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Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Mohammad Ahsen Naveed Niazi

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how do I face you?
00:12I am falling, please hold me.
00:16Welcome once again.
00:19And this is our Ulema's segment.
00:21Your questions, Ulema's answers.
00:23These are your questions, but I will include them inshaAllah.
00:26Qibla Mufti Aamir Sahib, Maulana Kumail Mehdi Sahib, Mufti Sohail Hamza Sahib,
00:29Ahsan Naveed Niazi Sahib, please come.
00:31Thank you all very much.
00:33Mufti Aamir Sahib, I would like to ask,
00:37when you are sitting in the mosque without reciting the Quran,
00:42is covering your head a virtue or a mustahab?
00:46Or is it just a ritual?
00:48No, it is not a ritual.
00:49Covering your head is a Sunnat-e-Mubaraka.
00:52Even when you are sitting in the mosque?
00:55Yes, it is a Sunnat-e-Mubaraka.
00:57But you cannot say that it is obligatory,
01:00or that it is a sin.
01:03Or not doing it is not a part of the prayer, right?
01:06It is not a part of the prayer,
01:08and the head can be kept open because
01:11when you are feeling the comfort of the prayer,
01:15or it is possible that if you cover your head all the time,
01:19the sweat in your head can create a problem.
01:23So you should keep your head open so that you don't catch a cold.
01:27Sometimes people say,
01:29Maulana, keep your head open so that you don't catch a cold.
01:33So that you stay cool.
01:35Okay, so this is the question.
01:38Mufti Sahib, if you want to tell us about this,
01:40the second question was about recitation.
01:42Then you can also tell us about this.
01:44Can women be heard reciting the Quran?
01:50Or is it also a part of the prayer?
01:52The question came in this context.
01:54Sorry, I am interrupting.
01:55If we listen to the recitation,
01:58then it comes in your algorithm.
02:00So every third and fourth reel comes from recitation.
02:02So if you cannot hear it, then how can you avoid it?
02:04The question was in this context.
02:05In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:07You can hear recitation and you can also recite it.
02:10It is not that you cannot recite it.
02:12However, some scholars have called it Makrooh.
02:14Reading more than seven verses.
02:17It is believed that there will be a reduction in the reward,
02:19but it is permissible to read.
02:21There is no harm in it.
02:22There is also no harm in listening to it.
02:23Only the verses that require prostration,
02:25you cannot read them.
02:26Therefore, it is not possible for them to prostrate.
02:28Other than that, yes.
02:29It is obvious that the words of the Quran,
02:31or the beautiful names of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
02:38cannot be misused.
02:40It is not permissible in that condition.
02:42So either they have gloves in their hands,
02:44or someone has covered it from above,
02:46or there is plastic on it.
02:47In this case, they can do it.
02:48There is no harm in it.
02:49Absolutely right.
02:51In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:53Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his companions.
02:56In these days, women cannot recite the Holy Quran,
03:02nor can they touch the Holy Quran.
03:06Secondly, it is permissible to listen to the recitation of the Holy Quran.
03:11Other than that, the names of Allah,
03:15the names of Allah, Zikr, Askaar, prayers,
03:18they can do it.
03:20For example, in the Holy Quran,
03:22those prayers which are called Dua-e-Masura,
03:26Rabbana, Atina, Fid-duniya, Hasana,
03:28Rabb-e-Ja'alim, Waqeem-as-Salati, etc.
03:31All these prayers,
03:32sometimes they can be read as prayers,
03:35by breaking them.
03:37But they cannot be read together.
03:40Absolutely right.
03:41So there are some opinions regarding reading.
03:45But everyone has their own opinion.
03:47Regarding recitation, there are two opinions.
03:51You tell us.
03:52One opinion is that you are driving a car,
03:54and recitation is being done.
03:56So what is this?
03:57Do you think it is background music that you are reciting?
04:00But the second thought or question is,
04:02that this is a new era.
04:04If we do not include these things in our daily life,
04:08taking into consideration its honor,
04:10then it will be completely minus.
04:12So it should be done.
04:13Not that you are going in a car,
04:15sitting idle somewhere,
04:16and uploading it on YouTube.
04:17It is a good thing.
04:18So what is your opinion?
04:19Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
04:20Sallallahu ala Habibi Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahabi
04:22wa barak wa salam.
04:23By the way,
04:24the best thing is that
04:25there is a preparation.
04:27Whether one recites or listens.
04:29But this situation,
04:30that you are going in a car,
04:31and reciting while driving,
04:33then I am in favor of this.
04:35I say that doing this is good.
04:37That the verses of the Quran
04:39have their own blessing.
04:40The blessing of the words of Allah
04:42is revealed.
04:43The other person,
04:45remains connected to the Quran.
04:49on one hand,
04:50a person is completely cut off from the Quran.
04:51Completely cut off.
04:52And on the other hand,
04:53he has one last link left.
04:55So his last link should not be cut off.
04:57So you must rectify this.
04:59Explain that it is okay
05:00that a person recites with care
05:02or listens.
05:03But if someone does this,
05:04then he should not stop him.
05:06This should also be done.
05:07And in the matter of recitation,
05:09when the woman is in her special period,
05:11if she can listen to the recitation during that period,
05:14even if she listens to the Ayat-e-Sajdah,
05:16then the recitation of the Ayat-e-Sajdah
05:18is not obligatory on her.
05:20But here it is recommended
05:22that she should not listen to the Ayat-e-Sajdah.
05:23If she can avoid it, then she should avoid it.
05:25And if she has heard it recorded,
05:27then it is not obligatory.
05:28It is not obligatory.
05:30And in this regard,
05:31do you also have an opinion
05:32regarding listening to the Quran?
05:35you tell us,
05:36that in the month of Ramadan,
05:37we started the Quran
05:38with the intention
05:39that we will finish the Quran.
05:40But now it seems
05:41that we will not be able
05:42to finish the Quran.
05:43That is,
05:44we will not be able
05:45to read the whole Quran.
05:47in this regard,
05:48we will not be punished.
05:50this is the question
05:51of the last decade of every year.
05:53this is the question of every year.
05:55you are right.
05:56And when the Quran
05:57has started,
05:58it is not obligatory
05:59to finish it.
06:00You started it.
06:01Some people
06:02do not start
06:03because of this fear
06:04that it will not finish.
06:07we are not
06:08saying that
06:09one letter of the Quran
06:10is equal to one letter
06:11of the Quran.
06:12That is,
06:13one verse
06:14is equal to finishing
06:15the entire Quran
06:16in Ramadan.
06:18read as much as
06:19you can in Ramadan
06:20and use the Quran
06:21in recitation
06:22as much as possible.
06:24this fear aside
06:25and removing
06:26this fear from your mind
06:27that even if
06:28you do not finish the Quran,
06:29you will still
06:30be rewarded.
06:31No problem.
06:32I want to
06:33come to this point.
06:34If you start
06:35one point
06:36If you could tell us one by one, Mufti Amir Sahib, you go first.
06:39In Shab-e-Qadr, because Allah the Almighty sends angels
06:46and the real blessings of forgiveness and forgiveness are received in this night.
06:50So, asking for forgiveness is the best thing to do in this night.
06:54And because this night is associated with the Qur'an,
06:57the revelation of the Qur'an,
06:59so in such a case, if recitation of the Qur'an is done,
07:02if there are any activities related to the Qur'an,
07:06like recitation of the Qur'an,
07:09then it will be very beneficial.
07:11If you are reciting the Qur'an,
07:13then inshallah, it is hoped that you will receive Shab-e-Qadr
07:16and you will receive the blessings that Allah the Almighty has given in Shab-e-Qadr.
07:20But if someone recites the Qur'an according to their taste,
07:23recites the Durood, recites Nawafil, then there is no harm.
07:26Absolutely right. Qibla.
07:28By the way, whatever worship you do,
07:30that worship, inshallah, will be acceptable.
07:32As Mufti Sahib said, in relation to recitation of the Qur'an.
07:35Apart from this, since it is possible to do Shab-e-Qadr,
07:38then in this, you must repent and turn to Allah.
07:42And then, in the end, I will say that,
07:44especially that good deed that you did not do,
07:49or were not doing,
07:51whether it is a duty, obligation, Sunnah, or any Sunnah,
07:56then you must promise that, inshallah, I will not leave it after today.
08:00What a great thing.
08:01Qibla, you tell us, and include this point that I have also heard,
08:04that these issues of Shariah, Fiqh, etc.,
08:06don't think that this is not a worship.
08:10I mean, increasing your knowledge in this way,
08:12even tonight, is a good deed,
08:14because due to this, how many worships you do in the future,
08:17will be better or better.
08:18For the pleasure of Allah, gaining knowledge is itself a good deed,
08:23and a very big good deed.
08:25In fact, this is the best and foremost in the worship of Nafl.
08:29That you are busy in gaining knowledge,
08:31especially those things that are obligatory for a person.
08:34Learning Sunnah and Wajibat is better than being busy in Nawafil.
08:38In some cases, it is necessary.
08:40In some cases, it is obligatory that you are not busy in Nafl,
08:43and you do that work.
08:44So, do this, and one thing is that,
08:47a person should also take care of charity,
08:49that the people of God also benefit.
08:51This is also the blessed way of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
08:54and the people of God also benefit.
08:55We have been given this command again and again.
08:57And if someone does not have the ability to do charity,
09:01then at the very least, they should pray for others,
09:04because there is no money spent in charity.
09:06This is also a good form of charity,
09:08and this is the form on which everyone is capable.
09:11Everyone can do it, and everyone is available.
09:14Pray for the people of God.
09:16The last thing.
09:17In support of what all the Ulema have said,
09:22there was a good saying of a wise man,
09:24that all the good things that have been said about actions in the world,
09:27are yet to be done.
09:28The actions are yet to be done.
09:29Praise be to Allah.
09:30All the good things have been said,
09:32and praise be to Allah, all the audience have heard it.
09:35The actions are yet to be done.
09:36So, let's start the actions.
09:38And one thing is that we always think that what we have to do,
09:42is as important as what we don't have to do.
09:45It is as important as that.
09:47Because what you don't have to do,
09:49if you do it, then you don't know how much is left.
09:52So, keep in mind that it is not haram to see,
09:56it is not haram to hear,
09:57it is not haram to eat,
09:58it is not haram to keep.
10:00The things that you don't have to do, don't.
10:02Until you take care of it.
10:03If you take care of it,
10:04in the meaning of a Hadith,
10:05if you take care of it,
10:07then in your life,
10:08prayer is only enough to eat salt.
10:10That's it.
10:10Pray for this much.
10:12Stay away from these things.
10:13This is enough for you.
10:14Oh, wow.
10:15So, a lot of good things have been discussed.
10:17What to say, JazakAllah.
10:18Thank you very much.
10:20And I tell you,
10:22this segment should be presented as a case study.
10:25The children have been taught in a social science course that look,
10:28in 11-12 minutes,
10:29five people,
10:30so many questions and in such a short time,
10:32you guys are amazing.
10:33What to say.
10:34Thank you very much.
10:34After a break, we have a quiz segment, InshaAllah.
