• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Gold Label Collection Green Lantern Hal Jordan Figure


00:00It looks like Jordan just got shinier. Here's your look at the brand-new
00:04McFarland toys DC multiverse the Green Lantern's gold label collection Green
00:08Lantern Hal Jordan.
00:30Years of confronting evil and saving billions of lives have taught Hal Jordan
00:35that power and will are worthless without empathy and a sense of purpose.
00:39Considering that Hal Jordan is my favorite of the Green Lanterns my
00:42willpower wouldn't be all that great to pass on another release from McFarland
00:45toys. Before we of course we get a close look the Green Lanterns Hal Jordan all
00:49decked now out in a shinier green I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarland
00:53toys that did come through and provide the sample of the gold label release of
00:55him. The figure in fact is using the same body build as the DC
01:00rebirth Hal you'll see in a second. Though in the meantime though let's
01:03grab the tape measure and Hal Jordan is gonna stand at 7 inches in height
01:06translating though to a figure that's 17 and a half centimeters tall. Yeah other
01:11than a new tooled head sculpt and a different deco of paint this Hal is just
01:14a rehaul of the rebirth one that got boxed along with Dawnbreaker. In fact
01:18that two-pack came also include with the jetpack that gets borrowed over to this
01:22release of him. Another Hal and one of my personal favorites here's also what
01:26the figure looks like with the Silver Age release of him. While maybe having
01:29new ideas he certainly is using a lot of old molds. The figure first of all does
01:33come included with the display stand which of course yes is the same mold as
01:36all the other DC logo stands we've gotten before. The DC logo branded down
01:41below and a neighboring peg to the far corner that can plug into either one of
01:44Hal's boots. The figure also comes included with a card although the card
01:48isn't borrowed over from the one that we got from the DC rebirth. The rebirth
01:52if you can excuse the fact it's got bent up corners like this actually used
01:56figure photography. The new Hal Jordan in fact actually is using source material. I
02:00like this one over this one. Although if you look at the back of the cards
02:04there's a whole lot less things to read on the new release of Hal where
02:08there was a lot more to read when you look on the back of his. Also too while
02:13unfortunately I haven't had this one in my trading card sheets it was one of the
02:16few cards I actually kept inside the bag along with the figures at the time
02:19and that probably would be one of the reasons why the corners are frayed like
02:22this. I mean again I'm really like that they've went the direction of now
02:25giving source material as the inspiration for their cards and getting
02:28kind of away from really the idea of figure photography for feeling that. I
02:33just don't think it works as well when it comes to figure cards. That being said
02:37a bit tongue-tied. Funny though enough I was tongue-tied saying
02:40tongue-tied. The figure though does in fact come included with a lot of borrowed
02:44accessories. First the figure does come included with the jetpack. I'm gonna
02:47bring over the one that came included with the 2-pack Dawnbreaker. I think
02:50though the coloring of the green is a little bit darker on the new Hal
02:53Jordan's jetpack and was though a little bit lighter and a little bit more
02:57translucent with the Dawnbreaker 2-pack. Exact same molds. Kind of does beg the
03:02question really how Jordan can already fly in space and in skies? Why would he
03:06really require a jetpack? That would be like the Flash having to use a
03:09motorcycle. Either way though if you look at the back of this there is a peg. If
03:13you look on the back of the figures body's torso you'll notice that there
03:16is a hole. Simple shapes will connect the two. Just plug that on the back of his
03:19body. I don't know if why now because we've got different head sculpt for Hal
03:23Jordan it reminds me at least with this jetpack of Rocket Robin Hood. Anybody
03:27remember Rocket Robin Hood? I'm not gonna sing the song of Rocket Robin Hood even
03:31though I know all the words for it. One of the other things that figure does
03:34also get carried over is the boxing glove. Now the boxing glove didn't come
03:39included though with the Dawnbreaker 2-pack. I believe it actually came
03:42included with the Silver Age release. So the ones that were booked in on either
03:46side of this release happens to then share their accessories with the one
03:50that was in the middle. For the boxing glove it does seem like the
03:53one that we're getting now is a little bit darker of a green. You can see that
03:56the original one was a little bit lighter and again it seems like the
03:59plastic that they were using at the time at least seems to show the light a
04:03little bit easier through. This can again just attach on to his arms. If you're
04:07looking at the placement of the glove the thumb as large as it may be would
04:11dictate that it goes on this side of his hand. It doesn't really necessarily
04:14mean obviously the shape of his hand would work with if you wanted to have it
04:16over here. I mean you do whatever you want but I mean again like it gives him
04:20a little something extra to work with between really all the Green Lantern
04:23figures we've gotten from McFarlane and his team. There's a lot of cool things
04:27accessory wise they can lend around to other figures. The boxing glove again
04:30looks okay. It's a little on the more ridiculous side but it works really well
04:33with a character like Hal. So let's go ahead and just remove this. Let's go
04:37ahead while we're at it and also remove the jetpack and no I will not
04:41unfortunately make you guys suffer listening to me singing Rocket Robin Hood.
04:45I'm so tempted. What I am though tempted to do is mention one thing that this figure
04:50does remind me of. If you remember way back in the day when we're looking at
04:53the DC Direct New 52 figures, one of my all-time favorite Superman, the Hal
04:58Jordan at that time looked very much similar to this. Maybe not the design
05:02clearly of the suit but the way though that they finished it in this metallic
05:05green very much I feel reminds me of those DC Direct days. The head
05:10sculpt though is a little bit different actually quite a bit different from the
05:12original rebirth Hal Jordan you can see right here. I think first of all like the
05:17color for his skin is a lot lighter and a little bit more acceptable. The hair
05:21looks a little bit more modernized as well and while there was really nothing
05:25again wrong with the rebirth release of Hal before, I think I like the head
05:28sculpt now on this release a little bit more. Also you can see though the
05:32mask does borrow over some of that metallic green that gets carried into
05:35his body. The one thing I though I will say is while I'm looking at two
05:38bodies proportionately I think the head sculpt is a little bit better in size
05:42to the rest of the body. I feel like though maybe the new release has the
05:46head maybe just a tad bit too big. It's still though a really good looking head
05:49sculpt and one of the better looking Hal's we've gotten. I don't think it
05:53though it still beats the one that we got from the Silver Age days but it
05:56definitely is one of the higher looking better looking Hal's that we've gotten
05:59and again I know with the list of Hal Jordan figures it's very small. The
06:03colors though again for a suit while again having all the same mold as the
06:06original release, having though the use of this metallic green, I never really
06:10thought like looking at this original Hal Jordan that they would ever borrow
06:13anything again from this mold. I thought like it was a one and we're done but
06:16clearly the fact that we're having this conversation they felt a need to use
06:19this mold again and you know honestly though like the mold works really well
06:23with this particular version of Hal Jordan. One thing though that they've
06:26also seemed to have fixed, the Hal Jordan before seemed to have a much softer
06:29plastic that they used for the bottom of his body. I'll put this guy down here for a
06:33second because this covered over essentially his torso joint it meant
06:37that when you are moving his body around it sort of flopped around a bit in the
06:41process. I've noticed though over time like this figure has gotten a little on
06:43the more looser side. This Hal Jordan I don't know what it is about the plastic
06:46not that it's necessarily harder plastic but it almost seems like there's a little
06:51bit more give behind it and that might work a little bit better so it doesn't
06:54look like it's essentially just a piece of plastic covering over his abdomen
06:57joint. Again like the mold is exactly the same so you're not gonna if you're
07:01expecting anything different from that for the Rebirth release you might be a
07:04bit disappointed to find that it's exactly the same. I think again like it
07:07works really well. Unfortunately though one thing that doesn't work as well for
07:11me is the way they've used the coloring of this peg. The peg, while everything
07:15else around it is green except really for his sleeves, they chose of all things
07:19to use a black joint. The original Hal Jordan from the Rebirth actually used a
07:23dark green. I figured they would have done something similar. Maybe they didn't
07:28want to use the green because after all they were going to be going in and
07:30painting the figure anyways but by using black like this it stands out a
07:34lot more. Of course it doesn't limit at all the articulation on the figure but
07:37we'll get down to that in a second. Nice coloring overall for the gloves. It
07:41definitely looks like they've gone through a couple of coats of paint
07:43although unfortunately though with mine you can see there's a little bit of
07:46scuffing on the sides of my glove. The ring though is nicely detailed as small
07:51as that may be. This glove is also decently painted too but again like I
07:55don't know what it is. I've got one little line right there. Scrape, scrape,
08:00scrape. I don't think I'm gonna be able to get it off and I've got like one right
08:03here. I might be able to go and color match this. Go in there and actually see
08:07if I can find a way to fix that up. Other than that though like again like the
08:10coloring especially for the metallic green it's clean, it's well applied and
08:13it's not at all messy. Now for the figure's articulation if you're familiar
08:17with that Hal that's over there right now you'll be familiar of course with
08:21the poseability that this guy possesses. The head for Hal Jordan first of all
08:24does rotate all the way around. It looks down, it looks up and you can also move
08:28it back and forth as well. Even though this figure never came included with one
08:31I'm so tempted to find myself going through the totes pulling out a flight
08:35stand and have this guy on display that way. In fact I just happen to have
08:39myself a flight stand right over here. I was kind of thinking oh I'm gonna have
08:42to go and go back to my totes but sure enough right over there was a flight
08:46stand. The figure doesn't obviously come included with one. We've already
08:48established what accessories he has but you know with this particular figure
08:52I'm tempted to get this guy on a display stand, a flight stand. The only thing I'm
08:56kind of worried about though with the things I'm doing right now is I think
09:00though that might eventually scrape the metallic paint but I'm very tempted to
09:04have this guy displayed on the shelf the way that you're seeing right now.
09:06Carefully, carefully. Again I don't want to scrape that paint. I don't think like
09:11I think the paint is generally quite durable but again if you have yourself
09:15like a waist clip around this the likelihood of this scraping the paint
09:18would be a little bit higher than if obviously if you're just gonna have
09:21this guy displayed and standing the way he is right now. The upper torso yes
09:26is gonna be on a ball joint. Concealed underneath is also a secondary ball
09:29joint which again does have the overlay of plastic over top. Some people don't
09:33like that. I maybe don't like it as much on the original release of Rebirth
09:37Haldorn. I think honestly though it actually looks pretty decent with this
09:40Haldorn. It's pretty close to his body. I mean obviously you can still see that
09:43there's a lip right here but I don't think it's as noticeable as the first
09:46time we got this mold. The arms do rotate all the way around. You can also hinge
09:49them out as well. The figure does have a bicep swivel. He also possesses a double
09:53hinge on his elbow and the hands rotate all the way around with a hinge back and
09:57forth. As for the legs, the legs split out but they only split that far.
10:00They also go forward and back. There's a bit of a swivel there at the top of the
10:05thigh. The figure also does have a double hinge on his knee and while he does have
10:08no articulation here for the tops of his boots because obviously it's just a
10:11sculpt continuation of the calf. A little bit of metallic paint right there. That's
10:17it though. That's not that's not much at all. He does though at least have
10:20articulation here for this ankle so you can rock him back and forth. The figure
10:22does also have toe articulation. I can also as well notice that this guy also
10:26has dark green for his pegs but you'll notice here with the green like this
10:30this could have been something that could have been borrowed over to using
10:33up at the top here. Still though unfortunately they used black for the
10:35peg. They at least used green down below because a little obviously black would
10:39have stood out a little bit more. All in all though it's a good use of this mold.
10:42A mold that honestly I didn't think they would ever really use again. With Haldorn
10:47having so many costume change in the comics, the likelihood of them
10:51ever going back to the rebirth mold for me I don't think was ever gonna really
10:54happen and yet sure enough sliding this guy over bringing in the original use of
10:59that Haldorn rebirth mold. Yeah you know I again I really welcome now the
11:03metallic green that they've used for this body. I feel like they've also gone
11:06in here and tweaked some of the things that maybe were problematic with the
11:10original release of him while unfortunately still suffering by having
11:13black pegs being so visible on the shoulders. I gotta say though the plastic
11:16that they've used for the abdomen seems a little bit more easy and more forgiving
11:20when it comes to rotating his torso. The same wasn't be said when we looked at
11:23the original release of him. If you are a fan of though this mold you like Haldorn
11:27like I love Haldorn and it's a great figure to be picking up. One that makes
11:31the best use of the mold that he was the first time we got it.
11:34Come gather around me, space travelers surround me. Hark now to the ballad of
11:41Rocket Robin Hood. You know here in final looks as we get away from the theme of
11:49Rocket Robin Hood I was still compelled to bring back in that flight stand. This
11:53inanimate flight stand that really shouldn't be talking to me was talking
11:57to me the whole time during this review and kept saying you know reviewer you
12:01got yourself a rocket pack that should go nicely on the back of Hal Jordan here.
12:04Wouldn't it look even better though to put it on display with a flight stand?
12:08Well I would have to agree with you inanimate flight stand. It does in fact
12:11look a lot better as perhaps as ridiculous of a sound as it may be that
12:15a character that would be already known to flying around in space on his own
12:18able-bodied would then have to use a rocket pack. But I gotta say though the
12:22rocket pack is one of the additions to this figure that I actually really like.
12:25With the flight stand now included it does kind of beg the question maybe had
12:30they omitted the punching glove in favor of the stand instead. I think it
12:34would look a lot better and considering really we already have the boxing glove
12:38as part of the accessory count that came include the Silver Age Hal Jordan I'm
12:41much better and much happier just to display the figure as you're seeing
12:44right now. Even though this guy borrows over a lot of mold between the body and
12:48two of the accessories still though it's a good use of that mold again. Adding
12:53that little bit of schnazzier metallic green finish does add a little bit more
12:57appeal to this figure. Not to say that he didn't have that appeal before but I
13:01gotta say the metallic green screams to me like the old days of DC Direct. At one
13:06point DC Direct had put out the new 52 figures and still some of my favorite
13:09figures that DC had done at the time. One of the two standouts for me was Hal
13:13Jordan. The other one being the metallic finish of Flash. At one point I think DC
13:17Direct had done them in matte finish but when they re-released them again in the
13:21metallic paints boy do those figures ever shine. The same can be said for Hal
13:25Jordan here. The head sculpt I feel still is a little on the bigger side and yes
13:29while he does have visible black joints on the tops of his shoulders it's
13:32certainly I feel a superior Hal Jordan than the Rebirth one we got before. A big
13:37thank you to the folks though over at McFarlane Toys that again did provide
13:41the sample. The gallant leader of the band. I'd like to thank the leader of the
13:46band McFarlane obviously himself who took the time to send this one over. What
13:50do you guys think of the gold label collection Hal Jordan from Green
13:53Lanterns? No don't worry I won't be singing any more Rocket Robin Hood. If
13:58though in the meantime you guys did enjoy this video I certainly did want to
14:01hit it with a like. I mean that would always be greatly appreciated but if you
14:04guys want to stick around for more so I hope so. Hit that subscribe, turn on that
14:07bell but the most important thing is that you're coming back. As always
14:10thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
