• last month
00:00All-star game Draymond's comments Douglas in Sunnyvale very patient. Hi Douglas. Thank you for calling
00:07Hey gentlemen, thanks so much for taking my call
00:11Mr. Dibley, I just want to make an homage to my favorite white of favorite French wine number lot
00:19Yes, thank you. At least you got homage, right? Yeah
00:28More of a shard on a drinker and the cabernet
00:33Yeah, I like a sub Ogden as well. Go ahead
00:39It's not bad, yeah, I mean
00:41Anyway, you guys have changed topics a couple of times and and I'll choose the latest one which you guys were covering
00:49Which was a coach and
00:53You know, there was a coach back from Boston
00:58the Boston Celtics that became a coach and
01:02You know, he was a roughhound. He was kind of a show back. He was big tall
01:07He made a few free throws, but he got championships with the Celtics in the 60s on that parquet floor
01:14I watched him a lot
01:15eating my Lakers and
01:18That became Don Nelson
01:21And he became like a super coach
01:24So, you know Draymond is not a show back Draymond brilliant
01:29he knows basketball and I'm sure Don Nelson does too, but
01:34Think back about that. You don't think about
01:38Bill Russell becoming a player coach
01:42He could do that he could become a player coach
01:45Um, yeah, I mean Douglas look maybe yeah, thanks very much Douglas great to hear from you
01:52different time
01:54Player coach. I don't think is ever going to be a thing again. That's just my my opinion
01:59My thing with it is not the idea and for those of you don't know what we're talking about Draymond green
02:05Insinuated during the all-star game that he has already been offered the head coaching job with the Golden State Warriors
02:12When he's done then he went on to say I don't think I'd be great at it
02:17I don't want to do that, but got us talking a little bit
02:20I don't think necessarily just because Draymond's who he is. That means he can't be a good coach
02:24I just think it's a little flippant if truly the Warriors are throwing that job around
02:30Two three years before it's reality
02:33I think Steve Kerr's got at least two more seasons after this one
02:36Maybe three and you don't know what the situation is gonna be when you get there and the situation matters when you're hiring a new coach
02:44The guys dug this up. Listen to this. This is to go alongside
02:49What Draymond said at the all-star game yesterday on TNT?
02:52This is from John Walls
02:57Last May so now we're going back
03:01nine months nine months ago and
03:04Draymond talked about having a conversation with Joe Lacob about this very thing
03:09I'm honored man and with the conversations that I've had with Joe Lacob
03:14Over the years and him saying to me like yo when you're done
03:17I could see you one day coaching this team with Steve's done like I could see you
03:21Working with this team like I would love to see that that means the world to me because that means the demand that only
03:28Organization that I play for is watching me play basketball and say this guy can one day coach
03:33My team this again big business. These assets are not small man
03:38Like if you're gonna you're gonna trust somebody to coach your team, that's not small. That's not a smart
03:44That's a big deal
03:46and so to know that you have that type of support and like the owner of the
03:51Organization that I play for is watching me and say he can one day coaches or man Steve Kerr is my coach
03:57The guy who's been coaching this organization for the last 11 years 12 10 year and Steve Kerr. He's a Hall of Fame coach
04:05You're watching him and saying I think that can one day betray mine
04:09That's insanity to me. And so I'm very thankful that people look at me in that light
04:15But as I am in year 12 of my career, I say right now and everything changes as time go on
04:20So I would never say never but where I stand right now in year 12 of my career
04:26Headed into year 13. I'm not sure. I want to be on the basketball schedule. Okay, so
04:34Two things come out of that a
04:36Didn't feel like being a coach back. Then still doesn't feel like being a coach as of right now, but
04:44He's now said it twice and
04:46So I do think there's a little corroboration there with regard to the idea that yes, Joe Lacob
04:52I don't know if offered is the right word
04:55But Joe Lacob has poked around this idea of Draymond green head coach Golden State Warriors
05:00Yeah, and Draymond and I are in agreement about one thing which is that would be insanity
05:05And those are his words and he said it and when he said it I was like, you know what?
05:10I was thinking the same thing Draymond that is
05:13Insanity because I don't know if he has the countenance to be a head coach for a team for 82 games
05:20I don't know if he has the ability to impart wisdom and teach the game to younger players
05:26over the course of 82 games, we've seen him on the floor and we've seen him as a
05:33Unbelievable player a very smart player and we've seen his leadership at times on the court
05:40Lacking a little bit to put it lightly. Um
05:46Moments, I think the larger picture is you've actually seen his leadership be amazing
05:51Like thousands of times as compared to the maybe ten times that you've watched his leadership get out of pocket
05:59It's more than ten. Well, it's fair. I mean look sometimes leadership doesn't look so sexy
06:03I don't know if you've watched the the viral clip of this weekend of Rick Pitino at halftime
06:09Absolutely undressing his team then they came out rallied from way down and won a basketball game like sometimes
06:15Tough love is is a part of the whole thing
06:18Look, we're never gonna undo that
06:20He punched a teammate and that's just like literally the most awful thing that a leader can can ever do
06:25So we're never gonna get around that
06:27But the Golden State Warriors have been so great for so long in many ways
06:32Like there's a list of why on the list is Draymond Green's
06:37Leadership and and that's what literally a bunch of the younger players have said through the years
06:42yep, but you can you can point to an NBA championship that they lost because of his lack of
06:47Composure when he punched LeBron James in in the family jewels
06:51You could look at that you and say I mean
06:53I think it's a little bit of a jump to say that that's the main reason or the only reason they lost
06:58Okay, I mean, I think Draymond has said as such like him getting suspended didn't help in game five, right?
07:04He was at the A's game
07:05the night of game five and you could look at you know
07:08the reason why a reason why Kevin Durant left the organization and you could point to Draymond Green as
07:14That reason so we could go tit-for-tat and it's not really what this is about. I think the bigger question is
07:21Joe Lacob saying that he could see him coaching this team after Steve Kerr left and that for me is
07:28basically insanity because I look at where this team most likely will be and
07:33I would be looking for a coach who has more of a feel for
07:38Coaching young players Draymond Green's never coached any team in his life. Does that does that then worry you about?
07:45I mean, that's Joe Lacob
07:47Like apparently this is what doesn't worry me. I mean, oh, I'm Joe Lacob is able to do whatever he wants with this team
07:54Oh, I mean like if these are the decisions remember like that's my only question left about Joe Lacob
08:00If I'm a warrior fan and I am
08:0299% of me never worries about Joe Lacob because I know we're one of the lucky ones
08:07we are absolutely some of the luckiest fans in the world because most owners don't do what Joe does and
08:15And what Joe does is he's absolutely willing to put his money where his mouth is
08:20Spend and try to win. Okay, like literally the A's and Warriors
08:27shared real estate as
08:29Recently as four or five years ago. Okay, six years ago
08:33Whatever it's been the shared real estate and right there on that property
08:37You can see the best in sports ownership and the worst in sports ownership
08:41The entire rainbow is right there on that property and I know that and I'll never ever be like flippant about that
08:48By the same token my one question might my 1% is hey Joe
08:52How does your ownership decision-making work when Steph Curry's not on your team?
08:59Know they think they're light years ahead
09:02Maybe they are
09:04we'll see we'll see they've built this whole thing up and
09:08Is it because of Joe Lacob in his ownership group?
09:11Or is it just because of Steph Curry or is it a combination of both, you know, that answer's coming down the road
09:17But if you think this is insanity, this is clearly something that he thinks is worth discussion
09:23Yeah, it's his team so and he can you know do what he wants with his team
09:28I look at where they are and where they most likely will be
09:32after Steph and Draymond are gone and
09:35If you're gonna just plug in Draymond green into that equation a guy who's never coached in his life
09:41That to me is a gigantic reach and you could look at Steve Kerr and say well Steve Kerr never coached
09:47Okay, you're right, but he sat on
09:51Popovich's bench and he was in the front office with Phoenix. And so he at least had some
09:56Experience he had some run-up and there have been many of the coaches who've never had coaching experience
10:02Look at JJ Redick right now with LA and that is an experiment that is yet to be
10:07Really answered as far as how it's gonna work or how it is working. Well so far so good
10:13I mean, they're playing well
10:14But it's a veteran team
10:15With a guy who doesn't really have to probably do a lot when you have LeBron James there