• 2 days ago
Amenaza en el Aire Película Completa en Español Latino
Amenaza en el Aire Película Completa en Español Latino
Amenaza en el Aire Película Completa en Español Latino


00:00:20Ay, por favor.
00:00:52¡Ay, carajo! ¡Ay, mierda!
00:00:59Maldita Alaska.
00:01:09-¡Arriba! ¡Las rodillas! ¡Ahora!
00:01:10-¡Sí! ¡Sí! ¡Ok! ¡Sí! ¡Ok! ¡Sí!
00:01:12¡Ay, carajo!
00:01:13-¡Listo, princesa!
00:01:14-¡Voy a cooperar! ¡Voy, voy a cooperar! ¿Ok?
00:01:21¿Cómo te va, Winston? ¿Cómo has estado?
00:01:24Soy Madeline Harris, agente de policía.
00:01:26Nos costó encontrarte.
00:01:28¡Pues un trato! ¡Quiero hacer un trato!
00:01:30¡Hagamos un trato!
00:01:32¡Oh! ¡Esperen!
00:01:34¡Sólo es sopa de fideo!
00:01:36Pónganlo en la cama.
00:01:39¡Ay, no a la cama! ¡No a la cama!
00:01:41¡Es que le acabo!
00:01:43Estaba recién... tendida.
00:01:45Winston, ¿quieres hacer un trato?
00:01:47Testifica contra Moretti.
00:01:53También toneladas y toneladas de protección.
00:01:56Voy a llamar a mis jefes.
00:02:02Soy Harris.
00:02:04Lo tenemos.
00:02:24Lo tengo.
00:02:25Lo tengo.
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00:05:22Lo tengo.
00:05:23Lo tengo.
00:05:38Darrell Booth.
00:05:40Daryl Booth.
00:05:45I hope you like to fly. It's a good day for that.
00:05:50I must say, I don't let passengers board before me.
00:05:53It's for your own safety.
00:05:56Oh, really? What's that? A Glock?
00:05:59We're in a hurry, Mr. Booth.
00:06:01Yes, ma'am.
00:06:02Are you sure you don't want to go back with him?
00:06:11Of course not.
00:06:12Yes, because of the sexual tension. It would be strange.
00:06:15I'm just saying it would be good to keep an eye on him.
00:06:17He's married, Mr. Booth. He's not going anywhere. Believe me.
00:06:20Okay. You're the boss.
00:06:22It's just that I've never taken a fugitive before.
00:06:28Shut up, Winston.
00:06:29I'm cooperating with the government as a witness. I'm not a fugitive.
00:06:32No, I'm just saying we're all on the same side.
00:06:34Don't say another word.
00:06:37Very good. Well, we have moderate clouds and light wind.
00:06:39I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk to the prisoner.
00:06:42Yes, ma'am.
00:06:45Sorry, I haven't flown with an agent either.
00:06:49Although I once flew with a soccer player.
00:06:51Incredible, isn't it?
00:06:55Very good. Anchorage Central. November 208. Uniform, uniform.
00:06:59Ready to take off from Crooked Creek. Runway 34.
00:07:03Understood. November 208. Uniform, uniform. Ready to take off. Runway 34.
00:07:08Ready to go?
00:07:29November 208. Uniform. Ready to take off. Runway 34.
00:07:59November 208. Uniform. Ready to take off. Runway 34.
00:08:02November 208. Uniform. Ready to take off. Runway 34.
00:08:05November 208. Uniform. Ready to take off. Runway 34.
00:08:28Is it always this turbulent?
00:08:36How does it feel?
00:08:39When you treat me like you do?
00:08:42When you raise your hand...
00:08:44You don't like the music?
00:08:46Yes, I know.
00:08:48But it's necessary to have music to keep the demons away.
00:08:52You see?
00:08:54She understands.
00:08:55There's always turbulence up there.
00:08:57It should stabilize when we reach 3,000 feet.
00:09:00If you're dizzy, don't worry.
00:09:01Do you know the number of passengers who have left their breakfast here?
00:09:04I could open a cafeteria.
00:09:08I don't think you're listening!
00:09:11Do I need to pee?
00:09:13Do you smoke?
00:09:15No, I quit.
00:09:16I want one.
00:09:17Yes, it's not the same.
00:09:24Is your neck okay?
00:09:25You have a scratch.
00:09:27Oh, maintenance. It's a work risk.
00:09:34Let's go.
00:09:38Why is it chained?
00:09:42He said he was a witness. Why is it chained?
00:09:44Because there's a risk of escape.
00:09:45But he said we were on the same side.
00:09:48Don't believe him.
00:09:50What did he do?
00:09:53Okay, forget I asked.
00:09:55He must understand that I usually carry...
00:09:57...drunk fishermen or guys in suits trying to experience the real nature.
00:10:00Hello, how are you? I'm a caveman pilot.
00:10:03I've never seen a pretty girl like you from a big city.
00:10:06Have you been flying for a long time?
00:10:08Yes, my dad smokes fields in Texas.
00:10:10I have insecticide in my veins.
00:10:12Wow, thank you.
00:10:13I'm very thoughtful and controlling.
00:10:16I'd love to have a relationship with you to be able to control.
00:10:19That would be great.
00:10:20If we were cousins, we'd be married.
00:10:22I came here for the first time about 15 years ago.
00:10:26I never left.
00:10:28I'm talking, sorry.
00:10:30My ex used to say I talk a lot.
00:10:32I'm sorry.
00:10:34It's beautiful, isn't it?
00:10:36Yes, it is.
00:10:39Getting used to it?
00:10:49No signal.
00:10:51Is everything okay?
00:10:52Yes, everything is fine.
00:10:54Nothing to worry about.
00:10:55This junk always short-circuits.
00:10:56No GPS?
00:10:57It doesn't matter, really.
00:10:59It happens to me twice a week.
00:11:01It's nothing serious.
00:11:02I do this route all the time.
00:11:03In 75 minutes, we'll be on land,
00:11:06and you, your friend, or witness,
00:11:08will be on your way to Seattle, I promise.
00:11:11Do you think we should go back?
00:11:12No, of course not.
00:11:13I mean, you decide.
00:11:15You'll pay me anyway.
00:11:16There's bad weather coming in from the north.
00:11:18If we go back, we'll probably be stranded for hours.
00:11:2175 minutes.
00:11:22I know the route.
00:11:23I'll take you there.
00:11:32I'm sorry.
00:11:43How long have you been with the police?
00:11:45Seven, maybe eight years.
00:11:49Do you like it?
00:11:50This has its moments.
00:11:52Oh, my God!
00:11:53What was that?
00:11:55Are you okay?
00:11:57I'm sorry.
00:11:58It's okay.
00:11:59A bird hit us.
00:12:00We're all good.
00:12:01Unless you're the bird.
00:12:03Yeah, I'm going up a little, just in case there are more birds.
00:12:07Well, not so much.
00:12:08I'm going to pass out.
00:12:15Are you okay?
00:12:16The plane is...
00:12:17Oh, the plane is fine.
00:12:19I'm going to spend half the day cleaning the blood.
00:12:20Anyway, it could have been worse.
00:12:22It could have hit the turbine.
00:12:23I would have breathed lead all week.
00:12:30Let's go.
00:12:40Look at her.
00:12:41Isn't she amazing?
00:12:42Dancing for her entertainment.
00:12:44Oh, please.
00:12:45She's resilient.
00:12:48Ah, and listen to me when I say elegant words.
00:12:51Don't tell anyone.
00:12:52The fact is that she's still dancing despite the turns and turbulence.
00:12:56Nothing stops her.
00:12:57She's still dancing.
00:12:58She's still dancing.
00:13:08Oh, shit.
00:13:15Listen to me!
00:13:18Oh, Christ.
00:13:23What do I do now?
00:13:28Oh, my God.
00:13:37What was that?
00:13:38I... I need to talk to you.
00:13:41I... I dropped something.
00:13:45On the floor, near my foot.
00:13:47Are you high?
00:13:48No, no, no, no, no.
00:13:49And I don't feel well.
00:13:51I don't care, Winston.
00:13:52Shut up.
00:13:53No, I mean, I feel really bad.
00:13:55I have a bad...
00:13:57I have a bad feeling.
00:13:59I think we should go back.
00:14:00Take a deep breath, Winston.
00:14:02You'll be fine.
00:14:03What's wrong with him?
00:14:04I think he has nausea.
00:14:06That's not true.
00:14:15Let everything fall into the bag.
00:14:25What did I tell you?
00:14:26There's one on each flight.
00:14:29How long is it?
00:14:31About an hour, I think.
00:14:37When will we see civilization again?
00:14:40In that part?
00:14:42Not until we get there.
00:14:57How did he know about Seattle?
00:15:02He said we'd be heading to Seattle soon, or something like that.
00:15:05Did he think we were going there?
00:15:06Well, I don't know.
00:15:07Where else could they go?
00:15:08They're not from Alaska.
00:15:09I know they're not from there.
00:15:11And there's no way they'd stay in Anchorage without offending.
00:15:14In fact, if I had to guess,
00:15:17I'd say they're Yankees, my love.
00:15:19Not so much for the accent, but...
00:15:21It reminds me of a girl with the same name.
00:15:23Not so much for the accent, but...
00:15:25It reminds me of a girl with the same name.
00:15:29This thing has radio. I need to report.
00:15:31So soon?
00:15:33Yeah, okay, sure.
00:15:36Anchorage Central, November 208, Uniform, Uniform, go ahead.
00:15:41Answer, Anchorage Central.
00:15:42This is November 208, Uniform, Uniform, over.
00:15:45Anchorage Central?
00:15:47It must be the mountains blocking the signal.
00:15:50We'll try again in a moment.
00:16:11Oh, God.
00:16:24It's scary, isn't it?
00:16:27The pilots call it skimol soup.
00:16:32It must be a small community, Boss.
00:16:34It must be a small community, Boss.
00:16:35Maybe I know the pilot who brought me last week.
00:16:37Maybe I know the pilot who brought me last week.
00:16:38Maybe I know the pilot who brought me last week.
00:16:39Janik... Janikowski?
00:16:41Oh, sure.
00:16:42Great guy.
00:16:43Hey, once in Nomel,
00:16:44Hey, once in Nomel,
00:16:45Hey, once in Nomel,
00:16:46and I got some nitro and a soldier's blow,
00:16:47and well...
00:16:48Like I said, great guy.
00:16:53Could be.
00:16:55But it's a woman.
00:16:57She meant her sister.
00:16:59And believe me, I also know stories about her.
00:17:05Why do I keep pretending, right?
00:17:09I knew you'd be fun.
00:17:15Don't shoot! We need him!
00:17:22Oh, shit!
00:17:24Yes, yes!
00:17:26Give me a knife!
00:17:28Don't worry.
00:17:29I don't want to go through you.
00:17:31A corpse isn't that fun.
00:17:44I love it when things get hard, right?
00:17:47You wanna play hardball?
00:17:49Hardball, hardball.
00:17:50Oh, yeah.
00:17:51You wanna party, right?
00:17:53No, we're gonna die.
00:17:54He's gonna kill us both.
00:17:57Fuck, shut up.
00:18:04Mr. Moretti is very disappointed in you, Winston,
00:18:06and he wants you dead.
00:18:07I didn't say anything.
00:18:08I didn't say a word.
00:18:09Yeah, I know.
00:18:10Winston, Winston, that's enough.
00:18:11That's enough.
00:18:12That's enough.
00:18:13I know, I know, friend.
00:18:14You didn't say anything, did you?
00:18:15I didn't say anything.
00:18:16Yeah? And I know you'll never do it.
00:18:18I can pay you.
00:18:19Please, friend.
00:18:20Have some respect for yourself.
00:18:22A million dollars.
00:18:23In crypto.
00:18:24Completely safe.
00:18:25Just let me go.
00:18:26Do you think I'm someone who would accept crypto?
00:18:30In cash.
00:18:32What does it matter?
00:18:33We're talking about a million dollars.
00:18:34Oh, yeah?
00:18:35Did you get all that by stealing?
00:18:36I worked with Moretti as an accountant.
00:18:38Yes, I stole from him.
00:18:40A million dollars?
00:18:41Wow, you've got balls.
00:18:43Do you have any idea how much money I laundered for that man?
00:18:45Because he...
00:18:46Surely not.
00:18:47You'd never believe how much people make for him.
00:18:49There's a guy in Sankati, Massachusetts who gets $25,000 a month for years.
00:18:53All you have to do...
00:18:55is let me go.
00:18:58Is that all?
00:18:59That's all.
00:19:00Let's see.
00:19:01What was your plan?
00:19:02Were you going to take us to a faraway place and leave us with the wolves?
00:19:07I thought of bears, to be honest.
00:19:09It's the time.
00:19:12Of course, after having fun.
00:19:14Do you like the view?
00:19:20tell me something.
00:19:23Who would know?
00:19:26Because I'll disappear.
00:19:28You'll say you did your job, and you'll have extra money in your pocket.
00:19:32It's winning, winning.
00:19:36What about her?
00:19:39What's up with her?
00:19:48Look at her.
00:19:51If you leave, she'll die anyway.
00:19:53And she'll die because of you.
00:19:56Or are you one of those people?
00:19:58Wouldn't you care?
00:19:59Just like that?
00:20:00You don't need this anymore, do you?
00:20:02No, if you're leaving.
00:20:04You're still a weakling.
00:20:07Do you know what the difference is between you and me, idiot?
00:20:09I don't know.
00:20:10A million dollars?
00:20:12What an idiot!
00:20:13Oh, my God!
00:20:14Show some decorum, you hear me?
00:20:16I'm trying to have a good time.
00:20:17Don't you dare interrupt that.
00:20:18I heard you, I heard you.
00:20:19I do this for fun, and I do it for free.
00:20:21Do you like that?
00:20:23We're going to have fun.
00:20:34Wake up.
00:20:36You have to get up.
00:20:37If you hear me, wake up right now, okay?
00:20:53Are you okay?
00:20:55There's no air.
00:20:56There's no air!
00:20:57Yes, there is.
00:20:58Calm down.
00:20:59You have to let me go.
00:21:00I can't do that, you know that, Winston.
00:21:01There's no air in here!
00:21:02Yes, there is.
00:21:03It's worse when he rapes me.
00:21:04The guy has no hair!
00:21:05No one's going to rape you.
00:21:06You want to bet?
00:21:07Did you see where the knife was?
00:21:14My God!
00:21:15My God!
00:21:16This is all?
00:21:17Is that all I can do?
00:21:27My God, please!
00:21:28Please, I'm a priest!
00:21:42Take it off! Take it off! You can't!
00:21:51Open the door! You have to pull that thing!
00:21:53Put your hands in there! Do something!
00:22:12Oh, shit!
00:23:20I'm not okay.
00:23:22I peed myself.
00:23:30What are we supposed to do?
00:23:32Let me think for a second.
00:23:43What are you looking for?
00:23:44The knife. I need it to take this off.
00:23:48The bottle opener.
00:24:04Please, I want to help. Just let me go.
00:24:06It's not going to happen.
00:24:07Really? What do you think I'm going to do? Attack the pilot?
00:24:17Be careful.
00:24:18You know what? You have serious trust issues.
00:24:20I can do it.
00:24:22Believe me.
00:24:25Okay, that wasn't that hard.
00:24:27Was it?
00:24:29We have to get him back before he wakes up.
00:24:31To hell! Shoot him!
00:24:32He was going to take us to a lonely place and kill us!
00:24:35Nobody's going to kill anybody.
00:24:36Besides, we could need him.
00:24:37What for?
00:24:38Do you know how to fly a plane?
00:24:40And you think he's going to teach us how to do it?
00:24:51You're a son of a bitch.
00:24:53Do you need help?
00:24:58Damn it.
00:25:06Now the wives.
00:25:08You're still going to help me with them?
00:25:18Watch what you do.
00:25:19But it's not my fault I'm in this position.
00:25:21Just pull.
00:25:23That's it.
00:25:28Hold him.
00:25:33Hurry up!
00:25:35What are you doing down there?
00:25:36Is that a pedicure?
00:25:41Hurry, hurry, hurry.
00:25:44I told you there was something suspicious about him
00:25:46since we got up there with his vulgar attitude
00:25:48and his funny way of talking.
00:25:50Winston, I swear if you don't shut up...
00:25:57To hell with nothing. Show me.
00:25:59We need to move him.
00:26:00Not until you show me.
00:26:05Moretti arrested.
00:26:06I think someone did their homework.
00:26:08Oh, they even have pictures of you.
00:26:10Oh, and of me too.
00:26:14Wait a second.
00:26:16That's my mother's house.
00:26:18It can't be.
00:26:19They could hurt her or maybe kill her.
00:26:21We have to tell her.
00:26:22We have to call her and tell her.
00:26:23Winston, Winston.
00:26:25We can't do anything until we get help
00:26:27and we won't get help if we don't put it behind us, okay?
00:26:40Sit him down.
00:26:50Please. Really?
00:26:51For him.
00:26:53Put him on the handle over there.
00:26:59Son of a bitch.
00:27:00Let's see how much you like being married.
00:27:02It's a fair flight, huh?
00:27:05Okay, then.
00:27:09Oh, it's not true.
00:27:11Oh my God, we're screwed.
00:27:13Oh my God, we're super screwed.
00:27:16You must calm down.
00:27:17Oh my God, calm me down?
00:27:18Let me calm down?
00:27:19My mom never hurt anyone and she's going to die.
00:27:21And it was my fault, do you understand that?
00:27:23Do you understand how she feels?
00:27:24Listen, listen to me.
00:27:25We're going to solve this, okay?
00:27:26Your mom is still alive.
00:27:27You don't know that.
00:27:28Yes, yes, I know, I know that.
00:27:30You know that Moretti wouldn't have power over you if she died, right?
00:27:33Well, I think so.
00:27:34That's why I know she's still alive.
00:27:36I also know that you can't change the past.
00:27:38All we can do is decide what to do right now, okay?
00:27:42So I'm going to turn on the radio and I'll get help.
00:27:44For us.
00:27:45For your mom.
00:27:46And then I'll take you to New York to testify and lock up Moretti forever.
00:27:54Where are we?
00:28:00Where are we?
00:28:15At least let me sit next to you.
00:28:18Please, I can help.
00:28:20Do you really want to help me?
00:28:22How did you find out about Daryl?
00:28:25I just wanted us to stay alive.
00:28:29Come here.
00:28:34If you do it again, I'll send you back.
00:28:36Okay, I'm already empty.
00:28:40Is anyone listening to me?
00:28:43Can anyone hear me?
00:28:46Mayday, mayday, mayday.
00:28:48They're going to send someone to find us, right?
00:28:50Mayday, mayday.
00:28:51They're going to send someone to find us, right?
00:28:53I mean, when we don't get there?
00:28:54Oh, yes, we're going to get there.
00:28:55Oh, yes, no, we're going to get there.
00:28:56Of course.
00:28:58Yeah, it's just that they can't know our route, right?
00:29:01What do you mean our route?
00:29:02This guy didn't take us to Anchorage.
00:29:05You know, I'm starting to doubt his honesty.
00:29:09But hey, there must be a way for them to locate us.
00:29:12A signal, or maybe the black box?
00:29:15Winston, the radio, the GPS.
00:29:16He didn't want us to be found.
00:29:20Can anyone hear me?
00:29:21We're going to crash.
00:29:22Mayday, mayday.
00:29:23Shut up, we won't crash.
00:29:25Can anyone hear me?
00:29:26I'm on a plane and I need help.
00:29:31Can anyone hear me?
00:29:34Hello, can you hear me?
00:29:36I can hear you.
00:29:37Yes, I can hear you, repeat.
00:29:39Support, I need support.
00:29:41It's a frequency for aviation.
00:29:43Yes, I know.
00:29:44I'm on a plane.
00:29:45You don't sound like a pilot.
00:29:48No, I'm not.
00:29:49My pilot, he...
00:29:51Are you still there?
00:29:54Now he's unconscious.
00:29:56I'm flying this plane, but I don't know what I'm doing.
00:29:59Okay, I understand.
00:30:01You're behind all this, right?
00:30:02It's a joke, right?
00:30:04No, I'm not joking.
00:30:05Please, help me.
00:30:07Oh, okay.
00:30:08Sorry, okay?
00:30:09Okay, first things first.
00:30:11Did you turn on the beeper?
00:30:13What the fuck is he saying?
00:30:17Yes, that's right.
00:30:18Okay, that will keep the altitude and your level.
00:30:20Keep your hands away from the levers for now.
00:30:22What's your altitude?
00:30:23Can you see?
00:30:24There should be a big number right in front of you.
00:30:26Do you hear me?
00:30:29Three thousand feet.
00:30:30Okay, you're a little low, but you don't have to worry about that for now.
00:30:33Tell me, what's your location?
00:30:37Somewhere between Bethel and Anchorage.
00:30:39I don't know.
00:30:40All I see are mountains.
00:30:42Uh, I think we deviated a lot from the route.
00:30:45Okay, well, you don't have to be that far if you want to go this way.
00:30:48There's a mark in the...
00:30:51It's cutting a little.
00:30:52Can you repeat the last part?
00:30:54Yes, I can.
00:30:55Do you hear me?
00:30:57It can't be.
00:31:06Can someone hear me?
00:31:07He'll call someone, right?
00:31:08Wait, what did you say?
00:31:10I said he'd call given the situation, right?
00:31:12The pilot would.
00:31:16Ugh, Madeline.
00:31:17Where did you leave your brain?
00:31:21Do you have a signal?
00:31:22It's a satellite phone.
00:31:24It doesn't use telephone towers.
00:31:27Please, please.
00:31:31Oh my God, thank God.
00:31:33Did you get to Anchorage that fast?
00:31:35No, no, no.
00:31:36We're still flying.
00:31:37But we have a problem here.
00:31:38I can barely hear you, Madeline.
00:31:41Hey, Chet, drop that pallet and come here.
00:31:42The rest of you, pack up.
00:31:44We have a problem here.
00:31:45The pilot isn't who he says he is.
00:31:46It's Moretti's people.
00:31:47You think so?
00:31:48Wait, what?
00:31:49I found him lying and he tried to stab me.
00:31:51Are you serious?
00:31:52I'm fine.
00:31:53He's unconscious and tied up back here.
00:31:55And the witness?
00:31:57He's fine.
00:31:58Yeah, and he's never been better.
00:32:00I have a question.
00:32:01Who's flying the plane?
00:32:02I'm flying it.
00:32:04I'm flying this plane, but I have no idea what I'm doing.
00:32:05Okay, okay.
00:32:06We have to stay calm.
00:32:08I'm calm.
00:32:10So you're flying.
00:32:11I want to understand the situation.
00:32:12How exactly?
00:32:13It has autopilot.
00:32:14We're flying, I think, in a straight line.
00:32:16And I'm guessing it sabotaged the navigation.
00:32:18Simms, locate it on the radar.
00:32:19Yes, ma'am.
00:32:20I need you to help me fly this thing.
00:32:21Yes, we'll bring a pilot to guide you through the process.
00:32:23Get a grip.
00:32:24Smith, get me a pilot.
00:32:25Okay, I'll wait for your call.
00:32:26Hey, hey, talk to him about my mom.
00:32:27Ah, yes, yes.
00:32:28Send some officers to Winston's mom's house, okay?
00:32:31Maybe she's in danger.
00:32:32Okay, fine.
00:32:33Don't worry.
00:32:34We're on it.
00:32:35I'll call you in a bit.
00:32:37And then?
00:32:38You'll find a pilot.
00:32:41Do you need a pilot?
00:32:46Ha, ha, ha!
00:32:47What the hell?
00:32:48You wanted to roast me?
00:32:50We like golden pilots.
00:32:53Tell me how to fly this thing.
00:33:02I think I bit my tongue.
00:33:04I was never dreaming that you'd pinch me, you idiot.
00:33:07Was it you?
00:33:09Was it real, or was it just my imagination?
00:33:11Who told you we'd move Winston today?
00:33:14I'll tell you what.
00:33:16Why don't you come back here with me,
00:33:18and I'll tell you how to fly.
00:33:20Let's play find the sausage.
00:33:25Don't worry, miss.
00:33:26You're dangerously close.
00:33:28It makes it hard to miss.
00:33:29Now, shoot him.
00:33:30Like this?
00:33:31Do it.
00:33:32It's also likely that bullet will go through me and reach the wall behind me,
00:33:36where the fuel tank is.
00:33:40You can make a hole in it,
00:33:42or you can bounce on one of his stupid heads.
00:33:50Now, I know you don't know much about planes,
00:33:52but you do know a couple of things about bullets, don't you?
00:33:58What a situation.
00:34:04Okay, I'll make a deal with you, Bruce.
00:34:06If you tell me how to fly this thing, I'll take you to jail in peace.
00:34:11Option B?
00:34:12I'll say you betrayed Moretti,
00:34:14and then you'll go to jail for the rest of your life.
00:34:18You're clearly confusing me with someone who cares about that.
00:34:22I'll say you betrayed Moretti,
00:34:24and then you'll go to jail for the rest of your life.
00:34:27Got it, idiot?
00:34:31You'll do it.
00:34:32Yeah, sure, I get it.
00:34:34Please, do you really want to die here?
00:34:36Honey, you'd have to land the plane first.
00:34:39Just tell me what your name is.
00:34:43You know what I'd think before I hit the ground?
00:34:48His face.
00:34:51I don't think so, he doesn't care. Or maybe he does.
00:34:53He doesn't care if he lives or dies.
00:34:54He cares, idiot.
00:34:55He doesn't care.
00:34:56This is Harris.
00:34:57I care about you.
00:34:58We're all going to die.
00:34:59He doesn't care if he lives or dies.
00:35:01We're all going to die.
00:35:02He doesn't care if he lives or dies.
00:35:04Shut up.
00:35:05I could shut her up, but it's going to be harder to help.
00:35:08No, no, no, I didn't mean you. I...
00:35:10Hassan. Or you can call me Hassan.
00:35:12Everything okay, agent?
00:35:13It looks like things are a little tense up there.
00:35:15Yeah, I guess you could say that.
00:35:17Well, don't worry. We're in this together.
00:35:19And we're going to fix it.
00:35:21Can you tell me your speed and altitude, please?
00:35:24Yeah, 3,000 feet. And the speed is...
00:35:28It should be on your left. It's green, yellow, and red.
00:35:32Here it is. It says we're going to 120.
00:35:34120 to 3,000, understood.
00:35:36And what are you going to do after this?
00:35:39Excuse me?
00:35:40I, for example, haven't eaten all day.
00:35:43Do you want us to go eat?
00:35:45Well, if you insist.
00:35:46We should focus on landing first.
00:35:48But you invite, as you invite. I think it's fair.
00:35:52Of course. Fair is fair.
00:35:54That was a verbal commitment, and I'll make sure it's done.
00:35:57This day is going to be better. At least for me.
00:36:00Okay, when you're ready, I want you to move the rudder to the left.
00:36:04Be careful.
00:36:09We're turning.
00:36:13Now, I know you're eager to meet me and all,
00:36:15but please keep an eye on the altitude.
00:36:17Make sure it stays stable.
00:36:19Would you like me to make a reservation?
00:36:21I think you're busy.
00:36:22I'll do it.
00:36:23Good. Pull the rudder a little.
00:36:30We're good.
00:36:31You're with me.
00:36:33There should be an indicator above the rudder.
00:36:36It looks like a compass.
00:36:37I see it.
00:36:38Okay. When you see it, straighten the plane.
00:36:43How's it going?
00:36:45Straightening it.
00:36:52Now, please activate the autopilot again.
00:36:59Spectacular. You're ready to go.
00:37:01Look for the coastline.
00:37:03When you see it, turn left and continue south, towards Anchorage.
00:37:06What do you think? You're practically home.
00:37:10You're welcome.
00:37:11Believe me, the drinks you'll invite me to will be more than enough.
00:37:16You don't say.
00:37:17Oh, yes. I like to drink a lot.
00:37:20I'm going to disconnect for a while to save battery.
00:37:23Call this number when you see the coastline.
00:37:25Or if you miss my beautiful voice, I'll be cutting the seconds.
00:37:31Call me if you need me.
00:37:33I'll be here.
00:37:55How does it feel to treat me like you do when you've laid your hands upon me and told me who you are?
00:38:18¿Qué estás esperando? ¿Eh?
00:38:21¿Por qué no nos mataste y nos arrojaste?
00:38:24¿Y volar yo solo?
00:38:26No todos los días cuentas con una audiencia cautiva, ¿sabes?
00:38:31No hagas eso.
00:38:32Conozco a la gente, idiota.
00:38:34¿Por ejemplo tú?
00:38:36Sí, a ti te gusta observar.
00:38:47Si te consuela saberlo,
00:38:50ella también observará.
00:38:53Será un verdadero picnic.
00:39:00¿Por qué no vuelves aquí?
00:39:02¿Por qué no empezamos de nuevo?
00:39:04¿Quién quieres ser?
00:39:06¿Quieres ser el esposo o la esposa, eh?
00:39:10¿Por qué no eres dulce?
00:39:12Como tu mami.
00:39:14Tu mami es linda y dulce.
00:39:18Es realmente dulce.
00:39:20Justo como la mía.
00:39:22Me amaba, pero nunca se callaba.
00:39:28Ven aquí, Winnie.
00:39:30Hay algo que te quiero mostrar.
00:39:34Te gustará.
00:39:37Tal vez no al principio,
00:39:39pero siempre les termina gustando.
00:40:14Oye, Winnie.
00:40:17Después de matarte, me voy a llevar las Polaroids
00:40:19para enseñarle a tu mamá.
00:40:20Dios, ¿cómo es que este idiota sabe la dirección de mi madre?
00:40:24¿Crees que Moretti tiene a alguien en la oficina de la agencia?
00:40:26Le di la dirección al fiscal general
00:40:28cuando estuvimos hablando de la protección.
00:40:30Solo a él.
00:40:32Es en serio.
00:40:34Fui cuidadoso.
00:40:35Nadie sabe la dirección.
00:40:40Ok, nos coordinamos con el ejército
00:40:41para buscarlos y rescatarlos.
00:40:43No deben tardar mucho.
00:40:44Nos dijeron que por su tamaño y altitud,
00:40:46el radar no los detecta, además de estar entre montañas.
00:40:48Así que mandé a algunos casas
00:40:49para tener contacto visual sobre ustedes.
00:40:52Nos dirigimos a la costa,
00:40:53así que quizás sea mejor comenzar por ahí.
00:40:56Oye, hay algo más.
00:40:57La policía de Anchorage encontró
00:40:59lo que quedó de Tariq Buth en su departamento.
00:41:01Estaba sin ojos, sin dientes, sin dedos.
00:41:04Parece que alguien realmente se tomó su tiempo con él.
00:41:15Alguien cantó.
00:41:17¿Quién sabía de esta operación?
00:41:19O sea, tuvimos que notificar a la policía local,
00:41:21archivar un plan con la AFA, alertar a la A.S.T.
00:41:23¿Sabían que íbamos a mover a alguien,
00:41:25pero no a quién, correcto?
00:41:27O sea, ¿quién sí sabía sobre Winston?
00:41:29Bueno, el fiscal general, el director, obviamente,
00:41:31la Fiscalía General, el Servicio de Algoasiles.
00:41:34¿Y tú?
00:41:35Bueno, sí, claro.
00:41:36Pero es imposible saber
00:41:37quién más tuvo acceso a esta información.
00:41:39¿Viste eso?
00:41:41¿Qué demonios es?
00:41:43Te llamaré de vuelta.
00:41:45No vamos a pasar, debes elevarnos.
00:41:47No, no, vamos bien, hay bastante espacio.
00:41:53¡Arriba, arriba, arriba!
00:41:55¡Arriba ya!
00:41:56Ya se los dije, vamos bien.
00:41:58Vamos, elévate.
00:41:59Debe ser el piloto automático.
00:42:08¡Por favor, por favor!
00:42:10¡No elévate!
00:42:42No es cierto.
00:42:45Vamos, vamos.
00:43:25¡Eso fue divertido, eh!
00:43:27¡Qué emoción!
00:43:29No sé ustedes, pero yo hice un polo en mis calzones.
00:43:33Oye, Winnie.
00:43:34¿No te hiciste popó?
00:43:38En serio, amigos.
00:43:39Es como ir al museo de arte aquí atrás.
00:43:43Oye, Madeline.
00:43:45Me alegra que no mataras a Winston mientras estaba bajo tu custodia.
00:43:48Ay, odiaría que tuvieras que pasar por todo esto de nuevo.
00:43:58¿De qué está hablando?
00:43:59Solo ignóralo.
00:44:00Oye, ¿qué clase de idiota te puso de nuevo en una silla, eh?
00:44:06En serio, dime, dime de qué habla.
00:44:08Me refiero, idiota, a que no soy yo de quien te tienes que cuidar.
00:44:11No sabe de lo que está hablando.
00:44:13Es que ella mató a su último prisionero.
00:44:19Ay, no.
00:44:22Ay, mierda.
00:44:23Ay, carajo.
00:44:24¿Se supone que era un secreto?
00:44:28Ay, cariño, ¿qué pasa? ¿Ya no me das un beso?
00:44:30¿Cómo supiste eso?
00:44:35¿Cómo supiste eso?
00:44:36Así que es verdad.
00:44:43Se siente bien sacarlo, ¿verdad? Yo entiendo.
00:44:46He estado ahí, amor.
00:44:47No sabes de lo que estás hablando.
00:44:49Claro que sí.
00:44:50Podrías decir que eres diferente, pero somos iguales tú y yo.
00:44:53Vete al carajo.
00:44:54Ay, ya, nos vemos.
00:44:56Ay, ya, por favor.
00:44:57Y eso que todavía no digo la palabra clave.
00:45:02Sería quemado vivo.
00:45:06¿Todavía ves su cara?
00:45:09Cuando cierras los ojos, ahí está.
00:45:14Ah, apuesto que aún escuchas sus lamentos, ¿verdad?
00:45:17La ves temblando de miedo.
00:45:27Sigue, extraño a esta intimidación.
00:45:31No pares.
00:45:32Estás haciendo que se me pare.
00:45:48Espero que Moretti venga por ti.
00:46:15¿Cuándo estés lista?
00:46:20Hace dos años, capturamos a una joven, María.
00:46:26Llevaba huyendo semanas.
00:46:29Y la fiscalía la convenció de que traicionara a su novio, un jefe del cártel.
00:46:34¿Y qué pasó?
00:46:35¿Qué pasó?
00:46:36¿Qué pasó?
00:46:37¿Qué pasó?
00:46:38¿Qué pasó?
00:46:39¿Qué pasó?
00:46:40La fiscalía la convenció de que traicionara a su novio, un jefe del cártel.
00:46:45Así que nos quedamos en un motel de mierda hasta que testificara.
00:46:50Llevábamos ahí tres días seguidos y...
00:46:53Ella quiso tomar una ducha.
00:46:55Sin supervisión.
00:46:57Quería algo de privacidad.
00:47:04Era algo en contra del protocolo.
00:47:06Pero lo permití.
00:47:08Así que la esposé al tubo y salí del baño.
00:47:14Un sicario arrojó una bomba molotov por la ventana.
00:47:20Cuando me di cuenta...
00:47:23Todo era humo y llamas y...
00:47:30Decidí correr.
00:47:34Pero María, al estar esposada, ella...
00:47:50Y así terminaste en un escritorio.
00:47:54Dejaron de confiar en mí como agente de campo.
00:47:57Hasta ahora.
00:48:08Mads, ¿cómo van las cosas ahí?
00:48:10Caroline, la fuga de información no viene del FBI ni de la fiscalía.
00:48:14Fuimos nosotros, Caroline.
00:48:16Los agentes.
00:48:17Okay, ¿cómo supiste eso?
00:48:19Nuestro amigo piloto sabe mi historial de trabajo.
00:48:21Mi historia personal de trabajo.
00:48:23Espera, dame un segundo, Mads.
00:48:24Todos fuera, necesito estar sola.
00:48:26Tal vez debamos incluir al director en esto.
00:48:28Sí, por supuesto, en cuanto te traigamos a tierra.
00:48:30Mejor desde ahora.
00:48:31Mira, la situación está controlada, al menos.
00:48:33Necesitamos traerte sana y salva tierra y ponerte en manos de mí.
00:48:36¿Tu equipo?
00:48:37Sí, puedes confiar en ellos. Los seleccioné yo misma.
00:48:40Lo hiciste, ¿eh?
00:48:42¿Y qué piensa Coleridge?
00:48:44¿Por qué? Esta es mi operación.
00:48:46¿No confías en el director?
00:48:48Oye, yo no dije eso.
00:48:49Digo que si la fuga fue en nuestra oficina, como dijiste, tenemos que tener mucho cuidado.
00:48:54No estamos seguras en quién podemos confiar.
00:48:56Tienes razón.
00:48:57Así que déjame encargarme de esto, ¿okay?
00:48:59Tú aterriza ese avión de forma segura.
00:49:03Sí, tengo que colgar. Está llamando Hassan.
00:49:17Hola. ¿Cómo va por allá?
00:49:21No muy bien, ¿eh?
00:49:23Si quieren hablar de eso, avísenme.
00:49:25Pueden venir aquí atrás y visitarme.
00:49:34¿Agencia General de Policía?
00:49:36Soy la agente Harris. Necesito que me comunique con el director.
00:49:39Lo siento, no es posible por el momento.
00:49:41Dígale que la agente Madeline Harris lo llama y que es una emergencia. Él ya sabe.
00:49:45El director Coleridge no está aquí.
00:49:47Si gusta, puedo comunicarla con el supervisor o transferirla a otro departamento.
00:49:50No, no, no, no. Escúchame, Janine. Necesito hablar con él justamente ahora.
00:49:54Personas morirán si no lo pones en la línea.
00:49:57Ay, no es cierto.
00:49:59Déjeme ver qué puedo hacer.
00:50:07Oye, Winston.
00:50:09¿Has hablado con mamá?
00:50:11Es una dulce señora. Ojalá pueda volverse a poner la dentadura.
00:50:21Sí, señora. Conseguí comunicarla con el director Coleridge.
00:50:23Voy a enlazar las fuentes.
00:50:26Sí, señora. Conseguí comunicarla con el director Coleridge.
00:50:28Voy a enlazarla a su casa en la playa, ¿ok?
00:50:30Sí, por favor. Gracias.
00:50:32Un momento.
00:50:33Aquí Coleridge.
00:50:34Señor, habla Harris.
00:50:36Ya fui informado, agente. ¿Dónde está Van Zandt?
00:50:38Señor, hay una fuga.
00:50:40¿Qué dijo?
00:50:42Moretti tiene un informante en la oficina de la agencia. Puedo probarlo.
00:50:45Y me parece que es la agente Van Zandt, señor.
00:50:50Ella puso las manos al fuego por usted, Harris.
00:50:52Lo sé, señor. Estoy consciente de ello.
00:50:54Y creo que debido a mi historial previo, ella espera que vuelva a fallar.
00:51:00Van Zandt está en Nueva York, ¿verdad?
00:51:02Eso es correcto.
00:51:04Bien, haré algunas llamadas.
00:51:06Pero tiene un equipo esperándonos. Necesita hacer contenida y...
00:51:10Entiendo, agente. Créame, la voy a responder.
00:51:12Desde este momento, llámeme directamente a mi casa en San Cati.
00:51:18Lo haré. Gracias, señor.
00:51:22¡La costa! ¿La ves? ¡Ahí está la costa!
00:51:24Por Dios.
00:51:26Por favor.
00:51:28¡Hasan! ¡Vemos la costa!
00:51:30¡Uy, fantabuloso!
00:51:32¡La costa! ¡Ya vi la costa!
00:51:34¡Me están haciendo el día!
00:51:36Bueno, estamos para servirte.
00:51:38Ok, entonces girarán a la izquierda con cuidado, y luego seguirán la línea de la costa hacia el este.
00:51:47Estupendo. Honestamente, ese panorama no es sorprendentemente hermoso.
00:51:52Por cierto, ¿cómo va el combustible?
00:51:54Quedan... 95 litros.
00:51:57Y sí, es algo bastante lindo.
00:52:07Sí, perdón, yo... ¿Dijiste 95 litros en ambos tanques?
00:52:11¿Es un problema?
00:52:13No es problema. Solo es un dato necesario. Créeme, son buenas noticias, agente.
00:52:16Vamos a verlos en tierra en poco tiempo. Ahora activa el piloto automático y sigue el curso.
00:52:21Ok, estamos en contacto.
00:52:23Por supuesto. Aquí estaré si me necesitas.
00:52:38El pago del que Daryl y tú hablaron.
00:52:42¿Escuchaste eso? Estaba fingiendo. Te lo juro, jamás te delataría.
00:52:46No está en mí el hacer ese tipo de...
00:52:48Winston, Winston. Dijiste que le estabas pagando a alguien $25,000 al mes. ¿A dónde se iba el dinero?
00:52:52San Cati.
00:52:54¿Estás seguro? Creí que esos pagos no se podían rastrear.
00:52:58Bueno, las cuentas no, claro, pero...
00:53:01Hace un par de años estaba en Florida cuando el huracán Michael llegó.
00:53:04Así que los pagos se retrasaron unos días.
00:53:06Nadie protestó excepto por un maldito idiota que me mandó una solicitud de transferencia de una dirección IP de San Cati, Massachusetts. ¿Por qué?
00:53:14Maldita sea.
00:53:21Rápido, rápido.
00:53:23Hola, Matt. ¿Qué pasó?
00:53:24Es Coleridge. Él es la fuga.
00:53:26Tienes que salirte de la oficina ahora.
00:53:28Espera, más despacio, más despacio.
00:53:29No hay tiempo.
00:53:30Cuéntame lo de Coleridge. ¿Qué?
00:53:31Winston le enviaba los pagos.
00:53:33No puede ser.
00:53:34Escúchame, hablé con él.
00:53:36Ok, ¿y?
00:53:37Perdóname, debí confiar en ti.
00:53:39Ok, ¿qué le dijiste?
00:53:41Que había una fuga, que creía...
00:53:43Solo dilo.
00:53:44Que creía que eras tú.
00:53:46Creíste que era yo, carajo.
00:53:47Lo lamento, oye.
00:53:48Tienes que salir de ahí. Va a ir por ti seguro.
00:53:50Ok, está bien. Solo concéntrate en aterrizar el avión, ok? Yo me encargo de esto.
00:53:55¿Y Marilyn? Tú sabes que te quiero, pero también te odio, perra.
00:54:13Ok, Marilyn, ¿qué es eso?
00:54:15¿Ves eso?
00:54:17¿Qué es eso?
00:54:18Sí, sí, sí, sí. Lo veo.
00:54:22Soy todo oídos, agente. ¿Cómo ayudo?
00:54:25Vemos algo. Algo así... como... un barco. Un barco de pesca. ¡Un naufragio!
00:54:31Sentí escalofríos. Podemos trabajar con eso. ¿Pueden ver el nombre del barco?
00:54:35¿Puedes ver el nombre?
00:54:36Oye, tienes que acercarte.
00:54:37Ok, estamos lejos.
00:54:38Está bien. Si quieres descender, mantén la inclinación en cinco grados o menos, pero asegúrate de quedar arriba de los mil pies, ¿sí?
00:54:44Está bien.
00:54:48Solo un poco más.
00:54:50¿Ahora sí lo ves?
00:54:51Ok, ok. Dice, eh...
00:54:56Fiera, creo.
00:54:57Bailarina Fiera.
00:54:58Bailarin... Bailarina Fiera.
00:55:00No tiene sentido. ¿Por qué rompieron mis lentes? No sé.
00:55:02Bailarina Fiera. Extraño nombre para un barco.
00:55:04Dice la Bailarina de Feria.
00:55:05La Bailarina de Feria. Sí, eso.
00:55:07La Bailarina de Feria.
00:55:08Tiene mucho más sentido.
00:55:09La Bailarina de Feria. Lo tengo. Ok, esperen un poco. Consultaré con la guardia costera.
00:55:22La Bailarina de Feria.
00:55:23¿Sabes? Yo también tengo algo de Bailarín de Feria.
00:55:27No me queda duda.
00:55:28Bueno, prosigamos. Ya tenemos identificado el naufragio. Tenemos una idea bastante precisa de su ubicación.
00:55:35Ya pueden vernos.
00:55:36¡Ya los tenemos!
00:55:37¡Por fin!
00:55:39Gracias a Dios.
00:55:40¡Ay, ha sido como una maldita montaña rosa!
00:55:43Ok, tenemos que aterrizar pronto.
00:55:46Ok, tenemos que aterrizar pronto.
00:55:48Como una pluma. Si eres tan amable, gira a la izquierda 120. Eso debe llevarlos a Anchorage en aproximadamente 30 minutos.
00:55:54Ok, copiado.
00:55:55¡Aquí vamos!
00:55:56Girando 120.
00:55:57¡Aquí vamos!
00:55:58¡Excelente! Mantén el curso. Volveré en 10 minutos para platicar sobre el aterrizaje y cómo vamos a incendiar la pista de baile.
00:56:04Espero que sí. Gracias.
00:56:06¡Vamos a salir de esta! ¡Lo vamos a lograr!
00:56:11¡No, no, no, no, no, no! ¡Idiota! ¡Pon atención! ¡Aquí viene lo bueno!
00:56:15¿Habías visto una cara cambiar de color así?
00:56:18¡No, no, no, no, no! ¡Eso, eso para después!
00:56:21¿Sabes qué? Voy a hacerlo por ti.
00:56:23¿Así está mejor?
00:56:24¡Uh, sí!
00:56:25Le atiné a tu costilla. Y un poco al vaso también.
00:56:27No te preocupes. No lo necesitas para vivir.
00:56:29Oye, querías saber mi nombre, ¿no? Tienes solo tres oportunidades.
00:56:34No, no. Ese no es un nombre. Por favor, otra vez. ¡Otra vez!
00:56:40No, eso tampoco es un nombre. Ya solo te queda otra oportunidad.
00:57:05¡Dax! ¡Mierda! ¡Dax! ¡Carajo! ¡Dax! ¡Eres una maldita perra! ¡Dax! ¡Dax!
00:57:43Imbécil. Nadie quiere saber tu nombre.
00:57:51Ok. Ok. Déjame ver. Por favor. Déjame ver. Déjame ver. Por favor. Por favor.
00:58:03Ok. Ok. Estás bien.
00:58:07No estoy bien. No estoy bien.
00:58:08Vas a estar bien.
00:58:10Aplica presión sobre la herida. Muy bien. Muy bien. Déjame ponerte esto.
00:58:16Listo. Perdón. Y otro aquí. Muy bien.
00:58:21Muy bien.
00:58:23Hay morfina. ¿Quieres morfina?
00:58:24No, me dan miedo las agujas.
00:58:29¡Sí! Bueno, ¡hazlo!
00:58:37Me estoy muriendo. ¿Es cierto?
00:58:40No, no lo harás.
00:58:41Estás engañándome. ¿Verdad?
00:58:42No vas a morir.
00:58:43¡No me mientas, por favor!
00:58:44Escúchame. Escúchame. No vas a morir. Voy a sacarte de aquí, ¿ok? Solo debes respirar.
00:58:51Ok. Aquí viene.
00:58:56Sí. Ok. Ya lo estoy sintiendo.
00:59:02Muy bien. Muy bien. Ok. Sigue presionando.
00:59:18Gracias, por cierto.
00:59:21¿Ahora qué hice?
00:59:23Le hubiera apuñalado.
00:59:25Te dije que le dispararas cuando podías.
00:59:32Debe seguir presionando.
00:59:38¡Oh! Sí.
01:00:07¿Cómo le está de ahí arriba?
01:00:08Escucha. Winston fue apuñalado.
01:00:12No. Fue el piloto. Bus o como se llame. Se soltó y lo apuñaló.
01:00:17No puede ser.
01:00:18Luego le disparé una bengala.
01:00:20Una bengala. Ok.
01:00:23Sí. He entendido. Sigamos.
01:00:25Sí, claro.
01:00:28¿Sigues ahí?
01:00:29Sí. Te copio.
01:00:30Ok. No pude comunicarme con Van Sant. ¿Cuál es el estado del testigo?
01:00:40Oye, necesitaremos atención médica para él, urgente.
01:00:42Sí, claro. Las unidades médicas están a la espera.
01:00:45Ok. ¿Como a cuánto estamos?
01:00:47Como a unos 18 o 20 minutos.
01:00:50¿Hay forma de ir más rápido?
01:00:54Ok. Técnicamente podemos incrementar la velocidad.
01:00:57Pero acabaría con el resto del combustible.
01:00:59No tenemos opción.
01:01:00Agente, necesito que entiendas que...
01:01:02Escucha, si Winston...
01:01:04Si Winston no testifica, Coleridge se va. Moretti se va.
01:01:07Agente, también el aterrizaje sería mucho más difícil...
01:01:09No lo perderé, ¿comprendes?
01:01:13Ok. Activa la palanca roja que dice Mezcla de combustible y presiona el botón hasta el fondo.
01:01:19Aproximándonos a unos 60.
01:01:21Bien. Vigila el combustible. Te llamo en unos minutos para el aterrizaje.
01:01:28¿Estás bien, Winston? Ya casi llegamos.
01:01:33Ya no falta mucho.
01:01:37¿Qué pasa?
01:01:43Winston, ¿cómo estás?
01:01:48¿Hablas... en general?
01:02:11Ya no daré problemas.
01:02:16Oye, resiste.
01:02:22Lamento esto.
01:02:27Es mi...
01:02:29Todo esto es mi culpa.
01:02:35Lo que quisiera...
01:02:38Pude haber ido a la universidad y...
01:02:43Conseguir un buen trabajo.
01:02:46Pero me...
01:02:48Fui por...
01:02:50Sabía lo que estaba pasando.
01:02:52Habló de Moretti.
01:02:55Me decía...
01:02:57Yo no soy...
01:02:59Yo no soy el que...
01:03:02Mueve los números en una computadora.
01:03:04En un maldito sótano.
01:03:08Pero yo sabía lo que pasaba.
01:03:13De verdad, lo siento.
01:03:20Un papel.
01:03:22Con nuestros nombres, el de las direcciones.
01:03:24Esa es la dirección de mi madre.
01:03:26Oye, no te preocupes por ella.
01:03:27¿Podrías ir a esa dirección a verla por mí?
01:03:33Sí, solo ve a verla, por favor.
01:03:35Solo dile que hice...
01:03:38Algo bueno.
01:03:39Solo dile que hice algo bueno.
01:03:42No sé, inventa algo, lo que sea.
01:03:47Eso significaría...
01:03:49Mucho para ella.
01:03:52Por favor.
01:03:56De acuerdo, se lo diré.
01:04:11Por fin, lo correcto.
01:04:29General Police Agency.
01:04:30Janine, it's Madeline.
01:04:31I need you to contact Caroline Van Sant.
01:04:33Oh, um...
01:04:37Sí, solo un momento.
01:04:40Harris, this is Coleridge.
01:04:44Yo me encargo a partir de aquí, Janine.
01:04:48Temo que tenías razón sobre la gente Van Sant, Madeline.
01:04:52Hubo un choque de autos cuando iba saliendo de la oficina.
01:05:00Está muerta.
01:05:06Lo siento mucho, Madeline.
01:05:09Sé que el otro conductor huyó.
01:05:11Gente de Moretti, supongo.
01:05:13Voy hacia allá ahora.
01:05:14Ah, claro.
01:05:16La estaban esperando o algo así, no sé.
01:05:20Lo que pueda hacer o en lo que pueda ayudar, por favor.
01:05:22Sé que ustedes eran muy cercanas.
01:05:24Ya entiendo por qué estás a cargo.
01:05:25¿Qué dijiste?
01:05:26Tenías todo esto planeado, ¿verdad?
01:05:28Tenías todo esto arreglado.
01:05:31Sé que fuiste tú.
01:05:32No entiendo a dónde quieres llegar, Madeline.
01:05:34¿Veinticinco mil al mes?
01:05:36Descuidaste tus registros, lo sabes.
01:05:38¿Quieres comparar registros, agente Harris?
01:05:40Nadie te va a creer nada.
01:05:42Un jurado lo hará.
01:05:43Cuidado, Harris.
01:05:46¡Ten mucho cuidado, Harris!
01:05:47¿Crees que puedo perder algo ahora?
01:05:48¡Te estás volviendo completamente loca!
01:05:52¡Ten mucho cuidado!
01:05:53¡Agente, escúchame, carajo!
01:05:54¡Cálmate, Harris!
01:05:56Mi piloto me llama.
01:05:57¡Vete al carajo!
01:05:58Te veo en Nueva York.
01:06:02¿Adivina a quién veo en el radar?
01:06:04Gracias a Dios.
01:06:05Estás a unos 15 kilómetros.
01:06:06Todo se ve bien.
01:06:08Por favor, cuelga.
01:06:09Ponte los audífonos y enciende la radio en la frecuencia a 121.5.
01:06:20¿Me oyes?
01:06:21Guapo y confiado controlador de la central buscando a intrépida piloto.
01:06:25Guapo, ¿eh?
01:06:26Aterriza el avión y lo verás tú misma.
01:06:29Ok, agente, vamos a hacerlo.
01:06:39Oye, oye, Winston.
01:06:41Ya casi llegamos.
01:06:51¿Por qué no me mataste?
01:06:54¿Por qué no me mataste?
01:06:55Porque no soy como tú.
01:06:58¿Ah, sí?
01:06:59Te aviso que voy a cortarte en muchos pedacitos.
01:07:03Necesitarán a todo el equipo forense para identificarte.
01:07:06Ay, lo voy a disfrutar.
01:07:08Podría ser la droga, pero...
01:07:13¿Ese es otro avión?
01:07:24Hassan, hay un avión siguiéndonos.
01:07:26Parece militar.
01:07:27Sí, buena observación.
01:07:28Es uno de los nuestros.
01:07:29Van a acompañarlos el resto del camino.
01:07:32Es algo de protección.
01:07:39¿Tú crees que está para ayudar?
01:07:43¿Y cómo exactamente es que hará eso?
01:07:46Está aquí para proteger a los demás de ti.
01:07:48Si es que te desvías del curso y chocas contra una escuela o algo así.
01:07:51Está aquí para derribarte.
01:07:53¡Qué mentiroso!
01:07:55¿A quién prefieres perder, eh?
01:07:57¿A nosotros tres?
01:07:59¿O a un montón de niños jugando en el patio de la escuela?
01:08:02¿Qué no eres contador o algo así?
01:08:04¡Haz las sumas, imbécil!
01:08:05Está mintiendo.
01:08:08Eso no va a pasar.
01:08:09Aterrizaré esta cosa.
01:08:13Yo voy a aterrizar el avión.
01:08:18Voy a disfrutar esto.
01:08:20¡Oye, ahí está!
01:08:21¡Hassan, veo la pista!
01:08:22Enterado. Tengo contacto visual.
01:08:24La ruta está despejada.
01:08:25OK. Pasando a 1,500 pies. Velocidad aérea, 90 nudos.
01:08:32Sí, aquí estoy.
01:08:33Agente, hay vientos cruzados entrando.
01:08:35Le recomiendo que demos una vuelta.
01:08:44Aseguramos el aterrizaje si das esa vuelta.
01:08:47No lo va a lograr. Apenas le siento el pulso.
01:08:49Tenemos que aterrizar ahora.
01:08:51Solo trato de que bajen a salvo, pero tú eres el piloto. Es tu decisión.
01:08:57No hay tiempo. No voy a perderlo. Voy a aterrizar este avión.
01:09:04Voy a disfrutar esto. Voy a disfrutar esto.
01:09:06OK. Listo para el aterrizaje. Alínea la nariz con el horizonte y regrese el acelerador al 25%.
01:09:15Acelerador al 25.
01:09:17Voy a disfrutar esto.
01:09:27Agente, altitud.
01:09:29Altitud en... indica 1,000 pies.
01:09:32Despliega flaps.
01:09:35Yo no... no sé qué son los flaps.
01:09:42Hassan, ¿dónde están los flaps?
01:09:44Están ahí. Una palanca gris redonda a la derecha del acelerador.
01:09:49Listo. Flaps desplegados.
01:10:01OK, Winston. Ya casi llegamos.
01:10:06Agente, nivelate. Estás fuera de curso.
01:10:09No volveré a prisión. ¿Me oíste?
01:10:11¿Me escuchas? Se están despliegando del curso. Necesitas nivelarte.
01:10:19¿Qué demonios está pasando ahí?
01:10:21¿Esos fueron disparos?
01:10:24¡Agente! ¡Agente!
01:10:26¡Agente Carly! ¿Sigues ahí?
01:10:28¡Ah! Sí, sí. Estoy aquí.
01:10:30Oh, gracias a Dios.
01:10:31OK, OK. Lo estás haciendo bien. Ahora volvamos a lo nuestro. Tenemos que...
01:10:35El motor no responde.
01:10:37¡Hassan, el motor!
01:10:38Es porque ya no hay combustible. Eso es bueno. Son menos flamables.
01:10:41¡Oh! ¡Es un alivio!
01:10:43Además, no necesitas el motor para aterrizar. Será más fácil sin él.
01:10:46¡Ah! ¡Bendito sea!
01:10:47Solo manténlo firme. Ya casi llegamos.
01:10:51Agente, ¿todo bien?
01:10:52Sí, sí. Pasando a los 500 pies.
01:10:55Ese viento cruzado te está desviando del curso. Pisa el pedal del timón derecho hasta que se enderece.
01:11:00¿Del izquierdo de ese hablas?
01:11:02No. Es el opuesto.
01:11:03¡Oh, por Dios!
01:11:05OK. Centrado. Mantén la línea.
01:11:07No entiendo.
01:11:08500 pies.
01:11:13Tira ligeramente del timón hacia atrás.
01:11:21100 pies. Tú puedes. Buena suerte.
01:11:23Espérate. ¿Vas?
01:11:24Te veo en tierra. Tenemos una cita. Te recogeré a las seis.
01:11:29¡Veinte pies! ¡Diez pies!
01:11:34¡Ay, carajo!
01:12:44Oye, Winston.
01:12:56¿Ya aterrizamos?
01:12:59Sí. Pude hacerlo.
01:13:03Bien hecho.
01:13:05Señora, ¿está bien? ¿Está herida?
01:13:07No, no, no. No estoy herida. Llévenselo rápido. Fue apuñalado dos veces. Tiene una fuerte hemorragia.
01:13:13Oye, había otro pasajero. No lo veo.
01:13:15Lo lamento, señora. Se cayó del avión y murió.
01:13:19Gracias, Dios.
01:13:22Tenga cuidado con él.
01:13:23Con cuidado.
01:13:25Perdió mucha sangre.
01:13:27Y vamos.
01:13:43Ay, qué mal.
01:13:49Vete al carajo.
01:14:03Está bien.
01:14:04Sí, está bien. Gracias. Está bien. Gracias.
01:14:26¡Hoy con él!
01:15:12¿Qué está pasando?
01:15:14¡No puede ser! ¡Vaya maldito día!
01:15:19¡Mirko! ¡Mirko! ¿Qué demonios está pasando?
01:15:21¡Dije que nada de disparos!
01:15:23¡Voy a regresar de Bulgaria! ¡Maldito imbécil!
01:15:26¡Contesta! ¡Contesta!
01:15:29¿Mirko está muerto?
01:15:31No, Director Coleridge. No lo está.
01:15:34Pero usted sí.
