• 2 days ago
El Viajero del tiempo - Película completa en español
El Viajero del tiempo - Película completa en español
El Viajero del tiempo - Película completa en español


00:00:00Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero
00:00:30Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero
00:01:00Unreal, so unreal
00:01:06Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Hero, Used
00:01:30No, no me lo recuerdes.
00:01:32Buenas noches.
00:01:43Adiós, cariño.
00:01:44Que descanses.
00:02:30¿Sí? ¿Qué desea?
00:02:41Es usted, James Ferguson.
00:02:44Sí, ¿qué ocurre?
00:02:46Espero que no le moleste si le pregunto si se encuentra bien.
00:02:50Lo estoy, ¿por qué?
00:02:52Verá, no le ha ocurrido ningún suceso extraordinario en los últimos minutos.
00:02:56Solo su llamada.
00:02:58¿Qué es lo que quiere?
00:03:00¿Puedo pasar?
00:03:02Tengo que preparar un discurso.
00:03:04Lo siento, pero tengo mucho trabajo.
00:03:08¿Sabe usted la hora exacta?
00:03:12Son las once y dieciséis en punto.
00:03:16Debe haber algunas malas molestias, señor Ferguson.
00:03:20Buenas noches.
00:03:22Bien, buenas noches.
00:03:26Qué tipo más extraño.
00:03:31Señoras y señores, me llamo James Ferguson.
00:03:34Y como presidente de CN con su estrella favorita,
00:03:36tengo el inmenso placer de recibirles agradeciéndoles su presencia aquí.
00:03:41Podrán degustar nuestra exquisita selección de platos dedicada a las estrellas de televisión.
00:04:35¿Quiere ayudarme?
00:04:37Estoy atrapado y no puedo salir.
00:04:40Algo muy raro le ha ocurrido a mi aeroplano.
00:04:43Haré lo que pueda.
00:04:46Vamos, deseprisa. Van a empezar a tumbarnos de un momento a otro.
00:04:57Salgamos de aquí.
00:05:16¡Maldita sea!
00:05:18Me he perdido la cámara.
00:05:20Tendré que volver mañana a fotografiar el objetivo.
00:05:25Gracias por ayudarme.
00:05:28Creo que aún no nos hemos presentado.
00:05:31James Beaglesworth.
00:05:33Mis amigos me llaman Beagles.
00:05:36James Ferguson.
00:05:40De CN con su estrella favorita.
00:05:46Así que es norteamericano.
00:05:49Les estábamos esperando.
00:05:51Supongo que vendrán a combatir, ¿verdad?
00:05:55Los alemanes nos tienen localizados. Acompáñenme.
00:06:00Un momento. Esto es ridículo.
00:06:03¿Qué demonios estoy haciendo aquí?
00:06:14¿Qué demonios estoy haciendo aquí?
00:06:45Qué chistoso.
00:06:48Han desatado tierra como si algo fuera a estallar.
00:06:53En todas partes hay chiflados.
00:07:14Good morning, Juvie.
00:07:16Good morning. I need your approval.
00:07:21Yes, I know I'm late.
00:07:22What happened to your forehead?
00:07:23It's nothing. I tripped over a door. Is the rehearsal ready?
00:07:26I'd like to go over the costs with you.
00:07:28Besides, we have a slight problem with the invoices.
00:07:30That photograph is horrible. We can't leave it.
00:07:32Look at that girl's chest.
00:07:34Jim! Jim, we need that image.
00:07:37It's modern and it's proven that it's what the American of today likes.
00:07:41Sex and television.
00:07:42Maybe, Chuck, but it's not our style.
00:07:45I'll meet you in a moment.
00:07:51Yes, sir?
00:07:52They seem to be saying, eat me.
00:07:54They look good.
00:07:57I'll need the original and two copies.
00:07:59Before you send it, I'll take another look.
00:08:01Very well.
00:08:03Hey, Jim! Can I talk to you for a moment?
00:08:05It's important, Chuck.
00:08:06Jim, do you think I'd bother you with something that wasn't important?
00:08:10Well, spit it out.
00:08:12The model in the photograph is part of my campaign for a new product.
00:08:18Eat with your ideal girl.
00:08:21All the covers will have a picture of an attractive girl in a sexy pose.
00:08:25I thought it could even be announced on the Playboy channel.
00:08:28What do you think?
00:08:30Eat with your ideal girl.
00:08:33We'll talk about that later.
00:08:34Jim, when are you going to learn to be a diplomat?
00:08:37Sometimes Chuck has good ideas, and while his uncle runs the bank he gave us,
00:08:40the loan will be linked to us.
00:08:42So make sure he's happy.
00:08:44Debbie, I don't have to tell you how important this presentation is,
00:08:46so that everyone is there, okay?
00:08:48Very well, but I can't take care of everything.
00:08:50I don't understand what that is about. You have to try.
00:08:53Jim, everything will be fine. So calm down, okay?
00:08:57Okay, but make sure everything is ready for the presentation.
00:09:02Debbie, give me a moment. I have to talk to this gentleman.
00:09:06Just be quiet.
00:09:08With who?
00:09:14From what I see, you have a wound on your forehead.
00:09:17Did you do it last night?
00:09:19What's this interrogation about?
00:09:21Did you hit your head with a plane?
00:09:27Why do you say that?
00:09:29Answer me.
00:09:30He rescued the pilot.
00:09:33Who the hell are you?
00:09:35So it happened last night.
00:09:37You have to tell me.
00:09:39It's important that you tell me exactly what happened.
00:09:42Combatant Raymond from the Air Force Secret Service.
00:09:45What's going on? Are you spying on me?
00:09:47No, none of that.
00:09:48I assure you that you have to trust me.
00:09:53I was in my office preparing a speech
00:09:56when suddenly I appeared in the middle of a battlefield in the European war.
00:10:00Western Front, 1917.
00:10:03How did you know?
00:10:04Please, what happened?
00:10:06A plane crashed. It was an old biplane.
00:10:09I helped the pilot because he was trapped.
00:10:11So you were the one who saved Biggles.
00:10:13Biggles, that's right.
00:10:15Please, continue.
00:10:17Suddenly they started bombing us and the plane exploded.
00:10:21At that moment I found myself in my house again.
00:10:23I know it sounds crazy, but that's how it happened.
00:10:25What happened to the camera?
00:10:28The camera that was on the plane.
00:10:29Did Biggles manage to recover it?
00:10:32No, the plane exploded before I could pick it up.
00:10:37That was a big mistake.
00:10:39Hey, Mr. Raymond, or whatever his name is,
00:10:41would you mind telling me what's going on?
00:10:43Jim, we can't make the puree. The mixer is broken.
00:10:46Wait a minute, Bill, please.
00:10:50Things will happen to him on more occasions.
00:10:52He must go to London.
00:10:54London? He's back.
00:10:55My address is on the card.
00:10:58Good morning, Mr. Fergus.
00:11:01Good morning.
00:11:12Take the tray, please.
00:11:17Is everything all right?
00:11:18For now, yes.
00:11:19The supplier of national markets has just arrived.
00:11:21Oh, wow. Do I look good?
00:11:24Do I wear a hat?
00:11:25Yes, of course.
00:11:26I hope so.
00:11:27You're going to need it. It's Maxine Five.
00:11:32Mrs. Five!
00:11:34I'm so glad to see you. You look beautiful.
00:11:36Thank you for coming.
00:11:37Hello, Mr. Fergus.
00:11:39So, this is it.
00:11:42It looks like it was on the agenda this time.
00:11:44At least we think we have the product to get it.
00:11:47Yes, it's possible.
00:11:50What are they trying to sell?
00:11:52Silicone prosthetics?
00:11:53Oh, you mean the cover?
00:11:55It's being tested until we finish the market study.
00:12:02I can barely smell it.
00:12:04Consumers tend to take it into account.
00:12:06Well, that's very easy to solve.
00:12:09Oh, they've bitten it.
00:12:11Let me give you another tray.
00:12:13No, leave it. At least someone liked it.
00:12:15What doesn't convince me is how the gasket is prepared.
00:12:18It looks like...
00:12:20as if it were waste.
00:12:22Mrs. Five, I assure you that your customers will say
00:12:26that it is the best waste they have ever tasted in their lives.
00:12:43What are you doing inside my plane?
00:12:45I don't know.
00:12:47You're not very lucky.
00:12:49This mission may be the last.
00:12:53What does that mean, the last?
00:12:58The Germans have a new weapon.
00:13:00It was the one that caused my accident.
00:13:02I'll try to photograph it again.
00:13:05Most likely, they'll use that weapon against us.
00:13:08We'll have to be careful.
00:13:11There's a helmet. Put it on.
00:13:15Biggles, I have to talk to you.
00:13:20It's not the time.
00:13:22Watch out.
00:13:24I'll do it.
00:13:30I'll go.
00:13:36I'm going in.
00:14:00I'm going in.
00:14:30I'm going in.
00:14:37Use the machine gun.
00:15:01I'm going in.
00:15:03I'm going in.
00:15:30Open fire, Captain.
00:16:01The machine gun is jammed.
00:16:03Then unjam it.
00:16:06I'll try to leave it behind.
00:16:14What the hell did they train you for?
00:16:17To cook.
00:16:30Hey, I did it!
00:16:31I did it!
00:16:52Red flame.
00:17:00Take cover.
00:17:26I have the photograph.
00:17:30I have the photograph.
00:17:42What's wrong with the machine gun?
00:17:44The same as the last time.
00:17:47They're using the weapon.
00:18:01I'm going to try to gain altitude.
00:18:04Hold on.
00:18:15I did it.
00:18:17I think we're out of their reach.
00:18:25Take him.
00:18:27I'll take him.
00:18:30I don't understand. Take what?
00:18:33Take the controls.
00:18:35Take the controls.
00:19:01Take him.
00:19:02I'll keep flying.
00:19:31Go ahead.
00:19:32Go ahead.
00:19:33It's okay here.
00:20:01Watch out for the negative.
00:20:05Where are you coming from?
00:20:09Jim, what happened to you?
00:20:11I can't explain it.
00:20:12Please tell me, what's going on?
00:20:14You have to stay away from me.
00:20:16Where are you going?
00:21:19Come in.
00:21:26I was waiting for you, Mr. Ferguson.
00:21:30Come in.
00:21:38This is what I call my hideout.
00:21:41It's quite cozy, don't you think?
00:21:43Of course, when you raise the bridge, there's a bit of noise.
00:21:45But it doesn't happen very often.
00:21:47Please sit down.
00:21:48I'll serve you a cup of tea.
00:21:49Forget about the tea.
00:21:50Would you mind telling me what's going on?
00:21:53I run a business and there are a lot of people who depend on me.
00:21:56The truth is, I don't understand what you're proposing.
00:21:58The only thing I know is that this mystery has to end.
00:22:00Do you understand?
00:22:01Mr. Ferguson, please, don't shout.
00:22:03Why are you getting me involved in this?
00:22:05If I had to get someone involved, as you so eloquently said,
00:22:08I wouldn't have chosen you.
00:22:10Fighting for your country or for your life is something that,
00:22:13fortunately, you haven't had to do yet.
00:22:16I think you're wrong.
00:22:18In my last disappearance, I did it,
00:22:20and I was shot by a masked clown who was in a German biplane.
00:22:23Von Starke.
00:22:25It must have been him.
00:22:27Give me an answer.
00:22:29Right now.
00:22:30Please, Mr. Ferguson.
00:22:32Sit down.
00:22:33You have to trust me.
00:22:34I'll tell you what I know.
00:22:36The pilot you met was James Beaglesworth.
00:22:39In this photograph, he posed with the men of his squadron.
00:22:42On the left and right, Algie, Bertie and Ginger.
00:22:44Who were they?
00:22:45Bodeville artists?
00:22:46None of that.
00:22:48They were four of the bravest men I've had the privilege of meeting.
00:22:52We all owe the freedom we now enjoy to men of his temple.
00:22:55What does that have to do with me?
00:22:58You gave this card to Beagles.
00:23:03How is it in his possession?
00:23:06Beagles gave it to me.
00:23:08You see, I was his superior officer on the western front.
00:23:12I gave this card to Beagles just two nights ago,
00:23:15and it says 1917.
00:23:17Traveling through time is not impossible.
00:23:20There is evidence that it happens more often than one imagines.
00:23:23Yes, yes, but why me?
00:23:25I don't know why.
00:23:26I only know what happens.
00:23:28How is it that I still meet Beagles?
00:23:31With regard to that,
00:23:33I think Beagles is your soulmate in time.
00:23:39He has something stronger than you.
00:23:42It seems your lives are inexorably intertwined.
00:23:46One moment.
00:23:47Do you think this could be the reason?
00:23:51Where did you get it from?
00:23:54The second time I was with Beagles,
00:23:56we went on a reconnaissance mission,
00:23:58and when I came back, I noticed he was carrying it with him.
00:24:01Did Beagles tell you what he had photographed?
00:24:04Yes, some kind of secret weapon.
00:24:07He seemed to be very interested in it.
00:24:11I'll have him rebelled right away.
00:24:15Mr. Ferguson,
00:24:19it's time to take action.
00:24:21Take action?
00:24:22I have something for you.
00:24:24For what?
00:24:26For your next trip.
00:24:29This time, we will send you to the battlefield properly equipped.
00:24:33Is there any way to get out of this mess?
00:24:36I'm afraid not.
00:24:37If Germany discovers a weapon that allows it to pass through allied lines,
00:24:41it is likely that it will win the First European War.
00:24:44As you will understand, the course of history will change,
00:24:46and you will be anchored in 1917 as an orphan in time.
00:24:50And only God knows what will happen to the rest of us.
00:24:54This madness is increasing.
00:24:56There must be no mistakes.
00:24:58I have reserved a room for you in a hotel on the other side of the river,
00:25:01Hotel de la Torre.
00:25:02As soon as you reveal this negative, I will contact you.
00:25:05Good luck.
00:25:10You will be...
00:25:13It's the result of a trauma.
00:25:16This book explains it.
00:25:20Mental illness?
00:25:22I've been reading it, and I've found the answer.
00:25:25He has a syndrome of psychic trauma.
00:25:28Jim is not crazy, but terrified.
00:25:30And I think it has something to do with the man who came to see him yesterday.
00:25:33It must be some kind of blackmail, or...
00:25:38Yes, Jim.
00:25:42Jim, where are you?
00:25:44I'm at the Hotel de la Torre, in London.
00:25:47Is there any news?
00:25:48Everything is fine.
00:25:49Maxine has finally made a request.
00:25:52It's wonderful.
00:25:53I'll be back in a few days.
00:25:55What's wrong?
00:25:57It's a personal matter, but I'll solve it.
00:25:59Honey, I'll take the first plane.
00:26:01Hey, Debbie, don't come.
00:26:03It's not necessary, I'll be home very soon.
00:26:06I give you my word.
00:26:08Say hello to the others on my behalf.
00:26:13You see, guys like Jim are prone to stress,
00:26:18so they accumulate more and more fatigue until they explode.
00:26:25I'm going to London.
00:26:26I'll go with you.
00:26:27Me too.
00:26:28No, Bill, someone has to stay to answer the orders.
00:26:31You can't go alone.
00:26:32Jack will go with me.
00:26:35Jim is a lucky guy.
00:26:40I hope you work hard.
00:27:29Oh, sorry, sir.
00:27:31I hadn't seen you.
00:27:33I'll be back later.
00:28:03I'll be back later.
00:28:15It's pushing too great.
00:28:18Biggles, where are you? I must see you.
00:28:25Does the name ring a bell?
00:28:45Who are you? Are you Belgee?
00:28:48Belgee? I'm Jim Ferguson.
00:28:50He's American.
00:28:52You're Bertie, aren't you?
00:28:59I'm not a good phisonomist, but I never forget the monocles.
00:29:01How did you get here?
00:29:03Trust us.
00:29:05I've moved in time.
00:29:07Do you want us to make up that story?
00:29:09It's the truth.
00:29:11You have three seconds.
00:29:17All right. I'm a secret agent.
00:29:19Where's your ID?
00:29:22Don't tell me you want to see it.
00:29:24You know we can't have any identification.
00:29:26Why are you wearing a simple towel?
00:29:28Because I was going to take a bath.
00:29:33Leave it.
00:29:39What have you done to my negative?
00:29:41They're expanding it.
00:29:43I've received orders to help them.
00:29:45That's why I'm back.
00:29:47We're very close to the enemy lines.
00:29:49We have to find someone who has information on that weapon.
00:29:52Yes, but first, could you give me some clothes?
00:29:54It's very cold here.
00:30:04Let's go.
00:30:16Do you know each other?
00:30:18Yes, we know each other.
00:30:36Who's Marie?
00:30:38A girl that Beagles met in 1916.
00:30:40Apparently, she was a German agent.
00:30:42She tried to lure Beagles to get secret information.
00:30:45But she fell in love with him.
00:30:47And she betrayed his men to save her lover.
00:30:49Now both sides are looking for her to shoot her.
00:30:53Don't worry.
00:30:55Beagles won't be fooled twice.
00:30:57I have a map of a cave that leads to Blanche Flair.
00:31:00That's where they found the bodies.
00:31:01Do you know what's in Blanche Flair?
00:31:03No one's been able to get out of there.
00:31:05It's a secret.
00:31:07Here's the map.
00:31:17Trust me, James.
00:31:19Please, believe me.
00:31:21I don't work for either side anymore.
00:31:32Don't get involved, Monja.
00:31:35For now.
00:31:37I won't.
00:31:39For now.
00:31:41I promise that when this is over, I'll come looking for you.
00:31:47You must hurry.
00:31:51I'll be waiting for you.
00:31:54I'll be waiting for you.
00:31:56I'll be waiting for you.
00:31:58I'll be waiting for you.
00:32:00I'll be waiting for you.
00:32:02I'll be waiting for you.
00:32:04I'll be waiting for you.
00:32:26There are Germans everywhere.
00:32:57Captain Eric von Stalheim, the famous Biggles, at last we meet face to face.
00:33:26Have you forgotten your iron mask? I don't need to wear it to catch a spy.
00:33:32Or maybe you've come to this convent to get into the habit.
00:33:37You're wrong, Captain. I'm going to sing in the choir.
00:33:41I'm sorry, but we've decided that the choir will be disbanded.
00:33:48A great curiosity, Captain. How did you know I was here?
00:33:54I knew that an English plane had landed at night,
00:33:57and that once on land, it had crossed a narrow bridge.
00:34:01I knew perfectly well that it could only be the great Biggles.
00:34:08For the gods of war.
00:34:12For peace.
00:34:15Of course I would have preferred to kill you in the air.
00:34:20Shooting you will undoubtedly be much more boring.
00:34:24It will be the only way you can kill me.
00:34:27Shoot them!
00:35:04It's a grenade!
00:35:14Don't move! Stay where you are!
00:35:17Order them not to move, or he will never pilot his plane again.
00:35:27I'm not going to shoot you, dear friend.
00:35:30Even if he deserves it, we don't act like that.
00:35:47Thank you very much, sister.
00:35:59Jim, it's Debbie. Are you okay?
00:36:05What are you doing in London?
00:36:10What's wrong?
00:36:11Wait a second.
00:36:13What's wrong?
00:36:14What's wrong?
00:36:21The matter is more serious now, do you think, nun?
00:36:24Why are you dressed like that?
00:36:26I told you it was a personal matter.
00:36:31Or maybe he wants to rob a bank dressed like that.
00:36:33Of course, it's original.
00:36:35It's not what it seems. There's an explanation for all this.
00:36:38Are you sure, dear?
00:36:44Oh, I'm Dr. Charles Wintrop Dismore, miss.
00:36:48I'm a psychiatrist in New York City.
00:36:51One of my patients is staying at the hotel,
00:36:54and I think I'm going to need a little help.
00:36:57If you could call an ambulance, I'd be very grateful.
00:37:00He's in room 1231.
00:37:03I'm sorry, but I can't.
00:37:06I have to go.
00:37:08I'm sorry, but I can't.
00:37:10I'm sorry, but I can't.
00:37:14Is it necessary for a couple of very strong nurses to come?
00:37:18Is your patient dangerous?
00:37:20Of course not.
00:37:22He's just a little dizzy.
00:37:25He's got a nun's habit, and he's got a gun.
00:37:28He said a gun?
00:37:30Yes, it looks like a kind of big gun.
00:37:37Jim, what are you doing?
00:37:39All right, Debbie, I'll tell you, but you won't believe me.
00:37:42All of a sudden, I find myself in a time hole, and I go back to 1917.
00:37:45And what else?
00:37:47Do you believe me?
00:37:49If you say so, Jim, I'm sure it must be true.
00:37:52Debbie, I go back to the First World War,
00:37:55and I help an officer named Wiggins find and destroy a German secret weapon.
00:38:02Let's go.
00:38:12I'm Dr. Glasgow.
00:38:14Oh, yes, sir. The porter has a package for you.
00:38:16Jim, listen, please.
00:38:18I'm not saying I don't believe what you've told me about traveling through time and so on,
00:38:21but you have to promise me one thing.
00:38:24Will you try to get help from someone?
00:38:25For that, we go to the Tower Bridge.
00:38:27Forget that story. I mean real help.
00:38:29You have to see a psychiatrist.
00:38:32You just said you believed me.
00:38:34You see, I'm sure that seems very real to you.
00:38:39Let's go.
00:38:41Hurry, we don't have time.
00:38:43You don't believe me. I don't know anything about a machine gun.
00:38:46I haven't even seen it.
00:38:48I've come here to help a friend.
00:38:50It's that one.
00:38:55Debbie, get away. Come on, go.
00:39:02Protect us.
00:39:09Get down.
00:39:32How can it be?
00:39:36Have you seen him?
00:39:38Who did he bring?
00:39:40Captain Beaglesworth, this is Debbie Stephens.
00:39:43My nurse.
00:39:46She shouldn't have come, Miss Stephens.
00:39:48This is not a place for a lady.
00:39:54Let's go, guys.
00:40:08Where are we?
00:40:11The Germans will be here any minute now.
00:40:13Don't get away from me.
00:40:16We've found the underground, sir.
00:40:18Come on, guys. Keep walking.
00:40:20Don't stop.
00:40:22Let's go through the underground.
00:40:24Come on, soldiers.
00:40:26What's going on? Is this a nightmare?
00:40:28Or is this a joke you've prepared for me?
00:40:33Do you believe me now?
00:40:35Remember I told you I'd go back to 1917.
00:40:38We can't go back. It would be for the best.
00:40:50Come on, Ferguson.
00:41:07Let's go.
00:41:24Jim, this is a well-prepared thing, isn't it?
00:41:26Just like Isla Fantasia, isn't it?
00:41:28Come on, Debbie. I told you. It's the First World War.
00:41:30Hey, Beagles. Wait. Tell me.
00:41:32Do you have a plan?
00:41:34We'll get to Blansleo through this cave.
00:41:36It's easier said than done.
00:41:38We have to find out what kind of weapon that is.
00:41:40We're in the middle of a great offensive,
00:41:42and in a matter of hours they could use it against us.
00:41:58Oh, my God. They want to bury us alive.
00:42:00Oh, my God.
00:42:04I know. This must be a hallucination.
00:42:06I'm sure it was the silk I ate on the plane.
00:42:16That poor man will never be able to have dinner with his favorite star.
00:42:18Don't separate.
00:42:20We can meet him near the Germans.
00:42:30Let's go.
00:42:46The Blansleo sector must not be far.
00:42:48Bertie, come with me.
00:42:50Ginger, you and Algie cover the rear.
00:42:54Jim, you and the nurse wait here.
00:43:00Come on.
00:43:30Come on.
00:43:48Get down.
00:44:00Get down.
00:44:14Todo despejado.
00:44:30Estamos en arco.
00:44:32Arriba esta Blansleo.
00:45:00Algie, Ginger, cover us.
00:45:12This city seems to have suffered a nuclear attack.
00:45:16What is that?
00:45:18I don't know.
00:45:20I don't know.
00:45:22I don't know.
00:45:24I don't know.
00:45:26I don't know.
00:45:28Let's retreat.
00:45:30What is nuclear?
00:45:32I don't know.
00:45:58I don't know if I'd be surprised if they were Esquimals.
00:46:03Let's take a look.
00:46:28I don't know if I'd be surprised if they were Esquimals.
00:46:43Ceramic blocks.
00:46:45Like the fuselage of spaceships.
00:46:47What the hell are you talking about?
00:46:49This roof has been built to withstand high temperatures.
00:46:58Let's go.
00:47:28Let's go.
00:47:46They use the mannequins as a target.
00:47:50I'm sure they're going to test the weapon.
00:47:58What is that siren for?
00:48:00It indicates that we must go.
00:48:06Get in there, quick!
00:48:29She could help us.
00:48:34To the cell, now!
00:48:58Captain von Stalhen.
00:49:22We're breaking the cell!
00:49:28Get in there, quick!
00:49:43Looks like we're going to have to replace the mannequins.
00:49:54Hurry up!
00:49:59I'm a citizen of North America and you have no right to treat me like this.
00:50:03Nobody speaks my language.
00:50:05Please, someone call the American embassy.
00:50:07We're two subjects of the United States.
00:50:11Can I try it? I have the passport.
00:50:13I'll give it to you right away.
00:50:14Look, look, my passport.
00:50:16The driver's license, the credit card.
00:50:19Well, if you put it like that, you'll test my defensive weapon.
00:50:29Get in there, quick!
00:50:41We're breaking the cell!
00:50:58Help! Help! Help!
00:51:28We're breaking the cell!
00:51:58We're breaking the cell!
00:52:23Watch out for the Teutons, my friends.
00:52:28Watch out for the Teutons.
00:52:58We're breaking the cell!
00:53:28We're breaking the cell!
00:53:58We're breaking the cell!
00:54:17They've perfected a hellish sound weapon.
00:54:22We've seen enough.
00:54:25Let's go.
00:54:28Let's go.
00:54:29Let's go.
00:54:30Let's go.
00:54:56Watch out, there are snipers.
00:54:58My men and I will try to eliminate them.
00:55:17In here.
00:55:28In here.
00:55:35In here.
00:55:38In here.
00:55:48Cover me.
00:55:54Let's go.
00:55:55Let's go.
00:55:58He's out of range.
00:55:59Quick, we have to capture him. He's dangerous.
00:56:02Do you understand why I have to talk to Colonel Raymond?
00:56:04I don't care how you do it, but get rid of him.
00:56:26Get down or we'll shoot!
00:56:33Don't move or we'll shoot!
00:56:41Don't move!
00:56:50Calm down.
00:56:51Where did you come from?
00:56:52I have no idea.
00:56:53He traveled through time and is in the 80s.
00:56:55What's that called?
00:56:56It's a helicopter.
00:56:57Where is it going?
00:56:58To the tower bridge.
00:57:23I'm sorry, can I use your ladder?
00:57:24Of course.
00:57:54Let's go.
00:58:19I'm sorry, I don't understand.
00:58:22How did you get here?
00:58:24I was in my plane.
00:58:27The Germans have crossed our trenches.
00:58:31I wanted to see if I could locate the weapon.
00:58:34The man in the picture is on the tower bridge.
00:58:51I'm sorry, I don't understand.
00:58:54How did you get here?
00:58:55I was in my plane.
00:58:59The Germans have crossed our trenches.
00:59:04I wanted to see if I could locate the weapon.
00:59:06The man in the picture is on the tower bridge.
00:59:14I'm sorry, I don't understand.
00:59:16How did you get here?
00:59:17I was in my plane.
00:59:21The Germans have crossed our trenches.
00:59:24Where is it going?
00:59:25I don't understand.
00:59:27The Germans have crossed our trenches.
00:59:31Where is it going?
00:59:33I don't understand.
00:59:36Here, you can use my ladder.
00:59:38Let's go and find it.
00:59:51I'm William Raymond.
00:59:58Captain Raymond.
01:00:03It's incredible.
01:00:08I've missed you a lot, old friend.
01:00:15I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.
01:00:20Years don't go by in vain.
01:00:25It's my squadron.
01:00:30Bertie, Algie, Ginger and me.
01:00:40They did it when our unit received its first congratulation.
01:00:45They were very proud of our group.
01:00:50And it looks like it was a month ago.
01:00:55It's extraordinary.
01:01:00How did it get here?
01:01:05The time hole works in both directions.
01:01:10It opens when one or the other is in danger of death.
01:01:15I have the picture you need.
01:01:20The gun is well camouflaged.
01:01:25I enlarged it with a computer to show it in more detail.
01:01:30I have the exact position of the gun.
01:01:35Let's go.
01:01:50How will you get back to the past?
01:01:55I'll find the system.
01:01:59Bertie, you two.
01:02:23Do as I say.
01:02:27What are you going to do?
01:02:51It's magnificent.
01:02:54This is the most ingenious device.
01:02:59What is he going to do?
01:03:04He doesn't know how to pilot it.
01:03:09He doesn't know his controls.
01:03:14It's a modern device.
01:03:19It's incredible.
01:03:24You can get a rotation movement by tilting the device.
01:03:29Let me in.
01:03:39The propeller is to balance.
01:03:49Why doesn't it go in at once?
01:04:19Welcome aboard.
01:04:24It won't take long to get this thing under control.
01:04:29Great, because we don't have much time.
01:04:34Try the autopilot.
01:04:39Autopilot? What's that?
01:04:44What do you think?
01:04:49Shall we leave the autopilot?
01:04:54Don't worry, my friend.
01:04:59Think of England.
01:05:04This is going to work.
01:05:09Miguel, it's the time hole. We just crossed it.
01:05:14Affirmative, Spencer.
01:05:39Let's go.
01:05:44Let's go.
01:05:49Let's go.
01:05:54Let's go.
01:05:59Let's go.
01:06:04Let's go.
01:06:09Let's go.
01:06:14Let's go.
01:06:19Let's go.
01:06:24Let's go.
01:06:29Let's go.
01:06:34Let's go.
01:06:39Let's go.
01:06:44Let's go.
01:06:49Let's go.
01:06:54Let's go.
01:06:59Let's go.
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01:25:24Let's go.
