00:00:00For the love of the horse, for generations to come.
00:00:28And welcome to another edition of the TDN Writer's Room.
00:00:30My name is Bill Finley, I'm a correspondent for the Thoroughbred Daily News.
00:00:34Seemed a little wobbly today, I had root canal yesterday.
00:00:39Yeah, not good.
00:00:40You don't seem to be slurring, so you seem to be okay.
00:00:45I'm Randy Moss with NBC Sports, I'm on the road at a hotel as you can see, so no Lucy
00:00:50today, but Zoe, you've got a canine companion there.
00:00:53Yes, I'm here in Saratoga Springs and Fuzzy Buzzy is with me, so if you hear a barking
00:01:00dog a little bit later, this little terrorist will be the culprit, I can absolutely guarantee
00:01:07Doodle is fine, he's sleeping, we'll get to him a little bit later on, but great to be
00:01:11here boys.
00:01:12Great week last week, better week this week.
00:01:15I want to remind you that this week and every week we're brought to you by our good friends
00:01:19at Keeneland.
00:01:20Okay, so what have we done together, 50, 60 shows maybe, probably in about 59 of them
00:01:25we've talked about changing the Triple Crown around, giving us our opinions on everything
00:01:30and lo and behold, we had some news and big news out of the Stornick Group, owners of
00:01:36Pimlico Racecourse and they said that they would like to, and the words are maybe even
00:01:42stronger than that, that they were very serious about moving the Preakness to four weeks after
00:01:48the Kentucky Derby and I know that must have put a smile on Randy Moss' face, he's been
00:01:53a big advocate of spacing the races out, I have become only recently an advocate of spacing
00:02:00the races out, so at first glance this looked like a good thing.
00:02:05Lo and behold, wait a minute, what is the New York Racing Association going to do?
00:02:11They said we're not interested in playing ball, we're going to keep the Belmont right
00:02:15where it is.
00:02:16Now, if we get a Preakness four weeks after the Derby and then a Belmont one week after
00:02:21the Preakness, we've got a big mess on our hands, Randy Moss, I don't know where this
00:02:25is all going, but right now I think the thing is even more complicated than it was beforehand
00:02:34and it's somewhat of a mess and it'll be very interesting to see how this all plays out.
00:02:38Yeah, I mean it'll be fascinating, I know First Racing went privately to Naira ahead
00:02:45of time and told them what their plans were and asked them if they would be amenable to
00:02:50switching the Belmont stakes and Naira told First Racing, absolutely not, we wouldn't
00:02:57be moving the Belmont stakes, but look, if you're the Preakness, they really don't have
00:03:01a choice, right?
00:03:03I mean, given what's been going on with the Preakness, it's been like a slow death over
00:03:09the last decade or so because of the two-week gap and this year they had a very weak Preakness
00:03:15field, the attendance and handle cratered at Pimlico and they need to make the change.
00:03:22Now there are many reasons, as we've talked about, that the change needs to be made, just
00:03:28from the standpoint of strengthening, of getting the Triple Crown, First Racing's marquee event,
00:03:38back to the status that it used to be, where the best three-year-olds run in all three
00:03:42races, but now with this situation, honestly, Bill, I don't think Naira has any logical
00:03:51choice but to move the Belmont, okay?
00:03:55Look at it this way, there are all sorts of reasons why the Preakness needed to be moved,
00:04:02but look at it now, since they brought up the point, from a horse safety viewpoint,
00:04:09I mean, we know that trainers abhor coming back in two weeks, part of it is because they
00:04:15don't think their horses can perform as well in two weeks, but we've talked to horsemen,
00:04:19we know that they think that horses are not as sturdy, they're not as durable as they
00:04:23used to be, so it is a horse safety issue as well for trainers, as to why they don't
00:04:30want to run back in two weeks.
00:04:33We've seen a rash of horse deaths and breakdowns at Churchill Downs, we saw having a meltdown
00:04:39on the undercard of the Preakness breakdown, we've seen Maple Leaf Mel in a horse the very
00:04:45next day at Saratoga in New York breakdown.
00:04:49Now what happens if nothing changes in the Triple Crown and we get another Barbaro in
00:04:56the Preakness?
00:04:57Imagine the outcry that we would hear if a horse came back in two weeks from the Derby,
00:05:04a Derby winner no less, and broke down.
00:05:07So in that scenario, with where we are right now in horse racing, you know, I don't think
00:05:14for all their belly aching right now, I don't think Naira has a choice and I think they
00:05:20should move the Belmont and honestly, I don't think they like to be dictated to by first
00:05:28I mean, there's some rivalry there, obviously, and they viewed the Preakness for a long time
00:05:32as sort of like the weak link in the Triple Crown.
00:05:37I think both Churchill Downs and Belmont have really, sort of like the stepsister, stepbrother.
00:05:44But I do think that the Belmont will wind up moving and I think it'll be a good thing.
00:05:49Just personal opinion, I don't have any inside information there.
00:05:51And I think the information came out earlier than I believe first racing wanted it to.
00:05:57I think maybe they had wanted to get an alliance with Naira first.
00:06:03I mean, I don't know, but I know that it came out sooner than perhaps they wanted.
00:06:07So they're going to have to try and figure it out.
00:06:10Horse safety is first and foremost with every single corporation nowadays.
00:06:16Every racetrack should be thinking of that first and foremost.
00:06:20And I mean, the Preakness has not been a good race over the past few years.
00:06:24It simply hasn't.
00:06:25I mean, you can say it hasn't been a good race.
00:06:27You can say it's horse safety.
00:06:29I'm in agreement.
00:06:30It should move.
00:06:31They should all move.
00:06:32They should all be on the first Saturday, have all three races a month apart and solve
00:06:37the problem.
00:06:38I don't know how they're going to get around with it if Naira doesn't come around, to be
00:06:42perfectly honest.
00:06:44I don't think so.
00:06:45And then you talk about tradition, 13 horses have won the Triple Crown, right?
00:06:49Well, eight of those, it wasn't the traditional spacing, eight times, it wasn't the traditional.
00:06:55So I mean, what are we all crying about?
00:06:56I said this to someone in the press box the other day, they were like, tradition to tradition.
00:07:01I'm like, well, the eight times we've got Triple Crown winners, you're not talking about
00:07:05those ones that ran back in three days, the Belmont was on this month.
00:07:11It's not really about tradition.
00:07:12It's about safety and making these races better and showcasing the best of our generation
00:07:18in a safe, as safely as we can possibly do it.
00:07:22Twice, they've moved the date of the Derby, 1945 and 2020.
00:07:28One was because of the war and the other one was because of COVID when Authentic won it.
00:07:32So it can be done.
00:07:33I mean, I'm not looking at Authentic and thinking he didn't win the Derby because it was in
00:07:38Of course he won the Derby.
00:07:39People have forgotten about that.
00:07:40That's three years ago.
00:07:42People have already forgotten that Authentic won the Derby in September.
00:07:47So it's not going to take long for this to get going.
00:07:50I actually listened to the Nick Luck podcast last week and he had D. Wayne Lucas on.
00:07:56And it was really interesting listening to Wayne, who's for it.
00:07:59I mean, this is Wayne is for a change in it.
00:08:03And this is what Wayne said on there.
00:08:05He's also for a distance change.
00:08:07He has the feeling that, and I'm not in agreement with this, that the Derby should be run at
00:08:13a mile an eighth.
00:08:15The Preakness stays at a mile and three sixteenth and the Belmont should be a mile and a quarter.
00:08:20And it was just very interesting listening to someone that's been around for so long,
00:08:24who was the master of the triple crown.
00:08:27So Wayne was talking about that, the distance change way back in the eighties.
00:08:32Randy, I, I agree with 90% of what you had to say.
00:08:36And the main thing is that the point is that we need the best horses to run throughout
00:08:40the series.
00:08:41And the Preakness needs to make this move, but I'm not so sure Naira won't play hardball
00:08:50And here's why it's in their best.
00:08:52What the, what we have now is in their best interest.
00:08:56And in horse racing, we have no commissioner.
00:08:58We have no league.
00:08:59It's every man for themselves.
00:09:01And for Naira to move the Belmont, it would be good for the sport of horse racing, but
00:09:06it wouldn't be good for Naira for a couple of reasons.
00:09:08First of all, they're the ones benefiting from this because they get all the, they get
00:09:12the second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, and ninth place finisher out of the
00:09:15Belmont, excuse me, out of the Derby that doesn't run back in the Preakness.
00:09:20They get a better race because of the horses, all so many horses ducking the Preakness.
00:09:27That's one.
00:09:28Number two, it's also in their benefit for the Preakness to stink.
00:09:32Because if the Preakness, if the Derby winner can beat a grade three type field, then he's
00:09:37going for the triple crown.
00:09:39That's number two.
00:09:40Number three, they've got this great card they put together with all these big races,
00:09:44huge handle.
00:09:45Do you want to have to restructure all that?
00:09:48Number four, if you move the Belmont back, you're messing with the Jim Dandy and Travers.
00:09:53Who knows how that will play out?
00:09:56I have already written, I'm already on the record saying Naira needs to make this change.
00:10:01Not for Naira, but for the good of horse racing.
00:10:04The triple crown is struggling and the triple crown is too important to this sport for it
00:10:10to go, like you said, where the Preakness ratings are down and the betting is down.
00:10:16Right now, nobody cares about the Preakness except maybe the Derby winner and not always
00:10:21the Derby winner.
00:10:24I hope I'm wrong about this, but I'm not 100% sure that Naira at the end of the day won't
00:10:30play hardball.
00:10:31On top of that, if they want to go head to toe with the Preakness, they got all the money
00:10:37they know what to do.
00:10:38They have more money than they know what to do with it.
00:10:40Belmont becomes a $5 million race.
00:10:44You may be right about that, Bill.
00:10:45I totally agree with your take on that it needs to be moved.
00:10:54Major sports, all major sports throughout their history have had key players within
00:10:59the sport, key owners of franchises that made decisions that were against their own
00:11:06best interests, but were for the good of the sport.
00:11:10Look at the NFL way back in the day, the NFL used to not even have a draft.
00:11:16The most successful teams could pay the highest salaries to the rookies coming out of college
00:11:20and they would get all the best players.
00:11:22But they decided, the key owners decided that it was better for the smaller teams and thus
00:11:28better for the future of the NFL if they had a draft to where everybody could share
00:11:35equally in the best players and the worst teams would get the first pick.
00:11:38I think Naira needs to take a page out of that.
00:11:41I have confidence that they will decide to do something that's for the best interest
00:11:45of the sport and is not self-serving.
00:11:49If they don't, Bill, I know they're going to try to portray First Racing and Pimlico
00:11:55as being the bad guys who came in and disrupted tradition and blew up the Triple Crown.
00:12:00But I think it'll be Naira that should be portrayed as the bad guy if this doesn't work.
00:12:06I concur.
00:12:08I mean, it needs to change.
00:12:11Two weeks, make it three weeks, make it a month.
00:12:14It needs to change because we need all three races to be good races.
00:12:18We need people to look forward to.
00:12:19We need a festival on each first Saturday of each month for those three races and it
00:12:26can be done, but it just will take all these horse racing parties to get together, which
00:12:33seems to be problematic and having everyone on the same page, not even just in horse racing,
00:12:39in life generally.
00:12:40People just love to argue.
00:12:43So we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
00:12:45I read your piece this morning, Bill.
00:12:47It was very good.
00:12:49Well, at the end of the day, it is still a dysfunctional sport and horse racing doesn't
00:12:54always get it right.
00:12:55So let's hope they get this right.
00:12:58And again, you know, we went three for three here.
00:13:02All three of us believe it should be changed and believe that Naira needs to, you know,
00:13:07be the big boy here and go along with it.
00:13:10Four weeks, four weeks, four weeks, and we'd have a lot better Triple Crown.
00:13:13All right.
00:13:14Well, I'll tell you someone who has got it right.
00:13:17The TDN Writers' Room is brought to you by Keeneland.
00:13:21And the Keeneland catalogue is out now.
00:13:23You'll need a lot of time to go through this catalogue.
00:13:26It's online right now, and they have 4,194 horses catalogue.
00:13:33And for the third straight year, the sale kicks off for the two-day book one, followed
00:13:38by a two-day book two.
00:13:40The 12-session auction includes One Dark Day, which I will be crying for.
00:13:45That is on September the 15th.
00:13:47Successful Keeneland sale grants this weekend included Rhyme Scheme.
00:13:52He was ultra impressive.
00:13:53He won the Saratoga Special, the Sorrento Winner, Dream Fire, and the newest TDN Rising
00:13:59Star, Deterministic, who absolutely crushed in the Saratoga Maiden Race.
00:14:04All three were purchased at last year's September sale.
00:14:08Keeneland is home of the World's Yearling Sale.
00:14:10The energy, magic, and momentum of the Keeneland September sale runs through September the
00:14:1511th through the 23rd.
00:14:17Learn more at
00:14:20We'll be right back after this message from Keeneland.
00:14:24If this place could talk, it would roar, it would say, this is a race, this beating heart
00:14:38in the heart of horse country, steady and strong beneath the roar, reminding us why,
00:14:47for the love of the horse, for generations to come.
00:15:09The TDN Writer's Room is brought to you by Stone Street.
00:15:13We have just completed the first major yearling sale of the year at Saratoga, and Stone Street
00:15:19breads were in demand.
00:15:21Stone Street's four colts bought just under $4 million, topped by the $1.5 million colt
00:15:28by Intermischief out of none other than Rachel's Valentina, purchased by Eclipse Thoroughbred
00:15:35The Quality Road colt out of I'm a Looker sold for $1.1 million to Ammo Racing.
00:15:40Grandview Equines scooped up the Authentic colt out of Supreme for $800,000.
00:15:46And Mike Ryan came home with the Spicetown Leslie Mae colt for $485,000.
00:15:53Watch out for 59, no fewer than 59 Stone Street breads at the upcoming Keeneland September
00:15:59yearling sale, September the 11th through the 23rd.
00:16:03The guiding focus of Stone Street is to breed and develop quality thoroughbreds with strength,
00:16:08stamina and class.
00:16:10Stone Street, Born to Run, Raised to Win.
00:16:16And now in this week's Saratoga Minute, the spotlight is on two-year-old No Name Mets,
00:16:21a colt that is a two-time stakes winner and is being pointed for the Skidmore stakes on
00:16:26Friday at Saratoga.
00:16:28Katie Petruniak caught up with the trainer of No Name Mets, George Weaver.
00:16:46I do some business with Kieran Dunn and the horse was in the OBS sale.
00:16:50And the horse R&A'd for I think around $350, $335.
00:16:55Anyway, Kieran gave me a call.
00:16:56You know, they didn't get what they wanted for him and he had an idea to try to make
00:17:00the race at Gulfstream.
00:17:01There was a Ascot prep and he asked if I could do it and I said, sure, I'll give it a try.
00:17:07So he went straight from the sale to me and he's been straightforward and a very smart
00:17:11colt from day one.
00:17:14You know, nothing fazed him.
00:17:15We shipped him to Gulfstream to work out of the gate.
00:17:17We shipped him to run at Gulfstream.
00:17:18We shipped him to England.
00:17:19We shipped him back and he's just never missed a beat the whole time and a really classy
00:17:25acting colt.
00:17:26And I think he's grown and filled out a little bit as time has gone by.
00:17:29His speed is his asset and, you know, he came back in Monmouth and we used his speed and
00:17:34it just worked out a lot better.
00:17:35It's hard early on with these two-year-old races to know exactly what you're running
00:17:39against, but when you win by five lengths on the grass, you know, that's a pretty big
00:17:42margin sprinting on the grass.
00:17:45He's always had a bunch of quality and obviously races keep getting tougher as the year goes
00:17:48on, but we're looking forward to seeing, you know, getting him to the Breeders' Cup and
00:17:51seeing what he can do in between now and then.
00:17:53The Saratoga Minute is brought to you by Naira Bets.
00:17:58Sign up now for Naira Bets and get your matching deposit of $200.
00:18:03Here's how it works.
00:18:04You can bet any track, anytime, anywhere.
00:18:07Just make a deposit within 30 days of signing up for your account.
00:18:12Bet twice the amount of that initial deposit and Naira Bets will give you a wagering credit
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00:18:22All you have to do, go online, sign up, use the code SPOT200 to begin qualifying right
00:18:28now for your matching deposit.
00:18:31No Nay Mets, owned by third baseman Alex Bregman of the Houston Astros.
00:18:35I'm trying to figure out why I didn't name the horse No Nay Astros.
00:18:37Wouldn't that make a little bit more sense?
00:18:40So all right, guys, a review of last weekend's races.
00:18:43We're going to have Lee Einsteiner, the co-owner of Costa Creed, the winner of the four-star
00:18:47game on in a little bit, so we don't need to go too deep into that.
00:18:51We talked a lot about it with Lee, but what a neat horse.
00:18:55One of the stories, the race, and Lee addresses this, was the rematch with Annapolis and everybody
00:19:03projected the trips the two horses were going to get and people thought that Annapolis was
00:19:08going to get the jump on Costa Creed this time and that would make all the difference.
00:19:12He did get the jump on him and it didn't make any difference at all.
00:19:15It was a repeat of the Kelso with Costa Creed finishing first and Annapolis finishing second,
00:19:22but you know, just got to love a seven-year-old grade one winner.
00:19:26He's a stallion, not even a gelding, and you know, we need more warhorses like this in
00:19:31the game.
00:19:32I mean, Annapolis went off the favorite, Lee, we'll talk about that a little bit later.
00:19:37They were side by side.
00:19:39Costa Creed and Annapolis threw the first part of the race and then Annapolis kicked
00:19:43away from him and turning for home, guys, I thought Costa Creed had no chance.
00:19:50Annapolis is ridden by Ira Ortiz, just cruising up to the leader.
00:19:54Meanwhile, Luis Saez is riding Costa Creed for all he's worth and not making up any ground.
00:20:00At the eighth pole, I thought it was Annapolis.
00:20:02At the 16th pole, I thought it was Annapolis still, but Costa Creed was just so determined
00:20:09and again, got in front of Annapolis and really, Zoe, I thought it was an outstanding performance.
00:20:16I'm with you.
00:20:17Even 10 jumps before the wire, I'm like, oh, he's going to be second.
00:20:20You know, Ira Ortiz got a jump.
00:20:23What a great ride by Ira, but Costa Creed refused to lose at seven years old.
00:20:28There's not many seven-year-olds that show that kind of gumption and not many seven-year-olds
00:20:33have been around the world once already this year and come back to their winning form.
00:20:38Costa Creed lost a heartbreaker over there in Saudi.
00:20:42He got pipped by a nose and Bill Maher has done a masterful job of bringing him back
00:20:46into tip-top shape.
00:20:48Seven years old, sky's the limit.
00:20:50We've had the sultan in Saratoga.
00:20:52He's going for the governor of Saratoga right now is Costa Creed and he's got all kinds
00:20:57of angels on his shoulders.
00:20:59It's a good story and we'll be delighted to have him at Santa Anita.
00:21:03Really cool story moving forward for Lee.
00:21:06The Arlington Million Races, after a year being run at Churchill Downs, two years from
00:21:10being run at Arlington Park, moved this year to Colonial Downs, as we talked about on the
00:21:14show last week.
00:21:15I gave Churchill Downs some credit for keeping these races alive.
00:21:19Randy wasn't nearly as kind to them, not at all, about that.
00:21:23But we got out of the Colonial Arlington Million Races what it looked like we were going to
00:21:28They were pretty meh, weren't they?
00:21:30Yeah, you know, we didn't get any foreign horses that we're accustomed to getting coming
00:21:34over for the million, especially, right?
00:21:37You would have expected Charlie Appleby to come up with something.
00:21:40But hey, we got a storyline, seven-year-old Costa Creed wins the four-star day, seven-year-old
00:21:46set piece wins the Arlington Million.
00:21:48It was all about the pace.
00:21:51There were 10 turf races at Colonial Downs on Saturday.
00:21:55This was the fastest paced race, the Arlington Million, of any of the 10 and it was at a
00:21:59mile and a quarter.
00:22:01It was an 11-horse field.
00:22:02The horses that were at the back early, that were 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, finished
00:22:081st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th.
00:22:12Set piece came from last and rolled down the stretch to win.
00:22:15I thought it was an outstanding performance for the runner-up, the defending champ, Santin,
00:22:21who was right up there on the pace all the way.
00:22:23He was the only survivor of the pace that was still there fighting at the end and he
00:22:28was only beating a couple of links.
00:22:31Even though set piece was a deserving winner, I thought Santin, when you look at the pace,
00:22:36probably ran the best race of any horse in the field from a handicapping perspective.
00:22:41They had to get the same buyer speed figure somewhere along the lines because that was
00:22:46a grueling race for Santin.
00:22:48Just watching that, I'm like, there's no way he can keep this up.
00:22:52Set piece was so far back.
00:22:54I'm like, there's no way he's catching them.
00:22:57Made Florent Giroux look like a genius.
00:22:59He rode a very good race, but he certainly had a lot of horse under him to do so.
00:23:04I was speaking to Blake Cox, Brad Cox's son, the next day and I'm like, wow, that was impressive
00:23:09because yeah, it took us three years to run in the right distance and started laughing.
00:23:16I think he's going to stick around for a little while longer, but that was a good race.
00:23:21The others, maybe not so much.
00:23:23It has lost its vim and vigor because I think everyone thinks that the Arlington Million
00:23:28died with Arlington and it didn't.
00:23:30Now this time of year, Saratoga and Del Mar were used to seeing some really good two-year-olds
00:23:34and I think both needs a little bit slow to get any horses that really caught your attention.
00:23:41But boy, there were two this weekend, one at Saratoga and one at Del Mar.
00:23:47This doesn't include some of the maiden winners, which were pretty impressive too, but I'm
00:23:49talking about the stakes races.
00:23:51So on Saturday at Saratoga, the Saratoga Special Rhymes Schemes wins by nine and a
00:23:58half lengths for trainer Norm, not Mark, trainer Norm Cassies by Go Sapper got a 94 buyer figure.
00:24:06Now generally the horses that win these races at Saratoga, including the hopeful, you don't
00:24:13hear much about them come Kentucky Derby time, but this guy, maybe you will.
00:24:17Randy, 94 buyer, wins by nine and a half.
00:24:20He certainly looks like the best two-year-old in New York right now.
00:24:23Oh, absolutely.
00:24:24So you're at Saratoga.
00:24:25What about, what about him as a physical specimen?
00:24:28What's he like?
00:24:30He's a hunk.
00:24:31He really is.
00:24:34He's all Go Sapper, a really good looking horse.
00:24:38We hadn't seen a lot of him up here in the morning, just the one work from him, but he
00:24:42ran, you know, you could say he regressed in his Saratoga Special.
00:24:46He had a 94 buyer speed figure when he won at Ellis.
00:24:49So he's just trotting along.
00:24:51I think sky's the limit for him.
00:24:52He is a good looking son of Go Sapper.
00:24:55He's all man for sure, rhyme schemes, very, very impressive for him.
00:25:00You know, he wasn't exactly breaking watches in the morning before his career debut in
00:25:04May at Churchill Downs.
00:25:05He was six to one against a fairly modest field.
00:25:09I went back and watched the replay.
00:25:11I watched the pan shot.
00:25:12I watched the head on.
00:25:13He had no excuse.
00:25:14He just, he just didn't run.
00:25:16And then he comes back at Ellis Park a month later against a tougher field in which four
00:25:21horses have already come back to win their next starts in Maiden Special Weight Company.
00:25:27And he looked like a completely different horse.
00:25:30Blinkers were on, but Norm Cassidy said it was different than that.
00:25:34He said he had a focus problem and he just learned a lot from that first start.
00:25:38He said he still was a little bit unfocused even this past Saturday, but he's a horse
00:25:44with a bright future, definitely.
00:25:46I thought the best pal, though, was the was the real, real star of the two year old weekend.
00:25:52Yeah, I mean, no doubt about it.
00:25:54Well, Prince of Monaco, boy, did he put on a show for Bob Baffert in the best pal out
00:26:00at Del Mar and talk about buyer numbers.
00:26:02And Randy, put us in perspective.
00:26:04First of all, eleven times Baffert has won this race and he wasn't even the favorite.
00:26:12He goes against this other Baffert monster, Muth.
00:26:16Juan Hernandez chose to ride Muth.
00:26:18They fly in Flavien Pratt for Prince of Monaco and one to two on Muth, nine to five on Prince
00:26:24of Monaco.
00:26:25And, you know, he doesn't run like a precocious speedball, six foot long, two year old, you
00:26:33know, just a horse that's winning on raw speed.
00:26:35And he sat from off the pace.
00:26:37He went by Muth like the horse was standing still.
00:26:40Yeah, this horse was fantastic and got a one oh three buyer for Baffert.
00:26:47And there's nothing wrong with the runner up either.
00:26:50But yeah, I mean, if we want to say who's the best two year old in the country right
00:26:55Well, as much as I had good things to say about rhyme schemes, there's no doubt about
00:26:59This is the horse, Prince of Monaco.
00:27:00Yeah, I mean, Muth was up on some pretty taxing fractions.
00:27:03But, you know, Zoe, when you have a horse that runs that fast as a two year old and
00:27:07comes from well off the pace like that, that's really impressive.
00:27:12He was super impressive.
00:27:14And I mean, Flavian was just sitting on him.
00:27:17He knew he had a lot of horse under him.
00:27:18Muth is quick.
00:27:19He worked quick at the two year old sales.
00:27:21They paid a lot of money for him.
00:27:23He was quick breaking his maiden.
00:27:24He's quick.
00:27:25But Prince of Monaco has got a couple extra gears, I feel.
00:27:29And it's I like to see how they win their races like that.
00:27:33And he was terrific.
00:27:35Absolutely terrific.
00:27:37He went out an awful long way in front.
00:27:39He was by far the most impressive, although Christophe Clement unleashed a very nice colt
00:27:44this past weekend, breaking his maiden, a Liam's Map colt, the name Deterministic, Deterministic.
00:27:51He was pretty awesome as well, coming from off the pace.
00:27:56Also winning at Saratoga this weekend, guys, was a Pennsylvania bred TDN Riders are brought
00:28:01to you by the Pennsylvania Horse Breeders Association.
00:28:04That was on Sunday, second race on Sunday, made in special weight on the turf.
00:28:08The horse's name was Dancing Spirit, Pennsylvania bred by Glenn Brock, trained by Adam Rice.
00:28:14He won a couple of races on Sunday's card at Saratoga, shipping in from Presque Isle
00:28:18Downs, also Colonial Downs earlier in the week.
00:28:21So a maiden special weight bred in Pennsylvania, a winner named Wise and Elegant.
00:28:25That one bred by Blackstone Farm, another Pennsylvania bred news, Angel of Empire will
00:28:30get some R&R at Windstar Farms facility in Kentucky.
00:28:36Brad Cox decided he needed a bit of a break, so they will prepare Angel of Empire now for
00:28:41his four-year-old season.
00:28:42Of course, he was third in the Kentucky Derby, won the Arkansas Derby, and most recently
00:28:47a really good third in the Jim Dandy.
00:28:51And how about that horse, that two-year-old, the Pennsylvania bred trained by Adam Rice,
00:28:55Linda Rice's nephew, 6-4-9 in his career at Saratoga.
00:29:01He won the race later, the steak race later on the card.
00:29:04So Aunt Linda has apparently taught her young nephew, Adam Rice.
00:29:08I think Adam is 4-5 at Saratoga the last few years as well.
00:29:13When he comes up, he means business.
00:29:16The PA Horse Breeders Association presents the Pennsylvania Stallion Series, six races
00:29:22for PA sire, PA bred two-year-olds at parks.
00:29:25Two $100,000 contests at five-and-a-half furlongs on August 21st, PA Day at the Races, September
00:29:3223rd, PA Derby Day, as two races at six-and-a-half furlongs, both with a $150,000 purse.
00:29:40And in December, two races going long, each worth $200,000.
00:29:44For more, go to
00:29:46The fastest horse of the week brought to you by the fast stallions at Windstar Farm.
00:29:50We'll get to the horse in a minute.
00:29:51We've already talked about him, actually.
00:29:54But the stallion that we're focusing on this week from Windstar, we have before.
00:29:58Here's a reminder.
00:29:59Nashville was a very, very fast race horse.
00:30:04Nashville was a TD and rising star, winning his debut by 11-and-a-half lengths and dominated
00:30:10a Keeneland allowance in his second start.
00:30:13That was by nine-plus lengths and 109.10.
00:30:17And remember the track record at Keeneland on the Breeders' Cup undercard, six furlongs,
00:30:24107.89, faster than the Breeders' Cup sprint.
00:30:27Then he came back and ran the fastest six furlongs at the fairgrounds later in his career.
00:30:32Nashville, very fast, standing stud at Windstar Farm.
00:30:37Now, our fastest horse of the week, Prince of Monaco with that 103 fire speed figure.
00:30:44So I went back into the record books, guys, since the buyer speed figures were first published
00:30:50officially in 1992.
00:30:54The Best Pal marks the 36th time that a Bob Baffert-trained two-year-old has equaled 100
00:31:03or better on the buyer speed figure scale.
00:31:06How about that?
00:31:09The only question becomes, will Prince of Monaco become a classic type horse like some
00:31:15of the others on that lift?
00:31:17American Pharoah, Point Given, Real Quiet, Silver Bullet Day, or will he be more like
00:31:24Inexcessive Bull or Das Stoops or Hijazi?
00:31:31That's the big question that still remains to be answered about our fastest horse of
00:31:36the week.
00:31:37But boy, was he fast in the Best Pal, Prince of Monaco.
00:31:43The TD and Ryder's Room also brought to you by The Green Group, the tax consulting and
00:31:48advisory firm specializing in the thoroughbred industry.
00:31:51And as Lynn Green will tell you, specializing in saving you money on your taxes.
00:31:58And we welcome in now The Green Group guest of the week, Mr. Lee Einseidler, who owns
00:32:02Casa Creed, quickly becoming one of the most popular horses in Saratoga, the reason why
00:32:07he's good, he's consistent, and he's seven years old.
00:32:11Lee, this meet so far, two stakes wins, the Kelso and the Grade One in the Four Star Dave.
00:32:17At age seven, is he better than he's ever been?
00:32:20Well, he's as good as he's ever been.
00:32:22He ran 101 buyer in the Four Star Dave, and remarkably, he ran the same exact time winning
00:32:29the Four Star Dave this year than he ran last year.
00:32:34Last year, he ran it on a firm track.
00:32:36This year, he ran it on a good track, which is not his favorite surface.
00:32:41So maybe there's an easy argument that Saturday was the best race of his career.
00:32:46So you said in the aftermath of the Four Star Dave, you've been betting on the horses for
00:32:5050 years, you've been owning horses now for a few decades.
00:32:55What has this ride been like for you that Casa Creed has taken you on?
00:32:59Randy, it's been unbelievable.
00:33:02Ken Peake picked him out, we bought him for $105,000.
00:33:07He said to me, I think he could run early, he's probably grass, he might be dirt.
00:33:12That was pretty prolific, because he won off the turf when he broke his maiden on only
00:33:16six days rest in Saratoga.
00:33:19But you've been around the game for a long time, you can never imagine no matter what
00:33:23a horse costs, that you win two and a half million dollars in purse money, he would take
00:33:29you halfway around the world twice, that at seven years old, he'd be running as good as
00:33:33he's ever run.
00:33:35And that you would win four grade ones, two sprinting, and two going a mile.
00:33:40My good buddy, Shirley told me he can't recall a horse ever on the grass, winning two grade
00:33:46ones sprinting and two great, great ones in a mile.
00:33:50So it's been enormous.
00:33:51It's been fabulous.
00:33:53And I don't think the story is fully written yet.
00:33:55We have a big race coming up.
00:33:57Hopefully, we get a couple of months of training out in California, the Breeders' Cup.
00:34:01And I'm already kicking the idea of bringing him back next year.
00:34:04So it would be great.
00:34:07Wow. Well, Lee, first off, a massive congratulations.
00:34:11I am a big fan of Casa Creed's.
00:34:13I go around and see him in the morning and say hi to Irma and she gives me carrots.
00:34:19Right, Irma's great.
00:34:21Yeah, Irma's the best.
00:34:22She's the linchpin at the Bill Mott Barn.
00:34:24But what is it like for you being so intrigated with Hall of Fame of Bill Mott?
00:34:31Because you two have become very close over the past few years.
00:34:34Yeah, we've become very close.
00:34:35You know, just as a kid, betting races and going to the track.
00:34:39I was in awe of Bill Mott.
00:34:40There were trainers growing up here in New York, New York based.
00:34:44He was a big favorite.
00:34:45And when he was not in California, when he was in New York, Bobby Franco was, you know,
00:34:49amazing to watch, as was Alan Jerkins.
00:34:52But I was always a huge fan of Bill Mott.
00:34:55I had known his background being from South Dakota and working in tracks in Exxon in
00:35:01Nebraska, where I went as a young man when I was living out there in Detroit.
00:35:06He ran in Chicago and then he became the leading trainer in the history of Churchill
00:35:11Downs. Stale Romans eclipsed that a few years ago.
00:35:14So I had great, great appreciation for what he did.
00:35:18And when I was looking to get a trainer, somebody introduced me to Bill Mott.
00:35:23We met in Gulfstream and it's sweet down there.
00:35:25And I was in awe just to be in the same room with him.
00:35:28And we compared our ideas and our philosophies.
00:35:30And it's been great ever since.
00:35:32As great as a trainer he is, youngest trainer in the history of the whole thing.
00:35:36When people ask me about him, I say it's great of a trainer he is.
00:35:39He's a better person, amazing guy, developed a great friendship.
00:35:44We spent a lot of time together away from the track.
00:35:47And I tell people that on days that I either speak or with Bill Mott, it's a better day.
00:35:52That's how I feel about Bill Mott.
00:35:55Lee, you just mentioned that you might bring Kassakri back next year as an eight-year-old.
00:35:59I think a lot of people hear that and assume that he's a gelding.
00:36:02He's not. He's not a gelding. He's a stallion.
00:36:06Is there any... Now, the good news is he's a hell of a horse, he's a grade one winner.
00:36:10The bad news is, as we all know, the stallion market is not that fond of turf horses.
00:36:15So, what has... Have you heard from any stallion farms?
00:36:19Have you kicked the tires about retiring him as a stud boy?
00:36:22Where does that stand?
00:36:23So, as I know you're aware, in two years we'll have a synthetic track at Bill Mott.
00:36:29So, if we did a stallion deal for him to stand next year,
00:36:34his first crop would be ready to run when that new synthetic track is in.
00:36:39So, there's already a lot of interest from some farms in New York
00:36:44to do something with me in New York, which is very gratifying.
00:36:47Given the synthetic track, the timing would be perfect.
00:36:52But it's important to understand, for me, I have a very good day job.
00:36:56People get motivated to do stallion deals for financial reasons.
00:37:00I'm all about racing.
00:37:02We certainly want to give Kassakri the best air of the life after racing.
00:37:06But now I'm confident, given what's going on with Bill Mott,
00:37:09that the synthetic track will come in a few years.
00:37:12We'll have good options.
00:37:14We also know that folks from Japan are very interested in Kassakri.
00:37:18They've been to the barn.
00:37:20And I think we'll have some other people interested as well.
00:37:24There are a few farms in Kentucky that are starting to really think about it,
00:37:28especially after what happened this past Saturday.
00:37:31It's just hard to ignore a horse, forget the surface.
00:37:33It's won four grade ones.
00:37:35It's had longevity.
00:37:37It wins sprinting.
00:37:38The win's going long.
00:37:40So I'm sure we'll get that figured out.
00:37:43For me, it was all about focusing on this past Saturday.
00:37:46And now we're thinking about the Breeders' Cup.
00:37:48But I'm sure we'll have, I think we'll be able to have the pick of the litter, actually.
00:37:53So, Lee, you've been joined on this ride with Kassakri by your ownership partner,
00:37:58Mike Francesa, the New York sports radio legend.
00:38:03You guys had a horse called High Oak that won the Saratoga Special a few years ago.
00:38:07So you've had some success with Mike.
00:38:09How did that partnership get started?
00:38:11So in the late 1990s, 1997, I was running a company, the Sidney Frank Company.
00:38:17We're the company that made the product Jagermeister popular.
00:38:20You might have drank too much of it back in college, back in the day.
00:38:24And myself and a couple of our people in the company created a brand called Grey Goose Vodka.
00:38:30And I was a big fan of the Mike and Mad Dog show.
00:38:33And we started promoting it on the show.
00:38:36I don't believe in classical advertising.
00:38:39We didn't run ads.
00:38:40We paid, but we paid for them to make it part of their life.
00:38:44So Mike would say on Monday, we had a great time.
00:38:47Friday, we had a big celebration.
00:38:49And I was drinking Grey Goose martinis and Roe was drinking Grey Goose Cosmopolitan.
00:38:55And that was the ad.
00:38:56And Grey Goose became, you know, a grade one winner, as you know.
00:39:00So that was our relationship.
00:39:02And through that business relationship, I became aware that Mike loved racing.
00:39:07His first partner in racing was Bill Parcells.
00:39:10As time went on, that partnership dissolved.
00:39:13And Mike and I started fooling around with some horses, not with a lot of success.
00:39:19But obviously, we were very successful and continue to be very successful with Casa Creed.
00:39:24High Oak is an amazing racehorse.
00:39:27If you go back and look at what happened, if you didn't see the race at Saratoga three weeks ago,
00:39:33you know, Randy, we were never sure we were going to get him back to being High Oak after
00:39:37he fell in the Fountain of Youth.
00:39:38He was very, very nervous in his races, and he would pull himself up.
00:39:44So we just kept training in the morning and doing the best we could with him.
00:39:49But in the morning, he was great.
00:39:51The afternoon, when he had more company, he got nervous.
00:39:54And then when we ran him downstate last, Johnny Velasquez rode him.
00:39:58And I'm very close to Johnny.
00:40:00And after the race, he said, don't give up on this horse.
00:40:04Much better.
00:40:05He'll do really good in Saratoga.
00:40:07So I wanted Johnny to ride him in Saratoga.
00:40:09But Johnny had gotten hurt.
00:40:12So I said, let's give Katie Davis a chance.
00:40:14She rode him on the grass downstate.
00:40:17We just said, let's try.
00:40:18Might be a good experience for him.
00:40:21So giving somebody like Katie a try was great.
00:40:24He spotted the field 17 lengths, ran second, missed by a half a length.
00:40:29So I think we're going to see a really, really tough Iok next time out.
00:40:34There's a race for him on Traverse Day.
00:40:36There's an allowance race.
00:40:39But I didn't tell Bill Mott.
00:40:40I also made him.
00:40:42I also nominated him for the Forgo.
00:40:46So it's a short vehicle.
00:40:48We'll take a shot.
00:40:49If you're ever going to take a shot anywhere.
00:40:51I learned a long time ago.
00:40:52If you do in Saratoga, a great one.
00:40:56And that was going to be my next question.
00:40:58Like, where is Hyatt going to run?
00:41:00But thank you for answering that.
00:41:02You mentioned.
00:41:11I'm always looking for inside scoop here at Saratoga.
00:41:14You mentioned a maiden on Sunday that might be running.
00:41:17And then I need an update on Reynolds channel because every single person I spoke to last
00:41:23week in the hot Saratoga maiden race told me Lee Einstein loves his horse will not lose.
00:41:30No, no.
00:41:33So first on Sunday, we'll enter tomorrow.
00:41:36I have a horse silo rich named after a fabulous golf course.
00:41:40That's a Discovery Land Company property about an hour north of where I live in Westchester County.
00:41:44And if you go back and look at his first race, he ran deceptively great.
00:41:50He was super sharp.
00:41:51He just got tired.
00:41:52It was kind of a typical Belmont, maybe the first race.
00:41:56And I think he'll run his eyeballs out on Sunday, going seven for a long.
00:42:01He's training great.
00:42:02He works spectacular Belmont on Sunday just passed.
00:42:06So hopefully the race goes and he'll be in Sunday.
00:42:09Now, we love Reynolds channel, but Reynolds channel, he's a West Coast,
00:42:15but he's a typical two term giant monster.
00:42:20When we ran him on Saturday, it was seven for a long race, but it was run like a sprint.
00:42:27They went 2245.
00:42:29He got rushed up.
00:42:30We wanted to take him back and give him a target.
00:42:33When you can't fall the least when a horse breaks really sharp like that,
00:42:36you got to let him go on with it.
00:42:38But he wants no part of sprinting.
00:42:40When we bring him back to aqueduct in September and he can run a mile and settle.
00:42:45It's going to be a handful.
00:42:46It's a very special call.
00:42:49Lee, you've obviously been very successful outside the racetrack.
00:42:52You talked about Grey Goose, now Casa Amigos,
00:42:55and you also gave us a nice anecdote about how you use Mike Francesa to promote Grey Goose.
00:43:01Take a minute to take off your Casa Amigo hat and put on your horse racing hat.
00:43:06Do you have any advice or suggestions from a guy who's obviously very good at what you do?
00:43:11How can we better market and sell horse racing?
00:43:14You know, that's a great question, Bill.
00:43:16When I'm involved in horse racing, I try not to think about the business side of it.
00:43:22Because for me, horse racing is a great escape from business.
00:43:28And I know you understand that.
00:43:31I put in 60 to 70 hours a week.
00:43:33And when I get involved in racing, it's about my racing.
00:43:36I try not to.
00:43:37But I would just say this.
00:43:40When you put out a great product, people come.
00:43:43The crowds at Saratoga are amazing.
00:43:46The crowds at Keeneland are amazing, both in the spring and fall.
00:43:51I'd like to see less racing days, bigger fields, more quality fields.
00:43:58Nobody cares about a four or five horse race where you have no odds.
00:44:03So I'd like to see fewer days, not including Keeneland and Saratoga,
00:44:07but we'll say in the winter in New York, for example.
00:44:11California, the fields are so small.
00:44:14The purses are too small.
00:44:16Fewer races and better races.
00:44:19And I think that would give us a big leg up in attracting more people.
00:44:25I also think the folks from Naira, they've been slow to come around on.
00:44:31When you go to the races, I fully understand and have great appreciation
00:44:35for the history of the game.
00:44:37And those people who want to come in a suit and tie and sit in the owner's boxes,
00:44:41I sit in an owner's box.
00:44:42I have great admiration for that.
00:44:44But we should be able to come in shorts and a T-shirt like they do in Del Mar.
00:44:50You'd have a better chance of attracting young people
00:44:54to come dressed up in 95 degree weather in upstate New York.
00:44:58I think we have to make it a lot more casual.
00:45:01And I would at Saratoga on Friday or Saturday night after the races,
00:45:05I'd have a giant band out there on the backside.
00:45:09I would sell tickets.
00:45:10I would have huge promotion after the races.
00:45:13I would draw people to the races, keep people there,
00:45:16put on a big party afterwards.
00:45:18I think it would be fantastic.
00:45:19With Casamigos Reposado Margaritas, by the way.
00:45:27Anybody who knows me well knows that I know your product probably too well.
00:45:34Unfortunately, all I have is bottled water here instead of the real thing.
00:45:39Have you tried to get George Clooney into the horse business, by the way?
00:45:43Well, that's a great, great question.
00:45:44I'm asked that all the time.
00:45:46So the fact is, he grew up in Augusta, Kentucky,
00:45:49and as a kid, he walked out to Keeneland.
00:45:52He loves the game.
00:45:54He sent me a text message after Casa Creed one on Saturday,
00:45:58and it said, Jesus Christ, Lee, will you get this horse to win from the front?
00:46:02He's going to give me a damn hard time running late all the time.
00:46:07You know, his schedule is pretty crazy.
00:46:09He's got a lot going on in his life.
00:46:11Does amazing stuff and super busy with a charity that he's involved in.
00:46:15He's pulled in a lot of directions, but I'm hoping perhaps if all goes according to plan
00:46:20and Casa Creed makes it out to the Breeders' Cup in Santa Anita, if he's in L.A.,
00:46:25I would hope that him and Randy Gerber and Mike Millman and their significant others
00:46:29would all come out to the Breeders' Cup and walk into the paddock with us
00:46:33and wear their Casamigos satin t-shirt and enjoy the day with us.
00:46:36So I'm hopeful.
00:46:38I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.
00:46:40I don't want to speak for them.
00:46:41They're totally into it.
00:46:42They watch every race.
00:46:44Randy, George and Mike are the first ones to call me as soon as the race is over.
00:46:48But I love George's text the other night.
00:46:51Oh, my God, this horse is going to give me a heart attack.
00:46:53Please put him on the lead next time.
00:46:57I'm sure we can put him there.
00:46:58It's just not his style.
00:47:00Well, I'm just going to put my hand up.
00:47:02If George Clooney comes to Santa Anita, can I be his personal tour guide?
00:47:07I've got no problems.
00:47:08I'll take one for the team.
00:47:10Whenever we go to the Breeders' Cup, they ask us,
00:47:12do we want an escort from the sheets to the paddock?
00:47:16You've got a job, I promise.
00:47:18All right, I'm in.
00:47:20I'm in.
00:47:21OK, so that leads me to my next question.
00:47:24What is one of your favorite moments you've ever had in horse racing?
00:47:28It doesn't have to be in the afternoon.
00:47:30It can be in the morning.
00:47:31Is there one poignant moment that sticks out to you?
00:47:35You know, when we beat Regal Glory last year in the four-star day,
00:47:41I thought that that might have been because she was three to five.
00:47:45There was an argument.
00:47:46She was the best turf rider in the country, maybe in the world,
00:47:50by their sex.
00:47:51And we handled it pretty easy.
00:47:55Now, when I picked up Saturday's racing form,
00:47:58the front cover was Annapolis, not Kaiser Creed.
00:48:02And I thought, we just beat them in the Kelso, right?
00:48:04They're putting him on the front cover.
00:48:06And the write-ups were all about Kaiser Creed got a better trip last time in the Kelso
00:48:12than Annapolis did.
00:48:13This year, Annapolis will be more forwardly placed.
00:48:16He'll get the jump on us.
00:48:17He'll probably win.
00:48:19We're giving him a pound.
00:48:21They made him the favorite.
00:48:24So I have to answer your question and say,
00:48:27what happened in Saratoga Saturday was the best moment I've ever had in racing.
00:48:32Now, when I have a 20 claim on aqueduct in February on Friday,
00:48:36I'm excited to go to the track.
00:48:38But when you're running in a great one at Saratoga on national TV,
00:48:45defending your title with a seven-year-old in a race as important as the four-star day
00:48:50and win it.
00:48:51And Randy is excellent.
00:48:53One of the best in the whole industry in analyzing a race.
00:48:58Really everything, everything against him.
00:49:01He had every reason to run a good second.
00:49:05Annapolis was in front of us.
00:49:07He got the jump, which we knew I would get that done.
00:49:11It was soft turf.
00:49:13We tracked them.
00:49:14He opened up three and Kaiser Creed has the heart of a champion and just warmed down and
00:49:19got there, you know, not by an inch, which you see in turf racing every day.
00:49:25So I have to say what we did on Saturday was the best, the best so far as a seven-year-old
00:49:33back to back four-star days, his fourth grade one under very unfavorable condition, race
00:49:39run conditions.
00:49:41Yeah, that was the best one.
00:49:42That was the best one.
00:49:44And Lee, from what we have been told now, the plan going forward is no races between
00:49:48now and the Breeders' Cup.
00:49:49It'll be the Breeders' Cup mile and not the sprint.
00:49:52What is your Hall of Fame trainer told you about that strategy?
00:49:55And why is that the plan?
00:49:57So a couple parts of that question.
00:50:00When we first knew that the Breeders' Cup was going to be at Santa Anita this year,
00:50:05I was so excited to run this horse six and a half down the hill.
00:50:09What an opportunity, because between six and seven, nobody can touch him in the race.
00:50:15Six and a half is amazing for him.
00:50:18And then we learned they're going to run it at five furlongs.
00:50:20So that's out of the question.
00:50:22That's way too short.
00:50:24So Bill and I talked about it before the race.
00:50:27He's seven years old.
00:50:29He doesn't run good in Kentucky.
00:50:31He's never run good in Keeneland for some reason.
00:50:34So there's no reason to go to what used to be called the Shadwell.
00:50:38There's a race in Woodbine.
00:50:39It's a fabulous race, the Woodbine mile in mid-September.
00:50:43But I think it's really too soon.
00:50:45He runs great off a layoff.
00:50:46When he won the four-star date last year, he did it off a two-month layoff.
00:50:50So I think, given he's seven years old, went to Saudi Arabia, came home, run twice, won twice.
00:50:57And as you well know, Bill, when it comes to bringing the horse back off a layoff,
00:51:02an intermediate layoff, Bill Maher is the best.
00:51:06Nobody like Bill Maher.
00:51:08He spaces the works.
00:51:09He knows how to get them ready.
00:51:11I love to go over there with a fresh horse.
00:51:13And hopefully you get firm ground at Santa Anita in November.
00:51:17You should.
00:51:18And I go over there pretty confident.
00:51:21We don't know what's coming from Europe.
00:51:23I've never ducked a horse.
00:51:25When I read last night that Modern Games was retired, I slept a little better.
00:51:30That was fine.
00:51:31So it's a matter of Bill, seven years of age, no need to run him again.
00:51:35He's run three times this year, just missing Saudi Arabia by a little bit,
00:51:39traveled halfway around the world.
00:51:42So we'll be ready to roll.
00:51:45We hope so.
00:51:45Anything can happen between now and the first Saturday in November.
00:51:48But assuming no setbacks.
00:51:50And I don't want to jinx it, but he's never missed a day of training in his life.
00:51:54So I think we'll be in good shape.
00:51:58Well, Lee, I want to thank you so much for your time.
00:52:00What a neat horse.
00:52:01You know what?
00:52:02He's kind of like the new four star Dave, actually, like that working class hero
00:52:06that the race was named after.
00:52:08So congratulations on all your success.
00:52:10And it would be so cool to see him run at seven.
00:52:14Boy, if we get him back next year at eight, that would be fabulous.
00:52:18All right.
00:52:18Lee, thanks so much for your time.
00:52:20Congratulations on all your tests.
00:52:22And we'll see you at the Breeders' Cup.
00:52:23Joey, Randy, great to be with everybody.
00:52:25Thanks for having me.
00:52:26Take care.
00:52:27And as this week's Lucky Green Group guest of the week, Lee Einsadler will receive a free
00:52:33one hour consultation from Lynn Green and the Green Group.
00:52:36You can learn more about how they can save you money by going to
00:52:44Are you paying too much in taxes?
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00:52:58Over the past 40 years, the Green Group founder, Lynn Green, has owned and bred some of the
00:53:03best racehorses in the history of the sport.
00:53:06Like Eclipse Award winning champions, Jay Walk and Wonder Wheel.
00:53:10His DJ stable competes at the highest level and has received the game's most prestigious
00:53:15Lynn Green's in-depth, hands-on industry knowledge, combined with cutting-edge tax
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00:53:41The Green Group.
00:53:42Proven strategies to save you taxes.
00:53:45Introducing Giftbox, winner of the grade one Santa Anita Handicap.
00:53:49He's a three-time graded stakes winning millionaire with four triple-digit buyers and a four ragasin
00:53:56to his name.
00:53:57He proved himself early as a graded stakes placed two-year-old and now his career as
00:54:02a stallion is just getting started.
00:54:05From the first crop of the leading sire, Twirling Candy, out of a multiple graded stakes
00:54:09producing mare.
00:54:11Only at Lane's End.
00:54:15The Lane's End Stallion of the Week is Twirling Candy.
00:54:19Twirling Candy is having yet another banner year.
00:54:22The sire of eight, no fewer than eight, grade one winners from eight crops to race added
00:54:28Exalted, the winner of this year's Shoemaker Mile, to that list in 2023.
00:54:34He is already the sire of no fewer than seven two-year-old winners in 2023, including the
00:54:40Bill Mott-trained Sugar High who graduated in fabulous style opening week at Saratoga,
00:54:47winning by six lengths.
00:54:49At the recent Fasig-Tipton Saratoga Yearling Sale, his top yearling sold for a million
00:54:54dollars to Chuck Sonson and West Point Thoroughbreds.
00:54:58A son of Candy Ride, Twirling Candy is following in his sire's legendary footsteps at Lane's
00:55:04End Farm.
00:55:35three times, I do believe.
00:55:37And he looks great.
00:55:38The one thing I'll say about him, he's got fantastic energy.
00:55:41If you watch his daily gallops, he two-minute licks around this racetrack almost every day.
00:55:46And it's not like now he looks like a hat rack and he's doing too much in the morning.
00:55:50He had a beautiful work this morning in a minute and change of 101 under Javier, finished
00:55:56up extremely willingly and galloped out nicely.
00:55:59And there's actually a great clip.
00:56:01If you follow Jenna Antonucci on Twitter of her riding back, I think Donna Barton Brothers
00:56:06tweeted that her job might not be safe because Jenna was interviewing Javier on her pony
00:56:12walking back and they were doing the jock interview.
00:56:15It's actually really cool to see.
00:56:16But all thumbs up.
00:56:17And I think Javier feels like he's made the right decision.
00:56:20He certainly has in my book, judging by how well Arcangelo is training at the moment.
00:56:26Some sad news in horse racing that broke this afternoon.
00:56:28Jerry Moss, best known in horse racing as the owner of Zenyatta and also Kentucky Derby
00:56:34winner Giacomo.
00:56:35I'd also had a terrific career in the music industry as the part of A&M Records, along
00:56:40with Herb Albert, passed away at age 88 and brings back great memories of Zenyatta.
00:56:46Zoe, I never got to know Mr. Moss all that well, but he was a California guy and you're
00:56:50a California gal.
00:56:51What can you tell us about him?
00:56:53Now his ex-wife, Anne, were around an awful lot of the track and it was great to see someone
00:56:59so high up in the music business that the peons like myself would never get access to,
00:57:05grant us access.
00:57:07And him and Anne were just so gracious with Zenyatta for the fans going back to the barn
00:57:12and meeting her.
00:57:14It really was a privilege to be around them during that era, 2012 with Zenyatta, where
00:57:21people were crazy about Zenyatta.
00:57:23They would queue up outside the gates of Santa Anita just to try and get a glimpse of her
00:57:28and get the posters and everything else that was going on around with her.
00:57:32He will be sorely missed.
00:57:33He really was not only a huge icon in the music industry, but to this day, he had dwindling
00:57:41horses as far as numbers, but he was still fairly active in the business and just a great
00:57:46all-around guy.
00:57:48You can't do much better in horse racing than to win the Kentucky Derby and the Breeders'
00:57:53Cup Classic, but as successful as he was in horse racing, he was even more successful
00:57:58in the music industry.
00:57:59So a remarkable guy.
00:58:01And the name Zenyatta came from the music industry because A&M Records had The Police
00:58:06and they had the album Zenyatta Mondatta, which is where that name came from.
00:58:11Okay, so weekend racing.
00:58:13Randy, you promised me that you'd take a quick look at the Alabama on Saturday field of 10
00:58:19wet paint coming off a win in the coaching club American Oaks for Brad Cox.
00:58:22I imagine she'll be the favorite in there.
00:58:24Tell us more about Saturday's Alabama at the spot.
00:58:26She should be a pretty solid favorite, I think.
00:58:30In the coaching club American Oaks, she overcame a relative lack of pace in there and still
00:58:36did her trademark thing coming from well back to win.
00:58:39Now she gets a race with a little more pace in it on paper, a longer distance at a mile
00:58:45and a quarter.
00:58:46Now she'll have to beat Sacred Wish and Gambling Girl again.
00:58:49They were second and third in the coaching club American Oaks.
00:58:53But Chad Brown, the defining purpose also will be in there.
00:58:57Chad Brown has a horse in there called Randomized, who won on opening day at Saratoga in a small
00:59:04stakes race called the Wilton and went wire to wire going a mile and ran a 97 buyer speed
00:59:12Now she looks much better on paper when she can make the early lead.
00:59:18And other than Chocolate Gelato, there's not a lot of other competing early speed in the
00:59:26So for a price, you can do a lot worse than to try to go wire to wire with Randomized.
00:59:32Now I read Ortiz had his choice.
00:59:33He could ride Randomized or he could ride Gambling Girl, and he chose Gambling Girl.
00:59:39But as we saw in the Best Pal last weekend, sometimes the jockeys make the wrong choice
00:59:44if they have one.
00:59:45So I wouldn't necessarily rule out Randomized just because I read went another direction.
00:59:52All right, Zoe, you're up for the Delmar Oaks.
00:59:54What can you tell us?
00:59:55Saturday's feature at Delmar, grade one.
00:59:57All right, guys.
00:59:57Well, Bill, it's a field of 10.
00:59:59The entries just came out, and there's an interesting shipper that comes in there from
01:00:05We've actually been watching her work in the morning.
01:00:07Let's be your best.
01:00:08She needs to feel her feet rattle now.
01:00:11I don't know if she's going to be good enough to win this, but she's going to run a whole
01:00:14lot better than she ran in the Belmont Oaks.
01:00:16It says it was firm.
01:00:18It was probably a little bit squishy for her.
01:00:21Be your best certainly is going to be in there.
01:00:23There are several others that you need to take a look at, though.
01:00:26Ruby Nell will be my top choice in there for Hall of Famer Dick Mandela.
01:00:30If she gets loose on the lead with Edwin Maldonado aboard her like she did last time, you better
01:00:36watch out.
01:00:36And I think the only one that could possibly run her down is the filly drawn right to the
01:00:41outside of her for the red-hot Leo Powell and Eclipse Thoroughbred partners.
01:00:47That is Anna Sett, who looks absolutely brilliant.
01:00:51She looked like she'd been shot out of a cannon when she won the San Clemente last time out.
01:00:55I think it's between the speed Ruby Nell and Anna Sett drawn right to the outside of her.
01:01:00It's going to be a jocks race for me.
01:01:03Sunday at Woodbine.
01:01:04The King's Plate has been the Queen's Plate since 1952.
01:01:10All those years.
01:01:11Now the King's Plate entries aren't out yet.
01:01:13They're expecting 17 horses in a wide open race.
01:01:16And after the winner declares they're not coming back in the Prince of Wales Stakes at Fort Erie
01:01:20next week, we'll talk about how to fix the Canadian Triple Crown.
01:01:23How about that, guys?
01:01:24You know, on our format, on our schedule, it said we're going to talk about the King's
01:01:29And I got to be honest with you.
01:01:30I thought, what is that?
01:01:32That's a race I'm not familiar with.
01:01:35So I started trying to look up the King's Plate, and then it hit me.
01:01:38Oh, OK.
01:01:41Queen Elizabeth.
01:01:42But now we have the King's Plate instead of the Queen's Plate.
01:01:45Can you imagine that?
01:01:46It was the Queen's Plate for 70 years.
01:01:52Talking about the longevity of Queen Elizabeth II.
01:01:55And always interesting.
01:01:57Field of 17.
01:01:58Elysian Field from Mark Cassidy, a filly that won the Woodbine Oaks.
01:02:02Perhaps would be the favorite in there, but certainly wide open.
01:02:04I think Kelly is going to be the favorite for Chad.
01:02:06That's right.
01:02:08Chad Brown, the Collected.
01:02:09He's already the favorite.
01:02:10Two fillies are going to be running in it.
01:02:12Elysian Fields and Winchester, I think, for Kevin Attard, who won it last year with the
01:02:19filly Moira.
01:02:21That was quite a scoop for the Avengers.
01:02:24Do want to remind you, the TDN Writers Room is brought to you by XBTV.
01:02:29And this week's XBTV Work of the Week is actually a pair of Travers Bound workers.
01:02:35We managed to catch Forte and Tappet Treese working a half mile together over the Saratoga
01:02:41main track.
01:02:42On Thursday, Forte was on the outside with the Rad Ortiz, without the blinkers, working
01:02:49very, very nicely.
01:02:50And on the inside was the Tappet's son, Tappet Treese, who was ridden by Fernando Rivera
01:02:57that went through a half mile in 48.33.
01:03:00Todd Pletcher simply saying right after the work, we got what we were hoping for.
01:03:05Looks like those two will be Travers Bound.
01:03:08And we'll be right back after this message from XBTV.
01:03:30All the thrills.
01:03:48Fraction of the bills.
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01:03:58Change your life.
01:03:59Make new friends and compete at the highest level of thoroughbred racing.
01:04:06West Point Thoroughbreds, the gold standard in racing partnerships.
01:04:13The TDN Writers Room also brought to you by West Point Thoroughbreds.
01:04:17It's like my favorite line of the show.
01:04:19Joining a West Point partnership can vault you into the world of instant camaraderie.
01:04:24Not only is it catchy, it also happens to be true.
01:04:27West Point had an excellent Saratoga meet.
01:04:30They're having an excellent meet.
01:04:31Look at what they did in the Fasig-Tipton sale alone.
01:04:34They came away with six yearling colts from that illustrious sale.
01:04:39And they also had a good week on the track this past week.
01:04:41Gal, in a rush, won an allowance for her second straight win.
01:04:46And a terrific run from Stone Silent.
01:04:48And the Galway stakes to be second in that race by a net at odds of 10 to 1.
01:04:57That's a wrap on another edition of the TDN Writers Room.
01:05:00We had lots of fun this week.
01:05:01Hopefully, we solved the triple crown dilemma, the three of us.
01:05:04And everybody's going to live happily ever after.
01:05:07We'll see what happens with that.
01:05:09But I want to thank my cohorts, Randy Moss and Zoe Cabman.
01:05:12Our Green Group guests of the week, Liane Seidler.
01:05:14Our co-producers, Katie Petruniak and Anthony LaRocca.
01:05:17And our editors, Elliot Araka and Nathan Wilkinson.
01:05:20Thanks for tuning us in.
01:05:21Talk to you next week here on the TDN Writers Room.