• last month
00:00We're in jimmyville
00:01Four games the three in one. Yeah, you know what I mean?
00:04I do like if it was a full year, they'd be 60 and 22
00:08they would they would or 61 and 21 now we get like let's
00:12Let's go. Let's see what this actually looks like
00:16You know what? I mean? Like we have spent and I think there's a fair conversation here
00:20We've spent about a week and a half talking about a team in a way that really is more an idea
00:27Than reality, you know draymond green. We're gonna win a championship
00:31All right, really all I took from that is that draymond in the locker room are really feeling good
00:37And that's great. That's wonderful. They have a high level of confidence
00:42But I think you know, it's seven o'clock tonight
00:45starts a real hot and heavy stretch of like
00:48Now you have to go do this you have to you have to actually look like you think you're gonna look
00:53And this is the perfect place to start actually
00:56because in theory
00:59You're better than sacramento vegas says you're favorite tonight by two
01:03But on the road, right that's like in theory vegas is telling you you're a better basketball team than them
01:09They just sent their best player out you acquired your
01:13second best player
01:15Um, they've had your number a lot recently
01:18So like what a perfect
01:20Stepping stone tonight it is and but I do revert back to what I said yesterday or the day before about
01:27the emotions of the fan base and it feels to me and
01:30Tell me if i'm wrong at 888-957-9570, but it feels very day to day the emotions of the fan base
01:36And yeah, we're all revved up in one direction and you know, you are you're beautiful and all the rest of it
01:42You're three in one with jimmy and that's great. And then you go out to sacramento and
01:47Maybe you lay an egg
01:48Maybe or even if you you beat sac and then you lose to dallas at home and we come back on monday and it's like well
01:54Still one game above 500 still the 10th seed the emotions and the feelings might be
02:00Colored by what happens the next two days, maybe maybe but uh, well certainly over the next, you know, you're talking about
02:07Yeah, the next two games
02:08um, i'm not
02:10I'm not in a situation where I think tonight like i've heard some people say this is almost do or die
02:16And I don't know yeah like tonight well and not meaning like oh they're out of it or something like it's a must win
02:22Well from an emotional standpoint, right?
02:25Like this is something that they need to show themselves that they're ready to do sacramento has had their number
02:31Right that fan base gets turned up when the warriors are coming to town
02:35But now they've been weakened. I know zach levine is still like that's a dude
02:39But you know, they lost erin fox. That's a wayward organization almost future warrior
02:44Yeah, I mean if you believe the reports, which I don't I don't either but anyway
02:48And I only don't believe them because I didn't want that to happen
02:51I mean, I only don't believe them because half the stuff we did read on twitter during the the trade deadline
02:57Was proven to be false. Yeah, jimmy butler refuses to sign an extension with the warriors
03:02Well, but but ask me again tomorrow until they get to 9 50. Yeah, that's not that's not a refusal
03:07Yeah, that's not a refusal. I get it. That's a I don't want to today
03:12Or maybe not maybe it wasn't even that maybe that was simply
03:16the miami heat and phoenix suns
03:20Some sort of game with one another of course
03:21I have no idea and you know that that's what happens going up to a deadline all the time
03:25It's the the lying season and all the rest of it, but I don't think that it's do or die
03:31Tonight or even when you get to sunday and I wonder how steve kerr feels about and I I know it's a little bit different
03:38Because you have sacramento tonight and after the game you'll take your bus home
03:42And then you have a 12 30 game on sunday, but it is kind of a quick turnaround, you know, it's only it's only about
03:49You know 36 hours between games. That's okay
03:52and you're not far away, but I and I know you're kind of joking based on what happened there at the end of the uh,
03:57Right before the all-star break, but yeah, like I will say this
04:01To say that like oh these next two games are not do or die
04:05Sure, they're not I will tell you this right now you can go ahead and put this in ink y'all
04:11What's the radio? So, you know, go ahead and mark the tape grab a pen
04:16Write it down in ink. All right. Yeah, if they lose both of these games, okay if they lose both
04:22You're gonna you're gonna hear you're gonna hear
04:25a very very very large thud two verys and a thud on the radio on monday. Oh boy
04:33You don't think so. Oh for sure
04:35like a thud like as if like
04:38Uh time to air out of the balloon time to sag for flag air out of the balloon
04:44You can't after all this right? You can't go lose both of these. I get it, but you got charlotte tuesday
04:51It's a nice bounce back
04:54You got two you got a week off
04:56And you come back for back-to-back games against teams that are right there in the playing with you who are both
05:03Missing a star that they have had for the entire year up to this point
05:09You know
05:10No, you're not allowed to lose both of them
05:13If they lose by two tonight, and then they handle dallas on sunday. I won't come in concerned if they lose both of these games
05:22then then
05:23Then we had a silly conversation for the last week and a half
05:27Right like that. I mean it doesn't mean that it's over. It's not it would be a setback
05:31It would be like you're saying a deflating of the balloon. Okay, you've had for sure
05:36You've had eight days where draymond green said we're gonna win a title
05:40Jimmy butler flew to dubai to tell friends that he thinks that they can win a ring
05:44And steve kirk twice was like love that. He said it i'm in yes, this team can win a championship
05:51If if they lose both of these games this weekend, that was all a bunch of complete junk
05:57Everything that everyone said
05:59If they come out and lose both of these games, that would be ridiculous
06:03It'd be disappointing. I won't go so far as to say that that would be ridiculous because I mean
06:08NBA teams win and lose games all the time, but it would be
06:12A bummer because then you'd be sitting at a game below 500
06:16But here's the other part of it and this is why
06:18I say that I myself and many fans are living game to game because
06:23If you go out there and you win both and let's just say that dallas loses to new orleans
06:28Which they're allowed to do and they play them tonight if dallas loses to new orleans and then you beat dallas
06:34You're going to be the eighth seed by monday
06:36So you go from the 10 to the 8 with two wins or if you lose both to your point
06:42You lose both you lose to dallas you lose the sack now you've got a gap between both you and dallas and
06:51Uh portland they're coming. I mean, they're a ways back. They're a ways back and they lost last night, right?
06:57I would more I would be more activated by the fact that for example, the clippers lost last night
07:03The clippers lost last night a game that they probably could have should have won
07:07They led the bucks most of the way and then they got absolutely crushed in the fourth quarter
07:12And uh, that's this that's the sixth seed that apparently steve curran circled that's who has it right now
07:18And they lost so, you know, I mean grandy. What did you I know you're eating so i'll give you a second here
07:23Did you what did you what was the exact words you said?
07:26About this specific game tonight against the sacramento kings and and and sort of like the importance that you put on it
07:35I mean, you don't have to look at the text message. You can just say what you feel
07:39um, I mean they better
07:41Win this game. That's what I mean. Like and why why are they better?
07:45Because the kings aren't as good as they were in the past
07:48You are talking about how you can win a championship
07:51You have been embarrassed by this king's team
07:55Recently, they have come out and dominated you the last few times you've played them or you have a really really rough fourth quarter collapse versus them
08:03Uh, you have any pride left then you come out and you win this game
08:08Thank you lucas
08:10Director of shouts in the bag. That was awesome. Luke
08:14I that was great. That was great to weigh in
08:17Uh, no, and that was a great post sandwich take and the the other part of it is it is sandwich steak
08:23Yeah, if you look at it if you lose to sacramento
08:26Then you lose the tiebreaker because they beat you to mark grandy's point. They beat you by 30
08:31They beat you by six
08:33You need to win both of these just to revert to another tiebreaker and it's the same thing with the clippers and we all want
08:38To talk about them getting over on the six, but they've played the clippers three times and it's loss loss loss
08:45So you need to be one game better than la if you even want to get the six
08:49You can't tie the clippers and think you're going to win the tiebreaker. You lose the tiebreaker against the lakers
08:55And against dallas which is interesting right now
08:59It's one game with a win and two games with a loss
09:02So that game becomes big too in terms of tiebreaker as well
09:06I will say this and I know that this is not a saving grace right now
09:10um, but
09:12The idea that the warriors won't at least make the play in tournament
09:17Is over
09:18That's over. Go ahead and breathe easy. Well, I mean, no sure for real
09:23I hope everybody saw what the suns did last night. So the phoenix is a tough one
09:28They dropped a tough one. They they lost by double digits to a wembley list on the road to it after a week off
09:35On the road to a team that literally had just gotten the news that their best players out for the year
09:41And by the way, your boy was all over that one
09:46Because I I and i've been trying to tell everybody who will listen this the sun. Thanks for giving it to us beforehand
09:53They're done. I mean
09:54He could have given it out like on the air for all of us to gravy train. I didn't but no
10:00You sure?
10:01Check the tape
10:03I mean you keep it pretty close to the vest
10:05I might not actually gone in and done until the show is over. Yeah. Anyway, yeah
10:09Anyway, I mean actually no is when that you got intel and whatever the rest of it
10:13But yeah, bottom line is this the suns are done. The suns are done. The spurs are now done
10:20The blazers are too far back
10:22The warriors are like if if all your you want is the seven or the eight and for a lot of people they think that
10:28That's what's realistic
10:29If that's what you want is to get into the top half of the play-in tournament
10:35Yeah, you just need to you just need to catch the kings and the mavericks
10:38And as you just said that might happen by the time we get back to work on monday. Yeah, it should
10:42I mean, no, I mean, I don't know that that dallas gonna lose to new orleans tonight, right?
10:47But I mean you should be able to beat
10:50Sacramento tonight you should be able to beat dallas on sunday in a matinee at home
10:53I mean you're better than dallas right now without anthony davis and it's a home game and so
10:58Yeah, you should be 30 and 27 come monday and dallas likely will be 31 and 27
11:04so you'll be a half game back at dallas and
11:07You will have a tiebreaker with them
11:09That's two and two and so that will revert to I believe conference record and all the rest of it
11:14But hopefully you don't have to worry about tiebreaker when you get to the end of the year
11:17But the first one the big one is sacramento
11:20You need to get by sacramento and get distance on 500 and then you can start to think about the sixth seed
11:26William damas is going to call in in 13 minutes right here on willard and dibs until then we're taking your warrior phone calls
11:33On when was the last time you felt warrior regular season games were this?
11:40must watch
11:42Appointment tv appointment radio wherever you are. However, you take the games in. Um drew in san jose. Hi drew
11:48Thanks for calling. What's up?
11:51Yeah, I mean hey guys, what's what's going on what's up friday? Yeah, it's you too
11:57All right. So I mean, yeah, I mean it's been a long time since uh, where's regular season games for this?
12:03I mean we're this must watch this like
12:06I mean, we've had this much anticipation for for these games and it's because this this weekend's games are must wins
12:14I can't really put it any other way because um
12:18They it's not only the kings and the mavs
12:20But they they are the teams that are either ahead of you or equal to you in the standings and the tiebreakers matter here
12:27The kings are up to nothing on the season series. The mavs are up two to one
12:32So when you talk about tiebreakers and that's definitely going to play a part of whether the warriors finish, you know
12:38seven eight nine or ten or even six
12:42So these games are so so so important
12:45And yeah, if they lose both these games don't only retire andre's jersey on sunday retire steph retire draymond because it's over
12:54I like that. Yeah. Yeah, I mean drew. It's not bad. I I don't think
12:58Um, I don't think and thanks drew. I don't think that these games are quote must win
13:04I just think we're still
13:06Like and it's the nba so don't do that to yourself. Don't do that to yourself. They might lose tonight
13:11They really might like you say they should win. They're a two-point favorite on the road
13:15Like they absolutely might lose this game. Sure
13:18Um, but I will say again i'm going to couple the two of them
13:21If uh, if you were to do that, um, and I don't expect them to or anything
13:25But if they were to lose tonight, and if you don't follow that up by turning around coming back home and beating
13:31Uh a dallas maverick team in your own building
13:33Then then there's a problem but if they lose to sacramento tonight and they beat dallas on sunday, I don't think it's alarm time
13:41I like no like not. Yeah, not not great
13:45Not not great not what you're hoping for but I don't think it's alarm time
13:48No, you mentioned 25 games left exactly and you mentioned it yesterday about the idea of winning two of every three and you got 27
13:55Left which would mean you go 18 and nine if if you just look at the next three
14:00At sacramento home to dallas home to charlotte, can you win two of those three?
14:05You're damn right
14:06You can win two of those three and you should win two of those three and I think that
14:10If you can win three of those three
14:12Now you're going to start to build up a little bit as you go out on the road
14:15And I know the road trip is not super daunting with charlotte again
14:19And a philly team. It's a little bit of a mixed bag
14:23And brooklyn the team that's basically given up so of that five-game trip, there's probably
14:28Two wins for sure, maybe three
14:30But if you can get these three
14:32In the next three now, you've got a little bit of a cushion as you head out there
14:36And and somewhere along the line early in that road trip potentially even as it starts, uh, cominga should be back and available
14:42I know the steve kirk said yesterday. He's still a ways away
14:45Um, I I wonder if all of you heard anthony slater on our station earlier today
14:50Say that he thinks that that's that's very much an
14:53Under promise over deliver thing from steve kerr
14:57Don't know if it'll necessarily be thursday in orlando, but sometime very early on this trip like I would be
15:03I'll say it right now. I'd be very surprised
15:07if next week ends
15:09And cominga hasn't played basketball like I I think that we are
15:14seven to nine days away
15:16Uh from from seeing cominga enter back into the fold
15:20I think that's fair and if you look at the trip, which starts thursday next thursday six days from now at orlando
15:27Does he make the trip? Yeah, he makes the trip. Oh, yeah
15:29So he makes the trip does he play thursday at orlando?
15:33maybe and then saturday at philly that for me feels a little bit more of a
15:38Likely landing spot, but then you've got charlotte and new york in back-to-back games
15:42You probably don't want to play him in both of those
15:44So as you look at cominga's readiness, you do look at the schedule and you think all right, you've got
15:51Thursday you've got uh, five games in eight days in five different cities
15:56Could cominga play in three of those that sounds about right? So I think so maybe you sit orlando
16:02He plays philly you sit charlotte or new york and he plays either charlotte or new york
16:07And then he plays at brooklyn and then by then
16:10I think that he's ready to hit the ground. I don't know about the whole load manage idea
16:13He's 22 years old when you're back you're back. You don't need to come back and take breaks
16:17But it's I mean unless something doesn't feel right again
16:20They're not going to put him back in there for 32 minutes agreed to probably ease him in if it feels good
16:25Keep going. There's only one back-to-back on the trip. Yep
16:29At charlotte not new york. So I mean
16:31He's fine, but depending on how the ankle responds and you know when you've been out this long
16:36Not only is it a minutes restriction based on your wind
16:40But it's also you know
16:42How do you fit in with your new team because he hasn't played now in?
16:45What seven weeks and it'll be almost two months by the time he comes back
16:49Here's the back and forth both yesterday afternoon on our show and then earlier today on the morning roast with the joes
16:55um, although nick fredell in for one of the joes, but
16:59But anyway, here's uh, here's steve kerr with us on
17:02Jonathan coming
17:04He looked good, but but he hasn't scrimmaged yet
17:06So he's he's still a ways off, but it was great to have him back out on the court with the guys
17:11and uh, he's uh, obviously a
17:14Phenomenal athlete and you know keeps himself in great shape. So, uh now it's a matter of uh getting rhythm
17:21and uh progressing each day and and uh, hopefully getting to the point where um,
17:27You know he can he can scrimmage and really um, you know
17:30Really put it together for for a good stretch of days where he'll get cleared to play. Okay
17:35So steve is doing a wonderful job here of managing expectations
17:41And keeping pressure off of coming to return because you never know when he'll show up to practice and something won't feel exactly right
17:48So he's playing that right but anthony slater
17:51Who gets to speak from a little bit more of an objective point of view a warrior insider and uh, and the athletic
17:57He's on the roast today. And here's what he said about what you just heard steve
18:01Say, I think that was termed in a scarier way than reality by steve
18:06My sense is probably maybe early road trip coming up again. This is more educated guessing speculation
18:11I guess you could say it's coming. He's gonna they got to get him in a scrimmage
18:15That'll come pretty soon post all-star break was always kind of you know
18:18It had become the timing on what has been a really bad ankle sprain. We'll see. I mean, like I said
18:22He's got to get through the scrimmaging and maybe that's why steve's using some of the cautious language
18:27But I don't think we're that far away from a jonathan. Kamega return
18:30Which by the way to me only adds to the must-see television nature of what we're talking about like there
18:36I knock on wood
18:38But when you look around the league right now, especially the western conference sun's careening wembanyama is out
18:45anthony davis is out, uh
18:48Luca is in and out of of that lineup. Darren fox is now
18:54On the spurs all of these things that we're talking about when you look up and down the western conference
18:58There is a chance that a week from tonight. The warriors are actually
19:03uh free from an injury report
19:05a chance, you know, there's a chance and that that's
19:09I mean here we go again with timing is everything right last time something like that happened at the right time
19:16It was three years ago and they won a ring it was steph and this is kaminga
19:19So it's a little bit different of course, but and you're hearing anthony talk about a scrimmage when you look at their schedule
19:26They won't scrimmage tomorrow because the sunday game's at 12 30
19:29So after sunday, you probably scrimmage on monday ahead of a tuesday charlotte game and by scrimmage
19:35It's going to be kaminga and pat spencer and you know, maybe kirk lakob and some of the fellas
19:41But I do think that monday is the day to watch as far as will coming a scrimmage and if he does
19:47Then you think about maybe thursday at orlando or next saturday at philly. Yep
19:51I I I think that sounds uh, that sounds about right
