• 2 months ago
Memory Lane Mickey's Christmas Carol The Ghosts of Christmas Set


00:00well thanks the three spirits Scrooge will have time for himself but it'll be
00:04in the past the present and in the future here's your Christmas spot in
00:07the memory lane a Mickey's Christmas carol that goes to Christmas past
00:09present and yet to come
00:13Oh ho ho hello now I couldn't have said that we had completed all the Mickey's
00:31Christmas carol figures from memory lane without obviously looking at the
00:34spirits that represent the past the present and yet to come there goes the
00:37Christmas past present and yet to come we're all actually inside of one box so
00:41the good thing at least about them is that you didn't have to buy them
00:43individually the set of course included Jiminy Cricket as the ghost of
00:46Christmas past the Giants as the ghost of Christmas present don't forget the
00:50chocolate pot roast with Dimensio no Pismastio no Dismismastio with
00:57yogurt and of course Pete's as the ghost of Christmas yet to come I couldn't
01:01remember the name of him when we were looking at the figures it also dawned on
01:04me too I was kind of going through my totes of figures to get these guys back
01:07out and on display that one figure I had overlooked when we looked at the earlier
01:12ones and that being of course goofy as Jacob Marley so even though really he
01:16wasn't part of this set we're also gonna be looking at him as well so at least I
01:19could say I've looked at all of them we're gonna at least you know what we'll
01:22keep goofy here because I want to get kind of measuring going on and of course
01:25I'll bring in some of the other earlier looked at Mickey's Christmas carol
01:27figures in a moment I don't wanna get too ahead of myself but let's just grab
01:30the tape measure first and see how tall they are visually visually you can see
01:34already the Jiminy Cricket the ghost of Christmas past is clearly the shortest
01:38the giant is the tallest let's get things going at least with measuring so
01:41Jiminy Cricket is only gonna be three inches in height he's pretty small that
01:45translates though to a figure that's about seven and a half centimeters tall
01:48then though to the Giants once again back to inches he is about nine and a
01:54quarter inches of that or about I would say twenty two centimeters twenty two
01:58and a half centimeters tall goofy even though again he wasn't part of this set
02:01up I had to go back and look at him as well he is gonna be about six and a half
02:05inches or about 16 centimeters tall and then to Pete Pete the ghost of Christmas
02:10yet to come is six and a half inches in height or about 17 centimeters tall now
02:15let's bring a couple of characters right now here's Ebeneezer Scrooge played of
02:18course by Scrooge McDuck and seeing as this is Mickey's Christmas Carol and all
02:21let's bring in Mickey Mouse who played Bob Cratchit actually this might even
02:24work out better because I didn't look at goofy as Jacob Marley one of the
02:28accessories though I found inside the bag when we're looking at the Mickey's
02:30Christmas Carol figures was the little door knocker that we see in the front of
02:33Scrooge McDuck's door I think this was something that came in clue with goofy
02:37but at the time when I was looking at the other figures I couldn't remember
02:40who this belonged to the knocker itself doesn't attach to anything I think at
02:44one point I put a little bit of like sticky tack on the back of this so I
02:47could just stick this on the wall but I really haven't found a purpose for that
02:50since again I believe this did come in clue with the goofy it's a nice detail I
02:55mean obviously gosh it is what I think of Jacob Marley is one of the funnier
03:00aspects of Mickey's Christmas Carol which you know as a kid you really think
03:03it's a lot longer of a movie and then you realize it's just a little more than
03:0520 minutes as for Jacob Marley though he's got all this stuff going on for him
03:10and a couple of these pieces actually I don't know if they necessarily broke off
03:14or they just came off loose clearly though he has his chains here the chains
03:19do have the keys on the side so I don't know if at any point if he can unlock
03:23himself from his own chains that kind of sort of seems like it defeats the
03:25purpose completely or maybe he uses those keys to get into Ebeneezer Scrooge's
03:29room I don't think that really works either I love when he sees his way out
03:33the door and he walks down and misses what does he miss that one
03:36stare goes oh and he falls down the stairs I think that's hilarious the
03:40chains themselves I think there was actually two versions of goofy too there
03:43was this one and there was the glow-in-the-dark I thought though the
03:45blue one made a little bit more sense I never really picked up the glow-in-the-
03:48dark nor do I have really any interest in it either though the actual chains
03:52themselves wrap around his body when you get him out of packaging these are
03:55already attached onto him so you don't have to worry about but they sit loose
03:58and clearly you know he's carrying around the baggage of all the banks and
04:02all the you know although it's just the weight of the weight of the world and
04:05the weight of investments and things that he did naughty wise certainly when
04:08he was in the living all has to now be carried around by chain so he's got a
04:12few little lock boxes here he's got a larger one here also as well this was
04:16the one actually that was detached and loose inside the bag I think they
04:19actually make it this way so that you can attach one of them to the chains and
04:22then he's got a separate piece that has a piggy bank and that actually loops
04:26onto this section right here as well so I think like everything is everything
04:29works pretty well I mean he's just it means they have to carry so much around
04:32with it like with the cartoon it's just a little bit more unruly when you want
04:37to try to put this guy on display although for the face sculpt of Jacob
04:40Marley let's get a closer look at goofy yeah he is certainly for me at least the
04:45funniest aspect of Mickey's Christmas Carol Yosh the paint is pretty good on
04:50this guy too like he's got a more darker blue obviously here for this jacket
04:53lighter blue for the head of course he's got the section that wraps around
04:57the front of his jaw like every other version of Jacob Marley some decent
05:00levels of posability considering this is also an older figure I think that's a
05:03really nice look for goofy now also thing with him as well like even though
05:09he like he's an older figure but he has surprising levels of posability that you
05:13know even I seem to forget every time and then when I put these guys away in
05:17totes the next time comes around for the end of you know obviously the end of the
05:20year and Christmas season comes around get these guys out on display I like you
05:24know I take each of the figures that I start to play around with the posability
05:27on them I realize like these guys are pretty posable for the for the fact that
05:30these are as old of a figure as they are for Jacob Marley like his head rotates
05:34well I wouldn't say normally all the way around it clearly gets to the point
05:38where it tells you you can't move it any further the arms certainly don't rotate
05:41all the way around he has a hinge as well in his elbow swivel in his hand
05:45which again is always something I was surprised to see he has no swivel in his
05:48waist but his legs can move forward and back he also has bends in the knees and
05:52no articulation really in the feet but again like so much though for goofy it
05:56has to contend with the idea that he's just got these chains they're always
05:59Hillary again getting in the way and when you put the figure down every so
06:02often I notice that like one of the little lock boxes ends up always falling
06:06off the chain it ends up being I think it's yes it's this one right here this
06:10is always the one that seems to fall off so every year without fail when I get
06:14these guys of the bag I have to take the one chain loop it on the one end of it
06:17you'd probably even see the way that it's set up and then I have to take like
06:20the piggy bank and piggy bank and I have to attach it on to the other side so
06:25there's there's goofy let's just actually move them over off to the side
06:28seeing as now of course we've finished off these standalone figures and now
06:32let's look at the accessories that come included with the past the present and
06:34the future so when we look at Jacob Marley when we look at the ghost of
06:39Christmas past plays played of course by Jiminy Cricket what a what a better
06:44character choice if you're gonna get a wise little spirit he isn't so much
06:48really a spirit but just a cool little character of Jiminy Cricket now he
06:52actually comes with a pretty big accessory again all of these were be
06:55part of one of the one of the single boxes he actually comes included the
06:59clock now the clock itself does have a face it looks like it's telling us what
07:04time is that it's like almost 10 after 12 a little less maybe it's 1209 right
07:09now obviously because the hour hand is going right to the 12 and then the
07:13minute hand is well everybody knows how to tell time the size though of this is
07:17about the same size as Jiminy Cricket it's just a little bit shorter it's
07:21painted actually pretty well I think for for the fact that this is more an
07:24accessory and really less a figure I think like memory Lane's done really
07:27decent job of painting this it doesn't do anything maybe really what he's doing
07:31right now what the clock is doing right now is that the same thing it's gonna be
07:34doing the whole time it's on display I do like though that the hands are
07:38sculpted so it isn't just a case that they put a big big honking sticker
07:41there on the front it's a good-looking little bell now one of the accessories
07:45though that come include the past is that Jiminy Cricket also comes included
07:48with a little umbrella the umbrella based on at least the way the hands are
07:53designed you can have them in either one of his hands you don't have to have the
07:56idea that's committed to this side if you want to have it over here you can
07:58have it over there but you know just to show you it clips easily into either one
08:02of his hands the hat sits really low on his head still though he manages to pull
08:06off some decent pose ability the head can rotate back and forth even though
08:09really he has a very high collar to him you can also rotate his arms as well
08:13there's a little bit of swivel there to the hands of course you can move his
08:16feet back and forth not a whole lot actually now they think about yeah he
08:21does have a swivel a little bit of a movement for his legs but they always
08:24seem to be really tight no swiveling in his waist or anything like that so as
08:28the ghost of Christmas past put him right over there my favorites though
08:31from this and even though really outside of goofy my favorite character from from
08:35the three ghosts at least is the giant he never can quite get out exactly what
08:39he wants to say now he actually comes included with a pretty splendid looking
08:44dish looks to be a pig pigs got a little apple inside of its mouth looks like
08:48just everything got some potatoes I don't know if those are tomatoes I don't
08:52know if I'd be cooking potatoes and tomatoes together got some carrots yeah
08:56that's quite a spread the thing about it though is looking at the character
09:00unless I'm missing an accessory maybe I am it almost looks like he really should
09:04be holding something the thing that I thought would be perfect for him and
09:08have to go back and watch my older video to see in fact if the figure had
09:11that is the little lamps the lamplight the light that he takes from the street
09:16and he turns it on like a flashlight to shine inside the people's homes I mean
09:20even just by the way that his fingers are gestured like this picking up
09:24actually right now see the way that they're actually closed it looks like
09:27really he should be holding something but but again like I looked inside the
09:32bags from what I remember I don't even think he had anything and every time
09:35that this guy goes out yearly I never seem to have an accessory that goes into
09:38his hands either way though one thing though he does have for an accessory is
09:43the wreath that's gonna go over his head it's not frictioned on at all so like
09:47really when you're putting on top of his head the moment you move this figure
09:50upside down tilt him forward he's probably gonna just drop the wreath
09:54every time but at least it just sits on top of his head he's a happy-looking man
09:58he knows so very little luckily he knows I mean if he was the ghost of Christmas
10:03past he know nothing at all about history he's bumbling and stumbling his
10:07way through the city streets lifting up the rooftop buildings looking inside
10:10screw you know people of course screaming inside he's just a he's such a
10:14happy-looking guy and I think the figure looks exactly like he does in the
10:17cartoon actually all of them really for that matter now he has a rope that ties
10:21the jacket together this robe that he wears the robe technically also has
10:25velcro there on the top what it also has down below is the way it came out of the
10:29box and I've actually yet to remove these the these little plastic clips
10:33it's the same thing that kind of keeps the tags on your clothes when you buy
10:36them in stores unfortunately thing about this though is while it does a good
10:40enough job of keeping it together it looks really ugly from the front and it
10:44looks even uglier when we see it on Pete's but I have yet to really cut this
10:48I have no real need to cut this either I mean obviously it's an eyesore but at
10:52least it keeps like it keeps the robe on his body if I was to lift this up what
10:55you basically be seeing underneath is a belly top I mean he's barely fitting
10:59into that shirt he also got has himself these long pants again he has some
11:04possibility there goes the wreath he has a possibility very mild very mild levels
11:08of possibility on this guy so like his head rotates back and forth you can also
11:12move his arm forward and back can't move his arm out which you know again I
11:16really wish that all these figures could have also had a shoulder joint we'd be
11:19able to move their their arms outward but can't seem to unfortunately do that
11:22it's a bend at the elbow no swiveling though in his hands but again like it
11:26looks really like the giant should have had something in his hand I'm gonna
11:29have to go back and oof dare I even want to say go back and watch my older
11:32video of this but I mean like for the years that it this guy has gone every
11:36single year I always see the same thing I look at his hand I think to myself he
11:40must have had something in his hand at one point again this one doesn't do
11:43anything either I mean he's just basically more just a pointing hand and
11:46for his legs they move forward and back that's all you're really gonna be
11:50getting for the giant let's get the wreath back on his head and we'll just
11:54slide him back just a little bit here and then on to Pete Pete's a pretty cool
11:57one too now he also comes included the tombstone that says Ebeneezer Scrooge on
12:01the front it's molded from all the sides even though it feels like it's hollow
12:05it's got some cracks and stuff in there as well it's a really neat looking
12:08tombstone again like any of these accessories are ones that still include
12:12the figures when I put them out on display I don't look at any of these
12:15things and think you know I just even like even though really this has no
12:18place I mean really for that matter like I mean like the clock at least you can
12:22have on display I guess the tombstone would also be something that logically
12:26you can have on display the really thing that that stands out sort of more
12:29like a sore thumb it's just like this place piece that the little platter half
12:33the time I usually just have it displayed alongside I wish there was
12:36like a little tabletop I probably could find myself like a tabletop at least of
12:39this size so I could at least put this on top and have the giant standing with
12:43it anyways though like I said Pete does come
12:45include the tombstone other than short of being light yeah you know it's molded
12:49for it fairly well as also now he also comes include one accessory now his
12:54accessory is technically attached to his hand his Pete also comes included
12:58like he like he does in the cartoon he smokes he smokes a whole lot I think by
13:02today's standards they probably wouldn't have these characters smoking anymore
13:05but that's certainly something that Pete would have done you can't remove it or
13:08anything like that maybe you could I've never really I've never really tried to
13:12force this out maybe maybe it does come out I think it actually I think it does
13:16I'm just gonna leave it though it may have at one point came out of the
13:20packaging and I put it into his hand and then just like all the years since I was
13:24just end up saying you know what I'm just gonna leave it in his hand and
13:26leave it the way it is now unfortunately though for Pete he's got this long robe
13:30here the robe looks like it's made of sort of like a felt material but like
13:34though with the giant it's got all these ugly little tab pieces that kind of keep
13:37everything together even though I mean it's the most obvious here though on
13:41Pete it's probably the one thing I would end up leaving on like if even if I
13:45decide I want to take the Giants off I don't think it's gonna necessarily
13:48impact the rest of his robe he's already got of course the rope that comes across
13:51for his belt and he's got the velcro piece on the top that's more than enough
13:55that even if I took that off I don't think it would impact his body I feel
13:59though with Pete if I was to clip these off I think that might be one of the
14:02only things that's keeping the top of his tunic together like I said it's on
14:07this side it's just it's ugly had they only maybe just use these in red
14:11plastic I don't know if you can get like a red clip or red tag that's you know
14:14it works the same way as the white I might have been considered at one point
14:18going in there and painting this just so at least it would match the rest of
14:21the colors because I really don't want to clip these off because I feel like
14:24again like that might be the only thing that's kind of keeping everything in
14:27place for him now sort of in the beginning of the well at the beginning
14:31of when at least Scrooge McDuck encounters that goes to Christmas yet to
14:35come we sort of seem just more like like this we don't really even know who it is
14:38necessarily that is until of course he lights what ends up being Scrooge McDuck's
14:43tombstone and then he lifts back the hood and I think he says something along
14:47the lines of why it's you Ebenezer and then you can see again like they've
14:52sculpted a really nice face for Pete I don't think like memory lane has used
14:57these molds for anything else other than the ghost of the three ghosts here but I
15:00mean you would think though with how good of a job that they've done for the
15:03sculpting on all of these three faces they could have at least got some more
15:06mileage out of them and released the figure standalone maybe they have
15:10actually underneath though Pete's he also does he does also have the rope
15:14there on his belt if you were to lift this up basically what you'd be getting
15:18underneath though is just a standard brown body a little lighter though to
15:21the top a little bit more of a darker brown down below and he's also got
15:24himself some boots Pete though certainly has the most impressive looking mold I
15:30think of the three but I still think my favorite though is that goes to
15:32Christmas present love that giant just a shame that he doesn't come include a
15:36little streetlamp flashlight that he has other than that though he's certainly my
15:40favorite of the three for Pete though the ghost of Christmas yet to come his
15:45head's gonna rotate back and forth it's a little harder to obviously get in
15:47there because he's got the hood in place the arms also move forward and back as
15:50well he's got the bend in the elbow hand swivel I mean the more that I look at
15:54this I think at one point I may have actually even just taken the
15:58cigarettes or cigar and just wedged it in between his fingers certainly does
16:02feel like it's a separate piece and maybe I even had oh yeah it is a separate
16:06piece yeah but I think the the same mindset I probably have is the same one
16:10I'm having right now if I was to remove it I think I just end up losing it just
16:15because it's a small piece it may have even would have suffered perhaps the
16:18same fate as whatever accessory was supposed to be with the giant in the
16:20first place so that's probably one of the reasons like when I put this on
16:23display I look at it I think I'm sure I could remove that and then I have to
16:26stop and say okay no no if I take it out of his hand I know I'm just gonna lose
16:29it so the other arm obviously moves back and forth the swivel they're also in the
16:33hands there's no way swivel at all for these figures but there is technically a
16:37swivel there down below for his boots you can move his legs forward and back
16:40let me just lift up the rope so you guys can see a little bit better yeah there's
16:44no way swivel but you can certainly move his legs and because his legs are short
16:47and stumpy like this there's only so much that you can actually do when it
16:50comes to swiveling back and forth and again swivel the boots back and forth
16:53there as well this set is a little bit more expensive I mean I think really all
16:58the Mickey's Christmas Carol figures from memory lane have really started to
17:01skyrocket in price people that missed their chance to get this set the first
17:04time around now to go back and get complete sets of these I want to say
17:08like the three ghosts here the Christmas goes I think in in fact the way that the
17:12box was listed originally I think probably right now you probably expect
17:15to pay anywhere from a hundred to a hundred and fifty even even more than
17:18that I would imagine but again also if you have been collecting the other
17:22memory lane Mickey's Christmas Carol characters whether it be Scrooge McDuck
17:25whether it be Bob Cratchit or even again like Jacob Marley who unfortunately got
17:29completely forgotten the first time when I went back and looked at these figures
17:33again I'm glad I really did save these you know I at one point I looked at the
17:38tote of things that I had for Christmas figures and I thought you know there was
17:41kind of that one year where I debated whether I really wanted to still have
17:45these in my collection I mean since then though I'm glad that I chose not to get
17:50rid of them not to get not to donate them because you know since then though
17:54I like to put them on display and I think three years ago maybe it was two
17:59years ago again I was kind of going through and just clearing out a lot of
18:02my collectibles thinking like I'm never gonna display this I'm never gonna
18:06display this and those went those went and I kind of got to the point where I
18:09was looking at these and I thought to myself you know what at that point I
18:12wasn't putting them on display for Christmas what's the likelihood I'm
18:15gonna put them on display for Christmas the following year so I held back didn't
18:19get rid of them and then the following year sure enough I was watching Mickey's
18:22Christmas Carol and then it was reminding reminding me that I had these
18:25figures still in my totes I went back to the totes I put them all on display and
18:28I right away had that sense of relief that I never got rid of them fun little
18:33figures very little not some of them a little bit better posed than others I
18:36mean also like Mickey's Christmas Carol it being one of my beloved classic even
18:40though I haven't really watched it yet this year it's still gonna be one closer
18:44to the end of like that December time frame the Christmas time frame is when
18:48I'm probably gonna be watching it Mickey's Christmas Carol probably will
18:51end up watching Christmas Eve and it usually seems to be the thing that I
18:54watch and you know for again like the nostalgia and the love that I have for
18:58that film you know such it's such a good such a great release from memory
19:02lane the fact that we got these figures as we did they look just as good as they
19:05do do in the cartoon even though again like looking at Scrooge McDuck some of
19:08the colors obviously for his jacket I don't think really match I think his
19:11jacket is more the red than is the blue but yeah nice nice figure of releases
19:15that we got from memory lane I try to track them down again as I already said
19:18it's gonna be a little bit more expensive but if you can find them for a
19:22good price definitely pick them up it's kind of actually funny that we're
19:24looking at Christmas ghosts again when earlier in the week we had done the same
19:27for Funko Funko's though even though it is a Christmas Carol I don't have as
19:31much of a nostalgic attachment to as I do for Mickey's Christmas Carol here
19:34Mickey's really is the one they take the trip down memory lane for because it's a
19:37one I watch annually in fact Mickey's Christmas Carol is so high on my list
19:42for priorities that I usually keep those movies like that closer to Christmas
19:46Christmas Carol or the Alistair Sims Christmas Carol from 1951 is one I
19:50always watch at Christmas Eve without fail then it's usually followed by mr.
19:54Bean if I can I usually try to get Mickey's Christmas Carol in there as
19:57well if I can't I usually watch it the day before Christmas Eve so I guess
20:01that's Christmas Eve Eve but it's one I never miss out on and even though it's
20:05not as much of a memory lane for me like even though this set the last time that
20:09I looked at it I think was like 12 years ago I don't encourage anyone by the way
20:13to go back and watch those videos please but with 12 years have passed even
20:18though I put these out annually on my mantle I at least wanted to go back and
20:22look at these again in reviews and I'm really glad that I did again the
20:25nostalgia that goes along with these even though I always see these annually
20:29it's probably been 12 years since the last time you guys have seen this review
20:33obviously when it comes to these characters the fact that we have the
20:36attachment of each of these characters represented by Mickey characters that
20:40appear in other movies so Pete obviously is very very much attached to goofy
20:44Jiminy Cricket we know from Pinocchio and the giant here is from Mickey's
20:48Mickey and the Beanstalk one of my also favorite animated films that I've watched
20:52with Mickey starring in it the fact that all these characters also have well I
20:55shouldn't say all of them Jiminy Cricket is the only one that really doesn't have
20:58a real fabric outfit but the ghost of Christmas present and the ghost of
21:02Christmas yet to come both have fabric robes which is a really nice added touch
21:06that I like that memory lane get did to them the thing unfortunately about that
21:09the still thing that bothers me and you know you would think though that with
21:12the 12 years that have passed even if it continues to bother me what's the
21:16definition of insanity again if it's bothered me this much you would think
21:19that I would have already clipped off those nasty looking plastic clips again
21:23it doesn't bother me as much for the ghost of Christmas present it bothers
21:26me a lot though for the one on Pete's robe I've still left it on because I
21:30feel like the moment I clip those off that's the thing that's gonna keep the
21:34top of the robe for Pete together with the bottom a lot of times I just leave
21:37it I just look at it I think to myself I really need to just get around to
21:41clipping these but I never do and that's probably reasons why still though I feel
21:44like the giant should have had an accessory the fact that his finger is
21:47doing exactly what it is right now sort of lends the idea that you would think
21:51that he should have had something in his hands again the street post lamp
21:55light the flashlight he has in the movie I think would have been the perfect
21:58accessory I wonder if I can find something maybe of that size that I can
22:01put in his hands what do you guys think of this let me know down below in the
22:04comment section have you guys at all been collecting the memory lane at
22:06Mickey's Christmas Carol memory lane also known for doing the Rudolph the
22:10Red-Nosed Reindeer if I have time leave it with me if I have the time maybe I
22:13might try to go back and I'll have a look at those Rudolph the Red-Nosed
22:15Reindeer figures but in the meantime though if you guys did enjoy this video
22:18do it a salt throw it a like you guys wanna stick around for more so hope so
22:22hit that subscribe turn on that Bell but the most important thing is that you're
22:25coming back as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
