• 2 years ago
00:00 for the show so we're gonna do some long layers with a heavy bag and
00:03 K.A.Y.Y. if you guys wanna watch over there. So we're on
00:09 Direct Facebook live. How you doing? We'll be streaming right now
00:14 Around the world. Yeah, come on here. Come on. Come and say hi to the Swiss folks here. Everybody remember Jay?
00:23 Okay, there she is. It's her birthday today
00:29 So
00:30 Just to recap that here quickly
00:32 What we're gonna do here beautiful, but it was some
00:36 long layers with a heavy solid fringe
00:41 super cool and
00:44 Explain it at here. Okay, so and we have direct from Orlando, Florida from your show
00:51 And
00:54 Hold up here. So for whoever watches around the world. Hello
00:58 It's close to 4 p.m. Here on Monday
01:01 so
01:03 Let's say
01:05 Up here in the front
01:07 Right beautiful
01:11 It's coming the hair through here
01:15 Come on, Stephen Adams. Say hi. Say hi to the world. What up people?
01:19 Here Stephen Adams here great educator helped out here two days of the car cruise
01:26 Switzerland's business Stephen Adams and here photo bombing J again
01:30 Holding the hair straight down
01:44 When was your last hair
01:47 About six months ago, so here bringing the hair all the way down
01:54 To
01:56 See we're gonna determine or actually doing the length
02:02 Always ensure you have no hair stuck in the name of the neck
02:09 Go and just cut straight I use my cards here K long tour
02:24 You
02:26 Beautiful long precision blade
02:29 That's the length story about the hair on the side because we're gonna layer it up anyway
02:37 Super
02:45 Then gonna have her sit down actually no not yet. Are we going to be doing here?
02:49 step two
02:52 Keep around
02:54 Go gonna switch the shear to the culture K curve Royale
03:04 It's a curved here it's the only share that has opposing
03:09 proposing great means when both shear eyes are on the same level and
03:14 Here we're gonna cut beautiful fringes
03:18 We're actually going to do this from the center
03:21 like so
03:23 Take a triangle section
03:26 So slice out how much bangs rings you want
03:38 In here that wider talk to rest behind the ear the same thing on the left on the right side
03:49 So
03:51 So pull it straight down relax your forehead and
04:01 Beautiful so we use the curved here to cut like a nice strong solid fringe
04:07 now
04:09 So replacing the shear we're gonna leave it a little longer than anticipated
04:14 Like so
04:15 Cut to the side and then that's where the curve comes in real handy here
04:19 Right on the side because you want to have a little bit of that curve going on and then we're gonna do the other side
04:25 So by holding the shear up the straight shear here cutting her
04:29 Right side all we do is just flip the shear hold them from the bottom up and then again place them right here
04:36 Same thing on the other side
04:40 I am just leaving them a dab longer because I'm gonna actually add the layers to it and everything then we'll just
04:47 shrink up
04:49 Beautiful smile
04:53 Face in a heartbeat. I'm a big bang French fan because I think it's an instant youth maker
05:02 Right. There you go
05:09 Thank you, yeah you guys
05:11 There you go now you can have a seat
05:20 Awesome candy show here, by the way
05:28 So, there we go and
05:34 What we're going to be doing it out here is now we've got a cup connection
05:39 On the top
05:41 This is done really cool, that's where the key white comes in really handy as well
05:47 so
05:49 right here
05:51 Just gonna
05:54 Clip the head off here into two sections
05:56 Slide below the crown to the back of the air. It's just really works. Well because so this way you have the hair talked away
06:04 So there we go. Let's right side the same way right hand and stand on the person's right side and now we take a center section
06:12 Take a center section
06:24 And
06:26 And now I'm combing the hair in a 45 degree angle
06:40 If I keep my fingers parallel and I take the short the longest point from the bangs
06:44 You've got to get much too short. So that's what I'm going to be doing here is I take a
06:50 center section
06:53 I lay my hand sideways and now I'm cutting that connection into it
06:58 So that's where the curve to your comes in handy again as well I see you again
07:06 See that perfect and that's your guy take the next section
07:17 Oh
07:19 Home the hair here nicely neatly at a 45
07:28 Over the rectum to her right eye there you go
07:35 There's my guy my fingers now stay parallel to the head last section here
07:44 Again moment where we need clay and this is a stable guy to leave it at that point stable guy
07:51 To the same thing on the other side
08:02 No
08:09 Oh
08:11 Same thing now over directed to her left eye. There you go. There's my guide
08:22 Last section already
08:28 There you go left side
08:37 No section already
08:39 Excellent now, it's just gonna just clean up the outline quickly by combing the hair straight towards me
08:47 Just dusty up the outline
08:50 needed
08:53 Perfect same thing on the other side comb the hair straight towards you
08:59 and
09:01 Dusty up the outline
09:03 If needed
09:06 There you go perfect
09:08 Excellent and this is what you're getting when you're done this left and right side exactly the same length
09:17 So we're going to continue here and taking the clips out
09:21 We're taking a center section
09:27 Horizontal section right above the occipital bone to the back of the ear
09:35 comb the hair
09:37 straight up
09:39 And right here the longest point from the 45 degree from the side this is my guide to add
09:50 This is actually my guide to cut straight through it. Don't you worry about it because you're laying you're having the layers with it
09:57 You want to do it again?
09:59 I take a horizontal section right above the occipital bone to the back of the ear comb the hair straight up
10:05 Right here the longest point right here from the side the 45 degree this is my guide where I cut straight through
10:15 This I'm adding here the layers in the back there you go excellent now you can stand up
10:25 Super
10:29 So fantastic that's some thick hair
10:34 Combing the hair here doing the connection now vertical section
10:43 So here
10:49 This is what I love about cutting the dry hair here
10:51 is
10:54 It's just so visual
10:56 And then you can beautifully now
10:59 See here whisk the curve cut around
11:02 Right on here from the front
11:07 Beautiful flow
11:12 Work till the center back. Well that was almost the center back right here I
11:16 Switch my shear to the Kirk Shear K wide Royale doesn't cut the straight line it has polished edges
11:25 It's a great shear to point cut with for instance
11:29 comb the hair here
11:32 Flip it over my fingers and point cutting to very minimal
11:38 Well
11:43 Very minimal
11:46 Do the same thing on the other side
11:54 Again
11:56 Top of the head here
12:00 Here see that again
12:09 It's beautiful
12:12 Just connect this to the actual length
12:16 fantastic
12:20 Right on
12:25 And again as well work till the center back
12:27 And I'm using my Clark's here K wide
12:31 No, it's like this
12:34 Thanks
12:40 Can you see it well
12:43 Yeah, flip the hair over my finger and here just point connected see here I can move my hands
12:53 while I
12:55 Like so
13:01 Look left right check it here. Absolutely great. Love the bangs here super adorable
13:09 Here have a seat one more time
13:12 Now gonna blink the -
13:17 Holy smoke
13:24 I'm a senior
13:26 Caribbean woman
13:30 And there you go
13:33 So here
13:41 Left and right let the outline drop here. That's what's to blend in here. Very minimal just by point cutting
13:48 There you go
13:50 shake
13:51 There you have super nice long layers
13:54 In no time, which is super nice solid French
13:58 Now I'm going to take my car cheer KF slide Royale. You can stand up and basically the haircut is done
14:05 All we need to do quickly here
14:08 Just add the finishing touches because when adding the layers
14:16 By having the layers around the face now I can edit the finishing touches with the banks just close your eyes
14:22 You know really here make sure nice and solid
14:25 with the K
14:28 Royale excellent same thing on the other side here
14:33 -
14:37 Excellent and now what I'm going to be doing here is I take my K M slide Royale
14:42 And just around the face so where the hair bundles up on the side, so it's not too
14:48 thick
14:50 okay, like so just
14:52 Beautifully around the face. It's a nice
14:55 flow
14:58 For me
15:04 That's the party
15:09 It looks so amazing such an ancient use factor. This is so cool
15:15 There you go. Make sure that you level it right here same thing on the other side
15:21 Excellent
15:31 Take some weight out
15:36 Super cool
15:38 And then I have here in no time just a super cool haircut with a really nice
15:48 French
15:52 Those frames are so much fun because
15:55 You can still swoop to the side and when you wear your hair in a ponytail and everything is just really great
16:01 Have a seat one more time
16:04 And
16:06 And then right here
16:08 It's going to take some weight out here in the back
16:12 There you go
16:18 Comes in so handy here the sliding chairs
16:21 Just eliminates that weight the haircut is done. So we're just eliminating some weight here absolutely beautiful
16:31 See that slides right through
16:34 It's a paradise dream come true
16:37 It's cutting hair eliminating weight so much easier gives you a lot of confidence while doing that
16:43 Excellent just work quickly around the perimeter
16:50 Take some vertical sections here. It's just about weight again. It's not about length
16:57 It's the KM slide Royale
17:01 Right here
17:03 You're welcome Steven right here
17:06 Right this one to here
17:12 Take some weight out
17:17 Excellent super so now you can stand up
17:24 You stand up
17:26 Happy lady
17:32 Awesome, that's that's a lot of a lot of hair too, but look at that adorable face super cool
17:39 Absolutely great
17:41 Setting some Kirk perfect styling wax to it
17:44 Just a little bit
17:47 Was a long way
17:49 Spread a little bit of separation
17:52 And that's basically itself excellent
17:56 How much you got
18:02 See that
18:07 Excellent
18:12 Thanks for following us
18:20 Facebook
18:22 Morning before we go switch off
18:24 Steven Adam come and say goodbye
18:27 Bye world
18:29 We're gonna face the stars
18:31 Show the face you the world your face, that's Terry
18:35 Shannon land everybody okay, he was helping out as well so great groups everybody. Goodbye
18:46 Bye! See you soon!
