• 2 months ago
00:00It's Mike in Santa Clara. Hi, Mike. Thanks for calling.
00:04Hey, good afternoon, guys. Hope you're doing well this week.
00:07I just wanted to just weigh in on, you know,
00:11I just think it's time where they if they're going to make a trade,
00:15I mean, they're stuck in the 500 pack right now.
00:18I don't see the Warriors being the type of team that's going to actually try to tank.
00:23And so are they just happy staying in the middle of the pack
00:26and just having like a middle round pick?
00:28I don't, I just don't, I don't like the fact that, you know, again,
00:32NBA picks are very rare to find like a star that's going to find in there.
00:37But I just feel like there needs to be a move made.
00:40And I just think that maybe moving Draymond along with some other assets,
00:44whether it's picks, players or whatever, trying to find another score.
00:48Yeah, we got Curry, but all the attention's on Curry.
00:50Kaminga's out right now.
00:52And even when he's in, everyone's put on to put on to Curry.
00:56So I just need, I want them to find another score in the pack.
01:00It doesn't need to be a blockbuster,
01:02but depending what you can get for Draymond on whatever assets,
01:05you know, and again, who thinks that's even going to happen?
01:08Because, you know, Steph obviously has the,
01:11has the front office ear and everything, but something needs to happen.
01:15If not, they're just going to be stuck in this and going to be stuck
01:17with the middle round pick.
01:18Thanks guys.
01:19Yeah, Mike.
01:19Thanks for the call.
01:20I think Mike is speaking to something that there is a high appetite for right now.
01:25I hear this a lot, which is trade Draymond,
01:27and I understand it from the emotional side to it,
01:31to the availability side to it,
01:33to the fact that it just feels like Draymond was always sort of attached
01:38to the X's and O's of warrior basketball when it was working at a high level.
01:42When it's not, Draymond looks like, you're like, what are you doing here?
01:48Do you know what I mean?
01:49Because it's like his skill set is so, it's so unique.
01:54So I understand the appetite for it.
01:56I do not understand or see the execution of it.
01:59I don't know if Draymond is tradable.
02:02I don't know who wants that contract.
02:03I don't, who is looking for Draymond right now?
02:06It would be a team.
02:08Again, I go back to Houston as a team that would look for a little defense,
02:12a veteran, and some toughness.
02:13It would have to be a team, in my opinion, that's contending.
02:17I don't think that Draymond fits with a team that is going to be rebuilding.
02:22You know, Draymond Green is like Steph Curry.
02:24He wants to go out there and chase a ring.
02:25He doesn't have a no trade clause, but I don't envision the warriors
02:29trading him to Charlotte or Brooklyn or Toronto.
02:34You know, I can't imagine them doing Draymond like that.
02:39I mean, a forever warrior, if they were going to entertain this idea of
02:42trading him, I think it would have to be to a contender and it would have
02:46to be to a team that he would fit on.
02:49And like Phoenix, for example, that wouldn't fit with him and KD
02:53reunited and it feels so bad.
02:55Ask Steve Kerr at five o'clock if Draymond is tradable.
03:00I think that that's kind of a foolish notion.
03:02I mean, I don't think that he is tradable.
03:04And I wonder what Steve would say.
03:07Well, you ask him that.
03:08Maybe I will.
03:09You won't.
03:09Not like that.
03:11I mean, you know, you're not going to ask it in a way that's like pinning
03:14someone in an offensive way, but I think that this would be fair because
03:19the last time we talked to him, you know, he started to, I mean,
03:22obviously the notion we were bringing up the idea of Steph ever playing for
03:26another team, right?
03:28And sort of expressed it in a way of like, I think there are fans who are
03:31concerned that Steph's going to get to the point where he asks for it.
03:34And then Steve answered that question before I was even done.
03:37He started answering the other question, which is, would the Warriors ever
03:40trade Steph?
03:40And he started saying, no, no, no.
03:41Before I was even done.
03:43I don't think the Warriors want to trade Steph.
03:45I don't think they want to trade Draymond.
03:47But if you're going to, if you're going to speak about Steph in that firm of
03:51a way, him not being on the Warriors is off the table.
03:56Is there anything else that's off the table?
04:00I wonder what he would say because it has been said publicly before by the
04:04Warriors ever like everyone's everything's on the table.
04:08We have to have everything on the table.
04:11I just don't know how you trade Draymond green and you get better now.
04:17I agree with you.
04:18So not that Draymond is as good as he once was, but I look at
04:22what this team is and how Steve wants them to be, which is a good defensive
04:26team and Draymond is still your best defensive player.
04:29So you trade Draymond in this hypothetical and you get back probably a lesser
04:35Maybe you end up getting a pick or something for the future.
04:38And I don't think that it maximizes the Steph Curry window.
04:41And again, we're going to use that phrase not in terms of winning a
04:45championship, but of being exciting and competitive.
04:48So I just don't know what the trade would be and who your trade partner
04:53would be.
04:54I don't think that you trade him to Portland or Utah or New Orleans or
04:59Washington or Toronto or Charlotte.
05:01You would have to trade him to a team that is looking for that kind of an
05:05x-factor player.
05:06And I don't know what of those teams would be willing to part with an asset
05:11that actually helps you.
05:12Brian Geltziler, who we love on this station.
05:16Yeah, he comes on with Steininger all the time.
05:18I think he's really good.
05:18Sirius XM-NBA radio.
05:21Maybe this is a surprising answer to us.
05:23This came up earlier this afternoon and this is what he said about Draymond
05:28Green and trade value.
05:30All you need to know is that if they wanted to trade Draymond, there'd be a
05:34You'd bring in a first-round pick.
05:35You would if you wanted to trade him.
05:37I'm not, I don't beat them up on that contract.
05:40Listen, I think they went wrong in a bunch of different spots here.
05:43The Draymond Green contract is not one of them.
05:46Keeping him and Curry together.
05:48As long as you decided you wanted to hurry to be the centerpiece and to
05:52continue to try to create a title contender around Curry, frankly,
05:56Draymond Green's essential and the contract's a fair number for the player
06:00that he is even right now.
06:01Yeah, I don't disagree with that.
06:03I just don't know who's looking for someone that feels like it's such an
06:08intricate fit wherever he will go.
06:11That's why we have long said, everyone has agreed, that Draymond means
06:16more to the Warriors than he would anywhere else.
06:18And, you know, kind of vice versa also.
06:21That the Warriors benefit from Draymond more than any other team would.
06:27And Draymond benefits from being a warrior more than he would on any other
06:31Mainly because of the presence of Steph Curry.
06:34And I also think because of his high basketball IQ and this offensive system
06:39requires players who understand how to do it.
06:43Ball movement, player movement.
06:45And what he does with Steph is pure ballet.
06:48That watching those two together, they know what the other one's going to do
06:52when they run that little high screen and roll.
06:54And, you know, Steph will drop it over the top and a little pocket pass to
06:58And now Draymond's running a four on three after they trap Steph out of the
07:03screen and roll.
07:04That to me is absolute poetry.
07:06And could he bring that to another team?
07:08Are there other teams that offensively would benefit from having Draymond be
07:13that kind of a point forward?
07:14Because if Draymond's not involved in the action, offensively, he's mostly
07:19kind of useless.
07:20You can't spot him up in the corner.
07:23He can hit the three every now and again.
07:24And he's been better this year.
07:25He's not a floor spacer.
07:27He's not a floor spacer.
07:28He's a floor general.
07:29And he's a creator with what he does offensively.
07:32So it would have to be a team that would allow him to have the ball and someone
07:37who would value him doing what he does offensively.
07:40We got some more people want to weigh in and we'll go to this.
07:42I do want to add this to the conversation.
07:44If you're just joining us and you did not hear that the Suns are trading a
07:482031 unprotected first-round pick to Utah in exchange for first-round picks
07:54in 25, 27, and 29.
07:57This comes from Ira Winderman who covers the Miami Heat and has for a very, very
08:03long time.
08:04Ira writes, according to a source familiar with the Heat's plans, this is
08:10one of the steps toward a Jimmy Butler trade.
08:14But here's the interesting part.
08:16What would it look like?
08:17Look at what he writes.
08:18Picks, plus likely a pair of players, then would come to the Heat for Jimmy
08:25in what will be at least a four-team deal and possibly more than that.
08:32And that's Mike Dunleavy's specialty.
08:34At least a four-team trade.
08:37Well, think about it because you've got Butler making 50 and, you know,
08:42Miami's going to want a couple players and a couple of picks.
08:45And so Phoenix probably won't be able to give up $50 million worth of couple
08:50And they probably, at least what I've heard, maybe this was just
08:53smokescreen, but I've heard they don't want Beal.
08:56Miami doesn't want Beal.
08:57That's what I've heard.
08:58So let's just pretend for a minute that it is a four-team trade and somehow
09:04it involves the Warriors.
09:06And let's just play with this a little bit.
09:08So it's Butler and it's Beal and it's the picks that Phoenix recently got
09:14and it's players.
09:15And so I don't know who the fourth team would be, but if you're the
09:18Warriors and you wind up with Bradley Beal and you've got a part with
09:22$50 million worth to make it work on your end, then you're talking about,
09:26you know, Wiggins.
09:28Wiggins is 26.2.
09:32I mean, if you want to do Wiggins and Draymond, there it is.
09:36You want to do it?
09:38I don't want to do that.
09:39I was just thinking about it from Miami standpoint.
09:41If Miami wants a couple players and a couple of picks, would Miami be
09:45interested in Draymond and Wiggins?
09:47Again, there's four teams involved here.
09:50So the players going to Miami might be from God knows where.
09:54Team number four.
09:54I have no idea.
09:55Like, that's what is being, I think, conducted right here is Miami is
09:59looking for the players that they want in this.
10:03So let's just take it from the Warriors side of it.
10:05Yeah, if I'm men, I don't want people who are 34 years old.
10:08If you're the Warriors and you have to give up Draymond and Wiggins, but
10:12you wind up with Bradley Beal, does that make you better?
10:16Probably not.
10:18Yeah, that's what I was thinking the same thing.
10:20I think defensively, you take a huge hit.
10:23You get a bucket getter.
10:24You get a bucket getter.
10:25But who's going to guard the wing?
10:27And, you know, all of a sudden now, between Buddy and Dennis and
10:31Bradley and Steph, I mean, that could be fun offensively.
10:34But defensively, it gets a little scary.
10:37Well, but what if more players get involved, right?
10:39And there are more players coming to you.
10:41It's possible.
10:42Yeah, I still think that, you know, for me, losing Draymond at this
10:46juncture is a non-starter.
10:48And I liked what Brian Geltziler said in that cut you played, because
10:52if you look at the Draymond Green salary, it's a very fair salary for
10:57the Warriors.
10:57He's only making 24 this year, then 26, then 27.7.
11:03What if the Warriors kept Draymond and I replaced him with Schroeder
11:06and Payton?
11:08Now, I'm much more interested.
11:10Now, you give up Schroeder and Payton and Wiggins and you get Bradley
11:15I mean, I think you're better, but as you look at that team going
11:20forward, though, so that's a pricey team for next year.
11:25That's the thing.
11:25Beal's got two more years at north of 55.
11:28So that, for me, makes it almost certain that you're not going to
11:31be able to keep Kuminga.
11:33If Kuminga is going to make 40 and you've got Steph at 59 and Beal at
11:3752 and Draymond at 28, can you afford Kuminga at 40?
11:42I don't think Bradley Beal is the answer to much.
11:44I don't either.
11:45Other than bucket getter.
11:47And I know that that's everybody's favorite phrase right now.
11:51Gotta have a bucket getter.
11:52Well, when you come off a game where you don't get to 100.
11:54Yes, and the game before it, your former player went for 38.
11:58Got buckets.
11:58He got buckets.
12:00He got an L, but he got buckets.
12:03Grant in South City is next up on Withered and Dibs.
12:06Again, Steve Kerr in less than a half hour.
12:08Five o'clock.
12:09Hi, Grant.
12:10What's up?
12:11Hey, guys.
12:12Listen, I got the solution here.
12:15We need to just shoot for the stars.
12:18Forget all of these, you know, minor players back up.
12:22This is what you need to do.
12:23You need to call up the Boston Celtics.
12:27Now, hear me out.
12:28They got rid of that little guy.
12:29What's his name?
12:30To get Uncle Drew.
12:31They are dealmakers.
12:33We can get Jason Tatum.
12:36He needs to be on the Warriors.
12:37I think that would just solve everything.
12:40Yes, mortgage the house.
12:42Get rid of all those other people not named Curry to get Jason Tatum.
12:46He is the future.
12:47He would be there.
12:48If that didn't work out, then you need to call Philadelphia.
12:51Get Joel Embiid.
12:53I love this.
12:54He would fit in great on the Warriors.
12:55I'm with you, Grant.
12:57This is, I love it.
12:58I love it.
13:00And here's the other thing.
13:01What else?
13:02If those deals don't work, then yes, trade Curry.
13:07Do you know where Curry would like to be?
13:09He would like to be on the Lakers with LeBron.
13:11And then we get the future.
13:14We get all the picks in the world, maybe a couple of minor players like
13:18Rui Hachimora thrown in, but that would secure the future.
13:22And actually, that would be kind of a fun show to see LeBron and
13:26Curry on the on the Lakers.
13:28I have to admit, I've watched that.
13:29Grant, I think you nailed it, Biden.
13:31I think you nailed it.
13:34Thanks, guys.
13:35All right, there goes Grant.
13:36There he goes.
13:36Yeah, he lost me at Rui.
13:39He didn't lose you till Rui?
13:40I was all in until then.
13:42He lost me about eight o'clock this morning.
13:44Yeah, that's a tough one.
13:46I just, for me, anything that involves the phrase trade Steph Curry, it's
13:50just, we can go ahead and stop.
13:51Oh, because you got all the way to there.
13:53I got, I listened to the whole call.
13:55I got lost when he thought Boston would listen to a Jason Tatum offer.
14:00Oh, right, right.
14:01Well, they got rid of the little guy to get Uncle Drew.
14:03They did.
14:04Who's the little guy, by the way?
14:06Maybe Isaiah Thomas.
14:07You're talking about Marcus Smart?
14:08No, Isaiah Thomas.
14:09You're right.
14:09Isaiah Thomas, the little guy.
14:11And y'all know who Uncle Drew is.
14:14Kyrie was years ago.
14:15That is Kyrie.
14:17That's who Uncle Drew is.
14:19Sorry, I was talking to Grandy.
14:21You don't even know the movie, do you?
14:24You're not that young.
14:25No, I know exactly.
14:26Uncle Drew was not that long ago.
14:28I know, but they traded Isaiah.
14:29Isaiah was before Kyrie.
14:31Yeah, you said they trade the little guy to get Uncle Drew.
14:34I agree.
14:34We all agree.
14:35That's Kyrie.
14:36Grandy was wrong.
14:37That's all that matters.
14:40All right, so how are we getting Tatum?
14:43I don't know.
14:43What's happening?
14:44The defending champs are going to trade their best or second best player,
14:48depending on how you look at it, in a championship window.
14:51All right.
14:52I mean, what are we doing?
14:53Let's get back to trading for LeBron.
14:55The moral of the story is...
14:56Let's get back to trading for LeBron.
14:57The Warriors have three plans.
14:58It's a one, two, three.
15:00If one and two don't work, you go to three.
15:02Number one, trade for Jason Tatum.
15:04If it doesn't work, then you go to Joel Embiid.
15:06Mavis Embiid.
15:08Those two don't work, by Steph.
15:10That's it.
15:10There you go.
15:11Well, I already know they're not going to work because they're not allowed.
15:15Tatum, Embiid, and Curry on the same team?
15:18Feels like you're over the tax.
15:20Feels expensive to me.
15:22I feel like somebody will call somebody.
15:24And be like...
15:26I'm out on Embiid.
15:27I mean, another guy...
15:28You are?
15:29I mean, he was healthy for about a year there,
15:32and then now he's back to just...
15:34He's just not healthy.
15:35Oh, you know what I want to do?
15:37Can we do a Zion check?
15:40Like a wellness check?
15:41No, no, no.
15:42Like, I want to take everybody's Zion temperature.
15:47Grandy was in on this, has been in on this for weeks.
15:51So this can go either direction.
15:53Grandy, are you still in?
15:56Quietly, the Pelicans have won, what, five in a row?
15:59Four in a row.
16:00Four in a row.
16:00Including two wins over the Jazz, which I guess they count, right?
16:04Has he played?
16:05He's played in two of their four wins.
16:07Oh, okay.
16:08He's played in two of them.
16:11Played really well, too.
16:13Up to the minute news break, Zion Williamson is iffy for tomorrow.
16:20Fostering for a trade.
16:20He wants out of New Orleans.
16:22He's iffy.
16:25That's one of my favorite words.
16:27McCollum with 45 without him in a win over Utah.
16:30Gutsy little overtime win at home.
16:32He's iffy.
16:33They're playing the Bucs tomorrow.
16:35Oh, he's not playing.
16:36Two future warriors are going to go against one another in an old-school showdown.
16:44What's your Zion temperature check?
16:47It's cold.
16:48It's even colder than it was.
16:49Colder than it was.
16:50I've been out on Zion the whole time.
16:52Well, I've been out, but I will say, like, there's a healthy curiosity.
16:59I don't even know if New Orleans is trying to trade Zion Williamson.
17:02I have no idea if that's even on their radar.
17:06It's just because they're New Orleans that everyone's assuming that he's
17:10going to get or they want to deal him, but he is still very young.
17:15He is still under contract for what is quickly becoming an also
17:22ran salary for a big name.
17:25It's a big number, but it's not a Steph number, and I don't think that
17:28it's fully guaranteed and not fully guaranteed.
17:31So that means if I'm New Orleans, why wouldn't I be like, I've got
17:37flexibility by keeping him.
17:39I don't know if I want to trade him at a time where right now his value
17:43is probably as low as it's been.
17:46Yeah, I would play his last three games DNP against Dallas 24 and 14
17:52against the jazz spicy DNP against the jazz.
17:55Okay, but then tonight he's iffy.
17:56Not tonight tomorrow tonight.
17:59He's out.
17:59Okay, I'll play tomorrow.
18:01He's iffy nothing like being iffy a day before you actually play, but
18:05it's better than Audi.
18:07He's if yeah, there you go.
18:09All right, that's how I would describe my like, I'm curious.
18:14I'm not in it feels risky.
18:17I stand by I stand on what I say.
18:19I stand by what I said when Grandy last week on it.
18:22Yeah, he was like Zion helps you now and in the future and my comment
18:26was he hasn't helped an NBA team in his entire life, right?
18:29That's never happened.
18:30And I wonder about I'm not saying that's where I'm most interested
18:34in is the future of Zion because I mean, does he even really want
18:39to play basketball?
18:40Does he like playing basketball?
18:41I think he likes basketball.
18:43He's good at it.
18:43He likes I'm sure getting paid.
18:45He doesn't play a lot of basketball.
18:47He's played in half the games of his career.
18:51He sat out a whole year due to injury.
18:53It feels like he is more reliable than Embiid.
18:58That's fair.
18:59It feels like that.
19:01I actually don't have the numbers in front of me to see if that's
19:03even true.
19:05I don't know if I've seen Joel Embiid play more than eight or nine
19:08times all year.
19:09This is what you're going to say in your whole life.
19:11Well, that too.
19:12Honestly, does he play how many games is Embiid?
19:15Has Embiid played 10 games yet this year?
19:18He's played 10.
19:19Has he?
19:20I mean, he has to have played 10.
19:22We're halfway through the year.
19:23He doesn't play a whole lot of basketball.
19:25He's played 13 games.
19:26There you go.
19:27Way more than 10.
19:29Many more.
19:30And how many is that?
19:3139 last year.
19:32And Zion's played in like what?
19:3416 games?
19:35More than 13.
19:36You're right.
19:37I bet.
19:37I would bet it's not more than 20.
19:3910 games.
19:42I would have lost that bet for sure.
19:44He only played in 10?
19:45Would have been 11 if he didn't get, you know, suspended from the team.
19:48Oh, that's right.
19:49He missed the plane.
19:51All right.
19:51Anyway, I'm curious.
19:53Zion has my curiosity.
19:56But not enough to where you would want to go out there and bring him in.
19:59I don't know.
20:00It would be a buy low maneuver, I think.
20:03What are you giving up?
20:04You're not giving up Kaminga.
20:07But you have to give up 30-something million worth of player.
20:11Because that's what he's making.
20:12Oh, you hate Andrew Wiggins.
20:14That gets you almost the most of the way there.
20:16I don't hate Wiggins.
20:17I just...
20:17You sound like you do.
20:18He's just not that exciting.
20:19An exciting player doesn't go one of 11 from the floor.
20:23Sure they do.
20:24Steph Curry has had one for 11 nights from three.
20:28He's had worse.
20:29Yeah, and those are exciting efforts.
20:30Well, no, but he's still an exciting player.
20:34You can't have a bad night.
20:36You can have a bad night, but I just don't watch Andrew Wiggins very often
20:39and get excited by what he does.
20:42All right.
20:42He makes good plays.
20:44He plays sturdy defense.
20:45The backdrop was you asked me who was the third most exciting warrior.
20:49It's not like I came...
20:50And you answered Wiggins and I laughed.
20:51It's not like I woke up and came to work and I'm like,
20:54y'all, I gotta take.
20:56Andrew Wiggins is super-duper exciting at basketball.
21:00Let's talk about it for four hours.
21:02That's not what happened.
21:03You said, take Steph, take Kaminga.
21:06Who is the next most interesting or exciting warrior to watch?
21:11That's my answer.
21:12And I laughed.
21:13And I told you that you got it wrong.
21:16Did you even give your answer?
21:18Stand on what you said.
21:19What's your answer?
21:20I told you, GP too.
21:22Gary Payton II.
21:23He's feisty.
21:25He fights.
21:27He ties and he'll tie you up for a jump ball.
21:30He'll tie you up.
21:31Go to the rim with two hands.
21:33My fault.
21:33My fault.
21:34All right.
21:35Aided by a truly.
21:37Now that's exciting.
21:38Would you have a truly?
