• 2 months ago
Mattel He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Man-E-Faces


00:00I know the name but I can't quite place the face. Here's a look at Mattel He-Man in the
00:04Master Universe Cartoon Collection Many Faces Heroic Human Robot and Monster.
00:19This Master Universe Origins Many Faces figure from the Cartoon Collection is
00:23inspired by his original He-Man in Master Universe TV episodes from the 80s.
00:27The Many-Faced Heroic Warrior is designed at five and a half inch scale with a
00:30vintage look but with modern posability of 16 movable joints. The Many-Faced
00:34Motu toy comes with his signature rotatable face looming out of a
00:38helmeted harness and is inspired by the episode The Mystery of Many Faces in
00:42which his origin story is told. A mini comic is included for story context.
00:46I think before we see the action features that this actor has let's grab the tape
00:49measure first and see how tall the Cartoon Collection Many Faces actually
00:52stands. Don't worry don't worry I'll also bring in some other Cartoon
00:55Collection figures in a moment but first though the tape measure is going to tell
00:58us that Many Faces stands exactly six inches in height translating though to a
01:02figure that's 15 centimeters tall. As promises here's what the figure looks
01:06like with the Cartoon Collection both He-Man and Teela who he owes a bit of
01:09thanks to actually both. If you've also seen as well the Mystery of Many Faces
01:13apparently Man-at-Arms missed the whole thing completely and Oracle had to tell
01:15the story again. Here's also what he looks like with Ram Man and over here as
01:20well we can bring in Stratos. We're filling out the room quite quickly.
01:22Here's also what he looks like also with Prince Adam. Here's also if I didn't drop
01:26him over here here's what he also looks like with Cringer and of course we also
01:29have to as well bring in the origins version of him so you can see the
01:32differences there too. Unfortunately this turkey arrives without its trimmings as
01:35Many Faces doesn't include any weapons or episode specific accessories either.
01:39What he does have though is one thing I'm gonna be throwing out right away the
01:42figure comes included with a pamphlet. Unfortunately it's not a case this time
01:46around we can simply just pop the head off from the shoulders and just replace
01:49it around. When you take this you have to take this as well. That's a whole lot
01:53of taking and I don't think I really want to do that with the wrist that I
01:55could potentially break it. Of course you can remove the shoulders. You can also as
01:59well detach the lower half of his body and you can remove his boots. Many Faces
02:03booties. Let's put that off to the side. The figure though also comes include the
02:06minicomic. The first time so far in this channel we've looked at Slime Lord.
02:10Slime Lord part 2 of Horde Invasion feature of course Hordak there on the
02:15front. It doesn't look like it doesn't look like Triclops is doing all
02:20that well. Looks like he's completely covered in ooze. Advertised though on the
02:24back is Many Faces and two other characters we are still gonna be looking
02:27at Hordak and Triclops. Stay tuned for those reviews.
02:34Stop that. Flipping inside the booklet the the animation or the art style is
02:38still good. Teela doesn't look like she's all that thrilled to be there. It
02:41looks like she's partially awake. Maybe Teela needs some Eternian coffee. I don't
02:44know. Though you can see down below Many Faces while having his robot face does
02:48come included with a blaster. The figure I will tell you though doesn't include
02:51anything other than this and the thing I threw over there. So we get ourselves
02:56like a little minicomic of course. I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time
02:58talking about that. There is also a leech. I'm sure we are gonna be getting a leech
03:02at some point. Modulok. Is that Modulok? I think that's Modulok. A really nice
03:06looking comic. Again that will go very nicely with the rest of my
03:09minicomics. I'm just gonna put that over there for right now. Putting it at least
03:12in a place where I know I'm not gonna forget it. Now unfortunately again it
03:15seems that Mattel has forgotten any accessories at all with Many Faces and I
03:20maybe feel the reason why they chose not to include things was just because
03:23there's additional tooling and some engineering I suppose that's required
03:26for Many Faces face. Still though I feel like you could have included something.
03:30At the very least this blaster because Many Faces does have the same gripping
03:34hand style as He-Man but he doesn't have anything for him to wield. So how
03:38unexciting will this be at the end of this review where I have this guy
03:40rotating on the rotisserie and I don't have anything in his hand. I can't make
03:43him in a dynamic pose. I guess I could kind of just do like some weird... I don't
03:47know. Leave it with me. I will come up with something. Obviously the sell of
03:50this is the fact that Many Faces does have a rotating face. I wanted to start
03:54with sort of the regular face here. In the mystery of Many Faces he actually is
03:57an actor and kind of funny though that they could have included like the Beast
04:01Man head or maybe like the Skeletor head. I don't really know how that would have
04:04necessarily worked because I know everything here is sort of self
04:07contained. But at one point also it transforms into Orko which I thought
04:10was kind of funny as well. The whole sell of this though is the fact that the top
04:14of his disc here rotates. I will say though it's not the most responsive. You
04:19can rotate his face easily enough so that's what he looks like. I would say
04:22the most heroic Many Faces face. Of course he also transforms or
04:26rotates to a robot and a monster. When you rotate his head though I've noticed
04:31though that it almost seems like the disc wants to rotate on its own. Like
04:34even if you just wiggle it on its own it just seems like it's a little on the
04:37looser side. Still though when you are turning it it feels like you almost have
04:40to turn a little bit more to get the full rotation. There's his robot face.
04:44Pretty neat. And he also of course has his monster face which we see really a
04:50lot in that episode. Because it's also sitting so far back like this I feel
04:54like it casts a lot of unnecessary shadow on his face. I know they had to do
04:57a lot for that because there's no way that you'd be able to have the face
04:59closer to the front because there's no way his head would be able to rotate.
05:02It's pretty self-contained as it would look in the cartoon. Just again like it
05:06kind of bothers me a little bit that the disc seems a little loose. A little
05:10loosey-goosey here. The rest of his body is good though. I mean we can bring in the
05:13original Origins Many Faces so you guys can see. There's quite though a much
05:16yellow jaundice look to the Origins Many Faces. A much more flesh tone look for
05:21the cartoon look. He also has a very similar style of armor here. I've went
05:26back and looked at the episode again and it seems for the most part like it's
05:28pretty accurate. Unfortunately though one of the problems with Many Faces is that
05:32they're using a blue body and they're basically just spraying very loudly
05:37apparently airbrushing. They're adding the flesh tone over top of it. So some of
05:41the areas you can kind of see it looks like you can probably still make out
05:44that there's blue bleeding plastic underneath it. Also there's some areas
05:48too where you can see like the elbow joint where there's the blue of the
05:50plastic kind of sticking out on the sides. I mean it's sort of one of those
05:53unavoidable things. Maybe they could have maybe used like the flesh tone
05:57plastic and then just painted the blue over top of that. That almost makes like
06:00it makes more sense but I guess maybe it would have been a lot easier just to
06:03because like looking at this it does look like they've painted the flesh
06:07over top of the blue and yet though it just seems like it would have made more
06:10sense that they just had painted the blue over top of the skin. Does anybody
06:13really care? Nobody really cares. Maybe you should care though that this the
06:17skin or the flesh tone here for his torso isn't quite jiving though with the
06:21coloring that they use for his arms. The lower legs are pretty much also the same.
06:25The blue looks okay. I feel like it's a little too shiny but I mean that's a
06:29small little nitpick. For the most part it looks very good like Many Faces. Many
06:33Faces is also one of my favorite characters also from the Master Universe
06:36so like getting a cartoon collection of him is super exciting for me. At one
06:40point though I had the original vintage Many Faces. I don't have him anymore. I
06:43think I still have him and he's just been lost over time. The closest thing of
06:47course I have to that is the Origins version so again like you can see
06:50there's a lot of very similar traits here. He doesn't have obviously some of
06:54the pattern work or the additional purple he's got down below here nor on
06:57his trunks nor on the tops of his thighs but like the cartoon version of
07:00him never had that either. For the articulation though for Many Faces I
07:04know we've already kind of digested the idea that you can rotate his head but
07:06it's not again the most responsive. Just as I feel like I'm rotating I feel like I
07:11have to turn it a couple more times past the point of just rotating it on its own.
07:15It just doesn't seem like this is super responsive. The head also doesn't rotate
07:20unfortunately. That's one thing though at least this version of Many Faces you
07:23could actually still turn his head. You could still turn the disc but you could
07:26also rotate his head too. This Many Faces unfortunately has to pull a
07:29Michael Keaton as every time he turns he has to turn his head or it turns his
07:33waist as well. I mean like if they had kept this as a separate piece I know
07:37unfortunately this has to connect here but like had they put maybe a line right
07:41there just right there kept this to the lower half of his abdomen or the lower
07:45part of his torso and kept this to the top of his head then at least you'd be
07:50able to rotate his head but unfortunately you can't do that. Does
07:53this still count as articulation? Okay we'll count that as well. Arms rotate
07:56all the way around. You can hinge them out here. Single bend only in the elbow.
08:00Hate to be the bearer of the bad news. Arms rotate there also back and forth.
08:03The hands rotate also all the way around and there's a hinge back and forth there.
08:06The waist swivels and again for all intents and purposes I guess you could
08:10yank the arms off if you want to and then you'd have to take this entire
08:13apparatus off. I mean I don't know really why you'd want to even take it off
08:17anyways. I mean you'd have to take this off and put it on like another He-Man.
08:20Essentially wouldn't it just look like Many Faces anyways? Anyways let's just go
08:24ahead and pop his arm back in place here. There we go. Again he's got the
08:29waist swivel. That's all he's gonna be getting. Ball joints though to the tops
08:31of his legs. You can bring the legs certainly forward. Yes of course you can
08:34also bring it back as well. A little bit of a swivel there at the top. Single hinge
08:37only for the knees. A little bit of a rotation. I noticed though on mine it's a
08:41little loose down below here. Also it's kind of interesting too is that he has a
08:45rotation here but he also has a rotation here for the boots. It almost kind of
08:49seems like why would you put a swivel here if there's already a swivel just
08:53like it's just the next-door neighbor to that. I mean he's already swiveling. He's
08:57like Charlie I've already got this. I'm already swiveling over here and yet the
09:00neighbor feels he has to do that too. Ankle rocker back and forth. I should
09:04say ankle pivots. Ankle rocker and of course Many Faces does have the pegs on
09:08the bottoms of his feet. It's disappointing though that Many Faces, as
09:11good of a figure as he is, doesn't come in clear with any accessories. That with
09:14all the other figures up to this point I mean has there been a figure yet that
09:18we've gotten that hasn't come in clear with any accessories? I mean when you get
09:21characters like Man-at-Arms, I think Man-at-Arms came in fact included with
09:25two. Of course He-Man came in clear with accessories. There is yet to be a figure
09:29as far as I know that hasn't had anything. I mean even the likes of
09:32Ram Man. Ram Man's got a lot more new tooling that has to go in obviously to
09:36his body. So he even came in clear with a lot of accessories too and yet
09:39unfortunately though Ram Man gets left off the list. It's still a nice looking
09:42figure and being that Many Faces is certainly one of my favorite of the
09:46MOTU line. To get the cartoon collection of him now is well welcomed. For the
09:50while obviously the only one I really had in my collection up to the one other
09:53than the one I still don't know where did I put that other Many Faces from the
09:5680s? I still have him. I feel like I still have him sitting in a tote somewhere.
10:00Right now he's crying for help inside the tote. I'm here. I'm here. I'm running out of oxygen.
10:07But still though we have ourselves the Origins version of Many Faces. The cartoon
10:11collection certainly does have a lot more color accurate colors. It's a nice
10:14figure. He just really needed some accessories though. Actually come to
10:16think of it at the very end of Mystery of Many Faces, Many Faces does get a
10:19round of applause from his audience watching his performance. He gets a
10:22flower and he also gets himself a yellow cape. So I think either one of those
10:26accessories or both those accessories for that matter Mattel could have easily
10:29been included with the figure. Does anybody have any interest to have a
10:32Many Faces displayed on the shelf with a big yellow cape? No. That's a stupid idea.
10:35I agree as well. But at the very least they could have included his blaster. The
10:39Many Faces from the Origins release did the exact same thing articulation
10:43wise. In fact he does one thing more than this guy could do. He can't even rotate
10:47his head. The Origins version could. So that version of Many Faces did in fact
10:51come included with a blaster. Why couldn't the same have been done for the cartoon
10:54release of him? Other than being the only one that stands out like a sore thumb
10:58with no accessories in his pack, Many Faces still is a nice-looking figure.
11:01There still has that issue though when you're coloring anything really over top
11:05of a dark plastic like blue. It just happens unfortunately to be a flesh
11:09tone that it does mean that some of the blue does bleed through. That I have to
11:12feel though it would have worked better if they had done the other thing around.
11:15Instead of just molding it in blue plastic would have not just made more
11:18sense to mold it in the flesh plastic and then just painted the blue instead
11:22on top of that? I mean what do I know? I don't make action figures for a living.
11:25Or do I? If you guys are interested though Many Faces is available right now.
11:31I know Entertainment Earth right now has it on a back order but certainly if you
11:34guys are interested I can put the link down below in the video description. That same
11:37link by the way BTW will also save you 10%. Knock off 10% on anything that's
11:42currently in stock over on their site. It won't count for things that are on
11:45back order or on pre-orders but anything that's currently in stock yeah you can
11:48knock off 10% right away. If you guys did enjoy this video though do it a solid
11:51throw it a like. You guys want to stick around for more so? No the video didn't
11:56cut off. I hope so. Hit that subscribe, turn on that Bell, come back. As always
12:01thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
