• 6 hours ago
Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

Guest: Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani ,Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr


00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how do I face you?
00:13I am falling, just hold me
00:18Welcome once again to Nasheeriyat
00:21In Sahar, almost daily at this time
00:24As per the timing of fasting, there is a difference of 2-4 minutes daily
00:29Almost daily at this time, Bismillah, we come to you
00:33With Ulema-e-Karam, your questions, Ulema-e-Karam's answers
00:36Numbers are coming on your screens
00:38Mufti Sohail Amjadi, Qibla Ahsan Naveed Niazi, Mufti Aamir
00:42And today in Sahar, I especially welcome Dr. Allama Muhammad Razzaudani
00:47Welcome, thank you very much
00:49Without further ado, I will come to your questions
00:52First question will be shown by Mufti Aamir
00:55Assalamu Alaikum, my question is that the money that we have given in plot installment
01:01Just like 4 lakh or 5 lakh, will they also be included in Zakat?
01:07Right, Mufti Sahib
01:10See, Zakat will not be given on the amount given in the plot installment
01:15People buy plots for their use, they buy land
01:19So on the land of use, Zakat is not given
01:23Even if they buy the whole plot, even if they give the whole amount
01:28Because they have taken it for their use
01:30If not for use, but for investment purpose
01:33I will take this and give it
01:35If it is taken for investment purpose, then Zakat will be included in that amount
01:42Then it will have to be given
01:44With the title of Khums, tell us about Fiqh-e-Jafriya
01:48As far as Khums is concerned, as far as the plot is for personal use
01:51It will be in exceptions
01:53Because usually this is the way to build a house
01:56Yes, it is like that
01:57No one can pay in one go
01:59Zakat-e-Rahman-e-Rahim has said that these are all things that are collected in this way
02:03There is a custom of dowry in these areas
02:05This will be the problem of dowry
02:06If there is a plot, then this will be the problem of the plot
02:08So there is no problem in that
02:10But if it is for investment purpose, then it comes under Khums
02:13And 20% will have to be given to Khums
02:15All right, absolutely right
02:16Ask the next question, Mufti Sohail will tell, Inshallah
02:19Today's question is about Geevat
02:21If someone hurts you
02:24And you mention that pain or injustice to your parents
02:29So will he be included in Geevat?
02:31And the second is that I tell my husband the routine of the whole day
02:34What happened today? What happened to me?
02:36What did someone say? What happened?
02:38And tell him the routine of the whole day
02:40Will he be included in Geevat?
02:42Yes, Mufti Sahib
02:43The first two parts of the question answer the second part
02:46I tell my husband the routine of the whole day
02:48If Nargis did something wrong to me, then I will tell my husband
02:52So will Nargis be included in Geevat?
02:55In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
02:57Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his companions
03:00In the Holy Qur'an, there is a promise
03:03That does anyone of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?
03:14If you don't like it, then don't do Geevat
03:17Okay, Geevat means to describe someone's pain
03:23Someone says that there is a flaw in it
03:25He is not lying, there is a flaw in it
03:27I am not lying, this is Geevat
03:30Otherwise, it is an accusation
03:32It is a matter of the future
03:34That is why Huzoor also strictly prohibited Geevat
03:39Now there are some exceptions in this
03:43That is, if a victim goes to court and says in front of the judge
03:47Or go to the Mufti and say that someone has wronged me
03:51Then this is not included in Geevat
03:53Similarly, if there is a relationship
03:56And there is something in the boy
03:58And it is told when you ask for advice
04:00Then it is not included in Geevat
04:02Unless your heart is clear
04:04Not that I should spoil the relationship
04:07Similarly, what the sister is saying
04:09That I tell my husband the whole routine
04:12That this has happened, this has happened
04:14You try not to mention things that are included in Geevat
04:18She is saying that if someone has wronged us
04:20We have to tell that injustice
04:22That he has done this to me, this will be included in Geevat
04:24If the atmosphere of the house is getting worse if she does not tell
04:28And she tells in a good way
04:30Not that she wants to spoil the relationship
04:33She tells in a good way so that the husband can tackle it in a good way
04:37Then there is nothing wrong in it
04:39Okay, Mr. Ahsan, let's answer the next question
04:42That this is different from husband and wife
04:44It is a general thing
04:46If someone feels that he has done injustice to me
04:48You are sharing this with someone
04:50Will it be included in Geevat?
04:52In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
04:54Peace be upon the Messenger of Allah
04:56Some forms of Geevat are permissible
04:58Although Geevat is not permissible
05:00One of the permissible forms is
05:02Where you are telling someone
05:04From whom it is expected
05:06That he will take a good step
05:08And save me from that injustice
05:10Telling such a person is not Geevat
05:12Geevat is not applied on this
05:14Because you have told
05:16That you have been wronged
05:18So you are telling me to get rid of this injustice
05:22I can do it
05:24And the intention is the same
05:26If you do not want to express the evil of others
05:28If you do not want to vent your anger
05:30Then you can do it
05:32Let's go to the next question
05:34Peace be upon you
05:36My name is Tayyab
05:38I live in Islamabad
05:40Even after cleaning
05:42If something goes wrong
05:44What effect will it have on fasting?
05:46If you have cleaned your teeth
05:48It will go inside
05:50Will the fast go wrong?
05:52If it is less than the amount of chickpeas
05:54Then there is no harm
05:56But if it is more than the amount of chickpeas
05:58Then the fast will go wrong
06:00Do you have any opinion on this?
06:02If something goes wrong
06:04Then the fast will not go wrong
06:06If I do not violate
06:08Then the responsibility of violating
06:10If something goes wrong
06:12Then the fast will not go wrong
06:14If the fast does not break by eating and drinking by mistake
06:16Do you have to do the Qaza of that fast?
06:18If the fast has not broken by mistake
06:20Then there is no Qaza
06:22Next question
06:24My question is
06:26If we are praying together
06:28And we join with the Imam
06:30In the first rakat
06:32Then we have not prayed Sana
06:34Will our prayer be done without Sana?
06:38If we have joined with the Imam
06:40If we have not prayed Sana
06:42Then our prayer will be done
06:44This is the protocol of joining in the prayer
06:46If he joins in the first rakat
06:48Then he is exempt
06:50If he joins in the second rakat
06:52Then he is exempt
06:54Then he has to follow his responsibilities
06:56Then in the next rakat
06:58If there is a third rakat
07:00Then he has to pray
07:02If it is Surah Fatiha
07:04Then he has to pray
07:06Mufti Ahmed
07:08This is the protocol
07:12Next question
07:14Peace be upon you
07:16I have a question
07:18Whether it is night or day
07:20In our Karachi
07:22There is always a power cut
07:24Even today
07:26Is it permissible for us
07:28To curse them?
07:30If we curse them
07:32Then it is a loss for our country
07:36In this, tell us according to Ahnaf
07:38Or according to Fiqh
07:42Mufti Ahmed
07:44First let it be clear
07:46The light that goes
07:48Is it according to Ahnaf or Fiqh
07:50When the light goes
07:52Then everyone's light turns on
07:54Whether it is Ahnaf or Fiqh
07:56The question that was asked
07:58Is a very big
08:02What is the situation
08:04Right now
08:06Electricity, water
08:08These are our basic needs
08:10We have not even come out of this
08:12We have not come out yet
08:14What progress will we make in the world
08:16And we have so many leaders
08:18So many
08:24Sensible people
08:26These problems have not been solved
08:28Then what did you do
08:30According to you
08:32Any party
08:34Our leaders are responsible
08:36Since Pakistan was formed
08:38What have you done
08:40These basic problems have not been solved
08:42Anyway, as far as cursing is concerned
08:44The problem is
08:46Whose fault is it
08:48Whose mischief is it
08:50And since when has this series
08:52Reached this stage
08:54You will not say directly to the KC
08:56Or to the worker
08:58Whoever is responsible for it
09:00People are suffering
09:02If he cursed
09:04Is it permissible
09:06There is a very good couplet
09:08Whose last example is
09:10Lights will be extinguished by everyone
09:12Lights will be extinguished by everyone
09:14Lights will be extinguished by everyone
09:16This is not anyone's
09:18Light will be extinguished by Ahnaf
09:20Light will be extinguished by Fiqh
09:22Light will be extinguished by everyone
09:24Anyway, take care of the institution
09:26Do not do anything
09:28Which will hurt people
09:30And if the same thing
09:32I fully support it
09:34If someone is deliberately bothering
09:36You can say such words
09:38Precisely we do not know
09:40Who did this work
09:42If someone is doing mischief
09:44If there is no capacity, then the matter is different
09:46If there is someone behind not having capacity
09:48Who has not built that capacity
09:50It is obvious that this curse will go there
09:52But Mufti Sahib
09:54This thing has come
09:56Sometimes it happens
09:58Some K-Electric worker
10:00He must have a salary of 28,000
10:02He has to repair the meter
10:04He was caught and killed
10:06I often see in the plane
10:08If there is a problem of any international airline
10:10I have seen people
10:12At the time, they were humiliating
10:14Especially the air hostess of women
10:16I have seen them saying
10:18They are making videos
10:20You people are not working
10:22This is not a little
10:24That poor
10:26What to do
10:28You are sitting in front of a hundred passengers
10:30By insulting him
10:32What are you doing
10:34This is not wrong
10:36Actually, the one whose house no one listens
10:38He comes out and shares
10:40He comes and then
10:42He is not getting food at home
10:46This is our nature
10:48I will say here
10:50If it is forbidden to make pictures or videos
10:52Or somewhere
10:54It comes in the category of immorality
10:56It is imperative that you do not make videos
10:58Or photos
11:00You should not make
11:02And the second thing
11:04Who work in institutions
11:06Air hostess
11:08Staff working in K-Electric
11:10His poor
11:12Salary is 30,000-35,000
11:14They come to help you
11:16They talk to us openly
11:18Their feelings are the same
11:20But he is also doing his job
11:22He is himself
11:24And you are killing him
11:26This should not be done
11:28This spreads immorality in society
11:30And I will say here
11:32In some areas of Karachi
11:34I am telling you responsibly
11:36At the time of Iftar
11:38There is no light at the time of Taraweeh
11:40If you have to do load shedding
11:42At least set the time
11:44In which Taraweeh
11:48So that people can do Iftar
11:52I say
11:54Pray for them
11:58Go ahead
12:00Next question
12:04Today's question is
12:06From pinching nails
12:08Or the skin in front of the nail
12:12And people
12:14Have the habit of pinching nails
12:16Some people do not get blood
12:18From the nails
12:20So does the fast break
12:22From these small things
12:26I was pinching my lips
12:28I did not understand the question
12:30From pinching nails
12:32Pinching nails is not a good thing
12:34It is against the principles of cleanliness
12:38The one who is healthy
12:40She hates it
12:42She should not do it
12:46If someone
12:48Chews the nail
12:50Will it cause ulcer
12:52If you have left it
12:54The nail has not come out
12:56In this case, the ulcer has not occurred
12:58But if he has cut the nail
13:00And swallowed it
13:02Now it has gone inside
13:04And he has done it intentionally
13:06And the rest is a mistake
13:08There is a difference between a mistake and a mistake
13:10If you have done something by mistake
13:12The fast will break
13:14If you have done it by mistake
13:16It was not intentional
13:18It was cut by mistake
13:20And went inside
13:22This is a mistake
13:24The meaning of mistake is
13:26I did not remember the fast
13:28I ate something by mistake
13:30So what happens by mistake
13:32The fast does not break
13:34If someone has done it by mistake
13:36The fast will break
13:38Can I control
13:44I am doing it
13:46Assalamu alaikum
13:48For the sake of children's reality
13:50The animals of the house
13:52Which are born from the animals
13:54We raise them
13:56Can we make our children's reality
13:58For the sake of children's reality
14:00The animals of the house
14:02Which are born from the animals
14:04We raise them
14:06Can we make our children's reality
14:08For the sake of children's reality
14:10The animals of the house
14:12Which are born from the animals
14:14We raise them
14:16We do not like to kill them
14:18We do not like to kill them
14:20We do not like to kill them
14:22One person came to the Imam
14:24I saw that I was killing
14:26And he was looking at me with envy
14:28The Imam said you should not have done this
14:30If you have to do this
14:32It is not necessary to kill
14:34It will be done
14:36He will kill someone else
14:38He will not be there at that time
14:40Sir, tell us about the animal of sacrifice
14:42I have heard somewhere
14:44I do not know if it is a famous saying
14:46Or what is it
14:48It is more liked
14:50The animal you have raised
14:52Sacrifice it
14:54Is it better
14:56Is it closer to the heart
14:58In our sacrifice
15:00And in reality
15:02But there
15:04As Raza Bhai said
15:06The intention is very important
15:08The intention here is
15:10That you are presenting your favorite thing
15:12In the way of Allah
15:14Which is falling on you
15:16Like Hazrat Ibrahim
15:18Sacrificed his son
15:20The one we have raised
15:22When we are sacrificing
15:24Our heart would not want
15:26But bowing his head before his command
15:28This is a different intention
15:30There was a different intention
15:32There was a passion
15:34So actions are based on intention
15:38Sir, this is a detailed topic
15:40People ask
15:42Please explain
15:44About the dream of Ibrahim
15:46The answer is
15:48There is a difference between my dream and the dream of the Prophet
15:50That dream is the command
15:52If I have such a dream
15:54There is no comparison
15:56The dream of the Prophet is the command
15:58I will say it in a strong way
16:00Because in this society
16:02There is a lot of disorder
16:04The dream of Allah
16:06And all the Prophets
16:08Is the revelation of Allah
16:10And other than this
16:12The dreams are not evidence
16:14So this is clear
16:16Tell me
16:18Dreams are not evidence
16:20I saw in a dream that a person is a very bad person
16:22So my dream is not evidence
16:56Our dreams
16:58The more a person is truthful
17:00His dreams are more truthful
17:02And the more a person is a liar
17:04His dreams are the same
17:06So nowadays
17:08We say
17:10These are not the dreams of the righteous
17:12The dreams of the righteous
17:14Most of the dreams are from Allah
17:16Or from the angel
17:18The dream from the angel
17:20The interpretation of it is asked
17:22It is clear from Allah
17:24Other than this, it is a satanic dream
17:26It is a psychological dream
17:28It is related to our diet
17:30It is related to our thoughts
17:32Such dreams
17:34They have no value
17:36If you eat and sleep
17:38What kind of dreams will you have?
17:40If you eat and sleep
17:42What kind of dreams will you have?
17:44Based on that dream
17:46If a person is normal
17:48He is not worried
17:50If he sees in a dream that he is crying
17:52If you allow me
17:54I would like to ask an important question
17:58The question you asked
18:00Sometimes people see dreams
18:02And they message people
18:04I have visited someone
18:06And I have received this command
18:08You should follow it
18:10I was commanded by the Prophet
18:12I was commanded by someone
18:14As I said
18:16Other than a prophet's dream
18:18No one's dream is evidence
18:22Messaging like this is also haram
18:24And a person
18:26After reading such a message
18:28Do not think that I am stuck
18:30I will have to do it
18:32There is no obligation on it
18:34Whatever Allah had to do
18:36Allah's Messenger has done it in the Quran and Hadith
18:38Time is up
18:40I am not doubting anyone's intention
18:42But when people say
18:44That such and such personality
18:46And they take the name of big personalities
18:48What should I do?
18:50Should I consider it?
18:52Should I not consider it?
18:54Sometimes people ask
18:56How do they know it was him?
18:58If someone comes and tells me
19:00That I have visited such and such personality
19:02What should I think about it?
19:06If a person does this for the first time
19:08He should think about it
19:10But when it is a person
19:12Who has a habit of
19:14Making people dream
19:16Then you should understand
19:18That there is a problem here
19:20If you add in the end
19:22If a person dreams
19:24What should be the habit?
19:26Should he ignore it?
19:28Or discuss it?
19:30What should be the habit?
19:34What Mufti Sahab said
19:36I will fully agree with it
19:38I will support it
19:40It has happened so far
19:42You may know
19:44Some people
19:48Surrendered themselves to the sea
19:50Saying I saw a dream
19:52Not only their own
19:54But their family
19:56And they thought
19:58They are doing a great thing
20:00You should keep in mind
20:02That no Shariah can be established
20:04It cannot prove the existence of anything
20:06It cannot prove the haraam of anything
20:08And the next stage is
20:10Suppose there is a good deed
20:12We know that doing a good deed
20:14Is a good deed
20:16And if you want to do it
20:18Then you can do it
20:20It can be a good deed
20:22It can be a help
20:24You can do it
20:26But nothing is more important than this
20:28And you can tell it to a scholar
20:32You should tell it to someone
20:34Who has expertise in this matter
20:36It is an art of interpretation
20:38It is not like
20:40You should tell it to a scholar
20:42And then he can interpret it
20:44Thank you very much
20:46We will take a break
20:48It has been proved
20:50That dreams are also like electricity
20:52It is not Jafri
20:54It is a dream
20:56We will take a break
20:58We will be back with a segment
