• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman V Superman Wonder Woman Figure


00:00Oh, I don't think you've ever known a figure like her. Here's a look at the brand-new McFarland
00:04Toys DC Multiverse Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman.
00:25Gotham City's formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis' most revered modern-day
00:31savior, while a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than ever
00:35known before.
00:37When it comes to the Princess of Themyscira, maybe third time's the charm. Before we get
00:41a closer look at the Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman, let's take the tape
00:45measure and see how tall the figure stands. Why I do say third, though, because this is
00:49actually the third time we've gotten this mold with a completely different new headsculpt.
00:52We have finessed a few things here as well that we'll discuss, obviously, in this review.
00:56In the meantime, though, you're looking, though, at Diana standing at about seven and a quarter
01:00inches in height. Wonder Woman's going to be about 18 and a half centimeters tall.
01:05As for the lineage of movie Wonder Woman from Todd and his team, the first one that we got
01:08was this one here. Lighter on skin color, not as muscular, certainly, in the legs. And
01:12she had also one issue where you could see they still painted the ankles in flesh tone.
01:17It did get, though, an improvement, a vast improvement with the one that we got from
01:20Shazam Fury of the Gods. I think it was Shazam Fury of the Gods. Still haven't even seen
01:24that movie. Much better looking Wonder Woman. More muscular, also, here in the legs. That
01:28is also a trait that gets carried over to the new release.
01:31One thing I really did like, though, about the Shazam version of her was that the tiara
01:35was a separate piece. It was something that she would carry around in her hand. But I
01:39chose, though, instead, and I think a lot of collectors did this as well, you could
01:42pry the hair just a little bit away from her hair or from her face and you could tuck the
01:46tiara in there. And it made for a good stand in Wonder Woman until, of course, we got the
01:49superior one here. Let's move also these Wonder Womans off to the side here. The only
01:54other Wonder Woman that we did get, at least from the movie treatment, was this one here.
01:57This is the Golden Armor. Still beautiful looking Wonder Woman. The only thing that
02:01had an issue with mine, and I got this directly from GameStop, was the back of her hair looked
02:05like she had gotten a haircut. It was completely cut clean off. Other than that, though, I'm
02:09only going to be seeing it from the front anyways. I might just end up now retiring
02:12these two in favor of a much superior one that we're getting here now.
02:16As for the figure's offerings, Wonder Woman first includes a display stand. Nothing really
02:20different at all about this display stand versus ones we've looked at before. The DC
02:23logo is still there. The peg is still there. And like with cases before, you can plug it
02:27into either one of her boots. Let's move it off to the side. The figure also comes included
02:30with a pretty cool looking card. Gal Gadot, I know now, is not coming back as Wonder Woman.
02:35I mean, I thought she was fine. I didn't think her acting was all that great. I mean, she
02:38made for an OK movie Wonder Woman. I do hope, though, that James Gunn selectively chooses.
02:43I feel to be a much better Wonder Woman with his movies moving forward. Wonder Woman, though,
02:47as you can see, is Batman v Superman, Dawn of Justice down below. On the back, though,
02:51what's strange about this is while the real name is listed Diana of Themyscira, that's
02:54not the strange part. What's strange, though, is that the paragraph that we read makes no
02:59mention at all of Themyscira nor Wonder Woman either. It just sort of gives us a generic
03:04readup, something more relating. It's basically just like a log line to a movie or more specifically
03:08Batman v Superman's movie. It just kind of seems strange that they chose not to include
03:12anything about Wonder Woman on the back. With that aside, the figure also comes in
03:16clue with her lasso. Now, this version of Lasso of Truth happens to be the same one
03:20that we got with this release, and I just happen to have the other one. Where's the
03:24other one? Where's the other one? Right over here. I think this was the first Wonder Woman
03:28lasso. Correct me if I'm wrong. This might also have been the one that we got from Shazam
03:332. This is the new Lasso of Truth. I know this 100%. Coloring, as you can see, does
03:37change, but the mold seems exactly the same. This figure 8 configuration does have a little
03:42loop on the top, and if you look on the side of her belt, there's a little hook right
03:46there, and you basically just lasso that Lasso of Truth in place. I suppose you could also
03:51use the exact same idea in with the other lassos. The thing about it, though, is that
03:55you'll see, and I knew right away that this is the one that came with this figure because
03:58the colors match exactly to her belt. Unfortunately, though, she doesn't come in clue with any
04:03other variation of lasso. However, though, I've got a couple of other ones that we've
04:07gotten with the other Wonder Woman. So there's this one. There's also this one here. Again,
04:11I don't know which one came with which figure, but at least I've got a few extras I can display
04:15along with this one here. What can also be displayed with this figure is that she also
04:18comes in clue with her sword. The sword and the also mentioned shield look good. The only
04:25thing about it, though, is it does seem like they're too large for the figure. If you look
04:29at the handles on the back, these will fit over her arm, but I mean right away, the moment
04:33you drape this across her arm, it just seems like it was almost designed for a different
04:37figure instead. I suppose you could really take her grip and clip it around the handle
04:42here. So there's a place to hold it where you could just cheat and sort of just slide
04:44it up her arm. But it's, it does seem though, doesn't it? Like the straps are way too big
04:49for her to accommodate on her arm. Now, the same can also be said as well for her sword.
04:53The sword much does a much better job, though, of holding in her hand. Let's drop the lasso
04:57over there. It does fit into her hand, although looking at the handle, does it seem to me
05:03like the handle is way too big for the sword? I mean, like the sword length is okay, but
05:06I feel like the handle maybe should have been a little bit thinner. Oh, by the way,
05:10there is no storage space. I just bent her thumb by accident. There's no storage space
05:15at all on the back of the figure. I mean, if there was a dress release of her, she probably
05:18could have some sword just conveniently stored. We still don't know now where she stored the
05:23sword. I'll leave that, leave that with you for a thought. Getting a little closer look
05:27at Wonder Woman, though, I will say by far, this is the best looking Wonder Woman, not
05:32only I would say from what we've got from McFarlane Toys, but I would just say across
05:35the board, this might just be one of the best Wonder Woman likenesses and bears a very
05:40... I don't even need, I think, to argue the point, one of the best looking likenesses
05:44to Gal Gadot ever. Of course, it doesn't have a removable tiara this time around, unlike
05:49though the Shazam 2 version of Wonder Woman. Bodies wise, this is probably the closest
05:54one to compare. Now she has the muscular legs, which are the one trait that gets carried
05:58over from the Shazam 2 version of Wonder Woman. Body and bodice seem to be the same. It looks
06:03like also the bracelets also look to be the same and even like the gauntlets. Now there
06:07are some color changes that they made differently here. So like, for example, you can see like
06:10her gloves here, the bandages are done in a much lighter brown, a darker brown here.
06:14They've also gone in and thank goodness they painted the peg or used a molding of plastic
06:19the exact same as her hand. So that like one of the issues though, really isn't so much
06:24on this Wonder Woman, but on the initial one is that you can see like, first of all, they
06:28gave her much lighter hands. The hands seem like really small too, even though I'm sure
06:31they're the exact same. But you can also see like for her boots, they left the exposed
06:36bare sections of her feet. Now I know some people like that. I mean, it works better
06:40for the aesthetics of the movie. Unfortunately though, they are using like flesh tone pegs.
06:45The one that we got from Shazam Fury of the Gods has the more reddish peg and they're
06:49also something that they carried over to this one as well. I mean, it's missing though the
06:53flesh or the skin coloring in between the straps. But I mean, that's a small detail
06:57that doesn't bother me at all. But I mean, I'm glad though that they're using the more
07:00muscular build. The first though, Wonder Woman, I don't think really necessarily cut
07:05it. It was way too thin. You could see there on the legs. The arms though, if you're looking
07:09at the two, they look like they're maybe identical to one another. So like the legs are clearly
07:13something that's molded differently. Skirting is the same. Armor is the same, whether you
07:17compare it against this one or you compare it against the Shazam 2 version of Wonder
07:20Woman. I don't think the armor has been changed at all. Color really is the one thing that's
07:25cosmetically been changed differently. And of course the head sculpt. I can't stop really
07:30talking about how good that head sculpt actually looks. Hair wise, I think it's very somewhat
07:34similar. I think they probably may have even used the exact same wig on the back. I mean,
07:38if you look at the sculpting, maybe it's just the case that they only sculpted a brand new
07:42face and kept the hair the same because it looks like they are using the exact same hair,
07:45doesn't it? But the details though on the rest of the figure, I mean, I could spend
07:49so much time talking about how good the face looks, but the rest of the face, the skin
07:52tone for the rest of her body, I should say, matches pretty close to her face. She's a
07:55little redder though here and not as red here, but I mean, faces tend to be a little
08:00bit more reddish in skin color versus like the rest of the body. I think it's still like
08:04color wise, it's definitely the best Wonder Woman we've gotten. Darker though on the skirting,
08:09a more reddish kind of metallic finish here. The only thing I will say though, is like
08:13the top half of her body, this bodice section of her armor, doesn't quite seem like it's
08:18the same red, does it? As her abdomen area, it looks like the abdomen is maybe like a
08:22just a little bit more of a darker coloring or a little less red in that. Look how close
08:26we're getting to that. Of course, the coloring of the belt works quite well. The softer plastic
08:30also means too that when it comes to moving the articulation on the figure, she's not
08:33going to be limited at all. Speaking of which though, for the articulation here for now,
08:38the new third release of Wonder Woman, her head's going to rotate back and forth. It's
08:41going to have a little bit more of the limitations, obviously, just because she's got hair on
08:44the side like this. So the head can rotate back and forth. It can move up only by this
08:48much. And you can look down, have the figure looking down like that. Arms hinge out easily
08:53at a T-pose. You can take the arms and rotate them all the way around. You want to use this
08:56arm, you can rotate this arm, sure. There's a swivel there at the bicep, double hinge
09:00on the elbow, and the hands rotate all the way around. Upper torso is going to be on
09:04a bulge right? I mean like all of the stuff that we're covering off now, even if you
09:07went back to the original Wonder Woman, she did all the exact same thing. But you know
09:10again, like it's just again, better looking mold, better looking paint, better looking
09:15Wonder Woman. As mentioned though, again, she has the upper torso ball joint. She does
09:19have a lower abdomen ball joint too. Legs do split out, they're on ratcheted joints.
09:23You can take the leg, yeah, the legs move forward, move them back, swivel there at the
09:26top of the thigh. The figure does have a double hinge at her knees and also the articulation
09:31there in the ankle, nice little ankle rocker. And the figure, of course, the wrap things
09:35up does have a toe articulation there as well. In the end, I mean like obviously a review
09:40like this would be hopefully helpful to show you guys. Like even though again, like we've
09:44gotten this treatment, this mold treatment done now what, three times? Three times already?
09:49First it was this release, get her stand. Then of course it was the Shazam Fury of the
09:53Gods. I keep calling it, it was the Fury of the Gods. I only really watched the first
09:57Shazam. I had little to no interest to really watch the second one, even though I know Wonder
10:00Woman was in it. Yeah, again, like to get the same mold, let's just fix her hair, fix
10:05her head. To get that same mold again, and obviously they would have now used the lower
10:09legs from this release. Collectively, we get ourselves the best Wonder Woman we've
10:13ever gotten. I still feel like I'm probably going to go ahead to retire these two now.
10:18This one had been retired for a while. It was sitting in my tote. I had to actually
10:21spend a little bit of time just to try to track it down. This one was my stand in Wonder
10:25Woman for a while on my shelf, but I feel like now both of them will be replaced in
10:28favor of the much better of the three. Still though, unfortunately when it comes to like
10:32the art, the accessories, the accessories that come with Wonder Woman still can't help but
10:37feel like the handle for the sword is way too big. And I certainly don't feel like the
10:41straps on the back of the shield are way too big to accommodate this figure. It's almost
10:44really like these accessories were made for a different figure and then they made them
10:48instead for Wonder Woman. I mean, the shield looks good. And if anything, I might just
10:51try to have her fit her hand maybe around this might just help that maybe ensure that
10:55the shield isn't going to fall off her arm. But other than maybe just having oversized
10:59accessories that don't belong with her, I feel like this Wonder Woman certainly does
11:03belong on my collection shelf. Despite Diana having accessories, in my opinion, too big
11:07for the hands to hold, the rest of the figure does show definitely where changes have been
11:11made for the positive. I mean, when you really look at a mold like this, the most closest
11:15one we have is Shazam Fury of the Gods release of Wonder Woman. And even then that was an
11:20upgrade to the first release Wonder Woman. The first one was too pale in complexion,
11:24but at the time, I mean, it was a fine Wonder Woman for my collection shelf. But unfortunately
11:28though, when we got the Shazam Fury of the Gods Wonder Woman release, I ended up ultimately
11:32retiring that other one for the totes. I feel like probably the same fate's now going to
11:36happen for the Shazam 2 release of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman in favor of the best one we've
11:40gotten now from Todd and his team. It goes though to show now, even though as a collector,
11:45you now have to have invested probably three times picking up this mold, but with every
11:50single subsequent release we've gotten from McFarlane Toys, the mold of Gal Gadot has
11:54gotten better and better and now the best. I don't think at all they're going to be making
11:59any more changes that are going to make me want to retire this one. This Wonder Woman
12:04is the one that's going to be displayed on my shelf. This is the one that's going to
12:07be joining the rest of my Justice League. What do you guys think of this Wonder Woman?
12:10Let me know down below in the comment section. And as a video question, have you ever had
12:14that happen where you pick up a figure before and basically got a new updated release of
12:18that mold where it was so good that you retired the first one you had in your collection?
12:23Let me know down below in the comment section. Also, if you guys did enjoy this video, you
12:26can do it a solid, you can throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more so?
12:30I hope so. Hit that subscribe, turn on that bell, and of course come back. We're wrapping
12:35things up right now for Wonder Woman, but there will be more McFarlane Toys reviews
12:39coming your way. As always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
