• 2 hours ago
00:00:10Take the lead on this one bats, you can be my backup next stop crime-fighting
00:00:23I will serve dutifully
00:00:25Get ready to feel the power of six different legends the power of shazam
00:00:53If it isn't the Green Lanterns problem child guy gardener
00:00:58Mongol you're looking awfully incensed. I don't know what that means. So I'm gonna assume that was an insult
00:01:05Calm down Gardner Mongols in custody. Now. I'm just escorting him to a science cell
00:01:10I find it humorous that you were unable to subdue me during our last encounter guy
00:01:17And yet Batman without a ring of his own was
00:01:22What are you trying to imply?
00:01:24Sunflower that some heroes don't need jewelry to act tough. I'll show you
00:01:43Enough I couldn't agree more Batman
00:01:55What were you thinking that ain't good
00:02:09But you act like it was my fault they escaped that's because it
00:02:21Yeah, that's just your opinion bats
00:02:24Manga was Mongol was in my custody until you decided to break him free to get into a pointless fistfight
00:02:29Yeah, well, you heard what he said. You're a Green Lantern guy start acting like one. What's that supposed to mean?
00:02:35Because of your hot temper I have to spend the day with you tracking down Mongols star
00:02:39Oh and the hundreds of starfish he spread across the galaxy. Yeah fun times, right?
00:02:43Got one. What's the deal with these things again? They're star o's parasites
00:02:47He releases them to take control of his victims as long as you keep it away from your face. You'll be fine
00:02:53Yeah, I knew that what I meant was what's the deal with them being purple and all starfish ain't supposed to be purple, right?
00:02:59By my readings are 25 starfish on this planet, including the one you just captured. I bet these things taste terrible, huh?
00:03:06They smell like rotten seafood try to focus guy. Oh, I'm focused on how much this thing stinks
00:03:33Wait a minute. I know what planet this is. This is Korra gar. We're just following star out guy
00:03:39I didn't pick the location
00:03:40That's not what I meant
00:03:41Korra gar is the home planet of Sinestro then no good trader must be in on this being on what you broke mongol free and
00:03:48You cause star out a break out of a cell exactly what part of that was an escort vaulted
00:03:53Look, I'm just saying follow the clues right and the clues let us here. This is going to be a long trip
00:04:06Greetings heroes
00:04:08Sinestro now guy. There's no need for that. There's always a need for that guy
00:04:15He's not hostile that man's right
00:04:18Now I assume you two being here has something to do with these creatures that have invaded my planet your planet
00:04:25You enslaved your own people and made them live in fear and in turn we've lived in a society completely devoid of
00:04:32crime and invasions
00:04:35until today
00:04:37Such as the price of order you abused the powers of the Green Lantern
00:04:41And here you are ready to show my people that green is once again
00:04:48Good, I assume this entire debacle was somehow gardeners fault. You're still a wanted criminal Sinestro
00:04:54Don't expect any favors fair enough
00:04:57Just ahead you'll find a passage under the square leading to our prison cells
00:05:03You're bound to find some more starfish down there and when you're done cleaning up your mess
00:05:08Please find your way off my rock
00:05:42Can't believe you let that purple freak off the hook. He's a wanted criminal
00:05:49Know just like you said and right now. He's not posing a threat to anyone
00:05:53Star all on the other hand is unleashing his starfish across the galaxy. We shouldn't have let Sinestro go
00:05:59That's all I'm saying assuming. We could take him into custody now
00:06:01We'd have to haul him back to Oa and who knows how far Star Wars invasion will have spread by then
00:06:06You're the one who said your jurisdiction was the entire galaxy guy the people of Korra guard need our help now
00:06:11So are you all talk or are you a man of action? I still think he's in on this
00:06:41Not smart
00:07:11Not smart, buddy
00:07:41That's why I'm the greatest Green Lantern ever
00:07:46Good afternoon Batman. I am initiating my attack. Please stand by
00:07:55Attack sequence completed. Goodbye
00:08:55Arkham's going to be busy tonight. Oh, yeah, that's how we do it
00:09:06Welcome to the gadgets rack Batman, please make a selection to purchase or upgrade. Would you like to purchase this gadget?
00:09:14Has now been purchased
00:09:38Get ready to deliver some justice get ready for a world of pain chumps
00:09:48Get ready to feel the power of six different legends the power of Shazam. I will serve dutifully
00:10:06Boy these people live like animals look how run-down everything is Korra car is a divided society
00:10:12There's a huge gap between those with power such as Sinestro for those without that's what you get when your planets run by a madman
00:10:18Sinestro isn't crazy guy. He's a dictator. He rules his planet without any consideration for free will yeah
00:10:24Well that drives me pretty crazy
00:10:48Really not smart
00:12:29Oh, man past my bedtime
00:12:44Since when do superheroes back the bad guys instead of each other the way you acted back there
00:12:49I expect your next team up to be the adventures of Batman and Sinestro
00:12:52I'm not condoning his actions, but we have more pressing matters at hand you say tomato
00:12:57I say criminal sympathizer once we're done cleaning up your mess. We can start on the rest of the galaxy sound good
00:13:03You're lucky. I'm in a good mood that
00:14:12Can't hear you that's why I'm the greatest Green Lantern ever
00:14:49What did you expect
00:15:05Passed my bedtime
00:15:17Check out the ocean view it's the Azna grub see Kuroko is larger body of water now
00:15:22I sure hope that glass is thick. I don't feel like night swimming right now
00:15:51Not smart buddy really not smart
00:16:50Appreciate you cleaning up your mess heroes and now it's time to take out the garbage and by garbage
00:16:55I mean you five head. Oh, I doubt it not if you want to know where star all was headed next
00:17:01Where's that Sinestro a truce for now what I saw him leaving Korra gar in the direction of the planet gibble
00:17:09If you hurry you might be able to catch him come on guy. Oh, I ain't leaving this lion criminal scum behind
00:17:15It's trash day
00:17:17And I'm about to put you out on the curb if you have any intention of recapturing star oh guy that we have to leave
00:17:23right now
00:17:25This ain't the end of this Sinestro. I'll be back for you later. I'm sure you will guy garden, and I'll be ready
00:17:41The streets are safe once again. Oh, yeah, that's how we do it
00:17:51Mess with the core it's a perfect night for saving the city
00:17:58Quiver with fear felons I will serve dutifully
00:18:11What a dump you sure there's life on this planet yes, I mean aside from us and all these rocks yes guy
00:18:53The sidekick
00:18:56He has returned in our time of peril sidekick. Oh, right, but where is the great one?
00:19:03Yeah, I'll handle this one bats. They're obviously talking about me. That's right you squishy little
00:19:09Whatever you are guy gardener the greatest Green Lantern who ever lived is here to save you guy
00:19:14Please come on bats. Don't be jealous now sidekick
00:19:18Who is this green man, and why is his haircut so oddly?
00:19:23What'd he say people of the planet gibble we have come to rid you of the star-shaped menace that plagues your world
00:19:28Please remain calm your day of suffering at the tentacles of these foul creatures is at an end all thanks to the amazing
00:19:35Guy gardener, that's right come on give it up. Don't be shy
00:19:40Lousy kibbles
00:20:02Don't get these guys they look like a pair of light bulbs sloshing around in a bag full of slime
00:20:06They're actually a very technologically advanced race their spacecraft and weaponry exceed anything
00:20:11We have over there doesn't change the fact that they look like snot
00:20:40Know that guy how come he gets a statue he's not half the hero
00:20:45I am blue beetle may be inexperienced
00:20:47But he comes from a long line of superheroes that have saved the gibble people on several occasions
00:20:50Yeah, well my statue better be pretty huge after I'm done here. I swear some people got no respect
00:21:31These Staros are disgusting
00:21:34I'm pretty sure they're gumming up the inside of my ring again. Their release was really your fault guy
00:21:39I'll have to take a hose to it when we're done. Hope my rings waterproof
00:22:10Hurry sidekick we must flee the planet before we are overtaken by the star-shaped threat
00:22:16That's really not necessary
00:22:18Frightened little fellas, aren't they? Come on. Let's check out their ship guy. That's not our priority right now
00:22:23I think I saw a starfish climb on board. So there now it is
00:22:35Preventing crimes one by one
00:22:37It's a perfect night for saving the city, I'll take the lead on this one bats you can be my backup
00:22:49Will serve dutifully get ready to feel the power of six different legends the power of
00:23:01Okay, everybody relax the heroes are here
00:23:04Okay, everybody relax the heroes are here no need to panic but you may want to consider building another statue when this is done
00:23:11I'd be happy to pose guy what I don't see blue boy here cleaning up this mess. That's because he didn't cause it
00:23:17No, not technically
00:23:21Good afternoon Batman. I am initiating my attack. Please stand by
00:23:30Attack sequence completed. Goodbye
00:23:51It looks like the Staros have reached the bridge what bridge the control room help me take care of them before we crash
00:23:58But for the record I was gonna suggest that anyway
00:24:21Don't mess with the fit
00:24:23Ready to feel the power of six different legends the power of
00:24:31Man past my bedtime
00:25:00Don't these guys know
00:25:27Batman stop me if you heard this one stop. What's two feet tall clear gooey and lights up like a Christmas tree
00:25:32I don't know neither do I but I think I just stepped in one
00:27:13Stand back. It's about to get loud
00:27:53Attack sequence completed. Goodbye
00:28:46Was a rocky landing but at least no one got hurt the sidekick and his green man have returned
00:28:52Right now about that statue
00:28:54Hold on. I'm getting a call. Seriously. It's a distress call bats somewhere on this planet. Another Green Lantern is in trouble
00:29:21It's Arizia quick help me get this thing off her
00:29:42Thank You guy Batman
00:29:44I'm not sure how long I've been out not long according to my readings
00:29:48You shouldn't experience any permanent damage as a result of this attack Arizia. What were you doing out here?
00:29:53I came to the planet gibble on a peacekeeping mission to provide aid to its inhabitants
00:29:58The citizens here are good-natured, but frequently targeted by space pirates for what little food and valuables they have
00:30:04I came here to distribute rations and check in on the injured. That's when Starro showed up
00:30:09He released an army of his starfish on the gibble people. We weren't prepared for anything like this
00:30:14I tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them
00:30:17The last thing I remember was sending out a distress call then the two of you arriving and waking me up
00:30:25We have to help them guy the gibbles aren't warriors they can't we took care of it Arizia, don't worry
00:30:30These little gum wads are fine. Now. Do you have any idea where Starro was headed after he left this planet?
00:30:35Yes, I targeted his trajectory just before I passed out. Let's see
00:30:39It looks like he was headed toward glaciata the ice planet. That's not far from here and guy
00:30:45Kilowog was supposed to be taking a group of recruits up there today for some training the grunts
00:30:49I'd better come with you. Not in your condition lady. You stay here and I'll take care of it
00:30:54I am still a lantern guy Gardner
00:30:56What I think guy means to say is there are a lot of gibble people here that could use your help
00:31:01You're right
00:31:02Travel safely. May Oh, I protect you and thank you both for saving me
00:31:14Another area, it's safe from crime respect the ring
00:31:23Get ready to deliver some justice don't mess with the core
00:31:26Get ready to feel the power of six different legends the power of Shazam
00:31:38Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:31:50Let's find those Starro's and clear out of here what no smart remarks my fellow lanterns are getting hurt Batman
00:31:56There's nothing funny about that
00:32:12The surface of this planet is like a shell nothing can survive out here due to the extremely low temperatures
00:32:17Yeah, including us. I think my eyeballs are frozen any life on this planet exists inside of it
00:32:22Which is probably where the Starro's are to enough chit-chat, let's bust this snowball open and find our frozen fish
00:32:35If they're all frozen like this then this planet will be a cakewalk
00:32:38We can probably leave it here for now and come back for it. Later negative if this thing thaws out
00:32:43It's going after the first creature. It sees we're not taking any chances. Help me break it open. You got a Green Lantern
00:33:22Need some help kid I'll make this fast
00:33:52Give me a call and I'll be there in a flash
00:34:28What do they got a water park down here you don't want to touch this liquid guy
00:34:32It's a hundred degrees below freezing one touch and you'll get pulled into the freezing depths in less than a second save the safety tips
00:34:38Bats, I'm not the one swinging around on cables remember
00:34:42Looks like a dead-end. We'll have to break through some of these walls in order to locate the rest of the Starro's but be careful
00:34:47Any sudden impact could trigger a cave-in
00:34:49Someone should just take a blowtorch of this whole planet and be done with it
00:34:52There are several indigenous species of animals living inside these icy walls. You call this living?
00:34:57Any sudden impact could trigger a cave-in
00:35:00Someone should just take a blowtorch of this whole planet and be done with it
00:35:03There are several indigenous species of animals living inside these icy walls. You call this living?
00:36:24Preventing crimes one by one
00:36:38Will serve beautifully
00:36:49The starfish ain't the only ones caught in the cold not so tough now are you dummy?
00:36:54It looks like he's in our way time to wake up and take your medicine and by medicine
00:36:58I mean a healthy dose of my fist in your face
00:37:06Stay down I
00:37:11Guess that's one of those life forms you were talking about in spite of its size
00:37:15I'm sure it's more afraid of us than we are of it. I ain't afraid of no ice bugs
00:37:19Give me the word Batman and I'll paint these walls with its guts. I'd rather you didn't
00:37:35Bet man, I was a stick my tongue to this wall. I would leave you here. Really?
00:37:40It's not very hero-like neither is acting like a child. You're the child
00:38:05Looks like we found another one. I got a feeling this guy won't be eating us anytime soon
00:38:10We should probably be more worried about what's eating him
00:38:44Nailed it perfect shot as usual. See you bats
00:39:54Kill a log guy hurry up and get these things off of me. Hang on buddy. Help is on the way
00:40:11About time some backup showed good to see a guy. I'm just glad you're okay. Kill a log. What no insults
00:40:17Who's this pooser? What's he done with my pal guy Gardner guys had a rough day star will escape the science cells
00:40:24We've been rounding up his offspring ever since and it's all my fault. I caused so much trouble this time
00:40:29I don't deserve to wear this ring. Calm down, buddy
00:40:32You took an oath, but I expect you to stick by that but the new recruits don't worry about them. They're young
00:40:39They'll bounce back right new base
00:40:41Yes, sir
00:40:45You know guy being a Green Lantern ain't just one training session and you're done
00:40:50It's something you work at your whole life and what you learn from your mistakes makes you an even stronger Lantern, I guess
00:41:00You know what these rings run on guy it looks like we have one more store
00:41:05I'll left need any help. I was just getting warmed up when you two showed tend to your troops kill a walk
00:41:09We can take it from here
00:41:23Don't tell me this little guy did all that
00:41:51We've caused a lot of structural damage since we've been here. We better get out of these tunnels before they collapse
00:41:55What about kill a log in the newbies already gone? My scans aren't picking up any warm-blooded life and let's ditch this snow cone
00:42:11Oh, yeah, that's how we do it
00:42:18Get ready for a world of pain chumps. It's a perfect night for saving the city
00:42:32I don't see anything. What are we looking for?
00:42:35Starro that huge purple starfish with the angry. I sorry guess I didn't get a good look picture these starfish
00:42:41We've been collecting only a thousand times larger. Gotcha. You sure this is where the trail led
00:42:46There are no more signs of Starro's offspring. It stands to reason he'd be nearby
00:42:50You're probably not too happy about us rounding up all his little buddies either
00:42:54Judging by his expression. I'd say you were right on the money guy. All right seafood platter. It's go time
00:45:22I'm never eating seafood again. Let's get star out back to a science cell. This is one fish
00:45:27That's too big for my ring Batman HQ sending a few lanterns our way to help bring him back good in the meantime
00:45:33Let's hold on bats. I'm getting a transmission
00:45:35Say again
00:45:40Campy what is it? I know where Mongol is and it ain't good. Come on
00:46:02Stop crime-fighting get ready for a world of pain chumps
00:46:10They're no match for my will get ready to feel the power of six different legends the power of shazam
00:46:25Mogul the living planet the biggest Green Lantern in the entire core and the most important
00:46:31It's mogul that sends out our rings and recruits new core members. Then we know why Mongols here. That's why mogul contacted me
00:46:37He's been unable to drive mongol away and needs our help
00:46:58Message from mogul. He says that mongol just breached his surface. He must be after moguls batteries
00:47:04We got to stop him before he reaches it lead the way guy time to lay the smackdown on that overgrown banana head
00:47:40Crater must be where mongol landed when I find him. I'm gonna make a whole new crater with his face. Come on bats
00:48:46Saving the galaxy
00:49:04Maybe I wasn't clear when I said stop
00:49:47If mogul controls the ring assignments, what happens if he's destroyed no more Green Lantern core without mogul any unassigned rings
00:49:55We just wander the galaxy and without the core pretty much a universe in chaos. I lose something to of moguls destroyed
00:50:01What's that a great friend?
00:50:15Preventing crimes one by one
00:50:22Criminals beware get ready for a world of pain chumps
00:50:32They're no match for my will don't worry I always bounce back
00:50:43It's mogul again, he says mongols already halfway to his core
00:50:47We need to find where mongol broke through and stop him before he breaches moguls battery, man
00:50:51I really screwed up this time. Didn't I? I mean sure it's not like I haven't acted dumb before
00:50:58It was a time. I convinced North that his tail was an alien and he spent all day chasing it
00:51:03time I wrote blast me on a sign and stuck it on how Jordan's back, but
00:51:07Nothing like this
00:51:09Not mogul not the core keep it together Carter
00:51:12Like Kellogg said that ring of yours runs on pure willpower if you give up now
00:51:17Then the core really is done for right Batman. I just don't know if I got any more find it
00:51:41Ready bats, let's hit it. Did you get that? I said hit it cuz I'm a big hammer
00:51:47right on his noggin
00:51:57Every hero makes mistakes guy
00:52:00Not a Green Lantern. I was picked out of everyone else on earth because my will was the strongest
00:52:07Mogul chose me now mongols gonna destroy him because I can't deal with my anger
00:52:12So you learn from your mistakes and in the end it makes you an even stronger hero. You don't get it Batman
00:52:17I'm a Green Lantern. I don't get to make mistakes. We're the best the galaxy has to offer. So prove it
00:52:47More wreckage we must be getting close looks like you'll get your revenge after all revenge
00:52:52This isn't about me anymore Batman. This is about the core. You really believe that guy? Absolutely
00:52:58Let's stop your pouting and show me what a Green Lantern is all about
00:53:01You mess with earth you mess with its lanterns
00:53:07Saving the galaxy
00:53:24Hope so you go ahead
00:53:27I'll follow behind you you picked a terrible time to lose that ego of here's guy
00:53:40Guy finally seems to understand the consequences of his actions, but unless he gets his confidence back. We'll never be able to defeat mongol
00:53:48I need to find a way to snap him out of it
00:54:17It's Mogo
00:54:18He said Mongols just ahead
00:54:21It's hard to read though my ring isn't getting much power
00:54:24You've got to get your will back guy Mogo needs you the core needs you and I need your partner
00:54:30I don't know. I get so angry
00:54:32I'll tell you what I do know that of all the stubborn strong-minded people on earth the core chose you
00:54:38Mogo didn't send a ring to me or Superman or Wonder Woman
00:54:41He sent one to guy Gardner because guy Gardner has what it takes to be a Green Lantern
00:54:46Because guy Gardner is the real deal you think so I know so now
00:54:51It's time to man up and teach mongol that if he messes with one lantern. He messes with all of us
00:54:57Thanks bats
00:55:01We're at the core Mongols already broken through we're too late not yet hurry
00:55:16What's that I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am
00:55:27It's a perfect night for saving the city don't mess with the core
00:55:39Nice of you to drop by Batman, and I see you brought your bumbling sidekick as well
00:55:46Care for a rematch guy, or did you just come to watch as I tear apart?
00:55:51Everything you hold dear come on guy. How's your moment?
00:55:54You know I can't control myself Batman one more insult from Mongol
00:55:58And I'll be body slamming both of us into Mogo's battery controlling your anger isn't about refusing to fight guy
00:56:04It's about thinking before you act and knowing when to attack what an inspiring pep talk now
00:56:10Let's see if your monkeys learned any new tricks the only monkey
00:56:14I see here Mongol is yellow, and I'm about to prove just how yellow you are
00:56:20Do your best earth man you think you're clever you're not
00:57:03Can't escape my strength
00:57:10I'll rip you to pieces
00:58:10Smart buddy really not smart
00:58:40You can't escape stop doing that
00:59:40Stop avoiding me
00:59:56Way to keep your cool guy, that's nothing
00:59:59I just let sunshine here do all the fighting the poor kid really tuckered himself out kid
01:00:04Baby want a bottle a bottle Gardner. I am NOT some child
01:00:12They're so cute at this age ain't they come on
01:00:14Let's get this bumblebee back to the science cells a joke from the world's greatest detective
01:00:20Oh, man, the boys back on our are never gonna believe this one
01:00:28Not so chatty anymore a lemon head
01:00:30I'm impressed guy you finally learned that a hero's greatest weapon is his mind
01:00:44Yeah, well this worked pretty well, too
01:20:50Welcome to my world to Cape Crusader a world of mint condition crime-fighting and die-cut chromium
01:20:58Sure, you made it through those last few adventures, but how hard is it to beat a bunch of kitty cat cosplayers and me high space gremlins
01:21:08And it's up to me your number one fan get ready go
01:21:36Watch where you're stepping those comics are valuable
01:22:08Man I need a cheat code for this
01:22:12Bannerpedia website username Batman password one word awesome sauce
01:22:19I've got it. Oh
01:22:22Who am I kidding? That was awesome sauce do it again
