SIN SEÑAL 🎬 Película Completa de Terror en Español 🎬 Estreno HD 2024
SIN SEÑAL 🎬 Película Completa de Terror en Español 🎬 Estreno HD 2024
SIN SEÑAL 🎬 Película Completa de Terror en Español 🎬 Estreno HD 2024
SIN SEÑAL 🎬 Película Completa de Terror en Español 🎬 Estreno HD 2024
SIN SEÑAL 🎬 Película Completa de Terror en Español 🎬 Estreno HD 2024
00:00:00And we were so excited to be able to do this.
00:00:04We were so excited to be able to see this.
00:00:07And we were so excited to be able to do this.
00:00:21No, I can't do it either.
00:00:23She's a little scared.
00:00:24No, I can't do it either.
00:00:28It's impressive.
00:00:29Do you know how to swim?
00:00:32I even competed when I was a kid.
00:00:35That's great.
00:00:37I didn't want to have to use it anyway.
00:00:47We're here.
00:00:48Are you recording?
00:00:49What's up?
00:00:50What are you doing?
00:00:51We're here, Leon.
00:00:55That's called Mario's smile.
00:00:57Nervous smile.
00:00:59I'm nervous about this.
00:01:14We still have to do two trips.
00:01:19Come here, come here.
00:01:20Come on, son.
00:01:21Do you want me to hold you, Leon?
00:01:23Here we go.
00:01:41Can you tell the camera what your role is in this film?
00:01:43At what moment?
00:01:45We're almost there.
00:01:46Yes, I'm the sound engineer of this documentary.
00:01:50Is it going to sound good?
00:01:52It's going to sound good.
00:01:53I'm going to take a lot of sound from the island
00:01:55to have a good database to be able to mix later.
00:02:01Well, that's it.
00:02:02A technician.
00:02:03A technician.
00:02:04The girls, well, some of them stay
00:02:06and we'll come back later to look for the team.
00:02:17There's a branch.
00:02:18Do you want me to guide you?
00:02:19No, I'm not a barbarian.
00:02:22Guide, where are we going, guide?
00:02:24It's the fourth time I've come.
00:02:25Easy, easy.
00:02:26For those who say we're a little lost.
00:02:29We're here.
00:02:37Shall we continue?
00:02:38Let's continue.
00:02:49Where can he be?
00:02:51If they're going to look for him, we'll stay and wait.
00:02:54Please, men, go look for Godoy.
00:02:56Come on, let's go look for him.
00:02:57Now, please.
00:02:58Get down.
00:03:00It's fun to come here.
00:03:01It's weird.
00:03:02It's weird.
00:03:05I felt like I was going to be late because it's always his fault.
00:03:07The three times I've come.
00:03:14There's no one here.
00:03:20Did you go to the house?
00:03:22Yes, we passed by the house.
00:03:24We hit him.
00:03:25Three times I've come.
00:03:26Three times?
00:03:27Yes, yes, me too.
00:03:28Let's leave this.
00:03:30You guys stay here in case he comes.
00:03:32We're going to finish bringing everything.
00:03:35This, with a kick, will do.
00:03:37It's good.
00:03:38Godoy is not here.
00:03:39Godoy is not here.
00:03:40And they're going to break my door.
00:03:42Now I'm hungry.
00:03:44Let's go.
00:03:46There's no one here.
00:03:49Let's go to the house where he lives.
00:03:51If we don't find him, we're going to look for him.
00:03:53It's over there.
00:03:55What worries me is that mess.
00:03:56Because he doesn't usually leave everything.
00:03:59There you are recording.
00:04:00Look at the holes on the sides of not touching it.
00:04:03There you go, record alone.
00:04:12Come here, Angie.
00:04:13Help me.
00:04:14Help me.
00:04:15The machine gun is going to explode.
00:04:31Well, wait.
00:04:33Actually, I have two functions.
00:04:35One is to assist the director, that is, Damián,
00:04:40so that everything is on point, that the batteries are charged,
00:04:44the tripods.
00:04:45I do the making of.
00:04:47They asked me to record everything we're doing.
00:04:50So, what I have to do is what you're doing right now.
00:04:55Well, I'm in charge of assisting the director, Damián,
00:04:59who is also my boyfriend, and Paula,
00:05:02who is the producer of this documentary.
00:05:05And well, I'm going to try to do my best.
00:05:08How many documentaries have you done?
00:05:11The truth, none.
00:05:12I mean, I've been working with Damián a lot,
00:05:17but well, this is new to me.
00:05:19This type of documentary.
00:05:21But it's going to be very good.
00:05:22The idea with this documentary is, well,
00:05:24a little bit to testify a theory, a hypothesis of Juan Luis,
00:05:28our archaeologist, about a pre-Columbian community
00:05:32that decreed this island as a cursed island.
00:05:35In the old days, the condemned were exiled to exile.
00:05:42And that exile was on this island.
00:05:44Here is Bruno, our pertinent Bruno.
00:05:47How are you?
00:05:49What's up, Bruno?
00:05:51I lost my cell phone. I can't find it.
00:05:53What cell phone?
00:05:54My cell phone.
00:05:55Look, look.
00:05:56Uh, where?
00:05:57What cell phone? I told you not to bring a cell phone.
00:05:59No, but I had it in my backpack. I don't know.
00:06:01But I told you there was no signal.
00:06:03It was off. I don't know. I wasn't using my cell phone.
00:06:06Did you tell Paula?
00:06:08I thought I was going to find it.
00:06:12Things that happen in the best productions.
00:06:15I'm going over there.
00:06:17Ah, good. Also a nurse.
00:06:19A full-time nurse.
00:06:20And I do a little bit of everything.
00:06:22Tell me what things are there.
00:06:23And there are antiphytics, analgesics.
00:06:28Do we expect snake visits?
00:06:30No, but Paula always tells me to bring it.
00:06:32Just in case.
00:06:33Gauze, tape, sleeping pills.
00:06:36More or less. Yes.
00:06:43Brunito is looking for his cell phone.
00:06:49Hey, Bruno.
00:06:51Can you find it?
00:06:53It's not here.
00:06:54Are you sure you brought it?
00:06:56Yes, yes.
00:06:58No, no.
00:06:59It's impossible to find it here.
00:07:02As the saying goes, it's hard to find a cell phone on an island.
00:07:21Are you filming this, Leo?
00:07:28Come closer.
00:07:29Leo, come here.
00:07:30That's it.
00:07:36You're going to be able to load the equipment.
00:07:39Ah, good.
00:07:40Here we see our star cook.
00:07:45Are you hungry?
00:07:47Today, my specialty of the day, rice with tuna.
00:07:51I didn't know you were a cook.
00:07:54Oh, no?
00:07:56That's ugly.
00:07:57Well, you didn't give me that profile.
00:08:00In the end, you didn't tell me your daughter's name.
00:08:03My children.
00:08:04I have three.
00:08:05Ah, three.
00:08:07The oldest, Gaby, who is six years old.
00:08:08Mica, four years old.
00:08:09And a baby, which is the one I was telling you about today, six months old.
00:08:13It's beautiful.
00:08:14Oh, how cute.
00:08:15My life.
00:08:16Well, look, we'll eat in five.
00:08:18Five already?
00:08:21The light came.
00:08:22Paula, shall we do your presentation now?
00:08:25Well, I'm Paula, the producer of this documentary.
00:08:32This place was going to be called El Faro Rojo, but finally it wasn't.
00:08:38There was an accident.
00:08:41Justice intervened.
00:08:45But do you know what accident?
00:08:47Between workers.
00:08:49Are you serious? What happened?
00:08:51They died, Leon.
00:08:54Here, the director, with whom I worked three times, has something to say.
00:09:02Well, we have something to say.
00:09:04Yes, that there were only two workers.
00:09:06That there were two workers.
00:09:08It's true.
00:09:09And that, well, the causes are unknown, and that's why everything was intervened,
00:09:13but luckily now the doors of the building opened for us,
00:09:16and now we can be in this documentary of our friend Juan Luis.
00:09:21And that very soon this smell that you feel is from Angie's rice.
00:09:26So you, Leon, must be hungrier than us with everything you walked today.
00:09:29So why don't we prepare everything for Angie to come,
00:09:32and after dinner I have a beautiful surprise for all of us.
00:09:37Surprise here?
00:09:38Yes, it's a surprise.
00:09:39You won't know anything.
00:09:41It's a surprise.
00:09:42Well, let's set the table, said Angie.
00:09:43Let's go.
00:09:44Let's go.
00:09:46It's like a temple.
00:09:48That's what I was saying.
00:09:49You are here with us.
00:09:50It's true.
00:09:53Tomorrow, early.
00:09:54Yes, but well, we raffled off the theme of being able to pay attention, so it's good.
00:09:59At eight, ready.
00:10:04No, no, no.
00:10:05Go to one.
00:10:07What happened?
00:10:10To the door.
00:10:11Look at it, look at it.
00:10:12Let's see.
00:10:16Oh, come on.
00:10:19Yes, come on.
00:10:21What happened?
00:10:22No, it fell.
00:10:23But everything is fine.
00:10:24There it is.
00:10:25Ready, another thing?
00:10:26Well, to sleep.
00:10:27No, to sleep.
00:10:28Hey, hey, hey.
00:10:30This bottle is ancestral.
00:10:32It's from my family, it's from Spain.
00:10:34And what's inside is...
00:10:37How delicious.
00:10:39We're going to take a measurement every night.
00:10:42The measurement is going to be this.
00:10:44This, Leo.
00:10:47In honor of the work done.
00:10:50How beautiful.
00:10:51Leave your mark there on camera.
00:10:53To one, to two.
00:10:56To our future.
00:11:01Let's go.
00:11:11Pass it, pass it, pass it.
00:11:20It's growing, it's growing.
00:11:22Stop, stop, Leo.
00:11:23For your daughters.
00:11:33Well, I'm Juan Luis Urrutia.
00:11:36I'm an archaeologist.
00:11:38And I've been doing fieldwork for about five and a half years, more or less.
00:11:42The different pre-Columbian civilizations, which range from the 13th century to the 17th century,
00:11:48where they were supposedly exterminated,
00:11:50used this island as a deposit of exile, of condemnation,
00:11:55where they suffered a rare process of alienation, a kind of madness.
00:12:00They ended up killing each other, with a process of cannibalism.
00:12:03That trans-cultivation was apparently caused by these demons,
00:12:09according to their belief, I insist, which is not scientifically proven.
00:12:12But in time, all these people ended up here,
00:12:16succumbing in a very short time to the extermination of all these exiled populations.
00:12:21And ultimately, I think there was no survival of these people.
00:12:26Leo, turn off the torch, I want to sleep a little, come on.
00:12:30Come on, come on.
00:12:31Well, we'll continue tomorrow, because I don't have a problem.
00:12:34For me there is no problem.
00:12:37No problem.
00:12:40Day 2
00:12:44Oh, man.
00:12:45What do we do? Did you hear that noise?
00:12:48Let's go.
00:12:50Stop, I can't see, you see?
00:12:52Here in the middle.
00:12:54Do you see something?
00:12:55It's like a bat.
00:12:57I don't know.
00:13:03Come here, come here.
00:13:06Do you hear it?
00:13:07Do you hear it?
00:13:08Yes, I heard it.
00:13:10What do you see?
00:13:11Nothing, I don't see anything.
00:13:15What was that?
00:13:17I have no idea.
00:13:19Let's go out and look, come on.
00:13:22No, if you can live with that, come on.
00:13:24Activate the camera, come on.
00:13:25No, I didn't hear anything directly, look.
00:13:29Me neither.
00:13:30Let's go to sleep.
00:13:31Let's go.
00:13:37Did you touch anything or not?
00:13:39I don't touch papers.
00:13:40And how can it be then?
00:13:42What happened?
00:13:43How can it be?
00:13:44How can it be?
00:13:45And how can it be that everything is messy?
00:13:47I mean, if I left everything in order last night.
00:13:50I'm almost there.
00:13:51Can I come?
00:13:52Yes, yes, yes.
00:13:54Washing now.
00:13:56Yes, as no one washes it last night, I have to wash it.
00:13:59Because everyone is doing something.
00:14:01As always.
00:14:03For tomorrow.
00:14:08What happened?
00:14:09How did the camera appear?
00:14:11Oh, disgusting, for God's sake.
00:14:13Oh, it's disgusting, please.
00:14:18A cat?
00:14:19I don't understand, no, I don't understand.
00:14:21I don't understand.
00:14:22No, look at your umbrella, it's in the middle of the rat.
00:14:26How's it going, Don?
00:14:30The rat.
00:14:32Are you recording?
00:14:33The light is on.
00:14:34I'm recording, I want to know.
00:14:35Did you leave?
00:14:36How am I going to see?
00:14:41You are the main subject.
00:14:43To the camera.
00:14:44I was not the rat.
00:14:46It was a bug with him.
00:14:48How is it going to be a bug?
00:14:49A mountain cat is going to eat half a rat.
00:14:51Do you know how the rat morphs?
00:14:53I just saw it and said.
00:14:55Well, let's keep moving.
00:14:56I'm already here.
00:14:57Come on, I'm going.
00:14:58I'm going to leave the cigarettes drying still.
00:15:00Come on.
00:15:01Let's record, because I'm going to make a little sound.
00:15:03Come on, come on.
00:15:04See you.
00:15:06Shit, huh?
00:15:07Come on, let's start.
00:15:08Well, I'm going to put it together now.
00:15:10Come on, I'm already here.
00:15:11Come on.
00:15:12Come on, I'm helping you.
00:15:13I'm getting ahead of myself because I'm developing the stratification in 2.
00:15:18Because 1 is the milk of 28.
00:15:23I did everything possible.
00:15:24But hey, it's not enough.
00:15:25So, everything possible.
00:15:26The sound.
00:15:27Check the sound.
00:15:28It's not Bruno, it's me.
00:15:29But hey, what is it then, Leon?
00:15:31Don't come to me with childish things.
00:15:34But check it, I mean.
00:15:35Thank you, please, now.
00:15:37Come on, come on, come on.
00:15:38Let's get out of here, come on.
00:15:39Don't film this, don't film this.
00:15:40The camera doesn't work.
00:15:41The documentary camera doesn't work.
00:15:49Leon, what are you doing smoking?
00:15:54I couldn't.
00:16:05Ah, what do you think?
00:16:07Yes, yes, I see that nothing.
00:16:09And you, what are you doing?
00:16:11And me, here, bored.
00:16:13I'm playing with the camera for a while.
00:16:15How lucky that you have time to get bored.
00:16:26First of all, with you and with you,
00:16:28excuse me because I know I went too far.
00:16:30No, everything is fine.
00:16:32That would be the only solution for a camera.
00:16:34I mean, what there is, is a camera that is this one.
00:16:37The only one that works is for the making of.
00:16:39So you, Bruno, cover yourself with all the sound shots you can see.
00:16:42No problem.
00:16:43And this is the most important thing, Leon.
00:16:45I need you to be filming the making of all the time.
00:16:49Not anymore.
00:16:50It's not going to be the making of of the documentary.
00:16:52The making of of the preparation, of all the work.
00:16:55Also the camera.
00:16:56The camera.
00:16:57The camera.
00:16:58The camera.
00:17:00Also the camera, we only have to go to the location and take that.
00:17:03What we did in five days, we have to do in two and a half, at most.
00:17:08Absolute silence.
00:17:12There it is.
00:17:15We are going to pretend that we are for the first time.
00:17:17Keep in mind that this was three years ago.
00:17:19This excavation in particular is interesting because here it shows me the stratifications
00:17:24that we are talking about, very previous civilizations to the first pre-Columbian.
00:17:27We are talking about very cruel civilizations.
00:17:29That's why they dug here, on this island.
00:17:32They condemned them to an eternal exile.
00:17:35Leon, heart of fire.
00:17:44This is what most justifies the camp, a little fire.
00:17:48Yes, it was missing, it was missing.
00:17:50No, no, no, no, seriously.
00:17:52Last night.
00:17:53Leon, did you see when we went today to the excavation?
00:17:57Fifteen minutes after you left.
00:17:59I found a mask that left me stunned.
00:18:02And it does not close any of the times that I had been rummaging.
00:18:07It is not an old mask.
00:18:09It is not a mask that corresponds to the indigenous civilizations that we had been imagining.
00:18:18By the hypothesis of field work.
00:18:20It's new.
00:18:21It is a mask that for me is a very recent time date.
00:18:27It is a mask that is made with materials that can still be obtained in this area, in the Barranca area.
00:18:41Stay here, stay here, stay here.
00:18:45Be quiet, Angie.
00:18:52What a drag.
00:18:55Enough, Bruno!
00:18:58Do you hear?
00:19:00Oh, this kid.
00:19:01He's a nuisance, look.
00:19:06We were over there.
00:19:07We were coming over there and we turned to this side.
00:19:13Let's go back there, we were over here.
00:19:15Over here, over here, over here.
00:19:17Bruno, you left!
00:19:21Come on, Bruno!
00:19:23Where were you?
00:19:25Be quiet!
00:19:29Don't walk, please.
00:19:30Let's see if we can get together for a second.
00:19:32Be quiet!
00:19:38You can't leave that lying there.
00:19:41You can't leave it.
00:19:42It has to be around here for me.
00:19:44No, Damián.
00:19:45The recorder is here in the...
00:19:47I can't hear the microphone.
00:19:52The recorder is on.
00:19:56What do you mean it's on?
00:19:58It's not on.
00:20:00Well, it has to be around here.
00:20:02It must have fallen.
00:20:04I don't want to look for it.
00:20:05If the equipment is here, it's because it's around here.
00:20:07Well, yes, it's fine.
00:20:08Let's go together.
00:20:09Come on, let's go back to the shelter.
00:20:10You can't leave the recorder there.
00:20:12But we went together.
00:20:13You can't go anywhere.
00:20:15Don't you realize something happened to it?
00:20:22What's going on?
00:20:28Hey, be quiet!
00:20:29I'm recording a sound.
00:20:31I can't hear you.
00:20:35Damián, are you there?
00:20:37I can't hear you.
00:20:47Where's the yellow one?
00:20:49The red one?
00:20:50The one that's outside.
00:20:52Let's find it.
00:20:54Where are we going?
00:20:57There's a lot of grass, man.
00:20:59I don't like being here.
00:21:12Let's go where the equipment was, man.
00:21:14But where was it?
00:21:15Do you have any idea where it was?
00:21:20I don't know.
00:21:24I don't know where it was.
00:21:26I don't know where it was.
00:21:33What happened?
00:21:34Just now.
00:21:38It's the Sierra.
00:21:39We're in danger.
00:21:43Come here.
00:21:46I don't know where it was.
00:21:48I don't know where it was.
00:22:18I don't know where it was.
00:22:33We went that way last night.
00:22:35Why don't we...
00:22:37Yeah, but last night...
00:22:40I don't know.
00:22:41I think we should go that way first.
00:22:43Let's go that way.
00:22:44Let's go that way.
00:22:45Let's go that way.
00:22:47Yeah, but where did we go last night?
00:22:49I don't know.
00:22:50We came this way.
00:22:53Oh, because it was marked, you mean?
00:22:56For example, you see there are no bones.
00:22:58If it had been dragged there, it would have gone that way.
00:23:01For me, something should be seen.
00:23:04Let's go that way.
00:23:06We've gone that way.
00:23:09I don't know where we are.
00:23:15There's a clearing over there, but I don't know if there's a trail.
00:23:18Over there.
00:23:19Well, let's go that way.
00:23:21That way?
00:23:22Yeah, let's go that way.
00:23:26I don't think we're going that way.
00:23:28That's where the clearing is.
00:23:31Let's go that way.
00:23:34Be careful.
00:23:36Everything pinches here.
00:23:38What we're doing is fine, isn't it?
00:23:44Everything pinches here.
00:23:50What's going on?
00:24:07No, no, no!
00:24:20Stop, stop, stop!
00:24:22Damian! Damian!
00:24:25Tell me, Juan, is he dead?
00:24:30Stop, stop, stop!
00:24:33No, no!
00:24:36Don't leave me!
00:24:42Don't leave me!
00:24:48Don't leave me!
00:24:50Don't leave me!
00:25:02Don't leave me!
00:25:06Be careful, Damian.
00:25:12Let's go that way.
00:25:22Let's go that way.
00:25:28Bring one more.
00:25:32Bring a blanket.
00:25:39Be careful.
00:25:47There's a short, pungent element here.
00:25:52They pierced his tibia here.
00:25:56Stop it!
00:25:58It's Bruno, Juan!
00:26:00It's a corpse! It's Bruno, but it's a corpse!
00:26:03We'll be here for five days, living with him.
00:26:06Where do we put him? What do you think?
00:26:09I don't know. He has to be in a high place, where there are no animals.
00:26:12Because there are animals everywhere.
00:26:18I don't know. Let's put them in a Paraguayan hammock.
00:26:21Something temporary.
00:26:23That is far away from everything, that is not next to the house.
00:26:27Let's grab him from there, then.
00:26:31Let's take him to the hammock.
00:26:33Wait, wait.
00:26:35To the hammock.
00:26:36To the hammock.
00:26:37Where are you going, Leon?
00:26:39Stop, Leon, stop!
00:26:41What's wrong, Leon?
00:26:42Where are you going?
00:26:43What are you going to look for, Leon?
00:26:44I'm going to look for my sister.
00:26:45What police?
00:26:46Stop, Leon!
00:26:47Calm down, Leon.
00:26:48Calm down, Leon.
00:26:49We're all nervous, Leon.
00:26:50You're not alone.
00:26:53Stop, stop.
00:26:56Stop, stop, stop.
00:26:57I'm leaving.
00:26:58I'm leaving.
00:26:59Where are you going?
00:27:00To the police station.
00:27:01To the police station.
00:27:02I don't give a fuck.
00:27:04How long are you going to come?
00:27:05What are you going to do?
00:27:07Yes, this year, yes.
00:27:08Leon, you can't swim, Leon.
00:27:09You can't swim, Leon.
00:27:10There's a dead guy.
00:27:12Yes, yes.
00:27:13I thought not.
00:27:14We know.
00:27:16Sick of what?
00:27:17Sick, man.
00:27:18You brought me here.
00:27:19You wanted to be here for a week.
00:27:23Leon, Leon.
00:27:24You're very likely to be sick.
00:27:26There's no way back.
00:27:27We would have looked for the camera again.
00:27:29It's logical.
00:27:30One second.
00:27:31The only salvation was Godoy and Godoy doesn't show up.
00:27:38Stop filming.
00:27:41You're hot.
00:27:42You know it's impossible to swim if we hadn't done it.
00:27:48We leave him in the sea and we're going to look for Godoy in a thousand different ways.
00:27:53We need you more than ever.
00:27:54Bruno is not here.
00:27:57No, no, no.
00:27:58No, no, no.
00:27:59It's not that.
00:28:06No, let's take advantage of this.
00:28:07Let's take advantage of this to...
00:28:12Be careful.
00:28:20You can't believe it.
00:28:21You can't believe it.
00:28:23What is happening to me?
00:28:30What are we going to do?
00:28:31What are we going to do with this?
00:28:35What are we going to do?
00:28:59ciao Bruno
00:30:43Let's open this up.
00:30:49It's open.
00:30:52What is it?
00:30:53A radio.
00:30:56Do you have this?
00:30:57No idea.
00:31:01Hello, hello?
00:31:06These are the cables. What is it?
00:31:08Oh no!
00:31:09No, no, no, no, no.
00:31:11No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:31:13Leave that alone, Leon!
00:31:19What is this man for? Explain it to me.
00:31:22I don't know, but it's going to be us.
00:31:25No, let's go home.
00:31:27Let's go home.
00:31:28Let's go.
00:31:45What is that?
00:31:46This is Godoy's.
00:31:49No, Godoy, no. That's Godoy's.
00:31:51Let's go through the aisle with this.
00:31:53No, no, no, no. What are you going to do?
00:31:55You'll find a bunch of people.
00:31:57There are a lot of people who prepared that.
00:31:59Listen to me. Look what we found.
00:32:01And what are you going to do with this?
00:32:03You don't know how to use this?
00:32:05You don't know how to use this?
00:32:07You don't know how to use this?
00:32:09You don't know how to use this?
00:32:11You don't know how to use this?
00:32:13Who are we going to fight?
00:32:15Who are we going to fight?
00:32:17We have to stay here, please.
00:32:19We can't stay here.
00:32:27Be careful, there's a stick here.
00:32:29We've never been here.
00:32:31Be careful, there's a stick here.
00:32:33We've never been here.
00:32:37Be careful, there's a stick here.
00:32:39We've never been here.
00:33:01We've never been here.
00:33:17Let's think about Bruno, please.
00:33:21About what happened to Bruno.
00:33:27Let's focus on that, for God's sake.
00:33:29What do you mean by that?
00:33:31That we don't stop until we find those who did that to Bruno.
00:33:33We can also ask for help.
00:33:35Do you know what was in the house of Godoy?
00:33:37I don't know. Think.
00:33:39We're not thinking.
00:33:41What happened was done by a lot of people.
00:33:45It's not just one person.
00:33:47And you have a weapon.
00:33:49We can ask for help.
00:33:51If you can leave this place,
00:33:53those who know it are the ones who are in this place.
00:33:55Ask them.
00:33:57If we don't stop to rest, we'll be able to ask.
00:33:59If we don't stop to rest, we'll be able to ask.
00:34:01If we don't stop to rest, we'll be able to ask.
00:34:03Well, we all wanted to stop to rest.
00:34:05That's fine.
00:34:07But looking for help is not just sitting down.
00:34:09Do you say, fire where the beach?
00:34:11For example.
00:34:13Well, let's learn it.
00:34:15Let's do it.
00:34:17Is it too much?
00:34:19No, nothing is too much.
00:34:21And let's go.
00:34:23Near the river.
00:34:25And if someone passes, see them.
00:34:27There are not supposed to be people here.
00:34:37We're not thinking well.
00:34:39Sometimes thinking is good.
00:34:53Let's go.
00:35:17Why do we have to be here again?
00:35:19It can't be that he's dead.
00:35:23I don't know.
00:35:29Let's go.
00:35:43How do we get to see the bonfires?
00:35:45To see the torches, Paul?
00:35:47To see the torches, Paul.
00:35:55Everything that burns.
00:36:21It's burning, Paul.
00:36:23The only non-smoker in the whole group.
00:36:25The only non-smoker in the whole group.
00:36:31To be reborn.
00:36:33To have...
00:36:37So, this is.
00:36:39I was thinking you were going to tell the old lady
00:36:41It was the old woman with a broken heart.
00:36:44I told you, Juan, I'm a director.
00:36:47It's my responsibility.
00:36:50We're going to find Bruno.
00:37:11We're going to find Bruno.
00:37:36There are lights over there, right?
00:37:37Yes, there are.
00:37:38There are lights!
00:37:39They're fishermen.
00:37:43I'm going to go to the police.
00:37:44There are no lights here.
00:37:45I'm going to go to the police.
00:37:50And I'm going to go with the camera lights.
00:37:54Be careful!
00:37:56There's a lot of wind.
00:37:58They can see you.
00:37:59Be careful.
00:38:01And I'm going to go with the lights.
00:38:05Be careful, Angie.
00:38:07Are you going to stop or not?
00:38:08No, this is crazy.
00:38:09Let's go.
00:38:10No, no, no.
00:38:11Paula, there's no wind.
00:38:12Stop, stop.
00:38:13There are lights.
00:38:14There are lights.
00:38:32There's no wind.
00:38:33There's no wind.
00:38:34There's no wind.
00:38:36There are lights.
00:38:37There are lights!
00:38:40There's no wind.
00:38:41They're going to see us.
00:38:42They're going to see us.
00:38:44Angie, they can't see us.
00:38:47Be careful, honey.
00:38:48Let's make sure there's nothing.
00:38:50There were lights.
00:38:51There were lights.
00:38:52But there are not.
00:38:53Maybe a boat that is…
00:38:55Paula, I understand what you're saying, but it's impossible.
00:38:58But they were there.
00:38:59They were there.
00:39:00They couldn't see us.
00:39:01Let's go back to the car.
00:39:02Let's go.
00:39:03Let's go back to the shelter.
00:39:05Let's go, Paula!
00:39:11Come on, Paula!
00:39:12Let's go to the shelter.
00:39:23Go get her.
00:39:25I'm close, what is it?
00:39:29Tell her to come, Angie.
00:39:33What do you mean she is not here?
00:39:39What do you mean she is not here, Paula?
00:39:56Paula, where is she?
00:40:08In the river. In the water.
00:40:14Let's see the steps.
00:40:16No, no.
00:40:34What happened?
00:40:36What happened?
00:40:38What's there?
00:40:40Calm down.
00:40:42Calm down.
00:40:54Don't go away.
00:40:56Don't go away.
00:40:58Come, Juan!
00:41:00Where is Juan now?
00:41:24Here, here!
00:41:26I'm here.
00:41:28Let's go back home.
00:41:30The torch disappeared, Leon!
00:41:32The torch was here.
00:41:34Nobody took it, you didn't take it.
00:41:36It was here.
00:41:38No, we took it together.
00:41:40Come on!
00:41:42Let's go back!
00:41:44Let's go back home.
00:41:46Let's think.
00:41:48Let's think.
00:41:50Come on!
00:41:56Tell me what's going on.
00:42:04What's going on?
00:42:20Angie, what's going on?
00:42:22What's going on?
00:42:24I don't know!
00:42:32I saw her!
00:42:42She has to be here.
00:42:44She can't...
00:42:50Are you okay, Paula?
00:42:52Calm down, Paula.
00:42:54Calm down, Paula.
00:42:56Calm down, Paula.
00:42:58We found her.
00:43:28Paula, stay calm.
00:43:31Paula, stop.
00:43:35I can't.
00:43:37Calm down, Paula.
00:43:39I can't breathe.
00:43:41I'm going to die!
00:43:43I'm dying!
00:43:45I'm going to die!
00:43:47I'm waiting.
00:43:49I have a phone.
00:43:51I have a phone.
00:43:53Grab it.
00:43:55Grab it.
00:43:59Grab it.
00:44:01Grab it.
00:44:17I can't hear anything.
00:44:22Damien, Damien.
00:44:24Did you hear?
00:44:26What is it?
00:44:27The door, I don't know.
00:44:29Paula, she's not here.
00:44:31No, what happened?
00:44:32Paula, she's not here.
00:44:36Wait, let's go outside.
00:44:38Be careful.
00:44:42Be careful.
00:44:47we have to go
00:44:57we can't choose anymore
00:44:59we can't choose anymore
00:45:05is this locked?
00:45:07it's locked
00:45:10we have to go there
00:45:12we have to close the door
00:45:16We can't go out like this.
00:45:18We can't go out like this.
00:45:20We're never going to find her like this.
00:45:22But if we found her there, if they noticed where she was...
00:45:25We can't go out like this.
00:45:29Open the camera, please.
00:45:31Open the camera for a second.
00:45:39We can't go out like this.
00:45:47We can't go out like this.
00:45:49We can't go out like this.
00:45:53Let's go inside.
00:45:57What's going on?
00:45:59Let's go inside.
00:46:07Let's go inside.
00:46:16Let's go inside.
00:46:46She didn't say anything.
00:46:48She didn't say anything.
00:47:02Yes, for a while.
00:47:04Yes, for a while.
00:47:06She was very tired.
00:47:12She's very attentive to any noise.
00:47:18I wanted to hear it.
00:47:22I was excited with...
00:47:24I was excited with...
00:47:26Paula's appearance.
00:47:36I never turned off that camera, Leon.
00:47:43They said that art is in the details.
00:47:45And I think that in the least thought-out moment...
00:47:47we can have evidence of something that has to be recorded.
00:47:50A sound, that sound.
00:47:52I still have Bruno's sound.
00:47:58I don't get...
00:48:00I don't get...
00:48:02to see my girlfriend, Paula's face.
00:48:04I don't get to see my girlfriend, Paula's face.
00:48:08I never saw her.
00:48:10Like in shock, I don't know.
00:48:18Juan, what was that?
00:48:20The ceilings.
00:48:22They're everywhere.
00:48:34Juan, please.
00:48:36I have to go now.
00:48:40I have to go, I have to go.
00:48:42I have to go, I have to go.
00:48:44Stop, Juan.
00:48:50Son of a bitch!
00:48:52Get out now!
00:48:54Get out, son of a bitch!
00:48:58Stop, Juan, stop!
00:49:00Get out!
00:49:02Come on!
00:49:20Where are you?
00:49:22Run, run!
00:49:24Come here!
00:49:26Come here!
00:49:30No, come here!
00:49:32Run, Angie, run!
00:49:34Come here!
00:49:40Let's see.
00:49:42Let's see.
00:49:44Let's see.
00:49:46Let's see.
00:49:48No, no, no.
00:49:50Don't go out.
00:49:52Don't go out.
00:50:06The only reason I find her
00:50:08the only reason I find her
00:50:10is because I'm a witness
00:50:12is because I'm a witness
00:50:18I don't want anyone to see this video.
00:50:20Do you understand me?
00:50:22I want to be at home on Saturday.
00:50:24I want to be at home on Saturday.
00:50:28No, no, no, I don't know.
00:50:33Thank you anyway.
00:50:37I don't know.
00:50:41I don't have the blessing that your children have from having a father like you.
00:50:56And Angie neither.
00:51:00We'll be back.
00:51:03I promise.
00:51:09We'll take care of you, Angie.
00:51:12You have your boyfriend and your friend.
00:51:15I'll see you later.
00:51:26They left us to live another night, guys.
00:52:26We'll be back.
00:52:56Yes, yes, it's a spear.
00:53:26We'll be back.
00:53:49Why? Why?
00:53:51You piece of shit, why aren't you here?
00:54:21I'm sure they're looking at me now.
00:54:37Maybe I'm the next one.
00:54:51Bruno, Bruno, it wasn't a mistake to bring the phone.
00:55:20It was a mistake to come here.
00:55:49I don't know.
00:55:52I don't know.
00:56:19I don't know.
00:56:24We're going to make the first feature film, ok?
00:56:29We're going to do it. We have it.
00:56:32It's ours, it's done.
00:56:35We have it, we'll release it tomorrow.
00:56:38I trust you 100%.
00:56:41We need it, we trust you.
00:56:44We have to make it, we'll make it.
00:56:46We have to make it, we'll make it.
00:57:16We have to make it, we'll make it.
00:57:46We have to make it, we'll make it.
00:57:48We have to make it, we'll make it.
00:57:50We have to make it, we'll make it.
00:57:53We have to make it, we'll make it.
00:58:14Who are you?
00:58:17I'm Tony.
00:58:22I'm going to sleep for a while.
00:58:27No, it's better, it's better.
00:58:30It's all quiet.
00:58:33Did you sleep?
00:58:37You could rest later.
00:58:41Yes, but I'm going to eat.
00:58:52I'm going to make you some noodles.
00:58:57Are you ok, Leon?
00:59:02It's done.
00:59:12No, no, you eat, I'll do it.
00:59:15We'll stay outside so we can be calm inside.
00:59:23You have to eat something.
00:59:30To be honest, I'm hungry.
00:59:33I need some calories.
00:59:36I'm going to sleep for a while.
00:59:39I'm going to sleep.
00:59:49I'm going to sleep.
00:59:52What time is it?
01:00:09I'm going to sleep.
01:00:39I'm going to sleep.
01:01:09I'm going to sleep.
01:01:39I'm going to sleep.
01:02:09So this was the plan.
01:02:13So you had it here, Damian.
01:02:18One, two, three, four, five.
01:02:23Here it is.
01:02:25This is how you had it planned, Damian.
01:02:30I'm going to sleep.
01:02:33I'm going to sleep.
01:02:36I'm going to sleep.
01:02:39I'm going to sleep.
01:03:09I'm going to sleep.
01:03:39I'm going to sleep.
01:03:48Now there's a change of director.
01:03:51The film is mine.
01:03:54And I direct the ending.
01:04:09That's it.
01:04:11That's it.
01:04:13Keep going.
01:04:15Run, run.
01:04:19Search everywhere.
01:04:21You still have to be on the beach.
01:04:39You still have to be on the beach.
01:05:09I'm going to sleep.
01:05:39I'm going to sleep.
01:05:42I'm going to sleep.
01:05:45I'm going to sleep.
01:05:48What's going on?
01:05:50What's going on? What are you doing here?
01:05:51What's going on?
01:05:53What? Leon what?
01:05:55Speak, Damian.
01:05:56He disappeared.
01:05:57What do you mean he disappeared?
01:05:58What are you telling me, Damian?
01:05:59He left this note.
01:06:00No, no, no, no, I can't believe it.
01:06:01What are you telling me, Damian?
01:06:02He left this note.
01:06:03What are you telling me, Damian?
01:06:05He decided to go get help.
01:06:06Come here.
01:06:08What are you playing at?
01:06:09One second.
01:06:10What are you playing at, you idiots?
01:06:12They're idiots, I can't believe it.
01:06:15He decided to go get help.
01:06:17I hid the camera somewhere, but they're idiots.
01:06:22I can't believe it.
01:06:25I can't believe it.
01:06:26They're idiots.
01:06:29Damn it.
01:06:30Let's go over there.
01:06:31Let's go, let's go.
01:06:32How long ago did he leave you this?
01:06:34Come on.
01:06:35Come on.
01:06:36How long ago, Damian?
01:06:40Come on.
01:06:43Yes, I know.
01:06:52Come on.
01:06:54Come on.
01:07:05Come on.
01:07:35Everything was going well.
01:07:41The first extreme art film.
01:07:45Everything was going well.
01:07:53The first extreme art film.
01:08:10I'm improving it, Paulita.
01:08:12And you have no idea how extreme it's going to be.
01:08:42I'm improving it.
01:08:43And you have no idea how extreme it's going to be.
01:09:42What's wrong with you?
01:09:44Can't you see how many times I'm asking you a question now?
01:09:47Well, this isn't a funeral.
01:09:50There's a chance he'll come with the police.
01:09:55There's a chance he'll come and not call the police.
01:09:59And there's a chance he'll die.
01:10:03You didn't get involved in a hate project, you understand?
01:10:06This is your fault.
01:10:08You're responsible for this.
01:10:10You're responsible for this.
01:10:12So don't come with that story.
01:10:14Do you want to be so handsome?
01:10:16Go get him.
01:10:18Go, go.
01:10:19Yes, I'm going to get him.
01:10:20We have a movie here.
01:10:21It's my movie.
01:10:22We did everything.
01:10:23If it's not this one, we can finish it.
01:10:25What do we do?
01:10:26What do we do?
01:10:27What do we do?
01:10:28I'm going to get him.
01:10:29What do we do?
01:10:30Maybe he'll come with the police, for example.
01:10:33We have to keep filming.
01:10:35We have to keep filming.
01:10:37They're going to ask us for testimony.
01:10:39We're going to give it to them.
01:10:41We'll see how we solve it as a story, as a movie.
01:10:44It's our movie, Bruno.
01:10:45We'll explain it to them.
01:10:46What do we explain to them?
01:10:47What do we explain to them?
01:10:48What we were doing, Bruno.
01:10:50But where are we going to get the camera?
01:10:52All the material is there.
01:10:53Where do you want to get it?
01:10:54That's not important.
01:10:55We have to find it.
01:10:56Don't you realize?
01:10:57It's here.
01:10:58He left it hidden.
01:10:59We're going to look for it.
01:11:00We're going to look for everything.
01:11:02This could go to shit with the slightest mistake.
01:11:07You promised me.
01:11:08We got here.
01:11:12Let's go.
01:11:19We have to be operational.
01:11:21We have to be operational.
01:11:22Let's go, Damián.
01:11:23Let's go, Damián.
01:11:24Let's go together, please.
01:11:26We're going to make a movie.
01:11:28Let's go, Damián.
01:11:30Let's go, champ.
01:11:31Let's go.
01:11:32We didn't want this to happen.
01:11:34Do you understand?
01:11:35We didn't want it.
01:11:36It was a mistake.
01:11:37Don't feel guilty.
01:11:38That's it.
01:11:39That's it.
01:11:40That's it.
01:11:41Let's go out.
01:11:42Let's go out.
01:11:43Let's toast, please.
01:11:44Let's toast.
01:11:45To our movie.
01:11:46To our movie.
01:11:47Let's go, Damián.
01:11:48I want to hear you.
01:11:49To our movie.
01:11:50Let's go.
01:11:51Let's go, Damián.
01:11:52Let's go.
01:11:53Let's look somewhere else.
01:11:54Nothing's going to happen.
01:11:55You'll see.
01:11:56Let's go.
01:11:57Let's go.
01:12:00Let's stretch our arms, please.
01:12:01Let's go.
01:12:03Let's go.
01:12:04Let's go.
01:12:05Strength, huh?
01:12:06Strength that we finish it.
01:12:10Let's go.
01:12:11Let's go.
01:12:12How extreme.
01:12:17It would be great if he came back with the police.
01:12:20I would never be so happy to see the police.
01:12:23How wonderful.
01:12:24How wonderful.
01:12:36Do you want to toast?
01:12:39It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:13:06It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:13:36It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:14:06It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:14:36It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:14:46It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:14:56It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:15:06It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:15:16It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:15:46It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:15:56It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:16:06It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:16:16It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:16:26It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:16:36It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:16:46It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:16:56It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:17:06It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:17:16It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:17:26It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:17:36It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:17:46It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:17:56It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:18:06It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:18:16It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:18:26It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:18:36It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:18:46It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:18:56It's time for this to start taking temperature.
01:19:06It's time for this to start taking temperature.