Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00Welcome, Ulema are with us and without any further delay, I will come to the questions.
00:22Mr. Qibla Mufti Aamir, Mr. Kumail Mehdiwi, Mr. Ahsan Naveed Niazi, Mr. Mufti Sohail Amjadi,
00:27Thank you very much.
00:28Mr. Mufti, the first question.
00:30The WhatsApp number will be displayed on your screen.
00:32You can send your questions in the form of video or audio note.
00:35Preferably video.
00:36And we will try to include your questions as much as possible.
00:40Come on, the first question.
00:41My question is, can animals be kept at home, like cat, dog, etc.?
00:46Okay, correct.
00:48Okay, Mr. Mufti.
00:49In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:51Allahumma Salli ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa ashabihi wa barik wa sallim.
00:58As far as dog is concerned, it is not advisable to keep a dog at home.
01:10But if you keep a dog for protection, then do not keep it inside the house.
01:15If there is a park outside the house, then keep it there.
01:23And as far as the cat is concerned, you can keep it.
01:28But sometimes the hair on the cat's body may get caught in someone's hands.
01:36Or if it goes into the food, it may cause harm.
01:39Just take care of this and take care of its diet.
01:42So, is it okay to say that keeping a dog is an exception because it is a dirty animal?
01:49It is not dirty.
01:52But since its saliva is dirty, its sweat is also dirty.
01:59But in itself, it is not dirty.
02:03So, if I have a wet hand and I keep it.
02:06Yes, just be careful about that.
02:09So, there is no problem with other animals.
02:11If you put your wet hand on it and there is sweat on it, then its sweat is dirty.
02:16Please tell us about the birds.
02:18In terms of birds, those birds which are generally called domestic birds.
02:23That is, they do not fly much anywhere.
02:25And they like to live in houses, that is, they like to live somewhere.
02:29So, they can be raised.
02:31But it is not allowed to bite their wings or oppress them or hurt them.
02:37So, just be careful about their diet.
02:40Is there any difference in your opinion?
02:42Almost the same.
02:43The only difference is that the dog is a dirty animal.
02:46It is dirty in itself.
02:49So, if we have a wet hand or the dog is wet.
02:52So, in this case, if the sweat is transferred, it will be dirty.
02:56And the second thing is that about the cat.
02:58Some jurists have said that if two or three hairs are attached to the body, then it is pure.
03:02But it will not be able to pray.
03:04Because it is a cat, some cats have a lot of hair.
03:09And their hair scatters or gets on the hands or clothes.
03:13So, some have said that if two or three hairs are attached to the body, then it will not be able to pray.
03:18So, take care of it.
03:19But since it is an animal, is it forbidden to raise it?
03:21Or you will say that you will have to be very careful.
03:23If you can, then raise it.
03:24No, no.
03:25It should be kept out of the house only.
03:26If it is to be kept for protection.
03:27It is forbidden to raise it.
03:30The angels of mercy go away.
03:31There are a lot of hadiths in this regard.
03:33And as far as the birds are concerned, it is recommended that if you can raise a pigeon, then raise it.
03:38It takes the calamities on itself.
03:40And it becomes a source of protection in the race.
03:42See, these are the things of humanity.
03:44I mean, we cannot prove it scientifically.
03:47But what we have in the hadith, there is an order of the Shariah.
03:50If someone can raise a pigeon, then it is also a lawful animal.
03:53And it is beneficial and better.
03:55Other birds can also be raised, as you said.
03:57This is the hadith of the Prophet.
03:59In the house where there is a dog, the angels of mercy do not come.
04:02Okay, okay.
04:03So, if there is a culture that the dog is up to the bedroom.
04:06No, no, no.
04:07If the dog is sitting next to it, then it is not allowed.
04:09Yes, it is like this.
04:10It is not allowed inside the house.
04:12Yes, yes, exactly like this.
04:14Even if someone says that I can take care of its permission, still no.
04:16No, no.
04:17Yes, yes, yes.
04:18Absolutely right.
04:19Very appropriate.
04:21Will you show the next question?
04:22My question is that I am suffering from lung disease.
04:26Because of which I have to use an oxygen machine and medicines.
04:30And the doctor has strictly forbidden me to fast.
04:34But despite that, I do not want to stop fasting.
04:37I want to ask that if I have the intention to fast.
04:41And use the machine and medicines all day and complete the fast.
04:45Will my fast be accepted or not?
04:48There are a lot of prayers for you.
04:50May Allah grant you perfect health.
04:52Qibla, tell the question.
04:53In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
04:54Peace be upon the Beloved, Muhammad and his family and companions.
04:57First of all, there is a prayer for you.
04:59May Allah grant you perfect health.
05:00May Allah grant you health.
05:02Secondly, you are emotionally capable.
05:04Even in this condition, he wants to perform worship.
05:07Yes, yes.
05:08He wants to fast even in this condition.
05:10Emotion is also commendable.
05:11It should be greatly appreciated.
05:13Thirdly, your question is that if you want to fast.
05:17And you want to complete the fast.
05:19If you can do it easily, then do it.
05:22The rest is about the oxygen mask.
05:24About the oxygen mask.
05:26There is a disagreement among the scholars about this.
05:30Some scholars say that the fast is broken by the oxygen mask.
05:34And some scholars say that the fast is not broken by the oxygen mask.
05:38Those who say that the fast is broken by the oxygen mask.
05:41They present their arguments that
05:43Because oxygen is obtained artificially.
05:46And you are sucking something from the outside and taking it inside.
05:49That's why they say that the fast is broken.
05:50Those scholars who say that the fast is not broken.
05:52They say that oxygen is contained in the air anyway.
05:55So we take it anyway.
05:57What is the effect of the fast?
05:59It is on both sides.
06:00It is 50-50.
06:01In such a case, I recommend that.
06:04If you can perform it in this way.
06:08In such a case, if you have the heart.
06:10For the satisfaction of your heart.
06:11You can fast.
06:12And if you want to take the oxygen mask.
06:14You can take it.
06:15And it is good if you give alms carefully.
06:18There is no misunderstanding in this.
06:20He has said that I can fast without intention.
06:24No, no, no.
06:25You have to do it with intention.
06:27There is no need to fast with intention.
06:30Otherwise, the fast will not start.
06:32In fact, it is necessary to make a separate intention for every fast.
06:35In the fiqh of Hanafi.
06:37In the fiqh of Shafi.
06:38In the fiqh of Hamli.
06:39In the three fiqhs.
06:40It is necessary to make a separate intention for every fast.
06:43In the fiqh of Maliki.
06:45The intention is enough for the whole of Ramadan.
06:49There is no need to make a separate intention for every fast.
06:51But I will explain there.
06:52The intention does not mean to sit and say.
06:54It is the intention of the heart.
06:55It is the name of the intention of the heart.
06:56It is necessary to say it with the tongue.
06:57If I ask you a question.
06:58If you have a different opinion on this question.
06:59You will tell me.
07:00Please tell me.
07:01When you say that there is a difference in the opinion of the scholars.
07:05So how do I know.
07:06According to the fiqh of Hanafi.
07:07Or according to the fiqh of Jafari.
07:09What is my legal duty.
07:11For example, if the opinion of two scholars is this.
07:13And one is this.
07:14So what is my legal duty.
07:16Should I follow your opinion.
07:18Or should I follow the opinion of these two.
07:19Please explain this.
07:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
07:22Look, brother Wasim.
07:23There are some injunctions.
07:24Which are mentioned directly in the Quran and Hadith.
07:28So there is no question of disagreement.
07:32The question of disagreement arises there.
07:34Which later becomes nine major issues.
07:37In that, the scholars make an effort.
07:40And see.
07:41They relate it to a verse of the Quran.
07:43Everyone has their own arguments.
07:45Like you have told the arguments of both surahs.
07:48So they relate it.
07:49Now, the first thing is.
07:51One should try.
07:52The one who does not have the ability to do Ijtihad.
07:55For God's sake, do not do Ijtihad.
07:57Please do that.
07:58He should do Taqleed.
07:59He should not do Ijtihad.
08:02And the one who has the ability to do Ijtihad.
08:04It is possible that in Ijtihad.
08:06There are different Ijtihads of different Imams.
08:10In the first century.
08:12All the previous Imams.
08:14Ijtihad used to be very powerful.
08:18They used to develop their whole Fiqh under one theme.
08:22Not this.
08:23In one issue, the style of Ijtihad is different.
08:25In the other issue, the style of Ijtihad is different.
08:28So doing Ijtihad in this way.
08:30It is equal to not doing it.
08:32As far as the point is.
08:33When you see the disagreement.
08:35The people.
08:36It is better for the people.
08:39The scholar on whom they trust.
08:41By taking a fatwa from them.
08:42By acting on it.
08:43It will become a duty.
08:46Is there a scale to trust?
08:48For example.
08:49The heart believes.
08:50The heart believes.
08:51The second is that.
08:53You are connected to some scholar.
08:55From the mosque.
08:56From the Imam.
08:57You are connected.
08:58Or through social media.
09:00Or through electronic media.
09:01You say that this man speaks more logically.
09:03Or the glory of ARY.
09:05Through the transmission of Ramazan Wasim Badami.
09:07You are connected to the scholars.
09:10So where your heart agrees.
09:12There you.
09:13In this.
09:14In every jurisprudential issue.
09:15Then the same X scholar.
09:17Or Y scholar.
09:18Will be believed.
09:19Or on any issue.
09:21And on any issue.
09:22I can believe Y.
09:23You see.
09:24If your.
09:25The decision is on it.
09:26That your heart agrees.
09:27That I listen to this scholar more.
09:28And understand this.
09:29Then believe in it.
09:30Then believe in it.
09:31Then according to your convenience.
09:32The scholar does not change.
09:33Then according to your convenience.
09:34Do not change.
09:35This is completely.
09:36I mean.
09:37It becomes treachery.
09:38I said.
09:39This is a generic question.
09:40So come to it.
09:41You too.
09:43In every question.
09:44I always say this.
09:45Here in Damarak.
09:46There is not so much scope.
09:47That everything.
09:50Technical detail.
09:51We take a general answer.
09:52There are many other aspects of the answer.
09:53There are many aspects of every answer.
09:54But we only request the scholars.
09:57Answer as many people as possible.
09:58Then you answer as much as necessary.
09:59So that goes without saying.
10:00For every question.
10:01So if you need more information.
10:02Then turn to your local scholars.
10:03Of course.
10:04This is the last sentence.
10:08I will definitely say this.
10:10The Prophet of Allah.
10:11This is the commandment.
10:13There will be a difference of mercy.
10:14Between the scholars of my Ummah.
10:15What is the matter?
10:17From that mercy.
10:18This was also meant.
10:19That for people.
10:20There are various options.
10:21And they choose it.
10:22And take over it.
10:23Flexibility will also be within Islam.
10:25You are saying that.
10:26You do not know the Fikri Jafari.
10:27You say that.
10:28One is ME.
10:29You say this.
10:31How will the one who believes in Fiqh Jafari.
10:32Make a decision?
10:33He will decide the same.
10:35Make the imitation of the world.
10:36Or it itself.
10:37Either he himself is so expert that he can interpret through the Qur'an and Hadith
10:42which are very few people, almost none.
10:44Or he should act on caution, that is, he should gather the opinions of all the jurists.
10:47After that, gather them in such a way that either the most difficult opinion
10:51in which he is sure that his Shariah will be fulfilled.
10:53It is a very difficult task.
10:54It is a very difficult task.
10:55It is allowed but difficult.
10:56Yes, I am saying this theoretically.
10:57But practically it happens that you have to choose one and imitate him.
11:01Imitation can only be done alive in Fiqh-e-Jafariyya.
11:05And see who is the most knowledgeable among them.
11:10How will I know?
11:12How will I know?
11:13That is, ask the other scholars you trust, for example, whose name they take.
11:21So you will get two or three names.
11:23In Fiqh-e-Jafariyya, it happens that by combining the whole world,
11:26you will get two or three names that everyone will be following.
11:29So it is called Muhtamul-ul-Alamiyyat.
11:32The scholars to whom you have to ask will not be giving the fatwa themselves.
11:35If I say that in Fiqh-e-Jafariyya, I am giving an example,
11:38there will be 10 Mujtahideen who are being imitated.
11:41Maybe 10 or 20, not more than that.
11:43No, that's it.
11:44The ones who are being imitated will be only 10 or 5.
11:48Very few.
11:49So what we are saying here,
11:51I am stating the fatwa of those who are considered to be Alam at the moment.
11:56I am not stating my fatwa here.
11:58I am quoting their fatwa.
11:59Because I don't think I have the authority to give my fatwa.
12:04That's why in Fiqh-e-Jafariyya, it becomes very narrow,
12:06that you are following two or three scholars,
12:08and then the same thing,
12:09the one you are following, keep following him.
12:11Except that sometimes in some issues,
12:13they use the word Ihtiyat-e-Wajib.
12:15Which means that they themselves are giving the option,
12:18that I think either you should act on this issue in the same way,
12:20or you should look at the second opinion.
12:22So in reality, you are believing them.
12:24Because they are giving permission to go to others,
12:26so they are going.
12:27So they give an option.
12:28There is a slight difference in their approach.
12:30Anaf and Fiqh-e-Jafariyya.
12:31Absolutely right.
12:32Is there anything different in the last year?
12:34I forgot the question.
12:35Oxygen mask.
12:36Yes, oxygen mask.
12:37Is it different or is it good?
12:38Oxygen mask does not prevent fasting.
12:41But if their health,
12:42I think the advice for them is that they have a lot of interest,
12:45they are saying that maybe I should complete it.
12:47So they should start fasting with the intention of fasting.
12:49But if their health deteriorates during the day,
12:51then they should open the fast.
12:52It is their right.
12:53In fact, it is recommended that if it deteriorates a lot,
12:55then they should open it.
12:56So there will be no excuse for them.
12:57Let them complete it.
12:58Absolutely right.
12:59There are only a few minutes left.
13:00Please play the audio quickly.
13:03If a person has a duty for 8 hours,
13:06and he works for 4 hours,
13:08and the rest of the 4 hours disappears from his duty,
13:11then will he come to Rizq-e-Haram?
13:16Yes, sir.
13:18Suddenly some people came to my mind.
13:20I don't know.
13:22When you make an agreement with someone,
13:25then it is called doing the job halal.
13:27So you have to do it halal.
13:29You have to work at the time given to you.
13:32If you don't give yourself up at that time,
13:35you will disappear from the place.
13:37Is there work or not?
13:38One is that there is no work,
13:40but if you are present at the place,
13:42then you deserve to be rewarded.
13:43Work is not a different thing.
13:44But you are not present at the place,
13:46you have disappeared.
13:47It is not right to do this.
13:49It is not permissible.
13:50It is strictly illegal.
13:51It is a sin.
13:52It is haram.
13:53So, there is a problem with fasting.
13:56I think a subtle statement is coming to mind.
13:58It has come here.
13:59Qibla has said it right.
14:01There is another creature.
14:03It is present at the place,
14:04but doesn't work.
14:05What should be done about it?
14:06Absolutely, fasting is haram.
14:09Shabla, you.
14:10Rizq is such a matter that
14:13there should be halal rizq in the stomach of the person,
14:16even if it is a little.
14:18You do so much worship,
14:19pray, and fast.
14:21You see,
14:22prayers are not accepted for 40 days.
14:24If there is a single bite of haram in the stomach,
14:27then the person should be careful.
14:29He should fulfill his responsibilities.
14:31Pakistan will move forward.
14:32That is why he is behind.
14:33That person,
14:34according to the hadith,
14:35was with the curtain of the Kaaba,
14:37with the wall.
14:38He was praying in such a way
14:40that the companions got mercy.
14:42The master said,
14:43his prayer will not be accepted.
14:45His food,
14:47everything is haram.
14:49His food,
14:51everything is haram.
14:52His prayer was accepted.
14:54Prayers are not accepted.
14:57one of the elders of the association,
15:00asked him,
15:01what is the best thing in this?
15:03He replied,
15:04after keeping the halal rizq in the stomach,
15:07the name by which you will call Allah,
15:10that will be the best.
15:14You are also going through some mental illness.
15:16I only got defamed by saying it.
15:19This is what I think.
15:20Even though the devil is closed.
15:26I wanted to say one thing,
15:28all those who have come here,
15:29they are at their place,
15:30and are also working.
15:32I wanted to say this to everyone present here,
15:34that they are working more than their duty hours.
15:38The rest, I said,
15:39you are sensible.
15:41But this matter of rizq-e-haram,
15:43Imam Hussain-ul-Islam,
15:45addressed the army,
15:46he said,
15:47My words are not affecting you,
15:49because your stomach is full of rizq-e-haram.
15:52Allah, Allah.
15:53This is such a serious matter.
15:54His stomach is full of rizq-e-haram.
15:55Leave a Mufti,
15:56leave an Ayatullah,
15:57leave a scholar,
15:58even the words of Nawas-e-Rasool,
15:59do not affect his heart.
16:01his stomach is full of rizq-e-haram.
16:02So, this can even take a person to this point.
16:04Just eating pig is not haram.
16:06Haram is meat,
16:07eating goat meat is also haram.
16:10So, be careful about this.
16:12And some people,
16:13I am just giving an indication,
16:14even worship like prayer,
16:15can be made an excuse.
16:16Yes, absolutely.
16:17Prayer can be done in half an hour,
16:18where were you for two hours,
16:19what were you doing?
16:21So, this is also wrong.
16:22Sharan is not right.
16:24Right, absolutely.
16:25It is appropriate.
16:26Thank you very much.
16:27We said,
16:28such a question should come,
16:29in which many people can relate.
16:31after a break,
16:32we will present our quiz program.