• 2 years ago
00:00 [Background noise]
00:12 Have a nice Christmas! Bye!
00:15 [Background noise]
00:37 Hold this one for me. Now we're going to do some nice haircuts.
00:46 So, basically...
00:52 Jeremy said good morning from Texas.
00:55 Good morning, Jeremy! Good morning to Texas! Good morning to America!
01:06 What we're going to do here is something very simple.
01:11 You bring the hair down like this, like this, and bang, cutting it like that.
01:22 See?
01:28 Bring it like that.
01:33 Before you cut it, check your hair section.
01:42 Yeah? Bring this down.
01:53 Now...
02:01 Like that.
02:12 Sidra, Nayan, Sidra again said hi, Rupa said hi.
02:19 Hi, hi, hi, hi. So we're taking this one from here.
02:38 Now, this is only kind of rough cut around the hair.
02:42 But you still have to do plenty of things to make the hair more in beautiful shape.
02:50 Now the perimeter is being cut. After you cut the perimeter, then because you know where the perimeter is,
02:57 you know where, how long, how short it's going to be.
03:01 The one thing...
03:05 You know you're not going to go any shorter.
03:07 So what we're going to do to make any extra access, like some parts a little bit long, some parts a little bit short,
03:15 just divide your hair nicely like this.
03:19 As Tajik come and say, like so.
03:22 And you bring this one down.
03:26 My friend, as Sam from America said, my friend.
03:32 After you've done that, my friend, you bring this one here.
03:37 And then you take one section from underneath it and take this one here.
03:43 Make sure section it nicely like that.
03:51 And you bring in, divide in it.
03:54 Opposite side, bring this one down here as well.
03:57 Can you see? Beautiful.
03:59 Like that.
04:02 And then section it.
04:06 Always check your hair if it's nice and even, equally.
04:10 Hi from Cambodia.
04:12 Cambodia? Wow. Hello, Cambodia.
04:16 Now we're bringing this one down as well.
04:19 Guys, you are famous. You've been watched by Cambodia, by Texas, by Jeremy Cowell.
04:26 I'm from Pakistan.
04:28 Is Cambodia in Pakistan?
04:31 Oh, somebody else. Sorry.
04:34 Ah.
04:40 I was in Pakistan.
04:44 Sheree, Sheree, hello. Hello, Sheree.
04:49 I was in Pakistan in Karachi and also in Lahore a few weeks ago.
04:55 Yeah.
04:59 Is it in Stratford, Cambodia?
05:06 Where is it?
05:11 Sheree.
05:14 Sheree, hello, my friend.
05:17 Oh, next to Thailand. Cambodia is next to Thailand.
05:20 I thought this is in Pakistan.
05:27 Yeah.
05:35 Hairdressers, they're not very good with the geography.
05:40 Yeah.
05:50 After you've done that nice perimeter, we're taking this one.
05:57 Look, you've seen it. How nice and sexy looking already.
06:03 So, we're taking this section from here, from ears to ears.
06:12 Sometimes people don't say where do you go, where do you get your inspiration.
06:18 My inspiration is magazine, High Street, is catwalk, is many, many things like that.
06:26 You do get learn a lot of things from that.
06:30 So, for that reason, constantly, if you watch me, then you get inspiration from me, basically.
06:41 So.
06:42 Sheree said doing great work always.
06:44 Oh, Sheree, my friend. I miss you lots.
06:50 Sheree, he is very good color technician.
06:54 He worked in Pakistan in Karachi. He helped me lots for the hair show.
07:00 The hair show I have done in Karachi for Freemazy.
07:06 So, it was very, very good. We had very good time together.
07:10 We've been to Japanese restaurant together. We had nice meal.
07:15 That was before my trip to China.
07:20 No, actually, before trip to Lahore.
07:22 So, yeah. Thank you very much, Sheree. Thank you.
07:32 So, basically, what I'm doing here, so you're taking one section like this, section like that, and section like this.
07:38 You're making like an apple.
07:40 You're bringing this one down like this.
07:42 If you bring it like that, and then from longer to little bit shorter.
07:47 You're not cutting all the hair to give small, very small graduation. Very, very small.
07:53 So, holding it like this, longer to shorter, very little bit graduation.
07:58 So, when you're doing this, you will see the hair is going under. Under.
08:04 Darrow said good.
08:06 So, just like this, and you go in. You've seen it?
08:09 It's make beautiful.
08:11 But don't give any graduation to the front.
08:13 You already can see. You already can see nice graduation is here.
08:19 I can see that. Can you see that?
08:22 Yes, you can.
08:24 Okay.
08:25 Now, when I'm coming to the side here, what we're going to do, just section like this, section like that.
08:33 So, basically, it's going to go, our comb is going to go like this.
08:37 Section is going to go like that.
08:39 So, we're holding this section first.
08:41 We're taking one section from the back and holding it.
08:45 And then, you just cut in this corner.
08:48 You're not cutting too much, just this corner.
08:50 And do you know what's that going to do?
08:53 I don't know. You're going to see.
08:56 Darrow said, "Controls the scissors well."
08:59 And Aman said, "Great work always, sir."
09:02 Who says you control scissors?
09:04 This guy said, Darrow.
09:07 Darrow, it just look like you're a hairdresser.
09:09 That's what I'm talking about, mate. Well done.
09:19 Look at that.
09:23 You're going to be in a catwalk today.
09:28 No crossing the legs, please.
09:30 Make sure your clients are not crossing the legs.
09:32 If they cross the legs, because the body position is changing.
09:37 And when you're not crossing the legs, make sure you're not breaking my tools as well.
09:41 Slowly, please.
09:49 Cats always like to walk next to me.
09:59 She's loving it.
10:02 Now, when we're done with that softer finish, we're going to blow dry the hair.
10:07 Guys, the blow dry is going to take around 10-15 minutes.
10:10 So I will come back with the result to show you.
10:12 If you have any questions, in the meantime, please ask.
10:16 Please say.
10:21 Type it. Like it. Like this. Like that. Bang, bang, bang.
10:26 If you have any questions, please ask me and I will do my best to answer you.
10:30 Now, the haircut. Always, before you cut, look at your client's face.
10:35 Look at your client's lifestyle.
10:39 My client, she's a catwalk. She does a lot of modeling.
10:44 So for that reason, I have to make sure.
10:47 Look at that. That hair has changed the personality completely. Straight away.
10:51 So all that is made different.
10:55 So your cut should enhance the color.
10:58 When you're cutting the hair, you should make that color more expansive looking.
11:02 You can have a lovely color and if you cut wrongly, you can destroy that color.
11:07 Make sure your cut always is enhancing with the color.
11:11 Thank you very much and I'll see you later.
