Kathryn McFarland, Xerfi Canal Alcoholic Beverage Groups - World

  • il y a 10 ans
Voir la vidéo sur le site Xerfi Canal : http://www.xerficanal-economie.com/emission/Kathryn-McFarland-Alcoholic-Beverage-Groups-World_1885.html

Xerfi Global has recently published a study on "Global Alcoholic Beverage Groups", which find themselves in a market that is growing, but also changing.

The industry is currently worth around €750bn and is highly fragmented, with many kinds of wine, beer and spirits and huge differences in drinking patterns across the globe, depending on local incomes, habits and cultures. At present, 2.4 equivalent units of alcohol per capita is drunk on mature markets while only 1.1 equivalent units of alcohol per capita is drunk on emerging markets. Nevertheless, this gap is closing and it is emerging markets that have been driving the industry of late. Emerging markets are not only promising due to their pure size but also due to the fact that a growing middle class means that increasing consumption of imported and high-end brands is making them chief markets for premium alcoholic beverages. China, in particular, has become one of the industries’ hot spots. [...]

