• 2 years ago
00:00 (machine whirring)
00:02 Now basically, we have put scissor on the back.
00:17 Taking the control of the,
00:26 like a horseshoe on top section, to the crown,
00:30 to the middle eyebrows, same.
00:33 So we're keeping this one on top, and rest is coming down.
00:37 Now when you're cutting from here and there,
00:39 and you have several different option,
00:40 if you want to make layers,
00:41 or if you want to make graduations, it's up to you.
00:44 But because the hair, we want short,
00:46 we're doing some layers.
00:47 So the hair basically go to the point,
00:51 and second section to go to the 45 degree,
00:53 just above the 45 degree, and coming,
00:56 and you're cutting it, and you're coming down,
00:58 until obstacle bone, obsequetal bone,
01:01 you cut into there, and after that,
01:04 same things is here as well, you're doing same things.
01:07 If you want to, you can create the line,
01:11 like this, everywhere around, and then blend in,
01:15 that will be graduation.
01:16 But because we want to create the layers,
01:19 that's why I have cut it, and then to above 45 degree,
01:24 between 45 and 90, so to keep it at nice soft layers.
01:29 And on the bottom part, we just scissor over comb.
01:33 We go in, and try to not go too round,
01:39 and try to make it more kind of square, the back here.
01:43 And after we've done that,
01:46 now we're coming to the top section.
01:48 The top section, the first is first,
01:50 we go into the middle section.
01:52 The middle section, taking this section here,
01:57 the pan, if you want to keep all one length,
02:02 if you want to keep shorter to longer,
02:04 if you want to keep longer to shorter,
02:06 but today, I'm gonna go to more one length,
02:08 or I'm gonna come to the fridge area with quite shorter.
02:11 So we're working on the shape of the head,
02:15 like slightly rounded.
02:16 Taking the hair, and you can cut it pointed,
02:21 or you can cut, club cut in very straight.
02:24 So you go in.
02:25 Now the fringe, I'm gonna go shorter, as you can see.
02:34 So keep this one.
02:35 Now, when I've gone that one here,
02:41 what I'm gonna do here, this is kind of guideline now,
02:47 I'm gonna take this one to the side,
02:49 and cut it.
02:52 Take another section, come to forward diagonal,
02:56 and cut it.
02:56 Same third section, forward diagonal, and cut it.
03:00 What's gonna happen is giving that kind of soft layers
03:03 to the side.
03:04 Same things.
03:06 And fringe shorter.
03:18 After we've done that, we're gonna come to this side.
03:21 This is the middle section, this is our guideline.
03:23 So we're taking it.
03:24 Now, I can't hold it like this,
03:28 it's more harder to hold it like that.
03:30 It's best to hold it, the good posture is important,
03:33 so to hold it inside with your scissors,
03:36 and you go like that.
03:38 Again, forward diagonal.
03:42 Cutting it.
03:47 So this whole hair, it will take me around 15 to 20 minutes
03:52 to cut it.
03:53 So really, if you cut step by step,
03:56 it wouldn't take long time to cut.
03:58 So make sure section, each section, the previous section,
04:02 is traveling to the second section.
04:05 I would cut, if I was trying to make the hair
04:08 all same length, if it was Jen's haircut,
04:11 I would cut it all like a straight uniform.
04:15 Because I'm gonna make it a bit softer,
04:17 and make it like kind of more shape in it,
04:20 that's why I'm going forward diagonal,
04:22 to give kind of soft shape to the forward,
04:25 and to keep the back nice and short.
04:27 So it depends if you're cutting female's hair,
04:31 or you're cutting Jen's hair, it's slightly different.
04:34 So for the sectioning patterns,
04:36 you can use every Jen's haircut with sectioning as well.
04:41 And I think lately, Jen's haircut sectioning
04:44 has become more popular.
04:46 Josh Lamonica, he does use a lot of sectioning patterns
04:53 for the Jen's, which I think is important,
04:57 especially if you do long hair,
04:59 then sectioning patterns is very, very important.
05:01 Now, if you're looking forward, the front,
05:05 if you're looking the front from the mirror,
05:07 look from the mirror, or you can't do that, it's fine.
05:10 It's up to you.
05:11 So I'm taking this one here, and straight away,
05:13 I'm cutting the fringe, completely.
05:16 I'm just bringing like this,
05:21 I'm bringing down, you can see.
05:28 And now,
05:28 now this color is 1016 and 1062 from Glamour,
05:37 from AZ Glamour, to give that nice silvery color.
05:43 Now, what I'm gonna do here,
05:44 I'm gonna just do kind of point cutting
05:46 to make it a bit more choppier.
05:49 So kind of like, what you call, cross-checking,
05:57 and just with cross-checking,
06:00 and you're doing more point cutting between.
06:05 I'm not cutting every single hair,
06:07 I'm just taking it and,
06:10 (scissors snipping)
06:13 Same things.
06:17 Now you can see, because I have done the forward diagonal,
06:23 you will see a lot of different length of the hair,
06:27 you can see inside.
06:28 Try to not cut all the hair.
06:30 Do not cut all that long hair,
06:33 because then the hair will be no different
06:36 than Jen's haircut.
06:37 So if you want to keep,
06:38 that don't mean that hair has been left longer,
06:41 because it's wrong,
06:42 because the way we cut it,
06:44 is give different shape to the hair.
06:46 Now look at that, it's looking amazing already.
06:49 Sometimes, if you feel like you want to soften the hair more,
06:57 go for it.
06:58 How do you feel?
07:00 Look nice, isn't it?
07:03 (scissors snipping)
07:06 The point cutting with scissors,
07:09 and sometimes I like to use my,
07:12 my double scissors.
07:32 The double scissors make the hair more choppier.
07:35 You can use,
07:36 it's similar work as a thin scissors,
07:43 but the thin scissors can sometimes,
07:49 make the hair a bit more damaging,
07:54 it's chewing the hair,
07:56 but that reasons,
07:58 I'm not always,
07:59 so this thin scissors is kind of good things to have to use.
08:03 Now, after we're using that,
08:06 we come in,
08:08 using,
08:11 from easy, glazing shaping glaze.
08:23 You want to make that guy to stop a little bit?
08:28 Huh? What?
08:29 Head rise next to you.
08:32 Oh, it's now beautiful.
08:40 Oh my God.
08:42 Oh my God, it's now beautiful, nice and sexy.
08:58 So, the hairline here,
09:01 I always leave it to the end,
09:02 after the blow dry the hair,
09:05 I see how my hair should look like,
09:07 and then I shape it,
09:10 after.
09:11 Just bring it down, down, down, down, down, down.
09:19 (clippers whirring)
09:23 (clippers whirring)
09:26 (clippers whirring)
09:54 So, the nozzles for the hair dry are always important.
09:56 If I'm going like this, if the nozzle was like that,
09:59 I'm gonna do like this.
10:00 So, instead of doing like that,
10:02 just head straight,
10:04 and turn your nozzle.
10:05 That's why the nozzle's there,
10:07 it's flexible,
10:08 so to move it where you need to move it.
10:11 So,
10:12 obviously this component,
10:15 you're thinking about it,
10:16 and you can do it that way as well.
10:22 Now, the front, we're gonna go down first.
10:26 I'm using the medium speed,
10:31 with medium heat.
10:32 I'm not using very, very hot,
10:34 it make the hair very dry.
10:35 So, to keep nice and shiny inside the hair,
10:38 always use your medium heat,
10:40 don't use very hot hair.
10:42 - Hot air, hot air.
10:47 - Huh?
10:48 - Hot air.
10:49 - Hot air.
10:50 - Hot air.
10:52 - Hot air.
10:52 Because I can't say it sometimes,
10:56 I use air.
10:57 Yeah.
11:01 (hair dryer blowing)
11:04 Hopefully Simon Sho from Wild Academy,
11:26 he will give me a chance for next year
11:28 to go on his stage,
11:29 or maybe this year somewhere,
11:30 I don't know.
11:32 Maybe.
11:33 He will say,
11:33 "Billy Coleman cut some hair for me on the stage."
11:36 But by the way,
11:37 he gave me this as well,
11:38 in the show.
11:39 Thank you Simon.
11:40 I bought a clipper from him,
11:48 senior.
11:50 Senior clipper.
11:53 Yeah.
11:54 (hair dryer blowing)
11:57 So now,
12:07 I'm going,
12:10 nice and kind of dry.
12:19 (hair dryer blowing)
12:22 And then,
12:36 just go smooth the end of the hair a little bit.
12:40 (hair dryer blowing)
12:43 Yanni,
12:51 - Yes?
12:52 - Can I have the powder wax smell please?
12:53 The small red one.
12:55 - Can you put it on?
12:58 - Yes please.
12:59 How do you feel with the length?
13:02 Happy?
13:03 - Yeah.
13:04 - Now after,
13:10 powder, powder, red wax.
13:12 Tost.
13:14 - Tost, yeah.
13:15 - Check the other drawer over here.
13:17 - Now,
13:18 we're gonna go,
13:19 - This one.
13:24 Oi.
13:24 (upbeat music)
13:27 - Okay.
13:35 After we've done that,
13:37 we're just going to sharpen the sideburn a little bit.
13:42 Same places here.
13:44 Now,
13:53 my Framazee colors,
13:55 is absolutely one of the best,
13:58 best color in the market.
14:00 One of the best color.
14:01 Everybody, they love it.
14:05 Everybody.
14:07 So basically, to make the color to work,
14:09 you have to know,
14:12 to listen very well,
14:13 to the experts what they says.
14:16 Or if you just go and use some things,
14:17 and they,
14:19 and you're not using correctly,
14:21 then you're not gonna get the result you want.
14:24 Now, the end of the hair, here,
14:27 I can make it several different way.
14:28 For example,
14:29 I can make it like,
14:30 just point it like this,
14:32 and go like that.
14:34 (upbeat music)
14:37 And same things, this corner here.
14:40 And after that,
14:58 I'll get this little clippers.
15:03 (upbeat music)
15:06 (clippers buzzing)
15:34 - How do you feel with sideburns?
15:36 Do you like to keep it like that,
15:37 or make it pointy?
15:38 - A little bit shorter.
15:41 - A little bit shorter.
15:42 - Yeah.
15:43 - So basically--
15:45 - You get to a certain point,
15:46 and then I start.
15:47 - Yeah.
15:48 So basically, if you're gonna go shorter,
15:50 you do like this,
15:51 and you bring it back,
15:52 and then hold up,
15:55 and then just a gentle, gentle, gentle.
15:57 You always, you can cut it,
15:58 but you can't stick back.
16:00 And then bring this one forward,
16:02 and then just gentle the edge.
16:04 Take it.
16:05 Same things as here.
16:10 Hold it up.
16:12 That tiny, tiny bit you're taking off,
16:19 is actually that tiny bit,
16:20 is make huge difference.
16:22 After that,
16:31 we're taking our powder.
16:33 (upbeat music)
16:36 It's just like the way you put
16:39 your salt and pepper on salad.
16:40 Everything's in front of your eyes.
17:02 There's no things that's hiding,
17:03 no things we're doing Photoshop,
17:06 or whatever you call.
17:09 So everything's is light in front of your eyes.
17:12 Is that too spiky for you,
17:19 or you're happy with it?
17:20 - I'm happy with it.
17:22 - Yeah?
17:23 I love it.
17:24 It's really nice.
17:25 There we go.
17:28 (machine whirring)
17:31 - Applause, applause, applause.
17:43 Thank you very much, guys.
17:44 Grazie, prego.
17:45 Muchas gracias.
17:50 Voicing brief.
17:53 (speaking in foreign language)
17:56 Sit down, sit down.
17:57 I'm finishing.
17:58 - It's all right.
17:59 - Yeah?
18:00 We're gonna put a little bit of hairspray as well.
18:01 - How much?
18:03 - The final time.
18:04 We're using our permasive hairspray.
18:16 And then,
18:17 can leave you some things right there.
18:19 Ooh.
18:27 Thank you.
18:28 Bye.
18:29 (water rushing)
