• last month
00:00For myself, I'm just I'm so happy to be playing basketball again, honestly
00:05Before organization like this one with some hell if I talent that we have
00:09I'm glad that I get the opportunity to get here and help get us to winning and I do something special
00:13I think that's why I'm here now. I do my best to do what everybody wants and that's to win a championship
00:19I mean it now back to Will and Vivi on 95 7 the game
00:24I think Jimmy knows the game Jimmy knows what to say. Jimmy said the right stuff last night a five talent
00:30like oh
00:31Listen, I'm gonna say this as clearly as possible with my chest out
00:36Stand on it. Lord. I want to be wrong
00:41Good lord, I want to be wrong. I
00:45Really do and I might be
00:48That's okay. I ain't worried about that
00:52happens all the time
00:55That's all I'm just sharing with you what today feels like inside my gut
01:01which is that I watched that game last night and I tried to run it through my head with Jimmy Butler on the floor and
01:09asked myself if it looked significantly different and
01:14Didn't feel significantly different
01:17Um number one and number two you start thinking about a two and a half year period of
01:24Steph Draymond and Jimmy Butler and and what is clear is that those three guys are gonna miss games here and there and
01:32So what you saw last night was
01:35Pretty much what I think the team is gonna look and feel like a lot of the time over the next three years
01:41They are now cash strapped in terms of doing a lot of things to add to this
01:45And so I don't think it's a complete team yet. And
01:49Just because they made a nice little run in the second half
01:53We always ask this question after games like that. Let me ask it to you
01:56Was there ever a moment where you thought they were gonna win the game?
01:59maybe if they would have gotten the eight second call and they get the ball back on that blown call by the
02:04Officials and I'll be the first one to say it on this program and beyond a bad call
02:08That's just one where as a as an official you can't afford to miss that when the team is actually pressuring
02:15And you've got a clock that tells you when it's been eight seconds and the ball is loose and now we're at nine seconds
02:21That's an easy call. It should be reviewable. I was gonna say not why?
02:25Because our review system is very arbitrary. There are things we can review things. We can't review so you can't review a
02:34Penalty in the NFL even though you might have a penalty that cost the team a game
02:39Usually in the age of review all sports when you get something like that
02:43That is a very clear fact or fiction black or white. They make that reviewable
02:48I don't I'm not asking you to know but I wonder if you have any thought on like
02:52What like why would that not be reviewable? And for those who don't know what we're talking about
02:57I think the Warriors had cut it to maybe four or six
03:00I think whatever it was and they had gotten and there was a late turnover where the ball
03:06Somebody kind of fumbled it with the Lakers the ball was not across half-court and
03:11It and possessed in in the first eight seconds, which is required and it was not and then not only did it not get called
03:19But then it turned into an easy bucket because half the warrior team was standing there with their arms up in the air
03:24Talking to the refs. Oh, well instead the Lakers went laid the ball in the bucket
03:28And so yes
03:29it flipped the game back in the in the wrong direction when the Warriors had some mo and
03:34It was not called and I will go to my grave someday never understanding why that's not reviewable exactly and it's because we don't
03:42Want to review everything and I do think that the NFL has gotten
03:46The closest to what should be reviewed like all turnovers and all scoring plays. They're reviewed
03:51Okay, that that makes a lot of sense because those are the biggest moments
03:55There are still some things in the NFL that we want reviewed like, you know
03:59When Patrick Mahomes slides late and two defenders headbutt each other and you throw a 15 yarder
04:05Which is kind of a game-changing call that should be reviewable. And I do think the NFL is closer to
04:12Figuring that out. But this is a spot where you absolutely
04:16Have to be able to review that it was a clear-cut eight-second violation and Draymond got a tee as well
04:22So it's a spot where you know
04:25It's brutal you're down six with a minute two to go if you get that turnover like you should have
04:31Instead of a dunk now, you're down six with the ball with a minute left instead
04:35You're down eight and you get a tee. So you're really you know, you're down nine was over
04:40It was over right there. I don't know that they would have wanted anyway, but it was over right there
04:44but you earned the possession based on your ability to you know, coax an eight-second violation and
04:51You know you have the shot clock there as a guide because the shot clock starts when the referee
04:56Pushes the back of his belt the referee actually controls the clock now when the ball is touched
05:01You start the clock and it also starts the 24
05:04So that is in sync with what the ref is already doing which is why you don't see him count anymore
05:09Yeah used to see the ref count like in CYO and I'm back tomorrow after a two weeks off
05:13I have to count ten seconds and you know
05:17I try to look at the clock and see if my count is right because I'm not doing perfect seconds
05:21But in this all you have to do is know that it's been eight seconds. It's an automatic call. It's right there
05:27It should be it should be easy
05:29Anyway, that was the only moment where I thought they might still win
05:32But other than that, no, they were being controlled totally like you you came out last night and I get what the Warriors have been through
05:39Physically and emotionally in the last 48 hours
05:43Understand that and I know a lot of people don't want to hear that in professional sports with all the multi millions and everything
05:48But you know you when you do two plane flights
05:52Lose four teammates when you go through all of that. I'm sure that takes a toll on you
05:58So the Warriors came out in LA last night. They're down 20 before anybody's seat got warm
06:02but that also there's something else to be said about that, which is that
06:08The Warriors too often throughout four-quarter basketball games too often
06:14there's a quarter or two where they look exhausted and beat and
06:17And that's all I'm getting at man. I I just I told you from the beginning
06:22That it's not a perfect deal and I don't love it. You asked me a minute ago
06:26Would I take this deal versus no deal?
06:28Yes, I would because that it was clear the Warriors had to do something
06:31But the more I think about it and the more I watch and it's not like I'm just coming up with this now
06:36You know Grandy and I did a whole show about Brooklyn's Cam Johnson
06:41Yeah, because I happen to think he's a fit and I really questioned whether or not Jimmy Butler's a fit damn it
06:47I want to be wrong. Yeah, and I like I'm I'll be there tomorrow night. I'm not gonna be there
06:51I'm not going to Chicago, but like right. I'm in because you are to the level that you have to be
06:58Yeah, you're in you're a fan, but but like I don't I don't think that was it
07:02I'm concerned at the at the level to which they signed up for this for not just this year
07:09but but many more at a very very high level and
07:13We look around the league and I see what hell I see what 20-something year old stars are doing
07:19Let alone 35 and 36 and 37 year old stars
07:23I'm trying to figure out over the next two and a half years
07:25How often Steph Dre and Jimmy are even gonna play together at the same time, right?
07:30Right, probably not that often just a concern man. Don't think don't think it's great basketball team on paper right now
07:35I just don't know if the
07:37Possibility to get Cam Johnson or Nikola Vucevic was there
07:41I don't know what the offers would have been or you know, what was out there
07:46Maybe we'll find out at some point
07:47There'll be a leak or a report about you know, what the Warriors offered or what somebody else offered
07:52I do know you got to a spot yesterday
07:54Yesterday where or the day before where you were kind of running out of time and you felt like you had to do
08:00Something the thing that surprises me is just the level of extension you gave him because yeah
08:05You're kind of hamstrung now if comingo wants to sign for 15 or 20
08:09You can keep him 15 or 20 a year you can keep him but that's gonna be about it
08:14and then you're dealing with a lot of like veteran minimum and G League and two-way guys and you know,
08:20You've got Moses and you've got other small pieces Quinton and pods and TJD and the rest
08:27so if you do have a spot where Jimmy or Draymond or Steph is
08:32Actually injured for you know, four to six weeks or longer. Yeah, you're done which which seems by the way, I mean
08:40You can say it likely probable. Yeah. Yeah
08:44Jimmy did have a lot of stuff to say yesterday that I thought was nice kind of hit the mark
08:50We'll let you hear a lot of it right at the top of the hour
08:53Okay, if you didn't kind of hear exactly because maybe you watch the game. Maybe you did like us
08:58Maybe you're out and about watch the game at a bar or even just when the game ended
09:02Oh you you moved on but if you haven't heard what Jimmy Butler said in his initial comments as a Golden State warrior
09:08We're gonna have all that for you coming up here at the top of the hour. We're always here for your calls
09:12Let's go to Josh on 580. Hi Josh. Thanks for calling
09:15What our fellows happy Friday?
09:18Beautiful day. So yes, sir. Yes, sir
09:20So I mean I've been I've been listening the last few days and trying to process my thoughts on the Jimmy Butler trade
09:24And I think I came down to this man. It's not really a basketball decision. It's more a
09:30Entertainment decision, right? They have to out of the sudden game on Friday when they got blown out
09:35It was just dead in there
09:36And it's been too many times this year where you've been dead and I've had a lot of buddies
09:39It's getting too expensive to go to games when we don't know the war is gonna win
09:42We don't know what it's gonna look like people aren't paying for that
09:45So they had to do something from a business side of things that is be entertaining
09:50To put butts in seats to get people to come to Chase Center, right?
09:54But it's a lot of money on that building told me to open six years
09:57They still gotta gotta gotta fill the seats. They got a maximized step when you say back to my step
10:02I think we all like to think about that as like a championship, but it's like for them for Lake up in the ownership
10:07It's maximized how much money he can make us and we had to do that by putting another star around him
10:12So like yeah, Cam Johnson will probably better fit basketball wise mark
10:16But he's not as entertaining as a guy like Jimmy Butler is gonna be so that's why I really think the reason for that trade
10:22Really was is for like an entertainment purpose
10:24You know I'm saying I understand that like business wise and I'm okay with it because again in two years
10:30We might have okay basketball being the play-in like I've already accepted that the run is over. It's done. You feel me?
10:36So it's okay
10:37And they're all lined up to expire at the same time when they do they start fresh and we started new
10:42And that's okay. They really did it to be entertaining and that's why I think I think I I get that I think you're right
10:49But but is that comfortable to you like and I wonder if that's even comfortable to them like I you might be right
10:56But if Steph Curry were sitting here listening to what you're saying
10:59I think he would probably be pretty pretty annoyed by that concept right that like you're just what you're just a sideshow to fill seats
11:08Well, yeah, I definitely understand that you probably wouldn't like like what I'm saying
11:12But the reality is there really is nothing that they the Warriors can really do in general
11:18There's no they're out of spot right now where there's nothing that they can do. There's no player besides Kevin Durant
11:23That was the one thing that they could have done
11:25He didn't want to come here because it is like Draymond other than that
11:28There's literally nothing that they can do to be a competitive team. That's gonna beat the Nuggets the okay
11:33See all the Lakers now nothing. I don't care what they did
11:37They can do only they can do is be entertaining right, you know, I'm saying so that's just really that the point
11:43The Warriors are at I've accepted it and I'm gonna keep calling because I got the fans have got to accept that
11:48I know it's hard to accept
11:49But that's just where we are at in our stage of the dynasty that we just have to be as entertained as possible
11:55But again, the good thing is that all the contracts lined up for two years that if next year goes bad
12:00They can trade Jimmy off somewhere if they can they could trade Draymond to a team that China, you know
12:05Need one more piece and try to just clear the books and start over
12:12Josh got it. Thanks. Good. Good call. I that's that's easier said than done tough to trade a guy making 60 exactly
12:19Number one and they keep getting there just another year older next year
12:23And then the other side to that though, is there anything that they could have done?
12:28It's easy to dismiss that and say no, there's nothing they could have done the same way
12:33It's easy for me to sit here and be like, nope
12:35This isn't gonna work like it's easy to do and and and maybe we're wrong and and whatnot
12:40But I don't even know if I fully accept that premise yet
12:45Like is there something that could have been done?
12:49Even if it was just another step on the staircase that moves them toward actually being better
12:56I don't want to call it championship squad
12:58But somebody that could
13:00Legitimately contend with the top six teams in the West and let's just take my example
13:06If you had gotten your hands on Cam Johnson a 20-something year old
13:1019 points per night 3 and D player and you still have Wiggins the way he's playing and then coming it gets back and that
13:17Development continues not just the rest of this year, but in two years
13:23After that because that's kind of what we're talking about the remainder of of Steph's career like you still have young players are developing
13:29Take last night out pods looks good again since he's come back from injury Dennis Schroeder was starting to figure it out
13:36It leaves you open to maybe make another move in the offseason, too. I don't know if any of these things Wow you
13:43But I don't know that there was quote nothing. The Warriors could do to be good
13:50I just don't I don't know that
13:52What do you think they tried to get Cam Johnson?
13:55And do you think they tried to get Nicola Vujovic the reports were that they've called every team about every star well, right?
14:02No, I actually wouldn't even call either of those guys stars. I would call them. I would imagine that they call it
14:06Well, I mean they already traded with Brooklyn
14:09Yeah, they were in sure in talks with Chicago about Vujovic and Zach Levine. Oh, I'd imagine yes, right
14:15They had those conversations and either the price was too high or they valued this over that and I I don't know if that would
14:23Be the way that this all played out
14:25I would bet that the Cam Johnson price was higher than they wanted and same thing with Vujovic where
14:30No other team was able to acquire those guys and if they were available and we all think that they were available
14:36No team was able to acquire either one of those guys, right, even though they were available, right?
14:41But that doesn't mean that somebody couldn't have I mean no other team was willing to do anything for Jimmy Butler either
14:48But the Warriors did it because they had the goods and they didn't have they honestly they didn't give up that much
14:53Um, they give up Andrew Wiggins a player who has been much maligned here. He had a great four months stretch
15:00I mean much maligned here. He's been I mean, he's been Andrew Wiggins. He's been
15:06Whatever he's been he's had three or four good months and he led you to a title and other than that, what's he been like?
15:13Oh, I think that Andrew Wiggins this year. What was he? Very good for
15:17All year a mediocre team. It was so he was on Andrews fault
15:22No, it's it's not Andrews fault, but it's not like Andrew. What is Steph?
15:26I feel like Andrew was amazing averaging 25 a night and not Andrew. No, I thought my point Andrew has been fine
15:33So you gave up Andrew you gave up two rentals a guy who you rescued off the scrap heap and a first-round pick
15:40Yeah, you already said who cares about the picks? When the hell did I say that you've been saying you're not worried about no
15:47I'm saying you're saying you're not worried about the future. Yeah, like you said yes because you can recoup the picks, right?
15:52That's my point. You gave up Andrew Wiggins who is just yeah, he's fine
15:57He's I mean, I think you undersell a little bit but go ahead
16:00I'm just underselling him because that's the player. He's been outside of three years ago. Very good basketball. He's a good player
16:06I wouldn't say he's very good. I don't know dude. He's one of the best players on this team, right?
16:11Which tells you where you are as a team. You're not even a 500 team
16:14but then you got rid of
16:16More than just him you got rid of useful players and you got my point is
16:20I was a guy who didn't fit and a guy you didn't play everyone's got opinions about first-round picks
16:25here's what I'd say if you were gonna dip into that market then dip into that market and
16:31Get someone who hasn't had the 30th birthday and don't tell me you can't it's just you can well you can but it might cost
16:37You three picks, but maybe it wouldn't maybe it would only cost you two
16:40Well, you don't know and I mean none of us know we can all guess and speculate on what the market was
16:46I just look at what happened and what didn't happen and if Cam Johnson was really available and he's only making
16:5322.5 and his salary actually goes down next year
16:56Exactly. So if that's something that Brooklyn wanted to move they would have moved him unless they were looking for a King's Ransom
17:03Yeah, or no one met their price
17:06But like again, we know what the reported price was
17:11multiple first-round picks, you know, I'm sitting here looking at Jimmy Butler Luka Donchik and
17:17Darren Fox all
17:19Move teams, do you know how many locked up first-round picks moved for those three players combined?
17:26Locked up. Yes
17:29Zero, right? No locked up like how many?
17:32absolute unequivocal first-round picks moved for Butler Fox and Luka combined
17:39the answers for
17:41your so you're telling me that cam was gonna get three when you could get four first-round picks turned into
17:48To move players like Fox Luka and Jimmy Butler
17:51Yeah, that's a little bit short-sighted when you talk about Anthony Davis a five-time all-star does he not count as a first-round?
17:58Caliber player look at it. However, you want. He's like 30th birthday. Obviously that factors into it
18:03My point is is the cam Johnson on his own?
18:06I don't think was going to command three or four first-round picks and the reports had been stated that it was quote
18:13Multiple which tells me probably to yeah, especially if you're a team that's like we don't have to get rid of them
18:20But we will if somebody hits a good price that feels like a good price to me. You're right. I don't know
18:25I'm not in these conversations, but I'm gonna sit here and tell you if that was the price I'd have done that
18:32I'd have rather done that. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, and I would much rather team today
18:37Well, we don't know that and
18:39he can come in here and you know be the Jimmy Butler that we all remember from Miami a guy who can
18:45Absolutely take over games and he's a legitimate second scorer and Andrew Wiggins
18:50Is that a great year?
18:51But he was never a threat to be a consistent number two on this team
18:55If he's your number three, you could maybe win an NBA title and when he became there, too
19:00It's because he was a double-double machine in April through June and that's why you want a title
19:05I don't argue with any of that. I just don't know that Jimmy Butler
19:09It represents what a lot of us think he he represents. He's a big name
19:14He has gone on high-profile runs through the playoffs not all the way to the end. He has done these things
19:20He's now 35 years old, but why don't we look at this more from a characteristic standpoint?
19:26You know what? I've thought all year and what I've heard many people say is that the Warriors need more shooting
19:31Well now they have less
19:33They made a deal and have less they have less outside shooting than they had before and they didn't have enough before
19:39Steve Kerr said it before last season. He said it before this season. We've watched it. We've assessed it
19:44We're like look at these other teams
19:46the one player will penetrate and then that player has three people to choose from to fire the ball out to the three-point line and
19:53Have a knockdown shooter where the Warriors throw at you
19:56well, we got Draymond out there and then you got come on Looney on the inside and
20:02And what like where are the knockdown shooters?
20:05Well, then they took Andrew Wiggins a solid enough three-point shooter and turned him into
20:12Jimmy Butler a nowhere near as good
20:14Three-point shooter and you also tossed Dennis Schroeder out who also would knock down some of your three-point shooting. Yeah, not great
20:22I mean, really listen put it this he was not knocking down threes for you
20:26Well, he was getting was by and large bad for the Warriors. He was getting better
20:30But he was bad as a warrior. You have to admit that he was bad. Listen take my premise
20:35There's no way you can argue with me. They have less shooting today than they had on Wednesday. Maybe a little bit
20:41Okay, not I mean that's enough. They already didn't have enough
20:45but you took out Dennis Schroeder who you'd rather not shoot slow-mo who you wouldn't even play and
20:51Wiggins who was having a pretty good year shooting the three, but he's not a knockdown shooter
20:55I'm not gonna get all hot and bothered about this
20:57But Waters was also somebody who could come in and offer you a three-point shot, right like bottom line
21:02Yeah, you have less shooting today than you had on Wednesday
21:05Yeah, Waters a guy who played, you know, 17 minutes a night over 38 games
21:10Played about 700 minutes on the year
21:12So yes, you may not be as good from three
21:15But you brought in the guy who can get to the foul line
21:18You brought in a real
21:20Lockdown defender and you brought in some edge and I kind of pushed back it the timeline that you threw out during the crossover
21:26For me the remainder of this year is a big old look and see I'm not judging this deal
21:33Until we get to next October. Okay, we get to a whole new year
21:36That's a fresh year with new additions
21:39Shout out Ronnie Bobby Ricky and Mike and then I think we can see what the Jimmy Butler edition will be like
21:44Yeah, I like you everybody gets to set their own timeline there
21:47I I would like the Warriors to make the playoffs this year. So I would do yeah, but if they don't I'm not gonna
21:53Automatically think that this was a failure
21:56Again, he asked it as a short term in a long term in the short term
21:59I would argue that yes
22:01It is like you didn't bring like the whole idea was to give Steph a shot, right?
22:05You make a big swing like this and don't even make the playoffs. That's a failure on the short term
22:09Well, you gave Steph a shot last night. In fact, you gave him 35 shots
22:13And I like that's always been in Steph's career when he shoots 30 times or more
22:18They're four and ten when Steph shoots at 30 or more times
22:22So if this is what we're gonna do with Jimmy or without Jimmy if you're gonna ask Steph to shoot at 30 times a game
22:29You're gonna lose
22:30He has no choice right now. And yes, maybe he will have a better choice starting tomorrow night. That would be the hope
