• last month
00:00The Warriors have been seriously pursuing Kevin Durant over the last week
00:04But sources tell me that Durant has no desire in a reunion with the Warriors
00:10He does not want to go back to the Warriors where he won two championships won two finals MVPs
00:16Bay Area is Draymond green and you're listening to Willard and dibs on 95 7 the game
00:23Well, thank you day day
00:26Interesting that he would play Draymond after a Kevin Durant trade refusal update stand on it
00:34Stand on what you say stand on what you say stand on what you do. Yeah, what are you doing there?
00:38Granny, I do have a message that you would like to convey. No people can draw their own conclusions. Your voice is high enough
00:44We got it. Yeah, just not checkers from the Grandy man. The Grandy man can and does and yeah
00:50I I think that all of this is completely fair right now. I really do I
00:55Really do this is humble pie for the Golden State Warriors franchise
01:01And it's time. It's time for a big old
01:05big old heap and helping
01:08It just is and by the way
01:11Some of this you could argue is
01:13Someone's fault and some of its not you want to know one thing that popped into my head. I'm driving around this morning
01:19I'm listening to Stiney and goo and
01:21And Stiney puts out this
01:23This thought that he's heard from multiple reporters. The Joe Lacob is angry. Joe Lacob is angry
01:30I keep hearing that Joe Lacob is angry and then they go to break and they come back and he's like
01:34I just got a text from Joe Lacob. It's crazy. Joe Lacob says I'm not angry
01:39I just want to win. You don't went through my head
01:43I'm angry Jeff. That's awesome. It wasn't that okay. It probably should have been
01:49It wasn't that my thought was hey Joe, it's awesome that you want to win
01:55but you don't always get to I
01:59don't think you can approach things that way and I know a
02:05Self-made billionaire will tell these radio hosts how it's actually working in the real world to be a
02:12Success at a high level and maybe you're right
02:15You can always win
02:17But I'd argue having watched the NBA my whole life. No, you can't
02:22You don't get to win just because you want to and you're a good owner
02:27That's not the NBA
02:29Like what happened to the Los Angeles Lakers between Kobe Bryant and Anthony Davis and that team gets whoever the hell they want
02:36Checks notes. Look at this weekend, right?
02:38It was five years of I think 23 or fewer wins and that's including the last couple of years
02:44Kobe that's stinking out loud
02:47That's the NBA
02:49So when you say we're light years ahead and we're never gonna be in the lottery
02:54great sound bites
02:56Awesome sound bites, but show me how
03:00Show me how that's even possible
03:02So I know you want to win Joe and fans love that you want to win. That's amazing
03:08You don't get to win every year
03:11You just don't yeah and many franchises don't get to win ever and that's where you know
03:17you start to feel a little bit of the
03:20Arrogance or the hubris or whatever word you want to put on it and you start to feel that when you get four championships
03:25And I don't think that when he says to Stiney, I just want to win
03:29I don't think he necessarily means win a championship or else that's not winning and you know
03:35You played the Giannis soundbite from a couple years ago where he said
03:38Just when we just because we didn't win the title doesn't mean it was a failure right so for Joe Lake
03:43I'm sure winning is more than just holding up the Larry O'Brien. It's being a
03:49Competitive playoff team. It's having a series or multiple series. It's playing into May
03:54Maybe even June that's winning being a 10 seed or being an 11 seed
03:59That's not winning totally fair, but you don't even get to do that every year agreed
04:03You just don't ask the Celtics ask the Lakers ask that anybody you don't in the Spurs you don't what even the Spurs
04:11Well, they finally well
04:12I think it was a 24 of 25 understood playoff, but but now how are they and people look at them like ooh?
04:18They're next are they I don't know they can't get out of the 12 seed so far. I know they're all pups
04:23They just got Fox. I love what they're doing, but they're still not there yet
04:28You don't get to be in the final eight just because you wanna
04:31Like I'm sorry, I don't care what city you're in or what star you have
04:37There are cycles, and they are constant. Yeah
04:40Only 21 franchises have ever won an NBA championship of all the franchises that have exist only 21
04:48I've ever done it and teams who are still doing it now
04:51Phoenix and Utah and Brooklyn and Orlando in
04:54Indiana and Charlotte and the Clippers and Memphis and Minnesota and the Pelicans they're all waiting for their first
05:00So yeah everybody wants to win only one team gets to I do think that Joe is just looking for a team that can be
05:0750 ish wins having a playoff series or more
05:12That's winning. I know but that's a lot to ask it is but a lot to ask
05:16It's really not a lot to ask when when you've done it as frequently as they've done
05:21I know but now he's 37 years old like I mean if you you look at this right now
05:27Look at what the Warriors do have
05:29Look at what they do have they still have Steph Curry at a high level whether it's declining or not
05:35They still have Draymond green at a high level declining
05:38Yes, Andrew Wiggins is playing as well as he ever has you have some young players you at least find very interesting
05:45in Jonathan Kaminga or
05:47a pajam ski a moody whatever and then you have other veterans that you can sprinkle in or
05:53Effective NBA players Dennis Schroeder. Come on Looney. Whatever you have all that. You're the 11
06:00You're an 11th place in your half of the league
06:05so I
06:06That is a lot to ask. Oh, you know 50 wins in a playoff series or two
06:11Yeah, I mean there are franchises who would give their left arm for one year of that
06:16But this is what he's used to I know we're gonna go to the phones. He's owned it now for 14 full seasons
06:2215 all with Steph still I'm not I'm not gonna put the parts in there or the parts out of it
06:28I'm just put looking at it from his standpoint, which is
06:3114 completed seasons nine playoff berths for championships
06:36So in his purview, he's thinking yeah
06:39I kind of do get to do this all the time and the times you didn't you had the kovat year where everybody got hurt
06:46You had you know last year where you won 46 and if Draymond wasn't suspended mark
06:51We would have 150 and so you can look at things, you know, you lost in the playing year in 21
06:58There's a lot of things that he could look at sure agreeing with you
07:02but I'm playing devil's advocate and I get it but but if that's the way he wants to look at it then I reserve my
07:07Opinion that you're in for a rude awakening and maybe that rude awakening came this afternoon. Maybe maybe you know
07:14Yeah, I mean, that's what it felt like to me
07:17Elston in Oakland. Hey Elston. Thank you for calling. You're on what Willard and dibs
07:22Hey guys, thanks for taking my call
07:25Well, I'm gonna say what I'm gonna say something about this. It's kind of dark, but yeah, I appreciate you
07:30producer put me on
07:32What what makes the Bay Area not such a friendly destination for the majority of NBA players?
07:39I know it's been a lot of European players lately
07:40but that's still not the majority is that the Bay Area has been stripped of black culture and
07:47When these 27 year old millionaires want to spend their hard-earned money on
07:53Home game when it went at home
07:55There's no place to do that and believe it or not it go is probably a word around the league that you know
08:01It ain't no fun in the Bay Area
08:04Honestly, man, and also the the second part of that is the way Steve Kirk coaches
08:09He runs a quote-unquote button down system to where you know, it's a pass pass shoot
08:15You know, no, no individualism. That's not fun to these to these guys
08:19So so this is not a friendly destination a welcoming destination for these guys, man
08:25They don't nobody wants to play this type of basketball and in this demographic area because there's no fun
08:31I made it the black culture is out of the Bay Area. It may seem like a small thing
08:35But it's a big thing to them guys who got all this money don't know what to do with it
08:41So when they're when they're on their days off at home, what it is nothing to do
08:45Well, I'm not gonna be else. Where are the markets where the black culture is thriving. It would be more attractive
08:53Chicago, Atlanta, LA
08:56Even even New York
08:59Absolutely, no black culture. I'm a I'm a 60 year old black man born in Oakland and I'm telling this absolutely
09:06It's been stripped. I've watched it happen. There's no black culture in the bear anymore
09:12Elston I think I I think the two of us are in total listening mode totally to what you're saying
09:18But but I I also like it does like what you're saying brings up
09:23Interesting questions because what I do then is I look around the league and I go, okay, who's doing?
09:29Well, the first thing that popped to my mind is what is well known and I know you're not necessarily calling things racist
09:36you're saying it's been stripped of culture, but like Boston, Massachusetts is traditionally known as
09:42Possibly the most racist city in America and they're the defending champs and they've got unbelievable young black players
09:49So like I and again, I'm not saying it discounts anything that you're saying at all
09:54I I just want to I want to hear about where that's working and and and and supposedly what the Warriors are
10:02Supposed to do about it
10:04That's a good example because Boston is a good example look at the black players that they have there though individually
10:13The players they have there aren't from quote-unquote the hood or anywhere near there
10:18Even Steph Curry is not from that Steph Curry is an outlier because he comes from a basketball
10:25Background from his dad, but at the same time I hate to say it, but he's not that black
10:31You know, I mean
10:32That's really racist for me to say that but I'm speaking more to the culture and not to the skin color
10:37No, I think we we get I get what you're saying Elston. I really do
10:41I just wonder if that I mean even the example you're giving does that apply?
10:46To all of what we're talking about a large group of players who have I guess in a way passed on
10:52On Golden State and so the same way that you're saying
10:56It may not apply to a Jason Tatum a Jalen Brown or a Steph Curry
11:00I don't know if that applies to all of the players who we're talking about here who've passed on the Warriors, too
11:07You know what I'm saying?
11:09Yeah, but the majority of play. Yeah, I know I know what you're talking about
11:13But the bottom line is it's not fun for them regardless of whatever whatever what why that is. It's not funny
11:19It's not an attractive destination for them because of the fact the way this is in the Bay Area
11:26Nobody wants to say that but I'm telling you that's the way it is. No Elston. I mean, yeah
11:30Hey, thank you very much for the call
11:32It's an interesting it's an interesting take and the Boston side of it is that Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown were both drafted there
11:39So they didn't necessarily choose
11:41Their eyes were Steph Curry and Draymond green, right?
11:44But I think the greater point is what he was alluding to is free agents and whether or not it's you know, Kevin Durant
11:50I don't know if that's the reason that Kevin Durant has decided not to it
11:54Seems like Jimmy Butler is saying that he doesn't want to sign an extension here
11:58Is it because there's not a vibrant enough black culture? I can't discount anything else in his saying no, but I can say this
12:05I largely believe that a lot of the people that we've said have quote-unquote passed on Golden State
12:10Very few of them are in that world of free agency
12:13We're talking about a lot of trades and the leveraged power of NBA players and where they want to go Paul George
12:21For example, he did want to come he agreed to come to the Warriors, but a deal could not be struck with the Clippers
12:27At least that's the report that's out there
12:30All I'm saying is and this is just my perception and I could be wrong
12:34But I think a lot of these players, especially when we're talking about veterans who have become multi multi millionaires now
12:40See the whole country as quite frankly very small and you're able to be a superstar anywhere
12:47Shea Gilgis Alexander is is making bajillions of dollars and as a superstar and he lives in, Oklahoma
12:54So, you know Giannis lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
12:58So I I don't know
13:01Again, maybe for some players. I don't know if it's about that
13:04I think my guess is it's more about what you're saying
13:09Which is I'm looking at a team situation and seeing if a I can win there and be it's good for my marketability
13:16And I have a hard time believing on the marketability front and all that that that that San Francisco
13:22California is in like the bottom half of the NBA
13:25That would surprise me
13:26but to his point about like the next level down as you start to figure out where you want to be and we talked about
13:32this with the Giants and
13:34What may have been said about the conditions of the city being a detriment to attracting free agents or not?
13:40I do think if you're a younger
13:43African-american player and you're looking for a place where you want to maybe stretch out your wings spread your wings off the court
13:49San Francisco is probably not as attractive as LA
13:53Atlanta New York, maybe even Chicago perhaps Detroit, I guess but who the hell's gone to Atlanta?
13:59Like I'm gonna agree with your point again
14:01This is not the top line item like you want to go somewhere with a vibrant black culture
14:06Atlanta would be on the very short list of course, but nobody's gone there
14:10They don't win, you know, the roster is not great
14:13So I don't think it's the top of the marquee for free agents
14:16But it was an interesting notion about you know, San Francisco
14:20I think that you're speaking at least in part to Oakland and you know
14:24I lived there for almost 25 years and I saw the rise and some sort of a of a fall where you got a lot
14:30Of businesses and bars and restaurants now closing because they just can't well they can't survive over there and all the sports
14:37All right in all the cities, yeah, absolutely, but I mean all the sports have left Oakland like that's gonna change a city
14:43That's gonna change right but even beyond the sports. It's like the restaurants and I mean you look at your community in any community in
14:49The Bay Area we're losing restaurants and bars and boutiques and you know
14:54Retail outlets because of all the different factors in modern America
14:59I can't say that what we're talking about right now is not a thing for some players
15:04But I don't think it's all-encompassing or even most players I do think right now
15:10We're in a time where things become frustrating in Bay Area sports and we do lean into this idea of nobody wants to come here
15:17We've been around and around on this right with the Giants. Yeah the last few years
15:21I still believe that it's hard for us the general public
15:26To look through this lens and then apply it to professional athletes who are not living on the streets that we live on
15:33They're not living in the neighborhoods that we live in and they're not living the life that we live
15:38So a lot of things that people will call in and say might be true. I just don't know if they're true for Kevin Durant or
15:48Carlos Correa or
15:50Aaron judge or Shohei Otani or whatever
15:53I just I'm gonna keep pushing back on this idea that nobody likes the Bay Area and then in the next breath
16:02Someone will go choose, you know
16:04Middle America as their destination and said like if we're talking about LA sure, that's different. That's always been different
16:11LA and New York have always been LA in New York
16:14Outside of that I got a hard time believing that San Francisco is at this major
16:19Deficit against other major cities when it comes to free agents don't know if it's a major deficit
16:24but again
16:24if you're looking at the fourth or fifth reason to go somewhere and you're looking for black culture or
16:30Urban nightlife and urban activities, San Francisco and Oakland don't rate at the same level as other markets
16:37And I think that's all that he was saying eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seventy Jason in the city is next up
16:42Hi, Jason. Thanks for calling
16:45What's going on guys, I love you guys. So y'all talking that talk today. What's up Jason? Thanks
16:52The other guy was talking about them guys got 300 million dollars they can fly they got private jets
16:58To another city so what he was talking about I understand it, but I don't understand it
17:03I'm dudes got too much money. They get on private jets all day long and go to other cities
17:08But what I want to say is this
17:11Duran hasn't won a championship since he left Golden State. So who cares if he came or not?
17:18Jimmy Butler
17:19Haven't won a championship. So we don't even want Jimmy bubble, but there with his attitude
17:24Only thing I want to say if the guys is listening any Warriors part of a staff
17:29Steph had them guys bear down
17:32Let's move up in the seating and just win with our squad if we go down in flames
17:37Cool, if we win cool, but all this trade talk I get it
17:42It's trade season everybody talking about trays Durant wasn't gonna bring that to our squad. He he's in a tense spot
17:48So what are we talking about?
17:50Durant is the older player. He helped us win before and I get it and I respect what he gave to the Warriors
17:56But at this time man
17:58I hope definitely Steph gets so hungry this season after hearing all this chitter-chatter about the Warriors and and our and a franchise
18:05That he go crazy
18:06We end up being a pipsy and win another championship and that'll be a story to talk about
18:12Sure would it would be a hell of a shock Jason. Here's the thing. Thank you for calling. I think you have a very
18:20solid point
18:22However, I don't think it's realistic in this moment. This is just me reading the warrior organization again your point being let it ride
18:30Just let it ride and then we'll take what whatever we get. I like I think a very fair opinion
18:36I don't think the Warriors share even a shred of it. That's just my read. I think we're too far down the road
18:42This is a toothpaste tube day
18:45Right here on 95-7 the game and and with Golden State Warrior basketball
18:50The Warriors have got to make a trade
18:53They have to
18:55Like that's how they feel. I feel I
18:58Don't think they even care at this point if if it's a perfect deal. I don't think they think the perfect deal exists
19:06but they
19:07Have got their name in so many different things and they're so attached to the idea that we have got to provide Steph help
19:15You could easily make the argument. It's too little too late. You waited too long and you missed out on who you wanted
19:21I think that's a fair opinion, too
19:23But the Warriors have been too talked about there have been too many rumors
19:27They cannot show up at 1201 tomorrow afternoon with we got nothing
19:33They just can't and they won't my opinion they absolutely can and I don't think that they will and
19:39You look at what that would mean if they made no deal and then you get into the offseason and you've got
19:4522 30 37 you got 40 million coming off the books and you could allocate a lot of that to Kaminga or you could
19:51Do a sign and trade with Kaminga you could sign him for less and then add somebody else and you could
19:57Largely run this back with you know
20:00Kaminga resigned and a new player in at the mid-level and a couple of draft picks and other fringy moves
20:06I agree with you that I think they will make a move and it seems to me like
20:10Vucevic makes the most sense a guy making 20. He's only making 21.5 next year
20:16So it's not gonna really hamstring you too much in the future. Thank you. Keep your first rounders, too
20:20it's not sexy you end up going with Schroeder and GP 2 and
20:26Your loony probably makes more sense because you already have a couple of other centers and you add another center
20:30And you know, you probably send them a second round or a couple of seconds and you get back something else
20:35That's probably your deal right there if I had to predict it right now
20:38Yeah, and maybe it's a the butler thing could play too because I just think Miami is stuck
20:43But I think you're right
20:44Vucevic for Schroeder and loony and a second round pick I could totally see it and I don't think that that will assuage or
20:52Satisfy the fan base, but at least it's something and the team can come out and you know
20:57We'll be at splash tomorrow right down there in Thrive City
21:00Breaking down all the moves that get made or don't get made and at least at that point they could say
21:05We made a deal and we feel like we got better today mark
21:08Um, well, they probably wouldn't be wrong right that with that vacuum statement
21:13Yeah, they probably wouldn't be wrong
21:15Eight at eight nine five seven nine five seventy Connor San Leandro. Hi Connor. Thanks for calling
21:21Thanks guys. Hey, look, I want to go back and think it about Jimmy Butler again
21:26Okay, there's another sale that we still need to think about
21:29I think when it comes to Jimmy like actually getting him interested in coming here
21:34You know, I think you need to think about it as a final effort to check
21:39Fremont green. I mean we we basically had a
21:42nationwide effort at an intervention for the guy last year and
21:46He basically kept his receipts and started to attack the people who even if they were in the media
21:52Whoever they were who engaged in that effort
21:55I mean if we can't get this guy into a role
21:58Where he's contributing to the team and he hasn't putting himself in a place where he might get suspended
22:03I think you got to try and put someone else who's just as strong as him on the roster
22:08So selling Jimmy on that role. Hey, not only can you fix this franchise or at least help to adjust it
22:14this is actually kind of a
22:16Effort to fix this on behalf of the entire league. I think he would rise to that occasion. Well, so
22:23We got it. We got a run Connor, but it's an interesting take that I think we'd love to respond to
22:28There's just you know, my thought on
22:31This idea they like basically said bring in Jimmy because he's just as strong. Maybe you're in check
22:36Chamber on green. I don't I don't think that's how it would play. I don't think they want to sell Jimmy on that idea
22:42I'm not saying that Butler won't be acquired. He might be but
22:46the Steph Draymond culture as
22:50Much as I hear so many people wanting it to go away. It's not gonna go away
22:55I find it to be an immovable object. I
22:59Mean they could have traded Draymond. They still might and they still might but that'd be the only way you can do that
23:05I don't think there's any human being on the planet that you can bring into the locker room and then suddenly dethrone
23:12Stephan Draymond as being the top two
23:15Voices in the room if you will and the organization doesn't want Draymond checked if they did
23:20They would have checked him a long time ago when he punched Jordan pool
23:23They would have checked him and when he got suspended for a month last year, they would have checked him
23:28They wouldn't assign him to a four-year deal if he they wanted him checked