dust from getting in there.
26:28You take these stopper pieces, they don't even really screw in either. You basically just fit
26:32them in place like that, so that if you always want to have this on display, at least it looks
26:37finished, but it's also keeping the dust out of this too. We can also do the same here with the
26:41foot pedal. So you're on the back here, you're going to take this, just snaps in place, and like
26:46again, you can have these just on display on your shelf all the time, and you never have to worry
26:49that dust is going to get inside the trap. What are these things down by here? You may be also
26:54asking. These are little tubes that go on the side of the ghost trap. Now, one of the neat features
26:59on the ghost trap is it does have cycle through audio clips from both Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters
27:04Afterlife, and Ghostbusters 2. If you'd rather have Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters Afterlife be
27:09your default audio clips, then you keep the tubes in place that are now the ones in red. You can see
27:14some additional scuffing that they've added in there as well, like there's some really cool aging
27:17and weathering to the ghost trap as a whole, but if you didn't want to switch them out though to
27:21the Ghostbusters 2, basically just detach these, and there seems to be a connecting pin right there
27:26that's going to connect onto, well maybe not on this one, so my guess is this is going to plunge
27:32this inward if it's going to default it to the Ghostbusters 84, or it's going to go to the
27:37Ghostbusters Afterlife. This is going to press this basically in. With the Ghostbusters 2, because that's
27:42not in the middle, it's only just, I think the Ghostbusters 2 always is going to be the default,
27:46and just only the only thing that's changing that is pressing this in, it's going to change it to
27:50Ghostbusters 2, or Ghostbusters Afterlife, and the 84 movie. So you can see sort of the
27:56difference between the two. You know, even though really the original one would have had the red,
27:59I kind of actually always really like the silver tubes instead. We're going to talk more about that
28:03also in a moment too. So let's just put the default one back in place. So actually, you know what,
28:09while we had this in, I should have really held on to this the whole time, like I said, it's a fair
28:13bit of metal added in here. Now you've got yourself real metal tires, they spin nicely, you get the
28:18metal bracket there on the bottom, that's also going to attach onto the whole, so I know I already
28:21covered that. Here's your speaker sound, although down below here the little built-in speaker,
28:26you got metal plates on the side, metal plate on the front, metal plate on the back here as well,
28:31or on the other side there too. I mean there's there's a lot of weight to the trap. When I had
28:35weighed this, I weighed this earlier, and I don't know if I was using a proper scale, and I was
28:39clocking in about seven, eight pounds. It might have actually even been heavier. Truth be told,
28:43I probably could have even used a better scale than what I was using, but it's pretty heavy,
28:48it's pretty heavy. Some of the other features that I like about this, again, is like you've
28:51got some nice weathering that they've added to the side of the trap. A nice little touch too,
28:54is that they've also added the soldering lines here, where the top of the trap handle would
28:58have been welded to the rest of the body, so that's also there too. Nice little touches,
29:03it's all these little small touches of detail. I like that there's weathering here, so like the
29:07hand is always going to be holding the trap handle, and they factor that in. Obviously,
29:11there's going to be paint that's going to start to wear away the more times you're holding this,
29:14so they factor that into the way that they painted it. Sticker application certainly is there too,
29:18you got some sticker application there on top, you got yourself as well the danger sign there
29:22in the front, high voltage, you may want to stay clear of that. You got some sticker application
29:26there on the side, everywhere that you'd expect it to be in the film is also here as well for the
29:30replica. So let's sort of cover off all that, oh and actually one other thing too, I guess before
29:35we kind of get down to the features on the Ghost Trap, I also want to show you guys what the foot
29:38pedal looks like. Again, I don't have the Matty Collector, I never end up picking that one up,
29:42but I mean hearing the horror stories that went along with the Matty Collector release,
29:45I'm kind of glad that I just held off instead. The foot pedal on theirs, I think was a little
29:48bit more wobbly, this certainly does feel it's a little bit more stable when you're pressing it
29:52down. You got again like the little, I guess is that a fuse box, I guess in the back corner there,
29:58again you've got some nice wires there on the side, again a little bit of connecting,
30:02I guess information telling you how to connect onto the cable, you got the cable there on the
30:05back as well, there's not as much give to this, it's more show than anything else and of course
30:09you got yourself the red light, that red light will flash on and off when of course you open and
30:13close the trap. Of course we also will want to be taking this off, we don't need that anymore
30:18and while we're also at it too, let's take off the one on the end of the Ghost Trap.
30:22Of course to connect from here to here, we're going to need one of these. The Matty Collector
30:26release would have used more of a plastic cabling where actually this is a real wire,
30:30so there's durability, you can feel like you can bend these and you're not going to start the fray
30:35or bend and damage the wires. The wires themselves by the way do connect by metal and when you're
30:40looking at it for example on the back of the trap, it connects by three prongs and when you're
30:46putting it also in place too, you can see like there's a little lip that sticks down, there's
30:49also a little slot, it's not even so little either. What you'll do is you'll connect that
30:54to the top and then you'll also turn this in place just to ensure that it's good and tight
31:02and maybe I don't have it all the way on there, let's see, do we have it on there?
31:07There we go, okay now we turn it tight and once you have it good and tight, not that I would
31:13really recommend doing this, but you can really carry the trap around like they did in the movie
31:17by the cable. Again, I wouldn't really recommend this considering that we're looking at what like
31:21a $200 trap. We'll do the exact same thing here with the kickstand, the foot pedal and again
31:28make sure you make the proper decisions to put the shapes in the right place because if not,
31:31it's going to plug not plug in and unlike the ghost trap, let's make sure it's all the way on
31:35there. We're also going to turn the dial. Now I know what you're probably thinking this whole time,
31:42could you have used the trap without the foot pedal? The answer really is yes,
31:46the trap does actually work really without the use of the foot pedal and you never really even
31:49have to connect it. If we kind of think a few thoughts back to when this was originally on
31:53its display stand, it was never attached to the foot pedal at all but you can actually still use
31:58the functioning trap. What you'll do is you'll switch this on or off. Right now it's in the
32:04off setting, it's right in the middle. If you want to use without the motor, you'll switch it forward
32:09and that's going to light up, well it's not going to light up the back, it's going to light up the
32:12front or if you want to make use of the motor where it's going to be a little bit of kind of
32:16functioning rumbling going on here. It's not going to necessarily shake though like the Matty
32:19Collector but it'll have a little bit more bass to everything that's going. You can also switch
32:24it over to motor and motor without actually pressing the button in the process, motor will
32:30actually give you a little bit more bass, a little bit more sound. You can also adjust the frequency
32:35or the intensity of that motor by turning the dial on the side and if you have it all the way
32:42you can, I mean again it's not shaking but you can certainly feel it. I kind of prefer to have
32:48it a little bit lower myself. Now if you also want to kind of figure out what you're turning and how
32:51much of an intensity you're doing it by, look at the meter here on the top. Say for example I want
32:56to adjust the motor function, right now it's sitting middle, if you want to have a little
33:01higher you can do that. If you want to turn it lower though, that meter will show you the whole
33:06time how low that setting is. So if that's, say for example it's all the way down, you just keep
33:12turning it and you can just increase the intensity of the motor. Now without that, let's just say you
33:18don't want to use the foot pedal, what you'll do instead is the bottom of the button here, you're
33:23going to press this and you're going to put it into basically service mode. Press it once, we'll
33:28set it to service mode, press it again, we'll actually open and close the trap. But then if
33:33you also want to as well, oh sounds like something's inside, something's inside. If you do a long press
33:39though it goes to a spooky mode, which I may have actually pressed in the process. But again if we
33:43press it, it's going to open up the trap, you can see the way it's lit on the inside as well, and
33:48just pressing it again will close the trap. The only thing it doesn't seem to do though is when
33:54you close the trap doors, it's not going to have the red light function lighting flashing on the
33:58back. That seems to only be the case when you're pressing it on the foot pedal. One thing also I
34:02forgot to really show you guys too, it's going to switch this off and it sort of goes through like a
34:08cycle of shutting itself down. This little button here on the top, when you pull this button
34:14back, this will basically remove, sort of in the instructions it indicates that this almost ejects
34:20out, but it really doesn't. Basically just pull this lever back and then you can remove the
34:24compartment altogether. So if you had yourself a functioning containment unit down in the basement
34:29for example, you could put this in when the light is green, the trap is clean. But one thing I also
34:33didn't want to show you too, is on the bottom of this, this is the battery compartment. This is the
34:37only way to change the batteries, is to actually take the containment piece out altogether.
34:41Unscrew this, putting your four AA batteries, then you'll take this part here and slide it back into
34:46the trap. And when you snap it back in place, it'll actually make a sound. And of course now you got
34:56yourself the red light there on the back. Okay, so some other features I did also want to show you
35:00guys here as well. So like I said for example, you already have the motor functions. That just again
35:04increases and decreases the intensity of the motor. If you would want to have a little bit
35:09louder, by all means turn a little bit louder. If you want to have a little quieter, you can certainly
35:12turn it down as well. The other thing that's kind of neat though about the Ghost Trap is on this side,
35:17you've also got yourself settings for sound effects. Now the sound effects are only going to
35:21be cycled through based on the red tubes being installed. So of course you got your 84 or the
35:26the Ghostbusters Afterlife sound effects. Again when you turn that, let me just make sure I got
35:33this switched on for example. When you switch this, you can hear sound effects and quite loud too,
35:39because again the sound effects are coming from the bottom of the trap. We're not going to play
35:44the guessing game of what exactly each sound is going to be. Some may sound a little bit more
35:49familiar, some between either Ghostbusters or Afterlife. That sounds almost like a terror dog.
35:58And of course you got yourself the staid puffs. I think that sounds like staid puffs.
36:02I don't think it was Slimer. But if you did want to change these out though, again you're just
36:06going to detach these and you'll hear a sound effect while you're doing this. We'll take the
36:11Ghostbusters 2 ones, which again is now not depressing the inside here. Pop those in place.
36:16So again I feel like it always will default. If you were to leave these off all together,
36:21I feel like you would still get Ghostbusters 2 sound effects. And again we'll just
36:25press the lever here or just turn the dial.
36:45it does kind of sound like Slimer, doesn't it?
36:49But anyways though, again we're not going to spend the whole time talking about guess the sounds.
36:52Let's actually show you guys, I'll show you guys some of the other things that are also on the
36:55Ghost Trap. So if we spin this around, so again like this side is the motor, this side is your
36:59sound effects. Featured here though on the front is also the additional sound effects. So like
37:03here though you've got the bar LED. So the animation that you're seeing currently on the
37:07LED on the top, you can change that by just turning this dial. So right now we've got
37:13ourselves Quiet Slimer, Quiet Slimer singing the Ghostbusters theme. If you turn the dial here you
37:19can actually cycle through different animations of lights. So you can switch it or go in the
37:24opposite way. You can also have it going this way so it looks like Kit from Knight Rider.
37:31And you can also have it going that way too. I prefer myself to have it, let me just cycle it
37:37to the one I want to have it here. I kind of usually like to have it set like that. The other
37:42knob here featured on the front is also for the trap effects. So when you're turning that dial
37:46it'll actually change the the sequence of lights on the inside of the trap when of course you're
37:50putting down the foot pedal. And again it's just the case while you're switching it.
37:56You can hear also each time you're doing it, it makes the sound effect. So you know you're
38:01changing a setting to it. And that's pretty much it for the ghost trap. I mean obviously the only
38:06other thing I need to show you guys is how that works. Just close that up. Oh one other thing,
38:10one other thing I did also want to show you guys going back to that button I just inadvertently
38:13pressed here. When you press and hold that button it goes through a spooky sound. So basically just
38:21cycles through various sounds. Okay so with that now being said let's go ahead and set this thing.
38:27We won't maybe do it with the motor so you know we'll set the setting to the top here
38:32and then we'll go ahead and hit the foot pedal. Now you want to make sure, this is one thing I
38:37noticed here with the ghost trap, if you have the dial facing the wrong way. Oh that's the
38:42Morse code. That's the one thing we want to set. This dial right here too seems to also change as well.
38:48I think it goes from like an SOS mode like a trap effects mode. So we want to kind of set it. I think
38:52it's right in the middle here. No it's not that one. Let's switch it up. Sometimes you may even
38:59have to turn it off. Turn it back on. See if it works this time. There we go. So pushing down the
39:06foot pedal it's actually you can see very responsive. It's right now pulling of course the
39:12ghost down. When you're good and the ghost is trapped you can either now it will close on its
39:16own or you can also just easily open and close it by pressing the foot trap alone. Of course the
39:22lights the yellow light will feature on the front. Your flashing light there on the back
39:26and you'll also have the same matching flashing light on the back of the trap there too.
39:32The one other thing I also want to show you guys is the other light effect.
39:35So we switch that over.
39:40You can see it flashes more. You can also hear too. It makes a kind of a build-up
39:44audio sound before the trap door actually opens.
39:49And we can close it again. Actually one other thing I did also want to show you is
39:53one last thing before we get to the PK meter. Just to open up this. I want to get this out
39:58before the trap before the trap closes on me. Let's just there we go. There is a little mesh
40:04piece that actually comes with the box. You don't have to put it in the trap if you don't want to.
40:09My guess is what Hasbro's done here we open up the trap again.
40:17You can see that the inside of the trap again is flashing. You don't have to have the mesh
40:20in there if you don't want but there's an extra little bit of cavity space. I think they put that
40:24there specifically if you had yourself like a little fog machine that could emit fog. The only
40:29thing that kind of concerns me though with doing that is if you're having a fog machine what goes
40:33with fog? Water. What goes with water? Obviously the moisture that comes out from a fog machine.
40:37I feel like that may start to cause conflict with the mechanical workings the electronical workings
40:42of the trap. So I don't know well maybe that's probably the reason why they made the the little
40:46mesh piece here as something that's removable. Again you don't have to have it with the trap if
40:50you don't want to. You can see it still gives you a finished inside of the trap. It's just going to
40:56give you a little bit more space. I did notice though without having the mesh in there that the
41:00lights seem to flash a little bit brighter especially when you're seeing it from the side.
41:03So myself I may just choose to leave the mesh off completely because I think you get a much brighter
41:08looking trap when you have that left off. One last thing I did want to show you guys too is that the
41:12ghost trap does interact with the pke meter. I just happen to have the pke meter here ready to go.
41:17So while the ghost trap is running and while the pke meter is also running you will want to extend
41:22out the antennas and the antennas as you can see first of all starts flashing. It seems a lot brighter
41:28of the lights. The light seems to be moving a lot faster as well as the readout display here
41:32but when you extend out the antennas it seems to again interact with the sound effects that
41:36we're getting. Now I have tried also changing the dial settings here too. Not that that necessarily
41:43does change the audio clips but again every single time that you extend it out that sounds
41:47like the Scaleri brothers. When you do this each time most of the time at least it does trigger the
41:54audio clips. So again not that you would always really want to have the two running all the time
41:59at least they do have the display stand for the pke meter so you could realistically have it
42:03always out and on display like this. For me at least it's not a feature that I would really ever
42:08use but I'm glad to see something that as a little fun easter egg that Hasbro would incorporate as
42:12well to their sets. Oh that's that's a really cool sound. In the end though I'm really happy
42:18that I got the chance to pick up the two in the box set. I mean again this is a campaign that
42:22started way back in October 2023 and now only started to ship now in the beginning of December
42:28but those that have been lucky enough to be part of the backing campaign it's now fully you know
42:31what let's just turn this off. For those that were again lucky enough to be part of the campaign
42:37I mean for a $299 set yes it is a little bit more expensive especially if you are a Canadian
42:43collector. I mean for me at least it was more close to about $450 about $460 but at least I
42:50got myself two props instead of just the one. Ideally though I would have still only really
42:54wanted the trap. The trap was really right from the beginning the thing I always said like if
42:57Hasbro could make a ghost trap it would be the one I would back right away. I guess it was probably a
43:02good thing that they also incorporated the pke meter so it was essentially a two in the box
43:06ready to go. Have you guys had the chance to get this set for yourselves? Let me know down
43:11below in the comments section. What other prop replicas from Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 2,
43:16Afterlife and even Frozen Empire would you guys also like to see HasLab approach next?
43:20A couple of ideas I was thinking first of all is the Geiger meter from Ghostbusters 2.
43:26Another thing I was also thinking along sort of the same lines as the pke meter how fun would it
43:31be to get a real Ghostbusters version of the pke meter which much had a much larger readout display
43:35in the red antenna on the top. I think that would also be something that would be really really cool
43:39if HasLab could consider releasing down the road. If in the meantime guys you did enjoy this video
43:44do it a solid, throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more so I hope so. Hit that
43:48subscribe, turn on that bell but the most important thing is that you're coming back.
43:52As always thanks for watching, see you guys next time!
