Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Mohammad Ahsen Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Mohammad Ahsen Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how can I face you, I am falling, just hold me.
00:16Khush Aamdeet to you and once again to our audience.
00:20We have this session with the scholars.
00:23Telephone numbers are coming on your screens.
00:25You are sending questions from all over the world.
00:27Thank you very much to all of you.
00:29Allama Dr. Mohammad Reza Daudani, Mufti Aamir, Mufti Sohail, Maulana Minal Basheer.
00:34Thank you very much to all of you.
00:36Without any further introduction, let's go to the first question.
00:39Mufti Sohail will tell us.
00:41Assalamu Alaikum.
00:42Walaikum Assalam.
00:43I have a question.
00:44One of my children has passed away.
00:45He was one year old.
00:46I was not investigating his case.
00:48Can you investigate his case?
00:51And I have a question.
00:52If a child adopts, can he investigate his case or his real parents will do it?
00:58May Allah grant you patience.
01:01I have a lot of prayers for you from the bottom of my heart.
01:04Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
01:06Sallallahu alaihi wa alihi wa sahbihi wa barik wa sallim.
01:10The reality is that it is a Sunnah to do it on the seventh day.
01:14It is obvious that he did not do it and he passed away.
01:17May Allah grant him patience.
01:19May Allah grant patience to his parents.
01:21And may Allah grant him a great reward.
01:23Anyway, there is no need to do it now.
01:26There is no need to do it.
01:28And secondly, the child he has adopted.
01:31It is obvious that the child he has adopted.
01:34If he has adopted a child two and a half years ago.
01:38Then it is better that if it is a boy.
01:41If it is a boy, then a close relative from the wife should give him milk.
01:48If it is a girl, then the husband should give milk to his relative.
01:52So that the relationship is established.
01:54Otherwise, when the child grows up.
01:56Then the mother thinks of herself as a mother.
02:00And the child thinks of himself as a father.
02:04And the child thinks of himself as a father.
02:06So let's see this.
02:07Anyway, if it is not true, then you can do it.
02:09There is no problem.
02:11The conditions that make milk for a close relative.
02:13Is this a problem in Fiqh-e-Jafri as well?
02:15In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:17As far as the reality is concerned, what Mufti Sahib said.
02:19It is a coincidence.
02:21And that is the problem of Fiqh-e-Jafri as well.
02:23As far as the issue of giving milk for a close relative is concerned.
02:26It is also there in principle.
02:29But there will be an issue of duration.
02:31That the child should drink the mother's milk before two years.
02:34That is, he should drink the milk of the one he wants to become a mother.
02:39Then this issue of closeness will be able to be created.
02:41Mufti Sahib has probably given the Fiqh-e-Jafri for two and a half years.
02:44The duration here is usually two years to give milk to the child.
02:48But if a child drinks the milk of a woman before two and a half years.
02:52Then the prohibition of giving milk is established.
02:54Here the issue is two years.
02:56That is the only difference.
02:58Maulana Imran Sahib, we listen to this.
03:00Is it in the Ahadith that Allah forbid if someone goes through this trauma.
03:03That the child passes away at a very young age.
03:05So it can be a cause of intercession.
03:07And Allah is very much.
03:09There is a possibility that Allah will make it easy for him in the afterlife.
03:12Is there such a substitute for this trauma?
03:14In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:16In fact, when the child's funeral prayer is offered.
03:18Then the prayer itself is offered with these words.
03:21Allahumma ja'al hulana farata.
03:23Wa ja'al hulana ajran wa zukhra.
03:26Wa ja'al hulana shafi'an wa mushaffa'a.
03:29That Allah make this child a means of reward for us.
03:33Make it a treasure for us.
03:35And make this child our intercessor.
03:37And such an intercessor whose intercession is accepted.
03:41So there is no doubt that this is a very deep time of trauma for parents.
03:47Keep one incident in mind.
03:49Whenever there is such a trauma.
03:51The three sons of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
03:55They left the world at a young age.
03:58And especially when Hazrat Abraham passed away.
04:01He said,
04:02Tadma'u al-'ayn, wa yahzunul qalb, wa inna bi firaqika Ibrahima lamahzunoon.
04:07Ibrahim, your eyes are full of tears.
04:09Your heart is full of pain.
04:11Your separation has hurt my heart a lot.
04:13So keep these things in mind.
04:15You will get a lot of comfort.
04:17May Allah make it easy for us.
04:20I have one more question.
04:22But let's move on to the next question.
04:24Mufti Aamir will tell us.
04:25Peace be upon you.
04:26Peace be upon you too.
04:27My question is that when we have a bad dream.
04:29Around 4 or 5 o'clock.
04:31We have heard from many people.
04:33That the bad dream is accepted.
04:36Because that is the time of acceptance.
04:38Is it true or false?
04:40And should we tell someone about a bad dream?
04:43When did you see the acceptance of a bad dream?
04:45Does it have anything to do with it?
04:47In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
04:48I am trying to prove the truth.
04:50In a dream, there is no concept of acceptance or non-acceptance.
04:55What happens is that if you have seen this dream,
04:58then this dream is true or not.
05:00So as far as being a true dream is concerned,
05:03it is said that the one who is seen in a deep sleep.
05:08At 4 or 5 o'clock,
05:09the concept of acceptance is generally true.
05:13And those who are seen in a deep sleep,
05:16they have the same thoughts that we have all day.
05:20The thoughts that we have in our minds,
05:22in our hearts,
05:23they come first.
05:24But those who are seen in a deep sleep,
05:26they are a little unconscious.
05:28So the possibility is that
05:30the dreams that come in a deep sleep,
05:32from a psychological point of view,
05:34are not created.
05:36Rather, they are automatically generated.
05:38Therefore, it can become an interpretation of it.
05:42But it is not necessary that what you have seen is what it is.
05:45The expert will tell you what you have seen,
05:48what is its real meaning,
05:50what is its real interpretation.
05:52Right, right.
05:54Next question,
05:55Mr. Dawood Ali will tell you,
05:56if Allah wills it.
05:58Peace be upon you.
05:59Peace be upon you too.
06:00My question to the scholars is that
06:01there is a disability scheme
06:03through which disabled people are given money
06:07which is allotted to them.
06:11My question is that
06:13if the needs of the people mentioned in the scheme are fulfilled,
06:19if some money is saved,
06:21can we spend it for the needs of other disabled people?
06:28Right, right.
06:30The question is from Australia.
06:32Generally, all these schemes are in Western countries.
06:36May Allah enable our organizers and coordinators
06:40to think about the special persons
06:44and take care of them.
06:47At least, this is a matter of disability.
06:49At least for them,
06:51at least for them,
06:52those slides,
06:53which will not cost 18 billion rupees,
06:55at least make that.
06:56At least make parking.
06:58It is a strange and poor matter.
07:00It is like that.
07:01For disabled people,
07:02there is a lot of sensitivity.
07:03All their mistakes and faults are in their place.
07:06But the good thing is that
07:07it would be wrong to deny it.
07:10If you look at it,
07:11they get a special amount in this money
07:13through which they can make their needs
07:15and their life better.
07:18This is a tabi.
07:19The title given to them,
07:21if it is specified that
07:22it will be spent on them,
07:23then it will be spent on them.
07:24Then it cannot be spent on anyone else.
07:26Spending it somewhere else
07:27will be treacherous in trust.
07:29In a way,
07:30those children are not even in this position.
07:32They will decide for themselves.
07:33This is the truth.
07:34So, those who patronize them,
07:36those who are their leaders,
07:37those who look after them,
07:38those people usually get that amount
07:40about which it is emphasized
07:42that it should be spent on them.
07:44So, the heads that have been mentioned,
07:46it can be spent on them.
07:47Spending on it,
07:48doing away with it,
07:49this will definitely be above understanding
07:52that the giver,
07:53if there is flexibility in it,
07:55then Bismillah.
07:56Otherwise, inform them
07:57that so much money has been saved,
07:58now you tell them
07:59what to do with it.
08:00In this case,
08:01if the government has given it,
08:02then it won't be so easy
08:03to contact the government.
08:04It is very easy.
08:05The department,
08:06the place you are talking about,
08:07Australia, Canada,
08:08in these places,
08:09you just send an email,
08:10the answer will come.
08:11It doesn't happen here
08:12that the answer won't come
08:13for six months.
08:14Yes, that's right.
08:16Finally, there are a few minutes left.
08:17You also tell us
08:18that the parents should not think about this.
08:22Anyway, what should I say?
08:23We will talk about this tomorrow.
08:24There is no time left.
08:25Here, the children
08:26are dying under the dumpers.
08:29What am I talking about?
08:30But we should not think about this.
08:34I will tell you the straight thing,
08:35that it seems useless to speak now.
08:37Yes, it is the same thing.
08:38It seems that you are playing the flute
08:39without any reason.
08:40No one is listening.
08:41Farooq-e-Azam, may Allah be pleased with him,
08:43was going in the streets of Madinah Munawwarah.
08:45An old Jew was begging.
08:48He had spent his youth in Madinah.
08:51So, he said,
08:52we took your youth for our service.
08:55Today, we will not waste your old age.
08:57He stopped him from begging.
08:59And he started his monthly wazifa
09:01from Baitul Maal.
09:03Why is Farooq-e-Azam, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:06roaming in the streets of Madinah Munawwarah?
09:08If he is hungry,
09:09he should be fed.
09:11There are so many incidents like this.
09:13So, today, very easily,
09:15we take the name of Yazid, Yazid-ul-Ain,
09:17Imam Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:20for our own benefit.
09:22We take the name of Huzoor,
09:23we take the name of Hazrat Kareem,
09:25we take the name of great personalities.
09:27For the sake of Allah,
09:28we should adopt their style of governance.
09:31Lastly, a quick comment.
09:32Both of you can comment on this.
09:34Look, Yazidism and Hussainism are two sides of the same coin.
09:38The order of oppression is going in that direction.
09:42And the order of justice is going in that blessed order.
09:48whatever is in your control,
09:50we should say Bismillah to it.
09:52We should not say to the government,
09:54as Huzoor said,
09:55it feels strange to say,
09:57what should we say to whom?
09:59Instead, we should at least,
10:01what Allah is asking me,
10:03what part have I put in,
10:05I should at least put some part in.
10:07Absolutely right.
10:08Yes, Waseem bhai,
10:09you said about the rulers,
10:11that they should look at such cases.
10:13They should look at it when they are satisfied.
10:16Right now, their stomach is not full,
10:18that they will look at other people,
10:20and take care of them.
10:22We just pray to Allah,
10:24may Allah bless the people of Pakistan.
10:27May Allah make it easy for the people of Pakistan.
10:30The problems they are facing,
10:32there are a lot of problems that are arising for no reason.
10:35We were not so bad,
10:37we were not so wrong,
10:38but the route we are walking on,
10:40all our lives,
10:42the land is being harassed for us.
10:44May Allah bless all of us.
10:46When you will come in the afternoon,
10:48you will talk about it,
10:50isn't it amazing,
10:52that such a big city,
10:54bigger than the countries of the world,
10:56there literally,
10:58on the basis of daily,
11:00the tanker crushes the children,
11:02and nothing is happening.
11:04Put four people in jail,
11:06punish them,
11:08then I will see how dare they are.
11:10Today, they killed a pregnant mother,
11:12she gave birth to a child,
11:14Is this a joke?
11:16I am amazed.
11:18This is life.
11:20Let's talk about it.
11:22I am in a strange state of shame.
11:24What can I say?
11:26I am criticizing it so openly,
11:28that this is not a problem,
11:30that we will have to reform it.
11:32This is a ten year plan,
11:34Mr. Badami.
11:36This can be solved overnight.
11:38I don't want to say,
11:40if something happens to me,
11:42this can be solved overnight.
11:44May Allah not let this happen to anyone.
11:46But this can be solved overnight.
11:48May Allah not let this happen to anyone.
11:50But these are also the children of humans.
11:52The countries they are giving examples of,
11:54the children of cats die like this,
11:56then there is action.
11:58I am amazed.
12:00We will talk about Iftar after the break.
12:12May Allah not let this happen to anyone.