Más allá de la duda (1956) - Película completa en español
Más allá de la duda (1956) - Película completa en español
Más allá de la duda (1956) - Película completa en español
Más allá de la duda (1956) - Película completa en español
Más allá de la duda (1956) - Película completa en español
00:00:21Masaya de la Voodoo
00:01:54The Clark is the only
00:02:00Thompson's anotado tantos no tienes un gran concepto del fiscal al contrario
00:02:08Es un hombre muy
00:02:11Entonces porque le estás atacando siempre en tu editoria porque creo que aspira a ocupar el sillón de gobernador a base de conseguir penas
00:02:18de muerte
00:02:20Estoy luchando contra la pena capital por eso he querido que presenciadas esa ejecución
00:02:25Después de haber visto una
00:02:30Le conoces en persona no acaba de entrar
00:02:39Debo acercarme a saludar a Austin Spencer quiere más complicaciones no más que las que me creará en la editorial de mañana
00:02:46Me acompaño gracias no le de todo en el periódico
00:02:55Hola Rudy
00:02:57De presento Tom Garrett muestro fiscal del distrito roentgens como estas vengando no te sientas un momento gracias
00:03:04Quieres tomar algo no ahora
00:03:07Me gustó mucho su novela señor Garrett enhorabuena gracias supongo que te sentirás orgulloso
00:03:13no especialmente
00:03:15porque lo dices
00:03:23Peters cometió un asesinato y no te horroriza verle enviado a la silla electa
00:03:28Yo me he limitado a presentar ciertos hechos ante el jurado y él ha decidido considerar a Peters culpable
00:03:34legalmente debía ser ejecutado
00:03:36No se encontraron testigos ni testimonio alguno que estableciera su culpabilidad tan sólo pruebas accidentales que tú manejaste
00:03:45No querrás decir que Peters era inocente tal vez lo fuese el jurado no opinó así en Roy he asistido a suficientes
00:03:51juicios como para saber que un fiscal hábil persuasivo como tú puede hacer creer a un jurado que algo es un hecho cuando no lo es
00:03:58especialmente si el abogado defensor no es tan competente como lo eres tú crees que debería haber ignorado
00:04:03Esos pruebas en absoluto simplemente opinó que el estado no puede quitarle la vida a un hombre en tal caso de hecho no sé
00:04:09si debería quitársela en ningún
00:04:11Sabes que hay seis estados en este país que no tienen pena capital pero este estado si la tiene
00:04:17y yo tengo la obligación de defender la ley de este estado me alegra verte oísto ha sido un placer
00:04:24y lo mismo digo
00:04:29Parece muy amable porque no yo siempre le he tratado justamente o simplemente no estoy de acuerdo con la pena de muerte
00:04:35Asumamos los austin ese argumento lleva siglos discutiendo si dudo mucho que tuvo el señor thompson podáis solucionarlo la solución existe pero no
00:04:43basta con hablar de ellos bueno tengo que volver a la oficina joe
00:04:48Te llevo algún sitio he quedado aquí con sus
00:04:51por lo visto lo vuestro va en serio
00:04:54alguna objeción
00:04:55si la tuviera no te habría permitido dejar el periódico para escribir esa novela que tiene que ver una cosa con otra
00:05:02Mi hija tiene gustos muy caros no creo que hubieras progresado tanto con el sueldo que yo te pagaba
00:05:18Es que no llego a besarle en la frente tampoco lo has intentado podéis presidir de mí nos las arreglaremos hasta luego
00:05:35Gracias que quieres
00:05:54Bueno que te gustaría
00:05:57No me apetece mucho ir a bailar ir a bailar a las 5 de la tarde
00:06:02te llevaré
00:06:04Prefiero ir ahora de acuerdo donde no conozco tu apartamento
00:06:11No estás yendo muy lejos
00:06:13Territorio estoy dispuesta a fiesgarme
00:06:16It all began the day I looked at you
00:06:22You were just like
00:06:26El mes que viene serás mi esposa
00:06:30Deja que suene no contesta voy a casa a cambiar
00:06:34Espera voy a llevarme un coger en taxi no te preocupes un momento por favor a qué hora te reconozco
00:06:41a las 8
00:06:45Y díle a ella que estás comprometido
00:07:06Funciona y todo gracias
00:07:08No podía imaginarme el resto de mi vida viéndote buscando cerillas es precioso y tú también
00:07:16me alegro de que por fin hayáis fijado una fecha
00:07:22Me temo que tendremos que posponerlo sus
00:07:26Esa llamada que tenido en mi apartamento era de mi editor
00:07:29está entusiasmado no podía imaginar el éxito que hemos tenido
00:07:33y eso que tiene que ver con que estés casado quiere un nuevo libro enseguida así que tendré que encerrarme y escribirlo
00:07:40quizá te sorprendas pero hay muchos escritores de éxito casados yo no soy un escritor famoso todavía
00:07:47escribir un libro no demuestra nada por eso el segundo es tan importante
00:07:51Tendré que concentrarme en él tú lo entiendes verdad usted desde luego no puedes permitirte un fracaso
00:07:57te pido que lo comprendas usa y lo comprendo muy bien jamás te forzaría a hacer algo que tú evidentemente no quieres hacer
00:08:09Susan sí
00:08:11Cariño te quiero mucho y deseo que nuestro matrimonio empiece bien
00:08:16Por eso debo acabar el libro primero no puedo escribir si estoy distraído y casado contigo no estaría permanentemente
00:08:25Quieres decir que si estuvieras casado conmigo te sería imposible escribir
00:08:29si eso imagino
00:08:31aunque tendré que acostumbrarme a ello susan lo único que te pido es que nos retrasemos sólo un poco
00:08:37terminaré el libro y
00:08:39empezaremos juntos y no otra cosa en la mente que nosotros mismos
00:08:43Escribe de prisa
00:08:46He estado pensando sobre lo que has dicho en el club
00:08:50sobre la pena de muerte que comprometes con mi hija y no se te ocurra otra cosa que pensar en la pena capital no en serio
00:08:57no he podido quitarme lo de la cabeza
00:09:00y que opinas sobre ello estás de acuerdo conmigo no estoy seguro pero la idea de que un hombre inocente sea ejecutado
00:09:08me horroriza
00:09:09no es mal tema para escribir un libro inventarse una historia ficticia no demostraría nada
00:09:15Solo un hecho real podría probar que estoy en lo cierto
00:09:22Utilizando a alguien cuya inocencia sea comprobable haciendo que se le juzgue y condene por un asesinato que no ha cometido
00:09:30Para eso habría que confundir primero a la policía
00:09:34en una gran ciudad como esta los homicidios son frecuentes y a veces la policía se siente perdida
00:09:41Sin ninguna pista sin sospechosos ningún punto de partida
00:09:45En estas circunstancias un hombre inocente podría crear a su alrededor pruebas que le hicieran culpable y sería detenido
00:09:53juzgado y condenado
00:09:56Esto es imposible de llevar a cabo
00:10:00Este es un caso perfecto para hacer posible lo que tú crees imposible aquí lo tienes
00:10:06Una bailarina ha sido estrangulada con una media en un barranco a las afueras de la ciudad
00:10:13Aparentemente la policía no tiene ninguna pista
00:10:16¿Crees que podríamos encontrar a una persona inocente que aceptara ser detenida juzgada y sentenciada por esto?
00:10:22¿Tú no?
00:10:25No lo sé
00:10:27Pero admito que si lo consiguieramos el resultado sería una bomba ¿Quién se prestaría hacer de conejo de indias?
00:10:37¿Por qué no?
00:10:38Se necesita alguien con imaginación, cierta ingenuidad, alguien a quien se le pudiera tomar como una víctima inconsciente de las circunstancias
00:10:48Es una idea tan descabellada, tal vez por eso me atraiga más
00:10:54¿Y qué dices de los riesgos?
00:10:56Ninguno, créeme, al final serías absuelto después de condenarte a la silla eléctrica desde luego
00:11:03Eso último es lo que más me preocupa
00:11:05Y ahí intervendría yo
00:11:07Una vez que fueras condenado y sentenciado yo revelaría los detalles de nuestro plan
00:11:12Tengo cierto prestigio en esta ciudad, serías absuelto automáticamente
00:11:17Haces que todo parezca muy sencillo
00:11:19Sería muy sencillo
00:11:20Todo el mundo sabe que llevo años intentando influir para que cambie la ley sobre la pena de muerte
00:11:25Claro que seríamos criticados por la forma de hacerlo pero eso no me preocuparía si consiguieramos algo
00:11:30¿Y cómo saber que la policía no tiene un sospechoso?
00:11:32Eso es fácil
00:11:43Charlie Miller
00:11:45¿Diga, señor?
00:11:47Un momento
00:11:52Sí, el caso Patty Gray
00:11:56Lo lleva el Teniente Kennedy
00:11:59Es un caso interesante
00:12:02¿Puedo obtener información de lo que se sabe realmente?
00:12:05Supongo que sí, pero Kennedy querrá mantenerlo confidencialmente
00:12:08Es lógico, lo respetaremos
00:12:11Pero quiero saber paso a paso lo que están haciendo
00:12:13Sí, señor
00:12:17Si no tiene ningún sospechoso, les daremos uno
00:12:20Tenemos 50 sospechosos
00:12:22Es un club muy frecuentado
00:12:24El portero no pudo identificar a todos
00:12:26¿Alguno probable?
00:12:28El panorama es muy confuso
00:12:30Solo algunas descripciones que estamos comprobando
00:12:34Lo único cierto es que la chica vivía sola en una pensión
00:12:38Hay algo extraño en eso
00:12:40¿Por qué?
00:12:42Verás, después de describir el cadáver fuimos a su habitación
00:12:44Era evidente que había sido saqueada
00:12:46No encontramos nada
00:12:48Ni cartas, ni papeles, ni una agenda
00:12:50Ni huellas, nada
00:12:53Las chicas del club están aquí
00:12:56Que pase Joan Williams primero
00:12:58Señorita Williams
00:13:05Siéntese, por favor
00:13:12Según esta información
00:13:14Vivió usted un tiempo con Patty Gray
00:13:16¿Es eso cierto?
00:13:18Muy poco tiempo
00:13:20¿Eran buenas amigas?
00:13:23¿Entonces por qué se fue a vivir con ella?
00:13:25Cuando llegué a la ciudad para trabajar en el club
00:13:27Hace unas semanas
00:13:29No tenía ningún sitio donde estar
00:13:31Patty me ofreció vivir con ella
00:13:33Si le pagaba 15 dólares a la semana
00:13:37Creo que necesitaba dinero
00:13:39Unos días antes de que ella fuera asesinada
00:13:41Usted se fue de esa casa
00:13:43¿Por qué?
00:13:45¿Discutieron por algo?
00:13:47¿Qué va?
00:13:49Una noche llegó a casa y me dijo que me fuera
00:13:51Sin ninguna razón
00:13:53No dice que necesitaba dinero
00:13:55Eso era lo que yo creía
00:13:57Se lo pregunté extrañada
00:13:59Pero ella se rió y me dijo que ya no necesitaba
00:14:01Mis cochinos dólares
00:14:05Que aquella noche había conseguido mucho dinero
00:14:07Le dijo
00:14:09¿Cómo lo había conseguido?
00:14:11Nada, no dijo nada
00:14:13Simplemente que me fuera
00:14:15¿Sabe algo que pueda ayudarnos a descubrir
00:14:17Quien la mató?
00:14:20No puedo ayudarles
00:14:22Solo llevo aquí un par de semanas
00:14:24Este es mi primer trabajo
00:14:26Gracias por haber venido
00:14:36Que pasen las otras dos chicas
00:14:40¿Qué es lo que quiere de nosotras?
00:14:42Bueno, me gustaría haceros unas cuantas preguntas
00:14:44¿De madrugada precisamente?
00:14:46Son las tres menos cortas
00:14:48Somos artistas, necesitamos dormir
00:14:50Tenemos que cuidarnos
00:14:52Bonita profesión
00:14:54Muchas gracias
00:14:56¿Nos invita a desayunar?
00:14:58Sí, un poco de café
00:15:00¿Cómo, sin bollos?
00:15:02Sin bollos
00:15:06Podría cortarse con un cuchillo
00:15:08Vosotras compartíais el caberino con Patty Gray
00:15:10¿Qué clase de chica era?
00:15:12Para mí normal
00:15:14¿Normal? Era una serpiente
00:15:17¿Una serpiente, una tripa o una tramposa?
00:15:19¿Qué sabéis de su vida privada?
00:15:21Nadie sabía mucho sobre ella
00:15:23Nunca hubiera ganado un concurso de popularidad
00:15:27Si nadie sabía nada sobre su vida privada
00:15:29¿Por qué era tan impopular?
00:15:31Muy sencillo, era de esas personas
00:15:33Que cuando las conoces un poco no te gustan
00:15:35Y si las conoces del todo no te desprecias
00:15:39Queremos averiguar quien mató a Patty Gray
00:15:41¿Vais a colaborar con nosotros?
00:15:44¿Pero a qué esperas?
00:15:46Díselo, no soporto seguir aquí con este café
00:15:48¿Decir qué?
00:15:50Ni siquiera puedo verle la cara
00:15:52¿A quién?
00:15:54Al hombre que fue a buscar a Patty aquella noche
00:15:56¿Fue a buscarle a un hombre?
00:15:58Sí, aquella noche salimos del club a la vez
00:16:00Había un hombre esperándola en un coche
00:16:02Se fueron juntos
00:16:04¿Cómo era él?
00:16:08Pues era de constitución normal
00:16:10Llevaba un abrigo de paño
00:16:12Sombrero marrón
00:16:14Y fumaba en vivo
00:16:16¿Le viste la cara?
00:16:18No, se fueron muy deprisa
00:16:20¿Cómo era el coche que conducía?
00:16:24Era un sedan nuevo, sí
00:16:26No sé qué modelo
00:16:28¿Viste la matrícula?
00:16:30¿Para qué?
00:16:32Han pasado seis días
00:16:34Y aparentemente la policía no sabe más que al principio
00:16:36Solo una vaga descripción del hombre que la recogió aquella noche
00:16:38¿Crees que con eso adelantarán algo?
00:16:41Lo dudo
00:16:43Eso no basta para iniciar una investigación
00:16:49Bien, Tom, yo ya estoy preparado
00:16:51¿Qué me dices de ti?
00:16:53Es fácil convertirme en el hombre del abrigo gris
00:16:55Y del sombrero marrón
00:16:57Hasta mi coche es oscuro y último modelo
00:16:59Siempre debemos tener presente
00:17:01Que cualquier prueba que dejemos
00:17:03Tiene que ser algo que muy bien pudiera ocurrirle
00:17:05A un hombre inocente, aunque le haga sospechoso
00:17:07¿Qué hacemos con Susan?
00:17:09¿Crees que debe saberlo?
00:17:11Será mejor que no
00:17:13Si te detienen seguro que la policía la interrogará
00:17:15Bajo presión podría hablar, ¿no crees?
00:17:17Esto va a ser horrible para ella
00:17:19Ella te quiere, Tom
00:17:21Nunca creería que tú lo hiciste
00:17:23Quiero creerte
00:17:25La conozco bien, intentará colaborar
00:17:27Procura que no colabore demasiado
00:17:29Si empiezo a luchar por mí
00:17:31A lo mejor ni me condenan, tenlo en cuenta
00:17:35¿Cuál es el primer paso?
00:17:38¿Qué te parece una noche de diversión?
00:17:46¿No compartían camerino con Patty Gray
00:17:48Dos de estas chicas?
00:17:50Sí, esta, Terri Long
00:17:52Y esta rubia, Dolly Moore
00:17:54¿Cómo lo sabes?
00:17:56Charlie Miller me lo dijo
00:18:02¿Me permiten, señores?
00:18:04Lo que quieras
00:18:23¿Qué opinas sobre esta chica por lo que dijo Charlie?
00:18:25No es un genio
00:18:27Pero tampoco creas que es estúpida
00:18:37Los artistas no se relacionan con los clientes
00:18:57Pero comen en el bar
00:18:59Pero comen en el bar
00:19:09El whisky con suelo
00:19:17El whisky con suelo
00:19:29¿Qué piensas?
00:19:31¿Qué piensas?
00:19:33¿Qué piensas?
00:19:35¿Qué piensas?
00:19:59El whisky con suelo
00:20:09¡Maldito borracho!
00:20:11No sabe cuanto lo siento
00:20:13Se está divirtiendo ¿Verdad?
00:20:15¡Señorita por favor, sólo quería ayudarla!
00:20:17¿A quién, ¿a usted o a mi?
00:20:23compensarla por el daño causado
00:20:25Compensate her for the damage she's caused.
00:20:28It's the least she can do.
00:20:31Although I don't have much money now.
00:20:34What a waste!
00:20:38I'm sorry.
00:20:40Could we get in touch?
00:20:43Don't you think I've had enough?
00:20:46I'm sorry I've caused you so many problems.
00:20:50It's a charm.
00:20:55The gray mezclilla suits you very well.
00:20:57Yes, it's fine.
00:20:59I'll keep it.
00:21:01How much is it?
00:21:02Thirty-nine dollars.
00:21:03I'll take it with me.
00:21:10I'll give you the change now.
00:21:16How's it going?
00:21:18How's it going?
00:21:22Jump in the picture through the mirror.
00:21:24Good idea.
00:21:29It'll look good from here.
00:21:38Miss Moore's dressing room, please.
00:21:40Number two.
00:21:48Let's go, girls.
00:21:55I'll be right back.
00:21:56I'm looking for Adolio.
00:22:04You again?
00:22:05Get lost.
00:22:08Hey, I don't mean to bother you,
00:22:10but last night I told you I wanted to pay you for the dress I ruined.
00:22:18So, if you tell me how much it cost you...
00:22:21Well, I don't remember, but it was quite expensive, of course.
00:22:25Of course.
00:22:26Do you think a hundred dollars is enough?
00:22:30Well, of course.
00:22:31It probably cost more, but I'm not as ambitious as others.
00:22:37I'm sorry.
00:22:38Last night I lost my nerve, but acting tires me a lot.
00:22:42I understand.
00:22:43To show you I don't hold a grudge,
00:22:45shall we have dinner together?
00:22:47Well, although normally I don't...
00:22:50I understand.
00:22:51Have you been to the Continental?
00:22:54I've heard it's a very classy place.
00:22:57It's very nice.
00:22:58Shall we go tomorrow, if you like?
00:23:02You're a good person.
00:23:04You too, Lonnie.
00:23:06See you tomorrow after the show.
00:23:13Good night.
00:23:14See you tomorrow.
00:23:29Hello, darling.
00:23:34What a lovely dress. It's beautiful.
00:23:36Oh, you've been rejecting me.
00:23:38I wanted you to see what you're missing.
00:23:41What would you like to drink?
00:23:43A jerez, please.
00:23:47How's your day?
00:23:49Not bad.
00:23:51But it requires a lot of research.
00:23:54You need to relax a bit.
00:23:56What do you want to do after dinner?
00:23:59You know what I want.
00:24:02But I have no choice but to keep working.
00:24:04You asked me to write quickly, remember?
00:24:06Oh, I wish you'd finished already.
00:24:08What more could I want?
00:24:10I think I'm having more fun than you.
00:24:12You think so, Dad?
00:24:13I wouldn't want to think you're having fun.
00:24:24Can I wait for Dolly here?
00:24:26If you're in a hurry, I'm ready.
00:24:28Thank you for the offer.
00:24:30You're welcome.
00:24:32A cigarette?
00:24:33No, thanks.
00:24:36What's this?
00:24:37Body make-up.
00:24:41Do you all use the same one?
00:24:43No, why?
00:24:44Just out of curiosity.
00:24:46Does Patty Gray use it, too?
00:24:49Did you know Patty?
00:24:50No, it's just that it caught my attention.
00:24:53Her hair color wasn't the same as Dolly's.
00:24:56How do you know it wasn't?
00:24:58From the photos in the papers.
00:25:01A lot of publicity, I think.
00:25:11Do you want to help me, darling?
00:25:14It's harder for her to put it on than to take it off.
00:25:17That's true.
00:25:19Hello, Dolly.
00:25:20Are you having a lot of fun?
00:25:22I was entertaining him on his way here.
00:25:24That's it, leave it to me.
00:25:26It's none of your business.
00:25:31Do you like him?
00:25:33A young successful author,
00:25:35whose name is Tom Garrett,
00:25:37has recently been seen in several places
00:25:39with a dazzling blonde.
00:25:41He was seen at the Continental the other night.
00:25:43We wonder what Susan Spencer will think of all this.
00:25:47Is this your research project?
00:25:49I haven't done anything to offend you, believe me.
00:25:52Oh, no.
00:25:53It's very natural that you're celebrating your marriage
00:25:56with a dazzling blonde.
00:25:58Have you had a lot of fun?
00:26:00I'm trying to write a book.
00:26:02About women?
00:26:04It's related to part of the job.
00:26:06Oh, Tom.
00:26:07I'm not a spoiled brat,
00:26:09and I think I'm reasonably modern.
00:26:11If you want to affirm your ego by running around,
00:26:14have fun.
00:26:15But don't fool me.
00:26:17Susan, it was necessary for me to do it.
00:26:20Very well.
00:26:21Give me one reason.
00:26:23Now, I can't explain it to you,
00:26:25but you'll understand it later.
00:26:27Trust me.
00:26:29You stayed on page four three weeks ago,
00:26:32and you're still on it.
00:26:34It's not that you're slow at writing,
00:26:36it's that you don't write.
00:26:38All this will end soon.
00:26:40Believe me, please.
00:26:42I've already reached the end.
00:26:44It's obvious that you feel better without me,
00:26:47so I'm going to make it easy for you, Tom.
00:26:50Didn't you want a postponement?
00:26:52Well, don't worry, because you already have it.
00:26:55I was very upset.
00:26:57So it wasn't a simple goal?
00:26:59No, what can I do?
00:27:01We agreed not to tell her anything.
00:27:03It's true, but I don't want to risk her happiness,
00:27:06or yours.
00:27:08Neither do I.
00:27:10I think everything will be fine when she finds out the truth.
00:27:23Are you sure you found her here?
00:27:25I'm sure.
00:27:27It was in all the newspapers.
00:27:34They found her body down there.
00:27:42I hope the police find it.
00:27:44It's a sentimental memory.
00:27:47Will the date come out of the newspaper?
00:27:49If you look at it closely, yes.
00:28:01Let's see.
00:28:02They must have found it down there.
00:28:04When did we start with the car prints?
00:28:06After the dinner I had with Wally.
00:28:08Has he seen you before?
00:28:11I don't think so.
00:28:14It's done.
00:28:16Very good.
00:28:24Thank you for the dinner.
00:28:26It's a shame I don't have any money.
00:28:28I'm sorry.
00:28:29You're welcome.
00:28:30I'm going to bed.
00:28:32Good night.
00:28:44Good night.
00:28:45We can go for a walk.
00:28:47It's a good idea.
00:28:48It's okay.
00:28:49We'll be late.
00:28:50I'll pick you up later.
00:28:54Do you want a candy?
00:29:14Come on, Terri.
00:29:15What are you doing there?
00:29:16What are you waiting for?
00:29:18Didn't you say it was late?
00:29:20What do you know about that guy?
00:29:22He's the best I've known for a long time.
00:29:26I don't think you should trust him so much.
00:29:31And give you the opportunity.
00:29:34You should be more careful.
00:29:36Remember about Patty.
00:29:37Come on.
00:29:39I'm not going to be late.
00:29:41Let's go.
00:29:46Have you noticed what he's wearing?
00:29:48He's wearing a gray coat, a brown hat.
00:29:52And what do you think about the car?
00:29:55You're crazy.
00:29:57That guy has a lot of class.
00:29:59If he has so much class, what does he do with you?
00:30:01What's wrong with me?
00:30:02I didn't mean to say that, Dolly.
00:30:05Oh, dear.
00:30:06Try to understand.
00:30:07A guy with those manners and with money.
00:30:10I don't understand what he's looking for in the low funds.
00:30:13Why are you so ...
00:30:14Here are the two spirals you gave me.
00:30:16I don't want to owe anything.
00:30:20It will be possible.
00:30:26He told me to go for a ride in the car.
00:30:29Remember the last ride he gave Patty.
00:30:32I guess I don't lose anything by making sure.
00:30:38But if you try to take advantage of yourself, I'll send you to the hospital.
00:30:42I'll call that lieutenant.
00:30:56The police will look for Patty Gray's fingerprints in the car.
00:31:00But since we don't have them, and we can't find any other,
00:31:03they'll suspect us.
00:31:05At least they'll have something to think about.
00:31:15I bought this make-up for the body.
00:31:17Here's the ticket to the con.
00:31:19Save it for the photographs.
00:31:38Just a second.
00:31:49I'm going to put a lot on.
00:31:53That way, part of it will stay on the seams.
00:32:18Very good.
00:32:21This detail is very important.
00:32:23I hope it's the right size.
00:32:36There it is.
00:32:43Well, it's over.
00:32:49Oh, Austin, take the make-up, the rag and the gloves when you leave.
00:32:53They shouldn't find them here.
00:32:55All right.
00:32:56All right.
00:33:01Tom, are you sure you want to continue with this?
00:33:08We've come a long way.
00:33:10I couldn't back out, even if I wanted to.
00:33:14Listen, Lieutenant, if he's a good guy,
00:33:16I don't want him to get mad at me.
00:33:18We'll be as discreet as possible.
00:33:21You act normally and don't be afraid.
00:33:25We'll watch you all night.
00:34:14Why did you stop here?
00:34:16There's a beautiful view.
00:34:18Don't you like it?
00:34:20Yes, it's very beautiful.
00:34:22Let's go back.
00:34:26What's the hurry?
00:34:28I'm tired.
00:34:32You'll see.
00:34:35Stop it!
00:34:36Let me go!
00:34:39All right.
00:34:40All right.
00:34:42What do you want, Lieutenant Kennedy of Homicides?
00:34:47You've been asking me questions for four hours now.
00:34:50We're investigating a murder, Mr. Garrett.
00:34:53I've told you I've never met that girl.
00:34:55I don't know anything about her.
00:34:58What did you do on Friday night, the 9th?
00:35:04It's been three weeks.
00:35:06It's not that long.
00:35:08Do you remember what you did that night?
00:35:11I'm the one who's asking, Mr. Garrett.
00:35:14I can't remember what I did.
00:35:17Try it.
00:35:27I think I went to the movies.
00:35:29At what time?
00:35:31I saw the last pass to La Sonte.
00:35:35Then I went to bed.
00:35:37What's that got to do with it?
00:35:39Were you alone?
00:35:41Can you prove it?
00:35:43How can I prove I was alone?
00:35:47You'll have to take my word for it.
00:35:50Thank you, Mr. Garrett.
00:35:52Wait outside.
00:35:59Have you finished with Dolly Moore?
00:36:08Be careful with this case.
00:36:12Garrett is Spencer's future son-in-law.
00:36:15And he's been fighting capital punishment for a long time.
00:36:18If people started to believe it was a revenge against Spencer...
00:36:25This case could be the most important in my life if I know how to handle it.
00:36:33And I'll know.
00:36:44Would you like some coffee?
00:36:46Thank you. I'll be on my way.
00:36:49Take him downstairs. He'll be fine.
00:36:54That's right, Mr. Garrett.
00:36:56Suspect of murder.
00:37:00Because I'm wearing a gray coat and I'm driving a black car...
00:37:04A dancer thinks she can suspect me and that's why I'm in jail for murder.
00:37:08There's a lot more.
00:37:10What else could it be?
00:37:11I'm not going to judge the case here.
00:37:13I'll do it in court.
00:37:17Let's go.
00:37:22You know as well as I do that Tom has nothing to do with this case.
00:37:25You must influence the police to discover the real murderer.
00:37:29No newspaper can do that.
00:37:31When you open a case, you can't take part. You only inform.
00:37:35I don't understand your attitude.
00:37:37It's very simple. I don't want to prejudge this case.
00:37:40That's what the courts are for.
00:37:43Do you have his background?
00:37:44Yes. He went to college for a while.
00:37:48For lack of money, he left it.
00:37:50He worked for a Chicago newspaper before doing it for Spencer.
00:37:54He wrote a novel. It was very successful.
00:37:57There's nothing that can help us.
00:38:01You'll have to talk to Spencer and his daughter.
00:38:06Well, I know Susan Spencer.
00:38:09We went out together.
00:38:13And what happened?
00:38:14Nothing special. She's not interested.
00:38:18And you?
00:38:20Are you still interested?
00:38:23She'll understand that you're doing your job.
00:38:28Of course.
00:38:32I know it's unpleasant for everyone, but...
00:38:35I ask you to help us clarify.
00:38:38Did you have any reason to suspect a relationship between Garrett and Patty Gray?
00:38:42None at all.
00:38:43I didn't know anything.
00:38:45You may think I'm trying to protect Tom, but I have no reason for it.
00:38:49Is it your fiancé?
00:38:50We broke up before this happened.
00:38:52Can I know the reason?
00:38:54Well, it has nothing to do with the case.
00:38:57I realized he wasn't the man for me.
00:38:59What reason could he have to commit such a crime?
00:39:02Thompson believes Garrett was having an affair with that girl.
00:39:06He wanted to end it, and since she resisted, he strangled her.
00:39:10That's ridiculous.
00:39:11I admit I'm disillusioned for personal reasons, but...
00:39:15Tom is not a murderer.
00:39:17I must tell you that a golden lighter with Susan's signature for Tom...
00:39:22...was found where the girl's body was found.
00:39:26What do you say about the lighter?
00:39:32I'll give it to him.
00:39:34We need help.
00:39:36Neither Susan nor I have any information that can verify Tom Garrett's guilt.
00:39:45I didn't want to bother you.
00:39:47I'm sorry, Susan.
00:40:21I'll show you how the law demands it.
00:40:23Without a doubt.
00:40:25Shortly before she died, Patty Gray told her to leave the room she shared with you.
00:40:30And you testified that she had an important sum of money.
00:40:33Is that correct?
00:40:35Yes, sir.
00:40:36She took the money out of her pocket and put it in front of my nose.
00:40:40How much money would you say it was?
00:40:43I don't know for sure.
00:40:46But it must have been two or three thousand dollars.
00:40:49Did she tell you how she got it?
00:40:52I asked her, but all she said was,
00:40:54''Wouldn't you like to know?''
00:40:56I told her I would, but she didn't tell me.
00:41:03Here you go, darling.
00:41:04Things haven't gone too badly today.
00:41:07Especially when I said that Tom's coat doesn't serve to identify him.
00:41:11It's a model used by thousands of men.
00:41:13And those two dancers haven't helped Tom either.
00:41:17I insisted that the description that Terry had given of the man who picked up Patty Gray that night
00:41:21could correspond to many men.
00:41:23I hope I'm successful.
00:41:24I think you've hit the nail on the head.
00:41:26Every night they broadcast a summary of the trial.
00:41:30Let's see.
00:41:38Following the testimony of Terry Larue, the last person who saw Patty Gray alive,
00:41:43the District Attorney, Thompson,
00:41:45called in a technician from the police lab, John Higgins.
00:41:49Answer me.
00:41:50How do you expose all the traces of the interior and exterior of the body?
00:41:54I think that's almost impossible.
00:41:56In other words, such a scrupulous cleaning
00:42:00could obey the desire to erase some traces
00:42:02more than an aversion to cleaning.
00:42:04Is that correct?
00:42:05I protest, Your Honor.
00:42:06This is not admissible.
00:42:08The prosecutor is trying to draw a conclusion from the witness.
00:42:12I withdraw the question, Your Honor.
00:42:14This is a conclusion that the jury will have to reach.
00:42:22Thompson is very skilled at making small details seem important.
00:42:26Later, Thompson called in Dolly Moore.
00:42:30The police lab has testified that remains of makeup
00:42:34have been found in the seams of the car upholstery of the accused.
00:42:38This makeup has been identified.
00:42:40It's from the brand Foster Number 9.
00:42:43Do you know what makeup brand Miss Gray used?
00:42:46Foster Number 9.
00:42:48Do you know if she used other brands?
00:42:51Never, sir.
00:42:55The accused did not seem very concerned about that testimony.
00:42:59And he has maintained the same calm that he has been demonstrating
00:43:02since the trial began.
00:43:05We have offered you the summary of today's session
00:43:08of the trial on the Carr case.
00:43:12I have the impression that Thompson has not advanced much
00:43:15with the testimony of the makeup.
00:43:17Yes, I'm worried.
00:43:19After his appointment, I am surprised that he has not rushed it.
00:43:23He must have something under his sleeve.
00:43:26When did you give this lighter to the accused, Miss Spencer?
00:43:30On May 7th.
00:43:32Only two days before the murder of Patty Gray.
00:43:36How much did it cost you?
00:43:41Do you remember when was the last time you saw the lighter
00:43:44in the hands of the accused?
00:43:54Miss Spencer, I repeat the question.
00:43:57When was the last time you saw the lighter
00:43:59in the hands of the accused?
00:44:01No, I don't remember.
00:44:05I don't know how he got there.
00:44:07I only know that I lost him.
00:44:09Someone would find him and take him to that place.
00:44:11Patty Gray used the same makeup
00:44:13whose particles have been found in the upholstery of her car.
00:44:17Was she ever in her car?
00:44:19Never. I had never seen her in my life.
00:44:21Dolly Moore, however, has been in it many times.
00:44:24She is an artist and uses makeup for the body.
00:44:27I suppose the makeup remains belong to her.
00:44:30That explains everything.
00:44:33It has also been said that the man who was seen with Patty Gray
00:44:36on the night of the murder was smoking a pipe.
00:44:39Does he smoke or has he ever smoked a pipe?
00:44:43In my life I have smoked a pipe.
00:44:46Do you want us to believe that he lost the lighter
00:44:48between the time period in which Miss Spencer gave it to him
00:44:52and Patty Gray was murdered in the space of two days?
00:44:55It's the truth.
00:44:56Is it true that Susan Spencer and you committed
00:44:58two days before the death of Patty Gray?
00:45:00I do not see that it has to do with one thing or another.
00:45:03Oh, it may be related.
00:45:06If, for example, he had to get rid of Patty Gray
00:45:09to fulfill his commitment to Miss Spencer.
00:45:11Miss, I protest vigorously.
00:45:13Okay, Mr. Wilson.
00:45:16I withdraw the question.
00:45:18Mr. Garrett, did the insurance company report
00:45:20the loss of such a valuable lighter
00:45:23that now claims to have lost it innocently?
00:45:30No, I did not.
00:45:35Please, the transcript of yesterday.
00:45:37Mr. Garrett.
00:45:40Yesterday, when trying to explain
00:45:42the reason for the absence of fingerprints on his car,
00:45:46he literally testified,
00:45:49I don't understand what's so strange about that.
00:45:52I admit that I am a car maniac
00:45:55and I constantly clean it.
00:45:57That's what he said.
00:45:58It's true.
00:46:00Mr. Garrett, if you are so sensitive,
00:46:03how do you explain then that a woman's sock,
00:46:06a sock, was found in the glove compartment of your car?
00:46:11Some time ago, a friend of mine
00:46:13did a race in a sock.
00:46:16He took it off and put it in the glove compartment.
00:46:19Who was she?
00:46:22I don't remember.
00:46:24I think it was someone I met at a party
00:46:26and I took her home.
00:46:27I really didn't know her.
00:46:29You have stated that you have never smoked in a pipe.
00:46:33Surely you may have forgotten.
00:46:35If I had ever smoked in a pipe, I would remember.
00:46:37Do you think so?
00:46:39Maybe not.
00:46:40As you don't remember what you did the night of the murder.
00:46:43I've already told you what I did.
00:46:44I went to see a movie.
00:46:45Oh, of course.
00:46:46You went to the movies.
00:46:48Of course.
00:46:49That's right.
00:46:51Is there a pipe smoker among the jury members, please?
00:46:56Be so kind as to fill and light the pipe in front of all of us.
00:47:01One moment, please.
00:47:03May I?
00:47:07We know that the man who was last seen with Patty Gray
00:47:10the night she was murdered, was smoking in a pipe.
00:47:13Look at the brown circular spot on the back of this box of cigarettes.
00:47:17It's a pipe.
00:47:18It's a pipe.
00:47:19It's a pipe.
00:47:20It's a pipe.
00:47:21It's a pipe.
00:47:22It's a pipe.
00:47:23It's a pipe.
00:47:24It's a pipe.
00:47:25It's a pipe.
00:47:26It's a pipe.
00:47:27It's a pipe.
00:47:28Look at the brown circular spot on the back of this box of cigarettes
00:47:33by out jury member.
00:47:34If you will realize that in this box of cigarettes
00:47:36that's been discovered by the police in the accused's garage
00:47:39when his arrest started, there are the same spots as earlier.
00:47:42And you said you never smoked in a pipe, Mr. Garrett?
00:47:47I already said it.
00:47:49Nevertheless, I get visits sometimes.
00:47:51Some people smoke in pipe.
00:47:53That could explain what happened with the box of cigarettes.
00:47:56I doubt it, Mr. Garrett.
00:47:58I doubt it.
00:48:01Miss Joan Williams has stated that Patty Gray had a considerable amount of money two days before she was murdered.
00:48:08Perhaps up to $3,000.
00:48:10Do you have any idea how she got that money?
00:48:12How would I know?
00:48:14I've told you a thousand times that I don't know anything about Patty Gray.
00:48:17But the investigation we've done of her bank account indicates that two days before she died...
00:48:25You withdrew $3,000 from your bank account.
00:48:28Did you give it to Patty Gray?
00:48:32Of course not.
00:48:33Why did you withdraw the money?
00:48:37I'll tell you, even if it doesn't come to that.
00:48:39I withdrew the money to buy a commitment ring.
00:48:42How do you explain that three days later you deposited $2,800 again?
00:48:47Did you buy a $200 commitment ring?
00:48:51I didn't buy any ring because my commitment was postponed.
00:48:57You didn't withdraw that money to give it to Patty Gray?
00:49:00And after killing her and registering her room, you entered what was still left of it?
00:49:05That is absolutely false.
00:49:07It was a miserable coincidence.
00:49:09Another coincidence, Mr. Garrett.
00:49:11That is your explanation of all the evidence in this case.
00:49:15Well, let's see another coincidence.
00:49:20Apart from Patty Gray and Dolly Moore,
00:49:22can you tell us what other female artists have been in your car recently?
00:49:26Patty Gray was never in my car.
00:49:28I told you I didn't know her.
00:49:29Oh, yes, you told me, that's true.
00:49:31Apart from Dolly Moore, what other female artists have been in your car?
00:49:35There have been no others.
00:49:38With the permission of this court, I would like to call Miss Moore again, Your Honor.
00:49:43You can do it.
00:49:46Miss Moore.
00:49:50Miss Moore.
00:49:53Do you realize, Miss Moore, that you are still under oath?
00:49:56Yes, sir.
00:49:58Miss Moore, the defendant has stated that the makeup particles found in your car
00:50:03must belong to you.
00:50:05That's a lie.
00:50:06I always take off my makeup before leaving the club, you know?
00:50:11I see.
00:50:13Tell me, did Patty Gray do the same?
00:50:16No, she was very lazy.
00:50:18She always waited to get home to wash her face.
00:50:21I mean, to take off her makeup.
00:50:24Thank you, Miss Moore.
00:50:29Last night, this early morning, they came to a conclusion.
00:50:33Although there was no indication of when they would issue their verdict,
00:50:37almost all the followers of this trial
00:50:39agree that this morning their decision will be known.
00:50:43The hearing usually begins at 10 a.m., but this morning, before 9 a.m.,
00:50:47viewers and members of the press have begun to gather in the court.
00:50:53Tom Garrett's trial has been attracting more and more attention.
00:50:58At the time of his detection, Tom Garrett was preparing his second novel.
00:51:16Thus, Tom Garrett's fate was determined.
00:51:20Thus, Tom Garrett's fate depends only on the heart and mind of 12 jurors.
00:51:29Hello, Jonathan.
00:51:30Hello, don't get up.
00:51:32Are you still here?
00:51:35Relax, you're not being tried.
00:51:38Worrying is useless.
00:51:40They've been deliberating for almost two days.
00:51:42I'm nervous.
00:51:43Me too, but I can't do anything.
00:51:45Neither can you.
00:51:49What's the matter, Jonathan?
00:51:51I've never seen you like this.
00:51:53You've had enough.
00:51:55Come on, there's something else that worries you.
00:51:58What is it?
00:52:01I didn't want to tell you now, but you'll find out sooner or later.
00:52:06Sooner or later.
00:52:08I didn't want to tell you now, but you'll find out sooner or later.
00:52:13Something terrible has happened.
00:52:15Austin Spencer died in a car accident.
00:52:21That's impossible.
00:52:23I was also impressed.
00:52:25But he has to be alive.
00:52:27I wish it were, but we must face it.
00:52:29He can't be dead.
00:52:31It all depends on him.
00:52:33I don't understand.
00:52:34Austin is the only one who knows that I didn't kill that girl.
00:52:36Don't you see?
00:52:37What are you talking about?
00:52:39He was involved from the beginning.
00:52:41We planned all the tests together.
00:52:43They had already killed that girl.
00:52:45The lighter, the make-up, the stockings, everything.
00:52:48It was part of a plan we had.
00:52:50And in view of this extraordinary revelation from Mr. Garrett,
00:52:53I respectfully request that the case be reopened to present new evidence.
00:52:57Your Honor, we are facing a frantic effort by a desperate man.
00:53:01It is highly significant that the accused now expose the fantastic story of a well-prepared plan
00:53:06after the death of Mr. Spencer.
00:53:09Reopening the case, according to Mr. Wilson's request,
00:53:12would be like a mockery of our judicial process.
00:53:15The state is energetically opposed to this motion.
00:53:18I think as the district attorney, Mr. Wilson.
00:53:21I think as the district attorney, Mr. Wilson.
00:53:23However, the court is deeply aware that the life of a man is at stake.
00:53:27However, the court is deeply aware that the life of a man is at stake.
00:53:34I will give the defense the opportunity to present tangible evidence that corroborates its motion.
00:53:39The verdict of the jury will be retained until the review of this case tomorrow.
00:53:46He says the photographs have to be here, but where?
00:53:49I'm sure it was in the safe.
00:53:51He told me he saw how your father put them.
00:53:53He told me he saw how your father put them.
00:53:55But maybe Austin took them to the office.
00:53:57Let's look at his desk first.
00:54:18Stand up.
00:54:20The hearing begins.
00:54:23Sit down.
00:54:30The defense has indicated to this court
00:54:33that it cannot present any testimony that could be considered a new trial.
00:54:40The re-opening motion is denied.
00:54:44Let the jury come in.
00:54:54Do you have a verdict?
00:54:56We do, Your Honor.
00:54:58What is your verdict?
00:55:01We consider the defendant guilty of first-degree murder.
00:55:26I have to know the truth.
00:55:28I don't want any more lies.
00:55:30I'm not lying, Susan.
00:55:32There were photographs.
00:55:34We even had the dates and places where we took them.
00:55:37Who came up with that idea?
00:55:39I think he mentioned it first.
00:55:41And then he started to give them to me.
00:55:44And then he started to give them to me.
00:55:46And then he started to give them to me.
00:55:48And then he started to give them to me.
00:55:50And then he started to give them to me.
00:55:51And then he started to give them to me.
00:55:55Don't you believe me?
00:55:58I don't know what you believe.
00:56:01Do you think I could have killed that girl?
00:56:05No, I've never thought about it.
00:56:08But maybe because I can't accept the idea
00:56:11that someone so close to me did something like that.
00:56:14I've never done anything, so I don't doubt it.
00:56:17There were photographs.
00:56:18Find Francisco.
00:56:20You'll know I'm honest.
00:56:23Yes, I will.
00:56:42Now I realize.
00:56:44Dad behaved strangely when they arrested Tony.
00:56:48He liked him a lot.
00:56:52He didn't seem too surprised or worried,
00:56:55as he should have been.
00:56:57It seemed as if he had confidence,
00:57:00as if he knew something.
00:57:03If Tom tells the truth,
00:57:06that would explain everything.
00:57:10But if it's true and there were photographs,
00:57:13why don't they show up?
00:57:15Have you registered the house and the office?
00:57:16Dad would never have destroyed them.
00:57:23Unless I took them in the car when the accident happened.
00:57:27There were photographs, all right,
00:57:29but they're unrecognizable.
00:57:35The lab couldn't determine what was in them,
00:57:38but the negatives have to be there.
00:57:40Dad always used one of those Instamatic cameras.
00:57:44There are no negatives.
00:57:46I'm sure that's not enough.
00:57:48They're just remains of photographs.
00:57:50But now we know he's telling the truth.
00:57:52They could be anything.
00:57:54Tom only insisted that there were photographs,
00:57:57but I couldn't imagine they were in the...
00:57:59Officially, the situation doesn't change.
00:58:02We have no proof in favor of that argument.
00:58:06If you love someone,
00:58:08you must believe in him.
00:58:10I understand, Susan,
00:58:12but these carbonized photographs don't prove Carl's innocence.
00:58:14They do for me, and I want to defend him.
00:58:17I have to go see him, Bob.
00:58:19I'm afraid you can't.
00:58:21He's been transferred to the state prison.
00:58:23He's only an hour away.
00:58:25A detainee awaiting... execution.
00:58:29He can't be visited the first week.
00:59:05Your article about Mr. Carlson's refusal to be executed was very vague.
00:59:10What could I say?
00:59:12The request has been denied.
00:59:14I want you to talk about it much more.
00:59:16I want the paper to be widely expressed.
00:59:19Publishers, polls, anything that raises a favorable public opinion of Mr. Garrett.
00:59:24Miss Spencer, your father told us to treat this case like any other.
00:59:28He wouldn't have liked us to be party members.
00:59:31Now I'm responsible.
00:59:33It's not that I intend to direct it.
00:59:35I couldn't think of it.
00:59:37My father appointed a board in his will to do it.
00:59:39But the Albacea is in Europe and won't be back until some time.
00:59:42In the meantime, the will is not effective.
00:59:45Everything is temporarily in my hands.
00:59:47I will assume that responsibility, but...
00:59:50I insist that you do what I say.
01:00:00This is a publishing house.
01:00:02Not even Spencer himself would have gone so far.
01:00:04And this is the girl he was interested in?
01:00:06I'm still interested.
01:00:08After this?
01:00:10Do you have any doubts about Garrett's guilt?
01:00:13None at all.
01:00:15I've never had it.
01:00:17Neither has the jury.
01:00:19Now I do doubt.
01:00:21I've already read those interviews with the jurors.
01:00:23And the petitions and telegrams in favor of Garrett.
01:00:25That girl has used the newspaper to manipulate people's emotions.
01:00:29She even managed to move you.
01:00:32Maybe she can also move the governor.
01:00:35I know she's been following this case very closely.
01:00:38I'm not willing to let myself be influenced by anyone.
01:00:41Everything related to this case must be based on evidence.
01:00:45Not on what people feel.
01:00:47Yes, very well.
01:00:49But maybe you're hanging politically.
01:00:51You could end up becoming famous for your poison.
01:00:55It's irreversible.
01:00:57If now I've been pushed back by public opinion, I'm dead.
01:01:01Only wounded.
01:01:03You will die if the governor concedes the pardon.
01:01:08There's still a week before the execution.
01:01:11I want to know more about Patty Gray.
01:01:15Her last job in Kansas.
01:01:18Start there and get to her first job if necessary.
01:01:23If we find a possible relationship between Garrett and Patty Gray in the past,
01:01:27the governor will not be able to pardon her despite that artificial emotion that Susan Spencer is creating.
01:01:32You're spoiling a dead horse.
01:01:34Nothing will die in this case until Garrett is executed.
01:01:38Get to work.
01:01:44I've tried everything.
01:01:46I even talked to the governor.
01:01:49He can't do anything.
01:01:52He would like to, but...
01:01:54He says he can't do anything without proof that justifies his intervention in the case.
01:01:59I even tried to postpone the date of the execution.
01:02:03But he can't do it without Thompson's approval.
01:02:11I wouldn't move a finger to help me.
01:02:17Maybe Susan can do something through the newspaper.
01:02:21I'm afraid not.
01:02:23Her father's Albacea has just returned from Europe.
01:02:26Now he's in charge.
01:02:28I don't know.
01:02:46Tomorrow night.
01:02:50What time?
01:02:53At eleven.
01:02:58You're a little far from your territory.
01:03:01Yes, a little.
01:03:03Do you remember a girl named Patty Gray?
01:03:06I know so many.
01:03:08I can't remember all the names.
01:03:10She worked for you some time ago.
01:03:13What was her physique like?
01:03:18Ah, yes.
01:03:20This one.
01:03:22Six or seven years ago.
01:03:24She was very beautiful.
01:03:25I could have gotten it all.
01:03:27What did she do?
01:03:29She was a waitress.
01:03:31But with a body like yours, she was wasting her time.
01:03:34I gave her a chance.
01:03:36It worked very well.
01:03:38The men came to see her like crazy.
01:03:40Yes, Patty Gray.
01:03:42Was this your first job in the show?
01:03:47I launched it.
01:03:49I even changed her name.
01:03:51Her real name wasn't Patty Gray.
01:03:52Are you kidding me?
01:03:54Do you know what her name was?
01:03:56Emma Blucher.
01:03:58What do you think?
01:04:00A queen named Emma Blucher.
01:04:02Did she have a family?
01:04:04No, I think she went after everyone.
01:04:06She didn't give up.
01:04:11She had a hard time mixing with Robinson.
01:04:16Who was he?
01:04:18He played the drums in a band.
01:04:19Emma treated him like everyone else.
01:04:21But he was too much for her.
01:04:23He made her feel very bad.
01:04:25In what sense?
01:04:27He used to mistreat her.
01:04:29Sometimes for no reason.
01:04:31Just out of habit.
01:04:33She left here just to get rid of him.
01:04:36Emma got angry.
01:04:38With all the money.
01:04:40Mike was furious.
01:04:42He said he would find her no matter what.
01:04:44Rum with Coca-Cola.
01:04:46He was going to kill her.
01:04:47Rum with Coca-Cola.
01:04:49Just Coca-Cola.
01:04:51And did he find her?
01:04:53I don't know.
01:04:55I didn't know more about them.
01:05:01Is this Robinson?
01:05:09Mike was blond,
01:05:11small, thin,
01:05:13but strong.
01:05:14Have you ever seen this man?
01:05:16No, never.
01:05:18Why do you ask?
01:05:21I'm curious about Patty's life.
01:05:23Is she in trouble?
01:05:25Not anymore.
01:05:27Neither is Patty Gray, nor is Emma Blucher.
01:05:30If Thompson approves it, he will.
01:05:32After all, we have the first suspect with a motive.
01:05:35That doesn't mean they'll release Thompson.
01:05:37But we'll have time to clarify the matter.
01:05:39Thompson has started an investigation into Robinson.
01:05:41I called him 50 years ago.
01:05:42I never thought he would support me and trust me.
01:05:45I know I don't deserve it.
01:05:47I must thank you.
01:05:49Forget it.
01:06:02Are you alone?
01:06:04No, Roy. Susan Spencer is here.
01:06:13What's going on?
01:06:15Mike Robinson died four years ago in Chicago.
01:06:21I'm sorry, ma'am.
01:06:31I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson.
01:06:33Mr. Wilson insists on seeing you right away.
01:06:35I'm sorry to introduce myself like this.
01:06:40Oh, Susan.
01:06:42I'm glad to see you here.
01:06:44This is Alan Kirk, Austin Spencer's albacea.
01:06:46He has something for you.
01:06:48Alan, tell him, please.
01:06:50Mr. Spencer's personal and professional matters were quite numerous.
01:06:53After opening the different deposit chambers,
01:06:56we found this envelope.
01:06:58It's for you.
01:07:10This document has been written by me
01:07:12to be delivered to you in the event
01:07:14that Tom Garret was sentenced to death by Patty Gray
01:07:17after my death.
01:07:19It is...
01:07:21under oath.
01:07:25Is there any doubt
01:07:27that this is Austin Spencer's handwriting?
01:07:29No, sir.
01:07:31I don't believe it.
01:07:33I don't believe it.
01:07:35I don't believe it.
01:07:37I don't believe it.
01:07:38Mr. Spencer.
01:07:44Absolutely none.
01:07:46It's his.
01:07:57Well, here it is.
01:07:59Dates, places, explanations.
01:08:02A written and photographic follow-up
01:08:04of everything they did.
01:08:06Garret has told the truth.
01:08:08Thompson has sent a note to the governor
01:08:10to have you indulged immediately.
01:08:12Trying to keep the guy.
01:08:14Oh, no.
01:08:16I'm sure he's honest.
01:08:18He even made us meet in this office
01:08:20so I could tell you.
01:08:22Very generous.
01:08:24Oh, don't be rude.
01:08:26Don't be?
01:08:28If Thompson had gone out with her,
01:08:30I would have been executed.
01:08:32You know that.
01:08:33At first, I didn't even know that girl.
01:08:35If Thompson hadn't tried
01:08:37to create a reputation
01:08:39at the cost of my death,
01:08:41I would have admitted his mistake
01:08:43a long time ago.
01:08:45Instead of trying to find out
01:08:47who killed Emma,
01:08:49he made me go through all this.
01:08:51I have nothing to thank him for.
01:08:53How do you know
01:08:55her real name was Emma?
01:08:57I read it in the paper.
01:09:00The papers haven't published it.
01:09:03I must have heard someone say it.
01:09:06You killed that girl, didn't you?
01:09:14You did, didn't you?
01:09:22It happened
01:09:24a long time ago.
01:09:26I was very young.
01:09:28I had to marry her.
01:09:29Then I found out
01:09:31that it was all a trap.
01:09:34We never lived together.
01:09:36I gave her all the money I could
01:09:38and she promised to go to Mexico
01:09:40and get a divorce.
01:09:42I never saw her again
01:09:44or heard from her
01:09:46until she showed up
01:09:48when my book was published
01:09:50and I found out
01:09:52that she hadn't gotten a divorce.
01:09:54And all you could think of
01:09:56was killing her?
01:09:57No, not at first.
01:09:59It didn't even cross my mind.
01:10:01Then your father
01:10:03started talking to me
01:10:05about the death penalty.
01:10:07Without realizing it,
01:10:09he showed me how to get rid of her
01:10:11without any risk.
01:10:13You and I had our whole lives ahead of us
01:10:15and that's what I was trying to save.
01:10:17And I did it.
01:10:19I thought you were innocent.
01:10:21You would have fought anyway
01:10:23if you had known why I did it.
01:10:27I don't know what I would have done.
01:10:34I know what you've been through for me.
01:10:39Please, let me go.
01:10:41I can't think.
01:10:43Let me go.
01:10:57Let me go.
01:11:27In an hour,
01:11:29everything will be over.
01:11:31How did he react?
01:11:33I'm glad you're here.
01:11:36You've done a lot for me.
01:11:38I've only
01:11:40tried to help.
01:11:44The same way
01:11:46you've helped Gabi.
01:11:48You know how I feel about you.
01:11:53I was accused of a crime
01:11:55and you thought I was guilty.
01:11:57That I wasn't the person you thought I was.
01:12:01You would continue to help me.
01:12:03How could I love you
01:12:05and not do everything I could?
01:12:09Even if you were sure
01:12:11that I had killed someone.
01:12:14What's going on?
01:12:16Why are you talking like that?
01:12:18You've only helped the man you love.
01:12:20It should be a very happy moment for you.
01:12:22The man I saw in prison
01:12:24wasn't the one I loved.
01:12:25He was a stranger.
01:12:27Someone I didn't know.
01:12:29What happened in prison?
01:12:31If it happened, tell me.
01:12:33No, please.
01:12:35In half an hour, he'll be free.
01:12:37If he's forgiven,
01:12:39they won't be able to judge him again.
01:12:41If you know anything, you must speak.
01:12:56The State's decision.
01:12:58I can't believe it...
01:13:02I won't forgive him.
01:13:04He's not worth dying for.
01:13:06No, you won't.
01:13:08You cannot forgive him.
01:13:10I will.
01:13:12You must forgive him.
01:13:18I will.
01:13:20I'm sorry!
01:13:22I can't forgive him!
01:13:23I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.
01:13:43A smile, Governor.
01:13:45Are you going to write again, Mr. Garrett?
01:13:48I suppose so. That's what I live off of.
01:13:51Governor, how is Miss Spencer?
01:13:55Hello? Yes. Who is this?
01:14:01Just a moment. For you, Governor.
01:14:09Is she completely safe?
01:14:16Is she with Miss Spencer?
01:14:21I understand. Thank you.
01:14:35Mr. Garrett has been taken back to his cell. He has not been pardoned.
01:14:39Guard, take Garrett to prison.
01:14:51THE END