• 2 days ago
00:00I thought, you know, Steve was honest in his response when we said, look, is there, there's
00:05no way you thought that it was going to go this well, this fast.
00:09And he was like, well, I hoped, right, right.
00:13But like, you just don't know, you don't know until you see it.
00:18And that's, I guess what I'm struggling with today.
00:21I don't even know if I believe what I'm seeing.
00:24Because if you really go deep into what we're seeing, it doesn't make any sense.
00:29It doesn't make any sense at all.
00:32You can't just acquire one player and then click overnight.
00:37Now you just don't lose.
00:38You're just amazing.
00:40And everybody's had their 35th birthday and everybody just starts smiling at each other.
00:46And they look like they've been playing together for five years.
00:50And now all these role players are like, oh, I know how to play basketball too.
00:55Watch this.
00:56Buddy Heels hitting three pointers again.
00:59Pods looks like pods.
01:01Joe Lacob doesn't sound ridiculous anymore for saying pods is a future, like big time
01:07All of this just snap happens at once.
01:12I'm sorry that like, that doesn't, that still does not compute to me as I sit here and watch
01:18it happen.
01:20But I do think about it in terms of a baseball lineup where you've got a lineup and you've
01:24got a couple of good hitters and you've got two or three guys who are pretty good and
01:28then you go out in the trade deadline and you get a real number three hitter back when
01:33your number three hitter was your best hitter.
01:35I know now that you put your best hitter at lead off, but for the sake of the argument,
01:40you bring in Jimmy Butler who now hits third.
01:43And so everyone else gets to move down and you have protection in your lineup.
01:46And so a guy like pods who you were hitting six, he's now hitting seventh.
01:51And so his production at seven is a lot better.
01:54And everyone else in your lineup now is going to look better because you got to pitch around
01:58Jimmy Butler.
01:59You already were pitching around Steph and Draymond could do damage.
02:02And so the rest of your team, I think naturally gets better.
02:06And it's a little like the 49ers when they got Christian McCaffrey.
02:09So now you have McCaffrey and you can't just key on McCaffrey because you got Kittle and
02:16Debo and I, you can, you've got all these other players that you have to worry about.
02:19And now you add McCaffrey in there.
02:21And so everybody who's already good, they get a little bit better.
02:25Let's take some phone calls.
02:26They did eight, nine, five, seven, nine, five 70 Elena in Arizona.
02:29Hey Elena.
02:30What's going on?
02:31Hi guys.
02:32How are you guys doing?
02:33We're great.
02:34What's up?
02:35So I get that you're surprised and I'm like, I'm surprised as you guys and how fast they've
02:42kind of evolved.
02:43But when I thought of it in a sense after like, you know, it's settled down and when
02:48you think about it, I just feel like him kind of being in there, kind of bumped everybody
02:53down to their actual role and position because I feel like they were just all playing out
02:59of their role.
03:00Like Kujumski is a lot of more of like a, a combo guard, but he's more of a shooting
03:06guard even though he's not shooting pretty well than actual point guard.
03:09He doesn't really know how to start a play.
03:12He knows how to continue a play.
03:14So like stuff like that, just small things.
03:18Just like kind of like playing into their role because you have finally found somebody
03:22who can, you know, make plays and, and settle everybody down.
03:27I feel like they're just so frantic as a team and you could have like that calming voice
03:32even to, to, um, the dream on, I don't know if you noticed, but when he got frustrated,
03:38he literally took the ball from, from dream on and said it started like handling the ball
03:43when it like, it came to the Orlando game, even to the Knicks game.
03:47So I feel like everybody kind of just started settling down a little bit.
03:51I like that phrase, Elena, and thank you for the call.
03:54You know, she twice said this is settled everybody down.
03:56And if you think about individually where each of them were, Moses Moody has been on
04:01a two year fight to get into the game.
04:03Brandon Kujumski, what did we keep hearing about him?
04:06First half of the season before the injury is pressing, is pressing sophomore slump.
04:10He's trying to live up to all of the words that were used in the off season.
04:14Well, all of these things.
04:15And then Steph, he's the physical one.
04:18Like these are all mental things that we're talking about.
04:20Jonathan Kaminga and a contract, but then there's Steph and there's a physical problem.
04:25Like all the defenders are just on you.
04:28So there you go, you're 36 and everyone's guarding you and nobody cares about anybody
04:33else because they're all mentally fragmented around the three point arc waiting for you.
04:39And so the whole thing, she's right.
04:42Jimmy comes in and it's twofold.
04:45The physical side is it allows everybody to fall into their rightful slot.
04:50And then there's the mental side, which is that he brought some sort of calm, cool confidence,
04:58some sort of that just that vibe that made you feel like, okay, now we belong.
05:04He brought it in and he brought it in fast.
05:07That's what still gets me.
05:10It's not just the fit, it's the fact that this seemingly happened after, remember one
05:15half of basketball.
05:18They played in Chicago.
05:19This trade won't work.
05:20They sucked.
05:21And then halftime hit and they haven't stopped since.
05:24It's crazy.
05:25Yeah, it really is.
05:26It can't happen that fast.
05:28It just can't.
05:29But it has.
05:30It has.
05:31And you know, 10 and 2 since he came, 10 and 1 when he plays.
05:33And what Elena said, I think that is really cogent is the way he slows it down.
05:39And part of the way he slows it down is by getting to the foul line.
05:42So if things are going sideways and if you are, you know, ramshackle, you're going up
05:46and down and you're not really in control of the game.
05:49Jimmy gets the ball.
05:50Jimmy gets to the foul line.
05:52He draws the foul.
05:53And now we're going to shoot two.
05:54So now the game slows down.
05:56You've got free throws.
05:58And if he makes the free throws, which he's a good free throw shooter, very good.
06:01Now you have a chance to set your defense.
06:03So instead of the dreaded live ball turnover, which is what this team has been so bad at
06:08the last couple of years, where you throw it away, the other team gets it live ball.
06:13They go down and score.
06:14Now you're taking it out of your own hoop and you just gave up two or three points.
06:18And now you have to try to put it together and get down and get a bucket.
06:21Instead, Jimmy Butler doesn't turn it over really ever.
06:25Like once a game is his average and he gets to the foul line.
06:29So even if things are going south, if you're, you know, the team's on a nine to two run
06:33to the negative, Jimmy has a chance to get to the foul line and slow everything down,
06:38go in there and chill it out, hit a couple of free throws and reset the game.
06:42I'd like to go back to that booth at Splash for a few reasons.
06:46First of all, that smash burger is delicious.
06:48And so are the nachos that I tried over the weekend.
06:51But it was at that booth at Splash.
06:52I'll never forget it.
06:53We sat at that booth at Splash and I just sat there and worried in all kinds of different
06:59directions about what the Warriors had just done in acquiring Jimmy Butler.
07:04And you know, reminder number 8,342, that what you worry about in life rarely happens
07:11about 20% of the time maybe.
07:13And you know what?
07:14Maybe what I was worried about will happen.
07:16Maybe this will be bad in a year and a half.
07:20Maybe it'll be bad.
07:21But you know what?
07:22At this point, who cares?
07:24Like there's no way that even the most optimistic Jimmy Butler fan could have thought the Warriors
07:30were going to snap their fingers and look like this.
07:32I didn't think that everyone would be better.
07:34Brandon Podjemski is a plus 120 in the games that he's played since Jimmy Butler's been
07:42Come on.
07:43Plus 120, Mark.
07:44He's only played 10 games.
07:45That means that he is averaging plus double digits per game.
07:49Come on, man.
07:50That's not possible.
07:52It's not possible.
07:53Very good.
07:54It's a two.
07:55I'll take it.
07:56Two and a half.
07:57A three from Grandy.
07:58Yeah, Grandy's in a good mood.
07:59He's a champ.
08:01Sponsored by Crystal Geyser, Alpine Springwater.
08:02I mean, is this, is this even in the realm of your imagination?
