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Aterrados - Película Completa En Español
Aterrados - Película Completa En Español
Aterrados - Película Completa En Español


00:04:00¡Para! ¡Para!
00:07:05Yo prometí queremos sacarlo de acá.
00:07:10Nosotros creemos en usted,
00:07:13pero va a tener que colaborar un poco con nosotros.
00:07:16¿Hablaron con mi abogado?
00:07:19Sí, hablamos.
00:07:21Pero su abogado parece no creernos demasiado.
00:07:30No, ya las conozco.
00:07:31No, no.
00:07:32Estas no las conoce.
00:07:33Estas no las vio nunca.
00:07:34Sabemos que usted no mató a su esposa.
00:07:37No tenemos pruebas concretas,
00:07:40pero estamos detrás de eso.
00:07:43Mira la foto, señor Blumetti.
00:07:54No es clara.
00:07:56Esa no es su esposa.
00:07:591998, en Estados Unidos.
00:08:03Un caso muy similar al suyo.
00:08:05Casi idéntico.
00:08:08¿Lo pudieron esclarecer?
00:08:12Necesitamos saber todo lo que recuerde de ese momento.
00:08:17No sé si lo dije todo al fiscal.
00:08:19Todo lo que recuerde de esas últimas dos semanas en su...
00:08:26En su vecindario.
00:08:30¿Algo fuera de lo normal?
00:08:40El accidente fuera de mi casa.
00:08:44No sé, mi vecino, Walter.
00:08:47Estaba muy molesto.
00:08:49Él estaba haciendo unas remodelaciones en su casa a cualquier hora.
00:08:56Su vecino, Walter.
00:08:59Walter Carabajal.
00:09:06Hola, Silvia.
00:09:08¿Cómo estás?
00:09:12Hola, sí, ¿qué tal?
00:09:13¿Con la doctora Albrecht, por favor?
00:09:17¿Quién la busca?
00:09:18Mi nombre es Walter Carabajal.
00:09:21La doctora no lo puede atender ahora.
00:09:23¿Necesita que le deje redicho?
00:09:25No, yo necesitaría hablar con la doctora.
00:09:29Estoy con unos problemas en mi casa.
00:09:32Hace varios meses que...
00:09:35Al principio pensé que era yo, pero después se fue acentuando y...
00:09:40Me cuesta un poco explicarle por teléfono qué es lo que está pasando.
00:09:44¿Quién le dio este teléfono, señor Carabajal?
00:09:47Bueno, hablé con varios especialistas y...
00:09:51Muchos coincidieron en darme este número de teléfono.
00:09:54Mire, le voy a tener que pedir que llame mañana de nuevo, por favor.
00:09:57Ah, bueno.
00:09:59Bueno, mañana llamo.
00:10:01¿Le puede decir a la doctora que llame, por favor?
00:11:05¿Dónde está?
00:11:35¿Dónde está?
00:12:05¿Dónde está?
00:12:35¿Dónde está?
00:13:05¿Dónde está?
00:13:35¿Dónde está?
00:14:03Hola, ¿qué tal? Habla Walter Carabajal.
00:14:06Necesito ayuda, por favor. Hace semanas que no puedo dormir.
00:14:09Estoy tomando medicación, pero no me hace más efecto.
00:14:11Estoy en una situación muy difícil.
00:14:16Dígale a la doctora que lo vi.
00:14:18Que ya no son solamente ruidos o golpes o cosas que se mueven.
00:14:21Ayer lo vi. Creo que salió de abajo de la cama.
00:14:24Señor Carabajal, la doctora no puede dar de turno.
00:14:26Por el momento no podrá tomar su caso.
00:14:28Por favor, le estoy pidiendo.
00:14:31Necesito hablar con la doctora. Urgente.
00:14:34Me estoy volviendo loco.
00:14:38Señor, si puede tomar nota, lo diríamos con otro especialista.
00:14:41No, no, no, no. Ya hablé con todos.
00:14:44Muchos me dicen que la única persona que me puede ayudar es la doctora.
00:14:47Yo puedo pagarle. Puedo hacer lo que sea necesario.
00:14:50Usted dígame qué tengo que hacer y yo lo hago.
00:14:52Por favor, le pido.
00:14:54La doctora Albrecht no toma casos sin evaluar las pruebas.
00:14:57Es algo que ella hace personalmente.
00:14:59Y efectivamente en este momento no puede hacerlo.
00:15:02¿Cómo quiere que le dé pruebas si lo que me pasa no se puede ver?
00:15:06Lo siento, señor Carabajal. No estamos en condición de poder ayudar.
00:15:22¿Qué pasa con tu casa, viejo?
00:15:24¿Por qué?
00:15:26¿Cómo por qué? O sea, ¿me rajaste toda la pared?
00:15:28¿Hay golpes todo el tiempo acá?
00:15:30Ah, es que estoy haciendo unas modificaciones.
00:15:34Unos arreglos.
00:15:36O sea, ¿me entendés que me rajaste toda la pared? O sea, ¿toda?
00:15:45¿Querés pruebas? Te voy a dar pruebas.
00:16:28¿Qué pasa?
00:16:58¿Qué pasa?
00:17:28¿Qué pasa?
00:17:58¿Qué pasa?
00:18:28¿Qué pasa?
00:18:58¿Quién sos?
00:19:01¿Quién sos?
00:19:28¿Quién sos?
00:19:58Andate de mi casa. No tomes ese agua.
00:20:00¡Andate de mi casa!
00:20:02¡Fuera! ¡No te quiero ver por acá!
00:20:04¿Me escuchás? ¿Me escuchás?
00:20:06Es por tu bien que te lo estoy diciendo.
00:20:08Andate de mi casa.
00:20:21¿Qué pasó?
00:20:30Un accidente.
00:21:55Halo. Habla Funes.
00:21:58¿Funes? ¿Es Ramón?
00:22:01Disculpame la hora. No te llamaría hasta ahora si no fuera por...
00:22:07Algo muy importante.
00:22:09No, está bien.
00:22:11¿Qué pasa?
00:22:13Hace cuatro días ocurrió un siniestro.
00:22:15Atropellaron a Ramón.
00:22:17¿Qué pasó?
00:22:19Hace cuatro días ocurrió un siniestro.
00:22:21Atropellaron a un nene de diez años y se murió en la puerta de su casa.
00:22:27Te necesito, Jano. Necesito que estés acá.
00:22:30Necesito que vengas.
00:22:32Bueno, está bien, sí.
00:22:34Mándame una patrulla para que te vaya a buscar.
00:22:37Tomará más o menos una hora en llegar.
00:22:40Está bien.
00:22:41Jano, sos el único que me puede decir lo que está pasando acá.
00:22:49Habla Funes.
00:22:51Who is it?
00:23:49¿Qué hora, no?
00:23:56¿Te sentís bien?
00:24:29No te asusta nada, vos, ¿no?
00:24:33Nunca se sabe. Vamos a ver.
00:24:50Oficial Guzmán, ya lo conoces.
00:24:54Oficial Picarel, de mi confianza.
00:24:57Estaban en un patrullaje de rutina.
00:25:00Vieron la puerta abierta, entraron y se encontraron con la señora desestada.
00:25:03Disculpe, jefe.
00:25:05¿Podemos esperar afuera?
00:25:10Vayan tranquilos.
00:25:13Están asustados.
00:25:15¿Y tienen con qué?
00:25:25Jano, el nene se murió hace cuatro días.
00:25:30Yo estuve en el entierro, en el velorio.
00:25:36En el velorio.
00:25:47El nene se murió hace cuatro días.
00:25:50Yo estuve en el entierro, en el velorio.
00:25:55El nene se murió hace cuatro días.
00:25:58Yo estuve en el entierro, en el velorio.
00:26:15¿Es él?
00:26:19Los oficiales dicen...
00:26:23...que lo vieron moverse, Jano.
00:26:26Te juro que a mí también me pareció ver que se movía en un momento.
00:26:56¿Es él?
00:27:12Tiene olor a podrido, Jano.
00:27:20Sí, huele mal.
00:27:23¿O pensás que Alicia...
00:27:26...pudo haber montado todo esto?
00:27:30Mirale las manitos, Punez.
00:27:32Están deshechas, ¿ves?
00:27:36Estuvo rasguñando la tierra varios días.
00:27:48¿Sabés qué?
00:27:52Hay muchos casos de profanación...
00:27:55...por parte de los propios familiares.
00:27:58Hay personas que no soportan la idea de saber que su hijo se ha muerto.
00:28:02Algunos hasta llegan a la locura de robar cadáveres.
00:28:07A mí me parece que habría que investigar un poco...
00:28:11...entre las ropas de la madre.
00:28:13A lo mejor aparece alguna infección bacteriológica...
00:28:16...o flora, fauna cadavérica, no sé.
00:28:20No sabés, estás dudando.
00:28:25Tengo serias dudas de que este sea uno de esos casos.
00:28:32Podés dar la explicación que acabo de darte.
00:28:35No es la respuesta que esperaba de mí.
00:28:40Claro, está bien.
00:28:42Porque no lo es.
00:28:44Pero es la que deberías dar.
00:28:50¿A la señora la conoces?
00:28:54Digo, si conoces a la señora.
00:29:04Tuvimos una historia...
00:29:08...muy linda...
00:29:10...varios años.
00:29:27Se movió.
00:29:37El brazo estaba sobre la mesa igual que ahora.
00:29:43Creo que sí.
00:29:45¿Cómo creo, Jano?
00:29:48¿Sacaron fotos?
00:29:50No, no hicimos nada.
00:29:54Está bien, no hay que hacer nada.
00:29:56¿A qué te referís? No entiendo.
00:29:58Eso, que no hay que hacer nada.
00:30:00Lo mejor va a ser volver a enterrarlo.
00:30:04Ah, sí.
00:30:10Ah, pues estás en pedo, Jano.
00:30:13Fue ni saber si se entiende.
00:30:16Supongo que vos estás al tanto...
00:30:18...de las dificultades que puede ocasionar todo esto, ¿no?
00:30:21Supongo que sí.
00:30:23Por ejemplo, si interviene una fiscalía...
00:30:25...a tu amiga...
00:30:27...la encierran en un loquero...
00:30:29...y dado este escenario, se queda varios años ahí adentro.
00:30:32Me parece que habría que buscar la forma de evitarlo.
00:30:34¿Te parece?
00:30:38¿Qué le digo a mi gente?
00:30:42Movimientos post-mortem...
00:30:45...ocasionados por acumulación de gases.
00:30:48Es un cuerpo en estado de descomposición.
00:30:59Habría que conseguir...
00:31:01...vale un inyectable mejor que tu amiga duerma...
00:31:04...antes que nos llevemos a su hijo.
00:31:06No vuelvas a apagar la luz.
00:31:09No vuelvas a apagar la luz.
00:31:29¿Qué es lo que está pasando, chiquito?
00:31:33¿Por qué viniste a visitarnos?
00:31:37¿Qué es lo que te trajo hasta acá?
00:31:40¿Qué es lo que te trajo hasta acá?
00:32:03Tiene que ser mi hermana.
00:32:07Tiene que decir al cura.
00:32:11No quiero que se lo vuelvan a llevar.
00:32:13No quiero que se lo lleven, por favor.
00:32:15No me lo vuelvan a llevar a mi bebé.
00:32:37¿Perdón, la conozco?
00:32:41Le pregunto porque la veo sacando fotos.
00:32:45Me parece conocerla de otro lado.
00:32:48¿Usted no es la licenciada Amora Albrecht?
00:32:53Doctora Albrecht.
00:32:55¿Y usted quién es?
00:32:57Sabe que no puedo creer conocerla personalmente, ¿no?
00:33:01Mi nombre es Mario Jano.
00:33:03Mi nombre es Mario Jano.
00:33:05Mayor gusto.
00:33:07Yo asistí a varias de sus conferencias.
00:33:10Eventos paranormales, metasimbiosis.
00:33:13Perdón, ¿qué anda buscando por acá, doctora?
00:33:15¿La puedo ayudar?
00:33:17¿Esto es acá?
00:33:20Sí, es acá.
00:33:23¿Por qué es extraño?
00:33:25Toco el portero eléctrico.
00:33:27Parece que alguien atiende, pero nadie responde.
00:33:30No atiende sus teléfonos.
00:33:33¿Usted lo conoce al señor Carvajal?
00:33:35¿Lo ha visto en estos últimos días?
00:33:39No, lo que pasa es que yo no soy de acá tampoco.
00:33:45¿Sabe que esto es más que una casualidad, no?
00:33:48Si yo la invitara a que me acompañe, ¿podría ser?
00:33:53Le va a interesar, doctora, ¿eh?
00:33:55Le va a interesar.
00:34:14La doctora Albrecht, una colega, una eminencia de verdad.
00:34:18¿Puedo hablar con usted, por favor, un segundo?
00:34:20Sí, permiso.
00:34:25¿Vos la llamaste?
00:34:28Es más que una coincidencia, ¿eh?
00:34:31Bueno, no importa.
00:34:32No vamos a poder hacer el traslado, doctora.
00:34:34¿Por qué?
00:34:35Porque mirá la verdad que es.
00:34:37Porque es un quilombo, porque hay gente, porque se ve.
00:34:40Pero no me vas a decir que no podés resolver el tema en el cementerio.
00:34:43Yo soy el comisionado.
00:34:44No se trata de eso, no es del cementerio.
00:34:46Hay embotellamiento, hay gente que se ve, pero eso va muy con el nenito.
00:34:49No lo voy a hacer.
00:34:50Yo creo que hay que hacer esto, que es la opción correcta.
00:34:54¿Ah, sí?
00:34:57¿Está sacando fotos?
00:34:58Sí, ella sabe lo que hace, sí.
00:35:00¿Jano está sacando fotos?
00:35:02Confía en mí, por favor.
00:35:03Ella sabe lo que hace.
00:35:04Por favor.
00:35:06¿Vos sabés el problema de salud que yo tengo?
00:35:08Sí, lo sé.
00:35:10En dos meses me dan el retiro.
00:35:12No tengo una puta mancha en mi legajo.
00:35:15¿Vos sabés el quilombo que puede traer todo esto a mí?
00:35:17¿Lo sabés?
00:35:18Yo sé, juez.
00:35:19Esta es la opción correcta.
00:35:21En un rato van a venir las amigas de Alicia.
00:35:23Va a tomar mate y ya está el nenito sentado.
00:35:26¿Me podés escuchar, Funes, por favor?
00:35:29No dormiste.
00:35:31Está muy tenso.
00:35:33Tenés que hacer una cosa.
00:35:34Por favor, llévate a los oficiales.
00:35:37Y andá al cementerio a resolver el tema del entierro.
00:35:39Y déjanos a mí y a Albrecht, que nos vamos a ocupar de Alicia y lo vamos a solucionar.
00:35:45Y por favor, sacá a esa patrulla de acá antes que los vecinos empiecen a preguntar qué está pasando.
00:35:50Por favor.
00:35:54¿Qué están ocultando ustedes?
00:35:58¿Usted había visto esto?
00:36:08Yo me voy y en un par de horas vuelvo, ¿sabés qué?
00:36:11Escúchame vos a mí.
00:36:12¿Estamos haciendo las cosas bien?
00:36:14Sí, sí.
00:36:15Hay que conseguir dos bolsas de cemento.
00:36:18¿Para qué?
00:36:19¿Cómo para qué?
00:36:20¿Qué querés?
00:36:21¿Qué querés?
00:36:22¿Que vuelva a salir la tumba?
00:36:48Ese olor...
00:36:56No es olor a podrido, es olor a muerto.
00:37:01Ahora estamos hablando el mismo idioma.
00:37:22¿Quiere sentarse, doctora? Quiero comentarle algo.
00:37:33Fui forense policial. Trabajé más de 15 años con el comisario Funes.
00:37:39¿Y qué?
00:37:41¿Y qué?
00:37:42¿Y qué?
00:37:43¿Y qué?
00:37:44¿Y qué?
00:37:45¿Y qué?
00:37:46¿Y qué?
00:37:47¿Y qué?
00:37:48Trabajé más de 15 años con el comisario Funes.
00:37:53Hacía autopsias, muchas.
00:37:57Y bueno, un día me llega un muerto joven, 20 años.
00:38:03Tenía 14 balas en la cabeza.
00:38:08No tuve más alternativa que quitarle.
00:38:12Estuve escarbando cinco horas en el cráneo de ese muchacho.
00:38:19Y en un momento me agarró un brazo, me apretó y abrió los ojos para mirarme.
00:38:34En realidad yo creí que era mi estrés.
00:38:37En realidad yo creí que era mi estrés.
00:38:42Pero no.
00:38:44Ese suceso volvió a repetirse en un anciano.
00:38:50Estaba muerto hacia dos días.
00:38:53Despertó, me miró y me habló.
00:38:59Yo no tuve mejor idea que llamar a la familia.
00:39:05La familia llegó a la morgue.
00:39:09Se imaginará el momento para el hijo de ese pobre anciano.
00:39:15Pero bueno, estas cosas suceden, doctora.
00:39:19Y suceden cuando uno se roza con cosas que no se acuerdan.
00:39:23Yo creo que deberíamos dejarlas pasar a veces y...
00:39:27...prestarles menos importancia.
00:39:30Por lo menos menos de la que solemos darle, ¿no le parece?
00:39:34El anciano muerto habló culpando a su propio hijo de su muerte.
00:39:42Sí, yo creo que eso es lo que sucedió.
00:39:46Habló culpando a su propio hijo de su muerte.
00:39:52Sí, yo creo que leí su libro.
00:39:54No me diga.
00:39:56Estaba muy bien encuadernado.
00:40:46Doctora, what makes you think these pictures are...
00:40:49They are real.
00:40:51I didn't cross half the country for doubtful pictures.
00:40:54No, I'm not saying they are doubtful.
00:40:56But it's a very strange coincidence.
00:40:59Maybe it's not a coincidence.
00:41:11Someone came in.
00:41:15Let's go.
00:41:27We have to move the body.
00:41:46No one is going to believe the story that kid tells when he gets home.
00:41:59For the doubts.
00:42:16Has he been sleeping?
00:42:20Yes, but not for long.
00:42:22We have to act fast.
00:42:25Solve the cemetery issue, you know?
00:42:29We had to move him.
00:42:32Where is he?
00:42:34In the freezer.
00:42:45Let's go.
00:42:52Plug it in, Jano.
00:43:02Motherfucker, Jano.
00:43:06We're going to have to take him to the freezer.
00:43:10The commissioner will have to work with us if he doesn't want this to happen again.
00:43:23Fortunately, we have the commissioner's approval.
00:43:28But that's not enough.
00:43:30We have to keep moving and for that we need you to sign some authorizations.
00:43:36We're going to need your house.
00:43:39Well, to spend a few nights at your home.
00:43:42But for that we need your approval.
00:43:46For what?
00:43:48To investigate, Mr. Blumenthal.
00:43:50There are several locations on the same radio where paranormal events have happened.
00:43:55And one of the vectors is your house.
00:43:57We already have the neighbors' approval and now we just need yours.
00:44:13Thank you, Mr. Blumenthal.
00:44:16But what does all this imply?
00:44:18This implies that the three of us are going to split up...
00:44:22...in each of the houses where we believe paranormal phenomena occur.
00:44:27Fortunately, we have the invaluable help of Dr. Rosenthal.
00:44:34He is a colleague of Dr. Albrecht and has been in charge of similar cases...
00:44:38...in the United States and in much of the continent.
00:44:44But what happened to my neighbor, Walter?
00:44:49We don't know anything about him.
00:44:51Nobody knows anything about him for a long time.
00:44:54Well, good luck.
00:44:59You're going to need it, I think.
00:47:19Are you...
00:47:23Afraid, yes.
00:47:26It's normal.
00:47:28I'm not going to deny it.
00:47:31I'm not going to deny it either.
00:47:34I'm also afraid.
00:47:39Here we are. We were able to get in.
00:47:41Good. Did you check the whole house?
00:47:43They turned off the lights due to a lack of payment.
00:47:46If I touch a contact, can I activate it?
00:47:48No, it's not necessary.
00:47:49To find what we are looking for, it is better that there are no lights on.
00:47:54Ah, ah, ah.
00:47:55Ok, ok.
00:47:57Of course.
00:47:59Let's keep in touch, then.
00:48:15...what could we possibly find here?
00:48:22...clues to what happened the night...
00:48:25...ten days ago.
00:48:30I mean...
00:48:33...just that, right?
00:48:38You may choose not to be here tonight.
00:48:48The fear is...
00:49:03I have a problem, you know.
00:49:06I'm anticoagulated.
00:49:12And besides...
00:49:14...I hear very little.
00:49:17I mean...
00:49:24...this is not the right place for you to be.
00:49:46Hello, is that you, Albrecht?
00:49:50Yes, hello.
00:49:52I want to talk to Alicia, please.
00:49:54Ah, no, no, she's not...
00:49:57...she's not here. She's been at her sister's house for several weeks.
00:50:01If you want, I can give you...
00:50:03...the phone number where she is.
00:50:05Do you have to write it down?
00:50:07Do you have to write it down?
00:50:09No, I don't.
00:50:17Who is it?
00:50:33Hi, Alicia. It's Sarita.
00:50:35Look, listen to me.
00:50:36I'm calling you because Patito came home without his backpack.
00:50:39He told me he went to your house to get the toys...
00:50:42...and he says they fell there.
00:50:44I don't know.
00:50:45Let me know if you see the backpack around.
00:50:47I send you a kiss.
00:51:06I miss you.
00:51:29Alicia, I have to talk to you. It's urgent.
00:51:32Alicia, I have to talk to you. It's urgent.
00:51:35Call me, please, as soon as you hear this message.
00:51:38It's urgent.
00:51:40It's Sara again.
00:51:41Please, Alicia, I'm trying to locate you that day.
00:51:44Patricia, I recorded something very strange with your phone.
00:51:48I recorded it in the garden of your house.
00:51:51...jumped the wall, as he always did.
00:51:54I don't know how to tell you this.
00:51:56We are very scared.
00:51:58You have to watch this video.
00:51:59Maybe it has something to do with your son.
00:52:02It also has to do with your ex, my police officer.
00:52:05I don't know what to do.
00:52:07Please, call me.
00:52:08I'll try to locate you somehow.
00:52:10It's very strong.
00:52:12Call me, please.
00:52:29Call me, please.
00:52:56Calm down.
00:52:57Calm down.
00:53:00You are sucking blood.
00:53:06There's something in here.
00:53:11It's sucking.
00:53:29It's sucking.
00:53:36No, no, no, no!
00:53:37Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
00:53:38Don't shoot!
00:53:41Help me.
00:53:42You okay?
00:53:43My fucking mother!
00:53:51Ma'am, listen, things are getting very difficult here.
00:53:54Rosenthal is wounded.
00:53:56I'm fine.
00:53:57He's wounded?
00:53:58I need to see a doctor. It's urgent.
00:54:07We're on the right track.
00:54:11I'm glad to hear that.
00:54:14I think we're in the niche.
00:54:18The nest.
00:54:20Inside the nest.
00:54:21I'm glad to hear that too. It's a pleasure to be working with you.
00:54:25Thank you very much.
00:54:28We'll continue later.
00:54:31You need to clean the blood.
00:54:34The anesthetic will take a long time to act.
00:54:39Meanwhile, you need to clean the blood we left in the house.
00:54:47Why do I have to clean the blood?
00:54:49We don't have much time.
00:54:51Time passes quickly in here.
00:54:58We need to get out of here.
00:55:29I need to see a doctor.
00:55:31I need to see a doctor.
00:55:58Listen, Jano. I'm outside. I'm leaving.
00:56:01It's okay. Don't worry.
00:56:03I apologize, but...
00:56:06You know...
00:56:07I don't know if I'm good for this.
00:56:09It's okay. Don't worry.
00:56:11You know, I'm scared shitless.
00:56:13I'm scared shitless.
00:56:14You know the problems I have.
00:56:16I saw a couple of crazy things.
00:56:19You don't have an explanation.
00:56:21At least not for me.
00:56:26Funes, where are you?
00:56:27Here, Jano. I'm here.
00:56:29Where do you think I am?
00:56:31Which part of the house?
00:56:33In the kitchen.
00:56:35Jano, what the hell is going on?
00:56:37There's a guy in the window.
00:56:39It's not you, is it?
00:56:43What the hell are you talking about, Jano?
00:56:47You're right, Jano. It's not in the kitchen.
00:56:50It's in your room, but...
00:56:53Where is it, Jano? Where is it?
00:56:56There's nothing here, Jano.
00:56:58What the hell are you talking about?
00:57:01Yeah, it's weird.
00:57:03What's weird?
00:57:04I don't know. It's like...
00:57:06I see it...
00:57:08and I don't see it.
00:57:15Jano, what the hell are you doing there?
00:57:26I don't know.
00:57:56I don't know.
00:58:08Rosenthal, I'm leaving.
00:58:13I'm leaving.
00:58:14This is it for me.
00:58:16That's enough.
00:58:19Down there.
00:58:21Down there what?
00:58:22I found it.
00:58:26I found it.
00:58:43It's empty.
00:58:49But it's not empty.
00:58:53Point of view.
00:58:55You have more than one point of view.
00:59:22Darkness and light.
00:59:31Darkness and light.
00:59:52Darkness and light.
01:00:22Darkness and light.
01:00:31Mrs. Albrecht, this is what I was looking for.
01:00:35I'm glad your trip wasn't in vain, Doctor.
01:00:38I always thought this was what you were looking for.
01:00:44And now, what do you think we should do?
01:00:46I have no idea, Mrs. Albrecht.
01:00:48Let's try to document as much as we can.
01:03:01It's over!
01:03:03I have videos and I play them!
01:03:12Mr. Carvajal, can you hear me?
01:03:17I'm Mora Albrecht.
01:03:19Can you hear me?
01:03:25My friend, Jano.
01:03:27He's not well.
01:03:30I need help.
01:03:31Are you feeling well, Inspector?
01:03:34Calm down and don't trust everything you see tonight, Inspector.
01:03:38He was in a closet and he was hitting me.
01:03:40To help him, he broke the closet.
01:03:43And I tried to get him out, but I couldn't.
01:03:46Maybe what you see tonight isn't real.
01:03:49This blood...
01:03:51It's not mine.
01:03:53I didn't get hurt. I'm not hurt.
01:03:55This blood is my friend Jano's.
01:03:57It's mine.
01:03:59It's Rosenthal's blood.
01:04:01What do you mean the blood isn't real?
01:04:03Wash your hands.
01:04:05Wash them.
01:04:06You don't have to have blood on your hands.
01:04:08Not in this place.
01:04:14These beings like blood.
01:04:18Did you use net water tonight?
01:04:25I have to go.
01:04:28I have to leave this place.
01:04:31Doctor Rosenthal.
01:04:33Doctor Rosenthal.
01:04:35We have to stop the investigation, Doctor Rosenthal.
01:04:39Are you listening, Doctor?
01:04:41We're exposing ourselves too much.
01:04:44There has to be an explanation, no?
01:04:48There has to be something.
01:04:50Not much.
01:04:51I have to give explanations to other people too.
01:04:56There's a theory.
01:04:59I promise I'll understand it.
01:05:01We study dimensional planes that coexist in a balance...
01:05:05...and are arranged like orange peels.
01:05:08And there's life in both planes.
01:05:10Water is a channel that allows microscopic life to flow...
01:05:14...and this life can join, nest, reproduce.
01:05:20It can use our bodies.
01:05:24Now, I have no idea what kind of beings you are...
01:05:29...and why you attack us.
01:05:31There must be a way to stop all this.
01:05:35Are you telling me all this?
01:09:31m combining
01:10:02I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't
01:10:32know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this,
01:11:02I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing
01:11:32this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this
01:12:02, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know why I'm doing this.
01:12:11This is how it is baby.
01:12:12It was not even happening.
01:12:15He almost ran out of energy the second we had me up.
01:12:21So much little blood me and her.
01:12:27So why didn't you shoot him?
01:12:30I'm going to kill you.
01:12:38I'm not going to let you.
01:12:55You're just in time!
01:13:00Oh no!
01:13:30I'm going to kill you.
01:14:00I'm going to kill you.
01:14:30I'm going to kill you.
01:14:42Captain Funes, are you there?
01:14:44I've been looking for you for hours.
01:14:46You know, the police station is a mess.
01:14:49I saw this woman, her friend, the...
01:14:52the mother of the baby.
01:14:53I was looking for you like crazy.
01:14:55I had no choice but to tell you where you were.
01:14:58And I think she went that way.
01:15:00I swear I did everything I could to stop her.
01:15:03But you didn't answer your phone either.
01:15:06Captain Funes, if the lieutenant is here,
01:15:09put a finger in my leg.
01:15:13Do you copy, Funes?
01:15:16I'm here.
01:15:17I came to the neighborhood to see if I could find you.
01:15:19But your truck isn't here.
01:15:28Enrique, do you copy?
01:15:34Listen to me carefully.
01:15:36I got out of that place.
01:15:38Get out of that place now.
01:15:40It's an order.
01:15:47Enrique, the bitch who gave birth to you is an order.
01:15:51Get out of that place now.
01:15:53Tell me you're listening to me.
01:15:55Enrique, the bitch who gave birth to you!
01:15:58Captain, I copy.
01:15:59I'm here in front of Alicia's house.
01:16:01I don't see her truck, but...
01:16:03Here's her friend, Jano.
01:16:05I can't see him well, but I don't know.
01:16:07He's standing there in front of the house.
01:16:09He's acting weird.
01:16:10Very weird.
01:16:11Enrique, get out of that place now.
01:16:13It's an order.
01:16:15Do you copy?
01:16:20Okay, okay. I understand.
01:16:22I'm going, I'm going.
01:16:28I'm going.
01:16:58I'm going.
01:17:28I'm going.
01:17:34Alicia, do you hear me?
01:17:58Do you hear me?
01:18:58Do you hear me?
01:19:28Do you hear me?
01:19:58Do you hear me?
01:20:29Mr. Blumenthal, this is Dr. Razzoni,
01:20:33and this is Officer Guzman.
01:20:36I want you to know that we are recording this
01:20:39under your consent,
01:20:41and that any testimony on either side
01:20:43will be invalidated.
01:20:45On October 3rd,
01:20:48at 6.40 p.m.
01:20:52This year at 6.40 p.m.
01:21:01do you recognize these three people
01:21:04who came to visit you a year ago?
01:21:11Do you remember their names?
01:21:13Do you remember what they told you?
01:21:15What did they tell you?
01:21:20They came to help me
01:21:23because they had evidence
01:21:26of my wife's disappearance.
01:21:30And what else?
01:21:32They made me sign some papers.
01:21:34Yes, yes, authorizations.
01:21:36What else?
01:21:37I don't remember.
01:21:39Imagine that I was very high at the time.
01:21:42Does Inspector Funes know him?
01:21:48Yes, he's a cop.
01:21:50He was Alicia's neighbor.
01:21:54Alicia Perez.
01:21:58When was the last time you saw Funes?
01:22:01I saw him
01:22:03the day Alicia's son was buried.
01:22:06Is there anything else
01:22:08that Inspector Funes thinks
01:22:10we should know about?
01:22:14He told me he was about to retire,
01:22:17that he had health problems.
01:22:20I don't know.
01:22:22We didn't talk much more.
01:22:24Officer Guzman
01:22:26collaborates with us
01:22:28and witnessed how Funes set his house on fire,
01:22:31among other things, with people inside.
01:22:34Inspector Funes is a fugitive of justice
01:22:37and we think that because of this,
01:22:40he may have something to do
01:22:42with his wife's case.
01:22:55Returning to his wife's case,
01:22:57the expert explains
01:22:59that fingerprints were found
01:23:01on his wife's blood,
01:23:03not just in the bathroom,
01:23:05but in the rest of the house.
01:23:09You're in the middle of an investigation.
01:23:13He came with you?
01:23:23We're investigating unconventional issues
01:23:26for justice.
01:23:32It's him.
01:23:36He's not the one with the burned face.
01:23:41It's him.
01:23:47He came with you?
01:23:53He came with you.
01:24:06To be continued...
