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Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi , Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Mohammad Ahsen Naveed Niazi

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00The mercy of my heart has been overshadowed again.
00:05How do I face you?
00:10I am falling down, please hold me.
00:14Welcome to you, dear scholars.
00:16We have with us,
00:18Qibla Maulana Dr. Muhammad Azza Dawood Ani Sahib,
00:20Mufti Amir Sahib, Mufti Ahsan Sahib,
00:22Mufti Sehzad Sahib. Thank you all very much.
00:24The questions are coming to you on this number.
00:26It doesn't take much time.
00:28The time is short, so let's start with the first question.
00:31In the name of Allah.
00:33Peace be upon you. My name is Ali Jaan and I am from Lahore.
00:36My question is that on the 23rd of Ramadhan,
00:38my sister-in-law passed away.
00:39At that time, I was sitting in I'tikaf.
00:41I couldn't complete my I'tikaf.
00:43Will I have to complete my I'tikaf?
00:45If I have to, can I complete my I'tikaf after Ramadhan?
00:49First of all, may Allah grant you patience.
00:52Are you listening to the question?
00:53He was sitting in I'tikaf and on the 23rd of Ramadhan,
00:55his sister-in-law passed away.
00:57He is saying that he couldn't complete his I'tikaf.
00:59What should he do now?
00:59Can he complete his I'tikaf after Ramadhan?
01:01In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
01:02Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved, Muhammad and his family and companions.
01:05When I'tikaf breaks due to some reason,
01:08then one has to complete one day's I'tikaf.
01:11Now, if he wants to sit in I'tikaf again, he can,
01:14but now it will be counted as Nafli I'tikaf.
01:16And the previous Sunnah Mu'akkadah I'tikaf that he did,
01:19he will complete it.
01:20And in I'tikaf, one day's I'tikaf is enough.
01:23But for that, fasting is a condition.
01:24Now, whether he completes I'tikaf in Ramadhan,
01:26whether he does it later, whenever he does it,
01:28on that day, anyway, he will have to fast.
01:29After fasting, from sunset to sunset,
01:32from one sunset to the next sunset,
01:34one day's I'tikaf will be counted.
01:35If he didn't continue I'tikaf,
01:38for example, after 23 Ramadhan, he didn't sit.
01:40He didn't sit for 7 more days.
01:41So, won't he have to do I'tikaf for 7 days?
01:43No, no. He won't have to do it for 7 days,
01:44just for one day.
01:45I'tikaf, if the Sunnah Mu'akkadah I'tikaf breaks,
01:48then the counting is only for one day.
01:50Now, whenever he wants to do it in life,
01:52if he wants to do it in the same Ramadhan,
01:53he can do it, he can do it later as well.
01:55But if he wants to do it later,
01:56then he will have to fast.
01:57Whenever he wants to do I'tikaf, he will have to fast.
01:59Absolutely right.
02:01In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
02:02As far as I'tikaf is concerned,
02:03we have a minimum of 3 days.
02:06And the possibility is that
02:07on the first and second day,
02:08without any reason, it can be broken.
02:10On the third day, it can't be broken.
02:13And if there is a need in between,
02:16then there is a possibility of going back.
02:18For example, if he passed away,
02:20then his I'tikaf could have been lifted from there.
02:22But anyway, if it wasn't his third day,
02:24then the problem is over.
02:25If it was his third day,
02:26then I would advise him to do I'tikaf later.
02:30Although some jurists have also given him some leeway.
02:33If it was already there,
02:35if it was pre-empt,
02:36if it was presumed, etc.
02:38But anyway, the advice would be
02:40that he should do I'tikaf for the sake of his I'tikaf.
02:43And the meaning of I'tikaf here is 3 days.
02:45And is there a condition for fasting here as well?
02:47There is a condition for fasting.
02:47Whenever there is I'tikaf, it will be with fasting.
02:49Whenever there is I'tikaf, it will be with fasting.
02:50Without fasting, there will be no I'tikaf.
02:53By the way, Mr. Mukhtiar, tell us,
02:54how many days of the year are there in Fiqh-e-Jafari,
02:57if yes, when one cannot fast?
03:00In the days of the year,
03:01the most important thing is Eid.
03:04If it is Eid-ul-Fitr,
03:05then one cannot fast on Eid-ul-Fitr.
03:06Similarly, if it is Eid-ul-Qurban,
03:07then one cannot fast on Eid-ul-Qurban.
03:09It is Haram to fast on Eid-ul-Fitr.
03:11In the same way,
03:11there can be other occasions
03:13in which due to some other topic,
03:14fasting becomes Haram.
03:15For example, it is Mustahab-e-Ruza.
03:17But if the parents are getting upset or uncomfortable,
03:21then due to their saying,
03:22it will be inappropriate for the children
03:24and it will not be permissible for them to fast.
03:25Okay, but there are more details.
03:27Again, we say that every question has its own details.
03:29But by the way,
03:30on paper, there are two fasts.
03:31There are two fasts when one cannot fast.
03:33In this, what is the Qibla in Ahnaf?
03:37We have five days here.
03:39One is Eid-ul-Fitr
03:41and the four days of Eid-ul-Adha,
03:42which are the days of Yawm-ul-Nahr,
03:44are continuous.
03:44So, we cannot fast for these five days here.
03:48Which are those five days?
03:49Eid-ul-Fitr is one day
03:50and Eid-ul-Adha is four days.
03:52It is called Yawm-ul-Nahr.
03:54These are the days of Ziyafat.
03:56That is why it is forbidden in these five days.
03:58Okay, so someone's I'tikaaf is continuous
04:00and due to some reason,
04:00his fast has become invalid.
04:02So, automatically, his I'tikaaf is also invalid?
04:04Okay, and then he becomes Iqaza and all that.
04:06Is it like this?
04:07Is it in this?
04:08Yes, absolutely.
04:08That due to some reason,
04:09the fast has become invalid,
04:10so the I'tikaaf?
04:10The fast is invalid,
04:11the I'tikaaf itself is invalid.
04:12Absolutely right.
04:13Shall we move on to the next question?
04:16Peace be upon you.
04:17Peace be upon you.
04:18My name is Mustafa Kamal and I am from Karachi.
04:21Sir, I would like to ask you a question.
04:24The fast that we observe,
04:26its reward,
04:27that is, only the reward of the fast,
04:29Allah Almighty will give it to us.
04:30So, the reward of this fast,
04:32can we give it to someone as a gift?
04:35And the second question is, sir,
04:36that when the fast starts,
04:39the clock that runs,
04:41the time comes,
04:42that how many seconds,
04:43how many seconds,
04:43how many seconds are left?
04:44So, after two seconds,
04:46then the intention of the fast comes,
04:50its translation comes,
04:51then the call to prayer is made.
04:53So, when do we have to break the fast?
04:55When the clock runs,
04:56the time is completed,
04:57at that time,
04:58or when the call to prayer is made?
05:01This question, Mr. Mufti,
05:02will you answer it,
05:03or will Mr. JJ answer it,
05:05that when is the clock running,
05:06when is the call to prayer being made?
05:08So, please tell us.
05:09What was the first question?
05:10The first question was that,
05:12can we give the reward of our fast
05:14as a gift to someone?
05:16In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
05:19Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family and companions.
05:22Generally, the concept is that
05:25whatever good deed you do,
05:27you can reward it to someone,
05:30you can give it to someone.
05:31But according to the public,
05:34obligations, obligations, sunnah,
05:37whatever good deed you do,
05:40you can reward it to someone,
05:43you can give it to someone.
05:44Allah is able to give you the same reward
05:48and distribute it to everyone.
05:50The second answer is that,
05:52I have often said,
05:54the scholars have also said,
05:55that you should have a fast chart.
05:59You should keep it in front of you.
06:01Sometimes, you see,
06:02you make an error.
06:04A human error comes to the fore.
06:06You should not depend on it.
06:07You should not depend on it.
06:09In fact, you should have a chart.
06:11You see, it is time for Iftaar.
06:13So, be careful.
06:15You should do Iftaar after 4 minutes or 1 minute.
06:18Don't wait for Azan.
06:20Azan is for Maghrib.
06:21Sometimes, it is late by a couple of minutes.
06:23Azan is for Namaz.
06:25Azan has nothing to do with fasting technically.
06:27Don't do it from that perspective.
06:28It is exactly like that.
06:29Secondly, you should have a chart in Sahari as well.
06:33The time you have written.
06:34It is not like you are waiting for Azan.
06:36When Azan is over,
06:37I will start drinking water.
06:38I will drink water before that.
06:40A human error can come there as well.
06:42So, you should be careful in Sahari.
06:44You should stop 1 minute before that.
06:46Khairullah Mufti Amir Sahib,
06:47people are going to Umrah.
06:49Mashallah, there is so much rush there.
06:51So, Umrah,
06:52I mean, if you do Mustahab Umrah,
06:55is there any special intention
06:56which is preferred?
06:58If you are doing 4 Umrah in Masjid,
07:00you should give them as a gift.
07:01It is better to do this.
07:02Is there such a thing?
07:03Yes, absolutely.
07:04Whatever worship you do,
07:05you should pray to Allah
07:08that Muslims should be rewarded for it.
07:10Your relatives should be rewarded.
07:12Parents should be rewarded.
07:13Elders should be rewarded.
07:14You can do this.
07:15You can do this for every worship.
07:18The last question,
07:20there was a struggle in it.
07:22If the time is over,
07:24is it necessary to wait for Dua?
07:27Or wait for Azan?
07:29It is not necessary to wait for Dua.
07:32When Dua will be played on TV.
07:34And Dua,
07:36its words are after Iftaar.
07:39I fasted for your pleasure
07:41and I did Iftaar.
07:43So, after doing it,
07:44it is better to say these words.
07:46And the Dua before Iftaar,
07:48it is mentioned in Hadith Sharif
07:50that it is the time of acceptance.
07:52So, before Iftaar,
07:54you can ask for whatever Dua you want.
07:56But when the time is over,
07:58like Mufti Sahib said,
07:59you should have a calendar.
08:01So, when the time is over,
08:02you can do Iftaar.
08:03Ok, next question.
08:05Yes, I have a question for you.
08:08When brothers and sisters fight,
08:10we curse each other a lot.
08:12We say that your funeral should go,
08:14your Satya should be destroyed,
08:16your funeral should be over at a certain time.
08:18You should go to the market,
08:19you should not come back,
08:20you should have an accident,
08:21you should explode.
08:22So, does this include a sin?
08:26The matter has come to a very
08:28horrific and scary kind of curse.
08:31As you say,
08:32it is an innocent question.
08:34We can't even call it innocent.
08:36And Baaji thought it appropriate
08:38to go into the details of every curse.
08:40Otherwise, we would have understood.
08:42He repeated all the curses fluently.
08:46We should not curse like this.
08:48Muslims should benefit.
08:51We should benefit for every Muslim.
08:54The permission for cursing
08:56has been given in the form
08:58that when a person is really oppressed
09:00and he has no other option,
09:03he curses.
09:05Otherwise, it is not a good thing
09:07that a person curses for someone
09:09irrespective of his relatives
09:11or close relatives
09:13to whom it is necessary
09:15to show mercy.
09:17It is obligatory.
09:19It is possible that they will say
09:21that we don't say it from our heart
09:23that we will go to a brother's funeral.
09:25We just say it like that.
09:27No matter what time it is,
09:29the person doesn't know.
09:31It has been forbidden in Hadith Sharif.
09:33It is possible that because of the time
09:35and lack of sleep,
09:37words come out of the mouth
09:39which the person didn't want to say.
09:41It will be harmful.
09:43When it has been forbidden to this extent,
09:45it is the same here.
09:47Whether you want to say it from your heart
09:49or not, you should not say it.
09:51It is not right.
09:53It is not permissible.
09:55It is a matter of Allah.
09:57If someone doesn't ask from his heart
09:59then it is not permissible.
10:01It is their work.
10:03It is not permissible.
10:05Do brothers and sisters curse like this?
10:07I have never heard of it.
10:09It is like a pillow talk.
10:11It is like going to a bazaar
10:13and the other person is not taking him.
10:15Allah is saying that
10:17even if you repeat it,
10:19you will not go back.
10:21The fundamental thing in this is
10:23what Mufti Sahib said
10:25and other friends said.
10:27They are coming because
10:29there is a problem in upbringing
10:31and they have heard such things in the environment.
10:33The things that come on the media
10:35are completely irrelevant.
10:37There are many things that
10:39did not come in the dramas
10:41in the mainstream media.
10:43When you see the web series
10:45and there will be more problems
10:47in it, all those things
10:49influence and come out of the mouth.
10:51The way this girl was talking,
10:53her questioning is telling
10:55that there will be a lot of love.
10:57May Allah increase their love.
10:59The way their hearts are good
11:01and pure,
11:03may Allah increase their love.
11:05But tell your brother to take them somewhere.
11:07Yes, tell your brother
11:09to take them somewhere
11:11and try to increase their love.
11:13Let's go to the break.
11:15This is the position of the Ulema.
11:17If I can make a request
11:19in my humble capacity.
11:21Nowadays, all kinds of vlogging
11:24I am not doing it.
11:26But I feel that
11:28we still see some relationships
11:30with people older than us.
11:32For example, a tobacco user
11:34is not a good thing.
11:36But if a 50-year-old person's father
11:38comes in front of him,
11:40I have seen rich people
11:42who will light a cigarette in their hands
11:44but their father will not see it.
11:46These values are not over yet.
11:48They are being destroyed.
11:50There is a strange environment
11:52Even the father knows
11:54but still he wants to hide
11:56the fact that
11:58there is respect and a veil over the world.
12:00People don't do it in front of elders.
12:02Although he knows that he is smoking a cigarette.
12:04But I think
12:06these things should be there.
12:08We will talk about it later.
12:10We will come again after the break.
